495 lines
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495 lines
12 KiB
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
#pragma once
#include "VLong.h"
using namespace VLong;
namespace RSA
const static CVLong<DWORD> g_coOne = 1;
static const size_t g_cnBufferGrow = 200;
static LPCSTR g_cpszSeparator = "<>";
class CPrimeFactory
size_t m_nNP;
LPDWORD m_pData;
m_nNP = 0;
size_t nNP = 200;
m_pData = new DWORD[nNP];
size_t nSS = 8*nNP;
char *pBitTest = new char[nSS+1];
for (size_t i=0; i<=nSS; i++)
pBitTest[i] = 1;
DWORD dwP = 2;
while (TRUE)
while (0==pBitTest[dwP])
if (dwP == nSS )
m_pData[m_nNP] = dwP;
if (m_nNP == nNP )
DWORD dwTemp = dwP*2;
while (dwTemp < nSS)
pBitTest[dwTemp] = 0;
dwTemp += dwP;
delete []pBitTest;
virtual ~CPrimeFactory()
delete []m_pData;
CVLong<DWORD> FindPrime(CVLong<DWORD> &oStart)
DWORD dwSS = 1000;
char *pBitSet = new char[dwSS];
size_t nTestedCount = 0;
while (TRUE)
memset(pBitSet, 1, dwSS);
for (DWORD i=0; i<m_nNP; i++)
DWORD dwP = m_pData[i];
DWORD dwR = (DWORD)(oStart % (CVLong<DWORD>)dwP);
if (0!=dwR)
dwR = dwP - dwR;
while (dwR < dwSS )
pBitSet[dwR] = 0;
dwR += dwP;
for (DWORD i=0; i<dwSS; i++)
if (0!=pBitSet[i])
if (IsProbablePrime(oStart))
delete []pBitSet;
return oStart;
oStart += 1;
delete []pBitSet;
static BOOL IsProbablePrime(const CVLong<DWORD> &oPrime)
const size_t nRep = 4;
const CVLong<DWORD> arAny[nRep] = {2,3,5,7};
const CVLong<DWORD> oOne(1);
for (size_t i=0; i<nRep; i++)
if (oOne != CMontgomery<DWORD>::ModExp(arAny[i], oPrime - 1, oPrime))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
class CRSAKeyGenerator
CVLong<DWORD> m_oMod;
CVLong<DWORD> m_oExp;
CVLong<DWORD> m_oP;
CVLong<DWORD> m_oQ;
void CalculatePublicKey()
m_oMod = m_oP*m_oQ;
m_oExp = 50001;
while ( (CVLong<DWORD>::GCD(m_oP - g_coOne, m_oExp) != g_coOne) ||
(CVLong<DWORD>::GCD(m_oQ - g_coOne, m_oExp) != g_coOne))
m_oExp += 2;
LPSTR ExportPrivateKey()
LPSTR pszP = m_oP.ExportToBase64(); size_t nPStrLenght = strlen(pszP);
LPSTR pszQ = m_oQ.ExportToBase64(); size_t nQStrLenght = strlen(pszQ);
LPSTR pszRet = new char[nPStrLenght + nQStrLenght + 2 + 1];
pszRet[0] = '\0';
strcat(pszRet, pszP);
delete []pszP;
strcat(pszRet, g_cpszSeparator);
strcat(pszRet, pszQ);
delete []pszQ;
size_t nRetStrLenght = strlen(pszRet);
for (int i=0; i<(int)nRetStrLenght - 1; i++)
if (('\r' == pszRet[i])&&('\n' == pszRet[i+1]))
memcpy(pszRet, pszRet + 2, nRetStrLenght - i - 2);
nRetStrLenght -= 2;
i -= 2;
return pszRet;
LPSTR ExportPublicKey()
LPSTR pszMod = m_oMod.ExportToBase64(); size_t nModStrLenght = strlen(pszMod);
LPSTR pszExp = m_oExp.ExportToBase64(); size_t nExpStrLenght = strlen(pszExp);
LPSTR pszRet = new char[nModStrLenght + nExpStrLenght + 2 + 1];
pszRet[0] = '\0';
strcat(pszRet, pszMod);
delete []pszMod;
strcat(pszRet, g_cpszSeparator);
strcat(pszRet, pszExp);
delete []pszExp;
size_t nRetStrLenght = strlen(pszRet);
for (int i=0; i<(int)nRetStrLenght - 1; i++)
if (('\r' == pszRet[i])&&('\n' == pszRet[i+1]))
memcpy(pszRet + i, pszRet + i + 2, nRetStrLenght - i - 2);
nRetStrLenght -= 2;
i -= 2;
return pszRet;
void Create(LPBYTE pKey1, size_t nSizeKey1, LPBYTE pKey2, size_t nSizeKey2)
CPrimeFactory oPF;
m_oP = oPF.FindPrime(CVLong<DWORD>::FromBuffer(pKey1, nSizeKey1));
m_oQ = oPF.FindPrime(CVLong<DWORD>::FromBuffer(pKey2, nSizeKey2));
if (m_oP > m_oQ)
CVLong<DWORD> oTmp = m_oP;
m_oP = m_oQ;
m_oP = oTmp;
class CRSAEncryptor
CVLong<DWORD> m_oMod;
CVLong<DWORD> m_oExp;
CVLong<DWORD> Encrypt(const CVLong<DWORD>& oVal)
return CMontgomery<DWORD>::ModExp(oVal, m_oExp, m_oMod);
BOOL ImportPublicKey(LPCSTR pszBase64)
LPCSTR pszExp = strstr(pszBase64, g_cpszSeparator);
if (NULL==pszExp)
return FALSE;
int nModStrLength = (int)(pszExp - pszBase64);
LPSTR pszMod = new char [nModStrLength + 1];
memcpy(pszMod, pszBase64, nModStrLength);
pszMod[nModStrLength] = '\0';
m_oExp.ImportFromBase64(pszExp + 2);
delete [] pszMod;
#ifdef _DEBUG
LPSTR pszTemp = m_oMod.ExportToBase64();
delete [] pszTemp;
pszTemp = m_oExp.ExportToBase64();
delete [] pszTemp;
return (((CVLong<DWORD>)0!=m_oMod)&&((CVLong<DWORD>)0!=m_oExp));
BOOL Encrypt(LPBYTE pSrcBuffer, size_t nSrcSize, LPBYTE &pDstBuffer, size_t &nDstSize)
if ((0==nSrcSize)||(NULL==pSrcBuffer))
return FALSE;
size_t nDstBufferSize = nSrcSize + 1024;
pDstBuffer = new BYTE[nDstBufferSize];
if (NULL==pDstBuffer)
return FALSE;
LPBYTE pDstBufferPtr = pDstBuffer;
nDstSize = 0;
CVLong<DWORD> oKoef = 256;
for (size_t i=0; i<nSrcSize;)
CVLong<DWORD> oSrcVal = 0;
size_t j = i;
for (; j < nSrcSize; j++)
CVLong<DWORD> oTemp = oSrcVal*oKoef + (CVLong<DWORD>)pSrcBuffer[j];
if (oTemp>=m_oMod)
oSrcVal = oTemp;
CVLong<DWORD> oDstVal = Encrypt(oSrcVal);
i = j;
size_t nDstValSize = oDstVal.GetByteRealDataSize();
if (nDstSize + nDstValSize>nDstBufferSize)
LPBYTE pDstBufferOld = pDstBuffer;
pDstBuffer = new BYTE[nDstBufferSize + g_cnBufferGrow];
if (NULL==pDstBuffer)
delete [] pDstBufferOld;
return FALSE;
memcpy(pDstBuffer, pDstBufferOld, nDstBufferSize);
delete [] pDstBufferOld;
nDstBufferSize += g_cnBufferGrow;
pDstBufferPtr += nDstSize;
pDstBufferPtr += nDstValSize;
nDstSize += nDstValSize;
return TRUE;
LPSTR Encrypt(LPCSTR pszSrc)
LPBYTE pEncBuffer = NULL; size_t nEncBufferSize = 0;
if (!Encrypt((LPBYTE)pszSrc, strlen(pszSrc), pEncBuffer, nEncBufferSize))
return "";
int nStrSize = Base64EncodeGetRequiredLength((int)nEncBufferSize);
LPSTR pStrData = new char[nStrSize + 1];
BOOL bSuccess = Base64Encode(pEncBuffer, (int)nEncBufferSize, pStrData, &nStrSize);
pStrData[nStrSize] = '\0';
delete [] pEncBuffer;
return pStrData;
class CRSADecryptor
CVLong<DWORD> m_oMod;
CVLong<DWORD> m_oExp;
CVLong<DWORD> m_oP;
CVLong<DWORD> m_oQ;
void CalculatePublicKey()
m_oMod = m_oP*m_oQ;
m_oExp = 50001;
while ( (CVLong<DWORD>::GCD(m_oP - g_coOne, m_oExp) != g_coOne) ||
(CVLong<DWORD>::GCD(m_oQ - g_coOne, m_oExp) != g_coOne))
m_oExp += 2;
CVLong<DWORD> Decrypt(CVLong<DWORD>& oVal)
CVLong<DWORD> oD = CVLong<DWORD>::ModInv(m_oExp, (m_oP - g_coOne)*(m_oQ - g_coOne));
CVLong<DWORD> oU = CVLong<DWORD>::ModInv(m_oP, m_oQ);
CVLong<DWORD> oDP = oD % (m_oP - g_coOne);
CVLong<DWORD> oDQ = oD % (m_oQ - g_coOne);
CVLong<DWORD> oA = CMontgomery<DWORD>::ModExp(oVal % m_oP, oDP, m_oP);
CVLong<DWORD> oB = CMontgomery<DWORD>::ModExp(oVal % m_oQ, oDQ, m_oQ);
if (oB < oA)
oB += m_oQ;
return oA + m_oP * ( ((oB - oA) * oU) % m_oQ);
BOOL ImportPrivateKey(LPCSTR pszBase64)
LPCSTR pszQ = strstr(pszBase64, g_cpszSeparator);
if (NULL==pszQ)
return FALSE;
int nPStrLength = (int)(pszQ - pszBase64);
LPSTR pszP = new char [nPStrLength + 1];
memcpy(pszP, pszBase64, nPStrLength);
pszP[nPStrLength] = '\0';
m_oQ.ImportFromBase64(pszQ + 2);
delete [] pszP;
if (((CVLong<DWORD>)0==m_oP)&&((CVLong<DWORD>)0==m_oQ))
return FALSE;
#ifdef _DEBUG
LPBYTE pTemp = new BYTE[1024];
for (size_t i=0; i<m_oP.GetByteRealDataSize(); i++)
for (size_t i=0; i<m_oQ.GetByteRealDataSize(); i++)
for (size_t i=0; i<m_oMod.GetByteRealDataSize(); i++)
for (size_t i=0; i<m_oExp.GetByteRealDataSize(); i++)
delete [] pTemp;
return TRUE;
void Create(LPBYTE pKey1, size_t nSizeKey1, LPBYTE pKey2, size_t nSizeKey2)
CPrimeFactory oPF;
m_oP = oPF.FindPrime(CVLong<DWORD>::FromBuffer(pKey1, nSizeKey1));
m_oQ = oPF.FindPrime(CVLong<DWORD>::FromBuffer(pKey2, nSizeKey2));
if (m_oP > m_oQ)
CVLong<DWORD> oTmp = m_oP;
m_oP = m_oQ;
m_oP = oTmp;
BOOL Decrypt(LPBYTE pSrcBuffer, size_t nSrcSize, LPBYTE &pDstBuffer, size_t &nDstSize)
if ((0==nSrcSize)||(NULL==pSrcBuffer))
return FALSE;
size_t nDstBufferSize = nSrcSize + 1024;
pDstBuffer = new BYTE[nDstBufferSize];
if (NULL==pDstBuffer)
return FALSE;
LPBYTE pDstBufferPtr = pDstBuffer;
size_t nDstBufferCursor = 0;
CVLong<DWORD> oKoef = 256;
for (size_t i=0; i<nSrcSize; )
CVLong<DWORD> oSrcVal = 0;
size_t j = i;
for (; j < nSrcSize; j++)
CVLong<DWORD> oTemp = oSrcVal*oKoef + (CVLong<DWORD>)pSrcBuffer[j];
if (oTemp>=m_oMod)
oSrcVal = oTemp;
CVLong<DWORD> oDstVal = Decrypt(oSrcVal);
i = j;
size_t nDstValSize = oDstVal.GetByteRealDataSize();
if (nDstBufferCursor + nDstValSize>nDstBufferSize)
LPBYTE pDstBufferOld = pDstBuffer;
pDstBuffer = new BYTE[nDstBufferSize + g_cnBufferGrow];
if (NULL==pDstBuffer)
delete [] pDstBufferOld;
return FALSE;
memcpy(pDstBuffer, pDstBufferOld, nDstBufferSize);
delete [] pDstBufferOld;
nDstBufferSize += g_cnBufferGrow;
pDstBufferPtr += nDstBufferCursor;
pDstBufferPtr += nDstValSize;
nDstBufferCursor += nDstValSize;
nDstSize = nDstBufferCursor;
return TRUE;
LPSTR Decrypt(LPCSTR pszBase64)
int nBase64StrLen = (int)strlen(pszBase64);
int nEncSize;
nEncSize = Base64DecodeGetRequiredLength(nBase64StrLen);
LPBYTE pEncBuffer = new BYTE[nEncSize];
if (NULL==pEncBuffer)
return "";
if (!Base64Decode(pszBase64, nBase64StrLen, pEncBuffer, &nEncSize))
delete []pEncBuffer;
return "";
LPBYTE pDecBuffer = NULL;
size_t nDecSize = 0;
if (!Decrypt(pEncBuffer, nEncSize, pDecBuffer, nDecSize))
delete []pEncBuffer;
return "";
LPSTR pStr = new char[nDecSize+1];
memcpy((LPBYTE)pStr, pDecBuffer, nDecSize);
pStr[nDecSize] = '\0';
delete [] pEncBuffer;
delete [] pDecBuffer;
return pStr;
}; |