2115 lines
56 KiB
2115 lines
56 KiB
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2014
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia,
* EU, LV-1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
#ifndef _WIN_FONT_H
#define _WIN_FONT_H
#include <shlobj.h>
#include "FreeType/ft2build.h"
#include FT_FREETYPE_H
#pragma comment (lib, "Fonts\\FreeType\\freetype242_vs2005.lib")
#include "FreeType/freetype/ftsnames.h"
#include "FreeType/freetype/tttables.h"
#include "FreeType/freetype/ftxf86.h"
#include "List.h"
#include "FontUtils.h"
#include "../../Common/XmlUtils.h"
static _bstr_t g_cpszXML_Font_Name = L"name";
static _bstr_t g_cpszXML_Font_Bold = L"bold";
static _bstr_t g_cpszXML_Font_Italic = L"italic";
static _bstr_t g_cpszXML_Font_Path = L"path";
static _bstr_t g_cpszXML_Font_Index = L"index";
static LONG g_lSizeofLONG = sizeof(LONG);
static LONG g_lSizeofBOOL = sizeof(BOOL);
static LONG g_lSizeofWCHAR = sizeof(WCHAR);
static LONG g_lSizeofULONG = sizeof(ULONG);
static LONG g_lSizeofUSHORT = sizeof(USHORT);
static LONG g_lSizeofSHORT = sizeof(SHORT);
enum EFontFormat
fontWindowsFNT = 0,
fontTrueType = 1,
fontOpenType = 2,
fontUnknown = 3
class CWinFontInfo
CWinFontInfo(const CStringW &wsFontName, const CStringW &wsStyle, const CString &wsFontPath, long lIndex, BOOL bBold, BOOL bItalic, BOOL bFixedWidth, BYTE *pPanose, ULONG ulRange1, ULONG ulRange2, ULONG ulRange3, ULONG ulRange4, ULONG ulCodeRange1, ULONG ulCodeRange2, USHORT usWeigth, USHORT usWidth, SHORT sFamilyClass, EFontFormat eFormat, SHORT shAvgCharWidth, SHORT shAscent, SHORT shDescent, SHORT shLineGap, SHORT shXHeight, SHORT shCapHeight)
m_wsFontName = wsFontName;
m_wsFontPath = wsFontPath;
m_wsStyle = wsStyle;
m_lIndex = lIndex;
m_bBold = bBold;
m_bItalic = bItalic;
m_bIsFixed = bFixedWidth;
if ( pPanose )
memcpy( (void*)m_aPanose, (const void *)pPanose, 10 );
memset( (void*)m_aPanose, 0x00, 10 );
m_ulUnicodeRange1 = ulRange1;
m_ulUnicodeRange2 = ulRange2;
m_ulUnicodeRange3 = ulRange3;
m_ulUnicodeRange4 = ulRange4;
m_ulCodePageRange1 = ulCodeRange1;
m_ulCodePageRange2 = ulCodeRange2;
m_usWeigth = usWeigth;
m_usWidth = usWidth;
m_sFamilyClass = sFamilyClass;
m_eFontFormat = eFormat;
m_shAvgCharWidth = shAvgCharWidth;
m_shAscent = shAscent;
m_shDescent = shDescent;
m_shLineGap = shLineGap;
m_shXHeight = shXHeight;
m_shCapHeight = shCapHeight;
CWinFontInfo(BSTR wsFontName, BSTR wsFontPath, const long& lIndex, const BOOL& bBold, const BOOL& bItalic, const BOOL& bFixedWidth, BYTE *pPanose, const ULONG& ulRange1, const ULONG& ulRange2, const ULONG& ulRange3, const ULONG& ulRange4, const ULONG& ulCodeRange1, const ULONG& ulCodeRange2, const USHORT& usWeigth, const USHORT& usWidth, const SHORT& sFamilyClass, EFontFormat eFormat, const SHORT& shAvgCharWidth, const SHORT& shAscent, const SHORT& shDescent, const SHORT& shLineGap, const SHORT& shXHeight, const SHORT& shCapHeight)
m_wsFontName = wsFontName;
m_wsFontPath = wsFontPath;
m_wsStyle = L"";
m_lIndex = lIndex;
m_bBold = bBold;
m_bItalic = bItalic;
m_bIsFixed = bFixedWidth;
if ( pPanose )
memcpy( (void*)m_aPanose, (const void *)pPanose, 10 );
memset( (void*)m_aPanose, 0x00, 10 );
m_ulUnicodeRange1 = ulRange1;
m_ulUnicodeRange2 = ulRange2;
m_ulUnicodeRange3 = ulRange3;
m_ulUnicodeRange4 = ulRange4;
m_ulCodePageRange1 = ulCodeRange1;
m_ulCodePageRange2 = ulCodeRange2;
m_usWeigth = usWeigth;
m_usWidth = usWidth;
m_sFamilyClass = sFamilyClass;
m_eFontFormat = eFormat;
m_shAvgCharWidth = shAvgCharWidth;
m_shAscent = shAscent;
m_shDescent = shDescent;
m_shLineGap = shLineGap;
m_shXHeight = shXHeight;
m_shCapHeight = shCapHeight;
virtual ~CWinFontInfo()
BOOL Equals(CWinFontInfo *pFontInfo)
return ( m_wsFontName == pFontInfo->m_wsFontName && m_wsStyle == pFontInfo->m_wsStyle && m_wsFontPath == pFontInfo->m_wsFontPath && m_bItalic == pFontInfo->m_bItalic && m_bBold == pFontInfo->m_bBold );
void WriteToXml(XmlUtils::CXmlWriter *pWriter)
FromXmlString( m_wsFontName );
FromXmlString( m_wsFontPath );
pWriter->WriteNodeBegin( _T("WinFontEntry"), TRUE );
pWriter->WriteAttribute( _T("name"), m_wsFontName );
pWriter->WriteAttribute( _T("bold"), (int)m_bBold );
pWriter->WriteAttribute( _T("italic"), (int)m_bItalic );
pWriter->WriteAttribute( _T("path"), m_wsFontPath );
pWriter->WriteAttribute( _T("index"), (int)m_lIndex );
pWriter->WriteNodeEnd( _T("WinFontEntry"), TRUE );
inline static BSTR GetAttribute(XML::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr pAttributes, _bstr_t& bsName)
IXMLDOMNodePtr tempNode = pAttributes->getNamedItem(bsName);
if (NULL == tempNode)
return NULL;
BSTR bsValue;
return bsValue;
static CWinFontInfo *FromXml(XmlUtils::CXmlNode oNode)
if ( _T("WinFontEntry") == oNode.GetName() )
XML::IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr pAttributes = oNode.GetAttributes();
BSTR bsBold = GetAttribute(pAttributes, g_cpszXML_Font_Bold);
BSTR bsItalic = GetAttribute(pAttributes, g_cpszXML_Font_Italic);
BSTR bsIndex = GetAttribute(pAttributes, g_cpszXML_Font_Index);
BOOL bBold = (BOOL)XmlUtils::GetInteger(bsBold);
BOOL bItalic = (BOOL)XmlUtils::GetInteger(bsItalic);
BSTR sName = GetAttribute(pAttributes, g_cpszXML_Font_Name);
BSTR sPath = GetAttribute(pAttributes, g_cpszXML_Font_Path);
long lIndex = (long)XmlUtils::GetInteger(bsIndex);
CWinFontInfo* pInfo = new CWinFontInfo( sName, sPath, lIndex, bBold, bItalic, FALSE, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (EFontFormat)0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
return pInfo;
return NULL;
static CWinFontInfo* FromBuffer(BYTE*& pBuffer, CString strFontDir)
LONG lLen = *((LONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofLONG;
BSTR bsName = (BSTR)pBuffer;
pBuffer += lLen;
lLen = *((LONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofLONG;
BSTR bsPath = (BSTR)pBuffer;
pBuffer += lLen;
LONG lIndex = *((LONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofLONG;
BOOL bItalic = *((BOOL*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofBOOL;
BOOL bBold = *((BOOL*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofBOOL;
BOOL bFixedWidth = *((BOOL*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofBOOL;
lLen = *((LONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofLONG;
BYTE pPanose[10];
memcpy( (void *)pPanose, (const void *)pBuffer, 10 );
pBuffer += lLen;
ULONG ulRange1 = *((ULONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
ULONG ulRange2 = *((ULONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
ULONG ulRange3 = *((ULONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
ULONG ulRange4 = *((ULONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
ULONG ulCodeRange1 = *((ULONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
ULONG ulCodeRange2 = *((ULONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
USHORT usWeight = *((USHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofUSHORT;
USHORT usWidth = *((USHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofUSHORT;
SHORT sFamilyClass = *((SHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
SHORT sFormat = *((SHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
SHORT shAvgCharWidth = *((SHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
SHORT shAscent = *((SHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
SHORT shDescent = *((SHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
SHORT shLineGap = *((SHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
SHORT shXHeight = *((SHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
SHORT shCapHeight = *((SHORT*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
CStringW strPath = (CStringW)bsPath;
strPath = strFontDir + strPath;
bsPath = strPath.AllocSysString();
CWinFontInfo* pInfo = new CWinFontInfo( bsName, bsPath, lIndex, bBold, bItalic, bFixedWidth, (BYTE*)pPanose, ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2, usWeight, usWidth, sFamilyClass, (EFontFormat)sFormat, shAvgCharWidth, shAscent, shDescent, shLineGap, shXHeight, shCapHeight );
return pInfo;
LONG GetBufferLen(CString strDirectory = _T(""))
CStringW sPath = m_wsFontPath;
if (0 != strDirectory.GetLength())
if (0 == sPath.Find(strDirectory))
sPath = sPath.Mid(strDirectory.GetLength());
return 4 * g_lSizeofLONG + 3 * g_lSizeofBOOL + (m_wsFontName.GetLength() + sPath.GetLength() + 2) * g_lSizeofWCHAR + 2 * g_lSizeofUSHORT + 6 * g_lSizeofULONG + 10 + 8 * g_lSizeofSHORT;
void ToBuffer(BYTE*& pBuffer, CString strDirectory = _T(""))
LONG lLen = (m_wsFontName.GetLength() + 1) * g_lSizeofWCHAR;
*((LONG*)(pBuffer)) = lLen;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofLONG;
memcpy(pBuffer, m_wsFontName.GetBuffer(), lLen);
pBuffer += lLen;
CStringW sPath = m_wsFontPath;
if (0 != strDirectory.GetLength())
if (0 == sPath.Find(strDirectory))
sPath = sPath.Mid(strDirectory.GetLength());
lLen = (sPath.GetLength() + 1) * g_lSizeofWCHAR;
*((LONG*)(pBuffer)) = lLen;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofLONG;
memcpy(pBuffer, sPath.GetBuffer(), lLen);
pBuffer += lLen;
*((LONG*)(pBuffer)) = m_lIndex;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofLONG;
*((BOOL*)(pBuffer)) = m_bItalic;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofBOOL;
*((BOOL*)(pBuffer)) = m_bBold;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofBOOL;
*((BOOL*)pBuffer) = m_bIsFixed;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofBOOL;
lLen = 10;
*((LONG*)(pBuffer)) = lLen;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofLONG;
memcpy( (void *)pBuffer, (const void *)m_aPanose, lLen );
pBuffer += lLen;
*((ULONG*)pBuffer) = m_ulUnicodeRange1;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
*((ULONG*)pBuffer) = m_ulUnicodeRange2;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
*((ULONG*)pBuffer) = m_ulUnicodeRange3;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
*((ULONG*)pBuffer) = m_ulUnicodeRange4;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
*((ULONG*)pBuffer) = m_ulCodePageRange1;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
*((ULONG*)pBuffer) = m_ulCodePageRange2;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofULONG;
*((USHORT*)pBuffer) = m_usWeigth;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofUSHORT;
*((USHORT*)pBuffer) = m_usWidth;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofUSHORT;
*((SHORT*)pBuffer) = m_sFamilyClass;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
*((SHORT*)pBuffer) = (SHORT)m_eFontFormat;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
*((SHORT*)pBuffer) = (SHORT)m_shAvgCharWidth;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
*((SHORT*)pBuffer) = (SHORT)m_shAscent;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
*((SHORT*)pBuffer) = (SHORT)m_shDescent;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
*((SHORT*)pBuffer) = (SHORT)m_shLineGap;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
*((SHORT*)pBuffer) = (SHORT)m_shXHeight;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
*((SHORT*)pBuffer) = (SHORT)m_shCapHeight;
pBuffer += g_lSizeofSHORT;
static void FromXmlString(CString& strText)
strText.Replace(_T("'"), _T("'"));
strText.Replace(_T("<"), _T("<"));
strText.Replace(_T(">"), _T(">"));
strText.Replace(_T("""), _T("\""));
strText.Replace(_T("&"), _T("&"));
CStringW m_wsFontName;
CStringW m_wsFontPath;
long m_lIndex;
CStringW m_wsStyle;
BOOL m_bBold;
BOOL m_bItalic;
BOOL m_bIsFixed;
BYTE m_aPanose[10];
ULONG m_ulUnicodeRange1;
ULONG m_ulUnicodeRange2;
ULONG m_ulUnicodeRange3;
ULONG m_ulUnicodeRange4;
ULONG m_ulCodePageRange1;
ULONG m_ulCodePageRange2;
USHORT m_usWeigth;
USHORT m_usWidth;
SHORT m_sFamilyClass;
EFontFormat m_eFontFormat;
SHORT m_shAvgCharWidth;
SHORT m_shAscent;
SHORT m_shDescent;
SHORT m_shLineGap;
SHORT m_shXHeight;
SHORT m_shCapHeight;
class CWinFontList
CWinFontList(FT_Library pLibrary)
m_lDefIndex = -1;
m_pFonts = new CList();
m_wsWinFontDir[0] = '\0';
if ( !SHGetSpecialFolderPathW( NULL, m_wsWinFontDir, CSIDL_FONTS, FALSE ) )
m_wsWinFontDir[0] = '\0';
oVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(oVersion);
GetVersionEx( &oVersion );
wchar_t wsPath[1000];
if ( oVersion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT )
_tcscpy_s( wsPath, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\\") );
_tcscpy_s( wsPath, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\\") );
TCHAR szName[2 * MAX_PATH];
TCHAR szData[2 * MAX_PATH];
while ( GetNextNameValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wsPath, szName, szData ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
int nError = 0;
FT_Face pFace = NULL;
CStringW wsFilePath( szData );
if ( nError = FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), 0, &pFace ) )
wsFilePath = CStringW( m_wsWinFontDir ) + CStringW( _T("\\") ) + CStringW( szData );
wsFilePath.Replace( _T("\0"), _T("") );
if ( nError = FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), 0, &pFace ) )
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
if ( !( pFace->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE ) )
FT_Done_Face( pFace );
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
int nFacesCount = pFace->num_faces;
if ( nError = FT_Done_Face( pFace ) )
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nFacesCount; nIndex++ )
if ( FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), nIndex, &pFace ) )
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
BOOL bBold = ( pFace->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD ? 1 : 0 );
BOOL bItalic = pFace->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;
CStringW wsPostscriptName = CStringW( FT_Get_Postscript_Name( pFace ) );
int nNamesCount = FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count( pFace );
for ( int nNameIndex = 0; nNameIndex < nNamesCount; nNameIndex++ )
FT_SfntName_ oSfntName;
FT_Get_Sfnt_Name( pFace, nNameIndex, &oSfntName );
if ( oSfntName.language_id == 0x0409 && oSfntName.name_id == 1 && oSfntName.platform_id == 3 )
int k= 10;
if ( oSfntName.language_id == 0x0409 && oSfntName.name_id == 16 && oSfntName.platform_id == 3 )
int k= 10;
BOOL bFixedWidth = FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( pFace );
TT_OS2 *pOs2 = (TT_OS2 *)FT_Get_Sfnt_Table( pFace, ft_sfnt_os2 );
BYTE *pPanose = NULL;
ULONG ulRange1 = 0, ulRange2 = 0, ulRange3 = 0, ulRange4 = 0, ulCodeRange1 = 0, ulCodeRange2 = 0;
USHORT usWidth = 0, usWeight = 0;
SHORT sFamilyClass = 0;
SHORT shAvgCharWidth = 0, shAscent = 0, shDescent = 0, shLineGap = 0, shXHeight = 0, shCapHeight = 0;
if ( NULL != pOs2 )
pPanose = (BYTE *)pOs2->panose;
ulRange1 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange1;
ulRange2 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange2;
ulRange3 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange3;
ulRange4 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange4;
ulCodeRange1 = pOs2->ulCodePageRange1;
ulCodeRange2 = pOs2->ulCodePageRange2;
usWeight = pOs2->usWeightClass;
usWidth = pOs2->usWidthClass;
sFamilyClass = pOs2->sFamilyClass;
if ( 0 != pFace->units_per_EM )
double dKoef = ( 1000 / (double)pFace->units_per_EM );
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)(pOs2->xAvgCharWidth * dKoef);
shAscent = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoAscender * dKoef);
shDescent = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoDescender * dKoef);
shLineGap = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoLineGap * dKoef);
shXHeight = (SHORT)(pOs2->sxHeight * dKoef);
shCapHeight = (SHORT)(pOs2->sCapHeight * dKoef);
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)pOs2->xAvgCharWidth;
shAscent = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoAscender;
shDescent = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoDescender;
shLineGap = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoLineGap;
shXHeight = (SHORT)pOs2->sxHeight;
shCapHeight = (SHORT)pOs2->sCapHeight;
if ( true )
for( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < pFace->num_charmaps; nIndex++ )
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x80000000 ) && 0 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x80000000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00020000 ) && 2 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00020000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00040000 ) && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00040000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00100000 ) && 4 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00100000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00080000 ) && 5 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00080000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00200000 ) && 6 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00200000;
EFontFormat eFormat = GetFontFormat( pFace );
CWinFontInfo *pWinFontInfo = new CWinFontInfo( CStringW( (char*)pFace->family_name ), CStringW( (char*)pFace->style_name ), wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), nIndex, bBold, bItalic, bFixedWidth, pPanose, ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2, usWeight, usWidth, sFamilyClass, eFormat, shAvgCharWidth, shAscent, shDescent, shLineGap, shXHeight, shCapHeight );
Add( pWinFontInfo );
FT_Done_Face( pFace );
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
CWinFontList(FT_Library pLibrary, CString sDir)
m_lDefIndex = -1;
m_pFonts = new CList();
m_wsWinFontDir[0] = '\0';
CString sSpec = sDir + _T("\\*.*");
HANDLE hRes = FindFirstFile( sSpec, &oFD );
sSpec = oFD.cFileName;
if( sSpec != _T(".") && sSpec != _T("..") )
sSpec = sDir + _T("\\") + sSpec;
if( !( oFD.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) )
int nError = 0;
FT_Face pFace = NULL;
CStringW wsFilePath = sSpec;
if ( nError = FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), 0, &pFace ) )
if ( !( pFace->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE ) )
FT_Done_Face( pFace );
int nFacesCount = pFace->num_faces;
if ( nError = FT_Done_Face( pFace ) )
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nFacesCount; nIndex++ )
if ( FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), nIndex, &pFace ) )
BOOL bBold = ( pFace->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD ? 1 : 0 );
BOOL bItalic = pFace->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;
CStringW wsPostscriptName = CStringW( FT_Get_Postscript_Name( pFace ) );
int nNamesCount = FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count( pFace );
for ( int nNameIndex = 0; nNameIndex < nNamesCount; nNameIndex++ )
FT_SfntName_ oSfntName;
FT_Get_Sfnt_Name( pFace, nNameIndex, &oSfntName );
if ( oSfntName.language_id == 0x0409 && oSfntName.name_id == 1 && oSfntName.platform_id == 3 )
int k= 10;
if ( oSfntName.language_id == 0x0409 && oSfntName.name_id == 16 && oSfntName.platform_id == 3 )
int k= 10;
BOOL bFixedWidth = FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( pFace );
TT_OS2 *pOs2 = (TT_OS2 *)FT_Get_Sfnt_Table( pFace, ft_sfnt_os2 );
BYTE *pPanose = NULL;
ULONG ulRange1 = 0, ulRange2 = 0, ulRange3 = 0, ulRange4 = 0, ulCodeRange1 = 0, ulCodeRange2 = 0;
USHORT usWidth = 0, usWeight = 0;
SHORT sFamilyClass = 0;
SHORT shAvgCharWidth = 0, shAscent = 0, shDescent = 0, shLineGap = 0, shXHeight = 0, shCapHeight = 0;
if ( NULL != pOs2 )
pPanose = (BYTE *)pOs2->panose;
ulRange1 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange1;
ulRange2 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange2;
ulRange3 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange3;
ulRange4 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange4;
ulCodeRange1 = pOs2->ulCodePageRange1;
ulCodeRange2 = pOs2->ulCodePageRange2;
usWeight = pOs2->usWeightClass;
usWidth = pOs2->usWidthClass;
sFamilyClass = pOs2->sFamilyClass;
if ( 0 != pFace->units_per_EM )
double dKoef = ( 1000 / (double)pFace->units_per_EM );
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)(pOs2->xAvgCharWidth * dKoef);
shAscent = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoAscender * dKoef);
shDescent = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoDescender * dKoef);
shLineGap = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoLineGap * dKoef);
shXHeight = (SHORT)(pOs2->sxHeight * dKoef);
shCapHeight = (SHORT)(pOs2->sCapHeight * dKoef);
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)pOs2->xAvgCharWidth;
shAscent = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoAscender;
shDescent = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoDescender;
shLineGap = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoLineGap;
shXHeight = (SHORT)pOs2->sxHeight;
shCapHeight = (SHORT)pOs2->sCapHeight;
if ( true )
for( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < pFace->num_charmaps; nIndex++ )
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x80000000 ) && 0 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x80000000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00020000 ) && 2 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00020000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00040000 ) && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00040000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00100000 ) && 4 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00100000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00080000 ) && 5 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00080000;
if ( !( ulCodeRange1 & 0x00200000 ) && 6 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->encoding_id && 3 == pFace->charmaps[nIndex]->platform_id )
ulCodeRange1 |= 0x00200000;
EFontFormat eFormat = GetFontFormat( pFace );
CWinFontInfo *pWinFontInfo = new CWinFontInfo( CStringW( (char*)pFace->family_name ), CStringW( (char*)pFace->style_name ), wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), nIndex, bBold, bItalic, bFixedWidth, pPanose, ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2, usWeight, usWidth, sFamilyClass, eFormat, shAvgCharWidth, shAscent, shDescent, shLineGap, shXHeight, shCapHeight );
Add( pWinFontInfo );
FT_Done_Face( pFace );
} while( FindNextFile( hRes, &oFD ) );
FindClose( hRes );
CWinFontList(CString sWinFontsXml)
m_lDefIndex = -1;
m_pFonts = new CList();
m_wsWinFontDir[0] = '\0';
XmlUtils::CXmlNode oMainNode;
oMainNode.FromXmlString( sWinFontsXml );
if ( _T("WinFontList") == oMainNode.GetName() )
XmlUtils::CXmlNodes oFonts;
oMainNode.GetNodes( _T("WinFontEntry"), oFonts );
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < oFonts.GetCount(); nIndex++ )
XmlUtils::CXmlNode oFontNode;
if ( oFonts.GetAt( nIndex, oFontNode ) )
CWinFontInfo *pWinFontInfo = CWinFontInfo::FromXml( oFontNode );
if ( NULL != pWinFontInfo )
Add( pWinFontInfo );
CWinFontList(BYTE* pBuffer, CString sFontDir)
m_lDefIndex = -1;
m_pFonts = new CList();
m_wsWinFontDir[0] = '\0';
LONG lCount = *((LONG*)pBuffer);
pBuffer += g_lSizeofLONG;
for (LONG nIndex = 0; nIndex < lCount; ++nIndex)
CWinFontInfo *pWinFontInfo = CWinFontInfo::FromBuffer( pBuffer, sFontDir );
DeleteCList( m_pFonts, CWinFontInfo );
CList *GetFonts()
return m_pFonts;
CWinFontInfo *GetByIndex(int nIndex)
return (CWinFontInfo *)m_pFonts->GetByIndex( nIndex );
CWinFontInfo *GetByParams(const CString& sParamsXml)
if ( m_pFonts->GetLength() <= 0 )
return NULL;
CString wsFamilyName, wsFamilyClass, wsAltName;
unsigned char unCharset = 0;
BOOL bBold = FALSE, bItalic = FALSE, bFixedWidth = FALSE;
BYTE pPanose[10];
ULONG ulRange1 = 0, ulRange2 = 0, ulRange3 = 0, ulRange4 = 0, ulCodeRange1 = 0, ulCodeRange2 = 0;
USHORT usWeight = 0, usWidth = 0;
SHORT sFamilyClass = 0;
EFontFormat eFontFormat = fontTrueType;
SHORT shAvgCharWidth = 0, shAscent = 0, shDescent = 0, shLineGap = 0, shXHeight = 0, shCapHeight = 0;
BOOL bIsName = FALSE, bIsAltName = FALSE, bIsStyle = FALSE, bIsFixed = FALSE, bIsPanose = FALSE, bIsRanges = FALSE, bIsWeight = FALSE, bIsWidth = FALSE, bIsFamilyClass = FALSE;
BOOL bIsAvgWidth = FALSE, bIsAscent = FALSE, bIsDescent = FALSE, bIsLineGap = FALSE, bIsXHeight = FALSE, bIsCapHeight = FALSE;
XmlUtils::CXmlNode oMainNode;
oMainNode.FromXmlString( sParamsXml );
if ( _T("FontProperties") == oMainNode.GetName() )
XmlUtils::CXmlNode oNode;
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("Name"), oNode ) )
bIsName = TRUE;
wsFamilyName = oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("AltName"), oNode ) )
bIsAltName = TRUE;
wsAltName = oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") );
if ( wsAltName.GetLength() <= 0 )
bIsAltName = FALSE;
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("Style"), oNode ) )
bIsStyle = TRUE;
bBold = (BOOL)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("bold") ) );
bItalic = (BOOL)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("italic") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("FixedWidth"), oNode ) )
bIsFixed = TRUE;
bFixedWidth = (BOOL)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("Panose"), oNode ) )
CString sValue = oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") );
if ( 20 == sValue.GetLength() )
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 10; nIndex++ )
int nChar1 = sValue.GetAt( nIndex * 2 );
int nChar2 = sValue.GetAt( nIndex * 2 + 1 );
unsigned char unValue = ((unsigned char)( HexToInt( nChar1 ) << 4 )) | HexToInt( nChar2 );
pPanose[nIndex] = unValue;
if ( 0 != unValue )
bIsPanose = TRUE;
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("UnicodeRange"), oNode ) )
ulRange1 = (ULONG)HexToInt( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("range1") ) );
ulRange2 = (ULONG)HexToInt( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("range2") ) );
ulRange3 = (ULONG)HexToInt( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("range3") ) );
ulRange4 = (ULONG)HexToInt( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("range4") ) );
ulCodeRange1 = (ULONG)HexToInt( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("coderange1") ) );
ulCodeRange2 = (ULONG)HexToInt( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("coderange2") ) );
if ( !( 0 == ulRange1 && 0 == ulRange2 && 0 == ulRange3 && 0 == ulRange4 && 0 == ulCodeRange1 && 0 == ulCodeRange2 ) )
bIsRanges = TRUE;
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("Weight"), oNode ) )
usWeight = (USHORT)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( 0 != usWeight )
bIsWeight = TRUE;
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("Width"), oNode ) )
bIsWidth = TRUE;
usWidth = (USHORT)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("FamilyClass"), oNode ) )
bIsFamilyClass = TRUE;
wsFamilyClass = oNode.GetAttribute( _T("type"), _T("") );
sFamilyClass = (SHORT)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("FontFormat"), oNode ) )
eFontFormat = (EFontFormat)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("Charset"), oNode ) )
unCharset = (unsigned char)HexToInt( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("AvgCharWidth"), oNode ) )
bIsAvgWidth = TRUE;
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("Ascent"), oNode ) )
bIsAscent = TRUE;
shAscent = (SHORT)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("Descent"), oNode ) )
bIsDescent = TRUE;
shDescent = (SHORT)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("LineGap"), oNode ) )
bIsLineGap = TRUE;
shLineGap = (SHORT)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("xHeight"), oNode ) )
bIsXHeight = TRUE;
shXHeight = (SHORT)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
if ( oMainNode.GetNode( _T("CapHeight"), oNode ) )
bIsCapHeight = TRUE;
shCapHeight = (SHORT)XmlUtils::GetInteger( oNode.GetAttribute( _T("value") ) );
int nMinIndex = 0;
int nMinPenalty = 0;
int nDefPenalty = INT_MAX;
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_pFonts->GetLength(); nIndex++ )
int nCurPenalty = 0;
CWinFontInfo *pInfo = (CWinFontInfo *)m_pFonts->GetByIndex( nIndex );
if ( bIsPanose )
nCurPenalty += GetPanosePenalty( pInfo->m_aPanose, pPanose );
ULONG arrCandRanges[6] = { pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange1, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange2, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange3, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange4, pInfo->m_ulCodePageRange1, pInfo->m_ulCodePageRange2 };
if ( bIsFixed )
nCurPenalty += GetFixedPitchPenalty( pInfo->m_bIsFixed, bFixedWidth );
if ( bIsAltName && bIsName )
nCurPenalty += min( GetFaceNamePenalty( pInfo->m_wsFontName, wsFamilyName ), GetFaceNamePenalty( pInfo->m_wsFontName, wsAltName ) );
else if ( bIsName )
nCurPenalty += GetFaceNamePenalty( pInfo->m_wsFontName, wsFamilyName );
else if ( bIsAltName )
nCurPenalty += GetFaceNamePenalty( pInfo->m_wsFontName, wsAltName );
if ( bIsWidth )
nCurPenalty += GetWidthPenalty( pInfo->m_usWidth, usWidth );
if ( bIsWeight )
nCurPenalty += GetWeightPenalty( pInfo->m_usWeigth, usWeight );
if ( bIsStyle )
nCurPenalty += GetItalicPenalty( pInfo->m_bItalic, bItalic );
nCurPenalty += GetBoldPenalty( pInfo->m_bBold, bBold );
if ( bIsFamilyClass )
if ( _T("") != wsFamilyClass )
nCurPenalty += GetFamilyUnlikelyPenalty( pInfo->m_sFamilyClass, wsFamilyClass );
nCurPenalty += GetFamilyUnlikelyPenalty( pInfo->m_sFamilyClass, sFamilyClass );
nCurPenalty += GetFontFormatPenalty( pInfo->m_eFontFormat, eFontFormat );
nCurPenalty += GetCharsetPenalty( arrCandRanges, unCharset );
if ( bIsAvgWidth )
nCurPenalty += GetAvgWidthPenalty( pInfo->m_shAvgCharWidth, shAvgCharWidth );
if ( bIsAscent )
nCurPenalty += GetAscentPenalty( pInfo->m_shAscent, shAscent );
if ( bIsDescent )
nCurPenalty += GetDescentPenalty( pInfo->m_shDescent, shDescent );
if ( bIsLineGap )
nCurPenalty += GetLineGapPenalty( pInfo->m_shLineGap, shLineGap );
if ( bIsXHeight )
nCurPenalty += GetXHeightPenalty( pInfo->m_shXHeight, shXHeight );
if ( bIsCapHeight )
nCurPenalty += GetCapHeightPenalty( pInfo->m_shCapHeight, shCapHeight );
if ( 0 == nIndex )
nMinIndex = 0;
nMinPenalty = nCurPenalty;
else if ( nCurPenalty < nMinPenalty )
nMinIndex = nIndex;
nMinPenalty = nCurPenalty;
if ( -1 != m_lDefIndex && nIndex == m_lDefIndex )
nDefPenalty = nCurPenalty;
if ( 0 == nCurPenalty )
if ( -1 != m_lDefIndex && nDefPenalty == nMinPenalty )
nMinIndex = m_lDefIndex;
return (CWinFontInfo *)m_pFonts->GetByIndex( nMinIndex );
CWinFontInfo *GetByParams(wchar_t* wsAltFontName, long lCharset, wchar_t* wsFamily, long lStyle, long lFixed, wchar_t *wsPanose, long lUnicodeRange1, long lUnicodeRange2, long lUnicodeRange3, long lUnicodeRange4, long lCodePageRange1, long lCodePageRange2, long lAvgWidth)
if ( m_pFonts->GetLength() <= 0 )
return NULL;
CString wsFamilyName, wsFamilyClass;
unsigned char unCharset = 0;
BOOL bBold = FALSE, bItalic = FALSE, bFixedWidth = FALSE;
BYTE pPanose[10];
ULONG ulRange1 = 0, ulRange2 = 0, ulRange3 = 0, ulRange4 = 0, ulCodeRange1 = 0, ulCodeRange2 = 0;
SHORT shAvgCharWidth = 0;
BOOL bIsName = FALSE, bIsStyle = FALSE, bIsFixed = FALSE, bIsPanose = FALSE, bIsRanges = FALSE, bIsFamilyClass = FALSE, bIsAvgWidth = FALSE;
if ( NULL != wsAltFontName )
bIsName = TRUE;
wsFamilyName = CString( wsAltFontName );
if ( lStyle >= 0 )
bIsStyle = TRUE;
bBold = (lStyle & FontConstants::FontStyleBold ? TRUE : FALSE);
bItalic = (lStyle & FontConstants::FontStyleItalic ? TRUE : FALSE);
if ( lFixed >= 0 )
bIsFixed = TRUE;
bFixedWidth = ( lFixed > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE );
if ( NULL != wsPanose )
if ( 20 == wcslen( wsPanose ) )
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 10; nIndex++ )
int nChar1 = wsPanose[nIndex * 2 ];
int nChar2 = wsPanose[nIndex * 2 + 1 ];
unsigned char unValue = ((unsigned char)( HexToInt( nChar1 ) << 4 )) | HexToInt( nChar2 );
pPanose[nIndex] = unValue;
if ( 0 != unValue )
bIsPanose = TRUE;
ulRange1 = (ULONG)lUnicodeRange1;
ulRange2 = (ULONG)lUnicodeRange2;
ulRange3 = (ULONG)lUnicodeRange3;
ulRange4 = (ULONG)lUnicodeRange4;
ulCodeRange1 = (ULONG)lCodePageRange1;
ulCodeRange2 = (ULONG)lCodePageRange2;
if ( !( 0 == ulRange1 && 0 == ulRange2 && 0 == ulRange3 && 0 == ulRange4 && 0 == ulCodeRange1 && 0 == ulCodeRange2 ) )
bIsRanges = TRUE;
if ( NULL != wsFamily )
bIsFamilyClass = TRUE;
wsFamilyClass = CString(wsFamily);
if ( lCharset >= 0 )
unCharset = (unsigned char)lCharset;
if ( lAvgWidth >= 0 )
bIsAvgWidth = TRUE;
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)lAvgWidth;
int nMinIndex = 0;
int nMinPenalty = 0;
int nDefPenalty = 0;
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_pFonts->GetLength(); nIndex++ )
int nCurPenalty = 0;
CWinFontInfo *pInfo = (CWinFontInfo *)m_pFonts->GetByIndex( nIndex );
if ( bIsPanose )
nCurPenalty += GetPanosePenalty( pInfo->m_aPanose, pPanose );
ULONG arrCandRanges[6] = { pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange1, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange2, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange3, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange4, pInfo->m_ulCodePageRange1, pInfo->m_ulCodePageRange2 };
if ( bIsRanges )
ULONG arrReqRanges[6] = { ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2 };
nCurPenalty += GetSigPenalty( arrCandRanges, arrReqRanges, 10000 );
if ( bIsFixed )
nCurPenalty += GetFixedPitchPenalty( pInfo->m_bIsFixed, bFixedWidth );
if ( bIsName )
nCurPenalty += GetFaceNamePenalty( pInfo->m_wsFontName, wsFamilyName );
if ( bIsStyle )
nCurPenalty += GetItalicPenalty( pInfo->m_bItalic, bItalic );
nCurPenalty += GetBoldPenalty( pInfo->m_bBold, bBold );
if ( bIsFamilyClass )
nCurPenalty += GetFamilyUnlikelyPenalty( pInfo->m_sFamilyClass, wsFamilyClass );
nCurPenalty += GetCharsetPenalty( arrCandRanges, unCharset );
if ( bIsAvgWidth )
nCurPenalty += GetAvgWidthPenalty( pInfo->m_shAvgCharWidth, shAvgCharWidth );
if ( 0 == nIndex )
nMinIndex = 0;
nMinPenalty = nCurPenalty;
else if ( nCurPenalty < nMinPenalty )
nMinIndex = nIndex;
nMinPenalty = nCurPenalty;
if ( -1 != m_lDefIndex && nIndex == m_lDefIndex )
nDefPenalty = nCurPenalty;
if ( 0 == nCurPenalty )
if ( -1 != m_lDefIndex && nDefPenalty == nMinPenalty )
nMinIndex = m_lDefIndex;
return (CWinFontInfo *)m_pFonts->GetByIndex( nMinIndex );
void SetDefaultFont(long lIndex)
if ( lIndex >= 0 && lIndex < m_pFonts->GetLength() )
m_lDefIndex = lIndex;
static CString GetWinFontsXml(FT_Library pLibrary)
XmlUtils::CXmlWriter oWriter;
oWriter.WriteNodeBegin( _T("WinFontList") );
wchar_t wsWinFontDir[MAX_PATH];
wsWinFontDir[0] = '\0';
if ( !SHGetSpecialFolderPathW( NULL, wsWinFontDir, CSIDL_FONTS, FALSE ) )
wsWinFontDir[0] = '\0';
oVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(oVersion);
GetVersionEx( &oVersion );
wchar_t wsPath[1000];
if ( oVersion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT )
_tcscpy_s( wsPath, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\\") );
_tcscpy_s( wsPath, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\\") );
TCHAR szName[2 * MAX_PATH];
TCHAR szData[2 * MAX_PATH];
while ( GetNextNameValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wsPath, szName, szData ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
int nError = 0;
FT_Face pFace = NULL;
CStringW wsFilePath( szData );
if ( nError = FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), 0, &pFace ) )
wsFilePath = CStringW( wsWinFontDir ) + CStringW( _T("\\") ) + CStringW( szData );
wsFilePath.Replace( _T("\0"), _T("") );
if ( nError = FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), 0, &pFace ) )
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
if ( !( pFace->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE ) )
FT_Done_Face( pFace );
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
int nFacesCount = pFace->num_faces;
if ( nError = FT_Done_Face( pFace ) )
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nFacesCount; nIndex++ )
if ( FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), nIndex, &pFace ) )
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
BOOL bBold = ( pFace->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD ? 1 : 0 );
BOOL bItalic = pFace->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;
CStringW wsPostscriptName = CStringW( FT_Get_Postscript_Name( pFace ) );
int nNamesCount = FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count( pFace );
for ( int nNameIndex = 0; nNameIndex < nNamesCount; nNameIndex++ )
FT_SfntName_ oSfntName;
FT_Get_Sfnt_Name( pFace, nNameIndex, &oSfntName );
if ( oSfntName.language_id == 0x0409 && oSfntName.name_id == 1 && oSfntName.platform_id == 3 )
int k= 10;
if ( oSfntName.language_id == 0x0409 && oSfntName.name_id == 16 && oSfntName.platform_id == 3 )
int k= 10;
BOOL bFixedWidth = FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( pFace );
TT_OS2 *pOs2 = (TT_OS2 *)FT_Get_Sfnt_Table( pFace, ft_sfnt_os2 );
BYTE *pPanose = NULL;
ULONG ulRange1 = 0, ulRange2 = 0, ulRange3 = 0, ulRange4 = 0, ulCodeRange1 = 0, ulCodeRange2 = 0;
USHORT usWidth = 0, usWeight = 0;
SHORT sFamilyClass = 0;
SHORT shAvgCharWidth = 0, shAscent = 0, shDescent = 0, shLineGap = 0, shXHeight = 0, shCapHeight = 0;
if ( NULL != pOs2 )
pPanose = (BYTE *)pOs2->panose;
ulRange1 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange1;
ulRange2 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange2;
ulRange3 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange3;
ulRange4 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange4;
ulCodeRange1 = pOs2->ulCodePageRange1;
ulCodeRange2 = pOs2->ulCodePageRange2;
usWeight = pOs2->usWeightClass;
usWidth = pOs2->usWidthClass;
sFamilyClass = pOs2->sFamilyClass;
if ( 0 != pFace->units_per_EM )
double dKoef = ( 1000 / (double)pFace->units_per_EM );
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)(pOs2->xAvgCharWidth * dKoef);
shAscent = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoAscender * dKoef);
shDescent = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoDescender * dKoef);
shLineGap = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoLineGap * dKoef);
shXHeight = (SHORT)(pOs2->sxHeight * dKoef);
shCapHeight = (SHORT)(pOs2->sCapHeight * dKoef);
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)pOs2->xAvgCharWidth;
shAscent = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoAscender;
shDescent = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoDescender;
shLineGap = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoLineGap;
shXHeight = (SHORT)pOs2->sxHeight;
shCapHeight = (SHORT)pOs2->sCapHeight;
EFontFormat eFormat = GetFontFormat( pFace );
CWinFontInfo oWinFontInfo( CStringW( (char*)pFace->family_name ), CStringW( (char*)pFace->style_name ), wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), nIndex, bBold, bItalic, bFixedWidth, pPanose, ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2, usWeight, usWidth, sFamilyClass, eFormat, shAvgCharWidth, shAscent, shDescent, shLineGap, shXHeight, shCapHeight );
oWinFontInfo.WriteToXml( &oWriter );
FT_Done_Face( pFace );
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
oWriter.WriteNodeEnd( _T("WinFontList") );
return oWriter.GetXmlString();
static BYTE* GetWinFontsData(FT_Library pLibrary, LONG& lDataSize)
wchar_t wsWinFontDir[MAX_PATH];
CAtlArray<CWinFontInfo*> arrInfos;
wsWinFontDir[0] = '\0';
if ( !SHGetSpecialFolderPathW( NULL, wsWinFontDir, CSIDL_FONTS, FALSE ) )
wsWinFontDir[0] = '\0';
oVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(oVersion);
GetVersionEx( &oVersion );
wchar_t wsPath[1000];
if ( oVersion.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT )
_tcscpy_s( wsPath, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\\") );
_tcscpy_s( wsPath, _T("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Fonts\\") );
TCHAR szName[2 * MAX_PATH];
TCHAR szData[2 * MAX_PATH];
while ( GetNextNameValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, wsPath, szName, szData ) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
int nError = 0;
FT_Face pFace = NULL;
CStringW wsFilePath( szData );
if ( nError = FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), 0, &pFace ) )
wsFilePath = CStringW( wsWinFontDir ) + CStringW( _T("\\") ) + CStringW( szData );
wsFilePath.Replace( _T("\0"), _T("") );
if ( nError = FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), 0, &pFace ) )
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
if ( !( pFace->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE ) )
FT_Done_Face( pFace );
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
int nFacesCount = pFace->num_faces;
if ( nError = FT_Done_Face( pFace ) )
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nFacesCount; nIndex++ )
if ( FT_New_FaceW( pLibrary, wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), nIndex, &pFace ) )
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
BOOL bBold = ( pFace->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_BOLD ? 1 : 0 );
BOOL bItalic = pFace->style_flags & FT_STYLE_FLAG_ITALIC;
CStringW wsPostscriptName = CStringW( FT_Get_Postscript_Name( pFace ) );
int nNamesCount = FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count( pFace );
for ( int nNameIndex = 0; nNameIndex < nNamesCount; nNameIndex++ )
FT_SfntName_ oSfntName;
FT_Get_Sfnt_Name( pFace, nNameIndex, &oSfntName );
if ( oSfntName.language_id == 0x0409 && oSfntName.name_id == 1 && oSfntName.platform_id == 3 )
int k= 10;
if ( oSfntName.language_id == 0x0409 && oSfntName.name_id == 16 && oSfntName.platform_id == 3 )
int k= 10;
BOOL bFixedWidth = FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH( pFace );
TT_OS2 *pOs2 = (TT_OS2 *)FT_Get_Sfnt_Table( pFace, ft_sfnt_os2 );
BYTE *pPanose = NULL;
ULONG ulRange1 = 0, ulRange2 = 0, ulRange3 = 0, ulRange4 = 0, ulCodeRange1 = 0, ulCodeRange2 = 0;
USHORT usWidth = 0, usWeight = 0;
SHORT sFamilyClass = 0;
SHORT shAvgCharWidth = 0, shAscent = 0, shDescent = 0, shLineGap = 0, shXHeight = 0, shCapHeight = 0;
if ( NULL != pOs2 )
pPanose = (BYTE *)pOs2->panose;
ulRange1 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange1;
ulRange2 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange2;
ulRange3 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange3;
ulRange4 = pOs2->ulUnicodeRange4;
ulCodeRange1 = pOs2->ulCodePageRange1;
ulCodeRange2 = pOs2->ulCodePageRange2;
usWeight = pOs2->usWeightClass;
usWidth = pOs2->usWidthClass;
sFamilyClass = pOs2->sFamilyClass;
if ( 0 != pFace->units_per_EM )
double dKoef = ( 1000 / (double)pFace->units_per_EM );
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)(pOs2->xAvgCharWidth * dKoef);
shAscent = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoAscender * dKoef);
shDescent = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoDescender * dKoef);
shLineGap = (SHORT)(pOs2->sTypoLineGap * dKoef);
shXHeight = (SHORT)(pOs2->sxHeight * dKoef);
shCapHeight = (SHORT)(pOs2->sCapHeight * dKoef);
shAvgCharWidth = (SHORT)pOs2->xAvgCharWidth;
shAscent = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoAscender;
shDescent = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoDescender;
shLineGap = (SHORT)pOs2->sTypoLineGap;
shXHeight = (SHORT)pOs2->sxHeight;
shCapHeight = (SHORT)pOs2->sCapHeight;
EFontFormat eFormat = GetFontFormat( pFace );
CWinFontInfo* __pInfo = new CWinFontInfo( CStringW( (char*)pFace->family_name ), CStringW( (char*)pFace->style_name ), wsFilePath.GetBuffer(), nIndex, bBold, bItalic, bFixedWidth, pPanose, ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2, usWeight, usWidth, sFamilyClass, eFormat, shAvgCharWidth, shAscent, shDescent, shLineGap, shXHeight, shCapHeight );
FT_Done_Face( pFace );
wsPath[0] = _T('\0');
lDataSize = g_lSizeofLONG;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arrInfos.GetCount(); ++i)
lDataSize += arrInfos[i]->GetBufferLen();
BYTE* pData = new BYTE[lDataSize];
BYTE* pDataMem = pData;
*(LONG*)pDataMem = (LONG)arrInfos.GetCount();
pDataMem += g_lSizeofLONG;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arrInfos.GetCount(); ++i)
CWinFontInfo* pInfo = arrInfos[i];
delete pInfo;
return pData;
void ToBuffer(BYTE** pDstData, LONG* pLen, CString strDirectory = _T(""))
LONG lDataSize = g_lSizeofLONG;
size_t nFontsCount = (size_t)m_pFonts->GetLength();
for (size_t i = 0; i < nFontsCount; ++i)
lDataSize += ((CWinFontInfo*)(m_pFonts->GetByIndex((int)i)))->GetBufferLen(strDirectory);
BYTE* pData = new BYTE[lDataSize];
BYTE* pDataMem = pData;
*(LONG*)pDataMem = (LONG)m_pFonts->GetLength();
pDataMem += g_lSizeofLONG;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nFontsCount; ++i)
CWinFontInfo* pInfo = ((CWinFontInfo*)(m_pFonts->GetByIndex((int)i)));
pInfo->ToBuffer(pDataMem, strDirectory);
*pDstData = pData;
*pLen = lDataSize;
static EFontFormat GetFontFormat(FT_Face pFace)
CString wsFormat( FT_Get_X11_Font_Format( pFace ) );
if ( _T("Windows FNT") == wsFormat )
return fontWindowsFNT;
else if ( _T("TrueType") == wsFormat )
return fontTrueType;
else if ( _T("CFF") == wsFormat )
return fontOpenType;
return fontUnknown;
void Add(CWinFontInfo *pFontInfo)
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_pFonts->GetLength(); ++nIndex )
if ( ((CWinFontInfo *)m_pFonts->GetByIndex(nIndex))->Equals( pFontInfo ) )
if ( pFontInfo )
delete pFontInfo;
m_pFonts->Append( pFontInfo );
unsigned char HexToInt(int nHex)
if ( nHex >= '0' && nHex <= '9' ) return (unsigned char)(nHex - '0');
if ( nHex >= 'a' && nHex <= 'f' ) return (unsigned char)(nHex - 'a' + 10);
if ( nHex >= 'A' && nHex <= 'F' ) return (unsigned char)(nHex - 'A' + 10);
return 0;
__int64 HexToInt(CString sHex)
__int64 nResult = 0;
__int64 nMult = 1;
for ( int nIndex = sHex.GetLength() - 1; nIndex >= 0; nIndex-- )
nResult += HexToInt( sHex.GetAt( nIndex ) ) * nMult;
nMult <<= 4;
return nResult;
int GetCharsetPenalty(ULONG ulCandRanges[6], unsigned char unReqCharset)
if ( UNKNOWN_CHARSET == unReqCharset )
return 0;
unsigned long ulBit = 0;
unsigned int unLongIndex = 0;
GetCodePageByCharset( unReqCharset, &ulBit, &unLongIndex );
int nMult = 1;
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < (int)ulBit; nIndex++ )
nMult <<= 1;
if ( !(ulCandRanges[unLongIndex] & nMult) )
return 65000;
return 0;
int GetSigPenalty(ULONG ulCandRanges[6], ULONG ulReqRanges[6], double dRangeWeight = 1, bool bPenaltyForSuperflouous = false)
double dPenalty = 0;
unsigned char arrCandidate[192], arrRequest[192];
memset( arrCandidate, 0x00, 192 );
memset( arrRequest, 0x00, 192 );
int nRangesCount = 0;
int nAddCount = 0;
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 6; nIndex++ )
for ( unsigned long nBitCount = 0, nBit = 1; nBitCount < 32; nBitCount++, nBit *= 2 )
if ( ulReqRanges[nIndex] & nBit )
arrRequest[ nIndex * 32 + nBitCount ] = 1;
bReqAdd = TRUE;
if ( ulCandRanges[nIndex] & nBit )
arrCandidate[ nIndex * 32 + nBitCount ] = 1;
if ( !bReqAdd )
if ( 0 == nRangesCount )
return 0;
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 192; nIndex++ )
if ( 1 == arrRequest[nIndex] && 0 == arrCandidate[nIndex] )
dPenalty += dRangeWeight;
else if ( bPenaltyForSuperflouous && 0 == arrRequest[nIndex] && 1 == arrCandidate[nIndex] )
dPenalty += dRangeWeight;
return (int)dPenalty;
int GetFixedPitchPenalty(BOOL bCandFixed, BOOL bReqFixed)
int nPenalty = 0;
if ( bReqFixed && !bCandFixed )
nPenalty = 15000;
if ( !bReqFixed && bCandFixed )
nPenalty = 350;
return nPenalty;
int GetFaceNamePenalty(CString sCandName, CString sReqName)
sCandName.Remove(' '); sReqName.Remove(' ');
sCandName.Remove(','); sReqName.Remove(',');
sCandName.Remove('-'); sReqName.Remove('-');
sCandName.MakeLower(); sReqName.MakeLower();
if ( 0 == sReqName.GetLength() )
return 0;
if ( 0 == sCandName.GetLength() )
return 10000;
if ( sReqName == sCandName )
return 0;
else if ( -1 != sReqName.Find( sCandName ) || -1 != sCandName.Find( sReqName ) )
return 1000;
return 10000;
int GetFamilyUnlikelyPenalty(SHORT nCandFamilyClass, SHORT nReqFamilyClass)
int nReqClassID = nReqFamilyClass >> 8;
int nCandClassID = nCandFamilyClass >> 8;
if ( 0 == nReqClassID )
return 0;
if ( 0 == nCandClassID )
return 50;
if ( ( nReqClassID <= 8 && nCandClassID > 8 ) || ( nReqClassID > 8 && nCandClassID <= 8 ) )
return 50;
return 0;
int GetFamilyUnlikelyPenalty(int nCandFamilyClass, CString sReqFamilyClass)
int nCandClassID = nCandFamilyClass >> 8;
if ( _T("any") == sReqFamilyClass || _T("unknown") == sReqFamilyClass )
return 0;
else if ( 0 == nCandClassID )
return 50;
else if ( ( ( _T("swiss") == sReqFamilyClass || _T("roman") == sReqFamilyClass || _T("modern") == sReqFamilyClass ) && nCandClassID > 8 ) || ( ( _T("decorative") == sReqFamilyClass || _T("script") == sReqFamilyClass ) && nCandClassID <= 8 ) )
return 50;
return 0;
int GetWidthPenalty(USHORT usCandWidth, USHORT usReqWidth)
return abs( (int)usCandWidth - (int)usReqWidth ) * 50;
int GetWeightPenalty(USHORT usCandWeight, USHORT usReqWeight)
return (3 * ( abs( (int)usCandWeight - (int)usReqWeight ) / 10 ));
int GetItalicPenalty(BOOL bCandItalic, BOOL bReqItalic)
if ( bCandItalic != bReqItalic )
return 4;
return 0;
int GetBoldPenalty(BOOL bCandBold, BOOL bReqBold)
if ( bCandBold != bReqBold )
return 1;
return 0;
int GetFontFormatPenalty(EFontFormat eCandFormat, EFontFormat eReqFormat)
if ( eReqFormat == fontUnknown )
if ( eCandFormat == fontTrueType )
return 4;
return 0;
if ( eCandFormat != eReqFormat )
return 4;
return 0;
int GetPanosePenalty(BYTE *pCandPanose, BYTE *pReqPanose)
int nPenalty = 0;
for ( int nIndex = 0; nIndex < 10; nIndex++ )
if ( pCandPanose[nIndex] != pReqPanose[nIndex] && 0 != pReqPanose[nIndex] )
int nKoef = abs(pCandPanose[nIndex] - pReqPanose[nIndex]);
case 0: nPenalty += 1000 * nKoef; break;
case 1: nPenalty += 100 * nKoef; break;
case 2: nPenalty += 100 * nKoef; break;
case 3: nPenalty += 100 * nKoef; break;
case 4: nPenalty += 100 * nKoef; break;
case 5: nPenalty += 100 * nKoef; break;
case 6: nPenalty += 100 * nKoef; break;
case 7: nPenalty += 100 * nKoef; break;
case 8: nPenalty += 100 * nKoef; break;
case 9: nPenalty += 100 * nKoef; break;
return nPenalty;
int GetAvgWidthPenalty(SHORT shCandWidth, SHORT shReqWidth)
if ( 0 == shCandWidth && 0 != shReqWidth )
return 4000;
return abs( shCandWidth - shReqWidth ) * 4;
int GetAscentPenalty(SHORT shCandAscent, SHORT shReqAscent)
if ( 0 == shCandAscent && 0 != shReqAscent )
return 100;
return abs( shCandAscent - shReqAscent ) / 10;
int GetDescentPenalty(SHORT shCandDescent, SHORT shReqDescent)
if ( 0 == shCandDescent && 0 != shReqDescent )
return 100;
return abs( shCandDescent - shReqDescent ) / 10;
int GetLineGapPenalty(SHORT shCandLineGap, SHORT shReqLineGap)
if ( 0 == shCandLineGap && 0 != shReqLineGap )
return 100;
return abs( shCandLineGap - shReqLineGap ) / 10;
int GetXHeightPenalty(SHORT shCandXHeight, SHORT shReqXHeight)
if ( 0 == shCandXHeight && 0 != shReqXHeight )
return 50;
return abs( shCandXHeight - shReqXHeight ) / 20;
int GetCapHeightPenalty(SHORT shCandCapHeight, SHORT shReqCapHeight)
if ( 0 == shCandCapHeight && 0 != shReqCapHeight )
return 50;
return abs( shCandCapHeight - shReqCapHeight ) / 20;
CString GetAllStylesByFontName(const CString& strName)
CString strAllStyles = _T("<styles>");
int nCount = m_pFonts->GetLength();
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
CWinFontInfo* pInfo = GetByIndex(i);
if (pInfo->m_wsFontName == strName)
LONG lStyle = 0;
if (pInfo->m_bBold)
lStyle |= 1;
if (pInfo->m_bItalic)
lStyle |= 2;
CString strPath = pInfo->m_wsFontPath;
strPath.Replace(_T("'"), _T("'"));
strPath.Replace(_T("<"), _T("<"));
strPath.Replace(_T(">"), _T(">"));
strPath.Replace(_T("\""), _T("""));
strPath.Replace(_T("&"), _T("&"));
CString s = _T("");
s.Format(_T("<font style=\"%d\" path=\"%s\" faceindex=\"%d\"/>"), lStyle, strPath, pInfo->m_lIndex);
strAllStyles += s;
strAllStyles += _T("</styles>");
return strAllStyles;
CList *m_pFonts;
wchar_t m_wsWinFontDir[MAX_PATH];
long m_lDefIndex;
#endif |