2020-12-23 13:08:41 +00:00
const { client , logger } = require ( '../index' ) ;
2020-11-28 16:38:23 +00:00
const Enmap = require ( 'enmap' ) ;
// Stores the karma and coins of users
const karma = new Enmap ( { name : "karma" } ) ;
const coins = new Enmap ( { name : "coins" } ) ;
module . exports . karma = karma ;
module . exports . coins = coins ;
const upvoteID = '719181283393142786' ;
const downvoteID = '719181283774955540' ;
// Awards
const awards = {
"731192828415443116" : {
name : "Silver" ,
cost : 100 ,
give : 0 ,
role : "733407208536277113"
} ,
"731192829262692372" : {
name : "Gold" ,
cost : 500 ,
give : 100 ,
role : "733407216199008416"
} ,
"731192942080950333" : {
name : "Platinum" ,
cost : 1800 ,
give : 700 ,
role : "733407213900660807"
} ,
"731508866273247252" : {
name : "Argentium" ,
cost : 20000 ,
give : 2500 ,
role : "733407211178557583"
} ,
"739266335128944683" : {
name : "Argentobamium" ,
cost : 100000 ,
give : 69420 ,
role : "739266563038904421"
2020-12-23 12:58:04 +00:00
let timeouts = { }
2020-11-28 16:38:23 +00:00
module . exports . run = ( ) => {
client . on ( 'messageReactionAdd' , async function ( reaction , user ) {
// Fetch reaction and user if they are partial
if ( reaction . partial ) reaction = await reaction . fetch ( ) ;
if ( user . partial ) reaction = await user . fetch ( ) ;
if ( reaction . message . author . bot ) return ; // Dont give karma to bots
await addToDatabase ( reaction . message . author . id ) ; // Add the user to the database
if ( ! reaction . emoji . id ) return ; // Return when emoji has no ID (is a "default" emoji)
if ( user . bot ) return ; // Don't accept reactions from bots.
if ( ! reaction . message . guild ) return ; // Don't accept reactions from DMs
const message = reaction . message ; // The message object the reaction was added to
if ( reaction . emoji . id == upvoteID ) {
karma . inc ( message . author . id ) ;
return ;
else if ( reaction . emoji . id == downvoteID ) {
karma . dec ( message . author . id ) ;
return ;
} else if ( awards [ reaction . emoji . id ] ) {
let award = awards [ reaction . emoji . id ] ;
2020-12-23 12:58:04 +00:00
2021-02-07 15:37:03 +00:00
let noTimeout = ( ! timeouts [ user . id ] || timeouts [ user . id ] < Date . now ( ) ) ;
2020-12-23 12:58:04 +00:00
let perms = message . channel . permissionsFor ( user . id ) ;
2020-12-23 13:08:41 +00:00
if ( ! perms . has ( 'SEND_MESSAGES' ) || ! perms . has ( 'ADD_REACTIONS' ) ) {
2020-12-23 13:12:45 +00:00
logger . warn ( ` ${ user . tag } => Ignoring reaction in # ${ message . channel . name } : User is missing permission ` ) ;
2020-12-23 13:08:41 +00:00
reaction . users . remove ( user . id ) ;
return ;
2020-12-23 12:58:04 +00:00
2020-11-28 16:38:23 +00:00
if ( coins . get ( user . id ) < award . cost ) {
2020-12-23 13:03:07 +00:00
if ( noTimeout ) message . channel . send ( ` ${ user } , you don't have sufficient coins to use this award. ` ) ;
2020-11-28 16:38:23 +00:00
reaction . users . remove ( user . id ) ;
2020-12-23 12:58:04 +00:00
timeouts [ user . id ] = Date . now ( ) + 5000 ;
2020-11-28 16:38:23 +00:00
return ;
if ( message . author . id == user . id ) {
reaction . users . remove ( user . id ) ;
2020-12-23 13:03:07 +00:00
if ( noTimeout ) message . channel . send ( ` ${ user } , why would you give an award to yourself? smh my head ` ) ;
2020-12-23 12:58:04 +00:00
timeouts [ user . id ] = Date . now ( ) + 5000 ;
return ;
2020-11-28 16:38:23 +00:00
coins . set ( user . id , ( coins . get ( user . id ) - award . cost ) ) ;
coins . set ( message . author . id , ( coins . get ( message . author . id ) + award . give ) ) ;
message . channel . send ( ` ${ user } just gave the ${ client . emojis . cache . get ( reaction . emoji . id ) . toString ( ) } ${ award . name } award (Price: ${ award . cost } coins) to ${ message . author } ${ award . give > 0 ? ` . ${ message . author . username } has received ${ award . give } coins ` : '' } ! ` ) ;
require ( './karma' ) . updateRoles ( user . id ) ;
require ( './karma' ) . updateRoles ( message . author . id ) ;
} ) ;
client . on ( 'messageReactionRemove' , async function ( reaction , user ) {
// Fetch reaction and user if they are partial
if ( reaction . partial ) reaction = await reaction . fetch ( ) ;
if ( user . partial ) reaction = await user . fetch ( ) ;
await addToDatabase ( reaction . message . author . id ) ; // Add the user to the database
if ( ! reaction . emoji . id ) return ; // Return when emoji has no ID (is a "default" emoji)
if ( user . bot ) return ; // Don't accept reactions from bots.
if ( ! reaction . message . guild ) return ; // Don't accept reactions from DMs
const message = reaction . message ; // The message object the reaction was added to
if ( reaction . emoji . id == upvoteID ) {
karma . dec ( message . author . id ) ;
return ;
else if ( reaction . emoji . id == downvoteID ) {
karma . dec ( message . author . id ) ;
return ;
} ) ;
// Milestones for reaching certain karma values
function milestone ( id ) {
// Reset a user's coin/karma count when its not of type number
async function addToDatabase ( id ) {
if ( ! id ) return ;
if ( typeof karma . get ( id ) != 'number' ) karma . set ( id , 0 ) ;
if ( typeof coins . get ( id ) != 'number' ) coins . set ( id , 100 ) ;
return ;
module . exports . updateRoles = function ( id ) {
let member = client . guilds . cache . get ( '653568812578373643' ) . members . cache . get ( id ) ;
let membercoins = coins . get ( member . id ) ;
Object . keys ( awards ) . forEach ( awardid => {
let award = awards [ awardid ] ;
if ( member . roles . cache . has ( award . role ) ) {
if ( membercoins < award . cost ) member . roles . remove ( award . role ) ;
} else {
if ( membercoins >= award . cost ) member . roles . add ( award . role ) ;
} ) ;