feat(YouTube): Improve patch descriptions (#2519)
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.immutable.reference.ImmutableStringRefere
import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.util.MethodUtil
* A patch that allows Google apps to run without root and under a different package name
* A patch that allows patched Google apps to run without root and under a different package name
* by using GmsCore instead of Google Play Services.
* @param fromPackageName The package name of the original app.
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ abstract class AbstractGmsCoreSupportPatch(
fingerprints: Set<MethodFingerprint> = emptySet(),
) : BytecodePatch(
name = "GmsCore support",
description = "Allows Google apps to run without root and under a different package name " +
description = "Allows patched Google apps to run without root and under a different package name " +
"by using GmsCore instead of Google Play Services.",
dependencies = setOf(ChangePackageNamePatch::class, abstractGmsCoreSupportResourcePatch::class) + dependencies,
compatiblePackages = compatiblePackages,
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.formats.Instruction35c
name = "Hide ads",
description = "Removes general ads.",
description = "Adds options to remove general ads.",
dependencies = [
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Video ads",
description = "Removes ads in the video player.",
description = "Adds an option to remove ads in the video player.",
dependencies = [
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.playercontrols.PlayerControlsBytecodePa
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.video.information.VideoInformationPatch
name = "Copy video url",
description = "Adds buttons in player to copy video links.",
name = "Copy video URL",
description = "Adds options to display buttons in the video player to copy video URLs.",
dependencies = [
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.FiveRegisterInstruction
name = "Remove viewer discretion dialog",
description = "Removes the dialog that appears when you try to watch a video that has been age-restricted " +
description = "Adds an option to remove the dialog that appears when opening a video that has been age-restricted " +
"by accepting it automatically. This does not bypass the age restriction.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ object RemoveViewerDiscretionDialogPatch : BytecodePatch(
"This does not bypass the age restriction, it just accepts it automatically."
"This does not bypass the age restriction. It just accepts it automatically."
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.video.information.VideoInformationPatch
name = "External downloads",
description = "Adds support to download and save YouTube videos using an external app.",
description = "Adds support to download and save YouTube videos using an external downloader app.",
dependencies = [
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.FiveRegisterInstruction
name = "Disable precise seeking gesture",
description = "Disables the gesture that is used to seek precisely when swiping up on the seekbar.",
description = "Adds an option to disable precise seeking when swiping up on the seekbar.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.reference.MethodReference
name = "Seekbar tapping",
description = "Enables tap-to-seek on the seekbar of the video player.",
description = "Adds an option to enable tap-to-seek on the seekbar of the video player.",
dependencies = [
IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Enable slide to seek",
description = "Enable slide to seek instead of playing at 2x speed when pressing and holding in the video player.",
description = "Adds an option to enable slide to seek instead of playing at 2x speed when pressing and holding in the video player.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.immutable.ImmutableMethod
name = "Swipe controls",
description = "Adds volume and brightness swipe controls.",
description = "Adds options to enable and configure volume and brightness swipe controls.",
dependencies = [
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Disable auto captions",
description = "Disable forced captions from being automatically enabled.",
description = "Adds an option to disable captions from being automatically enabled.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import java.nio.file.Files
name = "Custom branding",
description = "Changes the app name and icon to your choice (defaults to \"YouTube ReVanced\" and the ReVanced logo).",
description = "Applies a custom app name and icon. Defaults to \"YouTube ReVanced\" and the ReVanced logo.",
compatiblePackages = [
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import kotlin.io.path.copyTo
name = "Premium heading",
description = "Show or hide the premium heading.",
description = "Adds or removes the YouTube Premium logo at the top of feeds.",
compatiblePackages = [
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ object PremiumHeadingPatch : ResourcePatch() {
key = "usePremiumHeading",
default = true,
title = "Use premium heading",
description = "Whether to use the premium heading.",
description = "Whether to use the YouTube Premium logo.",
required = true,
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Hide video action buttons",
description = "Adds options to hide action buttons under a video.",
description = "Adds options to hide action buttons (such as the Download button) under videos.",
dependencies = [
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.reference.MethodReference
name = "Hide autoplay button",
description = "Hides the autoplay button in the video player.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the autoplay button in the video player.",
dependencies = [
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.Opcode
name = "Hide captions button",
description = "Hides the captions button in the video player.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the captions button in the video player.",
dependencies = [
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Hide cast button",
description = "Hides the cast button in the video player.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the cast button in the video player.",
dependencies = [
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Navigation buttons",
description = "Adds options to hide or change navigation buttons.",
description = "Adds options to hide and change navigation buttons (such as the Shorts button).",
dependencies = [
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.formats.Instruction3rc
name = "Hide player buttons",
description = "Hides previous and next buttons in the video player.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the previous and next buttons in the video player.",
dependencies = [
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Hide album cards",
description = "Hides the album cards below the artist description.",
description = "Adds an option to hide album cards below artist descriptions.",
dependencies = [
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Hide breaking news shelf",
description = "Hides the breaking news shelf on the homepage tab.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the breaking news shelf on the homepage tab.",
dependencies = [
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Comments",
description = "Hides components related to comments.",
description = "Adds options to hide components related to comments.",
dependencies = [
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.TwoRegisterInstruction
name = "Hide crowdfunding box",
description = "Hides the crowdfunding box between the player and video description.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the crowdfunding box between the player and video description.",
dependencies = [
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.formats.Instruction21c
name = "Hide endscreen cards",
description = "Hides the suggested video cards at the end of videos.",
description = "Adds an option to hide suggested video cards at the end of videos.",
dependencies = [
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.TwoRegisterInstruction
name = "Hide filter bar",
description = "Hides the filter bar in video feeds.",
description = "Adds options to hide the category bar at the top of video feeds.",
dependencies = [HideFilterBarResourcePatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.TwoRegisterInstruction
name = "Hide floating microphone button",
description = "Hides the floating microphone button which appears in search.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the floating microphone button when searching.",
dependencies = [HideFloatingMicrophoneButtonResourcePatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Disable fullscreen ambient mode",
description = "Disables the ambient mode when in fullscreen.",
description = "Adds an option to disable the ambient mode when in fullscreen.",
dependencies = [SettingsPatch::class, IntegrationsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.TwoRegisterInstruction
name = "Hide layout components",
description = "Hides general layout components.",
description = "Adds options to hide general layout components.",
dependencies = [
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.ReferenceInstruction
name = "Hide info cards",
description = "Hides info cards in videos.",
description = "Adds an option to hide info cards that creators add in the video player.",
dependencies = [
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Hide \'Load more\' button",
description = "Hides the button under videos that loads similar videos.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the button under videos that loads similar videos.",
dependencies = [HideLoadMoreButtonResourcePatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Player flyout menu",
description = "Hides player flyout menu items.",
description = "Adds options to hide menu items that appear when pressing the gear icon in the video player.",
dependencies = [
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Disable rolling number animations",
description = "Disables rolling number animations of video view count, user likes, and upload time.",
description = "Adds an option to disable rolling number animations of video view count, user likes, and upload time.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.shared.fingerprints.SeekbarOnDrawFingerprint
name = "Hide seekbar",
description = "Hides the seekbar.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the seekbar.",
dependencies = [
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.TwoRegisterInstruction
name = "Hide Shorts components",
description = "Hides components from YouTube Shorts.",
description = "Adds options to hide components related to YouTube Shorts.",
dependencies = [
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.FiveRegisterInstruction
name = "Disable suggested video end screen",
description = "Disables the suggested video end screen at the end of a video.",
description = "Adds an option to disable the suggested video end screen at the end of videos.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, DisableSuggestedVideoEndScreenResourcePatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Hide timestamp",
description = "Hides timestamp in video player.",
description = "Adds an option to hide the timestamp in the bottom left of the video player.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Disable player popup panels",
description = "Disables panels (such as live chat) from opening automatically.",
description = "Adds an option to disable panels (such as live chat) from opening automatically.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import org.w3c.dom.Element
name = "Remove player controls background",
description = "Removes the background from the video player controls.",
description = "Removes the dark background surrounding the video player controls.",
compatiblePackages = [
"com.google.android.youtube", [
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Custom player overlay opacity",
description = "Change the opacity of the player background when player controls are visible.",
description = "Adds an option to change the opacity of the video player background when player controls are visible.",
dependencies = [CustomPlayerOverlayOpacityResourcePatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.reference.MethodReference
name = "Return YouTube Dislike",
description = "Shows the dislike count of videos using the Return YouTube Dislike API.",
description = "Adds an option to show the dislike count of videos using the Return YouTube Dislike API.",
dependencies = [
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Wide searchbar",
description = "Replaces the search icon with a wide search bar. This will hide the YouTube logo when active.",
description = "Adds an option to replace the search icon with a wide search bar. This will hide the YouTube logo when active.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Restore old seekbar thumbnails",
description = "Restores the old seekbar thumbnails that appear above the seekbar instead of fullscreen thumbnails.",
description = "Adds an option to restore the old seekbar thumbnails that appear above the seekbar while seeking instead of fullscreen thumbnails.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SeekbarPreferencesPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.reference.StringReference
name = "SponsorBlock",
description = "Integrates SponsorBlock, which can skip undesired video segments such as sponsored content.",
description = "Adds options to enable and configure SponsorBlock, which can skip undesired video segments such as sponsored content.",
compatiblePackages = [
"com.google.android.youtube", [
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Spoof app version",
description = "Tricks YouTube into thinking you are running an older version of the app. " +
description = "Adds an option to trick YouTube into thinking you are running an older version of the app. " +
"This can be used to restore old UI elements and features.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import app.revanced.util.exception
name = "Change start page",
description = "Changes the start page of the app.",
description = "Adds an option to set which page the app opens in instead of the homepage.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Disable resuming Shorts on startup",
description = "Disables resuming the Shorts player on app startup if a Short was last opened.",
description = "Adds an option to disable the Shorts player from resuming on app startup when Shorts were last being watched.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Enable tablet layout",
description = "Spoofs the device form factor to a tablet which enables the tablet layout.",
description = "Adds an option to spoof the device form factor to a tablet which enables the tablet layout.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [CompatiblePackage("com.google.android.youtube")]
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Tablet mini player",
description = "Enables the tablet mini player layout.",
description = "Adds an option to enable the tablet mini player layout.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Theme",
description = "Applies a custom theme.",
description = "Adds options for theming and applies a custom background theme (dark background theme defaults to amoled black).",
dependencies = [
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.immutable.ImmutableMethod
name = "Alternative thumbnails",
description = "Adds options to replace video thumbnails with still image captures of the video.",
description = "Adds options to replace video thumbnails using the DeArrow API or image captures from the video.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class, AlternativeThumbnailsResourcePatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ object AlternativeThumbnailsPatch : BytecodePatch(
"DeArrow provides crowd-sourced thumbnails for YouTube videos. " +
"These thumbnails are often more relevant than those provided by YouTube. " +
"If enabled, video URLs will be sent to the API server and no other data is sent."
"If enabled, video URLs will be sent to the API server and no other data is sent"
+ "\\n\\nTap here to learn more about DeArrow"
// Custom about preference with link to the DeArrow website.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.Opcode
name = "Announcements",
description = "Shows ReVanced announcements on startup.",
description = "Adds an option to show announcements from ReVanced on app startup.",
compatiblePackages = [CompatiblePackage("com.google.android.youtube")],
dependencies = [SettingsPatch::class]
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Always autorepeat",
description = "Always repeats the playing video again.",
name = "Always repeat",
description = "Adds an option to always repeat videos when they end.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Enable debugging",
description = "Adds debugging options.",
description = "Adds options for debugging.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [CompatiblePackage("com.google.android.youtube")]
@ -14,8 +14,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.SettingsPatch
name = "Spoof device dimensions",
description = "Spoofs the device dimensions in order to unlock higher video qualities " +
"that may not be available on your device.",
description = "Adds an option to spoof the device dimensions which unlocks higher video qualities if they aren't available on the device.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -42,7 +41,11 @@ object SpoofDeviceDimensionsPatch : BytecodePatch(
StringResource("revanced_spoof_device_dimensions_title", "Spoof device dimensions"),
StringResource("revanced_spoof_device_dimensions_summary_on", "Device dimensions spoofed"),
StringResource("revanced_spoof_device_dimensions_summary_off", "Device dimensions not spoofed"),
"Device dimensions not spoofed\\n\\n"
+ "Spoofing the device dimensions can unlock higher video qualities but unknown side effects may occur"
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.FiveRegisterInstruction
name = "Client spoof",
description = "Spoofs the client to allow playback.",
description = "Adds options to spoof the client to allow video playback.",
dependencies = [SpoofSignaturePatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.FiveRegisterInstruction
name = "Bypass URL redirects",
description = "Bypass URL redirects and open the original URL directly.",
description = "Adds an option to bypass URL redirects and open the original URL directly.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.reference.StringReference
name = "Open links externally",
description = "Open links outside of the app directly in your browser.",
description = "Adds an option to always open links in your browser instead of in the in-app-browser.",
compatiblePackages = [
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.reference.MethodReference
name = "Minimized playback",
description = "Enables minimized and background playback.",
description = "Unlocks options for picture-in-picture and background playback.",
dependencies = [
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.TwoRegisterInstruction
name = "Remove tracking query parameter",
description = "Remove the tracking query parameter from links you share.",
description = "Adds an option to remove the tracking info from links you share.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.zoomhaptics.fingerprints.ZoomHapticsFin
name = "Disable zoom haptics",
description = "Disables haptics when zooming.",
description = "Adds an option to disable haptics when zooming.",
dependencies = [SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [CompatiblePackage("com.google.android.youtube")]
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.reference.FieldReference
name = "HDR auto brightness",
description = "Makes the brightness of HDR videos follow the system default.",
description = "Adds an option to make the brightness of HDR videos follow the system default.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.reference.FieldReference
name = "Remember video quality",
description = "Adds the ability to remember the last video quality selected.",
description = "Adds an option to remember the last video quality selected.",
dependencies = [IntegrationsPatch::class, VideoInformationPatch::class, SettingsPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import app.revanced.patches.youtube.video.speed.remember.RememberPlaybackSpeedPa
name = "Playback speed",
description = "Adds custom playback speeds and ability to remember the last playback speed selected.",
description = "Adds options to customize available playback speeds and to remember the last playback speed selected.",
dependencies = [CustomPlaybackSpeedPatch::class, RememberPlaybackSpeedPatch::class],
compatiblePackages = [
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import com.android.tools.smali.dexlib2.iface.instruction.OneRegisterInstruction
name = "Restore old video quality menu",
description = "Restores the old video quality with advanced video quality options.",
description = "Adds an option to restore the old video quality menu with specific video resolution options.",
dependencies = [
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<string name="revanced_ryd_about">About</string>
<string name="revanced_ryd_attribution_title">ReturnYouTubeDislike.com</string>
<string name="revanced_ryd_attribution_summary">Data is provided by the Return YouTube Dislike API. Tap here to learn more.</string>
<string name="revanced_ryd_attribution_summary">Data is provided by the Return YouTube Dislike API. Tap here to learn more</string>
<string name="revanced_ryd_statistics_category_title">ReturnYouTubeDislike API statistics of this device</string>
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
<string name="sb_api_url_changed">API URL changed</string>
<string name="sb_settings_ie">Import/Export settings</string>
<string name="sb_settings_copy">Copy</string>
<string name="sb_settings_ie_sum">Your SponsorBlock JSON configuration that can be imported/exported to ReVanced and other SponsorBlock platforms. %s</string>
<string name="sb_settings_ie_sum">Your SponsorBlock JSON configuration that can be imported/exported to ReVanced and other SponsorBlock platforms %s</string>
<string name="sb_settings_ie_sum_warning">This includes your private user id. Be sure to share this wisely</string>
<string name="sb_settings_import_successful">Settings imported successfully</string>
<string name="sb_settings_import_failed">Failed to import: %s</string>
Reference in a new issue