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package app.revanced.util.resources
import app.revanced.patcher.data.impl.DomFileEditor
import app.revanced.patcher.data.impl.ResourceData
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.bytecode.patch.SettingsPatch
import app.revanced.patches.youtube.misc.settings.framework.components.impl.StringResource
import org.w3c.dom.Node
import java.nio.file.Files
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption
internal object ResourceUtils {
* Settings related utilities
internal object Settings {
* Merge strings. This handles [StringResource]s automatically.
* @param host The hosting xml resource. Needs to be a valid strings.xml resource.
internal fun ResourceData.mergeStrings(host: String) {
this.iterateXmlNodeChildren(host, "resources") {
// TODO: figure out why this is needed
if (!it.hasAttributes()) return@iterateXmlNodeChildren
val attributes = it.attributes
val key = attributes.getNamedItem("name")!!.nodeValue!!
val value = it.textContent!!
val formatted = attributes.getNamedItem("formatted") == null
SettingsPatch.addString(key, value, formatted)
* Copy resources from the current class loader to the resource directory.
* @param sourceResourceDirectory The source resource directory name.
* @param resources The resources to copy.
internal fun ResourceData.copyResources(sourceResourceDirectory: String, vararg resources: ResourceGroup) {
val classLoader = ResourceUtils.javaClass.classLoader
val targetResourceDirectory = this["res"]
for (resourceGroup in resources) {
resourceGroup.resources.forEach { resource ->
val resourceFile = "${resourceGroup.resourceDirectoryName}/$resource"
targetResourceDirectory.resolve(resourceFile).toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING
* Resource names mapped to their corresponding resource data.
* @param resourceDirectoryName The name of the directory of the resource.
* @param resources A list of resource names.
internal class ResourceGroup(val resourceDirectoryName: String, vararg val resources: String)
* Iterate through the children of a node by its tag.
* @param resource The xml resource.
* @param targetTag The target xml node.
* @param callback The callback to call when iterating over the nodes.
internal fun ResourceData.iterateXmlNodeChildren(resource: String, targetTag: String, callback: (node: Node) -> Unit) =
xmlEditor[ResourceUtils.javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resource)!!].use {
val stringsNode = it.file.getElementsByTagName(targetTag).item(0).childNodes
for (i in 1 until stringsNode.length - 1) callback(stringsNode.item(i))
* Copies the specified node of the source [DomFileEditor] to the target [DomFileEditor].
* @param source the source [DomFileEditor].
* @param target the target [DomFileEditor]-
* @return AutoCloseable that closes the target [DomFileEditor]s.
fun String.copyXmlNode(source: DomFileEditor, target: DomFileEditor): AutoCloseable {
val hostNodes = source.file.getElementsByTagName(this).item(0).childNodes
val destinationResourceFile = target.file
val destinationNode = destinationResourceFile.getElementsByTagName(this).item(0)
for (index in 0 until hostNodes.length) {
val node = hostNodes.item(index).cloneNode(true)
return AutoCloseable {
} |