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2022-02-19 21:37:16 +00:00
* grunt-inline
* https://github.com/chyingp/grunt-inline
* Copyright (c) 2015 Auguest G. casper & IMWEB TEAM
'use strict';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
var path = require('path');
var datauri = require('datauri');
var UglifyJS = require("uglify-js");
var CleanCSS = require('clean-css');
grunt.registerMultiTask('inline', "Replaces <link>, <script> and <img> tags to their inline contents", function() {
var options = this.options({tag: '__inline'}),
uglify = !!options.uglify,
cssmin = !!options.cssmin,
relativeTo = this.options().relativeTo,
exts = options.exts,
dest = this.data.dest,
isExpandedPair = filePair.orig.expand || false;
var fileType = path.extname(filepath).replace(/^\./, '');
var fileContent = grunt.file.read(filepath);
var destFilepath = '';
grunt.log.write('Processing ' + filepath + '...')
if(fileType==='html' || (exts && exts.indexOf(fileType) > -1)){
fileContent = html(filepath, fileContent, relativeTo, options);
}else if(fileType==='css'){
fileContent = css(filepath, fileContent, relativeTo, options);
if(detectDestType(filePair.dest) === 'directory') {
destFilepath = (isExpandedPair) ? filePair.dest : unixifyPath(path.join(filePair.dest, filepath));
destFilepath = filePair.dest || filepath;
grunt.file.write(destFilepath, fileContent);
function isRemotePath( url ){
return url.match(/^'?https?:\/\//) || url.match(/^\/\//);
function isBase64Path( url ){
return url.match(/^'?data.*base64/);
// code from grunt-contrib-copy, with a little modification
function detectDestType(dest) {
if (grunt.util._.endsWith(dest, '/')) {
return 'directory';
} else {
return 'file';
function unixifyPath(filepath) {
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
return filepath.replace(/\\/g, '/');
} else {
return filepath;
// from grunt-text-replace.js in grunt-text-replace
function getPathToDestination(pathToSource, pathToDestinationFile) {
var isDestinationDirectory = (/\/$/).test(pathToDestinationFile);
var fileName = path.basename(pathToSource);
var newPathToDestination;
if (typeof pathToDestinationFile === 'undefined') {
newPathToDestination = pathToSource;
} else {
newPathToDestination = pathToDestinationFile + (isDestinationDirectory ? fileName : '');
return newPathToDestination;
function html(filepath, fileContent, relativeTo, options){
filepath = filepath.replace(/[^\/]+\//, relativeTo);
fileContent = fileContent.replace(/<inline.+?src=["']([^"']+?)["']\s*?\/>/g, function(matchedWord, src){
var ret = matchedWord;
if(isRemotePath(src) || !grunt.file.isPathAbsolute(src)){
var inlineFilePath = path.resolve( path.dirname(filepath), src );
if( grunt.file.exists(inlineFilePath) ){
ret = grunt.file.read( inlineFilePath );
// @otod need to be checked, add bye herbert
var _more = src.match(/^(..\/)+/ig);
if(_more = _more && _more[0]){
var _addMore = function(){
var _ret = arguments[0],_src = arguments[2];
_ret =arguments[1] + _more + arguments[2] + arguments[3];
grunt.log.writeln('inline >含有相对目录进行替换操作,替换之后的路径:' + _ret );
return _ret;
ret = ret.replace(/(<script.+?src=["'])([^"']+?)(["'].*?><\/script>)/g,_addMore);
grunt.log.error("Couldn't find " + inlineFilePath + '!');
return ret;
}).replace(/<script.+?src=["']([^"']+?)["'].*?>\s*<\/script>/g, function(matchedWord, src){
var ret = matchedWord;
if(!isRemotePath(src) && src.indexOf(options.tag)!=-1){
var inlineFilePath = path.resolve( path.dirname(filepath), src ).replace(/\?.*$/, ''); // 将参数去掉
if( grunt.file.exists(inlineFilePath) ) {
const rawstr = grunt.file.read(inlineFilePath);
let c = rawstr;
if ( options.uglify ) {
const uglstr = UglifyJS.minify(rawstr);
if ( uglstr.error == undefined )
c = uglstr.code;
else grunt.log.error("uglify error " + uglstr.code);
ret = '<script>\n' + c + '\n</script>';
grunt.log.error("Couldn't find " + inlineFilePath + '!');
grunt.log.debug('ret = : ' + ret +'\n');
return ret;
}).replace(/<link.+?href=["']([^"']+?)["'].*?\/?>/g, function(matchedWord, src){
var ret = matchedWord;
if(!isRemotePath(src) && src.indexOf(options.tag)!=-1){
var inlineFilePath = path.resolve( path.dirname(filepath), src ).replace(/\?.*$/, ''); // 将参数去掉
if( grunt.file.exists(inlineFilePath) ){
var styleSheetContent = grunt.file.read( inlineFilePath );
ret = '<style>\n' + cssInlineToHtml(filepath, inlineFilePath, styleSheetContent, relativeTo, options) + '\n</style>';
grunt.log.error("Couldn't find " + inlineFilePath + '!');
grunt.log.debug('ret = : ' + ret +'\n');
return ret;
}).replace(/<img.+?src=["']([^"':]+?)["'].*?\/?\s*?>/g, function(matchedWord, src){
var ret = matchedWord;
if(!grunt.file.isPathAbsolute(src) && src.indexOf(options.tag)!=-1){
var inlineFilePath = path.resolve( path.dirname(filepath), src ).replace(/\?.*$/, ''); // 将参数去掉
if( grunt.file.exists(inlineFilePath) ){
ret = matchedWord.replace(src, (new datauri(inlineFilePath)).content);
grunt.log.error("Couldn't find " + inlineFilePath + '!');
grunt.log.debug('ret = : ' + ret +'\n');
return ret;
return fileContent;
function css(filepath, fileContent, relativeTo, options) {
filepath = filepath.replace(/[^\/]+\//g, relativeTo);
fileContent = fileContent.replace(/url\(["']*([^)'"]+)["']*\)/g, function(matchedWord, imgUrl){
var newUrl = imgUrl;
var flag = imgUrl.indexOf(options.tag)!=-1; // urls like "img/bg.png?__inline" will be transformed to base64
if(isBase64Path(imgUrl) || isRemotePath(imgUrl)){
return matchedWord;
grunt.log.debug( 'imgUrl: '+imgUrl);
grunt.log.debug( 'filepath: '+filepath);
var absoluteImgurl = path.resolve( path.dirname(filepath),imgUrl );
grunt.log.debug( 'absoluteImgurl: '+absoluteImgurl);
newUrl = path.relative( path.dirname(filepath), absoluteImgurl );
grunt.log.debug( 'newUrl: '+newUrl);
absoluteImgurl = absoluteImgurl.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
if(flag && grunt.file.exists(absoluteImgurl)){
newUrl = datauri(absoluteImgurl);
newUrl = newUrl.replace(/\\/g, '/');
return matchedWord.replace(imgUrl, newUrl);
fileContent = options.cssmin ? CleanCSS.process(fileContent) : fileContent;
return fileContent;
function cssInlineToHtml(htmlFilepath, filepath, fileContent, relativeTo, options) {
filepath = filepath.replace(/[^\/]+\//g, relativeTo);
fileContent = fileContent.replace(/url\(["']*([^)'"]+)["']*\)/g, function(matchedWord, imgUrl){
var newUrl = imgUrl;
var flag = !!imgUrl.match(/\?__inline/); // urls like "img/bg.png?__inline" will be transformed to base64
if(isBase64Path(imgUrl) || isRemotePath(imgUrl)){
return matchedWord;
grunt.log.debug( 'imgUrl: '+imgUrl);
grunt.log.debug( 'filepath: '+filepath);
var absoluteImgurl = path.resolve( path.dirname(filepath),imgUrl ); // img url relative to project root
grunt.log.debug( 'absoluteImgurl: '+absoluteImgurl);
newUrl = path.relative( path.dirname(htmlFilepath), absoluteImgurl ); // img url relative to the html file
grunt.log.debug([htmlFilepath, filepath, absoluteImgurl, imgUrl]);
grunt.log.debug( 'newUrl: '+newUrl);
absoluteImgurl = absoluteImgurl.replace(/\?.*$/, '');
if(flag && grunt.file.exists(absoluteImgurl)){
newUrl = datauri(absoluteImgurl);
newUrl = newUrl.replace(/\\/g, '/');
return matchedWord.replace(imgUrl, newUrl);
fileContent = options.cssmin ? CleanCSS.process(fileContent) : fileContent;
return fileContent;