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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
* @license Copyright (c) 2010-2011, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
* Available via the MIT or new BSD license.
* see: http://github.com/jrburke/requirejs for details
/*jslint plusplus: false, octal:false, strict: false */
/*global require: false, exports: false */
var fs = require('fs'),
path = require('path'),
file, prop;
function mkDir(dir) {
if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(dir, 0777);
function mkFullDir(dir) {
var parts = dir.split('/'),
currDir = '',
first = true;
parts.forEach(function (part) {
//First part may be empty string if path starts with a slash.
currDir += part + '/';
first = false;
if (part) {
file = {
backSlashRegExp: /\\/g,
getLineSeparator: function () {
return '/';
exists: function (fileName) {
return fs.existsSync(fileName);
parent: function (fileName) {
var parts = fileName.split('/');
return parts.join('/');
* Gets the absolute file path as a string, normalized
* to using front slashes for path separators.
* @param {String} fileName
absPath: function (fileName) {
return path.normalize(fs.realpathSync(fileName).replace(/\\/g, '/'));
normalize: function (fileName) {
return path.normalize(fileName);
isFile: function (path) {
return fs.statSync(path).isFile();
isDirectory: function (path) {
return fs.statSync(path).isDirectory();
getFilteredFileList: function (/*String*/startDir, /*RegExp*/regExpFilters, /*boolean?*/makeUnixPaths) {
//summary: Recurses startDir and finds matches to the files that match regExpFilters.include
//and do not match regExpFilters.exclude. Or just one regexp can be passed in for regExpFilters,
//and it will be treated as the "include" case.
//Ignores files/directories that start with a period (.).
var files = [], topDir, regExpInclude, regExpExclude, dirFileArray,
i, stat, filePath, ok, dirFiles, fileName;
topDir = startDir;
regExpInclude = regExpFilters.include || regExpFilters;
regExpExclude = regExpFilters.exclude || null;
if (fs.existsSync(topDir)) {
dirFileArray = fs.readdirSync(topDir);
for (i = 0; i < dirFileArray.length; i++) {
fileName = dirFileArray[i];
filePath = path.join(topDir, fileName);
stat = fs.statSync(filePath);
if (stat.isFile()) {
if (makeUnixPaths) {
//Make sure we have a JS string.
if (filePath.indexOf("/") === -1) {
filePath = filePath.replace(/\\/g, "/");
ok = true;
if (regExpInclude) {
ok = filePath.match(regExpInclude);
if (ok && regExpExclude) {
ok = !filePath.match(regExpExclude);
if (ok && !fileName.match(/^\./)) {
} else if (stat.isDirectory() && !fileName.match(/^\./)) {
dirFiles = this.getFilteredFileList(filePath, regExpFilters, makeUnixPaths);
files.push.apply(files, dirFiles);
return files; //Array
copyDir: function (/*String*/srcDir, /*String*/destDir, /*RegExp?*/regExpFilter, /*boolean?*/onlyCopyNew) {
//summary: copies files from srcDir to destDir using the regExpFilter to determine if the
//file should be copied. Returns a list file name strings of the destinations that were copied.
regExpFilter = regExpFilter || /\w/;
var fileNames = file.getFilteredFileList(srcDir, regExpFilter, true),
copiedFiles = [], i, srcFileName, destFileName;
for (i = 0; i < fileNames.length; i++) {
srcFileName = fileNames[i];
destFileName = srcFileName.replace(srcDir, destDir);
if (file.copyFile(srcFileName, destFileName, onlyCopyNew)) {
return copiedFiles.length ? copiedFiles : null; //Array or null
copyFile: function (/*String*/srcFileName, /*String*/destFileName, /*boolean?*/onlyCopyNew) {
//summary: copies srcFileName to destFileName. If onlyCopyNew is set, it only copies the file if
//srcFileName is newer than destFileName. Returns a boolean indicating if the copy occurred.
var parentDir;
//logger.trace("Src filename: " + srcFileName);
//logger.trace("Dest filename: " + destFileName);
//If onlyCopyNew is true, then compare dates and only copy if the src is newer
//than dest.
if (onlyCopyNew) {
if (fs.existsSync(destFileName) && fs.statSync(destFileName).mtime.getTime() >= fs.statSync(srcFileName).mtime.getTime()) {
return false; //Boolean
//Make sure destination dir exists.
parentDir = path.dirname(destFileName);
if (!fs.existsSync(parentDir)) {
fs.writeFileSync(destFileName, fs.readFileSync(srcFileName, 'binary'), 'binary');
return true; //Boolean
* Reads a *text* file.
readFile: function (/*String*/path, /*String?*/encoding) {
if (encoding === 'utf-8') {
encoding = 'utf8';
if (!encoding) {
encoding = 'utf8';
return fs.readFileSync(path, encoding);
saveUtf8File: function (/*String*/fileName, /*String*/fileContents) {
//summary: saves a *text* file using UTF-8 encoding.
file.saveFile(fileName, fileContents, "utf8");
saveFile: function (/*String*/fileName, /*String*/fileContents, /*String?*/encoding) {
//summary: saves a *text* file.
var parentDir;
if (encoding === 'utf-8') {
encoding = 'utf8';
if (!encoding) {
encoding = 'utf8';
//Make sure destination directories exist.
parentDir = path.dirname(fileName);
if (!fs.existsSync(parentDir)) {
fs.writeFileSync(fileName, fileContents, encoding);
deleteFile: function (/*String*/fileName) {
//summary: deletes a file or directory if it exists.
var files, i, stat;
if (fs.existsSync(fileName)) {
stat = fs.statSync(fileName);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
files = fs.readdirSync(fileName);
for (i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
this.deleteFile(path.join(fileName, files[i]));
} else {
for (prop in file) {
if (file.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
exports[prop] = file[prop];