2020-11-20 09:09:15 +00:00
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"About" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"textAbout" : "ກ່ຽວກັບ" ,
"textAddress" : "ທີ່ຢູ່" ,
"textBack" : "ກັບຄືນ" ,
"textEmail" : "ອີເມລ" ,
"textPoweredBy" : "ສ້າງໂດຍ" ,
"textTel" : "ໂທ" ,
"textVersion" : "ລຸ້ນ"
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"Common" : {
"Collaboration" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "ເຕືອນ" ,
"textAddComment" : "ເພີ່ມຄຳເຫັນ" ,
"textAddReply" : "ເພີ່ມຄຳຕອບກັບ" ,
"textBack" : "ກັບຄືນ" ,
"textCancel" : "ຍົກເລີກ" ,
"textCollaboration" : "ຮ່ວມກັນ" ,
"textComments" : "ຄໍາເຫັນ" ,
"textDeleteComment" : "ລົບຄໍາເຫັນ" ,
"textDeleteReply" : "ລົບການຕອບກັບ" ,
"textDone" : "ສໍາເລັດ" ,
"textEdit" : "ແກ້ໄຂ" ,
"textEditComment" : "ແກ້ໄຂຄໍາເຫັນ" ,
"textEditReply" : "ແກ້ໄຂການຕອບກັບ" ,
"textEditUser" : "ຜູ້ໃຊ້ທີ່ກໍາລັງແກ້ໄຂເອກະສານ:" ,
"textMessageDeleteComment" : "ທ່ານຕ້ອງການລົບຄຳເຫັນນີ້ແທ້ບໍ" ,
"textMessageDeleteReply" : "ທ່ານຕ້ອງການລົບແທ້ບໍ?" ,
"textNoComments" : "ເອກະສານບໍ່ມີຄໍາເຫັນ" ,
"textOk" : "ຕົກລົງ" ,
"textReopen" : "ເປີດຄືນ" ,
"textResolve" : "ແກ້ໄຂ" ,
"textTryUndoRedo" : "ໜ້າທີ່ ກັບຄືນ ຫຼື ທວນຄືນ ຖືກປິດໃຊ້ງານ ສຳລັບໂໝດການແກ້ໄຂຮ່ວມກັນດ່ວນ." ,
"textUsers" : "ຜຸ້ໃຊ້"
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"ThemeColorPalette" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"textStandartColors" : "ສີມາດຕະຖານ" ,
"textThemeColors" : " ຮູບແບບສີ" ,
"textCustomColors" : "Custom Colors"
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"ContextMenu" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"errorInvalidLink" : "ບໍ່ມີການອ້າງອີງຈຸດເຊື່ອມຕໍ່. ກະລຸນາແກ້ໄຂ ຫຼື ລົບຈຸດເຊື່ອມຕໍ່." ,
"menuAddComment" : "ເພີ່ມຄຳເຫັນ" ,
"menuAddLink" : "ເພີ່ມລິ້ງ" ,
"menuCancel" : "ຍົກເລີກ" ,
"menuCell" : "ແຊວ" ,
"menuDelete" : "ລົບ" ,
"menuEdit" : "ແກ້ໄຂ" ,
"menuFreezePanes" : "ຕິກໃສ່ບໍລິເວນທີ່ຕ້ອງການໃຫ້ເຫັນແຈ້ງ" ,
"menuHide" : "ເຊື່ອງໄວ້" ,
"menuMerge" : "ປະສົມປະສານ" ,
"menuMore" : "ຫຼາຍກວ່າ" ,
"menuOpenLink" : "ເປີດລີ້ງ" ,
"menuShow" : "ສະແດງ" ,
"menuUnfreezePanes" : "ຍົກເລີກໝາຍຕາຕະລາງ" ,
"menuUnmerge" : "ບໍ່ລວມເຂົ້າກັນ" ,
"menuUnwrap" : "ຍົກເລີກ" ,
"menuViewComment" : "ເບີ່ງຄໍາເຫັນ" ,
"menuWrap" : "ຫໍ່" ,
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "ເຕືອນ" ,
"textCopyCutPasteActions" : "ປະຕິບັດການ ສໍາເນົາ, ຕັດ ແລະ ວາງ" ,
"warnMergeLostData" : "ສະເພາະຂໍ້ມູນຈາກເຊວດ້ານຊ້າຍເທິງທີ່ຈະຢູ່ໃນເຊວຮ່ວມ. <br>ທ່ານຕ້ອງການດຳເນີນການຕໍ່ບໍ່?" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"errorCopyCutPaste" : "Copy, cut, and paste actions using the context menu will be performed within the current file only." ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"textDoNotShowAgain" : "Don't show again"
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"Controller" : {
"Main" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"criticalErrorTitle" : "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດ" ,
"errorProcessSaveResult" : "ບັນທຶກບໍ່ສໍາເລັດ" ,
"errorServerVersion" : "ສະບັບດັດແກ້ໄດ້ຖືກປັບປຸງແລ້ວ. ໜ້າເວັບຈະຖືກໂຫລດຄືນເພື່ອນຳໃຊ້ການປ່ຽນແປງ." ,
"errorUpdateVersion" : "ເອກະສານໄດ້ຖືກປ່ຽນແລ້ວ. ໜ້າເວັບຈະຖືກໂຫລດ ໃໝ່." ,
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "ເຕືອນ" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"SDK" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"txtAccent" : "ສຳນຽງ" ,
"txtAll" : "(ທັງໝົດ)" ,
"txtArt" : "ເນື້ອຫາຂອງທ່ານຢູ່ນີ້" ,
"txtBlank" : "(ວ່າງ)" ,
"txtByField" : "%1 ຈາກ %2" ,
"txtClearFilter" : "ລົບລ້າງການຄັດກອງ (Alt+C)" ,
"txtColLbls" : "ຄຳນິຍາມຄໍລັ້ມ" ,
"txtColumn" : "ຖັນ" ,
"txtConfidential" : "ທີ່ເປັນຄວາມລັບ" ,
"txtDate" : "ວັນທີ" ,
"txtDays" : "ວັນ" ,
"txtDiagramTitle" : "ໃສ່ຊື່ແຜນຮູບວາດ" ,
"txtFile" : "ຟາຍ " ,
"txtGrandTotal" : "ຜົນລວມທັງໝົດ" ,
"txtGroup" : "ກຸ່ມ" ,
"txtHours" : "ຊົ່ວໂມງ" ,
"txtMinutes" : "ນາທີ" ,
"txtMonths" : "ເດືອນ" ,
"txtMultiSelect" : "ເລືອກຫຼາຍລາຍການ (Alt+S)" ,
"txtOr" : "%1 ຫຼື %2" ,
"txtPage" : "ໜ້າ" ,
"txtPageOf" : "ໜ້າ %1 ຈາກ %2" ,
"txtPreparedBy" : "ກະກຽມໂດຍ" ,
"txtPrintArea" : "ພື້ນທີ່ສຳລັບພິມ" ,
"txtQuarter" : "ໄຕມາດ" ,
"txtQuarters" : "ໄຕມາດ" ,
"txtRow" : "ແຖວ" ,
"txtRowLbls" : "ປ້າຍແຖວ" ,
"txtSeconds" : "ວິນາທີ" ,
"txtSeries" : "ຊຸດ" ,
"txtStyle_Bad" : "ຕ່ຳ" ,
"txtStyle_Calculation" : "ການຄຳນວນ" ,
"txtStyle_Check_Cell" : "ກວດສອບເຊວ" ,
"txtStyle_Comma" : "ຈຸດ" ,
"txtStyle_Currency" : "ສະກຸນເງິນ" ,
"txtStyle_Explanatory_Text" : "ອະທິບາຍເນື້ອໃນ" ,
"txtStyle_Good" : "ດີ" ,
"txtStyle_Heading_1" : " ຫົວເລື່ອງ 1" ,
"txtStyle_Heading_2" : "ຫົວເລື່ອງ 2" ,
"txtStyle_Heading_3" : "ຫົວເລື່ອງ 3" ,
"txtStyle_Heading_4" : "ຫົວເລື່ອງ4" ,
"txtStyle_Input" : "ການປ້ອນຂໍ້ມູນ" ,
"txtStyle_Linked_Cell" : "ເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ເຊວ" ,
"txtStyle_Neutral" : "ທາງກາງ" ,
"txtStyle_Normal" : "ປົກກະຕິ" ,
"txtStyle_Note" : "ບັນທຶກໄວ້" ,
"txtStyle_Output" : "ຜົນໄດ້ຮັບ" ,
"txtStyle_Percent" : "ເປີີເຊັນ" ,
"txtStyle_Title" : "ຫົວຂໍ້" ,
"txtStyle_Total" : "ຈຳນວນລວມ" ,
"txtStyle_Warning_Text" : "ຂໍ້ຄວາມແຈ້ງເຕືອນ" ,
"txtTab" : "ແທບ" ,
"txtTable" : "ຕາຕະລາງ" ,
"txtTime" : "ເວລາ" ,
"txtXAxis" : "ແກນ X" ,
"txtYAxis" : "ແກນ Y" ,
"txtYears" : "ປີ" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"txtPages" : "Pages" ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"txtValues" : "Values"
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"textAnonymous" : "ບໍ່ລະບຸຊື່" ,
"textBuyNow" : "ເຂົ້າໄປຍັງເວັບໄຊ" ,
"textClose" : "ປິດ" ,
"textContactUs" : "ຕິດຕໍ່ຜູ້ຂາຍ" ,
"textGuest" : " ແຂກ" ,
"textHasMacros" : "ເອກະສານບັນຈຸ ມາກໂຄ <br> ແບບອັດຕະໂນມັດ, ທ່ານຍັງຕ້ອງການດໍາເນີນງານ ມາກໂຄ ບໍ " ,
"textNo" : "ບໍ່" ,
"textNoChoices" : "ບໍ່ມີຕົວເລືອກໃຫ້ຕື່ມເຊວ. <br> ມີແຕ່ຄ່າຂໍ້ຄວາມຈາກຖັນເທົ່ານັ້ນທີ່ສາມາດເລືອກມາເພື່ອປ່ຽນແທນໄດ້." ,
"textNoLicenseTitle" : "ຈໍານວນໃບອະນຸຍາດໄດ້ໃຊ້ຄົບແລ້ວ" ,
"textNoTextFound" : "ບໍ່ພົບເນື້ອຫາ" ,
"textOk" : "ຕົກລົງ" ,
"textPaidFeature" : "ຄຸນສົມບັດທີ່ຈ່າຍ" ,
"textReplaceSkipped" : "ການທົດແທນໄດ້ຖືກປະຕິບັດແລ້ວ. {0} ຖືກຂ້າມເຫດການທີ່ເກີດຂື້ນໄດ້" ,
"textReplaceSuccess" : "ການຄົ້ນຫາໄດ້ສຳເລັດແລ້ວ. ສິ່ງທີ່ເກີດຂື້ນໄດ້ປ່ຽນແທນແລ້ວ: {0}" ,
"textYes" : "ແມ່ນແລ້ວ" ,
"titleServerVersion" : "ອັບເດດການແກ້ໄຂ" ,
"titleUpdateVersion" : "ປ່ຽນແປງລຸ້ນ" ,
"warnLicenseUsersExceeded" : "ຈໍານວນ ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ພ້ອມກັນກັບຜູ້ແກ້ໄຂ ແມ່ນເກີນກໍານົດ % 1. ຕິດຕໍ່ ທີມບໍລິຫານເພື່ອຂໍ້ມູນເພີ່ມເຕີ່ມ" ,
"warnNoLicenseUsers" : "ຈໍານວນ ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ພ້ອມກັນກັບບັນນາທິການ ແມ່ນເກີນກໍານົດ % 1. ຕິດຕໍ່ ທີມຂາຍ% 1 ສຳ ລັບຂໍ້ ກຳນົດການຍົກລະດັບສິດ" ,
"errorAccessDeny" : "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.<br>Please, contact your admin." ,
"errorOpensource" : "Using the free Community version, you can open documents for viewing only. To access mobile web editors, a commercial license is required." ,
"leavePageText" : "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes." ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"textCustomLoader" : "Sorry, you are not entitled to change the loader. Please, contact our sales department to get a quote." ,
"textRemember" : "Remember my choice" ,
"warnLicenseExceeded" : "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact your administrator to learn more." ,
"warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess" : "License expired. You have no access to document editing functionality. Please, contact your admin." ,
"warnLicenseLimitedRenewed" : "License needs to be renewed. You have limited access to document editing functionality.<br>Please contact your administrator to get full access" ,
"warnNoLicense" : "You've reached the limit for simultaneous connections to %1 editors. This document will be opened for viewing only. Contact %1 sales team for personal upgrade terms." ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"warnProcessRightsChange" : "You don't have permission to edit the file."
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"Error" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"convertationTimeoutText" : "ໝົດເວລາການປ່ຽນແປງ." ,
"criticalErrorTitle" : "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດ" ,
"downloadErrorText" : "ດາວໂຫຼດບໍ່ສຳເລັດ." ,
"errorBadImageUrl" : "URL ຮູບພາບບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ" ,
"errorChangeArray" : "ທ່ານບໍ່ສາມາດປ່ຽນສ່ວນ ໜຶ່ງ ຂອງອາເລໄດ້." ,
"errorCopyMultiselectArea" : "ຄຳ ສັ່ງນີ້ບໍ່ສາມາດໃຊ້ກັບການເລືອກຫລາຍໆອັນໄດ້ - <br> ເລືອກຊ່ວງດຽວ ແລະ ລອງ ໃໝ່ ອີກຄັ້ງ" ,
"errorCreateDefName" : "ຂອບເຂດທີ່ມີຊື່ບໍ່ສາມາດແກ້ໄຂໄດ້ ແລະ ລະບົບ ໃໝ່ ບໍ່ສາມາດສ້າງຂື້ນໄດ້ໃນເວລານີ້ເນື່ອງຈາກບາງສ່ວນກຳ ລັງຖືກດັດແກ້." ,
"errorDatabaseConnection" : "ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດຈາກທາງນອກ <br> ຖານຂໍ້ມູນ ຂໍ້ຜິດພາດພາຍນອກ. ກະລຸນາ, ຕິດຕໍ່ການສະ ໜັບ ສະ ໜູນ." ,
"errorDataEncrypted" : "ໄດ້ຮັບການປ່ຽນແປງລະຫັດແລ້ວ, ບໍ່ສາມາດຖອດລະຫັດໄດ້." ,
"errorDataRange" : "ໄລຍະຂອງຂໍ້ມູນບໍ່ຖືກ" ,
"errorDataValidate" : "ຄ່າທີ່ທ່ານປ້ອນບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ. <br> ຜູ້ໃຊ້ໄດ້ຈຳກັດຄ່າທີ່ສາມາດປ້ອນລົງໃນເຊວນີ້ໄດ້." ,
"errorDefaultMessage" : "ລະຫັດຂໍ້ຜິດພາດ: %1" ,
"errorFillRange" : "ບໍ່ສາມາດຕຶ່ມໃສ່ບ່ອນເຊວທີ່ເລືອໄວ້ <br> ເຊວທີ່ລວມເຂົ້າກັນທັງໝົດຕ້ອງມີຂະໜາດເທົ່າກັນ" ,
"errorFrmlMaxReference" : "ທ່ານບໍ່ສາມາດໃສ່ສູດນີ້ເພາະມັນມີຄ່າ, <br> ເອກະສານອ້າງອີງຂອງເຊວ, ແລະ/ຫຼື ຊື່ຕ່າງໆຫລາຍເກີນໄປ." ,
"errorInvalidRef" : "ປ້ອນຊື່ໃຫ້ຖືກຕ້ອງສໍາລັບການເລືອກ ຫຼື ການອ້າງອີງທີ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ." ,
"errorKeyEncrypt" : "ບໍ່ຮູ້ຄຳອະທິບາຍຫຼັກ" ,
"errorKeyExpire" : "ລະຫັດໝົດອາຍຸ" ,
"errorLockedAll" : "ການປະຕິບັດງານບໍ່ສາມາດເຮັດໄດ້ຍ້ອນວ່າແຜ່ນໄດ້ຖືກລັອກໂດຍຜູ້ໃຊ້ຄົນອື່ນ." ,
"errorLockedCellPivot" : "ທ່ານບໍ່ສາມາດປ່ຽນແປງຂໍ້ມູນທີ່ຢູ່ໃນຕາຕະລາງພິວອດໄດ້." ,
"errorLockedWorksheetRename" : "ບໍ່ສາມາດປ່ຽນຊື່ເອກະສານໄດ້ໃນເວລານີ້ຍ້ອນວ່າຖືກປ່ຽນຊື່ໂດຍຜູ້ໃຊ້ຄົນອື່ນ" ,
"errorMaxPoints" : "ຈໍານວນສູງສຸດຕໍ່ຕາຕະລາງແມ່ນ 4096." ,
"errorMultiCellFormula" : "ບໍ່ອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ມີສູດອາເລນຫຼາຍຫ້ອງໃນຕາຕະລາງເຊວ." ,
"errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect" : "ການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ອິນເຕີເນັດຫາກໍຖືກກູ້ຄືນມາ, ແລະ ຟາຍເອກະສານໄດ້ມີການປ່ຽນແປງແລ້ວ. <br> ກ່ອນທີ່ທ່ານຈະດຳເນີນການຕໍ່ໄປ, ທ່ານຕ້ອງໄດ້ດາວໂຫຼດຟາຍ ຫຼື ສຳເນົາເນື້ອຫາ ເພື່ອປ້ອງການການສູນເສຍ, ແລະ ທຳການໂຫຼດໜ້າຄືນອີກຄັ້ງ." ,
"errorUserDrop" : "ບໍ່ສາມາດເຂົ້າເຖິງເອກະສານໄດ້ໃນຂະນະນີ້." ,
"errorUsersExceed" : "ເກີນຈຳນວນຜູ້ຊົມໃຊ້ທີ່ແຜນການກຳນົດລາຄາອະນຸຍາດ" ,
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "ເຕືອນ" ,
"unknownErrorText" : "ມີຂໍ້ຜິດພາດທີ່ບໍ່ຮູ້ສາເຫດ" ,
"uploadImageExtMessage" : "ບໍ່ຮູ້ສາເຫດຂໍ້ຜິພາດຮູບແບບຂອງຮູບ" ,
"uploadImageFileCountMessage" : "ບໍ່ມີຮູບພາບອັບໂຫລດ" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"criticalErrorExtText" : "Press 'OK' to go back to the document list." ,
"errorAccessDeny" : "You are trying to perform an action you do not have rights for.<br>Please, contact your admin." ,
"errorArgsRange" : "An error in the formula.<br>Incorrect arguments range." ,
"errorAutoFilterChange" : "The operation is not allowed as it is attempting to shift cells in a table on your worksheet." ,
"errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable" : "The operation could not be done for the selected cells as you cannot move a part of a table.<br>Select another data range so that the whole table is shifted and try again." ,
"errorAutoFilterDataRange" : "The operation could not be done for the selected range of cells.<br>Select a uniform data range inside or outside the table and try again." ,
"errorAutoFilterHiddenRange" : "The operation cannot be performed because the area contains filtered cells.<br>Please, unhide the filtered elements and try again." ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"errorCannotUseCommandProtectedSheet" : "You cannot use this command on a protected sheet. To use this command, unprotect the sheet.<br>You might be requested to enter a password." ,
"errorChangeOnProtectedSheet" : "The cell or chart you are trying to change is on a protected sheet. To make a change, unprotect the sheet. You might be requested to enter a password." ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"errorConnectToServer" : "Can't save this doc. Check your connection settings or contact your admin.<br>When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document." ,
"errorCountArg" : "An error in the formula.<br>Invalid number of arguments." ,
"errorCountArgExceed" : "An error in the formula.<br>Maximum number of arguments exceeded." ,
"errorEditingDownloadas" : "An error occurred during the work with the document.<br>Use the 'Download' option to save the file backup copy locally." ,
"errorFilePassProtect" : "The file is password protected and could not be opened." ,
"errorFileRequest" : "External error.<br>File Request. Please, contact support." ,
"errorFileSizeExceed" : "The file size exceeds your server limitation.<br>Please, contact your admin for details." ,
"errorFileVKey" : "External error.<br>Incorrect security key. Please, contact support." ,
"errorFormulaName" : "An error in the formula.<br>Incorrect formula name." ,
"errorFormulaParsing" : "Internal error while the formula parsing." ,
"errorFrmlMaxLength" : "You cannot add this formula as its length exceeds the allowed number of characters.<br>Please, edit it and try again." ,
"errorFrmlMaxTextLength" : "Text values in formulas are limited to 255 characters.<br>Use the CONCATENATE function or concatenation operator (&)" ,
"errorFrmlWrongReferences" : "The function refers to a sheet that does not exist.<br>Please, check the data and try again." ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"errorLoadingFont" : "Fonts are not loaded.<br>Please contact your Document Server administrator." ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"errorMoveRange" : "Cannot change a part of a merged cell" ,
"errorOpenWarning" : "The length of one of the formulas in the file exceeded<br>the allowed number of characters and it was removed." ,
"errorOperandExpected" : "The entered function syntax is not correct. Please, check if you missed one of the parentheses - '(' or ')'." ,
"errorPasteMaxRange" : "The copy and paste area does not match. Please, select an area of the same size or click the first cell in a row to paste the copied cells." ,
"errorPrintMaxPagesCount" : "Unfortunately, it’s not possible to print more than 1500 pages at once in the current version of the program.<br>This restriction will be eliminated in upcoming releases." ,
"errorSessionAbsolute" : "The document editing session has expired. Please, reload the page." ,
"errorSessionIdle" : "The document has not been edited for quite a long time. Please, reload the page." ,
"errorSessionToken" : "The connection to the server has been interrupted. Please, reload the page." ,
"errorStockChart" : "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order:<br> opening price, max price, min price, closing price." ,
"errorUnexpectedGuid" : "External error.<br>Unexpected Guid. Please, contact support." ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"errorViewerDisconnect" : "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,<br>but you won't be able to download or print it until the connection is restored and the page is reloaded." ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"errorWrongBracketsCount" : "An error in the formula.<br>Wrong number of brackets." ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"errorWrongOperator" : "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used.<br>Please correct the error." ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"openErrorText" : "An error has occurred while opening the file" ,
"pastInMergeAreaError" : "Cannot change a part of a merged cell" ,
"saveErrorText" : "An error has occurred while saving the file" ,
"scriptLoadError" : "The connection is too slow, some of the components could not be loaded. Please, reload the page." ,
2022-01-10 12:03:47 +00:00
"textErrorPasswordIsNotCorrect" : "The password you supplied is not correct.<br>Verify that the CAPS LOCK key is off and be sure to use the correct capitalization." ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"uploadImageSizeMessage" : "The image is too big. The maximum size is 25 MB."
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"LongActions" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"advDRMPassword" : "ລະຫັດຜ່ານ" ,
"applyChangesTextText" : "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ..." ,
"applyChangesTitleText" : "ດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ" ,
"downloadTextText" : "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດເອກະສານ..." ,
"downloadTitleText" : "ດາວໂຫລດເອກະສານ" ,
"loadFontsTextText" : "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ..." ,
"loadFontsTitleText" : "ດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ" ,
"loadFontTextText" : "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ..." ,
"loadFontTitleText" : "ດາວໂຫຼດຂໍ້ມູນ" ,
"loadImagesTextText" : "ກໍາລັງດາວໂຫຼດຮູບພາບ..." ,
"loadImagesTitleText" : "ກໍາລັງດາວໂຫຼດຮູບພາບ" ,
"loadImageTextText" : "ກໍາລັງດາວໂຫຼດຮູບພາບ..." ,
"loadImageTitleText" : "ກໍາລັງໂລດຮູບພາບ" ,
"loadingDocumentTextText" : "ກໍາລັງດາວໂຫຼດເອກະສານ..." ,
"loadingDocumentTitleText" : "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດເອກະສານ" ,
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "ເຕືອນ" ,
"openTextText" : "ກໍາລັງເປີດເອກະສານ..." ,
"openTitleText" : "ກໍາລັງເປີດເອກະສານ" ,
"printTextText" : "ກໍາລັງພິມເອກະສານ..." ,
"printTitleText" : "ກໍາລັງພິມເອກະສານ" ,
"savePreparingText" : "ກະກຽມບັນທືກ" ,
"savePreparingTitle" : "ກຳລັງກະກຽມບັນທືກ, ກະລຸນາລໍຖ້າ..." ,
"saveTextText" : "ກໍາລັງບັນທຶກເອກະສານ..." ,
"saveTitleText" : "ບັນທືກເອກະສານ" ,
"textCancel" : "ຍົກເລີກ" ,
"textLoadingDocument" : "ກຳລັງດາວໂຫຼດເອກະສານ" ,
"textNo" : "ບໍ່" ,
"textOk" : "ຕົກລົງ" ,
"textYes" : "ແມ່ນແລ້ວ" ,
"txtEditingMode" : "ຕັ້ງຄ່າຮູບແບບການແກ້ໄຂ..." ,
"uploadImageTextText" : "ກໍາລັງອັບໂຫລດຮູບພາບ..." ,
"uploadImageTitleText" : "ກໍາລັງອັບໂຫລດຮູບພາບ" ,
"waitText" : "ກະລຸນາລໍຖ້າ..." ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"confirmMoveCellRange" : "The destination cells range can contain data. Continue the operation?" ,
"confirmPutMergeRange" : "The source data contains merged cells.<br>They will be unmerged before they are pasted into the table." ,
"confirmReplaceFormulaInTable" : "Formulas in the header row will be removed and converted to static text.<br>Do you want to continue?" ,
2021-11-19 13:22:00 +00:00
"textErrorWrongPassword" : "The password you supplied is not correct." ,
"textUnlockRange" : "Unlock Range" ,
2021-11-19 12:59:08 +00:00
"textUnlockRangeWarning" : "A range you are trying to change is password protected."
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"Statusbar" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "ເຕືອນ" ,
"textCancel" : "ຍົກເລີກ" ,
"textDelete" : "ລົບ" ,
"textDuplicate" : "ສຳເນົາ" ,
"textErrNotEmpty" : "ຊື່ເເຜ່ນ ບໍ່ໃຫ້ປະວ່າງ" ,
"textErrorRemoveSheet" : "ບໍ່ສາມາດລຶບແຜ່ນວຽກໄດ້" ,
"textHidden" : "ເຊື່ອງ" ,
"textHide" : "ເຊື່ອງໄວ້" ,
"textMore" : "ຫຼາຍກວ່າ" ,
"textMove" : "ຍ້າຍ" ,
"textMoveBefore" : "ເຄື່ອນຍ້າຍກ່ອນແຜ່ນງານ" ,
"textMoveToEnd" : "(ເລື່ອນໄປຈົນສຸດ)" ,
"textOk" : "ຕົກລົງ" ,
"textRename" : "ປ່ຽນຊື່" ,
"textRenameSheet" : "ປ້່ຽນຊື່ແຜ່ນຫຼັກ" ,
"textSheet" : "ແຜ່ນງານ" ,
"textSheetName" : "ຊື່ແຜ່ນເຈ້ຍ" ,
"textUnhide" : "ເປີດເຜີຍ" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"textErrNameExists" : "Worksheet with this name already exists." ,
"textErrNameWrongChar" : "A sheet name cannot contains characters: \\, /, *, ?, [, ], :" ,
"textErrorLastSheet" : "The workbook must have at least one visible worksheet." ,
2021-12-24 14:40:25 +00:00
"textMoveBack" : "Move back" ,
2022-02-11 15:44:57 +00:00
"textMoveForward" : "Move forward" ,
2022-03-15 10:26:55 +00:00
"textTabColor" : "Tab Color" ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"textWarnDeleteSheet" : "The worksheet maybe has data. Proceed operation?"
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"Toolbar" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"dlgLeaveTitleText" : "ເຈົ້າອອກຈາກລະບົບ" ,
"leaveButtonText" : "ອອກຈາກໜ້ານີ້" ,
"stayButtonText" : "ຢູ່ໃນໜ້ານີ້" ,
"dlgLeaveMsgText" : "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to wait for autosave. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes."
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"View" : {
"Add" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"errorMaxRows" : "ຜິດພາດ!, ຈຳນວນຊູດຂໍ້ມູນສູງສຸດຕໍ່ຜັງແມ່ນ 255" ,
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "ເຕືອນ" ,
"sCatDateAndTime" : "ວັນທີ ແລະ ເວລາ" ,
"sCatEngineering" : "ວິສະວະກຳ" ,
"sCatFinancial" : "ການເງິນ" ,
"sCatInformation" : "ຂໍ້ມູນ" ,
"sCatLogical" : "ມີເຫດຜົນ" ,
"sCatLookupAndReference" : "ຄົ້ນຫາ ແລະ ອ້າງອີງ" ,
"sCatMathematic" : "ແບບຈັບຄູ່ ແລະ ແບບບັງຄັບ" ,
"sCatStatistical" : "ທາງສະຖິຕິ" ,
"sCatTextAndData" : "ເນື້ອຫາ ແລະ ຂໍ້ມູນ" ,
"textAddLink" : "ເພີ່ມລິ້ງ" ,
"textAddress" : "ທີ່ຢູ່" ,
"textBack" : "ກັບຄືນ" ,
"textCancel" : "ຍົກເລີກ" ,
"textChart" : "ແຜນຮູບວາດ" ,
"textComment" : "ຄໍາເຫັນ" ,
"textDisplay" : "ສະແດງຜົນ" ,
"textExternalLink" : "ລິງພາຍນອກ" ,
"textFilter" : "ກັ່ນຕອງ" ,
"textFunction" : "ໜ້າທີ່ " ,
"textImage" : "ຮູບພາບ" ,
"textImageURL" : "URL ຮູບພາບ" ,
"textInsert" : "ເພີ່ມ" ,
"textInsertImage" : "ເພີ່ມຮູບພາບ" ,
"textInternalDataRange" : "ຂໍ້ມູນພາຍໃນ" ,
"textInvalidRange" : "ຜິດພາດ,ເຊວບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ" ,
"textLink" : "ລີ້ງ" ,
"textOk" : "ຕົກລົງ" ,
"textOther" : "ອື່ນໆ" ,
"textPictureFromLibrary" : "ຮູບພາບຈາກຫ້ອງສະໝຸດ" ,
"textPictureFromURL" : "ຮູບພາບຈາກ URL" ,
"textRange" : "ຊ່ວງ" ,
"textRequired" : "ຕ້ອງການ" ,
"textScreenTip" : "ຄຳແນະນຳໃນໜ້າຈໍ" ,
"textSelectedRange" : "ຊ່ວງທີ່ເລືອກ" ,
"textShape" : "ຮູບຮ່າງ" ,
"textSheet" : "ແຜ່ນງານ" ,
"textSortAndFilter" : "ລຽງລຳດັບ ແລະ ກອງ" ,
"txtExpand" : "ຂະຫຍາຍ ແລະ ຈັດລຽງ" ,
"txtExpandSort" : "ຂໍ້ມູນຖັດຈາກສີ່ງທີ່ເລືອກຈະບໍ່ຖືກຈັດລຽງລຳດັບ. ທ່ານຕ້ອງການຂະຫຍາຍສ່ວນທີ່ເລືອກເພື່ອກວມເອົາຂໍ້ມູນທີ່ຢູ່ຕິດກັນ ຫຼື ດຳເນີນການຈັດລຽງເຊລທີ່ເລືອກໃນປະຈຸບັນເທົ່ານັ້ນຫຼືບໍ່?" ,
"txtNo" : "ບໍ່" ,
"txtNotUrl" : "ຊ່ອງຂໍ້ມູນນີ້ຄວນຈະເປັນ URL ໃນຮູບແບບ \"http://www.example.com\"" ,
"txtSorting" : "ການລຽງລຳດັບ" ,
"txtSortSelected" : "ຈັດລຽງທີ່ເລືອກ" ,
"txtYes" : "ແມ່ນແລ້ວ" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"errorStockChart" : "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart, place the data on the sheet in the following order:<br> opening price, max price, min price, closing price." ,
2022-03-25 14:57:31 +00:00
"textAllTableHint" : "Returns the entire contents of the table or specified table columns including column headers, data and total rows" ,
"textDataTableHint" : "Returns the data cells of the table or specified table columns" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"textEmptyImgUrl" : "You need to specify the image URL." ,
"textGroups" : "CATEGORIES" ,
2022-03-25 14:57:31 +00:00
"textHeadersTableHint" : "Returns the column headers for the table or specified table columns" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"textLinkSettings" : "Link Settings" ,
"textLinkType" : "Link Type" ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"textThisRowHint" : "Choose only this row of the specified column" ,
2022-03-25 14:57:31 +00:00
"textTotalsTableHint" : "Returns the total rows for the table or specified table columns" ,
"txtLockSort" : "Data is found next to your selection, but you do not have sufficient permissions to change those cells.<br>Do you wish to continue with the current selection?"
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
} ,
"Edit" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
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"textAuto" : "ອັດຕະໂນມັດ" ,
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"textErrorMsg" : "ທ່ານຕ້ອງເລືອກຢ່າງ ໜ້ອຍ ໜຶ່ງຄ່າ" ,
"textErrorTitle" : "ເຕືອນ" ,
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"textInvalidRange" : "ເຊວບໍ່ຖືກຕ້ອງ" ,
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"textMoveBackward" : "ຍ້າຍໄປທາງຫຼັງ" ,
"textMoveForward" : "ຍ້າຍໄປດ້ານໜ້າ" ,
"textNextToAxis" : "ຖັດຈາກແກນ" ,
"textNoBorder" : "ໍບໍ່ມີຂອບ" ,
"textNone" : "ບໍ່ມີ" ,
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"textNotUrl" : "ຊ່ອງຂໍ້ມູນນີ້ຄວນຈະເປັນ URL ໃນຮູບແບບ \"http://www.example.com\"" ,
"textNumber" : "ຕົວເລກ" ,
"textOk" : "ຕົກລົງ" ,
"textOnTickMarks" : "ໃນເຄື່ອງໝາຍຖືກ" ,
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"textOutsideBorders" : "ເສັ້ນຂອບນອກ" ,
"textOverlay" : "ການຊ້ອນກັນ" ,
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"textPictureFromLibrary" : "ຮູບພາບຈາກຫ້ອງສະໝຸດ" ,
"textPictureFromURL" : "ຮູບພາບຈາກ URL" ,
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"textRange" : "ຊ່ວງ" ,
"textRemoveChart" : "ລົບແຜນວາດ" ,
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"textRemoveLink" : "ລົບລີ້ງ" ,
"textRemoveShape" : "ລົບຮ່າງ" ,
"textReorder" : "ຈັດລຽງລໍາດັບຄືນ" ,
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"textReplaceImage" : "ປ່ຽນແທນຮູບ" ,
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"textRouble" : "ເງິນລູເບີນ ຂອງລັດເຊຍ" ,
"textScientific" : "ວິທະຍາສາດ" ,
"textScreenTip" : "ຄຳແນະນຳໃນໜ້າຈໍ" ,
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"textYen" : "ເງິນເຢັນ" ,
"txtNotUrl" : "ຊ່ອງຂໍ້ມູນນີ້ຄວນຈະເປັນ URL ໃນຮູບແບບ \"http://www.example.com\"" ,
"txtSortHigh2Low" : "ລຽງລຳດັບຈາກສູງສຸດໄປຫາຕ່ຳສຸດ" ,
"txtSortLow2High" : "ລຽງລຳດັບແຕ່ຕ່ຳສຸດໄປຫາສູງສຸດ" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"textAxisCrosses" : "Axis Crosses" ,
"textAxisTitle" : "Axis Title" ,
"textEmptyImgUrl" : "You need to specify the image URL." ,
"textExternalLink" : "External Link" ,
"textHorizontalText" : "Horizontal Text" ,
"textInsideBorders" : "Inside Borders" ,
"textLegend" : "Legend" ,
"textLinkSettings" : "Link Settings" ,
"textLinkType" : "Link Type" ,
"textPt" : "pt" ,
"textRotated" : "Rotated" ,
"textSelectObjectToEdit" : "Select object to edit" ,
"textThick" : "Thick" ,
"textThin" : "Thin" ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"textTrillions" : "Trillions"
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
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"Settings" : {
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"advCSVOptions" : "ເລືອກຕົວເລືອກຂອງ CSV" ,
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"closeButtonText" : "ປິດຟຮາຍເອກະສານ" ,
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "ເຕືອນ" ,
"textAbout" : "ກ່ຽວກັບ" ,
"textAddress" : "ທີ່ຢູ່" ,
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"textApplicationSettings" : "ການຕັ້ງຄ່າແອັບ" ,
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"textCentimeter" : "ເຊັນຕິເມັດ" ,
"textChooseCsvOptions" : "ເລືອກຕົວເລືອກຂອງ CSV" ,
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"textDisableAllMacrosWithoutNotification" : "ປິດທຸກ ມາກໂຄ ໂດຍບໍ່ແຈ້ງເຕືອນ" ,
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"textEnableAllMacrosWithoutNotification" : "ເປີດທຸກມາກໂຄໂດຍບໍ່ແຈ້ງເຕືອນ" ,
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"textExample" : "ຕົວຢ່າງ" ,
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"textFindAndReplace" : "ຄົ້ນຫາແລະປ່ຽນແທນ" ,
"textFormat" : "ປະເພດ" ,
"textFormulaLanguage" : "ຕຳລາພາສາ" ,
"textHelp" : "ຊວ່ຍ" ,
"textHideGridlines" : "ເຊື່ອງຕາຕະລາງໄວ້" ,
"textHideHeadings" : "ເຊື່ອງຫົວຂໍ້ໄວ້" ,
"textHighlightRes" : "ໄຮໄລ້ ຜົນລັບ" ,
"textInch" : "ນີ້ວ" ,
"textLandscape" : "ພູມສັນຖານ" ,
"textLastModified" : "ການແກ້ໄຂຄັ້ງລ້າສຸດ" ,
"textLastModifiedBy" : "ແກ້ໄຂຄັ້ງລ້າສຸດໂດຍ" ,
"textLeft" : "ຊ້າຍ" ,
"textLocation" : "ສະຖານທີ" ,
"textLookIn" : "ເບິ່ງເຂົ້າໄປທາງໃນ" ,
"textMargins" : "ຂອບ" ,
"textMatchCase" : "ກໍລະນີຈັບຄູ່ກັນ" ,
"textMatchCell" : "ແຊວຈັບຄູ່ກັນ" ,
"textNoTextFound" : "ບໍ່ພົບເນື້ອຫາ" ,
"textOk" : "ຕົກລົງ" ,
"textOrientation" : "ການຈັດວາງ" ,
"textOwner" : "ເຈົ້າຂອງ" ,
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"textPortrait" : "ລວງຕັ້ງ" ,
"textPoweredBy" : "ສ້າງໂດຍ" ,
"textPrint" : "ພິມ" ,
"textR1C1Style" : "ຮູບແບບການອ້າງອີງ R1C1" ,
"textRegionalSettings" : "ການຕັ້ງຄ່າຂອບເຂດ" ,
"textReplace" : "ປ່ຽນແທນ" ,
"textReplaceAll" : "ປ່ຽນແທນທັງໝົດ" ,
"textResolvedComments" : "ແກ້ໄຂຄໍາເຫັນ" ,
"textRight" : "ຂວາ" ,
"textSearch" : "ຄົ້ນຫາ" ,
"textSearchBy" : "ຄົ້ນຫາ" ,
"textSearchIn" : "ຊອກຫາໃນ" ,
"textSettings" : "ການຕັ້ງຄ່າ" ,
"textSheet" : "ແຜ່ນງານ" ,
"textShowNotification" : "ສະແດງການແຈ້ງເຕືອນ" ,
"textSpreadsheetFormats" : "ຮູບແບບຕາຕະລາງ" ,
"textSpreadsheetInfo" : "ຂໍ້ມູນກ່ຽວກັບຕາຕະລາງ" ,
"textSpreadsheetSettings" : "ການຕັ້ງຄ່າຕາຕະລາງ" ,
"textSpreadsheetTitle" : "ຫົວຂໍ້ຕາຕະລາງ" ,
"textSubject" : "ເລື່ອງ" ,
"textTel" : "ໂທ" ,
"textTitle" : "ຫົວຂໍ້" ,
"textTop" : "ເບື້ອງເທີງ" ,
"textUnitOfMeasurement" : "ຫົວຫນ່ວຍວັດແທກ" ,
"textUploaded" : "ອັບໂຫລດສຳເລັດ" ,
"textVersion" : "ລຸ້ນ" ,
"textWorkbook" : "ປື້ມເຮັດວຽກ" ,
"txtColon" : "ຈ້ຳສອງເມັດ" ,
"txtComma" : "ຈຸດ" ,
"txtDelimiter" : "ຂອບເຂດຈຳກັດ" ,
"txtEncoding" : "ການເຂົ້າລະຫັດ" ,
"txtOk" : "ຕົກລົງ" ,
"txtProtected" : "ຖ້າເຈົ້ານໍາໃຊ້ລະຫັດເພື່ອເປີດເອກະສານ, ລະຫັດປັດຈຸບັນຈະຖືກແກ້ໄຂ" ,
"txtScheme1" : "ຫ້ອງການ" ,
"txtScheme10" : "ເສັ້ນແບ່ງກາງ" ,
"txtScheme11" : "ລົດໄຟຟ້າ" ,
"txtScheme12" : "ໂມດູນ" ,
"txtScheme13" : "ຮູບພາບທີ່ມີລັກສະນະສະເເດງຄວາມຮັ່ງມີ " ,
"txtScheme15" : "ເດີມ" ,
"txtScheme16" : "ເຈ້ຍ" ,
"txtScheme17" : "ເສັ້ນໝູນອ້ອມດວງຕາເວັນ" ,
"txtScheme18" : "ເຕັກນິກ" ,
"txtScheme2" : "ໂທນສີເທົາ" ,
"txtScheme20" : "ໃນເມືອງ" ,
"txtScheme3" : "ເອເພັກສ" ,
"txtScheme4" : "ມຸມມອງ" ,
"txtScheme6" : "ສຳມະໂນ" ,
"txtScheme7" : "ຄວາມເທົ່າທຽມກັນ" ,
"txtScheme8" : "ຂະບວນການ" ,
"txtScheme9" : "ໂຮງຫລໍ່" ,
"txtSemicolon" : "ຈ້ຳຈຸດ" ,
"txtSpace" : "ຍະຫວ່າງ" ,
"txtTab" : "ແທບ" ,
"warnDownloadAs" : "ຖ້າທ່ານສືບຕໍ່ບັນທຶກໃນຮູບແບບນີ້ທຸກລັກສະນະ ຍົກເວັ້ນຂໍ້ຄວາມຈະຫາຍໄປ. <br> ທ່ານແນ່ໃຈບໍ່ວ່າທ່ານຕ້ອງການດໍາເນີນຕໍ່?" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"advDRMEnterPassword" : "Your password, please:" ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"textChooseDelimeter" : "Choose Delimeter" ,
"textChooseEncoding" : "Choose Encoding" ,
"textDarkTheme" : "Dark Theme" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"textDownloadAs" : "Download As" ,
"textFindAndReplaceAll" : "Find and Replace All" ,
"textFormulas" : "Formulas" ,
"textMacrosSettings" : "Macros Settings" ,
"textOpenFile" : "Enter a password to open the file" ,
"textValues" : "Values" ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"txtDownloadCsv" : "Download CSV" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"txtIncorrectPwd" : "Password is incorrect" ,
"txtScheme14" : "Oriel" ,
"txtScheme19" : "Trek" ,
"txtScheme21" : "Verve" ,
"txtScheme22" : "New Office" ,
2022-03-15 10:26:55 +00:00
"textFeedback" : "Feedback & Support" ,
2022-03-11 12:25:08 +00:00
"txtScheme5" : "Civic"
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
2020-11-20 09:09:15 +00:00