<li>click the <b>Merge</b><imgalt="Merge icon"src="../images/merge.png"/> icon situated at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar and select one of the available options:
<pclass="note"><b>Note</b>: only the data in the upper-left cell of the selected range will remain in the merged cell. Data in other cells of the selected range will be deleted.</p>
<li>if you select the <b>Merge & Center</b> option the cells of the selected range will be merged and the data will be centered in the merged cells;</li>
<li>if you select the <b>Merge Across</b> option the cells of each row of the selected range will be merged and the data will be aligned to the left side of the merged cells;</li>
<li>if you select the <b>Merge Cells</b> option the cells of the selected range will be merged and the data will be aligned by the bottom vertically and by the left side horizontally.</li>
<p>To split the previously merged cell use the <b>Unmerge Cells</b> option from the <b>Merge</b> drop-down list. The data of the merged cell will be displayed in the upper-left cell.</p>