"body":"About the Document Editor The Document Editor is an online application that allows you to view through and edit documents directly in your browser . Using the Document Editor, you can perform various editing operations like in any desktop editor, print the edited documents keeping all the formatting details or download them onto your computer hard disk drive of your computer as DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML files. To view the current software version and licensor details in the online version, click the icon on the left sidebar. To view the current software version and licensor details in the desktop version, select the About menu item on the left sidebar of the main program window."
"body":"Advanced Settings of the Document Editor The Document Editor allows you to change its advanced settings. To access them, open the File tab on the top toolbar and select the Advanced Settings... option. You can also click the View settings icon on the right side of the editor header and select the Advanced settings option. The advanced settings are: Commenting Display is used to turn on/off the live commenting option: Turn on display of the comments - if you disable this feature, the commented passages will be highlighted only if you click the Comments icon on the left sidebar. Turn on display of the resolved comments - this feature is disabled by default so that the resolved comments were hidden in the document text. You can view such comments only if you click the Comments icon on the left sidebar. Enable this option if you want to display resolved comments in the document text. Spell Checking is used to turn on/off the spell checking option. Proofing - used to automatically replace word or symbol typed in the Replace: box or chosen from the list by a new word or symbol displayed in the By: box. Alternate Input is used to turn on/off hieroglyphs. Alignment Guides is used to turn on/off alignment guides that appear when you move objects and allow you to position them on the page precisely. Compatibility is used to make the files compatible with older MS Word versions when saved as DOCX. Autosave is used in the online version to turn on/off automatic saving of changes you make while editing. Autorecover - is used in the desktop version to turn on/off the option that allows automatically recovering documents in case the program closes unexpectedly. Co-editing Mode is used to select the display of the changes made during the co-editing: By default the Fast mode is selected, the users who take part in the document co-editing will see the changes in real time once they are made by other users. If you prefer not to see other user changes (so that they do not disturb you, or for some other reason), select the Strict mode and all the changes will be shown only after you click the Save icon notifying you that there are changes from other users. Real-time Collaboration Changes is used to specify what changes you want to be highlighted during co-editing: Selecting the View None option, changes made during the current session will not be highlighted. Selecting the View All option, all the changes made during the current session will be highlighted. Selecting the View Last option, only the changes made since you last time clicked the Save icon will be highlighted. This option is only available when the Strict co-editing mode is selected. Default Zoom Value is used to set the default zoom value selecting it in the list of available options from 50% to 200%. You can also choose the Fit to Page or Fit to Width option. Font Hinting is used to select the type a font is displayed in the Document Editor: Choose As Windows if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on Windows, i.e. using Windows font hinting. Choose As OS X if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on a Mac, i.e. without any font hinting at all. Choose Native if you want your text to be displayed with the hinting embedded into font files. Unit of Measurement is used to specify what units are used on the rulers and in properties windows for measuring elements parameters such as width, height, spacing, margins etc. You can select the Centimeter, Point, or Inch option. Cut, copy and paste - used to show the Paste Options button when content is pasted. Check the box to enable this feature. Macros Settings - used to set macros display with a notification. Choose Disable all to disable all macros within the document; Show notification to receive notifications about macros within the document; Enable all to automatically run all macros within the document. To save the changes you made, click the Apply button."
"body":"TheDocumentEditorallowsyoutocollaborativelyworkonadocumentwithotherusers.Thisfeatureincludes:simultaneousmulti-useraccesstothedocumenttobeeditedvisualindicationofpassagesthatarebeingeditedbyotherusersreal-timedisplayofchangesorsynchronizationofchangeswithonebuttonclickchattoshareideasconcerningparticularpartsofthedocumentcommentswiththedescriptionofataskorproblemthatshouldbesolved(it's also possible to work with comments in the offline mode, without connecting to the online version) Connecting to the online version In the desktop editor, open the Connect to cloud option of the left-side menu in the main program window. Connect to your cloud office specifying your account login and password. Co-editing The Document Editor allows you to select one of the two available co-editing modes: Fast is used by default and shows the changes made by other users in real time. Strict is selected to hide changes made by other users until you click the Save icon to save your own changes and accept the changes made by co-authors. The mode can be selected in the Advanced Settings. It'salsopossibletochoosetherequiredmodeusingtheCo-editingModeiconontheCollaborationtabofthetoptoolbar:Note:whenyouco-editadocumentintheFastmode,thepossibilitytoRedothelastundoneoperationisnotavailable.WhenadocumentisbeingeditedbyseveraluserssimultaneouslyintheStrictmode,theeditedtextpassagesaremarkedwithdashedlinesofdifferentcolors.Byhoveringthemousecursoroveroneoftheeditedpassages,thenameoftheuserwhoiseditingitatthemomentisdisplayed.TheFastmodewillshowtheactionsandthenamesoftheco-editorswhentheyareeditingthetext.Thenumberofuserswhoareworkingonthecurrentdocumentisdisplayedontherightsideoftheeditorheader-.Ifyouwanttoseewhoexactlyiseditingthefilenow,youcanclickthisiconoropentheChatpanelwiththefulllistoftheusers.Whennousersareviewingoreditingthefile,theiconintheeditorheaderwilllooklikeallowingyoutomanagetheuserswhohaveaccesstothefilerightfromthedocument:invitenewusersgivingthempermissionstoedit,read,comment,fillformsorreviewthedocument,ordenysomeusersaccessrightstothefile.Clickthisicontomanagetheaccesstothefile;thiscanbedonebothwhentherearenootheruserswhovieworco-editthedocumentatthemomentandwhenthereareotherusersandtheiconlookslike.It'salsopossibletosetaccessrightsusingtheSharingiconattheCollaborationtabofthetoptoolbar.Assoonasoneoftheuserssaveshis/herchangesbyclickingtheicon,theotherswillseeanotewithinthestatusbarstatingthattheyhaveupdates.Tosavethechangesyoumade,sothatotheruserscanviewthem,andgettheupdatessavedbyyourco-editors,clicktheiconintheleftuppercornerofthetoptoolbar.Theupdateswillbehighlightedforyoutocheckwhatexactlyhasbeenchanged.Youcanspecifywhatchangesyouwanttobehighlightedduringco-editingifyouclicktheFiletabonthetoptoolbar,selecttheAdvancedSettings...optionandchoosebetweennone,allandlastreal-timecollaborationchanges.SelectingViewallchanges,allthechangesmadeduringthecurrentsessionwillbehighlighted.SelectingViewlastchanges,onlythechangesmadesinceyoulasttimeclickedtheiconwillbehighlighted.SelectingViewNonechanges,changesmadeduringthecurrentsessionwillnotbehighlighted.ChatYoucanusethistooltocoordinatetheco-editingprocesson-the-fly,forexample,todistributetasksandparagraphstobeeditedbythecollaborators,etc.Thechatmessagesarestoredduringonesessiononly.Todiscussthedocumentcontent,itisbettertousecommentswhicharestoreduntiltheyaredeleted.Toaccessthechatandleaveamessageforotherusers,clicktheiconontheleftsidebar,orswitchtotheCollaborationtabofthetoptoolbarandc
"body":"Windows/LinuxMacOSWorkingwithDocumentOpen'File'panelAlt+F⌥Option+FOpentheFilepanelpaneltosave,download,printthecurrentdocument,viewitsinfo,createanewdocumentoropenanexistingone,accesstheDocumentEditorHelpCenteroradvancedsettings.Open'Find and Replace'dialogboxCtrl+F^Ctrl+F,⌘Cmd+FOpentheFindandReplacedialogboxtostartsearchingforacharacter/word/phraseinthecurrentlyediteddocument.Open'Find and Replace'dialogboxwithreplacementfieldCtrl+H^Ctrl+HOpentheFindandReplacedialogboxwiththereplacementfieldtoreplaceoneormoreoccurrencesofthefoundcharacters.Repeatthelast'Find'action⇧Shift+F4⇧Shift+F4,⌘Cmd+G,⌘Cmd+⇧Shift+F4RepeatthepreviousFindperformedbeforethekeycombinationwaspressed.Open'Comments'panelCtrl+⇧Shift+H^Ctrl+⇧Shift+H,⌘Cmd+⇧Shift+HOpentheCommentspaneltoaddyourowncommentorreplytootherusers' comments. Open comment field Alt+H ⌥ Option+H Open a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment. Open 'Chat'panelAlt+Q⌥Option+QOpentheChatpanelandsendamessage.SavedocumentCtrl+S^Ctrl+S,⌘Cmd+SSaveallthechangestothedocumentcurrentlyeditedwithTheDocumentEditor.Theactivefilewillbesavedwithitscurrentfilename,location,andfileformat.PrintdocumentCtrl+P^Ctrl+P,⌘Cmd+PPrintthedocumentwithoneoftheavailableprintersorsaveitasafile.DownloadAs...Ctrl+⇧Shift+S^Ctrl+⇧Shift+S,⌘Cmd+⇧Shift+SOpentheDownloadas...paneltosavethecurrentlyediteddocumenttotheharddiskdriveofyourcomputerinoneofthesupportedformats:DOCX,PDF,ODT,TXT,DOTX,PDF/A,OTT,RTF,HTML.FullscreenF11SwitchtothefullscreenviewtofittheDocumentEditorintoyourscreen.HelpmenuF1F1OpentheDocumentEditorHelpmenu.Openexistingfile(DesktopEditors)Ctrl+OOntheOpenlocalfiletabintheDesktopEditors,opensthestandarddialogboxthatallowstoselectanexistingfile.Closefile(DesktopEditors)Ctrl+W,Ctrl+F4^Ctrl+W,⌘Cmd+WClosethecurrentdocumentwindowintheDesktopEditors.Elementcontextualmenu⇧Shift+F10⇧Shift+F10Opentheselectedelementcontextualmenu.Resetthe‘Zoom’parameterCtrl+0^Ctrl+0or⌘Cmd+0Resetthe‘Zoom’parameterofthecurrentdocumenttoadefault100%.NavigationJumptothebeginningofthelineHomeHomePutthecursortothebeginningofthecurrentlyeditedline.JumptothebeginningofthedocumentCtrl+Home^Ctrl+HomePutthecursortotheverybeginningofthecurrentlyediteddocument.JumptotheendofthelineEndEndPutthecursortotheendofthecurrentlyeditedline.JumptotheendofthedocumentCtrl+End^Ctrl+EndPutthecursortotheveryendofthecurrentlyediteddocument.JumptothebeginningofthepreviouspageAlt+Ctrl+PageUpPutthecursortotheverybeginningofthepagewhichpreceedsthecurrentlyeditedone.JumptothebeginningofthenextpageAlt+Ctrl+PageDown⌥Option+⌘Cmd+⇧Shift+PageDownPutthecursortotheverybeginningofthepagewhichfollowsthecurrentlyeditedone.ScrolldownPageDownPageDown,⌥Option+Fn+↑Scrollthedocumentapproximatelyonevisiblepagedown.ScrollupPageUpPageUp,⌥Option+Fn+↓Scrollthedocumentapproximatelyonevisiblepageup.NextpageAlt+PageDown⌥Option+PageDownGotothenextpageinthecurrentlyediteddocument.PreviouspageAlt+PageUp⌥Option+PageUpGotothepreviouspageinthecurrentlyediteddocument.ZoomInCtrl++^Ctrl+=,⌘Cmd+=Zoominthecurrentlyediteddocument.ZoomOutCtrl+-^Ctrl+-,⌘Cmd+-Zoomoutthecurrentlyediteddocument.Moveonecharactertotheleft←←Movethecursoronecharactertotheleft.Moveonecharactertotheright→→Movethecursoronecharactertotheright.MovetothebeginningofawordoronewordtotheleftCtrl+←^Ctrl+←,⌘Cmd+←Movethe
"body":"The Document Editor offers several tools to help you view and navigate through your document: zoom, page number indicator etc. Adjust the View Settings To adjust default view settings and set the most convenient mode to work with the document, click the View settings icon on the right side of the editor header and select which interface elements you want to be hidden or shown. You can select the following options from the View settings drop-down list: Hide Toolbar - hides the top toolbar that contains commands while tabs remain visible. When this option is enabled, you can click any tab to display the toolbar. The toolbar is displayed until you click anywhere outside it. To disable this mode, click the View settings icon and click the Hide Toolbar option once again. The top toolbar will be displayed all the time. Note: alternatively, you can just double-click any tab to hide the top toolbar or display it again. Hide Status Bar - hides the bottommost bar where the Page Number Indicator and Zoom buttons are situated. To show the hidden Status Bar click this option once again. Hide Rulers - hides rulers which are used to align text, graphics, tables, and other elements in a document, set up margins, tab stops, and paragraph indents. To show the hidden Rulers click this option once again. The right sidebar is minimized by default. To expand it, select any object (e.g. image, chart, shape) or text passage and click the icon of the currently activated tab on the right. To minimize the right sidebar, click the icon once again. When the Comments or Chat panel is opened, the width of the left sidebar is adjusted by simple drag-and-drop: move the mouse cursor over the left sidebar border so that it turns into the bidirectional arrow and drag the border to the right to extend the width of the sidebar. To restore its original width, move the border to the left. Use the Navigation Tools To navigate through your document, use the following tools: The Zoom buttons are situated in the right lower corner and are used to zoom in and out the current document. To change the currently selected zoom value that is displayed in percent, click it and select one of the available zoom options from the list or use the Zoom in or Zoom out buttons. Click the Fit width icon to fit the document page width to the visible part of the working area. To fit the whole document page to the visible part of the working area, click the Fit page icon. Zoom settings are also available in the View settings drop-down list that can be useful if you decide to hide the Status Bar. The Page Number Indicator shows the current page as a part of all the pages in the current document (page 'n' of 'nn'). Click this caption to open the window where you can enter the page number and quickly go to it."
"body":"When somebody shares a file with you using the review permissions, you need to apply the document Review feature. As a reviewer, you can use the Review option to review the document, change the sentences, phrases and other page elements, correct spelling, etc. without actually editing it. All your changes will be recorded and shown to the person who sent you the document. If you send the file for review, you will need to display all the changes which were made to it, view and either accept or reject them. Enable the Track Changes feature To see changes suggested by a reviewer, enable the Track Changes option in one of the following ways: click the button in the right lower corner on the status bar, or switch to the Collaboration tab on the top toolbar and press the Track Changes button. Note: it is not necessary for the reviewer to enable the Track Changes option. It is enabled by default and cannot be disabled when the document is shared with review only access rights. View changes Changes made by a user are highlighted with a specific color in the document text. When you click on the changed text, a pop-up window opens which displays the user name, the date and time when the change has been made, and the change description. The pop-up window also contains icons used to accept or reject the current change. If you drag and drop a piece of text to some other place in the document, the text in a new position will be underlined with the double line. The text in the original position will be double-crossed. This will count as a single change. Click the double-crossed text in the original position and use the arrow in the change pop-up window to go to the new location of the text. Click the double-underlined text in the new position and use the arrow in the change pop-up window to go to to the original location of the text. Choose the changes display mode Click the Display Mode button on the top toolbar and select one of the available modes from the list: Markup - this option is selected by default. It allows both viewing the suggested changes and editing the document. Final - this mode is used to display all the changes as if they were accepted. This option does not actually accept all changes, it only allows you to see how the document will look like after you accept all the changes. In this mode, you cannot edit the document. Original - this mode is used to display all the changes as if they were rejected. This option does not actually reject all changes, it only allows you to view the document without changes. In this mode, you cannot edit the document. Accept or reject changes Use the Previous and the Next buttons on the top toolbar to navigate through the changes. To accept the currently selected change you can: click the Accept button on the top toolbar, or click the downward arrow below the Accept button and select the Accept Current Change option (in this case, the change will be accepted and you will proceed to the next change), or click the Accept button of the change pop-up window. To quickly accept all the changes, click the downward arrow below the Accept button and select the Accept All Changes option. To reject the current change you can: click the Reject button on the top toolbar, or click the downward arrow below the Reject button and select the Reject Current Change option (in this case, the change will be rejected and you will move on to the next available change), or click the Reject button of the change pop-up window. To quickly reject all the changes, click the downward arrow below the Reject button and select the Reject All Changes option. Note: if you review the document, the Accept and Reject options are not available for you. You can delete your changes using the icon within the change balloon."
"body":"To search for the required characters, words or phrases used in the currently edited document, click the icon situated on the left sidebar or use the Ctrl+F key combination. The Find and Replace window will open: Type in your inquiry into the corresponding data entry field. Specify search parameters by clicking the icon and checking the necessary options: Case sensitive - is used to find only the occurrences typed in the same case as your inquiry (e.g. if your inquiry is 'Editor' and this option is selected, such words as 'editor' or 'EDITOR' etc. will not be found). To disable this option, click it once again. Highlight results - is used to highlight all found occurrences at once. To disable this option and remove the highlight, click the option once again. Click one of the arrow buttons at the bottom right corner of the window. The search will be performed either towards the beginning of the document (if you click the button) or towards the end of the document (if you click the button) from the current position. Note: when the Highlight results option is enabled, use these buttons to navigate through the highlighted results. The first occurrence of the required characters in the selected direction will be highlighted on the page. If it is not the word you are looking for, click the selected button again to find the next occurrence of the characters you entered. To replace one or more occurrences of the found characters, click the Replace link below the data entry field or use the Ctrl+H key combination. The Find and Replace window will change: Type in the replacement text into the bottom data entry field. Click the Replace button to replace the currently selected occurrence or the Replace All button to replace all the found occurrences. To hide the replace field, click the Hide Replace link."
"body":"The Document Editor allows you to check the spelling of your text in a certain language and correct mistakes while editing. In the desktop version, it's also possible to add words into a custom dictionary which is common for all three editors. First of all, choose a language for your document. Click the Set Document Language icon on the status bar. In the opened window, select the required language and click OK. The selected language will be applied to the whole document. To choose a different language for any piece within the document, select the necessary text passage with the mouse and use the menu on the status bar. To enable the spell checking option, you can: click the Spell checking icon on the status bar, or open the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Advanced Settings... option, check the Turn on spell checking option box and click the Apply button. all misspelled words will be underlined by a red line. Right click on the necessary word to activate the menu and: choose one of the suggested similar words spelled correctly to replace the misspelled word with the suggested one. If too many variants are found, the More variants... option appears in the menu; use the Ignore option to skip just that word and remove underlining or Ignore All to skip all the identical words repeated in the text; if the current word is missed in the dictionary, you can add it to the custom dictionary. This word will not be treated as a mistake next time. This option is available in the desktop version. select a different language for this word. To disable the spell checking option, you can: click the Spell checking icon on the status bar, or open the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Advanced Settings... option, uncheck the Turn on spell checking option box and click the Apply button."
"body":"An electronic document is one of the most commonly used computer. Due to the highly developed modern computer network, it's more convenient to distribute electronic documents than printed ones. Nowadays, a lot of devices are used for document presentation, so there are plenty of proprietary and open file formats. The Document Editor handles the most popular of them. Formats Description View Edit Download DOC Filename extension for word processing documents created with Microsoft Word + + DOCX Office Open XML Zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for representing spreadsheets, charts, presentations, and word processing documents + + + DOTX Word Open XML Document Template Zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for text document templates. A DOTX template contains formatting settings, styles etc. and can be used to create multiple documents with the same formatting + + + ODT Word processing file format of OpenDocument, an open standard for electronic documents + + + OTT OpenDocument Document Template OpenDocument file format for text document templates. An OTT template contains formatting settings, styles etc. and can be used to create multiple documents with the same formatting + + + RTF Rich Text Format Document file format developed by Microsoft for cross-platform document interchange + + + TXT Filename extension for text files usually containing very little formatting + + + PDF Portable Document Format File format used to represent documents regardless of the used software, hardware, and operating systems + + PDF/A Portable Document Format / A An ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specialized for use in the archiving and long-term preservation of electronic documents. + + HTML HyperText Markup Language The main markup language for web pages + + in the online version EPUB Electronic Publication Free and open e-book standard created by the International Digital Publishing Forum + XPS Open XML Paper Specification Open royalty-free fixed-layout document format developed by Microsoft + DjVu File format designed primarily to store scanned documents, especially those containing a combination of text, line drawings, and photographs +"
"body":"The File tab allows performing some basic operations. The corresponding window of the Online Document Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Document Editor: With this tab, you can use the following options: in the online version: save the current file (in case the Autosave option is disabled), save it in the required format on the hard disk drive of your computer with the Download as option, save a copy of the file in the selected format to the portal documents with the Save copy as option, print or rename the current file. in the desktop version: save the current file without changing its format and location using the Save option, save it changing its name, location or format using the Save as option or print the current file. protect the file using a password, change or remove the password (available in the desktop version only); create a new document or open a recently edited one (available in the online version only), view general information about the document or change some file properties, manage access rights (available in the online version only), track version history (available in the online version only), access the Advanced Settings of the editor, in the desktop version, open the folder, where the file is stored, in the File explorer window. In the online version, open the folder of the Documents module, where the file is stored, in a new browser tab."
"body":"The Home tab appears by default when you open a document. It also allows formating fonts and paragraphs. Some other options are also available here, such as Mail Merge and color schemes. The corresponding window of the Online Document Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Document Editor: Using this tab, you can: adjust the font type, its size and color, apply font decoration styles, select a background color for a paragraph, create bulleted and numbered lists, change paragraph indents, set paragraph line spacing, align your text in a paragraph, show/hide non-printing characters, copy/clear text formatting, change the color scheme, use Mail Merge (available in the online version only), manage styles."
"body":"The Insert tab allows adding some page formatting elements as well as visual objects and comments. The corresponding window of the Online Document Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Document Editor: Using this tab, you can: insert a blank page, insert page breaks, section breaks and column breaks, insert tables, images, charts, shapes, insert hyperlinks, comments, insert headers and footers, page numbers, date & time, insert text boxes and Text Art objects, equations, symbols, drop caps, content controls."
"body":"The Layout tab allows changing the appearance of a document: setting up page parameters and defining the arrangement of visual elements. The corresponding window of the Online Document Editor: corresponding window of the Desktop Document Editor: Using this tab, you can: adjust page margins, orientation and size, add columns, insert page breaks, section breaks and column breaks, insert line numbers align and arrange objects (tables, pictures, charts, shapes), change the wrapping style, add a watermark."
"body":"The Plugins tab allows accessing the advanced editing features using the available third-party components. This tab also makes it possible to use macros to simplify routine operations. The corresponding window of the Online Document Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Document Editor: The Settings button allows viewing and managing all the installed plugins as well as adding new ones. The Macros button allows you to create and run your own macros. To learn more about macros, please refer to our API Documentation. Currently, the following plugins are available by default: Send allows to send the document via email using the default desktop mail client (available in the desktop version only), Highlight code allows to highlight syntax of the code selecting the necessary language, style, background color, OCR allows to recognize text included into a picture and insert it into the document text, Photo Editor allows to edit images: crop, flip, rotate them, draw lines and shapes, add icons and text, load a mask and apply filters such as Grayscale, Invert, Sepia, Blur, Sharpen, Emboss, etc., Speech allows to convert the selected text into speech (available in the online version only), Thesaurus allows to search for synonyms and antonyms of a word and replace it with the selected one, Translator allows to translate the selected text into other languages, YouTube allows to embed YouTube videos into your document, Mendeley allows to manage research papers and generate bibliographies for scholarly articles (available in the online version only), Zotero allows to manage bibliographic data and related research materials (available in the online version only), EasyBib helps to find and insert related books, journal articles and websites (available in the online version only). The Wordpress and EasyBib plugins can be used if you connect the corresponding services in your portal settings. You can use the following instructions for the server version or for the SaaS version. To learn more about plugins, please refer to our API Documentation. All the currently existing open source plugin examples are available on GitHub."
"title":"Introducing the user interface of the Document Editor",
"body":"The Document Editor uses a tabbed interface where editing commands are grouped into tabs by functionality. Main window of the Online Document Editor: Main window of the Desktop Document Editor: The editor interface consists of the following main elements: The Editor header displays the ONLYOFFICE logo, tabs for all opened documents with their names and menu tabs. On the left side of the Editor header, the Save, Print file, Undo and Redo buttons are located. On the right side of the Editor header, along with the user name the following icons are displayed: Open file location - in the desktop version, it allows opening the folder, where the file is stored, in the File explorer window. In the online version, it allows opening the folder of the Documents module, where the file is stored, in a new browser tab. It allows adjusting the View Settings and access the Advanced Settings of the editor. Manage document access rights (available in the online version only). It allows adjusting access rights for the documents stored in the cloud. The Top toolbar displays a set of editing commands depending on the selected menu tab. Currently, the following tabs are available: File, Home, Insert, Layout, References, Collaboration, Protection, Plugins. The Copy and Paste options are always available on the left side of the Top toolbar regardless of the selected tab. The Status bar located at the bottom of the editor window indicates the page number and displays some notifications (for example, \"All changes saved\", etc.). It also allows setting the text language, enabling spell checking, turning on the track changes mode and adjusting zoom. The Left sidebar contains the following icons: - allows using the Search and Replace tool, - allows opening the Comments panel, - allows going to the Navigation panel and managing headings, - (available in the online version only) allows opening the Chat panel, - (available in the online version only) allows to contact our support team, - (available in the online version only) allows to view the information about the program. Right sidebar sidebar allows adjusting additional parameters of different objects. When you select a particular object in the text, the corresponding icon is activated on the Right sidebar. Click this icon to expand the Right sidebar. The horizontal and vertical Rulers make it possible to align the text and other elements in the document, set up margins, tab stops and paragraph indents. Working area allows to view document content, enter and edit data. Scroll bar on the right allows to scroll up and down multi-page documents. For your convenience, you can hide some components and display them again when them when necessary. To learn more about adjusting view settings, please refer to this page."
"body":"The References tab allows managing different types of references: adding and refreshing tables of contents, creating and editing footnotes, inserting hyperlinks. The corresponding window of the Online Document Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Document Editor: Using this tab, you can: create and automatically update a table of contents, insert footnotes and endnotes, insert hyperlinks, add bookmarks. add captions, insert cross-references."
"body":"The Collaboration tab allows collaborating on documents. In the online version, you can share the file, select the required co-editing mode, manage comments, track changes made by a reviewer, view all versions and revisions. In the commenting mode, you can add and remove comments, navigate between the tracked changes, use the built-in chat and view the version history. In the desktop version, you can manage comments and use the Track Changes feature . The corresponding window of the Online Document Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Document Editor: Using this tab, you can: specify the sharing settings (available in the online version only), switch between the Strict and Fast co-editing modes (available in the online version only), add or remove comments to the document, enable the Track Changes feature, choose the changes display mode, manage the suggested changes, load a document for comparison (available in the online version only), open the Chat panel (available in the online version only), track the version history (available in the online version only)."
"body":"To add borders to a paragraph, page, or the whole document, place the cursor within the required paragraph, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or the whole text by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination, click the right mouse button and select the Paragraph Advanced Settings option from the menu or use the Show advanced settings link on the right sidebar, switch to the Borders & Fill tab in the opened Paragraph - Advanced Settings window, set the needed value for Border Size and select a Border Color, click within the available diagram or use buttons to select borders and apply the chosen style to them, click the OK button. After adding the borders, you can also set paddings i.e. distances between the right, left, top and bottom borders and the paragraph. To set the necessary values, switch to the Paddings tab of the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window:"
"body":"s A caption is a numbered label that can be applied to objects, such as equations, tables, figures, and images in the document. A caption allows making a reference in the text - an easily recognizable label on an object. To add a caption to an object: select the required object to apply a caption; switch to the References tab of the top toolbar; click the Caption icon on the top toolbar or right-click on the object and select the Insert Caption option to open the Insert Caption dialogue box choose the label to use for your caption by clicking the label drop-down and choosing the object. or create a new label by clicking the Add label button to open the Add label dialogue box. Enter a name for the label into the label text box. Then click the OK button to add a new label into the label list; check the Include chapter number checkbox to change the numbering for your caption; in Insert drop-down menu choose Before to place the label above the object or After to place it below the object; check the Exclude label from caption checkbox to leave only a number for this particular caption in accordance with a sequence number; you can then choose how to number your caption by assigning a specific style to the caption and adding a separator; to apply the caption click the OK button. Deleting a label To delete a label you have created, choose the label from the label list within the caption dialogue box then click the Delete label button. The label you created will be immediately deleted. Note: You may delete labels you have created but you cannot delete the default labels. Formatting captions As soon as you add a caption, a new style for captions is automatically added to the styles section. To change the style for all captions throughout the document, you should follow these steps: select the text to copy a new Caption style; search for the Caption style (highlighted in blue by default) in the styles gallery on the Home tab of the top toolbar; right-click on it and choose the Update from selection option. Grouping captions up To move the object and the caption as one unit, you need to group the object and the caption: select the object; select one of the Wrapping styles using the right sidebar; add the caption as it is mentioned above; hold down Shift and select the items to be grouped up; right-click item and choose Arrange > Group. Now both items will move simultaneously if you drag them somewhere else in the document. To unbind the objects, click on Arrange > Ungroup respectively."
"body":"To add a hyperlink, place the cursor in the text that you want to display as a hyperlink, switch to the Insert or References tab of the top toolbar, click the Hyperlink icon on the top toolbar, after that the Hyperlink Settings window will appear, and you will be able to specify the hyperlink parameters: Select a link type you wish to insert: Use the External Link option and enter a URL in the format http://www.example.com in the Link to field below if you need to add a hyperlink leading to an external website. Use the Place in Document option and select one of the existing headings in the document text or one of previously added bookmarks if you need to add a hyperlink leading to a certain place in the same document. Display - enter a text that will get clickable and lead to the address specified in the upper field. ScreenTip text - enter a text that will become visible in a small pop-up window with a brief note or label pertaining to the hyperlink to be pointed. Click the OK button. To add a hyperlink, you can also use the Ctrl+K key combination or click with the right mouse button at a position where a hyperlink will be added and select the Hyperlink option in the right-click menu. Note: it's also possible to select a character, word, word combination, text passage with the mouse or using the keyboard and then open the Hyperlink Settings window as described above. In this case, the Display field will be filled with the text fragment you selected. By hovering the cursor over the added hyperlink, the ScreenTip will appear containing the text you specified. You can follow the link by pressing the CTRL key and clicking the link in your document. To edit or delete the added hyperlink, click it with the right mouse button, select the Hyperlink option and then the action you want to perform - Edit Hyperlink or Remove Hyperlink."
"body":"s A watermark is a text or image placed under the main text layer. Text watermarks allow indicating the status of your document (for example, confidential, draft etc.). Image watermarks allow adding an image, for example, the logo of your company. To add a watermark in a document: Switch to the Layout tab of the top toolbar. Click the Watermark icon on the top toolbar and choose the Custom Watermark option from the menu. After that the Watermark Settings window will appear. Select a watermark type you wish to insert: Use the Text watermark option and adjust the available parameters: Language - select one of the available languages from the list, Text - select one of the available text examples in the selected language. For English, the following watermark texts are available: ASAP, CONFIDENTIAL, COPY, DO NOT COPY, DRAFT, ORIGINAL, PERSONAL, SAMPLE, TOP SECRET, URGENT. Font - select the font name and size from the corresponding drop-down lists. Use the icons on the right to set the font color or apply one of the font decoration styles: Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikeout, Semitransparent - check this box if you want to apply transparency, Layout - select the Diagonal or Horizontal option. Use the Image watermark option and adjust the available parameters: Choose the image file source using one of the options from the drop-down list: From File, From URL or From Storage - the image will be displayed in the preview window on the right, Scale - select the necessary scale value from the available ones: Auto, 500%, 200%, 150%, 100%, 50%. Click the OK button. To edit the added watermark, open the Watermark Settings window as described above, change the necessary parameters and click OK. To delete the added watermark click the Watermark icon on the Layout tab of the top toolbar and choose the Remove Watermark option from the menu. It's also possible to use the None option in the Watermark Settings window."
"body":"The text is commonly aligned in four ways: left-aligned text, right-aligned text, centered text or justified text. To align the text, place the cursor to the position where you want the alignment to be applied (this can be a new line or already entered text), switch to the Home tab of the top toolbar, select the alignment type you would like to apply: Left alignment (when the text is lined up to the left side of the page with the right side remaining unaligned) is done by clicking the Align left icon on the top toolbar. Center alignment (when the text is lined up in the center of the page with the right and the left sides remaining unaligned) is done by clicking the Align center icon on the top toolbar. Right alignment (when the text is lined up to the right side of the page with the left side remaining unaligned) is done by clicking the Align right icon on the top toolbar. Justified alignment (when the text is lined up to both the left and the right sides of the page, and additional spacing is added where necessary to keep the alignment) is done by clicking the Justified icon on the top toolbar. The alignment parameters are also available in the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window. right-click the text and choose the Paragraph - Advanced Settings option from the contextual menu or use the Show advanced settings option on the right sidebar, open the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window, switch to the Indents & Spacing tab, select one of the alignment types from the Alignment list: Left, Center, Right, Justified, click the OK button to apply the changes."
"body":"Select a background color for a paragraph A background color is applied to the whole paragraph and completely fills all the paragraph space from the left page margin to the right page margin. To apply a background color to a certain paragraph or change the current one, select a color scheme for your document from the available ones clicking the Change color scheme icon at the Home tab on the top toolbar place the cursor within the required paragraph, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or the whole text using the Ctrl+A key combination open the color palettes window. You can access it in one of the following ways: click the downward arrow next to the icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar, or click the color field next to the Background Color caption on the right sidebar, or click the 'Show advanced settings' link on the right sidebar or select the 'Paragraph Advanced Settings' option on the right-click menu, then switch to the 'Borders & Fill' tab within the 'Paragraph - Advanced Settings' window and click the color field next to the Background Color caption. select any color among the available palettes After you select the required color by using the icon, you'll be able to apply this color to any selected paragraph just by clicking the icon (it displays the selected color), without having to choose this color in the palette again. If you use the Background Color option on the right sidebar or within the 'Paragraph - Advanced Settings' window, remember that the selected color is not retained for quick access. (These options can be useful if you wish to select a different background color for a specific paragraph and if you are also using some general color selected by clicking the icon). To remove the background color from a certain paragraph, place the cursor within the required paragraph, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or the whole text using the Ctrl+A key combination open the color palettes window by clicking the color field next to the Background Color caption on the right sidebar select the icon."
"body":"Color schemes are applied to the whole document. They are used to quickly change the appearance of your document because they define the Theme Colors palette for different document elements (font, background, tables, autoshapes, charts). If you applied some Theme Colors to the document elements and then select a different Color Scheme, the applied colors in your document will change correspondingly. To change a color scheme, click the downward arrow next to the Change color scheme icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar and select the required color scheme from the list: Office, Grayscale, Apex, Aspect, Civic, Concourse, Equity, Flow, Foundry, Median, Metro, Module, Odulent, Oriel, Origin, Paper, Solstice, Technic, Trek, Urban, Verve. The selected color scheme will be highlighted in the list. Once you select the preferred color scheme, you can select other colors in the color palettes window that corresponds to the document element you want to apply the color to. For most document elements, the color palettes window can be accessed by clicking the colored box on the right sidebar when the required element is selected. For the font, this window can be opened using the downward arrow next to the Font color icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar. The following palettes are available: Theme Colors - the colors that correspond to the selected color scheme of the document. Standard Colors - a set of default colors. The selected color scheme does not affect them. Custom Color - click this caption if the required color is missing among the available palettes. Select the necessary color range moving the vertical color slider and set a specific color dragging the color picker within the large square color field. Once you select a color with the color picker, the appropriate RGB and sRGB color values will be displayed in the fields on the right. You can also define a color on the base of the RGB color model by entering the corresponding numeric values into the R, G, B (red, green, blue) fields or enter the sRGB hexadecimal code into the field marked with the # sign. The selected color appears in the New preview box. If the object was previously filled with any custom color, this color is displayed in the Current box so you can compare the original and modified colors. When the color is defined, click the Add button: The custom color will be applied to the selected element and added to the Custom color palette."
"body":"Change the text wrapping The Wrapping Style option determines the way the object is positioned relative to the text. You can change the text wrapping style for inserted objects, such as shapes, images, charts, text boxes or tables. Change text wrapping for shapes, images, charts, text boxes To change the currently selected wrapping style: left-click a separate object to select it. To select a text box, click on its border, not the text within it. open the text wrapping settings: switch to the the Layout tab of the top toolbar and click the arrow next to the Wrapping icon, or right-click the object and select the Wrapping Style option from the contextual menu, or right-click the object, select the Advanced Settings option and switch to the Text Wrapping tab of the object Advanced Settings window. select the necessary wrapping style: Inline - the object is considered to be a part of the text, like a character, so when the text moves, the object moves as well. In this case the positioning options are inaccessible. If one of the following styles is selected, the object can be moved independently of the text and precisely positioned on the page: Square - the text wraps the rectangular box that bounds the object. Tight - the text wraps the actual object edges. Through - the text wraps around the object edges and fills the open white space within the object. To apply this effect, use the Edit Wrap Boundary option from the right-click menu. Top and bottom - the text is only above and below the object. In front - the object overlaps the text. Behind - the text overlaps the object. If you select the Square, Tight, Through, or Top and bottom style, you will be able to set up some additional parameters - Distance from Text at all sides (top, bottom, left, right). To access these parameters, right-click the object, select the Advanced Settings option and switch to the Text Wrapping tab of the object Advanced Settings window. Set the required values and click OK. If you select a wrapping style other than Inline, the Position tab is also available in the object Advanced Settings window. To learn more on these parameters, please refer to the corresponding pages with the instructions on how to work with shapes, images or charts. If you select a wrapping style other than Inline, you can also edit the wrap boundary for images or shapes. Right-click the object, select the Wrapping Style option from the contextual menu and click the Edit Wrap Boundary option. Drag wrap points to customize the boundary. To create a new wrap point, click anywhere on the red line and drag it to the required position. Change text wrapping for tables For tables, the following two wrapping styles are available: Inline table and Flow table. To change the currently selected wrapping style: right-click the table and select the Table Advanced Settings option, switch to the Text Wrapping tab of the Table - Advanced Settings window, select one of the following options: Inline table is used to select the wrapping style when the text is broken by the table as well as to set the alignment: left, center, right. Flow table is used to select the wrapping style when the text is wrapped around the table. Using the Text Wrapping tab of the Table - Advanced Settings window, you can also set up the following additional parameters: For inline tables, you can set the table Alignment type (left, center or right) and Indent from left. For floating tables, you can set the Distance from text and the table position on the Table Position tab."
"body":"The ONLYOFFICE Document Editor allows you to quickly convert footnotes to endnotes, and vice versa, e.g., if you see that some footnotes in the resulting document should be placed in the end. Instead of recreating them as endnotes, use the corresponding tool for effortless conversion. Click the arrow next to the Footnote icon on the References tab located at the top toolbar, Hover over the Convert all notes menu item and choose one of the options from the list to the right: Convert all Footnotes to Endnotes to change all footnotes into endnotes; Convert all Endnotes to Footnotes to change all endnotes to footnotes; Swap Footnotes and Endnotes to change all endnotes to footnotes, and all footnotes to endnotes."
"body":"To copy a certain text formatting, select the text passage whose formatting you need to copy with the mouse or using the keyboard, click the Copy style icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar (the mouse pointer will look like this ), select the required text passage to apply the same formatting. To apply the copied formatting to multiple text passages, select the text passage whose formatting you need to copy with the mouse or use the keyboard, double-click the Copy style icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar (the mouse pointer will look like this and the Copy style icon will remain selected: ), select the necessary text passages one by one to apply the same formatting to each of them, to exit this mode, click the Copy style icon once again or press the Esc key on the keyboard. To quickly remove the applied formatting from your text, select the text passage whose formatting you want to remove, click the Clear style icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar."
"body":"Use basic clipboard operations To cut, copy and paste text passages and inserted objects (autoshapes, images, charts) in the current document, select the corresponding options from the right-click menu or click the icons located on any tab of the top toolbar: Cut – select a text fragment or an object and use the Cut option from the right-click menu to delete the selected text and send it to the computer clipboard memory. The cut text can be later inserted to another place in the same document. Copy – select a text fragment or an object and use the Copy option from the right-click menu, or the Copy icon on the top toolbar to copy the selected text to the computer clipboard memory. The copied text can be later inserted to another place in the same document. Paste – find the place in your document where you need to paste the previously copied text fragment/object and use the the Paste option from the right-click menu, or the Paste icon on the top toolbar. The copied text/object will be inserted to the current cursor position. The data can be previously copied from the same document. In the online version, the key combinations below are only used to copy or paste data from/into another document or a program. In the desktop version, both corresponding buttons/menu options and key combinations can be used for any copy/paste operations: Ctrl+X key combination for cutting; Ctrl+C key combination for copying; Ctrl+V key combination for pasting. Note: instead of cutting and pasting text fragments in the same document, you can just select the required text passage and drag and drop it to the necessary position. Use the Paste Special feature Once the copied text is pasted, the Paste Special button appears next to the inserted text passage. Click this button to select the necessary paste option. When pasting a text paragraph or some text within autoshapes, the following options are available: Paste - allows pasting the copied text keeping its original formatting. Keep text only - allows pasting the text without its original formatting. If you copy a table and paste it into an already existing table, the following options are available: Overwrite cells - allows replacing the contents of the existing table with the copied data. This option is selected by default. Nest table - allows pasting the copied table as a nested table into the selected cell of the existing table. Keep text only - allows pasting the table contents as text values separated by the tab character. To enable / disable the automatic appearance of the Paste Special button after pasting, go to the File tab > Advanced Settings... and check / uncheck the Cut, copy and paste checkbox. Undo/redo your actions To perform undo/redo operations, click the corresponding icons in the editor header or use the following keyboard shortcuts: Undo – use the Undo icon on the left side of the editor header or the Ctrl+Z key combination to undo the last operation you performed. Redo – use the Redo icon on the left part of the editor header or the Ctrl+Y key combination to redo the last undone operation. Note: when you co-edit a document in the Fast mode, the possibility to Redo the last undone operation is not available."
"body":"You can apply various font decoration styles using the corresponding icons on the Home tab of the top toolbar. Note: in case you want to apply the formatting to the already existing text in the document, select it with the mouse or use the keyboard and apply the formatting. Bold Used to make the font bold giving it a heavier appearance. Italic Used to make the font slightly slanted to the right. Underline Used to make the text underlined with a line going under the letters. Strikeout Used to make the text struck out with a line going through the letters. Superscript Used to make the text smaller placing it in the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions. Subscript Used to make the text smaller placing it in the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas. To access the advanced font settings, click the right mouse button and select the Paragraph Advanced Settings option from the menu or use the Show advanced settings link on the right sidebar. Then the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window will appear, and you will need to switch to the Font tab. Here you can use the following font decoration styles and settings: Strikethrough is used to make the text struck out with a line going through the letters. Double strikethrough is used to make the text struck out with a double line going through the letters. Superscript is used to make the text smaller placing it in the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions. Subscript is used to make the text smaller placing it in the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas. Small caps is used to make all letters lower case. All caps is used to make all letters upper case. Spacing is used to set the space between the characters. Increase the default value to apply the Expanded spacing, or decrease the default value to apply the Condensed spacing. Use the arrow buttons or enter the necessary value in the box. Position is used to set the characters position (vertical offset) in the line. Increase the default value to move characters upwards, or decrease the default value to move characters downwards. Use the arrow buttons or enter the necessary value in the box. All the changes will be displayed in the preview field below."
"body":"Set the font type, size, and color You can select the font type, its size and color using the corresponding icons on the Home tab of the top toolbar. Note: in case you want to apply the formatting to the already existing text in the document, select it with the mouse or use the keyboard and apply the formatting. Font Used to select a font from the list of the the available fonts. If the required font is not available in the list, you can download and install it on your operating system, and the font will be available in the desktop version. Font size Used to choose from the preset font size values in the dropdown list (the default values are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72 and 96). It's also possible to manually enter a custom value in the font size field and then press Enter. Increment font size Used to change the font size making it one point bigger each time the button is pressed. Decrement font size Used to change the font size making it one point smaller each time the button is pressed. Highlight color Used to mark separate sentences, phrases, words, or even characters by adding a color band that imitates the highlighter pen effect throughout the text. You can select the required part of the text and click the downward arrow next to the icon to select a color in the palette (this color set does not depend on the selected Color scheme and includes 16 colors) - the color will be applied to the selected text. Alternatively, you can first choose a highlight color and then start selecting the text with the mouse - the mouse pointer will look like this and you'll be able to highlight several different parts of your text sequentially. To stop highlighting, just click the icon once again. To delete the highlight color, choose the No Fill option. The Highlight color is different from the Background color as the latter is applied to the whole paragraph and completely fills all the paragraph space from the left page margin to the right page margin. Font color Used to change the color of the letters/characters in the text. By default, the automatic font color is set in a new blank document. It is displayed as a black font on the white background. If you change the background color to black, the font color will automatically change to white to keep the text clearly visible. To choose a different color, click the downward arrow next to the icon and select a color from the available palettes (the colors in the Theme Colors palette depend on the selected color scheme). After you change the default font color, you can use the Automatic option in the color palettes window to quickly restore the automatic color for the selected text passage. Note: to learn more about color palettes, please refer to this page."
"body":"Each formatting style is a set of predefined formatting options: (font size, color, line spacing, alignment etc.). The styles allow you to quickly format different parts of the document (headings, subheadings, lists, normal text, quotes) instead of applying several formatting options individually each time. This also ensures the consistent appearance of the whole document. Applying a style depends on whether this style is a paragraph style (normal, no spacing, headings, list paragraph etc.), or a text style (based on the font type, size, color). It also depends on whether a text passage is selected, or the mouse cursor is placed on a word. In some cases you might need to select the required style from the style library twice, so that it can be applied correctly: when you click the style in the style panel for the first time, the paragraph style properties are applied. When you click it for the second time, the text properties are applied. Use default styles To apply one of the available text formatting styles, place the cursor within the required paragraph, or select several paragraphs, select the required style from the style gallery on the right on the Home tab of the top toolbar. The following formatting styles are available: normal, no spacing, heading 1-9, title, subtitle, quote, intense quote, list paragraph, footer, header, footnote text. Edit existing styles and create new ones To change an existing style: Apply the necessary style to a paragraph. Select the paragraph text and change all the formatting parameters you need. Save the changes made: right-click the edited text, select the Formatting as Style option and then choose the Update 'StyleName' Style option ('StyleName' corresponds to the style you've applied at the step 1), or select the edited text passage with the mouse, drop-down the style gallery, right-click the style you want to change and select the Update from selection option. Once the style is modified, all the paragraphs in the document formatted with this style will change their appearance correspondingly. To create a completely new style: Format a text passage as you need. Select an appropriate way to save the style: right-click the edited text, select the Formatting as Style option and then choose the Create new Style option, or select the edited text passage with the mouse, drop-down the style gallery and click the New style from selection option. Set the new style parameters in the opened Create New Style window: Specify the new style name in the text entry field. Select the desired style for the subsequent paragraph from the Next paragraph style list. It's also possible to choose the Same as created new style option. Click the OK button. The created style will be added to the style gallery. Manage your custom styles: To restore the default settings of a certain style you've changed, right-click the style you want to restore and select the Restore to default option. To restore the default settings of all the styles you've changed, right-click any default style in the style gallery and select the Restore all to default styles option. To delete one of the new styles you've created, right-click the style you want to delete and select the Delete style option. To delete all the new styles you've created, right-click any new style you've created and select the Delete all custom styles option."
"body":"You can embed highlighted code with the already adjusted style in accordance with the programming language and coloring style of the program you have chosen. Go to your document and place the cursor at the location where you want to include the code. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Highlight code. Specify the programming Language. Select a Style of the code so that it appears as if it were open in this program. Specify if you want to replace tabs with spaces. Choose Background color. To do this, manually move the cursor over the palette or insert the RBG/HSL/HEX value. Click OK to insert the code."
"body":"InsertanautoshapeToaddanautoshapetoyourdocument,switchtotheInserttabofthetoptoolbar,clicktheShapeicononthetoptoolbar,selectoneoftheavailableautoshapegroups:basicshapes,figuredarrows,math,charts,stars&ribbons,callouts,buttons,rectangles,lines,clickthenecessaryautoshapewithintheselectedgroup,placethemousecursorwheretheshapeshouldbeadded,oncetheautoshapeisadded,youcanchangeitssize,positionandproperties.Note:toaddacaptiontoanautoshape,makesuretherequiredshapeisselectedonthepageandstarttypingyourtext.Theaddedtextbecomesapartoftheautoshape(whenyoumoveorrotatetheshape,thetextmovesorrotateswithit).It's also possible to add a caption to the autoshape. To learn more on how to work with captions for autoshapes, you can refer to this article. Move and resize autoshapes To change the autoshape size, drag small squares situated on the shape edges. To maintain the original proportions of the selected autoshape while resizing, hold down the Shift key and drag one of the corner icons. When modifying some shapes, for example figured arrows or callouts, the yellow diamond-shaped icon is also available. It allows you to adjust some aspects of the shape, for example, the length of the head of an arrow. To alter the autoshape position, use the icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the autoshape. Drag the autoshape to the required position without releasing the mouse button. When you move the autoshape, the guide lines are displayed to help you precisely position the object on the page (if the selected wrapping style is not inline). To move the autoshape by one-pixel increments, hold down the Ctrl key and use the keybord arrows. To move the autoshape strictly horizontally/vertically and prevent it from moving in a perpendicular direction, hold down the Shift key when dragging. To rotate the autoshape, hover the mouse cursor over the rotation handle and drag it clockwise or counterclockwise. To constrain the rotation angle to 15 degree increments, hold down the Shift key while rotating. Note: the list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when working with objects is available here. Adjust autoshape settings To align and arrange autoshapes, use the right-click menu. The menu options are: Cut, Copy, Paste - standard options which are used to cut or copy the selected text/object and paste the previously cut/copied text passage or object to the current cursor position. Arrange is used to bring the selected autoshape to foreground, send it to background, move forward or backward as well as group or ungroup shapes to perform operations with several of them at once. To learn more on how to arrange objects, please refer to this page. Align is used to align the shape to the left, in the center, to the right, at the top, in the middle, at the bottom. To learn more on how to align objects, please refer to this page. Wrapping Style is used to select a text wrapping style from the available ones - inline, square, tight, through, top and bottom, in front, behind - or edit the wrap boundary. The Edit Wrap Boundary option is available only if you select a wrapping style other than Inline. Drag wrap points to customize the boundary. To create a new wrap point, click anywhere on the red line and drag it to the necessary position. Rotate is used to rotate the shape by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise as well as to flip the shape horizontally or vertically. Shape Advanced Settings is used to open the 'Shape-AdvancedSettings'window.SomeoftheautoshapesettingscanbealteredusingtheShapesettingstaboftherightsidebar.ToactivateitclicktheshapeandchoosetheShapesettingsiconontheright.Hereyoucanchangethefollowingproperties:Fill-usethissectiontoselecttheautoshapefill.Youcanchoosethefollowingoptions:ColorFill-selectthisoptiontospecifythesolidcolortofilltheinnerspaceoftheselectedautoshape.Clickthecoloredboxbelowandselectth
"body":"Bookmarks allow quickly access a certain part of the text or add a link to its location in the document. To add a bookmark in a document: specify the place where you want the bookmark to be added: put the mouse cursor at the beginning of the necessary text passage, or select the necessary text passage, switch to the References tab of the top toolbar, click the Bookmark icon on the top toolbar, in the Bookmarks window, enter the Bookmark name and click the Add button - a bookmark will be added to the bookmark list displayed below, Note: the bookmark name should begin with a letter, but it can also contain numbers. The bookmark name cannot contain spaces, but can include the underscore character \"_\". To access one of the added bookmarks within in the text: click the Bookmark icon on the References tab of the top toolbar, in the Bookmarks window, select the bookmark you want to access. To easily find the required bookmark in the list, you can sort the list of bookmarks by Name or by Location in the text, check the Hidden bookmarks option to display hidden bookmarks in the list (i.e. the bookmarks automatically created by the program when adding references to a certain part of the document. For example, if you create a hyperlink to a certain heading within the document, the document editor automatically creates a hidden bookmark to the target of this link). click the Go to button - the cursor will be positioned where the selected bookmark was added to the text, or the corresponding text passage will be selected, click the Get Link button - a new window will open where you can press the Copy button to copy the link to the file which specifyes the bookmark location in the document. When you paste this link in a browser address bar and press Enter, the document will be opened where the selected bookmark was added. Note: if you want to share this link with other users, you'll need to provide them with the corresponding access rights using the Sharing option on the Collaboration tab. click the Close button to close the window. To delete a bookmark, select it in the bookmark list and click the Delete button. To find out how to use bookmarks when creating links please refer to the Add hyperlinks section."
"body":"Content controls are objects containing different types of contents, such as text, objects etc. Depending on the selected content control type, you can create a form with input fields that can be filled in by other users, or protect some parts of the document from being edited or deleted, etc. Note: the feature to add new content controls is available in the paid version only. In the free Community version, you can edit existing content controls, as well as copy and paste them. Currently, you can add the following types of content controls: Plain Text, Rich Text, Picture, Combo box, Drop-down list, Date, Check box. Plain Text is an object containing text that cannot be formatted. Plain text content controls cannot contain more than one paragraph. Rich Text is an object containing text that can be formatted. Rich text content controls can contain several paragraphs, lists, and objects (images, shapes, tables etc.). Picture is an object containing a single image. Combo box is an object containing a drop-down list with a set of choices. It allows choosing one of the predefined values from the list and edit the selected value if necessary. Drop-down list is an object containing a drop-down list with a set of choices. It allows choosing one of the predefined values from the list. The selected value cannot be edited. Date is an object containing a calendar that allows choosing a date. Check box is an object that allows displaying two states: the check box is selected and the check box is cleared. Adding content controls Create a new Plain Text content control position the insertion point within the text line where the content control should be added, or select a text passage to transform it into a content control. switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar. click the arrow next to the Content Controls icon. choose the Plain Text option from the menu. The content control will be inserted at the insertion point within existing text line. Replace the default text within the content control (\"Your text here\") with your own text: select the default text, and type in a new text or copy a text passage from anywhere and paste it into the content control. The Plain text content controls do not allow adding line breaks and cannot contain other objects such as images, tables, etc. Create a new Rich Text content control position the insertion point within the text line where the content control should be added, or select one or more of the existing paragraphs you want to become the control contents. switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar. click the arrow next to the Content Controls icon. choose the Rich Text option from the menu. The control will be inserted in a new paragraph. Replace the default text within the control (\"Your text here\")withyourownone:selectthedefaulttext,andtypeinanewtextorcopyatextpassagefromanywhereandpasteitintothecontentcontrol.Richtextcontentcontrolsallowaddinglinebreaks,i.e.cancontainmultipleparagraphsaswellassomeobjects,suchasimages,tables,othercontentcontrolsetc.CreateanewPicturecontentcontrolpositiontheinsertionpointwithinalineofthetextwhereyouwantthecontroltobeadded.switchtotheInserttabofthetoptoolbar.clickthearrownexttotheContentControlsicon.choosethePictureoptionfromthemenu-thecontentcontrolwillbeinsertedattheinsertionpoint.clicktheimageiconinthebuttonabovethecontentcontrolborder-astandardfileselectionwindowwillopen.ChooseanimagestoredonyourcomputerandclickOpen.Theselectedimagewillbedisplayedwithinthecontentcontrol.Toreplacetheimage,clicktheimageiconinthebuttonabovethecontentcontrolborderandselectanotherimage.CreateanewComboboxorDrop-downlistcontentcontrolTheComboboxandDrop-downlistcontentcontrolscontainadrop-downlistwithasetofchoices.Theycanbecreatedamostinthesameway.Themaindifferencebetweenthemisthattheselectedvalueinthedrop-downlistcannotbeedited,while
"body":"To insert Date and time into your document, put the cursor where you want to insert Date and time, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the Date & time icon on the top toolbar, in the Date & time window that will appear, specify the following parameters: Select the required language. Select one of the suggested formats. Check the Update automatically checkbox to let the date & time update automatically based on the current state. Note: you can also update the date and time manually by using the Refresh field option from the contextual menu. Click the Set as default button to make the current format the default for this language. Click the OK button."
"body":"Adropcapisalargecapitalletterusedatthebeginningofaparagraphorsection.Thesizeofadropcapisusuallyseverallines.Toaddadropcap,placethecursorwithintherequiredparagraph,switchtotheInserttabofthetoptoolbar,clicktheDropCapicononthetoptoolbar,intheopeneddrop-downlistselecttheoptionyouneed:InText-toplacethedropcapwithintheparagraph.InMargin-toplacethedropcapintheleftmargin.Thefirstcharacteroftheselectedparagraphwillbetransformedintoadropcap.Ifyouneedthedropcaptoincludesomemorecharacters,addthemmanually:selectthedropcapandtypeinotherlettersyouneed.Toadjustthedropcapappearance(i.e.fontsize,type,decorationstyleorcolor),selecttheletterandusethecorrespondingiconsontheHometabofthetoptoolbar.Whenthedropcapisselected,it's surrounded by a frame (a container used to position the drop cap on the page). You can quickly change the frame size dragging its borders or change its position using the icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the frame. To delete the added drop cap, select it, click the Drop Cap icon on the Insert tab of the top toolbar and choose the None option from the drop-down list. To adjust the added drop cap parameters, select it, click the Drop Cap icon at the Insert tab of the top toolbar and choose the Drop Cap Settings option from the drop-down list. The Drop Cap - Advanced Settings window will appear: The Drop Cap tab allows adjusting the following parameters: Position is used to change the placement of a drop cap. Select the In Text or In Margin option, or click None to delete the drop cap. Font is used to select a font from the list of the available fonts. Height in rows is used to define how many lines a drop cap should span. It'spossibletoselectavaluefrom1to10.Distancefromtextisusedtospecifytheamountofspacingbetweenthetextoftheparagraphandtherightborderofthedropcapframe.TheBorders&Filltaballowsaddingaborderaroundadropcapandadjustingitsparameters.Theyarethefollowing:Borderparameters(size,colorandpresenceorabsence)-setthebordersize,selectitscolorandchoosetheborders(top,bottom,left,rightortheircombination)youwanttoapplythesesettingsto.Backgroundcolor-choosethecolorforthedropcapbackground.TheMarginstaballowssettingthedistancebetweenthedropcapandtheTop,Bottom,LeftandRightbordersaroundit(ifthebordershavepreviouslybeenadded).OncethedropcapisaddedyoucanalsochangetheFrameparameters.Toaccessthem,rightclickwithintheframeandselecttheFrameAdvancedSettingsfromthemenu.TheFrame-AdvancedSettingswindowwillopen:TheFrametaballowsadjustingthefollowingparameters:PositionisusedtoselecttheInlineorFlowwrappingstyle.YoucanalsoclickNonetodeletetheframe.WidthandHeightareusedtochangetheframedimensions.TheAutooptionallowsautomaticallyadjustingtheframesizetofitthedropcap.TheExactlyoptionallowsspecifyingfixedvalues.TheAtleastoptionisusedtosettheminimumheightvalue(ifyouchangethedropcapsize,theframeheightchangesaccordingly,butitcannotbelessthanthespecifiedvalue).Horizontalparametersareusedeithertosettheexactpositionoftheframeintheselectedunitsofmeasurementwithrespecttoamargin,pageorcolumn,ortoaligntheframe(left,centerorright)withrespecttooneofthesereferencepoints.YoucanalsosetthehorizontalDistancefromtexti.e.theamountofspacebetweentheverticalframebordersandthetextoftheparagraph.Verticalparametersareusedeithertosettheexactpositionoftheframeistheselectedunitsofmeasurementwithrespecttoamargin,pageorparagraph,ortoaligntheframe(top,centerorbottom)withrespecttooneofthesereferencepoints.YoucanalsosettheverticalDistancefromtexti.e.theamountofspacebetweenthehorizontalframeborder
"body":"You can insert endnotes to add explanations or comments to specific terms or sentences, make references to the sources, etc. that are displayed at end of the document. Inserting endnotes To insert an endnote into your document, position the insertion point at the end of the text passage or at the word that you want to add the endnote to, switch to the References tab located at the top toolbar, click the Footnote icon on the top toolbar and select theInsert Endnote option from the menu. The endnote mark (i.e. the superscript character that indicates an endnote) appears in the text of the document, and the insertion point moves to the end of the document. type in the endnote text. Repeat the above mentioned operations to add subsequent endnotes for other text passages in the document. The endnotes are numbered automatically: i, ii, iii, etc. by default. Display of endnotes in the document If you hover the mouse pointer over the endnote mark in the document text, a small pop-up window with the endnote text appears. Navigating through endnotes To easily navigate through the added endnotes in the text of the document, click the arrow next to the Footnote icon on the References tab located at the top toolbar, in the Go to Endnotes section, use the arrow to go to the previous endnote or the arrow to go to the next endnote. Editing endnotes To edit the endnotes settings, click the arrow next to the Footnote icon on the References tab located at the top toolbar, select the Notes Settings option from the menu, change the current parameters in the Notes Settings window that will appear: Adjust the endnotes Format: Number Format - select the necessary number format from the available ones: 1, 2, 3,..., a, b, c,..., A, B, C,..., i, ii, iii,..., I, II, III,.... Start at - use the arrows to set the number or letter you want to start numbering with. Numbering - select a way to number your endnotes: Continuous - to number endnotes sequentially throughout the document, Restart each section - to start endnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each section, Restart each page - to start endnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each page. Custom Mark - set a special character or a word you want to use as the endnote mark (e.g. * or Note1). Enter the necessary character/word into the text entry field and click the Insert button at the bottom of the Notes Settings window. Use the Apply changes to drop-down list if you want to apply the specified notes settings to the Whole document or the Current section only. Note: to use different endnotes formatting in separate parts of the document, you need to add section breaks first. When you finish, click the Apply button. Removing endnotes To remove a single endnote, position the insertion point directly before the endtnote mark in the text and press Delete. Other endnotes will be renumbered automatically. To delete all the endnotes in the document, click the arrow next to the Footnote icon on the References tab located at the top toolbar, select the Delete All Notes option from the menu. choose the Delete All Endnotes option in the appeared window and click OK."
"body":"TheDocumentEditorallowsyoutobuildequationsusingthebuilt-intemplates,editthem,insertspecialcharacters(includingmathematicaloperators,Greekletters,accents,etc.).AddanewequationToinsertanequationfromthegallery,putthecursorwithinthenecessaryline,switchtotheInserttabofthetoptoolbar,clickthearrownexttotheEquationicononthetoptoolbar,intheopeneddrop-downlistselecttheequationcategoryyouneed.Thefollowingcategoriesarecurrentlyavailable:Symbols,Fractions,Scripts,Radicals,Integrals,LargeOperators,Brackets,Functions,Accents,LimitsandLogarithms,Operators,Matrices,clickthecertainsymbol/equationinthecorrespondingsetoftemplates.Theselectedsymbol/equationboxwillbeinsertedatthecursorposition.Iftheselectedlineisempty,theequationwillbecentered.Toalignsuchanequationtotheleftortotheright,clickontheequationboxandusetheoriconontheHometabofthetoptoolbar.Eachequationtemplaterepresentsasetofslots.Aslotisapositionforeachelementthatmakesuptheequation.Anemptyslot(alsocalledasaplaceholder)hasadottedoutline.Youneedtofillinalltheplaceholdersspecifyingthenecessaryvalues.Note:tostartcreatinganequation,youcanalsousetheAlt+=keyboardshortcut.It's also possible to add a caption to the equation. To learn more on how to work with captions for equations, please refer to this article. Enter values The insertion point specifies where the next character will appear. To position the insertion point precisely, click within the placeholder and use the keyboard arrows to move the insertion point by one character left/right or one line up/down. If you need to create a new placeholder below the slot with the insertion point within the selected template, press Enter. Once the insertion point is positioned, you can fill in the placeholder: enter the desired numeric/literal value using the keyboard, insert a special character using the Symbols palette from the Equation menu on the Insert tab of the top toolbar or typing them from the keyboard (see the Math AutoСorrect option description), add another equation template from the palette to create a complex nested equation. The size of the primary equation will be automatically adjusted to fit its content. The size of the nested equation elements depends on the primary equation placeholder size, but it cannot be smaller than the sub-subscript size. To add some new equation elements you can also use the right-click menu options: To add a new argument that goes before or after the existing one within Brackets, you can right-click on the existing argument and select the Insert argument before/after option from the menu. To add a new equation within Cases with several conditions from the Brackets group (or equations of other types, if you'vepreviouslyaddednewplaceholdersbypressingEnter),youcanright-clickonanemptyplaceholderorenteredequationwithinitandselecttheInsertequationbefore/afteroptionfromthemenu.ToaddanewroworacolumninaMatrix,youcanright-clickonaplaceholderwithinit,selecttheInsertoptionfromthemenu,thenselectRowAbove/BeloworColumnLeft/Right.Note:currently,equationscannotbeenteredusingthelinearformat,i.e.\\sqrt(4&x^3).Whenenteringthevaluesofthemathematicalexpressions,youdonotneedtouseSpacebarasthespacesbetweenthecharactersandsignsofoperationsaresetautomatically.Iftheequationistoolonganddoesnotfitasingleline,automaticlinebreakingoccurswhiletyping.Youcanalsoinsertalinebreakinaspecificpositionbyright-clickingonamathematicaloperatorandselectingtheInsertmanualbreakoptionfromthemenu.Theselectedoperatorwillstartanewline.Oncethemanuallinebreakisadded,youcanpresstheTabkeytoalignthenewlinetoanymathoperatorofthepreviousline.Todeletetheaddedmanuallinebreak,right-clickonthemathematicaloperatorthatstartsanewline
"body":"You can insert footnotes to add explanations or comments for certain sentences or terms used in your text, make references to the sources, etc. Inserting footnotes To insert a footnote into your document, position the insertion point at the end of the text passage that you want to add the footnote to, switch to the References tab located at the top toolbar, click the Footnote icon on the top toolbar, or click the arrow next to the Footnote icon and select the Insert Footnote option from the menu, The footnote mark (i.e. the superscript character that indicates a footnote) appears in the text of the document, and the insertion point moves to the bottom of the current page. type in the footnote text. Repeat the above mentioned operations to add subsequent footnotes for other text passages in the document. The footnotes are numbered automatically. Display of footnotes in the document If you hover the mouse pointer over the footnote mark in the document text, a small pop-up window with the footnote text appears. Navigating through footnotes To easily navigate through the added footnotes in the text of the document, click the arrow next to the Footnote icon on the References tab located at the top toolbar, in the Go to Footnotes section, use the arrow to go to the previous footnote or the arrow to go to the next footnote. Editing footnotes To edit the footnotes settings, click the arrow next to the Footnote icon on the References tab located at the top toolbar, select the Notes Settings option from the menu, change the current parameters in the Notes Settings window that will appear: Set the Location of footnotes on the page selecting one of the available options: Bottom of page - to position footnotes at the bottom of the page (this option is selected by default). Below text - to position footnotes closer to the text. This option can be useful in cases when the page contains a short text. Adjust the footnotes Format: Number Format - select the necessary number format from the available ones: 1, 2, 3,..., a, b, c,..., A, B, C,..., i, ii, iii,..., I, II, III,.... Start at - use the arrows to set the number or letter you want to start numbering with. Numbering - select a way to number your footnotes: Continuous - to number footnotes sequentially throughout the document, Restart each section - to start footnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each section, Restart each page - to start footnote numbering with 1 (or another specified character) at the beginning of each page. Custom Mark - set a special character or a word you want to use as the footnote mark (e.g. * or Note1). Enter the necessary character/word into the text entry field and click the Insert button at the bottom of the Notes Settings window. Use the Apply changes to drop-down list if you want to apply the specified notes settings to the Whole document or the Current section only. Note: to use different footnotes formatting in separate parts of the document, you need to add section breaks first. When you finish, click the Apply button. Removing footnotes To remove a single footnote, position the insertion point directly before the footnote mark in the text and press Delete. Other footnotes will be renumbered automatically. To delete all the footnotes in the document, click the arrow next to the Footnote icon on the References tab located at the top toolbar, select the Delete All Notes option from the menu. choose the Delete All Footnotes option in the appeared window and click OK."
"body":"To add a new header or footer to your document or edit one that already exists, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the Header/Footer icon on the top toolbar, select one of the following options: Edit Header to insert or edit the header text. Edit Footer to insert or edit the footer text. change the current parameters for headers or footers on the right sidebar: Set the Position of the text: to the top for headers or to the bottom for footers. Check the Different first page box to apply a different header or footer to the very first page or in case you don't want to add any header/ footer to it at all. Use the Different odd and even pages box to add different headers/footer for odd and even pages. The Link to Previous option is available in case you've previously added sections into your document. If not, it will be grayed out. Moreover, this option is also unavailable for the very first section (i.e. when a header or footer that belongs to the first section is selected). By default, this box is checked, so that the same headers/footers are applied to all the sections. If you select a header or footer area, you will see that the area is marked with the Same as Previous label. Uncheck the Link to Previous box to use different headers/footers for each section of the document. The Same as Previous label will no longer be displayed. To enter a text or edit the already entered text and adjust the header or footer settings, you can also double-click anywhere on the top or bottom margin of your document or click with the right mouse button there and select the only menu option - Edit Header or Edit Footer. To switch to the document body, double-click within the working area. The text you use as a header or footer will be displayed in gray. Note: please refer to the Insert page numbers section to learn how to add page numbers to your document."
"body":"IntheDocumentEditor,youcaninsertimagesinthemostpopularformatsintoyourdocument.Thefollowingimageformatsaresupported:BMP,GIF,JPEG,JPG,PNG.InsertanimageToinsertanimageintothedocumenttext,placethecursorwhereyouwanttheimagetobeput,switchtotheInserttabofthetoptoolbar,clicktheImageicononthetoptoolbar,selectoneofthefollowingoptionstoloadtheimage:theImagefromFileoptionwillopenastandarddialogwindowfortoselectafile.BrowseyourcomputerharddiskdriveforthenecessaryfileandclicktheOpenbuttontheImagefromURLoptionwillopenthewindowwhereyoucanenterthewebaddressoftherequiredimage,andclicktheOKbuttontheImagefromStorageoptionwillopentheSelectdatasourcewindow.SelectanimagestoredonyourportalandclicktheOKbuttononcetheimageisadded,youcanchangeitssize,properties,andposition.It's also possible to add a caption to the image. To learn more on how to work with captions for images, you can refer to this article. Move and resize images To change the image size, drag small squares situated on its edges. To maintain the original proportions of the selected image while resizing, hold down the Shift key and drag one of the corner icons. To alter the image position, use the icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the image. Drag the image to the necessary position without releasing the mouse button. When you move the image, the guide lines are displayed to help you precisely position the object on the page (if the selected wrapping style is different from the inline). To rotate the image, hover the mouse cursor over the rotation handle and drag it clockwise or counterclockwise. To constrain the rotation angle to 15 degree increments, hold down the Shift key while rotating. Note: the list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when working with objects is available here. Adjust image settings Some of the image settings can be altered using the Image settings tab of the right sidebar. To activate it click the image and choose the Image settings icon on the right. Here you can change the following properties: Size is used to view the Width and Height of the current image. If necessary, you can restore the actual image size clicking the Actual Size button. The Fit to Margin button allows you to resize the image, so that it occupies all the space between the left and right page margin. The Crop button is used to crop the image. Click the Crop button to activate cropping handles which appear on the image corners and in the center of each its side. Manually drag the handles to set the cropping area. You can move the mouse cursor over the cropping area border so that it turns into the icon and drag the area. To crop a single side, drag the handle located in the center of this side. To simultaneously crop two adjacent sides, drag one of the corner handles. To equally crop the two opposite sides of the image, hold down the Ctrl key when dragging the handle in the center of one of these sides. To equally crop all sides of the image, hold down the Ctrl key when dragging any of the corner handles. When the cropping area is specified, click the Crop button once again, or press the Esc key, or click anywhere outside of the cropping area to apply the changes. After the cropping area is selected, it'salsopossibletousetheFillandFitoptionsavailablefromtheCropdrop-downmenu.ClicktheCropbuttononceagainandselecttheoptionyouneed:IfyouselecttheFilloption,thecentralpartoftheoriginalimagewillbepreservedandusedtofilltheselectedcroppingarea,whiletheotherpartsoftheimagewillberemoved.IfyouselecttheFitoption,theimagewillberesizedsothatitfitstheheightandthewidthofthecroppingarea.Nopartsoftheoriginalimagewillberemoved,butemptyspacesmayappearwithintheselectedcroppingarea.Rotationisusedtorotatetheimageby90degreesclockwiseorcounterclockwiseaswellastofliptheimagehorizontallyo
"body":"The ONLYOFFICE Document Editor can count lines in your document automatically. This feature can be useful when you need to refer to a specific line of the document, e.g. in a legal agreement or a code script. Use the Line Numbers tool to apply line numbering to the document. Please note that the line numbering sequence is not applied to the text in the objects such as tables, text boxes, charts, headers/footers, etc. These objects are treated as one line. Applying line numbering Open the Layout tab located at the top toolbar and click on the Line Numbers icon. Choose the required parameters for a quick set-up in the opened drop-down menu: Continuous - each line of the document will be assigned a sequence number. Restart Each Page - the line numbering sequence will restart on each page of the document. Restart Each Section - the line numbering sequence will restart in each section of the document. Please refer to this guide to learn more about section breaks. Suppress for Current Paragraph - the current paragraph will be skipped in the line numbering sequence. To exclude several paragraphs from the sequence, select them via the left-mouse button before applying this parameter. Specify the advanced parameters if needed. Click the Line Numbering Options item in the Line Numbers drop-down menu. Check the Add line numbering box to apply the line numbering to the document and to access the advanced parameters of the option: Start at sets the starting numeric value of the line numbering sequence. The parameter is set to 1 by default. From text specifies the distance between the line numbers and the text. Enter the required value in cm. The parameter is set to Auto by default. Count by specifies the sequence numbers that are displayed if not counted by 1, i.e. the numbers are counted in a bunch by 2s, 3s, 4s, etc. Enter the required numeric value. The parameter is set to 1 by default. Restart Each Page - the line numbering sequence will restart on each page of the document. Restart Each Sectionthe line numbering sequence will restart in each section of the document. Continuous - each line of the document will be assigned a sequence number. The Apply changes to parameter specifies the part of the document you want to assign sequence numbers to. Choose one of the available presets: Current section to apply line numbering to the selected section of the document; This point forward to apply line numbering to the text following the current cursor position; Whole document to apply line numbering to the whole document. The parameter is set to Whole document by default. Click OK to apply the changes. Removing line numbering To remove the line numbering sequence, open the Layout tab located at the top toolbar and click on the Line Numbers icon, choose the None option in the opened drop-down menu or choose the Line Numbering Options item in the menu and deactivate the Add line numbering box in the opened Line Numbers window."
"body":"To insert page numbers into your document, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the Header/Footer icon on the top toolbar, choose the Insert Page Number submenu, select one of the following options: To add a page number to each page of your document, select the page number position on the page. To insert a page number at the current cursor position, select the To Current Position option. Note: to insert a current page number at the current cursor position you can also use the Ctrl+Shift+P key combination. To insert the total number of pages in your document (e.g. if you want to create the Page X of Y entry): put the cursor where you want to insert the total number of pages, click the Header/Footer icon on the top toolbar, select the Insert number of pages option. To edit the page number settings, double-click the page number added, change the current parameters on the right sidebar: Set the Position of page numbers on the page accordingly to the top and bottom of the page. Check the Different first page box to apply a different page number to the very first page or in case you don't want to add any number to it at all. Use the Different odd and even pages box to insert different page numbers for odd and even pages. The Link to Previous option is available in case you've previously added sections into your document. If not, it will be grayed out. Moreover, this option is also unavailable for the very first section (i.e. when a header or footer that belongs to the first section is selected). By default, this box is checked, so that unified numbering is applied to all the sections. If you select a header or footer area, you will see that the area is marked with the Same as Previous label. Uncheck the Link to Previous box to use different page numbering for each section of the document. The Same as Previous label will no longer be displayed. The Page Numbering section allows adjusting page numbering options throughout different sections of the document. The Continue from previous section option is selected by default and makes it possible to keep continuous page numbering after a section break. If you want to start page numbering with a specific number in the current section of the document, select the Start at radio button and enter the required starting value in the field on the right. To return to the document editing, double-click within the working area."
"body":"ONLYOFFICE supports Mendeley, Zotero and EasyBib reference managers to insert references into your document. Mendeley Connect ONLYOFFICE to Mendeley Login to your Mendeley account. In your document, switch to the Plugins tab and choose Mendeley, a sidebar will open on the left side of your document. Click the Copy Link and Open Form button. The browser opens a form on the Mendeley site. Complete this form and note the Application ID for ONLYOFFICE. Switch back to your document. Enter the Application ID and click Save. Click Login. Click Proceed. Now ONLYOFFICE is connected to your Mendeley account. Inserting references Open the document and place the cursor on the spot where you want to insert the reference(s). Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Mendeley. Enter a search text and hit Enter on your keyboard. Click on or more check-boxes. [Optional] Enter a new search text and click on one or more check-boxes. Choose the reference style from the Style pull-down menu. Click the Insert Bibliography button. Zotero Connect ONLYOFFICE to Zotero Login to your Zotero account. In your document, switch to the Plugins tab and choose Zotero, a sidebar will open on the left side of your document. Click the Zotero API settings link. On the Zotero site, create a new key for Zotero, copy it and save it for later use. Switch to your document and paste the API key. Click Save. Now ONLYOFFICE is connected to your Zotero account. Inserting references Open the document and place the cursor on the spot where you want to insert the reference(s). Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Zotero. Enter a search text and hit Enter on your keyboard. Click on or more check-boxes. [Optional] Enter a new search text and click on one or more check-boxes. Choose the reference style from the Style pull-down menu. Click the Insert Bibliography button. EasyBib Open the document and place the cursor on the spot where you want to insert the reference(s). Switch to the Plugins tab and choose EasyBib. Select the type of sourse you want to find. Enter a search text and hit Enter on your keyboard. Click '+' on the right side of the suitable Book/Journal article/Website. It will be added to Bibliography. Select references style. Click the Add Bibliography to Doc to insert the references."
"body":"To insert a special symbol which can not be typed on the keyboard, use the Insert symbol option and follow these simple steps: place the cursor where a special symbol should be inserted, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the Symbol, The Symbol dialog box will appear, and you will be able to select the required symbol, use the Range section to quickly find the necessary symbol. All symbols are divided into specific groups, for example, select 'Currency Symbols' if you want to insert a currency character. If the required character is not in the set, select a different font. Many of them also have characters that differ from the standard set. Or enter the Unicode hex value of the required symbol you want into the Unicode hex value field. This code can be found in the Character map. You can also use the Special characters tab to choose a special character from the list. The previously used symbols are also displayed in the Recently used symbols field, click Insert. The selected character will be added to the document. Insert ASCII symbols The ASCII table is also used to add characters. To do this, hold down the ALT key and use the numeric keypad to enter the character code. Note: be sure to use the numeric keypad, not the numbers on the main keyboard. To enable the numeric keypad, press the Num Lock key. For example, to add a paragraph character (§), press and hold down ALT while typing 789, and then release the ALT key. Insert symbols using the Unicode table Additional characters and symbols can also be found in the Windows symbol table. To open this table, do of the following: in the Search field write 'Character table' and open it, simultaneously press Win + R, and then in the following window type charmap.exe and click OK. In the opened Character Map, select one of the Character sets, Groups, and Fonts. Next, click on the required characters, copy them to the clipboard, and paste where necessary."
"body":"InsertatableToinsertatableintothedocumenttext,placethecursorwherethetableshouldbeadded,switchtotheInserttabofthetoptoolbar,clicktheTableicononthetoptoolbar,selecttheoptiontocreateatable:eitheratablewithpredefinednumberofcells(10by8cellsmaximum)Ifyouwanttoquicklyaddatable,justselectthenumberofrows(8maximum)andcolumns(10maximum).oracustomtableIncaseyouneedmorethan10by8celltable,selecttheInsertCustomTableoptionthatwillopenthewindowwhereyoucanenterthenecessarynumberofrowsandcolumnsrespectively,thenclicktheOKbutton.Ifyouwanttodrawatableusingthemouse,selecttheDrawTableoption.Thiscanbeuseful,ifyouwanttocreateatablewithrowsandcolumsofdifferentsizes.Themousecursorwillturnintothepencil.Drawarectangularshapewhereyouwanttoaddatable,thenaddrowsbydrawinghorizontallinesandcolumnsbydrawingverticallineswithinthetableboundary.oncethetableisaddedyoucanchangeitsproperties,sizeandposition.Toresizeatable,hoverthemousecursoroverthehandleinitslowerrightcorneranddragituntilthetablereachesthenecessarysize.Youcanalsomanuallychangethewidthofacertaincolumnortheheightofarow.Movethemousecursorovertherightborderofthecolumnsothatthecursorturnsintothebidirectionalarrowanddragthebordertotheleftorrighttosetthenecessarywidth.Tochangetheheightofasinglerowmanually,movethemousecursoroverthebottomborderoftherowsothatthecursorturnsintothebidirectionalarrowanddragtheborderupordown.Tomoveatable,holddownthehandleinitsupperleftcorneranddragittothenecessaryplaceinthedocument.It's also possible to add a caption to the table. To learn more on how to work with captions for tables, you can refer to this article. Select a table or its part To select an entire table, click the handle in its upper left corner. To select a certain cell, move the mouse cursor to the left side of the necessary cell so that the cursor turns into the black arrow , then left-click. To select a certain row, move the mouse cursor to the left border of the table next to the necessary row so that the cursor turns into the horizontal black arrow , then left-click. To select a certain column, move the mouse cursor to the top border of the necessary column so that the cursor turns into the downward black arrow , then left-click. It'salsopossibletoselectacell,row,columnortableusingoptionsfromthecontextualmenuorfromtheRows&Columnssectionontherightsidebar.Note:tomovearoundinatableyoucanusekeyboardshortcuts.AdjusttablesettingsSomeofthetablepropertiesaswellasitsstructurecanbealteredusingtheright-clickmenu.Themenuoptionsare:Cut,Copy,Paste-standardoptionswhichareusedtocutorcopytheselectedtext/objectandpastethepreviouslycut/copiedtextpassageorobjecttothecurrentcursorposition.Selectisusedtoselectarow,column,cell,ortable.Insertisusedtoinsertarowaboveorrowbelowtherowwherethecursorisplacedaswellastoinsertacolumnattheleftorrightsidefromthecolumnwherethecursorisplaced.It's also possible to insert several rows or columns. If you select the Several Rows/Columns option, the Insert Several window will appear. Select the Rows or Columns option from the list, specify the number of rows/column you want to add, choose where they should be added: Above the cursor or Below the cursor and click OK. Delete is used to delete a row, column, table or cells. If you select the Cells option, the Delete Cells window will open, where you can select if you want to Shift cells left, Delete entire row, or Delete entire column. Merge Cells is available if two or more cells are selected and is used to merge them. It'salsopossibletomergecellsbyerasingaboundarybetweenthemusingtheerasertool.Todothis,clicktheTableicononthetoptoo
"body":"Tomakeyourtextmoreemphaticanddrawattentiontoaspecificpartofthedocument,youcaninsertatextbox(arectangularframethatallowsenteringtextwithinit)oraTextArtobject(atextboxwithapredefinedfontstyleandcolorthatallowsapplyingsomeeffectstothetext).AddatextobjectYoucanaddatextobjectanywhereonthepage.Todothat:switchtotheInserttabofthetoptoolbar,selectthenecessarytextobjecttype:toaddatextbox,clicktheTextBoxicononthetoptoolbar,thenclickwherethetextboxshouldbeadded,holdthemousebuttonanddragthetextboxbordertospecifyitssize.Whenyoureleasethemousebutton,theinsertionpointwillappearintheaddedtextbox,allowingyoutoenteryourtext.Note:it's also possible to insert a text box by clicking the Shape icon on the top toolbar and selecting the shape from the Basic Shapes group. to add a Text Art object, click the Text Art icon on the top toolbar, then click on the desired style template – the Text Art object will be added at the current cursor position. Select the default text within the text box with the mouse and replace it with your own text. click outside of the text object to apply the changes and return to the document. The text within the text object is a part of the latter (when you move or rotate the text object, the text moves or rotates with it). As the inserted text object represents a rectangular frame with text in it (Text Art objects have invisible text box borders by default), and this frame is a common autoshape, you can change both the shape and text properties. To delete the added text object, click on the text box border and press the Delete key on the keyboard. The text within the text box will also be deleted. Format a text box Select the text box by clicking on its border to be able to change its properties. When the text box is selected, its borders are displayed as solid (not dashed) lines. to resize, move, rotate the text box, use the special handles on the edges of the shape. to edit the text box fill, stroke, wrapping style or replace the rectangular box with a different shape, click the Shape settings icon on the right sidebar and use the corresponding options. to align the text box on the page, arrange text boxes as related to other objects, rotate or flip a text box, change a wrapping style or access the shape advanced settings, right-click on the text box border and use the contextual menu options. To learn more on how to arrange and align objects, please refer to this page. Format the text within the text box Click the text within the text box to change its properties. When the text is selected, the text box borders are displayed as dashed lines. Note: it'salsopossibletochangethetextformattingwhenthetextbox(notthetextitself)isselected.Inthuscase,anychangeswillbeappliedtoallthetextwithinthetextbox.Somefontformattingoptions(fonttype,size,coloranddecorationstyles)canbeappliedtothepreviouslyselectedtextfragmentseparately.Torotatethetextwithinthetextbox,right-clickthetext,selecttheTextDirectionoptionandthenchooseoneoftheavailableoptions:Horizontal(isselectedbydefault),RotateTextDown(setsaverticaldirection,fromtoptobottom)orRotateTextUp(setsaverticaldirection,frombottomtotop).Toalignthetextverticallywithinthetextbox,right-clickthetext,selecttheVerticalAlignmentoptionandthenchooseoneoftheavailableoptions:AlignTop,AlignCenterorAlignBottom.Otherformattingoptionsthatyoucanapplyarethesameastheonesforregulartext.Pleaserefertothecorrespondinghelpsectionstolearnmoreaboutthenecessaryoperation.Youcan:alignthetexthorizontallywithinthetextboxadjustthefonttype,size,color,applydecorationstylesandformattingpresetssetlinespacing,changeparagraphindents,adjusttabstopsforthemulti-linetextwithinthetextboxinsertahyperlinkYoucanalsoclicktheTextArtsettingsiconontherig
"body":"In the Document Editor, you can set the line height for the text lines within the paragraph as well as the margins between the current paragraph and the previous one or the subsequent paragraphs. To do that, place the cursor within the required paragraph, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or the whole text by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination, use the corresponding fields on the right sidebar to achieve the desired results: Line Spacing - set the line height for the text lines within the paragraph. You can select among three options: at least (sets the minimum line spacing that is needed to fit the largest font or graphic in the line), multiple (sets line spacing that can be expressed in numbers greater than 1), exactly (sets fixed line spacing). You can specify the necessary value in the field on the right. Paragraph Spacing defines the amount of spacing between paragraphs. Before defines the amount of spacing before the paragraph. After defines the amount of spacing after the paragraph. Don't add interval between paragraphs of the same style - please check this box if you don't need any spacing between paragraphs of the same style. These parameters can also be found in the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window. To open the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window, right-click the text and choose the Paragraph Advanced Settings option from the menu or use the Show advanced settings option on the right sidebar. Then switch to the Indents & Spacing tab and go to the Spacing section. To quickly change the current paragraph line spacing, you can also use the Paragraph line spacing icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar selecting the required value from the list: 1.0, 1.15, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 lines."
"body":"Nonprinting characters help you edit a document. They indicate the presence of various types of formatting elements, but they cannot be printed with the document even if they are displayed on the screen. To show or hide nonprinting characters, click the Nonprinting characters icon at the Home tab on the top toolbar. Alternatively, you can use the Ctrl+Shift+Num8 key combination. Nonprinting characters include: Spaces Inserted when you press the Spacebar on the keyboard. They create a space between characters. Tabs Inserted when you press the Tab key. They are used to advance the cursor to the next tab stop. Paragraph marks (i.e. hard returns) Inserted when you press the Enter key. They ends a paragraph and adds a bit of space after it. They also contain information about the paragraph formatting. Line breaks (i.e. soft returns) Inserted when you use the Shift+Enter key combination. They break the current line and put the text lines close together. Soft return are primarily used in titles and headings. Nonbreaking spaces Inserted when you use the Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar key combination. They create a space between characters which can't be used to start a new line. Page breaks Inserted when you use the Breaks icon on the Insert or Layout tabs of the top toolbar and then select one of the Insert Page Break submenu options (the section break indicator differs depending on which option is selected: Next Page, Continuous Page, Even Page or Odd Page). Section breaks Inserted when you use the Breaks icon on the Insert or Layout tab of the top toolbar and then select one of the Insert Section Break submenu options (the section break indicator differs depending on which option is selected: Next Page, Continuous Page, Even Page or Odd Page). Column breaks Inserted when you use the Breaks icon on the Insert or Layout tab of the top toolbar and then select the Insert Column Break option. End-of-cell and end-of row markers in tables Contain formatting codes for an individual cell and a row, respectively. Small black square in the margin to the left of a paragraph Indicates that at least one of the paragraph options was applied, e.g. Keep lines together, Page break before. Anchor symbols Indicate the position of floating objects (objects whose wrapping style is different from Inline), e.g. images, autoshapes, charts. You should select an object to make its anchor visible."
"body":"With ONLYOFFICE you can extract text from an image (.png .jpg) and insert it in your document. Open your document and place the cursor on the spot where you want to insert the text. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose OCR from the menu. Click Load File and select the image. Choose the recognition language from the Choose Language pull-down menu. Click Recognize. Click Insert text. You should check the inserted text for errors and layout."
"body":"To create a new document In the online editor click the File tab on the top toolbar, select the Create New option. In the desktop editor in the main program window, select the Document menu item from the Create new section on the left sidebar - a new file will open in a new tab, when all the necessary changes are made, click the Save icon in the upper left corner or switch to the File tab and choose the Save as menu item. in the file manager window, select the file location, specify its name, choose the required format for saving (DOCX, Document template (DOTX), ODT, OTT, RTF, TXT, PDF or PDFA) and click the Save button. To open an existing document In the desktop editor in the main program window, select the Open local file menu item on the left sidebar, choose the required document from the file manager window and click the Open button. You can also right-click the required document in the file manager window, select the Open with option and choose the necessary application from the menu. If text documents are associated with the application you need, you can also open them by double-clicking the file name in the file explorer window. All the directories that you have navigated through using the desktop editor will be displayed in the Recent folders list so that you can quickly access them afterwards. Click the required folder to select one of the files stored there. To open a recently edited document In the online editor click the File tab on the top toolbar, select the Open Recent... option, choose the document you need from the list of recently edited documents. In the desktop editor in the main program window, select the Recent files menu item on the left sidebar, choose the document you need from the list of recently edited documents. To open the folder, where the file is stored, in a new browser tab in the online editor in the file explorer window in the desktop editor, click the Open file location icon on the right side of the editor header. Alternatively, you can switch to the File tab on the top toolbar and select the Open file location option."
"body":"In the Document Editor, you can add a page break to start a new page, insert a blank page and adjust pagination options. To insert a page break at the current cursor position click the Breaks icon on the Insert or Layout tab of the top toolbar or click the arrow next to this icon and select the Insert Page Break option from the menu. You can also use the Ctrl+Enter key combination. To insert a blank page at the current cursor position click the Blank Page icon on the Insert tab of the top toolbar. This action inserts two page breaks that create a blank page. To insert a page break before the selected paragraph i.e. to start this paragraph at the top of a new page: click the right mouse button and select the Page break before option in the menu, or click the right mouse button, select the Paragraph Advanced Settings option in the menu or use the Show advanced settings link on the right sidebar, and check the Page break before box at the Line & Page Breaks tab of the opened Paragraph - Advanced Settings window. To keep lines together so that only whole paragraphs will be moved to the new page (i.e. there will be no page break between the lines within a single paragraph), click the right mouse button and select the Keep lines together option in the menu, or click the right mouse button, select the Paragraph Advanced Settings option on the menu or use the Show advanced settings link at the right sidebar, and check the Keep lines together box at the Line & Page Breaks in the opened Paragraph - Advanced Settings window. The Line & Page Breaks tab of the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window allows you to set two more pagination options: Keep with next - is used to prevent a page break between the selected paragraph and the next one. Orphan control - is selected by default and used to prevent a single line of the paragraph (the first or last) from appearing at the top or bottom of the page."
"body":"the Document Editor, you can change the first line offset from the left side of the page as well as the paragraph offset from the left and right sides of the page. To do that, place the cursor within the required paragraph, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or the whole text by pressing the Ctrl+A key combination, click the right mouse button and select the Paragraph Advanced Settings option from the menu or use the Show advanced settings link on the right sidebar, in the opened Paragraph - Advanced Settings window, switch to the Indents & Spacing tab and set the necessary parameters in the Indents section: Left - set the paragraph offset from the left side of the page specifying the necessary numeric value, Right - set the paragraph offset from the right side of the page specifying the necessary numeric value, Special - set an indent for the first line of the paragraph: select the corresponding menu item ((none), First line, Hanging) and change the default numeric value specified for First Line or Hanging, click the OK button. To quickly change the paragraph offset from the left side of the page, you can also use the corresponding icons on the Home tab of the top toolbar: Decrease indent and Increase indent . You can also use the horizontal ruler to set indents. Select the necessary paragraph(s) and drag the indent markers along the ruler. The First Line Indent marker is used to set an offset from the left side of the page for the first line of the paragraph. The Hanging Indent marker is used to set an offset from the left side of the page for the second line and all the subsequent lines of the paragraph. The Left Indent marker is used to set an offset for the entire paragraph from the left side of the page. The Right Indent marker is used to set a paragraph offset from the right side of the page."
"body":"ONLYOFFICE comes with a very powerful photo editor, that allows you to adjust the image with filters and make all kinds of annotations. Select an image in your document. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Photo Editor. You are now in the editing environment. Below the image you will find the following checkboxes and slider filters: Grayscale, Sepia, Sepia 2, Blur, Emboss, Invert, Sharpen; Remove White (Threshhold, Distance), Gradient transparency, Brightness, Noise, Pixelate, Color Filter; Tint, Multiply, Blend. Below the filters you will find buttons for Undo, Redo and Resetting; Delete, Delete all; Crop (Custom, Square, 3:2, 4:3, 5:4, 7:5, 16:9); Flip (Flip X, Flip Y, Reset); Rotate (30 degree, -30 degree,Manual rotation slider); Draw (Free, Straight, Color, Size slider); Shape (Recrangle, Circle, Triangle, Fill, Stroke, Stroke size); Icon (Arrows, Stars, Polygon, Location, Heart, Bubble, Custom icon, Color); Text (Bold, Italic, Underline, Left, Center, Right, Color, Text size); Mask. Feel free to try all of these and remember you can always undo them. When finished, click the OK button. The edited picture is now included in the document."
"body":"Save/download/ print your document Saving By default, online Document Editor automatically saves your file each 2 seconds when you work on it to prevent your data loss in case the program closes unexpectedly. If you co-edit the file in the Fast mode, the timer requests for updates 25 times a second and saves the changes if they have been made. When the file is being co-edited in the Strict mode, changes are automatically saved at 10-minute intervals. If necessary, you can easily select the preferred co-editing mode or disable the Autosave feature on the Advanced Settings page. To save your current document manually in the current format and location, press the Save icon in the left part of the editor header, or use the Ctrl+S key combination, or click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Save option. Note: in the desktop version, to prevent data from loss in case program closes unexpectedly, you can turn on the Autorecover option on the Advanced Settings page. In the desktop version, you can save the document with another name, in a new location or format, click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Save as... option, choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: DOCX, ODT, RTF, TXT, PDF, PDFA. You can also choose the Document template (DOTX or OTT) option. Downloading In the online version, you can download the resulting document onto your computer hard disk drive, click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Download as... option, choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML. Saving a copy In the online version, you can save a copy of the file on your portal, click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Save Copy as... option, choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML, select a location of the file on the portal and press Save. Printing To print out the current document, click the Print icon in the left part of the editor header, or use the Ctrl+P key combination, or click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Print option. It's also possible to print a selected text passage using the Print Selection option from the contextual menu both in the Edit and View modes (Right Mouse Button Click and choose option Print selection). In the desktop version, the file will be printed directly. In the online version, a PDF file will be generated on the basis of the document. You can open and print it out, or save onto your computer hard disk drive or removable medium to print it out later. Some browsers (e.g. Chrome and Opera) support direct printing."
"body":"Section breaks allow you to apply different layouts or formatting styles to a certain part of your document. For example, you can use individual headers and footers, page numbering, footnotes format, margins, size, orientation, or column number for each separate section. Note: an inserted section break defines formatting of the preceding part of the document. To insert a section break at the current cursor position: click the Breaks icon on the Insert or Layout tab of the top toolbar, select the Insert Section Break submenu select the necessary section break type: Next Page - to start a new section from the next page Continuous Page - to start a new section on the current page Even Page - to start a new section from the next even page Odd Page - to start a new section from the next odd page The added section breaks are indicated in your document with a double dotted line: If you do not see the inserted section breaks, click the icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar to display them. To remove a section break, select it with the mouse and press the Delete key. Since a section break defines formatting of the previous section, when you remove a section break, this section formatting will also be deleted. When you delete a section break, the text before and after the break is combined into one section. The new combined section will use the formatting from the section that followed the section break."
"body":"Set up paragraph outline level An outline level is the paragraph level in the document structure. The following levels are available: Basic Text, Level 1 - Level 9. The outline level can be specified in different ways, for example, by using heading styles: once you assign a heading style (Heading 1 - Heading 9) to a paragraph, it acquires the corresponding outline level. If you assign a level to a paragraph using the paragraph advanced settings, the paragraph acquires the structure level only while its style remains unchanged. The outline level can be also changed in the Navigation panel on the left using the contextual menu options. To change a paragraph outline level using the paragraph advanced settings, right-click the text and choose the Paragraph Advanced Settings option from the contextual menu or use the Show advanced settings option on the right sidebar, open the Paragraph - Advanced Settings window, switch to the Indents & Spacing tab, select the necessary outline level from the Outline level list. click the OK button to apply the changes."
"body":"Tochangepagelayout,i.e.setpageorientationandsize,adjustmarginsandinsertcolumns,usethecorrespondingiconsontheLayouttabofthetoptoolbar.Note:alltheseparametersareappliedtotheentiredocument.Ifyouneedtosetdifferentpagemargins,orientation,size,orcolumnnumberfortheseparatepartsofyourdocument,pleaserefertothispage.PageOrientationChangethecurrentorientationbytypeclickingtheOrientationicon.ThedefaultorientationtypeisPortraitthatcanbeswitchedtoAlbum.PageSizeChangethedefaultA4formatbyclickingtheSizeiconandselectingtherequiredformatfromthelist.Thefollowingpresetsizesareavailable:USLetter(21,59cmx27,94cm)USLegal(21,59cmx35,56cm)A4(21cmx29,7cm)A5(14,81cmx20,99cm)B5(17,6cmx25,01cm)Envelope#10(10,48cmx24,13cm)EnvelopeDL(11,01cmx22,01cm)Tabloid(27,94cmx43,17cm)AЗ(29,7cmx42,01cm)TabloidOversize(30,48cmx45,71cm)ROC16K(19,68cmx27,3cm)EnvelopeChoukei3(11,99cmx23,49cm)SuperB/A3(33,02cmx48,25cm)YoucanalsosetaspecialpagesizebyselectingtheCustomPageSizeoptionfromthelist.ThePageSizewindowwillopenwhereyou'll be able to select the required Preset (US Letter, US Legal, A4, A5, B5, Envelope #10, Envelope DL, Tabloid, AЗ, Tabloid Oversize, ROC 16K, Envelope Choukei 3, Super B/A3, A0, A1, A2, A6) or set custom Width and Height values. Enter new values into the entry fields or adjust the existing values using the arrow buttons. When you finish, click OK to apply the changes. Page Margins Change the default margins, i.e. the blank space between the left, right, top and bottom page edges and the paragraph text, by clicking the Margins icon and selecting one of the available presets: Normal, US Normal, Narrow, Moderate, Wide. You can also use the Custom Margins option to set your own values in the Margins window. Enter the required Top, Bottom, Left and Right page margin values into the entry fields or adjust the existing values using arrow buttons. Gutter position is used to set up additional space on the left side of the document or at its top. The Gutter option is helpful to make sure that bookbinding does not cover the text. In the Margins enter the required gutter position into the entry fields and choose where it should be placed in. Note: the Gutter position cannot be used when the Mirror margins option is checked. In the Multiple pages drop-down menu, choose the Mirror margins option to set up facing pages for double-sided documents. With this option checked, Left and Right margins turn into Inside and Outside margins respectively. In Orientation drop-down menu choose from Portrait and Landscape options. All applied changes to the document will be displayed in the Preview window. When you finish, click OK. The custom margins will be applied to the current document and the Last Custom option with the specified parameters will appear in the Margins list so that you will be able to apply them to other documents. You can also change the margins manually by dragging the border between the grey and white areas on the rulers (the grey areas of the rulers indicate page margins): Columns Apply a multi-column layout by clicking the Columns icon and selecting the necessary column type from the drop-down list. The following options are available: Two - to add two columns of the same width, Three - to add three columns of the same width, Left - to add two columns: a narrow column on the left and a wide column on the right, Right - to add two columns: a narrow column on the right and a wide column on the left. If you want to adjust column settings, select the Custom Columns option from the list. The Columns window will appear, and you'llbeabletosettherequiredNumberofcolumns(youcanaddupto12columns)andSpacingbetweencolumns.Enteryournewvaluesintotheentryfieldsoradjusttheexistingvaluesusingarrowbuttons.ChecktheColumndividerboxtoaddaverticallinebetweenthecolumns.Whenyoufinish,clickOKtoapplythechan
"body":"In the Document Editor, you can change tab stops. A tab stop is a term used to describe the location where the cursor stops after the Tab key is pressed. To set tab stops you can use the horizontal ruler: Select the necessary tab stop type by clicking the button in the upper left corner of the working area. The following three tab types are available: Left Tab Stop lines up the text to the left side at the tab stop position; the text moves to the right from the tab stop while you type. Such a tab stop will be indicated on the horizontal ruler with the Left Tab Stop marker. Center Tab Stop centers the text at the tab stop position. Such a tab stop will be indicated on the horizontal ruler with the Center Tab Stop marker. Right Tab Stop lines up the text to the right side at the tab stop position; the text moves to the left from the tab stop while you type. Such a tab stop will be indicated on the horizontal ruler with the Right Tab Stop marker. Click on the bottom edge of the ruler where you want to place the tab stop. Drag it along the ruler to change its position. To remove the added tab stop drag it out of the ruler. You can also use the paragraph properties window to adjust tab stops. Click the right mouse button, select the Paragraph Advanced Settings option in the menu or use the Show advanced settings link on the right sidebar, and switch to the Tabs tab in the opened Paragraph - Advanced Settings window. You can set the following parameters: Default Tab is set at 1.25 cm. You can decrease or increase this value by using the arrow buttons or entering the required value in the box. Tab Position is used to set custom tab stops. Enter the required value in this box, adjust it more precisely by using the arrow buttons and press the Specify button. Your custom tab position will be added to the list in the field below. If you've previously added some tab stops using the ruler, all these tab positions will also be displayed in the list. Alignment - is used to set the necessary alignment type for each of the tab positions in the list above. Select the necessary tab position in the list, choose the Left, Center or Right option from the drop-down list and press the Specify button. Leader - allows choosing a character to create a leader for each tab positions. A leader is a line of characters (dots or hyphens) that fills the space between tabs. Select the necessary tab position in the list, choose the leader type from the drop-down list and press the Specify button. To delete tab stops from the list, select a tab stop and press the Remove or Remove All button."
"body":"ONLYOFFICE has a plugin that can read out the text for you. Select the text to be read out. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Speech. The text will now be read out."
"title":"Replace a word by a synonym",
"body":"If you are using the same word multiple times, or a word is just not quite the word you are looking for, ONLYOFFICE let you look up synonyms. It will show you the antonyms too. Select the word in your document. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Thesaurus. The synonyms and antonyms will show up in the left sidebar. Click a word to replace the word in your document."
"title":"Translate text",
"body":"You can translate your document from and to numerous languages. Select the text that you want to translate. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Translator, the Translator appears in a sidebar on the left. The language of the selected text will be automatically detected and the text will be translated to the default language. Changing the language of your result: Click the lower drop-down box and choose the preferred language. The translation will change immediately. Wrong detection of the source language If the automatic detection is not correct, you can overrule it: Click the upper drop-down box and choose the preferred language."
"body":"To access the detailed information about the currently edited document, click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Document Info... option. General Information The document information includes a number of the file properties which describe the document. Some of these properties are updated automatically, and some of them can be edited. Location - the folder in the Documents module where the file is stored. Owner - the name of the user who has created the file. Uploaded - the date and time when the file has been created. These properties are available in the online version only. Statistics - the number of pages, paragraphs, words, symbols, symbols with spaces. Title, Subject, Comment - these properties allow yoy to simplify your documents classification. You can specify the necessary text in the properties fields. Last Modified - the date and time when the file was last modified. Last Modified By - the name of the user who has made the latest change to the document. This option is available if the document has been shared and can be edited by several users. Application - the application the document has been created with. Author - the person who has created the file. You can enter the necessary name in this field. Press Enter to add a new field that allows you to specify one more author. If you changed the file properties, click the Apply button to apply the changes. Note: The online Editors allow you to change the name of the document directly in the editor interface. To do that, click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Rename... option, then enter the necessary File name in a new window that will appear and click OK. Permission Information In the online version, you can view the information about permissions to the files stored in the cloud. Note: this option is not available for users with the Read Only permissions. To find out who have rights to view or edit the document, select the Access Rights... option on the left sidebar. You can also change currently selected access rights by pressing the Change access rights button in the Persons who have rights section. Version History In the online version, you can view the version history for the files stored in the cloud. Note: this option is not available for users with the Read Only permissions. To view all the changes made to this document, select the Version History option at the left sidebar. It's also possible to open the history of versions using the Version History icon on the Collaboration tab of the top toolbar. You'll see the list of this document versions (major changes) and revisions (minor changes) with the indication of each version/revision author and creation date and time. For document versions, the version number is also specified (e.g. ver. 2). To know exactly which changes have been made in each separate version/revision, you can view the one you need by clicking it on the left sidebar. The changes made by the version/revision author are marked with the color which is displayed next to the author's name on the left sidebar. You can use the Restore link below the selected version/revision to restore it. To return to the current version of the document, use the Close History option on the top of the version list. To close the File panel and return to document editing, select the Close Menu option."
"body":"You can write your articles in your ONLYOFFICE environment and upload them as a Wordpress-article. Connect to Wordpress Open your document. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Wordpress. Log in into your Wordpress account and choose the website page you want to post your document on. Enter a title for your article. Click Publish to publish immediatly or Save as draft to publish later from your WordPress site or app."
"title":"Include a video",
"body":"You can include a video in your document. It will be shown as an image. By double-clicking the image the video dialog opens. Here you can start the video. Copy the URL of the video you want to include. (the complete address shown in the address line of your browser) Go to your document and place the cursor at the location where you want to include the video. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose YouTube. Paste the URL and click OK. Check if it is the correct video and click the OK button below the video. The video is now included in your document."