2016-11-18 16:21:25 +00:00
/ *
2017-01-23 09:59:54 +00:00
* ( c ) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010 - 2017
2016-11-18 16:21:25 +00:00
* This program is a free software product . You can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License ( AGPL )
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation . In accordance with
* Section 7 ( a ) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non - infringement
* of any third - party rights .
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied
* details , see the GNU AGPL at : http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st . 125 a - 25 , Riga , Latvia ,
* EU , LV - 1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices , as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7 ( b ) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program . Pursuant to Section 7 ( e ) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks .
* All the Product ' s GUI elements , including illustrations and icon sets , as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 4.0 International . See the License
* terms at http : //creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* /
/ * *
* Toolbar . js
2016-12-05 15:25:58 +00:00
* Spreadsheet Editor
2016-11-18 16:21:25 +00:00
* Created by Maxim Kadushkin on 11 / 15 / 16
* Copyright ( c ) 2016 Ascensio System SIA . All rights reserved .
* /
define ( [
'core' ,
2016-12-05 15:25:58 +00:00
'jquery' ,
'underscore' ,
'backbone' ,
2016-11-18 16:21:25 +00:00
2016-12-05 15:25:58 +00:00
] , function ( core , $ , _ , Backbone ) {
2016-11-18 16:21:25 +00:00
'use strict' ;
2016-12-05 15:25:58 +00:00
SSE . Controllers . Toolbar = Backbone . Controller . extend ( _ . extend ( ( function ( ) {
2016-11-18 16:21:25 +00:00
// private
var _backUrl ;
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var locked = {
book : false ,
sheet : false
} ;
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return {
models : [ ] ,
collections : [ ] ,
views : [
] ,
initialize : function ( ) {
Common . Gateway . on ( 'init' , _ . bind ( this . loadConfig , this ) ) ;
} ,
loadConfig : function ( data ) {
if ( data && data . config && data . config . canBackToFolder !== false &&
data . config . customization && data . config . customization . goback && data . config . customization . goback . url ) {
_backUrl = data . config . customization . goback . url ;
$ ( '#document-back' ) . show ( ) . single ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onBack , this ) ) ;
} ,
setApi : function ( api ) {
this . api = api ;
2016-12-02 15:08:45 +00:00
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCanUndoChanged' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCanRevert , this , 'undo' ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCanRedoChanged' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCanRevert , this , 'redo' ) ) ;
2017-01-09 08:56:40 +00:00
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onSelectionChanged' , this . onApiSelectionChanged . bind ( this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onWorkbookLocked' , _ . bind ( this . onApiWorkbookLocked , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onWorksheetLocked' , _ . bind ( this . onApiWorksheetLocked , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onActiveSheetChanged' , _ . bind ( this . onApiActiveSheetChanged , this ) ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . on ( 'sheet:active' , this . onApiActiveSheetChanged . bind ( this ) ) ;
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} ,
setMode : function ( mode ) {
this . getView ( 'Toolbar' ) . setMode ( mode ) ;
} ,
onLaunch : function ( ) {
var me = this ;
me . createView ( 'Toolbar' ) . render ( ) ;
$ ( '#toolbar-undo' ) . single ( 'click' , _ . bind ( me . onUndo , me ) ) ;
$ ( '#toolbar-redo' ) . single ( 'click' , _ . bind ( me . onRedo , me ) ) ;
} ,
setDocumentTitle : function ( title ) {
$ ( '#toolbar-title' ) . html ( title ) ;
} ,
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// Handlers
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onBack : function ( e ) {
var me = this ;
if ( me . api . asc _isDocumentModified ( ) ) {
uiApp . modal ( {
title : me . dlgLeaveTitleText ,
text : me . dlgLeaveMsgText ,
verticalButtons : true ,
buttons : [
text : me . leaveButtonText ,
onClick : function ( ) {
window . parent . location . href = _backUrl ;
} ,
text : me . stayButtonText ,
bold : true
} ) ;
} else {
window . parent . location . href = _backUrl ;
} ,
onUndo : function ( e ) {
if ( this . api ) this . api . asc _Undo ( ) ;
} ,
onRedo : function ( e ) {
if ( this . api ) this . api . asc _Redo ( ) ;
} ,
// API handlers
2017-01-09 08:56:40 +00:00
onApiWorkbookLocked : function ( l ) {
locked . book = l ;
} ,
onApiWorksheetLocked : function ( l ) {
locked . sheet = l ;
} ,
onApiActiveSheetChanged : function ( index ) {
locked . sheet = this . api . asc _isWorksheetLockedOrDeleted ( index ) ;
} ,
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onApiCanRevert : function ( which , can ) {
if ( which == 'undo' ) {
$ ( '#toolbar-undo' ) . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , ! can ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#toolbar-redo' ) . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , ! can ) ;
} ,
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onApiSelectionChanged : function ( info ) {
var islocked = locked . book || locked . sheet ;
if ( ! islocked ) {
switch ( info . asc _getFlags ( ) . asc _getSelectionType ( ) ) {
case Asc . c _oAscSelectionType . RangeCells :
islocked = info . asc _getLocked ( ) ;
break ;
case Asc . c _oAscSelectionType . RangeChart :
var objects = this . api . asc _getGraphicObjectProps ( ) ;
for ( var i in objects ) {
if ( objects [ i ] . asc _getObjectType ( ) == Asc . c _oAscTypeSelectElement . Image ) {
if ( ( islocked = objects [ i ] . asc _getObjectValue ( ) . asc _getLocked ( ) ) )
break ;
break ;
this . getView ( 'Toolbar' ) . disableControl ( [ 'add' , 'edit' ] , islocked ) ;
} ,
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dlgLeaveTitleText : 'You leave the application' ,
dlgLeaveMsgText : 'You have unsaved changes in this document. Click \'Stay on this Page\' to await the autosave of the document. Click \'Leave this Page\' to discard all the unsaved changes.' ,
leaveButtonText : 'Leave this Page' ,
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stayButtonText : 'Stay on this Page'
2016-11-18 16:21:25 +00:00
2016-12-05 15:25:58 +00:00
} ) ( ) , SSE . Controllers . Toolbar || { } ) )
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} ) ;