2016-04-01 13:17:09 +00:00
/ *
2017-01-17 14:58:08 +00:00
* ( c ) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010 - 2017
2016-04-01 13:17:09 +00:00
* This program is a free software product . You can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License ( AGPL )
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation . In accordance with
* Section 7 ( a ) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non - infringement
* of any third - party rights .
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied
* details , see the GNU AGPL at : http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st . 125 a - 25 , Riga , Latvia ,
* EU , LV - 1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices , as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7 ( b ) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program . Pursuant to Section 7 ( e ) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks .
* All the Product ' s GUI elements , including illustrations and icon sets , as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 4.0 International . See the License
* terms at http : //creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* /
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
/ * *
* TableSettingsAdvanced . js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 4 / 15 / 14
* Copyright ( c ) 2014 Ascensio System SIA . All rights reserved .
* /
define ( [ 'text!presentationeditor/main/app/template/TableSettingsAdvanced.template' ,
'common/main/lib/view/AdvancedSettingsWindow' ,
] , function ( contentTemplate ) {
'use strict' ;
PE . Views . TableSettingsAdvanced = Common . Views . AdvancedSettingsWindow . extend ( _ . extend ( {
options : {
alias : 'TableSettingsAdvanced' ,
contentWidth : 280 ,
2016-04-21 11:47:28 +00:00
height : 385 ,
storageName : 'pe-table-settings-adv-category'
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
} ,
initialize : function ( options ) {
_ . extend ( this . options , {
title : this . textTitle ,
template : [
'<div class="box" style="height:' + ( this . options . height - 85 ) + 'px;">' ,
'<div class="menu-panel" style="overflow: hidden;">' ,
'<div style="height: 300px; line-height: 300px;" class="div-category">' + this . textWidthSpaces + '</div>' ,
'</div>' ,
'<div class="separator"/>' ,
'<div class="content-panel">' + _ . template ( contentTemplate ) ( { scope : this } ) + '</div>' ,
'</div>' ,
'<div class="separator horizontal"/>' ,
'<div class="footer center">' ,
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn primary" result="ok" style="margin-right: 10px; width: 86px;">' + this . okButtonText + '</button>' ,
'<button class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel" style="width: 86px;">' + this . cancelButtonText + '</button>' ,
] . join ( '' )
} , options ) ;
Common . Views . AdvancedSettingsWindow . prototype . initialize . call ( this , this . options ) ;
this . spinners = [ ] ;
this . _changedProps = null ;
this . _allTable = false ;
this . TableMargins = {
Left : 0.19 ,
Right : 0.19 ,
Top : 0 ,
Bottom : 0
} ;
this . CellMargins = {
Left : 0.19 ,
Right : 0.19 ,
Top : null ,
Bottom : null ,
Flag : 0 // 0(checked) - как в таблице, 1(indeterminate) - разные значения, не определено, 2 (unchecked) - собственные
} ;
this . _initialMarginsDefault = false ; // если для всех выделенных ячеек пришло одинаковое значение Flag=0 (Use Default Margins)
2016-04-05 12:57:51 +00:00
this . _originalProps = new Asc . CTableProp ( this . options . tableProps ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
} ,
render : function ( ) {
Common . Views . AdvancedSettingsWindow . prototype . render . call ( this ) ;
var me = this ;
this . _marginsChange = function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts , source , property ) {
if ( source == 'table' )
this . TableMargins [ property ] = field . getNumberValue ( ) ;
this . CellMargins [ property ] = field . getNumberValue ( ) ;
} ;
// Margins
this . spnTableMarginTop = new Common . UI . MetricSpinner ( {
el : $ ( '#tableadv-number-margin-table-top' ) ,
step : . 1 ,
width : 85 ,
defaultUnit : "cm" ,
value : '0 cm' ,
maxValue : 55.87 ,
minValue : 0
} ) ;
this . spnTableMarginTop . on ( 'change' , _ . bind ( function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
this . _marginsChange ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts , 'table' , 'Top' ) ;
if ( this . _changedProps ) {
if ( this . _changedProps . get _DefaultMargins ( ) === undefined )
2016-04-18 12:21:15 +00:00
this . _changedProps . put _DefaultMargins ( new Asc . asc _CPaddings ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . _changedProps . get _DefaultMargins ( ) . put _Top ( ( this . TableMargins . Top !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . TableMargins . Top ) : null ) ;
this . TableMargins . isChanged = true ;
} , this ) ) ;
this . spinners . push ( this . spnTableMarginTop ) ;
this . spnTableMarginBottom = new Common . UI . MetricSpinner ( {
el : $ ( '#tableadv-number-margin-table-bottom' ) ,
step : . 1 ,
width : 85 ,
defaultUnit : "cm" ,
value : '0 cm' ,
maxValue : 55.87 ,
minValue : 0
} ) ;
this . spnTableMarginBottom . on ( 'change' , _ . bind ( function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
this . _marginsChange ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts , 'table' , 'Bottom' ) ;
if ( this . _changedProps ) {
if ( this . _changedProps . get _DefaultMargins ( ) === undefined )
2016-04-18 12:21:15 +00:00
this . _changedProps . put _DefaultMargins ( new Asc . asc _CPaddings ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . _changedProps . get _DefaultMargins ( ) . put _Bottom ( ( this . TableMargins . Bottom !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . TableMargins . Bottom ) : null ) ;
this . TableMargins . isChanged = true ;
} , this ) ) ;
this . spinners . push ( this . spnTableMarginBottom ) ;
this . spnTableMarginLeft = new Common . UI . MetricSpinner ( {
el : $ ( '#tableadv-number-margin-table-left' ) ,
step : . 1 ,
width : 85 ,
defaultUnit : "cm" ,
value : '0.19 cm' ,
maxValue : 9.34 ,
minValue : 0
} ) ;
this . spnTableMarginLeft . on ( 'change' , _ . bind ( function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
this . _marginsChange ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts , 'table' , 'Left' ) ;
if ( this . _changedProps ) {
if ( this . _changedProps . get _DefaultMargins ( ) === undefined )
2016-04-18 12:21:15 +00:00
this . _changedProps . put _DefaultMargins ( new Asc . asc _CPaddings ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . _changedProps . get _DefaultMargins ( ) . put _Left ( ( this . TableMargins . Left !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . TableMargins . Left ) : null ) ;
this . TableMargins . isChanged = true ;
} , this ) ) ;
this . spinners . push ( this . spnTableMarginLeft ) ;
this . spnTableMarginRight = new Common . UI . MetricSpinner ( {
el : $ ( '#tableadv-number-margin-table-right' ) ,
step : . 1 ,
width : 85 ,
defaultUnit : "cm" ,
value : '0.19 cm' ,
maxValue : 9.34 ,
minValue : 0
} ) ;
this . spnTableMarginRight . on ( 'change' , _ . bind ( function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
this . _marginsChange ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts , 'table' , 'Right' ) ;
if ( this . _changedProps ) {
if ( this . _changedProps . get _DefaultMargins ( ) === undefined )
2016-04-18 12:21:15 +00:00
this . _changedProps . put _DefaultMargins ( new Asc . asc _CPaddings ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . _changedProps . get _DefaultMargins ( ) . put _Right ( ( this . TableMargins . Right !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . TableMargins . Right ) : null ) ;
this . TableMargins . isChanged = true ;
} , this ) ) ;
this . spinners . push ( this . spnTableMarginRight ) ;
// Cell Margins
var setCellFlag = function ( ) {
if ( me . CellMargins . Flag == 'indeterminate' )
me . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Flag ( 1 ) ;
else if ( me . CellMargins . Flag == 'checked' )
me . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Flag ( 0 ) ;
me . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Flag ( 2 ) ;
} ;
this . chCellMargins = new Common . UI . CheckBox ( {
el : $ ( '#tableadv-checkbox-margins' ) ,
value : true ,
labelText : this . textCheckMargins
} ) ;
this . chCellMargins . on ( 'change' , _ . bind ( function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
if ( oldValue == 'checked' && this . _originalProps && this . _originalProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . get _Flag ( ) == 1 ) { // позволяем выставлять значение indeterminate только если исходные значения не совпадали
field . setValue ( 'indeterminate' , true ) ;
this . fillMargins . call ( this , field . getValue ( ) ) ;
this . CellMargins . Flag = field . getValue ( ) ;
if ( this . _changedProps ) {
if ( this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) === undefined )
2016-04-05 12:57:51 +00:00
this . _changedProps . put _CellMargins ( new Asc . CMargins ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Left ( ( this . CellMargins . Left !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . CellMargins . Left ) : null ) ;
this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Top ( ( this . CellMargins . Top !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . CellMargins . Top ) : null ) ;
this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Bottom ( ( this . CellMargins . Bottom !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . CellMargins . Bottom ) : null ) ;
this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Right ( ( this . CellMargins . Right !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . CellMargins . Right ) : null ) ;
setCellFlag ( ) ;
} , this ) ) ;
this . spnMarginTop = new Common . UI . MetricSpinner ( {
el : $ ( '#tableadv-number-margin-top' ) ,
step : . 1 ,
width : 85 ,
defaultUnit : "cm" ,
value : '0 cm' ,
maxValue : 55.87 ,
minValue : 0
} ) ;
this . spnMarginTop . on ( 'change' , _ . bind ( function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
this . _marginsChange ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts , 'cell' , 'Top' ) ;
if ( this . _changedProps ) {
if ( this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) === undefined )
2016-04-05 12:57:51 +00:00
this . _changedProps . put _CellMargins ( new Asc . CMargins ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Top ( ( this . CellMargins . Top !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . CellMargins . Top ) : null ) ;
setCellFlag ( ) ;
} , this ) ) ;
this . spinners . push ( this . spnMarginTop ) ;
this . spnMarginBottom = new Common . UI . MetricSpinner ( {
el : $ ( '#tableadv-number-margin-bottom' ) ,
step : . 1 ,
width : 85 ,
defaultUnit : "cm" ,
value : '0 cm' ,
maxValue : 55.87 ,
minValue : 0
} ) ;
this . spnMarginBottom . on ( 'change' , _ . bind ( function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
this . _marginsChange ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts , 'cell' , 'Bottom' ) ;
if ( this . _changedProps ) {
if ( this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) === undefined )
2016-04-05 12:57:51 +00:00
this . _changedProps . put _CellMargins ( new Asc . CMargins ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Bottom ( ( this . CellMargins . Bottom !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . CellMargins . Bottom ) : null ) ;
setCellFlag ( ) ;
} , this ) ) ;
this . spinners . push ( this . spnMarginBottom ) ;
this . spnMarginLeft = new Common . UI . MetricSpinner ( {
el : $ ( '#tableadv-number-margin-left' ) ,
step : . 1 ,
width : 85 ,
defaultUnit : "cm" ,
value : '0.19 cm' ,
maxValue : 9.34 ,
minValue : 0
} ) ;
this . spnMarginLeft . on ( 'change' , _ . bind ( function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
this . _marginsChange ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts , 'cell' , 'Left' ) ;
if ( this . _changedProps ) {
if ( this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) === undefined )
2016-04-05 12:57:51 +00:00
this . _changedProps . put _CellMargins ( new Asc . CMargins ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Left ( ( this . CellMargins . Left !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . CellMargins . Left ) : null ) ;
setCellFlag ( ) ;
} , this ) ) ;
this . spinners . push ( this . spnMarginLeft ) ;
this . spnMarginRight = new Common . UI . MetricSpinner ( {
el : $ ( '#tableadv-number-margin-right' ) ,
step : . 1 ,
width : 85 ,
defaultUnit : "cm" ,
value : '0.19 cm' ,
maxValue : 9.34 ,
minValue : 0
} ) ;
this . spnMarginRight . on ( 'change' , _ . bind ( function ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts ) {
this . _marginsChange ( field , newValue , oldValue , eOpts , 'cell' , 'Right' ) ;
if ( this . _changedProps ) {
if ( this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) === undefined )
2016-04-05 12:57:51 +00:00
this . _changedProps . put _CellMargins ( new Asc . CMargins ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . _changedProps . get _CellMargins ( ) . put _Right ( ( this . CellMargins . Right !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcToMM ( this . CellMargins . Right ) : null ) ;
setCellFlag ( ) ;
} , this ) ) ;
this . spinners . push ( this . spnMarginRight ) ;
this . afterRender ( ) ;
} ,
afterRender : function ( ) {
this . updateMetricUnit ( ) ;
this . _setDefaults ( this . _originalProps ) ;
2016-04-21 11:47:28 +00:00
if ( this . storageName ) {
var value = Common . localStorage . getItem ( this . storageName ) ;
this . setActiveCategory ( ( value !== null ) ? parseInt ( value ) : 0 ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
} ,
getSettings : function ( ) {
return { tableProps : this . _changedProps } ;
} ,
_setDefaults : function ( props ) {
if ( props ) {
this . _allTable = ! props . get _CellSelect ( ) ;
// margins
var margins = props . get _DefaultMargins ( ) ;
if ( margins ) {
this . TableMargins = {
Left : ( margins . get _Left ( ) !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcFromMM ( margins . get _Left ( ) ) : null ,
Right : ( margins . get _Right ( ) !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcFromMM ( margins . get _Right ( ) ) : null ,
Top : ( margins . get _Top ( ) !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcFromMM ( margins . get _Top ( ) ) : null ,
Bottom : ( margins . get _Bottom ( ) !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcFromMM ( margins . get _Bottom ( ) ) : null
} ;
margins = props . get _CellMargins ( ) ;
var flag = undefined ;
if ( margins ) {
this . CellMargins = {
Left : ( margins . get _Left ( ) !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcFromMM ( margins . get _Left ( ) ) : null ,
Right : ( margins . get _Right ( ) !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcFromMM ( margins . get _Right ( ) ) : null ,
Top : ( margins . get _Top ( ) !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcFromMM ( margins . get _Top ( ) ) : null ,
Bottom : ( margins . get _Bottom ( ) !== null ) ? Common . Utils . Metric . fnRecalcFromMM ( margins . get _Bottom ( ) ) : null
} ;
flag = margins . get _Flag ( ) ;
this . CellMargins . Flag = ( flag == 1 ) ? 'indeterminate' : ( ( flag == 0 ) ? 'checked' : 'unchecked' ) ;
this . chCellMargins . setValue ( this . CellMargins . Flag , true ) ;
if ( flag === 0 ) {
// Если для всех выделенных ячеек пришло одинаковое значение Flag=0 (Use Default Margins), выставим в поля для Cell Margins значения DefaultMargins
if ( this . CellMargins . Left === null ) this . CellMargins . Left = this . TableMargins . Left ;
if ( this . CellMargins . Top === null ) this . CellMargins . Top = this . TableMargins . Top ;
if ( this . CellMargins . Right === null ) this . CellMargins . Right = this . TableMargins . Right ;
if ( this . CellMargins . Bottom === null ) this . CellMargins . Bottom = this . TableMargins . Bottom ;
this . fillMargins ( this . CellMargins . Flag ) ;
2016-04-05 12:57:51 +00:00
this . _changedProps = new Asc . CTableProp ( ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
} ,
fillMargins : function ( checkMarginsState ) {
if ( this . _initialMarginsDefault && checkMarginsState == 'unchecked' ) {
// изначально для всех ячеек использовали DefaultMargins, а теперь снимаем галку -> выставим в поля для маргинов 0, а не пустые значения
if ( this . CellMargins . Left === null ) this . CellMargins . Left = 0 ;
if ( this . CellMargins . Top === null ) this . CellMargins . Top = 0 ;
if ( this . CellMargins . Right === null ) this . CellMargins . Right = 0 ;
if ( this . CellMargins . Bottom === null ) this . CellMargins . Bottom = 0 ;
this . spnMarginLeft . setValue ( ( this . CellMargins . Left !== null ) ? this . CellMargins . Left : '' , true ) ;
this . spnMarginTop . setValue ( ( this . CellMargins . Top !== null ) ? this . CellMargins . Top : '' , true ) ;
this . spnMarginRight . setValue ( ( this . CellMargins . Right !== null ) ? this . CellMargins . Right : '' , true ) ;
this . spnMarginBottom . setValue ( ( this . CellMargins . Bottom !== null ) ? this . CellMargins . Bottom : '' , true ) ;
var disabled = ( checkMarginsState == 'checked' ) ;
this . spnMarginTop . setDisabled ( disabled ) ;
this . spnMarginBottom . setDisabled ( disabled ) ;
this . spnMarginLeft . setDisabled ( disabled ) ;
this . spnMarginRight . setDisabled ( disabled ) ;
this . spnTableMarginLeft . setValue ( ( this . TableMargins . Left !== null ) ? this . TableMargins . Left : '' , true ) ;
this . spnTableMarginTop . setValue ( ( this . TableMargins . Top !== null ) ? this . TableMargins . Top : '' , true ) ;
this . spnTableMarginRight . setValue ( ( this . TableMargins . Right !== null ) ? this . TableMargins . Right : '' , true ) ;
this . spnTableMarginBottom . setValue ( ( this . TableMargins . Bottom !== null ) ? this . TableMargins . Bottom : '' , true ) ;
} ,
updateMetricUnit : function ( ) {
if ( this . spinners ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . spinners . length ; i ++ ) {
var spinner = this . spinners [ i ] ;
2016-04-06 13:38:54 +00:00
spinner . setDefaultUnit ( Common . Utils . Metric . getCurrentMetricName ( ) ) ;
2016-04-06 15:17:40 +00:00
spinner . setStep ( Common . Utils . Metric . getCurrentMetric ( ) == Common . Utils . Metric . c _MetricUnits . pt ? 1 : 0.1 ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
} ,
textWidthSpaces : 'Margins' ,
textMargins : 'Cell Margins' ,
textTop : 'Top' ,
textLeft : 'Left' ,
textBottom : 'Bottom' ,
textRight : 'Right' ,
textTitle : 'Table - Advanced Settings' ,
textDefaultMargins : 'Default Margins' ,
textCheckMargins : 'Use default margins' ,
cancelButtonText : 'Cancel' ,
okButtonText : 'Ok'
} , PE . Views . TableSettingsAdvanced || { } ) ) ;
} ) ;