2016-04-01 13:17:09 +00:00
/ *
* ( c ) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010 - 2016
* This program is a free software product . You can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License ( AGPL )
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation . In accordance with
* Section 7 ( a ) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non - infringement
* of any third - party rights .
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied
* details , see the GNU AGPL at : http : //www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st . 125 a - 25 , Riga , Latvia ,
* EU , LV - 1021.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices , as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7 ( b ) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program . Pursuant to Section 7 ( e ) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks .
* All the Product ' s GUI elements , including illustrations and icon sets , as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 4.0 International . See the License
* terms at http : //creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* /
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
/ * *
* Toolbar . js
* Toolbar controller
* Created by Alexander Yuzhin on 4 / 16 / 14
* Copyright ( c ) 2014 Ascensio System SIA . All rights reserved .
* /
define ( [
'core' ,
'common/main/lib/component/Window' ,
'common/main/lib/view/CopyWarningDialog' ,
'common/main/lib/view/ImageFromUrlDialog' ,
'common/main/lib/view/InsertTableDialog' ,
'presentationeditor/main/app/view/Toolbar' ,
'presentationeditor/main/app/view/HyperlinkSettingsDialog' ,
] , function ( ) { 'use strict' ;
PE . Controllers . Toolbar = Backbone . Controller . extend ( _ . extend ( {
models : [ ] ,
collections : [ ] ,
views : [
] ,
initialize : function ( ) {
this . _state = {
activated : false ,
themeId : undefined ,
bullets : { type : undefined , subtype : undefined } ,
prcontrolsdisable : undefined ,
slidecontrolsdisable : undefined ,
slidelayoutdisable : undefined ,
shapecontrolsdisable : undefined ,
no _paragraph : undefined ,
2016-05-16 09:15:18 +00:00
no _text : undefined ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
no _object : undefined ,
clrtext : undefined ,
linespace : undefined ,
pralign : undefined ,
valign : undefined ,
vtextalign : undefined ,
can _undo : undefined ,
can _redo : undefined ,
bold : undefined ,
italic : undefined ,
strike : undefined ,
underline : undefined ,
can _group : undefined ,
can _ungroup : undefined ,
lock _doc : undefined ,
changeslide _inited : false ,
no _slides : undefined ,
can _increase : undefined ,
can _decrease : undefined ,
can _hyper : undefined ,
zoom _type : undefined ,
zoom _percent : undefined ,
fontsize : undefined
} ;
this . _isAddingShape = false ;
this . slideSizeArr = [
[ 254 , 190.5 ] , [ 254 , 143 ] , [ 254 , 158.7 ] , [ 254 , 190.5 ] , [ 338.3 , 253.7 ] , [ 355.6 , 266.7 ] ,
[ 275 , 190.5 ] , [ 300.7 , 225.5 ] , [ 199.1 , 149.3 ] , [ 285.7 , 190.5 ] , [ 254 , 190.5 ] , [ 203.2 , 25.4 ]
] ;
this . currentPageSize = {
type : - 1 ,
width : 0 ,
height : 0
} ;
this . flg = { } ;
this . diagramEditor = null ;
this . editMode = true ;
this . addListeners ( {
'Toolbar' : {
'changecompact' : this . onChangeCompactView
} ) ;
var me = this ;
var checkInsertAutoshape = function ( e ) {
var cmp = $ ( e . target ) ,
cmp _sdk = cmp . closest ( '#editor_sdk' ) ,
btn _id = cmp . closest ( 'button' ) . attr ( 'id' ) ;
if ( btn _id === undefined )
btn _id = cmp . closest ( '.btn-group' ) . attr ( 'id' ) ;
if ( cmp . attr ( 'id' ) != 'editor_sdk' && cmp _sdk . length <= 0 ) {
if ( me . toolbar . btnInsertText . pressed && btn _id != me . toolbar . btnInsertText . id ||
me . toolbar . btnInsertShape . pressed && btn _id != me . toolbar . btnInsertShape . id ) {
me . _isAddingShape = false ;
me . _addAutoshape ( false ) ;
me . toolbar . btnInsertShape . toggle ( false , true ) ;
me . toolbar . btnInsertText . toggle ( false , true ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
} else if ( me . toolbar . btnInsertShape . pressed && btn _id == me . toolbar . btnInsertShape . id ) {
_ . defer ( function ( ) {
me . api . StartAddShape ( '' , false ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
} ;
this . onApiEndAddShape = function ( ) {
this . toolbar . fireEvent ( 'insertshape' , this . toolbar ) ;
if ( this . toolbar . btnInsertShape . pressed )
this . toolbar . btnInsertShape . toggle ( false , true ) ;
if ( this . toolbar . btnInsertText . pressed )
this . toolbar . btnInsertText . toggle ( false , true ) ;
$ ( document . body ) . off ( 'mouseup' , checkInsertAutoshape ) ;
} ;
this . _addAutoshape = function ( isstart , type ) {
if ( this . api ) {
if ( isstart ) {
this . api . StartAddShape ( type , true ) ;
$ ( document . body ) . on ( 'mouseup' , checkInsertAutoshape ) ;
} else {
this . api . StartAddShape ( '' , false ) ;
$ ( document . body ) . off ( 'mouseup' , checkInsertAutoshape ) ;
} ;
} ,
onLaunch : function ( ) {
// Create toolbar view
this . toolbar = this . createView ( 'Toolbar' ) ;
this . toolbar . on ( 'render:after' , _ . bind ( this . onToolbarAfterRender , this ) ) ;
} ,
onToolbarAfterRender : function ( toolbar ) {
/ * *
* UI Events
* /
toolbar . btnNewDocument . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onNewDocument , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnOpenDocument . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onOpenDocument , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnAddSlide . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onBtnAddSlide , this ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuAddSlidePicker . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onAddSlide , this ) ) ;
if ( toolbar . mnuChangeSlidePicker )
toolbar . mnuChangeSlidePicker . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onChangeSlide , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnPreview . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onPreview , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnPrint . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onPrint , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnSave . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onSave , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnUndo . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onUndo , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnRedo . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onRedo , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnCopy . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onCopyPaste , this , true ) ) ;
toolbar . btnPaste . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onCopyPaste , this , false ) ) ;
toolbar . btnBold . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onBold , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnItalic . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onItalic , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnUnderline . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onUnderline , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnStrikeout . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onStrikeout , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnSuperscript . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onSuperscript , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnSubscript . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onSubscript , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnHorizontalAlign . menu . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onMenuHorizontalAlignSelect , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnVerticalAlign . menu . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onMenuVerticalAlignSelect , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnDecLeftOffset . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onDecOffset , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnIncLeftOffset . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onIncOffset , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnMarkers . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onMarkers , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnNumbers . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onNumbers , this ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontName . on ( 'selected' , _ . bind ( this . onFontNameSelect , this ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontName . on ( 'show:after' , _ . bind ( this . onComboOpen , this , true ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontName . on ( 'hide:after' , _ . bind ( this . onHideMenus , this ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontName . on ( 'combo:blur' , _ . bind ( this . onComboBlur , this ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontName . on ( 'combo:focusin' , _ . bind ( this . onComboOpen , this , false ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontSize . on ( 'selected' , _ . bind ( this . onFontSizeSelect , this ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontSize . on ( 'changed:before' , _ . bind ( this . onFontSizeChanged , this , true ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontSize . on ( 'changed:after' , _ . bind ( this . onFontSizeChanged , this , false ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontSize . on ( 'show:after' , _ . bind ( this . onComboOpen , this , true ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontSize . on ( 'hide:after' , _ . bind ( this . onHideMenus , this ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontSize . on ( 'combo:blur' , _ . bind ( this . onComboBlur , this ) ) ;
toolbar . cmbFontSize . on ( 'combo:focusin' , _ . bind ( this . onComboOpen , this , false ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuMarkersPicker . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onSelectBullets , this , toolbar . btnMarkers ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuNumbersPicker . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onSelectBullets , this , toolbar . btnNumbers ) ) ;
toolbar . btnFontColor . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onBtnFontColor , this ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker . on ( 'select' , _ . bind ( this . onSelectFontColor , this ) ) ;
$ ( '#id-toolbar-menu-new-fontcolor' ) . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onNewFontColor , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnLineSpace . menu . on ( 'item:toggle' , _ . bind ( this . onLineSpaceToggle , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnShapeAlign . menu . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onShapeAlign , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnShapeArrange . menu . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onShapeArrange , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnInsertHyperlink . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onHyperlinkClick , this ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuTablePicker . on ( 'select' , _ . bind ( this . onTablePickerSelect , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnInsertTable . menu . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onInsertTableClick , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnInsertImage . menu . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onInsertImageClick , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnInsertText . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onBtnInsertTextClick , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnInsertText . menu . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onInsertTextClick , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnInsertShape . menu . on ( 'hide:after' , _ . bind ( this . onInsertShapeHide , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnClearStyle . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onClearStyleClick , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnCopyStyle . on ( 'toggle' , _ . bind ( this . onCopyStyleToggle , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnAdvSettings . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onAdvSettingsClick , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnColorSchemas . menu . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onColorSchemaClick , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnSlideSize . menu . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onSlideSize , this ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuInsertChartPicker . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onSelectChart , this ) ) ;
toolbar . listTheme . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onListThemeSelect , this ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuitemHideTitleBar . on ( 'toggle' , _ . bind ( this . onHideTitleBar , this ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuitemHideStatusBar . on ( 'toggle' , _ . bind ( this . onHideStatusBar , this ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuitemHideRulers . on ( 'toggle' , _ . bind ( this . onHideRulers , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnFitPage . on ( 'toggle' , _ . bind ( this . onZoomToPageToggle , this ) ) ;
toolbar . btnFitWidth . on ( 'toggle' , _ . bind ( this . onZoomToWidthToggle , this ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuZoomIn . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onZoomInClick , this ) ) ;
toolbar . mnuZoomOut . on ( 'click' , _ . bind ( this . onZoomOutClick , this ) ) ;
} ,
setApi : function ( api ) {
this . api = api ;
this . toolbar . setApi ( api ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onFontSize' , _ . bind ( this . onApiFontSize , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onBold' , _ . bind ( this . onApiBold , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onItalic' , _ . bind ( this . onApiItalic , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onUnderline' , _ . bind ( this . onApiUnderline , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onStrikeout' , _ . bind ( this . onApiStrikeout , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onVerticalAlign' , _ . bind ( this . onApiVerticalAlign , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCanUndo' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCanRevert , this , 'undo' ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCanRedo' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCanRevert , this , 'redo' ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onPaintFormatChanged' , _ . bind ( this . onApiStyleChange , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onListType' , _ . bind ( this . onApiBullets , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_canIncreaseIndent' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCanIncreaseIndent , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_canDecreaseIndent' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCanDecreaseIndent , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onLineSpacing' , _ . bind ( this . onApiLineSpacing , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onPrAlign' , _ . bind ( this . onApiParagraphAlign , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onVerticalTextAlign' , _ . bind ( this . onApiVerticalTextAlign , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCanAddHyperlink' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCanAddHyperlink , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onTextColor' , _ . bind ( this . onApiTextColor , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onUpdateThemeIndex' , _ . bind ( this . onApiUpdateThemeIndex , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onEndAddShape' , _ . bind ( this . onApiEndAddShape , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCanGroup' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCanGroup , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCanUnGroup' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCanUnGroup , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onPresentationSize' , _ . bind ( this . onApiPageSize , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCoAuthoringDisconnect' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCoAuthoringDisconnect , this ) ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . on ( 'api:disconnect' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCoAuthoringDisconnect , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onZoomChange' , _ . bind ( this . onApiZoomChange , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onFocusObject' , _ . bind ( this . onApiFocusObject , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onLockDocumentProps' , _ . bind ( this . onApiLockDocumentProps , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onUnLockDocumentProps' , _ . bind ( this . onApiUnLockDocumentProps , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onLockDocumentTheme' , _ . bind ( this . onApiLockDocumentTheme , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onUnLockDocumentTheme' , _ . bind ( this . onApiUnLockDocumentTheme , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onInitEditorStyles' , _ . bind ( this . onApiInitEditorStyles , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCountPages' , _ . bind ( this . onApiCountPages , this ) ) ;
this . onSetupCopyStyleButton ( ) ;
} ,
onChangeCompactView : function ( view , compact ) {
Common . localStorage . setItem ( 'pe-compact-toolbar' , compact ? 1 : 0 ) ;
if ( ! compact && ! this . _state . changeslide _inited ) {
this . toolbar . mnuChangeSlidePicker . on ( 'item:click' , _ . bind ( this . onChangeSlide , this ) ) ;
this . _state . changeslide _inited = true ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'layout:changed' , 'toolbar' ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onApiFontSize : function ( size ) {
if ( this . _state . fontsize !== size ) {
this . toolbar . cmbFontSize . setValue ( size ) ;
this . _state . fontsize = size ;
} ,
onApiBold : function ( on ) {
if ( this . _state . bold !== on ) {
this . toolbar . btnBold . toggle ( on === true , true ) ;
this . _state . bold = on ;
} ,
onApiItalic : function ( on ) {
if ( this . _state . italic !== on ) {
this . toolbar . btnItalic . toggle ( on === true , true ) ;
this . _state . italic = on ;
} ,
onApiUnderline : function ( on ) {
if ( this . _state . underline !== on ) {
this . toolbar . btnUnderline . toggle ( on === true , true ) ;
this . _state . underline = on ;
} ,
onApiStrikeout : function ( on ) {
if ( this . _state . strike !== on ) {
this . toolbar . btnStrikeout . toggle ( on === true , true ) ;
this . _state . strike = on ;
} ,
onApiVerticalAlign : function ( typeBaseline ) {
if ( this . _state . valign !== typeBaseline ) {
this . toolbar . btnSuperscript . toggle ( typeBaseline == 1 , true ) ;
this . toolbar . btnSubscript . toggle ( typeBaseline == 2 , true ) ;
this . _state . valign = typeBaseline ;
} ,
onApiCanRevert : function ( which , can ) {
if ( which == 'undo' ) {
if ( this . _state . can _undo !== can ) {
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . undoLock , ! can , { array : [ this . toolbar . btnUndo ] } ) ;
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . can _undo = can ;
} else {
if ( this . _state . can _redo !== can ) {
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . redoLock , ! can , { array : [ this . toolbar . btnRedo ] } ) ;
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . can _redo = can ;
} ,
onApiCanIncreaseIndent : function ( value ) {
if ( this . _state . can _increase !== value ) {
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . incIndentLock , ! value , { array : [ this . toolbar . btnIncLeftOffset ] } ) ;
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . can _increase = value ;
} ,
onApiCanDecreaseIndent : function ( value ) {
if ( this . _state . can _decrease !== value ) {
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . decIndentLock , ! value , { array : [ this . toolbar . btnDecLeftOffset ] } ) ;
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . can _decrease = value ;
} ,
onApiBullets : function ( v ) {
if ( this . _state . bullets . type != v . get _ListType ( ) || this . _state . bullets . subtype != v . get _ListSubType ( ) ) {
this . _state . bullets . type = v . get _ListType ( ) ;
this . _state . bullets . subtype = v . get _ListSubType ( ) ;
this . _clearBullets ( ) ;
switch ( this . _state . bullets . type ) {
case 0 :
this . toolbar . btnMarkers . toggle ( true , true ) ;
this . toolbar . mnuMarkersPicker . selectByIndex ( this . _state . bullets . subtype , true ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
var idx = 0 ;
switch ( this . _state . bullets . subtype ) {
case 1 :
idx = 4 ;
break ;
case 2 :
idx = 5 ;
break ;
case 3 :
idx = 6 ;
break ;
case 4 :
idx = 1 ;
break ;
case 5 :
idx = 2 ;
break ;
case 6 :
idx = 3 ;
break ;
case 7 :
idx = 7 ;
break ;
this . toolbar . btnNumbers . toggle ( true , true ) ;
this . toolbar . mnuNumbersPicker . selectByIndex ( idx , true ) ;
break ;
} ,
onApiParagraphAlign : function ( v ) {
if ( this . _state . pralign !== v ) {
this . _state . pralign = v ;
var index = - 1 ,
align ,
btnHorizontalAlign = this . toolbar . btnHorizontalAlign ;
switch ( v ) {
case 0 : index = 2 ; align = 'btn-align-right' ; break ;
case 1 : index = 0 ; align = 'btn-align-left' ; break ;
case 2 : index = 1 ; align = 'btn-align-center' ; break ;
case 3 : index = 3 ; align = 'btn-align-just' ; break ;
default : index = - 255 ; align = 'btn-align-left' ; break ;
if ( ! ( index < 0 ) ) {
btnHorizontalAlign . menu . items [ index ] . setChecked ( true ) ;
} else if ( index == - 255 ) {
this . _clearChecked ( btnHorizontalAlign . menu ) ;
if ( btnHorizontalAlign . rendered ) {
var iconEl = $ ( '.btn-icon' , btnHorizontalAlign . cmpEl ) ;
if ( iconEl ) {
iconEl . removeClass ( btnHorizontalAlign . options . icls ) ;
btnHorizontalAlign . options . icls = align ;
iconEl . addClass ( btnHorizontalAlign . options . icls ) ;
} ,
onApiVerticalTextAlign : function ( v ) {
if ( this . _state . vtextalign !== v ) {
this . _state . vtextalign = v ;
var index = - 1 ,
align = '' ,
btnVerticalAlign = this . toolbar . btnVerticalAlign ;
switch ( v ) {
2016-04-05 11:52:34 +00:00
case Asc . c _oAscVerticalTextAlign . TEXT _ALIGN _TOP : index = 0 ; align = 'btn-align-top' ; break ;
case Asc . c _oAscVerticalTextAlign . TEXT _ALIGN _CTR : index = 1 ; align = 'btn-align-middle' ; break ;
case Asc . c _oAscVerticalTextAlign . TEXT _ALIGN _BOTTOM : index = 2 ; align = 'btn-align-bottom' ; break ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
default : index = - 255 ; align = 'btn-align-middle' ; break ;
if ( ! ( index < 0 ) ) {
btnVerticalAlign . menu . items [ index ] . setChecked ( true ) ;
} else if ( index == - 255 ) {
this . _clearChecked ( btnVerticalAlign . menu ) ;
if ( btnVerticalAlign . rendered ) {
var iconEl = $ ( '.btn-icon' , btnVerticalAlign . cmpEl ) ;
if ( iconEl ) {
iconEl . removeClass ( btnVerticalAlign . options . icls ) ;
btnVerticalAlign . options . icls = align ;
iconEl . addClass ( btnVerticalAlign . options . icls ) ;
} ,
onApiLineSpacing : function ( vc ) {
var line = ( vc . get _Line ( ) === null || vc . get _LineRule ( ) === null || vc . get _LineRule ( ) != 1 ) ? - 1 : vc . get _Line ( ) ;
if ( this . _state . linespace !== line ) {
this . _state . linespace = line ;
var mnuLineSpace = this . toolbar . btnLineSpace . menu ;
_ . each ( mnuLineSpace . items , function ( item ) {
item . setChecked ( false , true ) ;
} ) ;
if ( line < 0 ) return ;
if ( Math . abs ( line - 1. ) < 0.0001 )
mnuLineSpace . items [ 0 ] . setChecked ( true , true ) ;
else if ( Math . abs ( line - 1.15 ) < 0.0001 )
mnuLineSpace . items [ 1 ] . setChecked ( true , true ) ;
else if ( Math . abs ( line - 1.5 ) < 0.0001 )
mnuLineSpace . items [ 2 ] . setChecked ( true , true ) ;
else if ( Math . abs ( line - 2 ) < 0.0001 )
mnuLineSpace . items [ 3 ] . setChecked ( true , true ) ;
else if ( Math . abs ( line - 2.5 ) < 0.0001 )
mnuLineSpace . items [ 4 ] . setChecked ( true , true ) ;
else if ( Math . abs ( line - 3 ) < 0.0001 )
mnuLineSpace . items [ 5 ] . setChecked ( true , true ) ;
} ,
onApiCanAddHyperlink : function ( value ) {
if ( this . _state . can _hyper !== value && this . editMode ) {
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . hyperlinkLock , ! value , { array : [ this . toolbar . btnInsertHyperlink ] } ) ;
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . can _hyper = value ;
} ,
onApiPageSize : function ( width , height ) {
if ( Math . abs ( this . currentPageSize . width - width ) > 0.001 ||
Math . abs ( this . currentPageSize . height - height ) > 0.001 ) {
this . currentPageSize . width = width ;
this . currentPageSize . height = height ;
this . currentPageSize . type = - 1 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < this . slideSizeArr . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( Math . abs ( this . slideSizeArr [ i ] [ 0 ] - this . currentPageSize . width ) < 0.001 &&
Math . abs ( this . slideSizeArr [ i ] [ 1 ] - this . currentPageSize . height ) < 0.001 ) {
this . currentPageSize . type = i ;
break ;
this . toolbar . btnSlideSize . menu . items [ 0 ] . setChecked ( this . currentPageSize . type == 0 ) ;
this . toolbar . btnSlideSize . menu . items [ 1 ] . setChecked ( this . currentPageSize . type == 1 ) ;
} ,
onApiCountPages : function ( count ) {
if ( this . _state . no _slides !== ( count <= 0 ) ) {
this . _state . no _slides = ( count <= 0 ) ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . noSlides , this . _state . no _slides , { array : this . toolbar . paragraphControls } ) ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . noSlides , this . _state . no _slides , { array : [
this . toolbar . btnChangeSlide , this . toolbar . btnPreview , this . toolbar . btnCopy , this . toolbar . btnPaste ,
this . toolbar . btnCopyStyle , this . toolbar . btnInsertTable , this . toolbar . btnInsertImage , this . toolbar . btnInsertChart ,
this . toolbar . btnInsertText , this . toolbar . btnInsertShape , this . toolbar . btnColorSchemas , this . toolbar . btnShapeAlign ,
this . toolbar . btnShapeArrange , this . toolbar . btnSlideSize , this . toolbar . listTheme
] } ) ;
} ,
onApiFocusObject : function ( selectedObjects ) {
if ( ! this . editMode ) return ;
var me = this ,
pr , sh , i = - 1 , type ,
paragraph _locked = undefined ,
shape _locked = undefined ,
slide _deleted = undefined ,
slide _layout _lock = undefined ,
no _paragraph = true ,
2016-05-16 09:15:18 +00:00
no _text = true ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
no _object = true ;
while ( ++ i < selectedObjects . length ) {
type = selectedObjects [ i ] . get _ObjectType ( ) ;
pr = selectedObjects [ i ] . get _ObjectValue ( ) ;
2016-04-05 11:52:34 +00:00
if ( type == Asc . c _oAscTypeSelectElement . Paragraph ) {
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
paragraph _locked = pr . get _Locked ( ) ;
no _paragraph = false ;
2016-05-16 09:15:18 +00:00
no _text = false ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
no _object = false ;
2016-04-05 11:52:34 +00:00
} else if ( type == Asc . c _oAscTypeSelectElement . Slide ) {
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
slide _deleted = pr . get _LockDelete ( ) ;
slide _layout _lock = pr . get _LockLayout ( ) ;
2016-04-05 11:52:34 +00:00
} else if ( type == Asc . c _oAscTypeSelectElement . Image || type == Asc . c _oAscTypeSelectElement . Shape || type == Asc . c _oAscTypeSelectElement . Chart || type == Asc . c _oAscTypeSelectElement . Table ) {
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
shape _locked = pr . get _Locked ( ) ;
no _object = false ;
2016-05-16 09:15:18 +00:00
if ( type !== Asc . c _oAscTypeSelectElement . Image ) {
no _text = false ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
if ( paragraph _locked !== undefined && this . _state . prcontrolsdisable !== paragraph _locked ) {
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . prcontrolsdisable = paragraph _locked ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . paragraphLock , paragraph _locked , { array : me . toolbar . paragraphControls } ) ;
if ( this . _state . no _paragraph !== no _paragraph ) {
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . no _paragraph = no _paragraph ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . noParagraphSelected , no _paragraph , { array : me . toolbar . paragraphControls } ) ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . noParagraphSelected , no _paragraph , { array : [ me . toolbar . btnCopyStyle ] } ) ;
2016-05-16 09:15:18 +00:00
if ( this . _state . no _text !== no _text ) {
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . no _text = no _text ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . noTextSelected , no _text , { array : me . toolbar . paragraphControls } ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
if ( shape _locked !== undefined && this . _state . shapecontrolsdisable !== shape _locked ) {
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . shapecontrolsdisable = shape _locked ;
2016-05-16 09:15:18 +00:00
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . shapeLock , shape _locked , { array : me . toolbar . shapeControls . concat ( me . toolbar . paragraphControls ) } ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
if ( this . _state . no _object !== no _object ) {
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . no _object = no _object ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . noObjectSelected , no _object , { array : [ me . toolbar . btnShapeAlign , me . toolbar . btnShapeArrange ] } ) ;
if ( slide _layout _lock !== undefined && this . _state . slidelayoutdisable !== slide _layout _lock ) {
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . slidelayoutdisable = slide _layout _lock ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . slideLock , slide _layout _lock , { array : [ me . toolbar . btnChangeSlide ] } ) ;
if ( slide _deleted !== undefined && this . _state . slidecontrolsdisable !== slide _deleted ) {
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . slidecontrolsdisable = slide _deleted ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . slideDeleted , slide _deleted , { array : me . toolbar . slideOnlyControls . concat ( me . toolbar . paragraphControls ) } ) ;
} ,
onApiStyleChange : function ( v ) {
this . toolbar . btnCopyStyle . toggle ( v , true ) ;
this . modeAlwaysSetStyle = false ;
} ,
onApiUpdateThemeIndex : function ( v ) {
if ( this . _state . themeId !== v ) {
var listStyle = this . toolbar . listTheme ,
listStylesVisible = ( listStyle . rendered ) ;
if ( listStylesVisible ) {
listStyle . suspendEvents ( ) ;
var styleRec = listStyle . menuPicker . store . findWhere ( {
themeId : v
} ) ;
this . _state . themeId = ( listStyle . menuPicker . store . length > 0 ) ? v : undefined ;
listStyle . menuPicker . selectRecord ( styleRec ) ;
listStyle . resumeEvents ( ) ;
} ,
onApiCanGroup : function ( value ) {
if ( this . _state . can _group !== value ) {
this . toolbar . mnuGroupShapes . setDisabled ( ! value ) ;
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . can _group = value ;
} ,
onApiCanUnGroup : function ( value ) {
if ( this . _state . can _ungroup !== value ) {
this . toolbar . mnuUnGroupShapes . setDisabled ( ! value ) ;
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . can _ungroup = value ;
} ,
onApiLockDocumentProps : function ( ) {
if ( this . _state . lock _doc !== true ) {
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . docPropsLock , true , { array : [ this . toolbar . btnSlideSize ] } ) ;
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . lock _doc = true ;
} ,
onApiUnLockDocumentProps : function ( ) {
if ( this . _state . lock _doc !== false ) {
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . docPropsLock , false , { array : [ this . toolbar . btnSlideSize ] } ) ;
if ( this . _state . activated ) this . _state . lock _doc = false ;
} ,
onApiLockDocumentTheme : function ( ) {
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . themeLock , true , { array : [ this . toolbar . btnColorSchemas ] } ) ;
} ,
onApiUnLockDocumentTheme : function ( ) {
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . themeLock , false , { array : [ this . toolbar . btnColorSchemas ] } ) ;
} ,
onApiCoAuthoringDisconnect : function ( ) {
this . toolbar . setMode ( { isDisconnected : true } ) ;
this . editMode = false ;
} ,
onApiZoomChange : function ( percent , type ) {
if ( this . _state . zoom _type !== type ) {
this . toolbar . btnFitPage . setChecked ( type == 2 , true ) ;
this . toolbar . btnFitWidth . setChecked ( type == 1 , true ) ;
this . _state . zoom _type = type ;
if ( this . _state . zoom _percent !== percent ) {
$ ( '.menu-zoom .zoom' , this . toolbar . el ) . html ( percent + '%' ) ;
this . _state . zoom _percent = percent ;
} ,
onApiInitEditorStyles : function ( themes ) {
if ( themes ) {
this . _onInitEditorThemes ( themes [ 0 ] , themes [ 1 ] ) ;
} ,
onNewDocument : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( this . api )
this . api . OpenNewDocument ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'New Document' ) ;
} ,
onOpenDocument : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( this . api )
this . api . LoadDocumentFromDisk ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Open Document' ) ;
} ,
onAddSlide : function ( picker , item , record ) {
if ( this . api ) {
this . api . AddSlide ( record . get ( 'data' ) . idx ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Add Slide' ) ;
} ,
onBtnAddSlide : function ( ) {
this . api . AddSlide ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Add Slide' ) ;
} ,
onChangeSlide : function ( picker , item , record ) {
if ( this . api ) {
this . api . ChangeLayout ( record . get ( 'data' ) . idx ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Change Layout' ) ;
} ,
onPreview : function ( btn , e ) {
2016-04-28 14:43:48 +00:00
var previewPanel = PE . getController ( 'Viewport' ) . getView ( 'DocumentPreview' ) ,
me = this ;
if ( previewPanel && me . api ) {
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
previewPanel . show ( ) ;
2016-04-28 14:43:48 +00:00
var onWindowResize = function ( ) {
Common . NotificationCenter . off ( 'window:resize' , onWindowResize ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
2016-04-28 14:43:48 +00:00
var current = me . api . getCurrentPage ( ) ;
me . api . StartDemonstration ( 'presentation-preview' , _ . isNumber ( current ) ? current : 0 ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Preview' ) ;
2016-04-28 14:43:48 +00:00
} ;
if ( ! me . toolbar . mode . isDesktopApp ) {
Common . NotificationCenter . on ( 'window:resize' , onWindowResize ) ;
me . fullScreen ( document . documentElement ) ;
} else
onWindowResize ( ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
} ,
fullScreen : function ( element ) {
if ( element ) {
if ( element . requestFullscreen ) {
element . requestFullscreen ( ) ;
} else if ( element . webkitRequestFullscreen ) {
element . webkitRequestFullscreen ( ) ;
} else if ( element . mozRequestFullScreen ) {
element . mozRequestFullScreen ( ) ;
} else if ( element . msRequestFullscreen ) {
element . msRequestFullscreen ( ) ;
} ,
onPrint : function ( e ) {
if ( this . api )
this . api . asc _Print ( Common . Utils . isChrome || Common . Utils . isSafari || Common . Utils . isOpera ) ; // if isChrome or isSafari or isOpera == true use asc_onPrintUrl event
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'Print' ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Print' ) ;
} ,
onSave : function ( e ) {
if ( this . api && this . api . asc _isDocumentCanSave ) {
var isModified = this . api . asc _isDocumentCanSave ( ) ;
var isSyncButton = $ ( '.btn-icon' , this . toolbar . btnSave . cmpEl ) . hasClass ( 'btn-synch' ) ;
if ( ! isModified && ! isSyncButton )
return ;
this . api . asc _Save ( ) ;
this . toolbar . btnSave . setDisabled ( true ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'Save' ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Save' ) ;
} ,
onUndo : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( this . api ) {
this . api . Undo ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Undo' ) ;
} ,
onRedo : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( this . api ) {
this . api . Redo ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Redo' ) ;
} ,
onCopyPaste : function ( copy , e ) {
var me = this ;
if ( me . api ) {
if ( typeof window [ 'AscDesktopEditor' ] === 'object' ) {
copy ? me . api . Copy ( ) : me . api . Paste ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
} else {
var value = Common . localStorage . getItem ( "pe-hide-copywarning" ) ;
if ( ! ( value && parseInt ( value ) == 1 ) ) {
( new Common . Views . CopyWarningDialog ( {
handler : function ( dontshow ) {
copy ? me . api . Copy ( ) : me . api . Paste ( ) ;
if ( dontshow ) Common . localStorage . setItem ( "pe-hide-copywarning" , 1 ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
} ) ) . show ( ) ;
} else {
copy ? me . api . Copy ( ) : me . api . Paste ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Copy Warning' ) ;
} else {
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onBold : function ( btn , e ) {
this . _state . bold = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _TextPrBold ( btn . pressed ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Bold' ) ;
} ,
onItalic : function ( btn , e ) {
this . _state . italic = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _TextPrItalic ( btn . pressed ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Italic' ) ;
} ,
onUnderline : function ( btn , e ) {
this . _state . underline = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _TextPrUnderline ( btn . pressed ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Underline' ) ;
} ,
onStrikeout : function ( btn , e ) {
this . _state . strike = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _TextPrStrikeout ( btn . pressed ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Strikeout' ) ;
} ,
onSuperscript : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( ! this . toolbar . btnSubscript . pressed ) {
this . _state . valign = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _TextPrBaseline ( btn . pressed ? 1 : 0 ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Superscript' ) ;
} ,
onSubscript : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( ! this . toolbar . btnSuperscript . pressed ) {
this . _state . valign = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _TextPrBaseline ( btn . pressed ? 2 : 0 ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Subscript' ) ;
} ,
onDecOffset : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( this . api )
this . api . DecreaseIndent ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Indent' ) ;
} ,
onIncOffset : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( this . api )
this . api . IncreaseIndent ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Indent' ) ;
} ,
onMenuHorizontalAlignSelect : function ( menu , item ) {
this . _state . pralign = undefined ;
var btnHorizontalAlign = this . toolbar . btnHorizontalAlign ,
iconEl = $ ( '.btn-icon' , btnHorizontalAlign . cmpEl ) ;
if ( iconEl ) {
iconEl . removeClass ( btnHorizontalAlign . options . icls ) ;
btnHorizontalAlign . options . icls = ! item . checked ? 'btn-align-left' : item . options . icls ;
iconEl . addClass ( btnHorizontalAlign . options . icls ) ;
if ( this . api && item . checked )
this . api . put _PrAlign ( item . value ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Horizontal Align' ) ;
} ,
onMenuVerticalAlignSelect : function ( menu , item ) {
var btnVerticalAlign = this . toolbar . btnVerticalAlign ,
iconEl = $ ( '.btn-icon' , btnVerticalAlign . cmpEl ) ;
if ( iconEl ) {
iconEl . removeClass ( btnVerticalAlign . options . icls ) ;
btnVerticalAlign . options . icls = ! item . checked ? 'btn-align-middle' : item . options . icls ;
iconEl . addClass ( btnVerticalAlign . options . icls ) ;
this . _state . vtextalign = undefined ;
if ( this . api && item . checked )
this . api . setVerticalAlign ( item . value ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Vertical Align' ) ;
} ,
onMarkers : function ( btn , e ) {
var record = {
data : {
type : 0 ,
subtype : btn . pressed ? 0 : - 1
} ;
this . onSelectBullets ( null , null , null , record ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onNumbers : function ( btn , e ) {
var record = {
data : {
type : 1 ,
subtype : btn . pressed ? 0 : - 1
} ;
this . onSelectBullets ( null , null , null , record ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onComboBlur : function ( ) {
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onFontNameSelect : function ( combo , record ) {
if ( this . api ) {
if ( record . isNewFont ) {
Common . UI . warning ( {
width : 500 ,
closable : false ,
msg : this . confirmAddFontName ,
buttons : [ 'yes' , 'no' ] ,
primary : 'yes' ,
callback : _ . bind ( function ( btn ) {
if ( btn == 'yes' ) {
this . api . put _TextPrFontName ( record . name ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Font Name' ) ;
} else {
this . toolbar . cmbFontName . setValue ( this . api . get _TextProps ( ) . get _TextPr ( ) . get _FontFamily ( ) . get _Name ( ) ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} , this )
} ) ;
} else {
this . api . put _TextPrFontName ( record . name ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Font Name' ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onComboOpen : function ( needfocus , combo ) {
_ . delay ( function ( ) {
var input = $ ( 'input' , combo . cmpEl ) . select ( ) ;
if ( needfocus ) input . focus ( ) ;
else if ( ! combo . isMenuOpen ( ) ) input . one ( 'mouseup' , function ( e ) { e . preventDefault ( ) ; } ) ;
} , 10 ) ;
} ,
onFontSizeSelect : function ( combo , record ) {
this . _state . fontsize = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _TextPrFontSize ( record . value ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Font Size' ) ;
} ,
onFontSizeChanged : function ( before , combo , record , e ) {
var value ,
me = this ;
if ( before ) {
var item = combo . store . findWhere ( {
displayValue : record . value
} ) ;
if ( ! item ) {
value = /^\+?(\d*\.?\d+)$|^\+?(\d+\.?\d*)$/ . exec ( record . value ) ;
if ( ! value ) {
value = this . _getApiTextSize ( ) ;
Common . UI . warning ( {
msg : this . textFontSizeErr ,
callback : function ( ) {
_ . defer ( function ( btn ) {
me . api . asc _enableKeyEvents ( false ) ;
$ ( 'input' , combo . cmpEl ) . focus ( ) ;
} )
} ) ;
combo . setRawValue ( value ) ;
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
return false ;
} else {
value = parseFloat ( record . value ) ;
value = value > 300 ? 300 :
value < 1 ? 1 : Math . floor ( ( value + 0.4 ) * 2 ) / 2 ;
combo . setRawValue ( value ) ;
this . _state . fontsize = undefined ;
if ( this . api ) {
this . api . put _TextPrFontSize ( value ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onSelectBullets : function ( btn , picker , itemView , record ) {
var rawData = { } ,
isPickerSelect = _ . isFunction ( record . toJSON ) ;
if ( isPickerSelect ) {
if ( record . get ( 'selected' ) ) {
rawData = record . toJSON ( ) ;
} else {
// record deselected
return ;
} else {
rawData = record ;
if ( btn ) {
btn . toggle ( rawData . data . subtype > - 1 , true ) ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _ListType ( rawData . data . type , rawData . data . subtype ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'List Type' ) ;
} ,
onLineSpaceToggle : function ( menu , item , state , e ) {
if ( ! ! state ) {
this . _state . linespace = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _PrLineSpacing ( c _paragraphLinerule . LINERULE _AUTO , item . value ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Line Spacing' ) ;
} ,
onShapeAlign : function ( menu , item ) {
if ( this . api ) {
if ( item . value < 6 ) {
this . api . put _ShapesAlign ( item . value ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Shape Align' ) ;
} else if ( item . value == 6 ) {
this . api . DistributeHorizontally ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Distribute' ) ;
} else {
this . api . DistributeVertically ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Distribute' ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onShapeArrange : function ( menu , item ) {
if ( this . api ) {
switch ( item . value ) {
case 1 :
this . api . shapes _bringToFront ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Shape Arrange' ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
this . api . shapes _bringToBack ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Shape Arrange' ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
this . api . shapes _bringForward ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Shape Arrange' ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
this . api . shapes _bringBackward ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Shape Arrange' ) ;
break ;
case 5 :
this . api . groupShapes ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Shape Group' ) ;
break ;
case 6 :
this . api . unGroupShapes ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Shape UnGroup' ) ;
break ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onHyperlinkClick : function ( btn ) {
var me = this ,
win , props , text ;
if ( me . api ) {
var handlerDlg = function ( dlg , result ) {
if ( result == 'ok' ) {
props = dlg . getSettings ( ) ;
( text !== false )
? me . api . add _Hyperlink ( props )
: me . api . change _Hyperlink ( props ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
} ;
text = me . api . can _AddHyperlink ( ) ;
if ( text !== false ) {
var _arr = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < me . api . getCountPages ( ) ; i ++ ) {
_arr . push ( {
displayValue : i + 1 ,
value : i
} ) ;
win = new PE . Views . HyperlinkSettingsDialog ( {
api : me . api ,
handler : handlerDlg ,
slides : _arr
} ) ;
2016-04-05 12:57:51 +00:00
props = new Asc . CHyperlinkProperty ( ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
props . put _Text ( text ) ;
win . show ( ) ;
win . setSettings ( props ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Add Hyperlink' ) ;
} ,
onTablePickerSelect : function ( picker , columns , rows , e ) {
if ( this . api ) {
this . toolbar . fireEvent ( 'inserttable' , this . toolbar ) ;
this . api . put _Table ( columns , rows ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Table' ) ;
} ,
onInsertTableClick : function ( menu , item , e ) {
if ( item . value === 'custom' ) {
var me = this ;
( new Common . Views . InsertTableDialog ( {
handler : function ( result , value ) {
if ( result == 'ok' ) {
if ( me . api ) {
me . toolbar . fireEvent ( 'inserttable' , me . toolbar ) ;
me . api . put _Table ( value . columns , value . rows ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Table' ) ;
} ) ) . show ( ) ;
} ,
onInsertImageClick : function ( menu , item , e ) {
if ( item . value === 'file' ) {
this . toolbar . fireEvent ( 'insertimage' , this . toolbar ) ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . asc _addImage ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Image' ) ;
} else {
var me = this ;
( new Common . Views . ImageFromUrlDialog ( {
handler : function ( result , value ) {
if ( result == 'ok' ) {
if ( me . api ) {
var checkUrl = value . replace ( / /g , '' ) ;
if ( ! _ . isEmpty ( checkUrl ) ) {
me . toolbar . fireEvent ( 'insertimage' , me . toolbar ) ;
me . api . AddImageUrl ( checkUrl ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Image' ) ;
} else {
Common . UI . warning ( {
msg : this . textEmptyImgUrl
} ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
} ) ) . show ( ) ;
} ,
onBtnInsertTextClick : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( this . api )
this . _addAutoshape ( btn . pressed , 'textRect' ) ;
if ( this . toolbar . btnInsertShape . pressed )
this . toolbar . btnInsertShape . toggle ( false , true ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar , this . toolbar . btnInsertShape ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Add Text' ) ;
} ,
onInsertTextClick : function ( menu , item , e ) {
if ( item . value === 'text' ) {
if ( this . api )
this . _addAutoshape ( true , 'textRect' ) ;
this . toolbar . btnInsertText . toggle ( true , true ) ;
if ( this . toolbar . btnInsertShape . pressed )
this . toolbar . btnInsertShape . toggle ( false , true ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar , this . toolbar . btnInsertShape ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Add Text' ) ;
} ,
onInsertShapeHide : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( this . toolbar . btnInsertShape . pressed && ! this . _isAddingShape ) {
this . toolbar . btnInsertShape . toggle ( false , true ) ;
this . _isAddingShape = false ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar , this . toolbar . btnInsertShape ) ;
} ,
onClearStyleClick : function ( btn , e ) {
if ( this . api )
this . api . ClearFormating ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onCopyStyleToggle : function ( btn , state , e ) {
if ( this . api )
this . api . SetPaintFormat ( state ? 1 : 0 ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
this . modeAlwaysSetStyle = state ;
} ,
onAdvSettingsClick : function ( btn , e ) {
this . toolbar . fireEvent ( 'file:settings' , this ) ;
btn . cmpEl . blur ( ) ;
} ,
onColorSchemaClick : function ( menu , item ) {
if ( this . api ) {
this . api . ChangeColorScheme ( item . value ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Color Scheme' ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onSlideSize : function ( menu , item ) {
if ( item . value !== 'advanced' ) {
this . currentPageSize = {
type : item . value ,
width : this . slideSizeArr [ item . value ] [ 0 ] ,
height : this . slideSizeArr [ item . value ] [ 1 ]
} ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . changeSlideSize (
this . slideSizeArr [ item . value ] [ 0 ] ,
this . slideSizeArr [ item . value ] [ 1 ]
) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Slide Size' ) ;
} else {
var win , props ,
me = this ;
var handlerDlg = function ( dlg , result ) {
if ( result == 'ok' ) {
props = dlg . getSettings ( ) ;
me . currentPageSize = { type : props [ 0 ] , width : props [ 1 ] , height : props [ 2 ] } ;
me . toolbar . btnSlideSize . menu . items [ 0 ] . setChecked ( props [ 0 ] == 0 ) ;
me . toolbar . btnSlideSize . menu . items [ 1 ] . setChecked ( props [ 0 ] == 1 ) ;
if ( me . api )
me . api . changeSlideSize ( props [ 1 ] , props [ 2 ] ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar ) ;
} ;
win = new PE . Views . SlideSizeSettings ( {
handler : handlerDlg
} ) ;
win . show ( ) ;
win . setSettings ( me . currentPageSize . type , me . currentPageSize . width , me . currentPageSize . height ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Slide Size' ) ;
} ,
onSelectChart : function ( picker , item , record ) {
var me = this ,
type = record . get ( 'type' ) ;
if ( ! this . diagramEditor )
this . diagramEditor = this . getApplication ( ) . getController ( 'Common.Controllers.ExternalDiagramEditor' ) . getView ( 'Common.Views.ExternalDiagramEditor' ) ;
if ( this . diagramEditor && me . api ) {
this . diagramEditor . setEditMode ( false ) ;
this . diagramEditor . show ( ) ;
var chart = me . api . asc _getChartObject ( type ) ;
if ( chart ) {
this . diagramEditor . setChartData ( new Asc . asc _CChartBinary ( chart ) ) ;
me . toolbar . fireEvent ( 'insertchart' , me . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onListThemeSelect : function ( combo , record ) {
this . _state . themeId = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . ChangeTheme ( record . get ( 'themeId' ) ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Style' ) ;
} ,
onHideTitleBar : function ( item , checked ) {
var headerView = this . getApplication ( ) . getController ( 'Viewport' ) . getView ( 'Common.Views.Header' ) ;
headerView && headerView . setVisible ( ! checked ) ;
Common . localStorage . setItem ( 'pe-hidden-title' , checked ? 1 : 0 ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'layout:changed' , 'header' ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onHideStatusBar : function ( item , checked ) {
var headerView = this . getApplication ( ) . getController ( 'Statusbar' ) . getView ( 'Statusbar' ) ;
headerView && headerView . setVisible ( ! checked ) ;
Common . localStorage . setItem ( 'pe-hidden-status' , checked ? 1 : 0 ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'layout:changed' , 'status' ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onHideRulers : function ( item , checked ) {
if ( this . api ) {
this . api . asc _SetViewRulers ( ! checked ) ;
Common . localStorage . setItem ( 'pe-hidden-rulers' , checked ? 1 : 0 ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'layout:changed' , 'rulers' ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onZoomToPageToggle : function ( item , state ) {
if ( this . api ) {
this . _state . zoom _type = undefined ;
this . _state . zoom _percent = undefined ;
if ( state )
this . api . zoomFitToPage ( ) ;
this . api . zoomCustomMode ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onZoomToWidthToggle : function ( item , state ) {
if ( this . api ) {
this . _state . zoom _type = undefined ;
this . _state . zoom _percent = undefined ;
if ( state )
this . api . zoomFitToWidth ( ) ;
this . api . zoomCustomMode ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onZoomInClick : function ( btn ) {
this . _state . zoom _type = undefined ;
this . _state . zoom _percent = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . zoomIn ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onZoomOutClick : function ( btn ) {
this . _state . zoom _type = undefined ;
this . _state . zoom _percent = undefined ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . zoomOut ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
_clearBullets : function ( ) {
this . toolbar . btnMarkers . toggle ( false , true ) ;
this . toolbar . btnNumbers . toggle ( false , true ) ;
this . toolbar . mnuMarkersPicker . selectByIndex ( 0 , true ) ;
this . toolbar . mnuNumbersPicker . selectByIndex ( 0 , true ) ;
} ,
_getApiTextSize : function ( ) {
var out _value = 12 ,
textPr = this . api . get _TextProps ( ) ;
if ( textPr && textPr . get _TextPr ) {
out _value = textPr . get _TextPr ( ) . get _FontSize ( ) ;
return out _value ;
} ,
onNewFontColor : function ( picker , color ) {
this . toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker . addNewColor ( ) ;
} ,
onSelectFontColor : function ( picker , color ) {
this . _state . clrtext = this . _state . clrtext _asccolor = undefined ;
var clr = ( typeof ( color ) == 'object' ) ? color . color : color ;
this . toolbar . btnFontColor . currentColor = color ;
$ ( '.btn-color-value-line' , this . toolbar . btnFontColor . cmpEl ) . css ( 'background-color' , '#' + clr ) ;
this . toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker . currentColor = color ;
if ( this . api )
this . api . put _TextColor ( Common . Utils . ThemeColor . getRgbColor ( color ) ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Text Color' ) ;
} ,
onBtnFontColor : function ( ) {
this . toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker . trigger ( 'select' , this . toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker , this . toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker . currentColor ) ;
} ,
onApiTextColor : function ( color ) {
var clr ;
var picker = this . toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker ;
if ( color ) {
2016-04-05 11:52:34 +00:00
if ( color . get _type ( ) == Asc . c _oAscColor . COLOR _TYPE _SCHEME ) {
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
clr = { color : Common . Utils . ThemeColor . getHexColor ( color . get _r ( ) , color . get _g ( ) , color . get _b ( ) ) , effectValue : color . get _value ( ) } ;
} else
clr = Common . Utils . ThemeColor . getHexColor ( color . get _r ( ) , color . get _g ( ) , color . get _b ( ) ) ;
var type1 = typeof ( clr ) ,
type2 = typeof ( this . _state . clrtext ) ;
if ( ( type1 !== type2 ) || ( type1 == 'object' &&
( clr . effectValue !== this . _state . clrtext . effectValue || this . _state . clrtext . color . indexOf ( clr . color ) < 0 ) ) ||
( type1 != 'object' && this . _state . clrtext . indexOf ( clr ) < 0 ) ) {
if ( typeof ( clr ) == 'object' ) {
var isselected = false ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) {
if ( Common . Utils . ThemeColor . ThemeValues [ i ] == clr . effectValue ) {
picker . select ( clr , true ) ;
isselected = true ;
break ;
if ( ! isselected ) picker . clearSelection ( ) ;
} else {
picker . select ( clr , true ) ;
this . _state . clrtext = clr ;
this . _state . clrtext _asccolor = color ;
} ,
fillAutoShapes : function ( ) {
var me = this ,
shapesStore = this . getApplication ( ) . getCollection ( 'ShapeGroups' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < shapesStore . length ; i ++ ) {
var shapeGroup = shapesStore . at ( i ) ;
var menuItem = new Common . UI . MenuItem ( {
caption : shapeGroup . get ( 'groupName' ) ,
menu : new Common . UI . Menu ( {
menuAlign : 'tl-tr' ,
items : [
{ template : _ . template ( '<div id="id-toolbar-menu-shapegroup' + i + '" class="menu-shape" style="width: ' + ( shapeGroup . get ( 'groupWidth' ) - 8 ) + 'px; margin-left: 5px;"></div>' ) }
} )
} ) ;
me . toolbar . btnInsertShape . menu . addItem ( menuItem ) ;
var shapePicker = new Common . UI . DataView ( {
el : $ ( '#id-toolbar-menu-shapegroup' + i ) ,
store : shapeGroup . get ( 'groupStore' ) ,
parentMenu : menuItem . menu ,
showLast : false ,
itemTemplate : _ . template ( '<div class="item-shape"><img src="<%= imageUrl %>" id="<%= id %>"></div>' )
} ) ;
shapePicker . on ( 'item:click' , function ( picker , item , record , e ) {
if ( me . api ) {
me . _addAutoshape ( true , record . get ( 'data' ) . shapeType ) ;
me . _isAddingShape = true ;
if ( me . toolbar . btnInsertText . pressed ) {
me . toolbar . btnInsertText . toggle ( false , true ) ;
if ( e . type !== 'click' )
me . toolbar . btnInsertShape . menu . hide ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar , me . toolbar . btnInsertShape ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Add Shape' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
fillTextArt : function ( ) {
var me = this ;
if ( this . toolbar . mnuTextArtPicker ) {
var models = this . getApplication ( ) . getCollection ( 'Common.Collections.TextArt' ) . models ,
count = this . toolbar . mnuTextArtPicker . store . length ;
if ( count > 0 && count == models . length ) {
var data = this . toolbar . mnuTextArtPicker . store . models ;
_ . each ( models , function ( template , index ) {
data [ index ] . set ( 'imageUrl' , template . get ( 'imageUrl' ) ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
this . toolbar . mnuTextArtPicker . store . reset ( models ) ;
} else {
this . toolbar . mnuTextArtPicker = new Common . UI . DataView ( {
el : $ ( '#id-toolbar-menu-insart' ) ,
store : this . getApplication ( ) . getCollection ( 'Common.Collections.TextArt' ) ,
parentMenu : this . toolbar . mnuInsertTextArt . menu ,
showLast : false ,
itemTemplate : _ . template ( '<div class="item-art"><img src="<%= imageUrl %>" id="<%= id %>"></div>' )
} ) ;
this . toolbar . mnuTextArtPicker . on ( 'item:click' , function ( picker , item , record , e ) {
if ( me . api ) {
me . toolbar . fireEvent ( 'inserttextart' , me . toolbar ) ;
me . api . AddTextArt ( record . get ( 'data' ) ) ;
if ( me . toolbar . btnInsertShape . pressed )
me . toolbar . btnInsertShape . toggle ( false , true ) ;
if ( e . type !== 'click' )
me . toolbar . btnInsertText . menu . hide ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar , me . toolbar . btnInsertText ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Add Text Art' ) ;
if ( e . type !== 'click' )
me . toolbar . btnInsertText . menu . hide ( ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , me . toolbar , me . toolbar . btnInsertText ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Add Text Art' ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
updateThemeColors : function ( ) {
if ( Common . Utils . ThemeColor . getEffectColors ( ) === undefined ) return ;
var updateColors = function ( picker , defaultColorIndex ) {
if ( picker ) {
var clr ;
var effectcolors = Common . Utils . ThemeColor . getEffectColors ( ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < effectcolors . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( typeof ( picker . currentColor ) == 'object' &&
clr === undefined &&
picker . currentColor . effectId == effectcolors [ i ] . effectId )
clr = effectcolors [ i ] ;
picker . updateColors ( effectcolors , Common . Utils . ThemeColor . getStandartColors ( ) ) ;
if ( picker . currentColor === undefined ) {
picker . currentColor = effectcolors [ defaultColorIndex ] ;
} else if ( clr !== undefined ) {
picker . currentColor = clr ;
} ;
updateColors ( this . toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker , 1 ) ;
if ( this . toolbar . btnFontColor . currentColor === undefined ) {
this . toolbar . btnFontColor . currentColor = this . toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker . currentColor . color || this . toolbar . mnuFontColorPicker . currentColor ;
$ ( '.btn-color-value-line' , this . toolbar . btnFontColor . cmpEl ) . css ( 'background-color' , '#' + this . toolbar . btnFontColor . currentColor ) ;
if ( this . _state . clrtext _asccolor !== undefined ) {
this . _state . clrtext = undefined ;
this . onApiTextColor ( this . _state . clrtext _asccolor ) ;
this . _state . clrtext _asccolor = undefined ;
} ,
_clearChecked : function ( menu ) {
_ . each ( menu . items , function ( item ) {
if ( item . setChecked )
item . setChecked ( false , true ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
_onInitEditorThemes : function ( editorThemes , documentThemes ) {
var me = this ;
window . styles _loaded = false ;
if ( ! me . toolbar . listTheme ) {
me . themes = [
editorThemes ,
] ;
return ;
var defaultThemes = editorThemes || [ ] ,
docThemes = documentThemes || [ ] ;
me . toolbar . listTheme . menuPicker . store . reset ( [ ] ) ; // remove all
_ . each ( defaultThemes . concat ( docThemes ) , function ( theme ) {
me . toolbar . listTheme . menuPicker . store . add ( {
imageUrl : theme . get _Image ( ) ,
uid : Common . UI . getId ( ) ,
themeId : theme . get _Index ( )
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( me . toolbar . listTheme . menuPicker . store . length > 0 && me . toolbar . listTheme . rendered ) {
me . toolbar . listTheme . fillComboView ( me . toolbar . listTheme . menuPicker . store . at ( 0 ) , true ) ;
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this ) ;
window . styles _loaded = true ;
} ,
onHideMenus : function ( e ) {
Common . NotificationCenter . trigger ( 'edit:complete' , this . toolbar ) ;
} ,
onSetupCopyStyleButton : function ( ) {
this . modeAlwaysSetStyle = false ;
var acsCopyFmtStyleState = {
kOff : 0 ,
kOn : 1 ,
kMultiple : 2
} ;
var me = this ;
Common . NotificationCenter . on ( {
'edit:complete' : function ( ) {
if ( me . api && me . modeAlwaysSetStyle ) {
me . api . SetPaintFormat ( acsCopyFmtStyleState . kOff ) ;
me . toolbar . btnCopyStyle . toggle ( false , true ) ;
me . modeAlwaysSetStyle = false ;
} ) ;
$ ( me . toolbar . btnCopyStyle . cmpEl ) . dblclick ( function ( ) {
if ( me . api ) {
me . modeAlwaysSetStyle = true ;
me . toolbar . btnCopyStyle . toggle ( true , true ) ;
me . api . SetPaintFormat ( acsCopyFmtStyleState . kMultiple ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
activateControls : function ( ) {
2016-05-10 15:08:07 +00:00
this . onApiPageSize ( this . api . get _PresentationWidth ( ) , this . api . get _PresentationHeight ( ) ) ;
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . disableOnStart , false , { array : this . toolbar . slideOnlyControls . concat ( this . toolbar . shapeControls ) } ) ;
this . _state . activated = true ;
} ,
DisableToolbar : function ( disable ) {
var mask = $ ( '.toolbar-mask' ) ;
if ( disable && mask . length > 0 || ! disable && mask . length == 0 ) return ;
var toolbar = this . toolbar ;
toolbar . $el . find ( '.toolbar' ) . toggleClass ( 'masked' , disable ) ;
this . toolbar . lockToolbar ( PE . enumLock . menuFileOpen , disable , { array : [ toolbar . btnAddSlide , toolbar . btnChangeSlide , toolbar . btnPreview , toolbar . btnHide ] } ) ;
if ( disable ) {
mask = $ ( "<div class='toolbar-mask'>" ) . appendTo ( toolbar . $el ) ;
var left = toolbar . isCompactView ? 150 : ( toolbar . mode . nativeApp ? 190 : 145 ) ;
mask . css ( 'left' , left + 'px' ) ;
mask . css ( 'right' , ( toolbar . isCompactView ? 0 : 45 ) + 'px' ) ;
Common . util . Shortcuts . suspendEvents ( 'command+k, ctrl+k, alt+h, command+f5, ctrl+f5' ) ;
} else {
mask . remove ( ) ;
Common . util . Shortcuts . resumeEvents ( 'command+k, ctrl+k, alt+h, command+f5, ctrl+f5' ) ;
} ,
textEmptyImgUrl : 'You need to specify image URL.' ,
textWarning : 'Warning' ,
textFontSizeErr : 'The entered value must be more than 0' ,
confirmAddFontName : 'The font you are going to save is not available on the current device.<br>The text style will be displayed using one of the device fonts, the saved font will be used when it is available.<br>Do you want to continue?'
} , PE . Controllers . Toolbar || { } ) ) ;
} ) ;