2016-12-22 12:11:32 +00:00
"Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette.textThemeColors" : "Theme Colors" ,
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"PE.Controllers.Main.leavePageText" : "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to await the autosave of the document. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.defaultTitleText" : "ONLYOFFICE Presentation Editor" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.criticalErrorTitle" : "Error" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle" : "Warning" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorDefaultMessage" : "Error code: %1" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.criticalErrorExtText" : "Press 'Ok' to to back to document list." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.openTitleText" : "Opening Document" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.openTextText" : "Opening document..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.saveTitleText" : "Saving Document" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.saveTextText" : "Saving document..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadFontsTitleText" : "Loading Data" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadFontsTextText" : "Loading data..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText" : "Loading Images" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTextText" : "Loading images..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadFontTitleText" : "Loading Data" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadFontTextText" : "Loading data..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText" : "Loading Image" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText" : "Loading image..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.downloadTitleText" : "Downloading Document" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.downloadTextText" : "Downloading document..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.printTitleText" : "Printing Document" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.printTextText" : "Printing document..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageTitleText" : "Uploading Image" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageTextText" : "Uploading image..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageSizeMessage" : "Maximium image size limit exceeded." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageExtMessage" : "Unknown image format." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageFileCountMessage" : "No images uploaded." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.reloadButtonText" : "Reload Page" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.unknownErrorText" : "Unknown error." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.convertationTimeoutText" : "Convertation timeout exceeded." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.downloadErrorText" : "Download failed." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.unsupportedBrowserErrorText " : "Your browser is not supported." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxRowsErrorText" : "The number of rows must be less than %1" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitMaxColsErrorText" : "The number of columns must be less than %1" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.splitDividerErrorText" : "The number of rows must be a divisor of %1" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.requestEditFailedTitleText" : "Access denied" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.requestEditFailedMessageText" : "Someone is editing this document right now. Please try again later." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTBlank" : "Blank" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTChart" : "Chart" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTChartAndTx" : "Chart and Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTClipArtAndTx" : "Clip Art and Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTClipArtAndVertTx" : "Clip Art and Vertical Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTCust" : "Custom" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTDgm" : "Diagram" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTFourObj" : "Four Objects" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTMediaAndTx" : "Media and Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTObj" : "Title and Object" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTObjAndTwoObj" : "Object and Two Object" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTObjAndTx" : "Object and Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTObjOnly" : "Object" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTObjOverTx" : "Object over Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTObjTx" : "Title, Object, and Caption" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTPicTx" : "Picture and Caption" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTSecHead" : "Section Header" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTbl" : "Table" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTitle" : "Title" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTitleOnly" : "Title Only" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTwoColTx" : "Two Column Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTwoObj" : "Two Objects" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTwoObjAndObj" : "Two Objects and Object" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTwoObjAndTx" : "Two Objects and Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTwoObjOverTx" : "Two Objects over Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTwoTxTwoObj" : "Two Text and Two Objects" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTx" : "Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTxAndChart" : "Text and Chart" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTxAndClipArt" : "Text and Clip Art" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTxAndMedia" : "Text and Media" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTxAndObj" : "Text and Object" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTxAndTwoObj" : "Text and Two Objects" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTTxOverObj" : "Text over Object" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTVertTitleAndTx" : "Vertical Title and Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTVertTitleAndTxOverChart" : "Vertical Title and Text Over Chart" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSldLtTVertTx" : "Vertical Text" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument" : "Loading presentation" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTitleText" : "Loading Theme" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadThemeTextText" : "Loading theme..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtBasicShapes" : "Basic Shapes" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtFiguredArrows" : "Figured Arrows" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtMath" : "Math" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtCharts" : "Charts" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtStarsRibbons" : "Stars & Ribbons" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtCallouts" : "Callouts" ,
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"PE.Controllers.Main.txtRectangles" : "Rectangles" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtLines" : "Lines" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorKeyEncrypt" : "Unknown key descriptor" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorKeyExpire" : "Key descriptor expired" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorUsersExceed" : "Count of users was exceed" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtEditingMode" : "Set editing mode..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect" : "Server connection lost. You can't edit anymore." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorFilePassProtect" : "The document is password protected." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textAnonymous" : "Anonymous" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtNeedSynchronize" : "You have an updates" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.applyChangesTitleText" : "Loading Data" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.applyChangesTextText" : "Loading data..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.savePreparingText" : "Preparing to save" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.savePreparingTitle" : "Preparing to save. Please wait..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText" : "Loading presentation" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTextText" : "Loading presentation..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange" : "You have been denied the right to edit the file." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorProcessSaveResult" : "Saving is failed." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textCloseTip" : "\nClick to close the tip." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textShape" : "Shape" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorStockChart" : "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart place the data on the sheet in the following order:<br> opening price, max price, min price, closing price." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorDataRange" : "Incorrect data range." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorDatabaseConnection" : "External error.<br>Database connection error. Please, contact support." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorUpdateVersion" : "The file version has been changed. The page will be reloaded." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorUserDrop" : "The file cannot be accessed right now." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtDiagramTitle" : "Chart Title" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtXAxis" : "X Axis" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtYAxis" : "Y Axis" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtSeries" : "Seria" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.txtArt" : "Your text here" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorConnectToServer" : " The document could not be saved. Please check connection settings or contact your administrator.<br>When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.<br><br>Find more information about connecting Document Server <a href=\"https://api.onlyoffice.com/editors/callback\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo" : "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow" : "Visit website" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle" : "ONLYOFFICE open source version" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense" : "You are using an open source version of ONLYOFFICE. The version has limitations for concurrent connections to the document server (20 connections at a time).<br>If you need more please consider purchasing a commercial license." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs" : "Contact sales" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.errorViewerDisconnect" : "Connection is lost. You can still view the document,<br>but will not be able to download or print until the connection is restored." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.warnLicenseExp" : "Your license has expired.<br>Please update your license and refresh the page." ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.titleLicenseExp" : "License expired" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.openErrorText" : "An error has occurred while opening the file" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.saveErrorText" : "An error has occurred while saving the file" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.advDRMOptions" : "Protected File" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.advDRMEnterPassword" : "You password please:" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.advDRMPassword" : "Password" ,
2017-01-23 14:38:53 +00:00
"PE.Controllers.Main.textOK" : "OK" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textCancel" : "Cancel" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textPreloader" : "Loading... " ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textUsername" : "Username" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textPassword" : "Password" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textBack" : "Back" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textClose" : "Close" ,
"PE.Controllers.Main.textDone" : "Done" ,
2016-12-22 12:11:32 +00:00
"PE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.menuCut" : "Cut" ,
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"PE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.menuDelete" : "Delete" ,
"PE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.menuAddLink" : "Add Link" ,
"PE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.menuOpenLink" : "Open Link" ,
"PE.Controllers.Search.textNoTextFound" : "Text not Found" ,
"PE.Controllers.Settings.txtLoading" : "Loading..." ,
"PE.Controllers.Settings.notcriticalErrorTitle" : "Warning" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.unknownText" : "Unknown" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textSettings" : "Settings" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textDone" : "Done" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textFind" : "Find" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textEditPresent" : "Edit Presentation" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textPresentSetup" : "Presentation Setup" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textDownload" : "Download" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textPresentInfo" : "Presentation Info" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textHelp" : "Help" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textAbout" : "About" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textBack" : "Back" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textPresentTitle" : "Presentation title" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textLoading" : "Loading..." ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textAuthor" : "Author" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textCreateDate" : "Create date" ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textDownloadAs" : "Download As..." ,
"PE.Views.Settings.textVersion" : "Version" ,
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"PE.Controllers.Toolbar.dlgLeaveTitleText" : "You leave the application" ,
"PE.Controllers.Toolbar.dlgLeaveMsgText" : "You have unsaved changes in this document. Click 'Stay on this Page' to await the autosave of the document. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes." ,
"PE.Controllers.Toolbar.leaveButtonText" : "Leave this Page" ,
"PE.Controllers.Toolbar.stayButtonText" : "Stay on this Page" ,
"PE.Views.Toolbar.textBack" : "Back" ,
"PE.Controllers.AddContainer.textTable" : "Table" ,
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"PE.Controllers.AddContainer.textImage" : "Image" ,
"PE.Controllers.AddContainer.textLink" : "Link" ,
"PE.Controllers.AddImage.textEmptyImgUrl" : "You need to specify image URL." ,
"PE.Controllers.AddImage.txtNotUrl" : "This field should be a URL in the format 'http://www.example.com'" ,
"PE.Views.AddImage.textFromLibrary" : "Picture from Library" ,
"PE.Views.AddImage.textFromURL" : "Picture from URL" ,
"PE.Views.AddImage.textBack" : "Back" ,
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"PE.Controllers.AddLink.txtNotUrl" : "This field should be a URL in the format 'http://www.example.com'" ,
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"PE.Views.EditChart.textToForeground" : "Bring to Foreground" ,
"PE.Views.EditChart.textToBackground" : "Send to Background" ,
"PE.Views.EditChart.textForward" : "Move Forward" ,
"PE.Views.EditChart.textBackward" : "Move Backward" ,
"PE.Views.EditChart.textType" : "Type" ,
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"PE.Views.EditChart.textSize" : "Size" ,
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2017-01-11 12:51:34 +00:00
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2016-12-22 12:11:32 +00:00
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"PE.Controllers.EditContainer.textChart" : "Chart" ,
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"PE.Controllers.EditImage.textEmptyImgUrl" : "You need to specify image URL." ,
"PE.Controllers.EditImage.txtNotUrl" : "This field should be a URL in the format 'http://www.example.com" ,
"PE.Views.EditImage.textReplace" : "Replace" ,
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2017-01-11 12:51:34 +00:00
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2016-12-22 12:11:32 +00:00
"PE.Controllers.EditLink.txtNotUrl" : "This field should be a URL in the format 'http://www.example.com'" ,
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"PE.Views.EditLink.textExternalLink" : "External Link" ,
"PE.Views.EditLink.textInternalLink" : "Slide in this Presentation" ,
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2017-01-11 12:51:34 +00:00
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2016-12-22 12:11:32 +00:00
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2017-01-11 09:22:47 +00:00
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2017-01-11 12:51:34 +00:00
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2016-12-22 12:11:32 +00:00
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