<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5650</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">GPL Watermark appearing in Touch Complete distribution in portal</span>
<liclass="component">Core (2)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5731</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Paint monitoring fails in latest versions of Chrome (43+)</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5732</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Size monitoring fails in latest versions of Chrome (43+)</span>
<liclass="component">Forms/Fields (3)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5726</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">StandardSubmit is Always GET</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5735</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Event parameter missing in Text field as first parameter to clearicontap action</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5741</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Form will not load on iOS8 8.3 using nightly build</span>
<liclass="component">Grid (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5291</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">A grouped grid does not show the group headers</span>
<liclass="component">Masking (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5734</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Ext.LoadMask is no longer animated in latest Chrome (43+)</span>
<liclass="component">Viewport (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-4978</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">The orientationchange event does not fire on Viewport on some Android devices</span>
Total: 9</ul>
</li><li><p><strong>Known Issues</strong></p>
<liclass="component">Misc (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5615</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Windows Phone 8.1 does not generate longpress events</span>
<liclass="component">Scroller (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-4907</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Tap and swipe gestures are only recognized if they occur on text in a date picker on Windows Phone 8</span>
Total: 2</ul>
<!-- Paste release notes after a release below here... -->
<p>The big news with Sencha Touch 2.4.1 is expanded device support, in particular:</p>
<li>iOS 8
<li>Android 4.4 (KitKat)
<li>Windows Phone 8.1
<li><p><strong>Enhancements and Changes</strong></p>
<liclass="component">Charting (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5151</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Make the totalAngle config of Gauge series public</span>
<liclass="component">Component (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-3115</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">ComponentQuery should provide word based attribute selector for values like CSS class names</span>
<liclass="component">Forms/Fields (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5276</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Ext.form.Panel getFields should be a public API</span>
Total: 3</ul>
</li><li><p><strong>Bug Fixes</strong></p>
<liclass="component">Charts (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5588</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">The Line series can go into an infinite loop</span>
<liclass="component">Core (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5594</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Touch events are not being received on Windows 8.1 Phone</span>
<liclass="component">Examples (2)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5482</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Video playback on Android theme does not show a progress bar</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5619</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">PullRefresh example - text is not formatted properly in Windows 8.1 and WP 8.1</span>
<liclass="component">Grid (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5557</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Ext.grid.column.Column renderer param signature does not match the API docs description</span>
<liclass="component">List (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5552</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Horizontal List: list items are not centered on iOS8</span>
<liclass="component">Tabs (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5617</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Bottom Tabs -> Badge text is not formatted well in Windows theme</span>
Total: 7</ul>
</li><li><p><strong>Known Issues</strong></p>
<liclass="component">Misc (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5615</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Windows Phone 8.1 does not generate longpress events</span>
<liclass="component">Scroller (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-4907</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Tap and swipe gestures are only recognized if they occur on text in a date picker on Windows Phone 8</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5028</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Line chart with undefined data points not the same in ST 2.3 and ST 2.2</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5079</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Grouped bar charts do not expand width of remaining bars when a bar is removed via legend</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5145</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Gradients are not removed from the SVG's defs section and gradually build up, reducing performance</span>
<liclass="component">Core (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5408</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Touch events do not fire on some stock Android browsers</span>
<liclass="component">Data (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5314</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Updated data for Cached models do not refresh Associated Stores</span>
<liclass="component">Drawing (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5050</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Ext.draw.Surface add function does not add array of sprites with group to surface</span>
<liclass="component">Element (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-4690</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Component.toggleCls does not update internal cls config</span>
<liclass="component">Events (2)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5118</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">LeafItemTap not firing from controller on an HTC One running 4.3</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5282</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">TouchEnd event is not fired when finger count increases</span>
<liclass="component">Examples (2)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5546</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Touch Tomatoes : Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden) </span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5547</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">2010 Census: Cannot read property 'DC' and 'PR'. When click on the DC and PR Column in the Column Chart</span>
<liclass="component">Forms/Fields (2)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5081</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Form submit with filefield does not handle response correctly</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5216</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Ext.Direct form load does not set form field values after data is received</span>
<liclass="component">NavigationView (2)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-4980</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">NavigationView doesn't show Buttons within a NavigationBar when using the BlackBerry 10 theme</span>
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-4847</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Picker dismiss and reappear</span>
<liclass="component">SASS (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5319</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Gradients do not Render in IE10</span>
<liclass="component">Scroller (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5469</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Screen becomes unscrollable when keyboard is open with textfield focused on HTC 8x</span>
<liclass="component">Slider (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5070</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Setting read-only on a slider does not prevent movement by tapping on the bar</span>
<liclass="component">Tabs (1)
<spanclass="ticket-number">TOUCH-5037</span> <spanclass="ticket-notes">Font Faces are not properly rendered in tabs on the Nexus 4</span>
Total: 20</ul>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.3.1
Release Notes: Release Notes: November 4, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.3.1
<p><strong>Enhancements and Changes</strong></p>
<p><strong>This build includes the Tizen 2.2 theme with both a Dark and Light variation.</strong></p>
<li>Removed extended borders from first/last list items in the Cupertino Theme</li>
<li>The resize event on elements no longer supported in Internet Explorer 11? Change to use the Scroll size monitor instead.</li>
<li>Removed the AbstractRadial class that is not used anywhere in the framework</li>
<li>Changed the cls assignment in Video to be baseCls</li>
<li>Added Crosshair interaction</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5064] Removed InputBlocker from Global Space</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5002] Added support for setting titleBar: false on a Grid</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>Fixed title shifting issue in the Windows theme</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4930] Fixed Touch Tomatoes on Blackberry and Older Android when in portait and address bar is tapped</li>
<li>Fixed issue with List classsed disappearing intermittently</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4958, TOUCH-4928] Fixed to MessageBox Title size for Cupertino</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4587] Fixed issue with dynamic update of List grouping</li>
<li>Fixed axes docked to left and top did not align perfectly with the pixel grid</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4982] Fixed form panels to properly send data from all fields</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5004] Fixed to FastFocus on FileInput for iOS</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5047] Fixed Smooth line chart not rendering correctly for series with large number of items</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4986] Fixed TreeStore's getById only returning unfiltered (thus only expanded) items</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4962] Fixed items not being removed from the cache when removing an item from LocalStorage</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4924] Fixed adding listeners to a new store bound to a NestedList before we start loading its content. This will fix the LoadMask not showing when changing stores on a NestedList</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4897] Fixed an issue where an item added to a HasMany collection would be updated in the list before actually having been added.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5014] Fixed PullRefresh arrow in Cupertino & Cupertino Classic Theme</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5043] Fixed container to properly return reference to 'this' for chainable syntax</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5074] Fixed Windows theme padding on list items</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5063] Fixed Form Pabel Submit when scope is passed in for callbacks</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5032] Fixed colors on Animation examples with Mountainview theme in Kithcen Sink</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5008] Fixed loading spinner to Cupertino Classic Theme</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5007] Fixed Ext.dom.Element.getPageBox to properly check for undefined value</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4998] Fixed pressed state in sencha theme for rounded grouped lists</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4995] Fixed readOnly on Inputs to properly remove tag when set to false</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4967] Fixed SimpleListItem triggering 'updatedata' event twice during a Record Update</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5088] Fixed iOS7 iPad landscape form input bug not having the window.scrollY set back to 0 on blur</li>
<li>Fixed sorting icon on a right aligned column in TouchGrid</li>
<li>[TOUCH-5086] Fixed an issue where the total column width would be calculated incorrectly when hiding a HeaderGroup</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.3.0
Release Notes: Release Notes: September 24, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.3.0
<p><strong>Enhancements and Changes</strong></p>
<li>Updated BlackBerry Select UI</li>
<li>Updated Kitchen Sink Dataview Examples</li>
<li>Added Fast Focusing to Inputs on iOS</li>
<li>Upadted Cupertino Theme</li>
<li>Added Cupertino Classic Theme</li>
<li>Added exclude option for app.json profiles</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>Fixed issues with IE11 detection</li>
<li>Fixed iOS7 Home Screen apps losing status bar</li>
<li>Fixed multiple viewport issues on iOS 7: 20px shifted on iPad landscape, shifted viewport when an input is focused and orientation changes from landscape to portrait, viewport height is resized when the keyboard goes up (Homescreen apps)</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.3.0 Beta 3
Release Notes: Release Notes: September 6, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.3.0-b3
<p><strong>Enhancements and Changes</strong></p>
<li>Updated BlackBerry 10 Icons</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4679] Fixed Sass issue on Android textfield which caused it to shrink inside a prompt window when a ClearIcon exists.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4788] Fixed Messagebox to prevent multiple clicks of a button.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4790, TOUCH-4775] Fixed NavigationView example when user data is erased.</li>
<li>Fixed BlackBerry 10 icons on tabs.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4790] Updated documentation on NavigationView to call attention to poor animation performance on older Android devices.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4554] Updated pullrefresh plugin adding config for scrollerAutoRefresh to allow the scroller to track dynamic list sizes.</li>
<li>Updated the Toggle field change event arguments to be the same as other fields.</li>
<li>Updated the Chart redraw event to pass a reference to the chart.</li>
<li>Updated Line, Bar, and Pie series to now support ExtJS-like config for label: label.field and label.display.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4797] Updated the microloader checksum change message to be less verbose.</li>
<li>Updated production microloader to support function name and class names instead of comments for checksum passing.</li>
<li>Added support for label.renderer in Bar and Line series.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4804] Removed Touch Tweets from examples, moved to todo as Twitter API is now oAuth only.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4803] Updates to Map Demos and Map Component. Removed delays, added proper Google Maps initialization, and added mapListeners.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4601] Added support for XHR2 Functionality (FormData, Upload Progress, etc).</li>
<li>Added new ProgressIndicator component.</li>
<li>Updated File component to be FileField.</li>
<li>Added new FileInput component.</li>
<li>Updated Form Panel to pass through complete config object to AJAX request on submit.</li>
<li>Updated Connection to support XHR2 responseTypes (blob, arraybuffer, and document).</li>
<li>Stacked Bar charts now allow for multiple labels.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2811] Updated Draggable documentation to reflect that it is only for absolutely positioned elements.</li>
<li>Added TouchTomatoes example to replace the TouchTweets example</li>
<li>Added support for axis.majorTickSteps and axis.minorTickSteps in cartesian and polar charts</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-4706] Fixed argument documentation for Component tpl.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4796] Fixed empty NestedList to properly show emptyText.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4770] Fixed Container's scrollable documentation to return an instance of Ext.scroll.View.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4728] Fixed documentation for DataView loadingText to be string/boolean.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4707] Fixed documentation for Ext.DateExtras parse to allow for a number bring passed.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4530] Fixed documentation for Ext.navigation.View pop method.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4529] Fixed direction of flip animation when done to the right.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4784] Fixed success response when an empty array is returned and parsed by a JSON Reader. A returned empty array now results in a truthy success.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4771] Fixed PlaceHolder text not appearing in Stock Browser on Android 4.1 & lower. This is an Android bug (https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=24626) workaround implemented through focus/blur.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4608] Fixed incorrect params being passed to success callback of a HasOne getter.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4696] Fixed issue where the minus icon was displayed in the SummaryRow when in MultiSelection mode.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where NaN% female was displayed in SummaryRow when deleting all the rows.</li>
<li>Fixed bad deprecated versions from shared ExtJS code.</li>
<li>Fixed the Slide Toggle change event from being fired twice.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4609] Fixed event binding issues when iOS version is less than 5.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4519] Fixed issue when the baseCls or Ui is changed on a component's first instantiation, where it wouldn't be properly be removed on subsequent instantiations, which also changed these properties.</li>
<li>Fixed the updateLabelField method of Series.</li>
<li>Fixed the coordinateStacked method of the Series to calculate start & dataStart attributes for stacked bars with negative field values correctly</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>Reordering columns causes the SummaryRow to be wrong in certain cases.</li>
<li>Styling for the Grid has not been finalized and cross platform theming is not yet completed.</li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.3.0 Beta 2
Release Notes: Release Notes: August 14, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.3.0-b2
<p><strong>Enhancements and Changes</strong></p>
<li>Updated styling for the picker in BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>Updated styling for the select field overlay in BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4571] Set list scrollable config to be private.</li>
<li>Ext.draw.Animator.step method is more efficient now. Shallow copy of the 'animations' array is no longer performed. The logic remains the same.</li>
<li>Ext.chart.axis.sprite.Axis.attr.estStepSize initial default value of 42 seems to be too high in order for the calculateMajorTicks method of the layout to work correctly in most situations. Looks like 20 is a more reasonable default.</li>
<li>Added AbstractPlugin for compatibility.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4735] Textfield ClearIcon now empties the text field and shows up any time the text is not empty. This is a behavior change as previously sometimes this icon would reset the text field to its original value.</li>
<li>Ext.Menu now uses transform to work cross-platform.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4672] Removed the back button from the KitchenSink example on BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4758] Improved documentation for DataItem and its guide.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4672] Improved toolbars on BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3733] Updated documentation for the Component painted and resize event parameters.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4716] Updated microloader to no longer remove items from the localstore when it becomes full.</li>
<li>Added support for bar/line series label rotate.degrees and rotate.rads config.</li>
<li>Renamed OverflowMenuButton to ActionOverFlowMenuButton.</li>
<li>Application menu items are now centered by default on BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>Updated the width for BlackBerry 10 action overflow menus.</li>
<li>Added support for blackberry.app.event.onSwipeDown event.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4320] Fixed styling of the search field within and outside toolbars.</li>
<li>Removed default flex from SegmentedButton.</li>
<li>Updated the BlackBerry 10 loading indicator.</li>
<li>Updated BlackBerry 10 masks.</li>
<li>Updated the viewport listener for the BlackBerry 10 webworks APIs.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4751] Updated Disabling input fields *only* if it is not Safari, due to a bug where input values cannot change in Safari if the input is disabled.</li>
<li>Removed overriden methods in WindowsPhone viewport that were causing a problem (element.getWidth(), getHeight() methods were returning 0 at construction time).</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4664] Updated and documented Ext.Function.interceptBefore and Ext.Function.interceptAfter.</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>Fixed Accelerometer using the incorrect Device API.</li>
<li>Fixed the Scatter chart example in the Drawing and Charting guide.</li>
<li>Fixed Chart detection that didn't work on bars with flipXY set to true.</li>
<li>Fixed a bug where 'highlight' & 'itemtaphold' bar chart interactions resulted in an error. For example, when a bar chart had 15 bars total but only 12 were visible initially.</li>
<li>Fixed a initial pie chart animations.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4548] Fixed documentation for the formatMessage type.</li>
<li>Fixed toolbar size in landscape on BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>Fixed menu width on BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4595] Fixed incorrect font-color setting for empty text for Lists.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4631] Fixed Kindle detection to be a tablet.</li>
<li>[EXTJSIV-10791] Fixed WebStorage updateModel() method chain by calling parent.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4528] Fixed Operations to correctly handle unsuccessful Ajax requests.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4724] Fixed proxy.Server to properly respond to failed Ajax calls.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4708] Fixed to purchases namespace, keeping consistent package name.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4459] Fixed improperly formed RegEx in Route.</li>
<li>Fixed conflicting package names in Sencha Native Packager SQLite.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4749] Fixed docs with proper XML structure for basic XML Reader example.</li>
<li>Fixed improper calling translateAxis if itemOffset is undefined.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4610] Fixed radios buttons to be allowed to have a value of false.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4678] Fixed issue with SizeMonitor on Silk 7 browser.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4760] Fixed fileSystem API for writing ArrayBuffer Update for filesystem requests on Chrome.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4651] Fixed borders between slots in the default theme.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4668] Fixed MessageBox buttons on BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4717] Fixed map allowing access to Google Map upon creation.</li>
<li>Fixed the betweenAngle function of Ext.chart.series.Pie where it didn't handle the case where end angle is a multiple of Math.PI*2 correctly.</li>
<li>Fixed chart not redrawing after store had been changed.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3629] Fixed caching of Ext.Element when using Ext.get.</li>
<li>Fixed unsubscribe and detachChart methods of the chart.series.ItemPublisher.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4648] Fixed the Android Stock browser to not repaint after a list empties.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4779] Fixed issue with priority of display: flex in the st-box Sass mixin when using Chrome 30+.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4652] Fixed improper microloader URL designation on Internet Explorer 10.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4599] Fixed Device API to properly check for Sencha Native Packager versus Webview.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4734] Fixed forms not properly handling submit events when containing a child with named "id"</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4557] Fixed show event dispatching for components so that it is now fired after animations are complete. This was already the case for the hide event.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4635] Fixed overflow:hidden for toolbars.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4782] Fixed gradients in IE10.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4583] Fixed spinner field styling on Android.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4661] Fixed styling of navigationview example on BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4665] Fixed incorrect property in Memory proxy example.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4787, TOUCH-4638] Fixed to Pull Refresh Example. Uses simulated data now that Twitter does not provide a open public feed.</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>Grid on Windows Phone has problems with SummaryRow and ViewOptions.</li>
<li>Reordering columns causes the SummaryRow to be wrong in certain cases.</li>
<li>Styling for the Grid has not been finalized and cross platform theming is not yet completed.</li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.3.0 Beta 1
Release Notes: Release Notes: July 16, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.3.0-b1
<li><strong>What's New</strong>
<p><strong>Touch Grid</strong>. (Touch Bundle only) Grids are an excellent way of showing large amounts of tabular data on the client side. Grid makes it easy to fetch, sort and filter large amounts of data.<br><br>
TouchGrid supports showing/hiding columns, resizing columns, editing rows of data, multiselection, grouped column headers, and more through the use of plugins.
<strong>Touch AMF</strong>. (Touch Bundle only) Action Message Format (AMF) is a compact binary
format used by Adobe Flash/Flex to serialize ActionScript object graphs. AMF is typically used
to encode messages that are sent between an Adobe Flash client and a remote service.
<p><strong>Apache Cordova (PhoneGap)</strong>. Sencha Touch framework now supports the use of Apache
Cordova APIs and packaging. Cordova APIs become active when you build your application usingg
the new Sencha Cmd <strong>sencha ant cordova-*</strong> commands.
<p><strong>autoBlurInput Setting</strong>. The default setting for autoBlurInput on the Android Viewport is now false. This has been changed due to the inconsistent
behavior of the blur workaround for different Android devices. The standard method of closing a keyboard on Android by hitting
the hardware back button is now the default.</p>
<p><strong>Enhancements and Changes</strong></p>
<li>[TOUCH-4382] Added Cordova Compatibility for InAppBrowser.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4374, TOUCH-4373, TOUCH-4369] Added Cordova Compatibility for Notifications, GeoLocation and Camera.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4384, TOUCH-4385, TOUCH-4378, TOUCH-4376, TOUCH-4374, TOUCH-4373 ] Added Cordova Compatibility for Device, Orientation, Compass, Accelerometer, Notifications, and GeoLocation.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4381] Added Cordova Compatibility for Globalization.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4382] Added Cordova Compatibility for in an app Browser.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4458] Fixed NavigationView example css selector.</li>
<li>Fixed logic for showPicker to be consistent across animation options.</li>
<li>Img hide and show methods now pass arguments to the parent class.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4425] Fixed typo in Ext.plugin.PullRefresh latestfeteched event.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4546] Fixed an issue in Select with autoSelect being false and there is no value.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4545] Fixed data.Request to properly support the useDefaultXhrHeader configuration.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4556] Fixed issue with 2nd parameter of the map render event being undefined.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4551] Fixed styling of the non-visible submit element in the form to have no height and width.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4553] Fixed the setMapCenter method for Ext.Map to prefer setting to the current center if no new coordinates are supplied.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4573] Fixed issue with DomQuery is method when being passed an Array of elements.</li>
<li>Fixed segmented button CSS on BlackBerry 10.</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>Grid on Windows Phone has problems with SummaryRow and ViewOptions</li>
<li>Reordering columns causes the SummaryRow to be wrong in certain cases</li>
<li>Styling for the Grid has not been finalized and cross platform theming is not yet completed</li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.2.1
Release Notes: Release Notes: May 22, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.2.1
<p><strong>The default setting for autoBlurInput on the Android Viewport is now false. This has been changed due to the inconsistent
behavior of the blur workaround for different Android devices. The standard method of closing a keyboard on Android by hitting
the hardware back button is now the default.</strong></p>
<li>[TOUCH-4304] Removed remaining references to iconMask</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3716] Add return to applyStyle</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3782] Changed default Ext.id prefixes so they do not conflict with component namespaces</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4061] Added a useDefaultXhrHeader configuration to the Ajax proxy. This allows Ajax proxies to make CORS requests</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4042] Made the return value of Ext.app.Route.recognize compatible with the value that you have to pass to the Ext.app.Action constructor</li>
<li>Remove default listeners for click, mousemove, mousedown, mouseup, mouseover, mouseout. These are mousedown, mousemove, mouseup are specifically added only when necessary in TouchGesture</li>
<li>Added preventDefault to touchstart event to stop emulated mouse events on iOS</li>
<li>Updated documentation for Format.date to reflect internal use of Javascript's Date.parse() and its implications</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3877] Return the normalized e.pageX and e.pageY when using the deprecated e.getPageXY() method</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4045] Allow setting the HasOne instance to null on a record</li>
<li>Removed incorrect deprecation for callOveridden</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4308] Ext.data.Types.BOOL now converts the string '1' to true and the string '0' to false</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4325] Removed incorrect alternateClassName from Sheet</li>
<li>Removed microloader compression from touch build process</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4389] Updated docs for $button-radius to use em values</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4118] Added support for labels in the Line series Sprite</li>
<li>Updated Touch feature detection to include Ripple</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4461] Updated the behavior of the Img component to set the src of a background image if an error event occurs</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-4286] Fixed Pie chart not updating when all data values are 0</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4301] Fixed issue removing the cached ui config for components</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4291] Fixed issue with Draggable instantiation</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3728] Fixed padding on the Slider/Toggle component when added to a toolbar</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4108] Fixed an issue where setting a new Grouper on a Store would not be reflected in the DataView or List bound to it</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4056] Fixed an issue with the Direct proxy where exceptions would not be properly logged</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3865] Fixed an issue where in some cases the record's internalId would become undefined</li>
<li>Fixed memory leaks in Store and Proxy</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the scrollDock item would be inserted after the first item's header</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3856] Fixed XTemplate to not run expression functions twice</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4128] Fixed an issue where the foreignKey would not be set on an HasOne association when reading through a JSON proxy</li>
<li>Fixed typo in url docs in Ext.Video</li>
<li>Fixed issue with toggled state padding in the Blackberry theme</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3857] Fixed issue in DataView when setting the value of a record held in a DataView before it is rendered</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3929] Fixed issue with using a Component based data view with horizontal scrolling</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4260] Fixed Ext.form.Panel to allow proper HTML5 submit events. In addition the before submit event will now pass the event object as the 4th parameter if the form was submitted via the submit event. The event can be canceled by calling stopEvent() on this object</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4066] Fixed issue with Loader dependencies with inline defined classes</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3730] Fixed emulated mouse events passing through to forms</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3726, TOUCH-4002] Fixed Documentation for activate and deactivate to match order of params in code</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4307] Fixed TabBar to correctly identify active tab</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4324] Fixed event documentation for Ext.field.Toggle</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3063] Fixed an issue where associations wouldn't be correctly read in if they were part of a single load</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4328] Fixed redundant assignment in Drag recognizer</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4330] Fixed an issue where animateActiveItem would set a default animation if none was already set</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4335] Fixed documentation for Draggable class' description</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4344] Fixed year in the release notes</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4345] Fixed issue with destroying a list while it is bouncing</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4352] Fixed $font-family variable in the default theme</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4348] Fixed clearIcon to set the value to '' instead of it's original value</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4327] Fixed documentation return types and parameters for widget and createByAlias</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4318] Fixed PullRefresh issues with animations stopping causing text to overlay list</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4388] Fixed label alignment in fields inside toolbars</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4035] Fixed Donut chart not displaying properly with negative values</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4306] Fixed pie chart with a single slice always places the label outside of the chart</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4415] Fixed issue with the Surface add method when adding arrays of items</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3640] Fixed documentation for Ext.dom.Element#select. The Element instance's select method has also been documented and fixed to pass the proper argument order</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4425] Fixed typo in PullRefresh documentation</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3962] Fixed Y axis not scaling when a series is removed via legend tap</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3943] Fixed issues with event locations in Bar series (the chart's InnerPadding was ignored + theBar sprites have a different coordinate system)</li>
<li>Fixed list round ui when not grouped</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4426] Fixed issue where an empty root would be used in Sorter</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4438] Fixed issue with Tab icon text alignment</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4439] Fixed issue with States example when tapping outside the map</li>
<li>Fixed disabled state on Blackberry 10 form labels</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4410] Fixed the Pie chart renderer (the rendererData and the index were not passed to the function)</li>
<li>Fixed indicator to require Ext.TaskQueue</li>
<li>Fixed styling of selected item of grouped list footer when ui round</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4445] Fixed styling of disabled fields on Blackberry 10</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4466] Fixed issue with native orientation event binding</li>
<li>Fixed zebra striping on ui: round on list</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4470] Fixed issue with screenPositionRation on Android 4 stock browser</li>
<li>Fixed slider not constraining the value when overlapping buttons are not allowed</li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.2.0
Release Notes: Release Notes: April 9, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.2.0
<li>Tweaked button sizing and centering in the Blackberry 10 theme</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4201] Decreased default tapcancel sensitivity (from 4 pixels to 8). Documented the Tap and Drag recognizer configurations.</li>
<li>Allow both mouse and touch event attachment at the same time for the Chrome Pixel</li>
<li>Added DataView and Theme section to Kitchensink</li>
<li>Adjusted search field spacing for better results on device</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4218] Removed redundant UI ternary in MessageBox</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4237] Removed the transparent background from fields fixing them from not displaying when disabled</li>
<li>Added !default to Windows theme scss variables</li>
<li>Added isDestroyed checks to all queued indicator methods</li>
<li>Removed duplicate Base theme from the kitchen sink</li>
<li>Increased scroller velocity on IE10</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-4215] Fixed issue when using a platformConfig with no config defined on the class itself</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4234] Fixed documentation for Box, FlexBox, VBox, HBox layouts</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4199] Fixed issue in energy example where a sheet was not hiding</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4197] Fixed background color issue on energy example</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4219] Fixed issue where select overlay was being forced below on BlackBerry theme</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where you couldn't choose the table name in the SQL proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4247] Fixed search field styling on BlackBerry</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4229] Fixed DelayedTask class</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4236] Fixed Date Reading & Writing on the WebStorage Proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4253] Fixed the weather example in the Blackberry theme</li>
<li>Fixed teh loading spinner with the Blackberry and Windows themes</li>
<li>Fixed $tab-active-color in the tab UI mixin</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
The Mozilla implementation is experimental and relies on FireFox 21's (nightly) flexible box implementation. We are working with the Mozilla team on known layout issues. Most examples run, including the Kitchen Sink, but your mileage may vary. This should not be used for production applications.
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.2.0 Release Candidate
Release Notes: Release Notes: March 28, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.2.0.rc
<li>SQLite native plugin updates for Android</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4159] Rewrote the descriptions for detailContainer and detailCard</li>
<li>Centralized translationMethod determination for a device/os/browser</li>
<li>Cleaned up logic and code for Scroll Indicators</li>
<li>Added showFps as a method in AnimationQueue</li>
<li>Added resetFps as a method in AnimationQueue</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2453] Added a hard stop error message when trying to override a config property that doesn't exist. This will not be supported and and the class must be extended.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4180] IE now selects the first item in a Slot if no value is given</li>
<li>Narrowed the Android Canvas bug 4.1/4.2 avoidance check to the Android stock browser</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4186] Adjusted font size in the Census example to fit better in IE</li>
<li>Slider Thumbs now use CssTransform</li>
<li>Disable NavigationBar animations on BlackBerry 10 by default</li>
<li>Added createTransaction() method to SQLite plugin</li>
<li>Added calls result to communicator for Android</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4200] Renames SQL.js to Sql.js</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-3752] Fixed Axes using discrete layout not reflecting updated chart store's information</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4120] Fixed disabling of Select inputs in IE10</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4149] Fixed issue with not being able to tap to the left of a slider on IE</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3209] Fixed issue with XML documentation example</li>
<li>Fixed event typo in PullToRefresh Plugin</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4163] Fixed an issue with Carousel example on IE</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4168, TOUCH-4169] Fixed issues with value ordering being passed to the SliderField's Decorator</li>
<li>Fixed tablet display of List example</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4097] Fixed Models to properly handle updates that have conversion functions applied to fields</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4055] Fixed Checkbox multiselect</li>
<li>Fixed disabled buttons in floating panels</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4145] Fixed Reading and Writing Timestamp and Time formatted dates in WebStorage Proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4182] Fixed the inherited draggable documentation for Carousel</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4116] Fixed issue with Tabs not being disabled when a Panel inside them is disabled. Removed last references on the no longer used delegateListeners object</li>
<li>Fixed issue with production loader and platform theming</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4093] Fixed valid HTTP Status Responses in form panel submissions that have empty responseText (204 Status)</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3903] Fixed Gauge display not updating if the value remains unchanged</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4179] Fixed issue with MessageBox overflow on IE</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4081] Fixed repaint issue in AndroidStock4 when hiding a Mask</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4140] Fixed disabled field color on Android</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4173, TOUCH-4165] Fixed small issues in the List Search example</li>
<li>Fixed checkbox and radio SASS on default theme to work with IE</li>
<li>Fixed the scrollToTopOnRefresh behavior for the ListPaging plugin and non-infinite List</li>
<li>Fixed issue where translatable config was not being used when creating a new draggable instance in Slider</li>
<li>Fixed BlackBerry 10 checkbox and radio fields</li>
<li>Fixed DomHelper to allow creating child items into elements that are not in the DOM. This fixes an issue in OReilly where a List outside the DOM was being filtered</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4191] Fixed the button icons to be sized in `em`s</li>
<li>Fixed issue with the list header preventing events in IE</li>
<li>Fixed the event publisher to allow the change event</li>
<li>Fixed incorrect population of the footerIndices object in List</li>
<li>Fixed the styling of the BlackBerry 10 picker component</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
The Mozilla implementation is experimental and relies on FireFox 21's (nightly) flexible box implementation. We are working with the Mozilla team on known layout issues. Most examples run, including the Kitchen Sink, but your mileage may vary. This should not be used for production applications.
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.2.0 Beta 2
Release Notes: Release Notes: March 19, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.2.0.b2
<h2>SASS File Restructure</h2>
The file structure for SASS has changed to follow the same rules as the one in ExtJS 4.2.
This change has the SASS file layout mirroring the JavaScript file layout and allows future tooling enhancements
and dependency determination for CSS.
<li>Updated Drag event to use an improved velocity implementation</li>
<li>Changed IE's Translatable to scrollPosition resulting in a ~200% performance increase for IE</li>
<li>Updated scrollPosition to a static large size (1 million px) instead of a constantly increasing one</li>
<li>Updated List SASS for IE10</li>
<li>Added ?showfps support directly to the AnimationQueue class. This option can be used to display true framerate on requestAnimationFrame capable devices.</li>
<li>Added '0' as a valid value for type in Ext.device.Push#register to disable push notifications</li>
<li>Added Native SQLite plugin</li>
<li>Added Android stock browser to the browser detection. This includes AndroidStock2 (includes honeycomb) and AndroidStock4. This allows newer browsers such as Opera and FireFox to run properly on older Android devices</li>
<li>Enabled CssPosition translation method. Use CssPosition (top/left) for individual List item positioning on AndroidStock2. Now uses much less DOM on this browser</li>
<li>Updated Scrollable to handle the IE hbox overflow bug via a style (x-translatable-hboxfix) and updated ScrollPosition to handle wrapping properly when this fix is in place</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4074] Applied performance improvements to Collection</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4110] Moved Draw package animations into AnimationQueue</li>
<li>Changed to using performance.now() when available</li>
<li>Updated scroll momentum logic to be linear which improves performance and predictablity</li>
<li>Simplified the Windows pressed state on Lists</li>
<li>Separated data view into it's own SASS</li>
<li>Added new Opera Mobile detection, which allows better use of Opera Mobile on all Android versions</li>
<li>Changed TouchTweets example to use simple list items and a TPL</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4139] Added a record validation check when reading records in WebStorage proxy</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-4065] Fixed Kindle Fire HD's Android version</li>
<li>Fixed scrollDock items in non-infinite list</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3973] Fixed for CssTransform translation. Caught case where transform had been destroyed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4026] Fixed issue with scrollable where false warning displayed when height was set</li>
<li>Fixed issue with AnimationQueue not stopping when iOS didn't fire a touchend/touchcancel due to the element being destroyed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3643] Fixed dropdown indicator overlap in Android</li>
<li>Fixed timeout issue with the production loader for IE10</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4022] Fixed dynamic setting of tabBarPosition</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4109] Fixed issue with micro loader not working when cookies are disabled</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4080] Fixed issue with PhoneGap notifications</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4082, TOUCH-4115] Fixed issues with filtering, refreshing, and updating List items in both infinite and non-infinite mode</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4103] Fixed issues with IE10 date picker and changing months. Also fixed snapping on the last item</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3988] Fixed several issues related to scrollDockItems having an undefined size, not being able to add scrollDockItems as part of the lists items config, and not updating the scroller properly when changing the height of a scrollDockItem</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4126] Fixed DomQuery to allow it to check on elements outside the DOM</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4127] Fixed issue with an Element cache reference</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4036] Fixed memory leaks in the Charts and Data Store event handlers</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3994] Fixed the maprender event, map now dispatches events after the initial tile load is complete</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4092, TOUCH-4107] Fixed the PullRefresh Plugin for sorters and initial template render use of lastUpdatedDateFormat</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4130] Fixed issue with SelectField not destroying components that it created properly</li>
<li>Fixed Element.isPainted() for IE</li>
<li>Fixed non-draggable area from the pinned header in IE</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where the headerHeight would not be calculated correctly when the List was rendered outside the DOM</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4138] Fixed issue with removing the current UI class when changing both the base class and UI at the same time</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
The Mozilla implementation is experimental and relies on FireFox 21's (nightly) flexible box implementation. We are working with the Mozilla team on known layout issues. Most examples run, including the Kitchen Sink, but your mileage may vary. This should not be used for production applications.
Currently the Indicator class does not use Translatable and the logic is updated to be optimal.
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.2.0 Beta 1
Release Notes: Release Notes: February 26, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.2.0.b1
<h2>List Updates</h2>
We have added some configurations to List which help improve performance. The new useSimpleItems (name may change)
configuration uses a much lighter DOM structure to accommodate a basic List. In addition, having an infinite
list is now optional and is turned off by default. This is a change from Touch 2.1.
The default List options have been changed from Touch 2.1 to improve the performance of basic lists used commonly
in applications. Developers can now better tune these configs to their specific needs.
<h2>Platform Detection and Themes in app.json</h2>
Developers may want to maintain a platform specific UI. To help facilitate this, we
added a new option to the app.json configuration which allows you to whitelist specific files against the platforms of your choice. The
following is an example which allows different CSS files to be loaded for different platforms. The platform
detection is done in the microloader and we expect to continue to enhance this functionality in the future.
In addition, there is a new <code>theme</code> property which is used within the framework to identify which theme (CSS file)
is being currently used. Various themes in Touch 2.2 (Windows and BlackBerry) are applied to features such as MessageBox.
"css": [
"path": "../../resources/css/base.css",
"update": "delta"
"path": "resources/css/sencha-touch.css",
"platform": ['chrome', 'safari', 'ios'],
"theme": "Default",
"update": "delta"
"path": "resources/css/android.css",
"platform": ['android'],
"theme": "Android",
"update": "delta"
"path": "resources/css/bb.css",
"platform": ['blackberry'],
"theme": "Blackberry",
"update": "delta"
"path": "resources/css/wp.css",
"platform": ['ie10'],
"theme": "Windows",
"update": "delta"
<li>Added Native in app purchase API</li>
<li>Updated Picker to use initalize instead of initElement</li>
<li>Removed Picker `show` listener and replaced with a function override</li>
<li>Added cssTransitions to use AnimationQueue to prevent IdleQueue from executing during its animation</li>
<li>Added Card animations to AnimationQueue</li>
<li>Refactored Tab and Button CSS to no longer use JavaScript to change icon visibility. Instead we add
an x-hidden or x-shown class and the CSS handles the rest. Pulled all the display/visibility/position
CSS for the button icons into the base SASS.</li>
<li>Changed to have no scroller on the editor panel example instead of a disabled scroller</li>
<li>Updated List to not allow headers to be nested inside the ListItem</li>
<li>Changed getSnapPosition logic for last scroller item offset</li>
<li>Added a check for the ?platform parameter in the dev microloader</li>
<li>Changed Safari UA detection to be more strict</li>
<li>Added suspendEvents to queue events and allowed resumeEvents to fire queued events or optionally dump the queue</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3834] Updated documentation for form Panel Submit</li>
<li>Added an equals method to the Object class</li>
<li>Added filterLengthValue method in the top, bottom, left, right configurations of Component</li>
<li>Added a wait on the end of a zoom animation before allowing a new one</li>
<li>Moved InputBlocker to a proper file (viewport/WindowsPhone.js)</li>
<li>Removed 100.2% WindowsPhone hack</li>
<li>Added x-webkit body css tag</li>
<li>Added new x-has-width and x-has-height class add specificity to resolve layout issues in IE and FireFox</li>
<li>Added a default width of 100% to DataItems so we know in JavaScript that it has width</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3938] Added exactMatch to matcher on SelectField change</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3890] Added PullRefresh plugin by adding a `lastUpdatedDateFormat` format config</li>
<li>Rounded the ends of forward/back only on WebKit</li>
<li>Added minHeight config back into CSS for the Toolbar and Titlebar</li>
<li>Added a "theme" namespace to differentiate what theme was used in app.json. Ext.theme.name = 'Default' is the default</li>
<li>Ensured Ext.util namespace exists for DateExtras</li>
<li>Allowed overrides of singletons</li>
<li>Added `useWrapper` config to Translatable Abstract</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2575] Implemented trackResetOnLoad from <ahref="http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-2/#!/api/Ext.form.Basic-cfg-trackResetOnLoad">ExtJS</a></li>
<li>[TOUCH-3998] Moved the Crosscut Component directly into the Blackberry theme</li>
<li>Added IE10 picker theming</li>
<li>Added SVG font so icon fonts work on Android 4</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3970, TOUCH-3971] Reworked PullRefresh to snap back after data is loaded. Added `snappingAnimationDuration` & `overpullSnapBackDuration` for animation customizations</li>
<li>Removed `refreshFn` from PullRefresh. The Class should be extended when developers want to change this function</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4021] Worked around a nasty IE10 layout bug with their flexible box implementation. Added a feature detection for the issue in case they ever fix it</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3899] Converted all charts to a unified API for renderers. Added support for many types of customizations in Cartesian and Polar charts. Added new examples to the KitchenSink.</li>
<li>Removed showby tip in IE10 in the default theme</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4032] Added an example of a Gauge with a renderer</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3624] Changed Silk detection to Android 4.0. Removed special sizing for Silk from CSS.</li>
<li>Removed Windows Phone input disable on DatePicker</li>
<li>Removed webkit mask from Charts</li>
<li>Changed default List to be non-infinite</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-3826] Fixed DatePicker automatically adding itself to the viewport on getPicker()</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3819] Fixed resize issue with Android 4 stock browser when soft keyboard is shown. Corrected viewport size.</li>
<li>Fixed an issue in Writer related to writing dates</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3749] Scatter series now provides the appropriate marker styling to legend</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2945] Fixed slider issue when adding an event to the thumb</li>
<li>Fixed for Date Picker addition of days on Month Change</li>
<li>Fixed for Date Picker Last Item snapping selection on Desktop</li>
<li>Fixed the setCls method on Element to correctly update the classList and hasClassName variables</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3688] Fixed CSS perspective for the flip animation</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3885] Fixed ISO-8601 date parsing in older Android browsers to correctly handle timezones</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3921] Fixed checkbox to allow value of 0</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3286] Fixed JSON data response that prevented callbacks from being called in the case of invalid JSON data. Error was only present when debugging.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3946] Fixed CandleStick Chart not displaying in solid colors</li>
<li>Fixed an issue where unbinding a method in the middle of a chain would fail</li>
<li>Fixed an issue when you passed an undefined to a setter without an apply method, which caused the update method to be called</li>
<li>Fixed some minor bugs in Container</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3720] Fixed issue for deleting a hasMany record</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3955] Fixed 'fill' and 'style.fill' not overriding 'colors'</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3852] Fixed an issue when removing a sprite from an SVG surface</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3932] Fixed Scroll indicator to never have a ration greater than 1</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3845] Fixed older Android browsers when using maxlength on an input field</li>
<li>Fixed incorrect @extends in docs for Pie3D chart</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3936] Fixed TitleBar animations to correctly animate within bar and to come from the proper side</li>
<li>Fixed execution of refreshMonitor on destroyed monitors</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3979] Fixed default mapOptions for Maps</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3829] Fixed for Android 4.0.3 form fields scrolling over top of a toolbar</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3968] Fixed orientation determination on Chrome for Android</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3990] Fixed an issue with inserting an item into a container next to another item which had been wrapped via translatable (scrollPosition)</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3362] Fixed model associations caused by a model having both a 'hasmany' and being a 'belongsto'</li>
<li>Fixed sub-pixel snapping for Slots</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3958] Fixed Number field both with min/Max values set and where setting a value that is `NaN` resulted in `null` instead of the minValue</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3999] Fixed response in the YQL example when nothing is returned from Yahoo</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3992] Fixed issue with destroying an item from a wrapped container (translatable: scrollPosition)</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4015] Fixed styling in IE for forms inside modal windows</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4023] Fixed documentation for Observable.fireEvent when false isn't expressly returned</li>
<li>Fixed spinner disabled CSS for IE10</li>
<li>Fixed blurry text for IE10 fonts on canvas</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3718] Fixed styling of list UI: round</li>
<li>Fixed styling of buttons in the default theme with iconAlign</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3975] Fixed filters on SQL Proxy</li>
<li>Fixed missing Canvas backingStorePixelRatio (`Retina` support for Canvas on IE10)</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4029] Fixed null dates in Models with SQL Proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4029] Fixed null Proxy in Store Remote checks</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3858] Fixed charting issue where fill could not be disabled when 'colors' were set</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3851] Fixed right and bottom axes' titleMargin property was not working properly</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3797] Fixed an issue with SVG charts where the last label would remain visible when hidden</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3889] Fixed disable not being checked on focus on a field</li>
<li>[TOUCH-4050] IE10 no longer has transparent buttons</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>Several examples have been removed from the index page, they will return in a later beta.</li>
The Android and iOS themes are not yet in place. The default Sencha theme is used instead.
Deferred image loading components which will make more use of the new AnimationQueue class and its
idle task queue.
There is an issue with touchmove velocity on IE10 which is not yet addressed.
SASS structure is accepted to change and be more in line with Ext 4.2's structure.
The Mozilla implementation is experimental and relies on FireFox 21's (nightly) flexible box
implementation. We are working with the Mozilla team on known layout issues. Most examples
run<strike>, but not Kitchen Sink</strike>. This should not be used for production applications.
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.1.1
Release Notes: Release Notes: February 5, 2013<br>
Version Number: 2.1.1
<li>[TOUCH-2886] Added styling for indicatorsUi 'light'</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3233] Removed margin from audio component example</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3614] Added 'seriestoggle' event to chart when a series is toggled</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3595] Added support for hidden toggle in a chart series</li>
<li>Added high javascript precision to the line series</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3648] Allow dynamically adding/removing of chart series</li>
<li>Enable setting `true`/`false` to `scrollable` config. Note that this is different than no scrollable behavior at all which is `scrollable: null`.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3613] Allow no scrolling on legends</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3677] Added ability to dynamically change itemTpl on a List</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3291] Force the originalValue in numberfield to be a number (if it exists)</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3637] Removed $form-label-width from SASS</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3505] Added a `file` input component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3290] Allow slot to use itemTpl if it has been defined</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3615] Added config option to Legend to disable item toggling functionality</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3593] Implemented gradient stops using rgba in SVG via stop-opacity</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3593] Added toFixed to alpha value in toString of Color</li>
<li>Changed the default value of `preciseStroke` to `true` for Line series</li>
<li>Move the setParent order in doInsert to be the same as add</li>
<li>Series now share a same surface so they are clipped in the same way</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3492] Added Legend store reset functionality</li>
<li>Added isDestroyed check to TitleBar</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3682] Added documentation for scrollDock to the List component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3756] Changed the implementation of the getItemIndex method in List to return the data index of the record bound to that item</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3780] Added suspendAnimation functionality to abstract chart in the same vein of suspendLayout</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3753] Added toggle to sprite to constrain its gradients to the view</li>
<li>Updated Picker to use initalize instead of initElement</li>
<li>Removed Picker `show` listener and replaced with function override</li>
<li>Added a warning when using `scrollable: false` on a container with no height as this should be `scrollable: null`</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3897] Reduce the number of drawing surfaces from 8 to 5 for charts</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3788] Renamed the default Ext.data.proxy.SQL class to Ext.data.proxy.Sql</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3910] Change ChromeMobile to use transforms instead of scrollPosition</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3850] Allow radiofield group to be able to assign/get value if ui='checkbox'</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3697] Fixed Playbook to be detected as a Tablet</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3593] Fixed certain cases where the radial gradient compression parameter would NaN in SVG</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3705] Fixed Draw component not laying out within a card layout</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3138] Fixed an issue where you could apply multiple masks to a container</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3594] Fixed an issue where loading a store that is bound to a data view that isn't painted yet would prevent the LoadMask from showing up</li>
<li>Fixed `suspendLayout` and `resumeLayout` for Charts</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3704] Fixed Stores not listening to the storechange event and fail to find the dynamically bound store on chart</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3575] Fixed isues with Charts in a Carousel and DirectionLocking</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3734] Fixed bad typo in PhoneGap messagebox API bridge</li>
<li>Fixed issues with History where calling the back method with no previous actions would cause a hard error. This will now set the action to an empty string</li>
<li>Fixed issue where some items in a List might not be destroyed properly</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3717] Fixed SQL proxy failed reading when not passing any sorters</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3675] Fixed variableHeights and itemHeight config for NestedList</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3646] Fixed an issue where scrolling to a bottom of a long list in a NestedList would result in an empty list being presented when refreshing that list with a different node</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3174] Fixed a rare case where the animation would be incorrectly reversed on a NestedList</li>
<li>Fixed issue with OverflowChange shrink detection with sub-pixels</li>
<li>Fixed issues with updating cls configuration for components unnecessarily when in an array</li>
<li>Fixed Card layout animation not calling it's superclass on the destroy method</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3652] Fixed an issue where the pull refresh plugin didn't work when the list had no current results</li>
<li>Fix particle demo on retina iPads</li>
<li>Fixed issue with PhoneGap Ready check</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3768] Fixed an issue where List would crash if you change the itemTpl before a Store is assigned</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3674] Fixed `0` values not being displayed in a dataview</li>
<li>Fixed Map creation being attempted prior to paint event. The resize event was then fired and causing an odd offset from google</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3796] Fixed line series smoothing if there are less than 3 points in the chart</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3778] Fixed Scroller.js only checking for value of 'undefined' and not false for animation. This was causing mobile chrome to display inconsitent scrolling results on the DatePicker</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3802] Fixed Stores auto-created by a DataView to now properly be AutoDestroyed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3803] Fixed Ext.Button#updateIconCls Faililing after unset</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3800] Fixed issue with Ext.app.History token now always being initialized</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3221] Fixed Date picker not populating slots correctly when you call setValue</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3578] Fixed FreeDraw example to use destroy instead of removeAll</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3838] Fixed direction variable of vertical swiping</li>
<li>Fixed Dispatcher logic to ensure proper subscribing/unsubscribing of events</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3809] Fixed PanZoom transformAxesBy to make use of the configured min and max zoom values</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3821] Fixed The SVG engine to removes the sprite along with its associated dom element from the surface</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3827] Fixed the Default store to be an empty array instead of null, removing the possibility of no store and fixing rendering issues on empty lists</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3826] Fixed DatePicker automatically adding itself to the viewport on getPicker()</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3819] Fixed resize issue with Android 4 browser when soft keyboard is shown. Viewport size now corrected</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3749] Fixed Scatter series to now provide the appropriate marker styling to legend</li>
<li>Fixed Date Picker addition of days on Month Change</li>
<li>Fixed Date Picker Last Item snapping selection on Desktop</li>
<li>Fixed namespace Ext.device from sencha-touch-all-* files generated by framework build</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3777] Fixed updating records for empty items in a list</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3859] Fixed issue with adding a loading mask to a DataView before it is painted</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3668] Fixed Default Layout to correctly handle dynanic docking changes</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3793] Fixed Selectable to allow removing a store from a DataView</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3627] Fixed selected items on DataView Refresh to insure styles are properly added when items are added to the dom</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3748] Fixed Ext.Array.intersect edge case issue</li>
<li>Fixed issue with NavigationView ellipsis and animation</li>
<li>Fixed blur with size monitored elements in ChromeMobile</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3916] Fixed initialOffset for Draggable not being maintained on multiple uses</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3928] Fixed improper documentation for suspendEvents/resumeEvents. EventQueueing will be present in 2.2</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3908] Fixed improper zIndex handling for chart series</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3935] Fixed fill and smooth configs for charts</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3884] Fixed hidden buttons for toolbar in MsgBox when no buttons defined</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3284, TOUCH-3179] Fixed detection and encoding of MS Date JSON format.</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>Android 4.1 (Jellybean) has <ahref="http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=37529"target="_blank">issues</a> with
clearing it's graphics buffer when using Canvas. We are forcing our SVG implementation on this specific version of Android.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3820] SVG engine loaded for Android Jellybean 4.2 even if chrome is used. Due to canvas bugs in most recent Android version (See Above)</li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.2.0.alpha
Release Notes: Release Notes: December 21, 2012<br>
Version Number: 2.2.0.alpha
<h2>IE10 Support!</h2>
This alpha release is our first with a non-webkit brower: IE10. As more browsers support the CSS
features we need (primarily a solid <ahref="http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-flexbox/">Flexible Box
Layout</a>), we welcome the oppertunity to support them. IE10 also provides
<ahref="http://www.w3.org/2012/pointerevents/">Pointer Events</a> which has been integrated as well.
Supporting other browsers also means that any remaining specific webkit CSS and javascript will have to go. The
main impact will be with webkit-masks which we are moving to font-faces.
As the CSS can be quite different between platforms, we are doing some internal restructuring of our SASS
and providing our developers with some new options to help keep the CSS size manageable.
<h3>Platform Detection in app.json</h3>
Developers may want to maintain a platform specific UI. To help facilitate this, we are
adding in a new option to the app.json configuration which allows you to whitelist specific files against the platforms of your chosing. The
following is an example which allows different CSS files to be loaded for different platforms. The platform
detection is doin in the microloader and we expect to continue to enhance this functionality in the future.
"css": [
"path": "../../resources/css/base.css",
"update": "delta"
"path": "resources/css/sencha-touch.css",
"platform": ['chrome', 'safari', 'ios'],
"update": "delta"
"path": "resources/css/android.css",
"platform": ['android'],
"update": "delta"
"path": "resources/css/bb.css",
"platform": ['blackberry'],
"update": "delta"
"path": "resources/css/wp.css",
"platform": ['ie10'],
"update": "delta"
<h3>Theming Changes</h3>
The organization of themes has greatly improved in Sencha Touch 2.2. We have abstracted our default theme into a 'base' which consists of only the basic colors and layout of all components. The new 'default' theme and any new themes are then built on top of that <code>base</code>. This transition allowed us to review every line of SASS and remove any existing cruft that was no longer needed.
We have also moved away from <code>-webkit-mask</code> icons and instead are using the <ahref="http://pictos.cc/font/">Pictos Font</a>. The existing <code>pictos-iconmask</code> mixin has been deprecated and been replaced with the new <code>icon</code> mixin. With this change, you also no longer need to add <code>iconMask</code> as a config to your buttons/tabs.
<h4>Upgrading SASS</h4>
As we are still in alpha, the update process for the new SASS is manual. This will be automated with forthcoming enhancements to the Command tooling.
Updating to the Sencha Touch 2.2 SASS should be straightforward. All variables will still work, however you will need to update your <code>@import</code> calls to require the new base theme:
<pre>@import 'sencha-touch/default/all';</pre>
<pre>@import 'sencha-touch/base';
@import 'sencha-touch/base/all';
@import 'sencha-touch/default';
@import 'sencha-touch/default/all';</pre>
Alternatively, you can just include the <code>base.css</code> file in <code>resources/css</code> into your <code>app.json</code> file, and only include the Sencha Touch default theme:
<pre>"css": [
"path": "../../resources/css/base.css",
"update": "delta"
"path": "resources/css/app.css",
"update": "delta"
@import 'sencha-touch/default';
@import 'sencha-touch/default/all';
The way component mixins are required has also changed slightly and dramatically speeds up the SASS compile time.
They are no longer included via mixin, but via <code>@import</code>:
@include sencha-panel;
@include sencha-buttons;
@include sencha-sheet;
@import 'sencha-touch/default/panel';
@import 'sencha-touch/default/buttons';
@import 'sencha-touch/default/sheet';
And finally, when using icons, you no longer need to include <code>iconMask</code> in your JS:
<h3>Performance Changes</h3>
<h4>Animation Queue</h4>
The first item to bring in from our <ahref="http://www.sencha.com/blog/the-making-of-fastbook-an-html5-love-story">Fastbook</a> side
project, we have added the AnimationQueue class and have begun integrating it into the framework. It will take some
time to have this fully integrated.
<h4>List Updates</h4>
We are continuously trying to improve the performance of the List in Sencha Touch. We are planning on doing
this in multiple stages. In Touch 2.1 the infinite List rendered the minimum amount of items needed to fill the
visible area of the List. Then while scrolling it updated the content of List items according to where you where
in the List and moved every single one of those items individually to the correct location. In 2.2 alpha we
changed this slightly to a system where we only move the container the items are in and then when needed
translate 1 individual item from the top to the bottom (when scrolling down) or from the bottom to the top (when
scrolling up) of the list items within that container. This makes it so that in any given frame we only
translate a maximum of 2 items on the screen.
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>The Back/Forward UI buttons still use webkit-masks and needs to be replaced.</li>
<li>Kitchensink uses only a standard and Windows theme. More examples will be updated.</li>
We also plan on reducing the amount of markup rendered for each List item,
even when using headers, disclosure icons and scrollDocked items. This will improve the performance further
since it will be easier for the browser to calculate the composite layer for one such item.</li>
Deferred image loading components which will make more use of the new AnimationQueue class and it's
idle task queue.
The canvas font is blurry on IE10, we are investigating.
In addition if you were targeting ".x-list-item .x-dock-vertical", this will change to
".x-list-item .x-dock-horizontal".
<li>Change ListItems to not use vertical docking for headers. This improves performance since there is less DOM and less box layouts</li>
<li>SVG is now forced on Android 4.1 devices due to Canvas <ahref="http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=37529"target="_blank">issues</a></li>
<li>[TOUCH-3543] Added chart axis minZoom and maxZoom configurations</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3508] Added `action` to bubbleEvents on text field</li>
<li>Added in missing chart documentation for engine, modifiers, chart, series sprites, labels, grid, axis, interactions, and more</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3551] Added filtering and sorting capabilities to the SQL proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3554] Make sure NestedList creates a TreeStore when you specify an object for its store config</li>
<li>Ensure the processed records are applied to the ResultSet in Operation</li>
<li>Changed the way native package view controllers switch (on iOS), now we use window.controller property instead of using "addView", this is required by iOS 6</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-3243] Fixed alignment of message in load mask</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3531] Fixed issues with the zIndex of the chart watermark</li>
<li>Fixed many the trailing comma warnings for production builds</li>
<li>Fixed chart Highlight dependency</li>
<li>Fixed improper popup syntax for chart interactions</li>
<li>Fixed example icons and added chart examples to the Documentation</li>
<li>Fixed update/new tags for 2.1 and the documentation should now properly be tagged for 2.1</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3480] Fixed removeAll on TreeStore</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3553, TOUCH-3196, TOUCH-3041] Fixed hard error with multitouch on Android 4.0.x devices</li>
<li>Fixed destroy method on chart's animation modifier which could cause charts to stop responding when animations were interrupted</li>
<li>Fixed touchstart detection on BlackBerry 6</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3535] Fixed webview detection when running inside an iOS UIWebView</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2997] Fixed issue with date picker days</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3564] Fixed Ext.Anim to use Ext.define instead of extend</li>
<li>Fixed builder issue with generation of delta file</li>
<li>Fixed builder issue with incorrect alias generation</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3559] Fixed native purchases model typo</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3483] Added series renderers to bar series</li>
<li>POST calls will now honor the disableCache option</li>
<li>Chrome Mobile will now use the Default Viewport</li>
<li>Added cache buster for Native bridge for iOS</li>
<li>Removed user-scalable meta tag as it detrimental on Android <ahref="http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=11912"target="_NEW">reference</a></li>
<li>Updated sencha-ant.xml to add sencha.jar to the classpath of the current project instance</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3397] Removed extra css animation from Android 2 in Pull To Refresh</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3497] Added support for iPhone 5 resolution startup screen</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3509] Call evented constructor in the Store constructor. This ensures initialize is being called</li>
<li>Verbose output flag added to sencha command; -debug or --debug at the end of command line for stbuild</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-3106] Fixed an issue where calling the belongsTo setter wouldn't remove the record from the old belongsTo store, and not clear the belongsToInstance</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2949] Fixed an issue where the record wouldn't be updated on the DataItem because we were calling updateRecord directly</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3222] Fixed an issue where a filtered item wouldn't be removed from the map in the Collection</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3182] Fixed an issue where reloading a store with data that included associated data didn't update those associations</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3447] Fixed layout flex issue with Toolbar when having a title and items on the same Toolbar</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3173] Fixed an issue where the filter function passed to filterBy would not be passed the promised arguments</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3463] Fixed dropdown zIndex for Android 4</li>
<li>Fixed config.rb template</li>
<li>Fixed 'sdk' path hard-coding to use template variable {frameworkPath}</li>
<li>Fixed sass regeneration issues by adding .default extension</li>
<li>Fixed issue with adding a load mask to a non-rendered DataView/List</li>
<li>Fixed issue with having a list with no store initially defined</li>
<li>Fixed an issue with dynamically loading identifiers for associations</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3475] Fixed header to be not on top of index bar in List</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3472] Fixed leftmost item truncation in bar charts</li>
<li>Fixed scrolling performance on Android while dragging an item</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3486] Fixed an issue where itemHeights would be incorrect if the list was refreshed or updated while the list was hidden</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3360] Fixed Chrome Mobile detection</li>
<li>Fixed iPhone 5 meta when adding to the home screen (no width tag added)</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3473, TOUCH-3457] Fixed issue with Carousel not animating properly due to javascript's typeof NaN == 'number'...</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3373] Fixed issue which prevented the erased event from firing on a component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3387] Fixed issue with DatePickerField accepting focus</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3416] Fixed issues with being able to properly destroy a media based component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3501] Fixed bug in SVG path parsing</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3478] Fixed extra 6px padding on floating panels which were sized</li>
<li>Fixed apple.scss warning</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3502] Fixed performance issue for radio fields</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3212] Fixed some filename issues with some example icons</li>
<li>Fixed native packager issues with iOS6</li>
<li>Fixed orientation change on iOS6</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>Android 4.1 (Jellybean) has some issues with clearing it's graphics buffer when canvas is resized. We will have a workaround before the GA release</li>
<li>Examples are still being polished for all devices</li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.1.0-b3
Release Notes: Release Notes: September 10, 2012<br>
Version Number: 2.1.0-b3
<divstyle="margin: 10px">
The new List component is included with this release. This implementation replaces the old
one for lists and is no longer bound one-to-one between a store and DOM elements. This means that
the length of the list will no longer have a bearing on it's scrolling performance. In addition,
lists can use components if you specify them with an itemConfig and itemTpl will be converted
to an itemConfig dynamically if you specify one. Due to these changes, the DOM structure was altered
for lists and you may need to change some css selectors to add appropriate styling for your lists.
Typically you need to change the selector from '.x-list-item' to '.x-list-item > .x-dock-vertical > .x-dock-body'
for any padding or margins you may have added. We have change the TouchTweets example from using a
component based DataView to the new List very easily and should be a good example of using the
new List component with dynamic large lists.
We are releasing an update to Sencha Command and the Native Packager. This includes many bugfixes and
enhancements including:
<li>in-app purchases API for iOS</li>
<li>Contacts APIs for iOS and Android</li>
<li>Push notifications for iOS</li>
<li>openURL support</li>
The Native packages are also now plugin based and includes an API for developers to write their own
We continue to add more to charting, and this release includes some of the labeling, grouped bar charts,
axis titles, and more. We want the next release for charting to be feature complete so expect the last chart types
and missing functionality to be added soon.
Once again, thank you for all the reported issues, we have fixed many bugs for this release and
continue to work hard on them. The major changes are now in place and we are continuing to work on
performance enhancements and bug fixes until the release is ready.
<li>Updated many documentation examples and links</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2977] Toggle field now fires <code>change</code> event when toggled or when the value is changed.</li>
<li>Sunlight Labs has resolved the issue with our API calls to their servers therefore the GeoCongress demo now fully works again.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3240] Changed default values of title + message in MessageBox to null</li>
<li>Axis titles added to Charts</li>
<li>Charts now handle padding configs given in objects</li>
<li>Added 'stepped' config for area/line chart</li>
<li>Added Grouped bar chart</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3236] Changed the default modal config for Ext.Msg to `true`</li>
<li>Added destroy check on updateLength method of Throttled Indicator</li>
<li>Update Button SASS so it looks better on device</li>
<li>Added some wrapping for Panel anchors, normalized icon names, no longer using transforms</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3361] Added lastUpdatedText configuration to PullToRefresh</li>
<li>Added proper support for IE10 animateStartTime</li>
<li>Updated TouchTweet to consume 50 records at a time</li>
<li>Added cross zooming interaction to charts</li>
<li>Added 'x-list-item-first' and 'x-list-item-last' to very first and very last List item (not in every group)</li>
<li>Added new configuration options variableHeights, itemHeight and refreshHeightOnUpdate to List. All three allow you to configure the list to be much more performant if your list conforms to certain rules</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-2794] Fixed an issue where passing a function as filter to the Store's filter method would cause an invalid Filter instance to be created</li>
<li>Fixed issues that can arise when using syncRemovedRecords and destroyRemovedRecords</li>
<li>Fixed issues with sizeDetection when items are destroyed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3237] Fixed issue when trying to change zIndex of a destroyed component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3238] Fixed issue when trying to setParent(null) on container</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3247] Fixed missing alias for 'auto' layout</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3040] Fixed issues when the XML reader handles complex mapping</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3239] Fixed issue where the change event was not being fired for DatePicker</li>
<li>Fixed canvas resizing problem</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3246] Fixed issue when calling record.set on a record belonging to a store that has been bound to a chart</li>
<li>Fixed isLayout flag to abstract layout class</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2977] Fixed issues with the `change` event in toggle field</li>
<li>Fixed showBy orientation change</li>
<li>Fixed layout issues with geocongress</li>
<li>Fixed unwrapping issues with Card Layout</li>
<li>Fixed range problem on stacked cartesian series</li>
<li>Fixed bbox problem for some Draw cases</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3253] Fixed discrete layout on date axes from missing labels</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3254] Fixed minimum and maximum not changing dynamically on a chart axes</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3269] Fixed text on y-axis overlaps with axis for Android 2 devices</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3292] Fixed method recursion in JsonP abort method</li>
<li>Fixed Android 4 square box webkit masking issues for buttons, tabs, dropdown indicators, and showBy panel anchors</li>
<li>Fixed StoreManager dependency issue</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3293] Fixed grid clipping in charts</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3265] Fixed issue with setting a detailCard to null in NestedList</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3303] Fixed issue with hiding a component when adding it to a container as the active item</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3278] Fixed documentation for the CompositeElementLite add method</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3275] Fixed documentation for private methods in Video component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3280] Fixed Ext.create documentation with an example that applies to Touch</li>
<li>Fixed some destroying checks for Layout</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3294] Fixed issue with dock-body not having a default 100% height</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3343] Fixed hiding an item being added to a Card layout if it's inner index matched the activeItem index</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3341] Fixed Date Picker not firing the 'pick' event. Also removed the 'slotpick' event from tap as it is also being fired on scrollEnd</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3276] Fixed issue with SegmentedButton firing the toggle event when initially setting the pressed config</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3356] Fixed issue with -webkit-box-shaow being used instead of the box-shadow sass mixin. Changed all uses to the mixin</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3358] Fixed field Select drop down icons when a form is transformed on Android 4</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3116] Fixed issue with focus not being cleared when using a Select or DatePicker when another input is selected</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3357] Fixed issue with anchor tips not displaying properly on Android 4</li>
<li>Fixed issues with SelectField when coming directly from a text input field</li>
<li>Fixed checkmark selection on SelectField</li>
<li>[TOUCH-1913] Fixed uncaught exception when trying to when trying to use local storage in private mode in iOS</li>
<li>Fixed zIndex Android issues for all tabs</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3393] Fixed BoxDock trying to unwrap to an element that is already destroyed</li>
<li>Fixed tab bar's docking to packing logic when a padding configuration is specified</li>
<li>Fixed some Draw text measurement issues</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3406] Fixed issue with deactivating and autoPause media components</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3401] Fixed list layout in O'reilly example</li>
<li>Fixed slider display on Android 2</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3250] Fixed chart axis line not being complete on column charts</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>Kiva is currently using a static data set to reduce strain on their systems.</li>
<li>The Kitchensink example is becoming too large to fit into an iPad1's limited memory.
We may break out some examples due to this issue.</li>
<li>The Draw/Chart implementation is incomplete and does not include the following:
<li>Gauge Chart implementation</li>
<li>Radar Chart implementation</li>
<li>Chart Legends</li>
<li>Chart Highlighting</li>
<li>Polar Chart interactions</li>
<li>Icicle/TreeMap/Sunburst implementations</li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.1.0-b2
Release Notes: Release Notes: August 7, 2012<br>
Version Number: 2.1.0-b2
<divstyle="margin: 10px">
Thank you for all the feedback on the first release, this beta for Touch 2.1 is
includes many performance enhancements to Layouts and DOM events as well as additional
drawing and charting enhancements.
<li>Added Area Chart</li>
<li>Added Stacked Column Charts</li>
<li>Added 3D Pie Chart</li>
<li>Polar rotate interaction implemented</li>
<li>Scatter chart performance improved and adjustments made for upcoming label support</li>
<li>Painted event detection has been refactored for improved performance</li>
<li>SizeMonitor refactored for improved performance</li>
<li>Masks and Modals are now structured around the updated DOM structure</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3163] Templates will now ignore 'null' when applying values</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3050] Added openURL function into the sencha device package to allow for opening urls</li>
<li>TitleBar/Toolbar now have a default height instead of pure CSS</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3199] Added safeguard against pullHeight not being set in PullToRefresh</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3169] Added Ext.util.Offset, cleaned up some Region methods</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-3164] Fixed getUsername typo in Ajax proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2991] Fixed default logger config to be false insead of 'no'</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3076] Fixed xindex and xcount issues</li>
<li>Fixed pan/zoom offset bug</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3183] Fixed issue with isGrouped method</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3181] Fixed issue with destroying a DataView with no store</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3171] Fixed issues with Store consuming an empty Array</li>
<li>Fixed Canvas gradient opacity issues on Android devices</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>Kiva is currently using a static data set to reduce strain on their systems.</li>
<li>The Kitchensink example is becoming too large to fit into an iPad1's limited memory.
We may break out some examples due to this issue.</li>
<li>The Draw/Chart implementation is incomplete and does not include the following:
<li>Bar Chart implementation</li>
<li>Grouped Chart implementations</li>
<li>Gauge Chart implementation</li>
<li>Radar Chart implementation</li>
<li>Chart Legends</li>
<li>Chart Labels</li>
<li>Chart Highlighting</li>
<li>Polar Chart interactions</li>
<li>Icicle/TreeMap/Sunburst implementations</li>
<li>Table based layout implementation (as opposed to CSS flex box based layout)</li>
<li>Card Layout performance enhancements</li>
<li>New DataView/List implementation for large data sets</li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.1.0-b1
Release Notes: Release Notes: July 19, 2012<br>
Version Number: 2.1.0-b1
<divstyle="margin: 10px">
This is the initial beta for Touch 2.1 which is focused on the new charting
package as well as bug fixes. The charting package has had a major rewrite and includes SVG support
on devices which can support it. Most devices perform faster with Canvas and will use that engine
by default. We will be adding more charting types and other missing functionality in charts
throughout the beta cycle. The next release will be more focused on performance enhancements
with updates to the layouts and events.
<li>Implemented SVG support for Draw</li>
<li>Pathing rewritten to have better garbage collection considerations/caching and it is now it's own class</li>
<li>Sprites are now optimized flyweight classes for primitives and composites</li>
<li>Sprites are now drawn via a shared flyweight implementation</li>
<li>Sprites now use Modifiers to handle animations and highlighting more robustly</li>
<li>Data aggregation rewritten with multiple strategies in mind</li>
<li>Sprites now use attribute configuration which can be used by the Modifiers</li>
<li>Re-architected Charts to be vastly simpler to create custom charts via spriting (ie: 3d Column example)</li>
<li>Charts no longer hide the axes when animating</li>
<li>Draw animation package rewritten and is purely transition based</li>
<li>Pan/Zoom redrawing is no longer faked via a CSS image but redrawn in real-time</li>
<li>Updated Stock Market sample application with a live preview</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2719] Deprecating increment in spinner field; renaming it to stepValue per the HTML5 input fields API</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2800] Implemented new WebSQL proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2822] Added a getAllCount method to Store to get a full count including filtered records of the Store</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2888] Changed the default zIndex in message box to a larger number to stop accidental zIndex issues when creating other floating panels/components</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2928] Removed static properties of singleton Ext.data.JsonP</li>
<li>[TOUCH-1568] Added rightButton config and rightbuttontap event to navigation bar</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2816] NavigationView.pop can now use ComponentQuery</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2418] Added pattern config to Fields</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2818] Img components now center/stretch by default</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2789] Container.setActiveItem can now use ComponentQuery</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2480] Added allowToggle config to Button</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2] Top docked tab bars can now have icons</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2974] The setter method on associations now consistently return the instance</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2942] Stores are now unregistered when you destroy them</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3031] Allow JS files to be specified as remote</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3012] Removed "this is a developer preview" from the whats new guide</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3042] Allow hideOnMaskTap to be changed dynamically</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3052] Fieldset will now disable all inner fields when the disabled config is called</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3052] Changed form panel to use config to change inner disabled field config</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3014] Removed the relationship between a NavigationView's card animation and its bar animation</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2792] Implemented filters, sorters and paging into WebStorage proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2844] Optimized clear method on WebStorage Proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3040] Improved XML reader to support more complex mapping strings</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3064] Added a useCache configuration on Model. This can be set to false when having tree nodes exist in multiple trees</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-2672] Fixed an issue with top aligned labels on select fields where the icon was not vertically positions correctly</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2696] Fixed an issue with Ext.Msg where the previous title/message was being kept</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2748] Fixed an issue with updating list and picker when the store of a select field updates</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2690] Fixed an issue with select field change event firing twice</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2352] Fixed 'doubletap' event not to be fired when the second target is different from the first one</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3018] Fixed issues with SegmentedButton logic</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3019] Fixed issue with Android incorrectly detecting an orientation change when a keyboard pops up</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3022] Fixed issue with Picker using a incorrectly cached DataView</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3047] Fixed issue when setting the value of a Slot to 0</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3046] Fixed sizeChangeThrottleTimer timeout to be cleared upon destroy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3058] Fixed issue where MsgBox content was too tall</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3068] Fixed issue which could cause an improper initial value of Picker</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3066] Fixed an issue where an undefined value was used as the request id on Connection</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3065] Fixed issue where records would not be removed from the store when events where suspended and removeAll was called</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3079] Fixed scrollToEnd to go x and y end</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3049] Fixed issue with MsgBox where the iconCls was being removed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3072] Fixed issue with short titles being clipped in titlebar</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3044] Fixed button icon size with ui `small`</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3031] Fixed remote asset build</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2913] Fixed issue with stopping a NavigationView animation not measuring properly</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2996] Fixed success typo in device push class</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3109] Fixed LoadMask listeners not being passed to Viewport.setMasked()</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3011] Fixed HasOne association to add the field to the Owner model instead of the Associated Model and fixed the fields related to it</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2859] Fixed XTemplate to support dollar signs in tagnames</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2579] Fixed an issue with references where the config object wouldn't be passed in correctly the second time you call an autoCreate getter</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2724] Fixed issue where persist false wasn't respected by the WebStorage proxy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2820] Fixed errant deprecation warnings in Controller</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2278] Fixed the History's back method to actually go to the previous action and made it a public method</li>
<li>Known Issues / Upcoming Changes
<li>The Kitchensink example is becoming too large to fit into an iPad1's limited memory.
We may break out some examples due to this issue.</li>
<li>The Draw/Chart implementation is incomplete and does not include the following:
<li>New DataView/List implementation for large data sets</li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.0.2
Release Notes: Release Notes: June 28, 2012<br>
Version Number: 2.0.2
<li>[TOUCH-2815] Added better default styling to labels within toolbars</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2805] Added the option to autoSelect first option when you add options to a selectfield</li>
<li>Updated scrollable config to be evented</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2730] Updated pull to refresh plugin to listen to the change event and reapply listeners when needed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2642] Updated Map component to extend container which allows for masking</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2861] Removed onChange function from datepickerfield since it gets its change event form the picker</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2896] Removed unused minBackButtonWidth private property from NavigationBar</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2899] Removed old references to renderTpl from the documentation</li>
<li>Added information to getting started guide about using Miscrosft IIS</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2893] Allow year show be in reverse order for date picker</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2770] Added change event to Checkbox/Radio and unhide change event from Spinner</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2935] Added isSorted method to store</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2843] Added a 'clear' store event handler in Selectable</li>
<li>Changed Model.load# to return null instead of undefined when no records are returned</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2992] Form now only submits fields with name configured, per API docs</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2929, TOUCH-2829] Updated Template code from latest ExtJS - Fixed XTemplate parent value access from within a loop. Fixed extraneous Array.join in constructor of Template</li>
<li>Add username and password as configurations on Proxy and Request</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-2833] Fixed issue that may cause items not to be retrieved from the model cache</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2849] Fixed issue where passing a Filter instance to the filter method would not work</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2883] Fixed an issue where if you added records that already existed in the Store, it could potentially not add all new records</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2871] Fixed an issue where the loaded flag would not be set to true in TreeStore</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2858] Fixed the regular expression used to validate email addresses to support more valid addresses</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2855] Fixed an issue where dates would not be properly written by Writer</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2550, TOUCH-2874] Fixed inserting records into a Store that already existed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-1185] Fixed the boolean conversion in Types to be more similar to how Javascript handles booleans</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2918] Fixed an issue where having multiple TreeStore's using the same Model would cause the same root node to be used in each one, thus duplicating the data in each TreeStore</li>
<li>[TOUCH-137] Fixed Geolocation to use enableHighAccuracy instead of allowHightAccuracy</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2775/2776] Fixed spinnerfield, sliderfield and togglefield to support readOnly config</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2825] Fixed picker when hidden and destroyed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2798] Fixed inline example documentation for Layout</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2847] Fixed issue with SegmentedButton when adding/removing items</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2830] Fixed issue with selectfield where no value was being recognized when it was 0</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2830] Fixed issue where picker field was not getting the correct value</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2868] Fixed Ext.browser.is.WebView so that it is only true when you are on a device, not in a browser</li>
<li>Fixed the indicator timer so that it is properly cleared when an indicator is destroyed</li>
<li>Fixed NestedList's dependency on Ext.TitleBar</li>
<li>Fixed timing issue with phonegap device information api</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2890] Fixed WebView to Ext.browser.is supported value documentation</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2908] Fixed Update timeout for Ext.Ajax inline examples documentation</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2892] Fixed geolocation device api to not require phonegap version (which doesn't exist) and use standard html5 version</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2885] Fixed phone gap notification class to return button id/name in lowercase format like the standard simulator, sencha and Ext.MessageBox classes</li>
<li>Fixed issue with phonegap notification api where the buttons where being passed as an object</li>
<li>Fixed documentation for the component `border` config to make it clearer</li>
<li>Fixed issue with field set title where it would not wrap</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2914] Fixed issue with slot#setValue where ti was not finding an exact match</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2912] Fixed sizing of buttons width icons</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3001] Fixed isArray check on incorrect value in Form</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3004/TOUCH-2894] Fixed update disclosure logic in List</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2965] Fixed documentation for listPrefix to be more clear</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2930/TOUCH-3006] Fixed issues relating to orientation change not detecting properly on Android devices and being incorrect on Samsung tablets</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3005] Fixed pinHeader: false not being respected properly in Lists</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2905] Fixed issue that when changing the default animation of a NavigationView could break Button navigation</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2870] Fixed issue with inline config not working with Component based DataViews</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3015] Fixed issue with doSet call not checking if the method exists</li>
<li>Fixed issues with getXY on Chrome for Android by removing webkitConvertPointFromNodeToPage</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3036] Fixed an issue where the writer would write all dates as timestamps to the server</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3038] Fix isDirty for slider and toggle field</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2926] Fixed the filter function on Store to accept an array of filters</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2958] Fixed DataView to automatically destroy attached store when destroyed itself</li>
<li>[TOUCH-3032] Fixed Container's removeAll to clear the activeItem</li>
<li>Fixed an issue in Proxy that would prevent batch listeners to be added to the Batch instance</li>
<li>Fixed an issue in XML reader where incorrect nodes would be considered rootNodes</li>
<li>Known Issues
<li>Android 4 transitions are hampered by a <a
href="http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=25147" target="_blank">bug reported to
the Android team</a>. Help get its attention by starring the issue.
target="_blank">Dealing with localstorage and associations</a></li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.0.1
Release Notes: Release Notes: April 23, 2012<br>
Version Number: 2.0.1
<divstyle="margin: 10px">
<p><b>Special Notes:</b></p>
<p><b>If you are using a LocalStorage proxy, from now on your Model's <i>identifier</i> strategy must generate unique id's.
We suggest you use the included UUID strategy by adding <i>identifier: 'uuid'</i> to your Model definition. Any existing
Models you have saved to LocalStorage will need to have this added. A warning will be thrown for any Model configured
with a LocalStorage proxy that doesn't have a unique id generating strategy.</b></p>
<p>The <strong>change</strong> event in <i>Ext.field.Select</i> has been changed to return the new and old
values and not records. This is to make it more consistent with all other form fields.</p>
<p>The <strong>change</strong> event in <i>Ext.field.Slider</i> has been changed event now passes the Slider component</p>
<p>Removed the default Ext.MessageBox requirement, added a proper error when Ext.Msg is used without Ext.MessageBox the requirement</p>
<p>Refactored NavigationBar. NavigationBar now extends TitleBar and has ellipsis support. Animations in NavigationView on Android are now supported</p>
<p>Optimized Card Layout with extra absolute position wrapper, improves performance in complex applications and when docking items to the left/right</p>
<p>Implemented a new default ui for the radio field</p>
<p>Revamped Command, removed all binaries (now reside in SDK Tools installations entirely)</p>
<li>[TOUCH-2697] Added support for Cordova (PhoneGap 1.5+)</li>
<li>Added timestamp to the URL of every request to burst the browser's cache</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2365, TOUCH-1766] Changed local storage proxy to not generate id's for records. Instead it always uses the id defined on the record. This means that the model's identifier strategy has to generate unique id's when saving to local storage</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2674] Ext.layout.Card now uses this.cls + '-container' instead of a hard coded class name</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2516] Viewport's 'preventZooming' config is now false by default</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2732] Documented Model.isModel as private</li>
<li>Updated default generated app with more documentation and more defaults</li>
<li>Added performance optimizations to the layout css</li>
<li>Added performance optimizations to Card layout to prevent reflows</li>
<li>Added cleanups for icon, startupImage, factory() and docs</li>
<li>Added default startup images for retina-iPad</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2757] Updated hidden field to extend from field.Text so name attributes are added onto the input/component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2757] Updated standardSubmit in form.Panel so it enabled all input fields within spinner fields to be enabled so the value gets posted</li>
<li>Added "?breakpoint" support for the sencha-touch-all-debug.js build</li>
<li>Added error stack trace and cross-domain XHR for dependencies resolution script</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2784] Updated Flex documentation</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>Fixed a bug for production microloader builds</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2643] Fixed a bug with datepickerfield where the date format was not being updated</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2668] Fixed animations and the location where you can tap a toggle field</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2685] Fixed for radio fields when their value is 0</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2384] Fixed requires not working within an overridden class</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2469] Fixed card layout animation config proxying to sub-animation instances</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2641, TOUCH-2682, TOUCH-2689] Fixed memory leaks related to removing items from Collections, Model Cache and Stores</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2468] Fixed handling of XHR status code 0</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2522] Fixed documentation for Ext.onReady and marked Ext.isReady flag as private</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2452] Fixed 'activate' being fired twice initially for a card item</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2657, TOUCH-2309] Fixed delayed repainting issue on iOS for button pressing</li>
<li>[TOUCH-1265] Fixed issue with update method not loading associated data in DataView/List</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2716] Fixed issue with ListPaging allowing loadMore to be tapped when there are no more records</li>
<li>Fixed issue with setting both 'docked' and a floating option of a component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2419] Fixed Toggle's minValueCls and maxValueCls configs not being handled properly when changed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2394]Fixed Draggable and SizeMonitor to cleanup properly when an element is destroyed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2711] Fixed issue with initial tab configuration not showing</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2731] Fixed issue with select field where values passed to change event were just the display fields</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2665] Fixed issue with setActiveItem not working properly on a TabPanel</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2647] Fixed issue with 'selectionchange' not passing an array of the Models changed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2720] Fixed an issue with selectfield where setting the value with no store/options would cause a hard error</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2747] Fixed issue with incorrect event signatures in NestedList and Slider</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2645] Fixed issues relating to filtering the same property multiple times</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2645] Fixed an issue where records would be destroyed before adding them to a store</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2462] Fixed Sencha Command not respecting 'ignore' items when generating native builds</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2761] Fixed issue with NavigationView not hiding the back button if no animation is used</li>
<li>Fixed issue with unwrapping Translated components on Android</li>
<li>Fixed issue with destroying a Card layout during animation on Android</li>
<li>Fixed sync loading to load "cache-busting" URLs</li>
<li>Fixed startup image logic for iOS <= 4.3 where media query is not supported properly</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2777] Fixed itemtaphold event on Component based DataViews</li>
target="_blank">Dealing with localstorage and associations</a></li>
Release Notes for Sencha Touch 2.0.1.RC
Release Notes: Release Notes: March 30, 2012<br>
Version Number: 2.0.1.RC
<divstyle="margin: 10px">
<p><b>Special Notes:</b></p>
<p>The <strong>change</strong> event in <i>Ext.field.Select</i> has been changed to return the new and old
values and not records. This is to make it more consistent with all other form fields.</p>
<p>The <strong>change</strong> event in <i>Ext.field.Slider</i> has been changed event now passes the Slider component</p>
<p>Removed the default Ext.MessageBox requirement, added a proper error when Ext.Msg is used without Ext.MessageBox the requirement</p>
<p>Refactored NavigationBar. NavigationBar now extends TitleBar and has ellipsis support. Animations in NavigationView on Android are now supported</p>
<p>Optimized Card Layout with extra absolute position wrapper, improves performance in complex applications and when docking items to the left/right</p>
<p>Implemented a new default ui for the radio field</p>
<p>Revamped Command, removed all binaries (now reside in SDK Tools installations entirely)</p>
<li>[TOUCH-2450] Made all configs of Ext.data.Operation public, Fixed Model#save and #erase docs, The
success and failure methods were completely undocumented, Model#destroy was used in example instead
of #erase, added missing @accessor tags to Operation configs
<li>Normalized all example sass directories</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2390] setScrollable can now also accept a String as a parameter</li>
<li>Removed redundant stylesheet from O'Reilly example</li>
<li>Optimized Card Layout with extra absolute position wrapper</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2413] Updated icon docs for Ext.application and Ext.setup</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2391] Removed the 'tap hold' event from deprecation as it did not throw a proper warning. If
we do decide to add this deprecation in the future, a proper warning will be thrown
<li>[TOUCH-2495] Renamed power socket icon to be consistent with other icons</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2565] Added compass-recipes into the SDK</li>
<li>Added Geolocation#clearWatch method into native device api</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2502] Changed checkbox and radio to return null when not checked (for form submission)</li>
<li>Cleanup TitleBar, now uses resize events instead of directly accessing SizeMonitor</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2459, TOUCH-2487] Refactored NavigationBar. NavigationBar now extends TitleBar and has ellipsis support. Animations in NavigationView on Android are now supported</li>
<li>Added Push Notification api into device example</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2571] Select fields will now htmlEncode their display values of select field list</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2573] Added `labelWrap` config to Ext.field.Field</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2509] Added a check for element in Component#updateCls</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2557] Deprecated root in Writer to become rootProperty</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2581] Added a minimum width on all form fields so masks are always tappable</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2588] Added xindex property to DataView items for easy access to an item's current index (note this index is 1 based)</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2428] Added documentation to the Ext.Msg class demonstrating how to change its default configuration</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2504] Added drag, dragstart, and drag end events to Ext.field.Slider. Note that the signature for the 'change' event now passes the Slider component and the signature has been changed</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2527] Removed the custom getValue method form checkbox so the proper functionality works as expected (and documented)</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2395] Updated NavigationView and TabPanel to allow for the use of getTitle inside of just the title config in items</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2604] Removed x-textvalue model. using fields config instead</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2521] Documented the deprecation mon and mun</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2606] Added docs for preventZooming and making it public</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2331] Added focus to class system guide for update methods</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2617] Updated the submit logic slightly in form panel so submit is actually called in doSubmit</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2614] Removed the default rootVisible true configuration on TreeStore, as this is different behavior and might break certain apps</li>
<li>Added existence check for native methods before calling</li>
<li>Removed Ext.MessageBox require by default, with proper error when Ext.Msg is used without Ext.MessageBox being required beforehand</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2627] Updated the JsonP callback functions to get passed the request object</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2409] Enhanced unitizeBox to support different units per side, which allows padding, margin, border configurations on Components to contain em's etc</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2621] Updated toggle field functionality to allow for toggling when you tap anywhere on the component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2407] Added documentation for element option in addListener</li>
<li>Bug Fixes
<li>[TOUCH-2422] Fixed hideOnMaskTap docs</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2449] Fixed Broken link in Store guide</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2423] Fixed typos in Touch 2 AJAX guide</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2445] Fixed typos in Ext.Msg.prompt() docs</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2414] Fixed issue with trying to animate a component that is not painted</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2387] Fixed issue with NestedList and data disclosure property</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2464] Fixed issue with trying to destroy a DataView/List which still had select/deselect
events pending
<li>[TOUCH-2433] Fixed issue with the getStyle method when using flyweights</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2385] Fixed code examples in Object#fromQueryString</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2406] Fixed issue with DatePickerField when configured with a picker instance</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2429] Fixed Picker's cancel to not use the DOM and get a value it shouldn't have</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2401] Fixed incorrect class reference in Slot</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2392] Fixed DatePicker only accepting a value and not a Picker value</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2386] Fixed the styling of top tabs with badges</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2489] Fixed issue with StatusBarStyle meta tag</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2473] Fixed formatting of Spinner#defaultValue docs</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2476] Fixed an issue where multiple validations for the same field were not respected</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2405] Fixed Message box iconCls</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2508] Fixed Ext.device guide</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2400] Fixed requires in Select to use Ext.dataview.List instead of Ext.List</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2398] Fixed floating issues with list paging</li>
<li>Fixed device.Geolocation native class by removing Ext.emptyFn which does not exist in the native
<li>[TOUCH-2519] Fixed the submitOnAction config in form.Panel. It was targeting the form itself, not
fields within the form
<li>[TOUCH-2500] Fixed Media components to use the DOM to detect its current play state</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2378] Fixed action event bubbling in field</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2389] Fixed mistake in the documentation of the pause event for Ext.Media</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2499] Fixed Component hide/show to accept a boolean parameter as well as an object to control
<li>[TOUCH-2403] Fixed fullscreen check in Component to be a truthy check</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2485] Fixed issue with properly destroying Plugins</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2535] Fixed selectRange method for Selectable</li>
<li>Fixed issues with removal of items from some containers</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2393] Fixed issues with the check/uncheck event not firing properly on the radio field
component when there are multiple components
<li>[TOUCH-2455] Fixed the 'beforeselect' event on NesstedList which should have been
beforeselectionchange. Note as with this event in Selectable, it is deprecated in favor of using
<li>[TOUCH-2501] Fixed issue with setValues on form.Panel when you want to set an array of values to checkboxes</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2545] Fixed issue with some arguments not being sent to callback methods in MsgBox functions</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2556] Fixed issue with parseFloat causing a NaN on Android devices in a numberfield</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2548] Fixed labelAlign bottom in fields</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2497] Fixed List's onitemDisclosure to use the correct scope when passed as an option</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2555] Fixed the docs for iconMaskCls</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2484] Fixed cropping of tab labels</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2526] Fixed change event consistentency between different field types</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2561] Fixed issues with field.Number always returning 0 value, even when null (default)</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2550] Fixed an issue where the same record could be added to a DataView twice, even though it existed only once in the Store</li>
<li>Fixed a issue with Geolocation where destroy() was calling updateAutoUpdate, instead of setAutoUpdate</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2496] Fixed TreeStore node instantiation to correctly contain the raw data property and other information</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2570] Fixed issue when configuring a NestedList without a Toolbar</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2431] Fixed issue with select field where the store was always being set to try when extending the component</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2567] Fixed issue when a record update may result in a data view item being removed and not retain its selection</li>
<li>Fixed typo in Ext.util.Inflector code example</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2536] Fixed an issue where undefined and null would pass certain presence and format validations</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2402] Fixed the onStoreLoad method in NestedList to only go back to the root node if the currently visible node doesn't exist in the Store after the load anymore</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2448] Fixed issue with slider where the value sent to the change event wait being constrained twice</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2467] Fixed autoMaximize property to be forced to false when using a native WebView</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2372] Fixed the open loan button in kiva example + css issue with title</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2498] Fixed an issue where created and updated records in LocalStorage wouldn't be committed, and would thus still be marked dirty</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2550] Fixed NodeStore to correctly filter out child nodes that are being added through the NodeInterface#appendChild API</li>
<li>[TOUCH-1297] Fixed issue with TabPanel changing a tab event if the activeitemchange returned false</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2595] Fixed the pressing style of icon buttons in the neutral style toolbar</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2490] Fixed issue with setting animation: false on a Slider</li>
<li>Fixed inheritance from a parent class that is not already a subclass of Ext.Base</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2425] Fixed unnecessary 'action' listeners being added to a form panel</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2374] Fixed location of sencha logo in O'Reilly example</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2617] Fixed 'action' event in fields tow bubbled properly</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2617] Fixed the duplicate submit event from formpanel</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2355] Fixed the height of ui: plain buttons so popovers are at the correct location</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2616] Fixed references to Ext.EventManager</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2523] Fixed Ext.Error.raise reference in DirectProxy</li>
<li>Fixed Ajax to allow the passing of useDefaultXhrHeaders into the request method. Also added docs for useDefaultXhrHeaders and defaultXhrHeader on the Connection class itself</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2472] Fixed a typo that prevented Direct Events to work in certain cases</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2618] Fixed slow repaint issue on Component templates with iOS. Also removes the need for a forced repaint hack on iOS when hiding components.</li>
<li>[TOUCH-2623] Fixed slow repaint issue in a DataView when using a button to trigger a store update</li>
<li>Known Issues
<li>Android 4 transitions are hampered by a <a
href="http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=25147" target="_blank">bug reported to
the Android team</a>. Help get its attention by starring the issue.