"body":"The Presentation Editor is an online application that lets you look through and edit presentations directly in your browser . Using the Presentation Editor, you can perform various editing operations like in any desktop editor, print the edited presentations keeping all the formatting details or download them onto the hard disk drive of your computer as PPTX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP files. To view the current software version and licensor details in the online version, click the icon on the left sidebar. To view the current software version and licensor details in the desktop version for Windows, select the About menu item on the left sidebar of the main program window. In the desktop version for Mac OS, open the ONLYOFFICE menu at the top of the screen and select the About ONLYOFFICE menu item."
"body":"The Presentation Editor allows you to maintain constant team-wide approach to work flow: share files and folders, communicate right in the editor, comment certain parts of your presentations that require additional third-party input, save presentation versions for future use. In Presentation Editor you can collaborate on presentations in real time using two modes: Fast or Strict. The modes can be selected in the Advanced Settings. It's also possible to choose the necessary mode using the Co-editing Mode icon on the Collaboration tab of the top toolbar: The number of users who are working on the current presentation is specified on the right side of the editor header - . If you want to see who exactly is editing the file now, you can click this icon or open the Chat panel with the full list of the users. Fast mode The Fastmode is used by default and shows the changes made by other users in real time. When you co-edit a presentation in this mode, the possibility to Redo the last undone operation is not available. Thismode will show the actions and the names of the co-editors. When a presentation is being edited by several users simultaneously in thismode, the edited objects are marked with dashed lines of different colors. By hovering the mouse cursor over one of the edited passages, the name of the user who is editing it at the moment is displayed. Strict mode The Strict mode is selected to hide changes made by other users until you click theSaveicon to save your changes and accept the changes made by co-authors. When a presentation is being edited by several users simultaneously in the Strict mode, the edited objects (autoshapes, text objects, tables, images, charts) are marked with dashed lines of different colors. The object that you are editing is surrounded by the green dashed line. Red dashed lines indicate that objects are being edited by other users. As soon as one of the users saves their changes by clicking the icon, the others will see a note within the status bar stating that they have updates. To save the changes you made, so that other users can view them, and get the updates saved by your co-editors, click the icon in the left upper corner of the top toolbar. The updates will be highlighted for you to check what exactly has been changed. Anonymous Portal users who are not registered and do not have a profile are considered to be anonymous, although they still can collaborate on documents. To have a name assigned to them, the anonymous user should enter a name they prefer in the corresponding field appearing in the right top corner of the screen when they open the document for the first time. Activate the “Don’t ask me again” checkbox to preserve the name."
"body":"The Presentation Editor allows you to maintain constant team-wide approach to work flow: share files and folders, collaborate on presentations in real time, communicate right in the editor, save presentation versions for future use. In Presentation Editor you can leave comments to the content of presentations without actually editing it. Unlike chat messages, the comments stay until deleted. Leaving comments and replying to them To leave a comment to a certain object (text box, shape etc.): select an object where you think there is an error or problem, switch to the Insert or Collaboration tab of the top toolbar and click the Comment button, or right-click the selected object and select the Add Сomment option from the menu, enter the needed text, click the Add Comment/Add button. The object you commented will be marked with the icon. To view the comment, just click on this icon. To add a comment to a certain slide, select the slide and use the Comment button on the Insert or Collaboration tab of the top toolbar. The added comment will be displayed in the upper left corner of the slide. To create a presentation-level comment which is not related to a certain object or slide, click the icon on the left sidebar to open the Comments panel and use the Add Comment to Document link. The presentation-level comments can be viewed on the Comments panel. Comments related to objects and slides are also available here. Any other user can answer to the added comment asking questions or reporting on the work they have done. For this purpose, click the Add Reply link situated under the comment, type in your reply text in the entry field and press the Reply button. If you are using the Strict co-editing mode, new comments added by other users will become visible only after you click the icon in the left upper corner of the top toolbar. Managing comments You can manage the added comments using the icons in the comment balloon or on the Comments panel on the left: sort the added comments by clicking the icon: by date: Newest or Oldest. by author: Author from A to Z or Author from Z to A. by group: All or choose a certain group from the list. This sorting option is available if you are running a version that includes this functionality. edit the currently selected by clicking the icon, delete the currently selected by clicking the icon, close the currently selected discussion by clicking the icon if the task or problem you stated in your comment was solved, after that the discussion you opened with your comment gets the resolved status. To open it again, click the icon, if you want to manage comments in a bunch, open the Resolve drop-down menu on the Collaboration tab. Select one of the options for resolving comments: resolve current comments, resolve my comments or resolve all comments in the presentation. Adding mentions You can only add mentions to the comments made to the presentation content and not to the presentation itself. When entering comments, you can use the mentions feature that allows you to attract somebody's attention to the comment and send a notification to the mentioned user via email and Talk. To add a mention, Enter the \"+\" or \"@\"signanywhereinthecommenttext-alistoftheportaluserswillopen.Tosimplifythesearchprocess,youcanstarttypinganameinthecommentfield-theuserlistwillchangeasyoutype.Selectthenecessarypersonfromthelist.Ifthefilehasnotyetbeensharedwiththementioneduser,theSharingSettingswindowwillopen.Readonlyaccesstypeisselectedbydefault.Changeitifnecessary.ClickOK.Thementioneduserwillreceiveanemailnotificationthattheyhavebeenmentionedinacomment.Ifthefilehasbeenshared,theuserwillalsoreceiveacorrespondingnotification.RemovingcommentsToremovecomments,clicktheRemovebuttonontheCollaborationtabofthetoptoolbar,selectthenecessaryoptionfromthemenu:RemoveCurrentComments-toremovethecurrentlyselectedcomment.Ifsomereplieshavebeenaddedtothecomment,allitsrepli
"body":"KeyboardShortcutsforKeyTipsUsekeyboardshortcutsforafasterandeasieraccesstothefeaturesofthePresentationEditorwithoutusingamouse.PressAltkeytoturnonallkeytipsfortheeditorheader,thetoptoolbar,therightandleftsidebarsandthestatusbar.Presstheletterthatcorrespondstotheitemyouwishtouse.Theadditionalkeytipsmayappeardependingonthekeyyoupress.Thefirstkeytipshidewhenadditionalkeytipsappear.Forexample,toaccesstheInserttab,pressAlttoseeallprimarykeytips.PressletterItoaccesstheInserttabandyouwillseealltheavailableshortcutsforthistab.Thenpresstheletterthatcorrespondstotheitemyouwishtoconfigure.PressAlttohideallkeytips,orpressEscapetogobacktothepreviousgroupofkeytips.Findthemostcommonkeyboardshortcutsinthelistbelow:Windows/LinuxMacOSWorkingwithPresentationOpen'File'panelAlt+F⌥Option+FOpentheFilepaneltosave,download,printthecurrentpresentation,viewitsinfo,createanewpresentationoropenanexistingone,accessthePresentationEditorhelporadvancedsettings.Open'Search'dialogboxCtrl+F^Ctrl+F,⌘Cmd+FOpentheSearchdialogboxtostartsearchingforacharacter/word/phraseinthecurrentlyeditedpresentation.Open'Comments'panelCtrl+⇧Shift+H^Ctrl+⇧Shift+H,⌘Cmd+⇧Shift+HOpentheCommentspaneltoaddyourowncommentorreplytootherusers' comments. Open comment field Alt+H ⌥ Option+H Open a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment. Open 'Chat' panel Alt+Q ⌥ Option+Q Open the Chat panel and send a message. Save presentation Ctrl+S ^ Ctrl+S, ⌘ Cmd+S Save all the changes to the presentation currently edited with the Presentation Editor. The active file will be saved under its current name, in the same location and file format. Print presentation Ctrl+P ^ Ctrl+P, ⌘ Cmd+P Print the presentation with one of the available printers or save it to a file. Download As... Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S ^ Ctrl+⇧ Shift+S, ⌘ Cmd+⇧ Shift+S Open the Download as... panel to save the currently edited presentation to the hard disk drive of your computer in one of the supported formats: PPTX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP, PNG, JPG. Full screen F11 Switch to the full screen view to fit the Presentation Editor into your screen. Help menu F1 F1 Open the Presentation Editor Help menu. Open existing file (Desktop Editors) Ctrl+O On the Open local file tab in Desktop Editors, opens the standard dialog box that allows selecting an existing file. Close file (Desktop Editors) Ctrl+W, Ctrl+F4 ^ Ctrl+W, ⌘ Cmd+W Close the current presentation window in Desktop Editors. Element contextual menu ⇧ Shift+F10 ⇧ Shift+F10 Open the selected element contextual menu. Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter Ctrl+0 ^ Ctrl+0 or ⌘ Cmd+0 Reset the ‘Zoom’ parameter of the current presentation to the default 'Fittoslide'value.NavigationThefirstslideHomeHome,Fn+←Gotothefirstslideofthecurrentlyeditedpresentation.ThelastslideEndEnd,Fn+→Gotothelastslideofthecurrentlyeditedpresentation.NextslidePageDownPageDown,Fn+↓Gotothenextslideofthecurrentlyeditedpresentation.PreviousslidePageUpPageUp,Fn+↑Gotothepreviousslideofthecurrentlyeditedpresentation.ZoomInCtrl++^Ctrl+=,⌘Cmd+=Zoominthecurrentlyeditedpresentation.ZoomOutTab/Shift+Tab↹Tab/⇧Shift+↹TabZoomoutthecurrentlyeditedpresentation.Navigatebetweencontrolsinmodaldialogues↹Tab/⇧Shift+↹Tab↹Tab/⇧Shift+↹TabNavigatebetweencontrolstogivefocustothenextorpreviouscontrolinmodaldialogues.PerformingActionsonSlidesNewslideCtrl+M^Ctrl+MCreateanewslideandadditaftertheselectedoneinthelist.DuplicateslideCtrl+D⌘Cmd+DDuplicatetheselectedslideinthelist.MoveslideupCtrl+↑⌘Cmd+↑Movetheselectedslideabovethepreviousoneinthelist.MoveslidedownCtrl+↓⌘Cmd
"body":"The Presentation Editor offers several tools to help you view and navigate through your presentation: zoom, previous/next slide buttons and slide number indicator. Adjust the View Settings To adjust default view settings and set the most convenient mode to work with the presentation, click the View settings icon on the right side of the editor header and select which interface elements you want to be hidden or shown. You can select the following options from the View settings drop-down list: Hide Toolbar - hides the top toolbar that contains commands while tabs remain visible. When this option is enabled, you can click any tab to display the toolbar. The toolbar is displayed until you click anywhere outside it. To disable this mode, click the View settings icon and click the Hide Toolbar option once again. The top toolbar will be displayed all the time. Note: alternatively, you can just double-click any tab to hide the top toolbar or display it again. Hide Status Bar - hides the bottommost bar where the Slide Number Indicator and Zoom buttons are situated. To show the hidden Status Bar, click this option once again. Hide Rulers - hides rulers which are used to set up tab stops and paragraph indents within the text boxes. To show the hidden Rulers, click this option once again. Hide notes - hides the notes section below the slide. This section can also be hidden/shown by dragging it with the mouse cursor. The right sidebar is minimized by default. To expand it, select any object/slide and click the icon of the currently activated tab on the right. To minimize the right sidebar, click the icon once again. The left sidebar width is adjusted by simple drag-and-drop: move the mouse cursor over the left sidebar border so that it turns into the bidirectional arrow and drag the border to the left to reduce the sidebar width or to the right to extend it. Use the Navigation Tools To navigate through your presentation, use the following tools: The Zoom buttons are situated in the right lower corner and are used to zoom in and out the current presentation. To change the currently selected zoom value that is displayed in percent, click it and select one of the available zoom options from the list (50% / 75% / 100% / 125% / 150% / 175% / 200% / 300% / 400% / 500%) or use the Zoom in or Zoom out buttons. Click the Fit to width icon to fit the slide width to the visible part of the working area. To fit the whole slide to the visible part of the working area, click the Fit to slide icon. Zoom settings are also available in the View settings drop-down list that can be useful if you decide to hide the Status Bar. Note: you can set a default zoom value. Switch to the File tab of the top toolbar, go to the Advanced Settings... section, choose the necessary Default Zoom Value from the list and click the Apply button. To go to the previous or next slide when editing the presentation, you can use the and buttons at the top and bottom of the vertical scroll bar located to the right of the slide. The Slide Number Indicator shows the current slide as a part of all the slides in the current presentation (slide 'n' of 'nn'). Click this caption to open the window where you can enter the slide number and quickly go to it. If you decide to hide the Status Bar, this tool will become inaccessible."
"body":"You can protect your presentations with a password that is required to enter the editing mode by your co-authors. The password can be changed or removed later on. The password cannot be restored if you lose or forget it. Please keep it in a safe place. Setting a password go to the File tab at the top toolbar, choose the Protect option, click the Add password button, set a password in the Password field and repeat it in the Repeat password field below, then click OK. Click to show or hide password characters when entered. Changing a password go to the File tab at the top toolbar, choose the Protect option, click the Change password button, set a password in the Password field and repeat it in the Repeat password field below, then click OK. Deleting a password go to the File tab at the top toolbar, choose the Protect option, click the Delete password button."
"body":"Search and Replace Function To search for the needed characters, words or phrases in the Presentation Editor, click the icon situated on the left sidebar or use the Ctrl+F key combination. The Find and Replace window will open: Type in your inquiry into the corresponding data entry field. Specify search parameters by clicking the icon and checking the necessary options: Case sensitive - is used to find only the occurrences typed in the same case as your inquiry (e.g. if your inquiry is 'Editor' and this option is selected, such words as 'editor' or 'EDITOR' etc. will not be found). To disable this option click it once again. Click one of the arrow buttons on the right. The search will be performed either towards the beginning of the presentation (if you click the button) or towards the end of the presentation (if you click the button) from the current position. The first slide in the selected direction that contains the characters you entered will be highlighted in the slide list and displayed in the working area with the required characters outlined. If it is not the slide you are looking for, click the selected button again to find the next slide containing the characters you entered. To replace one or more occurrences of the found characters, click the Replace link below the data entry field or use the Ctrl+H key combination. The Find and Replace window will change: Type in the replacement text into the bottom data entry field. Click the Replace button to replace the currently selected occurrence or the Replace All button to replace all the found occurrences. To hide the replace field, click the Hide Replace link."
"body":"The Presentation Editor allows you to check the spelling of your text in a certain language and correct mistakes while editing. In the desktop version, it's also possible to add words into a custom dictionary which is common for all three editors. Starting from version 6.3, the ONLYOFFICE editors support the SharedWorker interface for smoother operation without significant memory consumption. If your browser does not support SharedWorker then just Worker will be active. For more information about SharedWorker please refer to this article. First of all, choose a language for your presentation. Click the icon on the right side of the status bar. In the opened window, select the necessary language and click OK. The selected language will be applied to the whole presentation. To choose a different language for any piece of text within the presentation, select the necessary text passage with the mouse and use the menu on the status bar. To enable the spell checking option, you can: click the Spell checking icon at the status bar, or open the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Advanced Settings... option, check the Turn on spell checking option box and click the Apply button. Incorrectly spelled words will be underlined with a red line. Right click on the necessary word to activate the menu and: choose one of the suggested similar words spelled correctly to replace the misspelled word with the suggested one. If too many variants are found, the More variants... option appears in the menu; use the Ignore option to skip just that word and remove underlining or Ignore All to skip all the identical words repeated in the text; if the current word is missed in the dictionary, you can add it to the custom dictionary. This word will not be treated as a mistake next time. This option is available in the desktop version. select a different language for this word. To disable the spell checking option, you can: click the Spell checking icon on the status bar, or open the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Advanced Settings... option, uncheck the Turn on spell checking option box and click the Apply button."
"body":"Supported Formats of Electronic Presentation A presentation is a set of slides that may include different types of content such as images, media files, text, effects, etc. The Presentation Editor handles the following presentation formats: Formats Description View Edit Download PPT File format used by Microsoft PowerPoint + + PPTX Office Open XML Presentation Zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for representing spreadsheets, charts, presentations, and word processing documents + + + POTX PowerPoint Open XML Document Template Zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for presentation templates. A POTX template contains formatting settings, styles, etc. and can be used to create multiple presentations with the same formatting + + + ODP OpenDocument Presentation File format that represents presentations created by Impress application, which is a part of OpenOffice based office suites + + + OTP OpenDocument Presentation Template OpenDocument file format for presentation templates. An OTP template contains formatting settings, styles, etc. and can be used to create multiple presentations with the same formatting + + + PDF Portable Document Format File format used to represent documents regardless of application software, hardware, and operating systems used. + PDF/A Portable Document Format / A An ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) designed for archivation and long-term preservation of electronic documents. + PNG Portable Network Graphics PNG is a raster-graphics file format that is widely used on the web rather than for photography and artwork. + JPG Joint Photographic Experts Group The most common compressed image format used for storing and transmitting digital images. +"
"body":"The Presentation Editor allows you to maintain constant team-wide approach to work flow: share files and folders, collaborate on presentations in real time, comment certain parts of your presentations that require additional third-party input, save presentation versions for future use. In Presentation Editor you can communicate with your co-editors in real time using the built-in Chat tool as well as a number of useful plugins, i.e. Telegram or Rainbow. To access the Chat tool and leave a message for other users, click the icon at the left sidebar, enter your text into the corresponding field below, press the Send button. The chat messages are stored during one session only. To discuss the presentation content, it is better to use comments which are stored until they are deleted. All the messages left by users will be displayed on the panel on the left. If there are new messages you haven't read yet, the chat icon will look like this - . To close the panel with chat messages, click the icon once again."
"title":"Version history",
"body":"The Presentation Editor allows you to maintain constant team-wide approach to work flow: share files and folders, collaborate on presentations in real time, communicate right in the editor, comment certain parts of your presentations that require additional third-party input. In Presentation Editor you can view the version history of the presentation you collaborate on. Viewing version history: To view all the changes made to the presentation, go to the File tab, select theVersion Historyoption at the left sidebar or go to the Collaboration tab, open the history of versions using the Version Historyicon at the top toolbar. You'll see the list of the presentation versions and revisions with the indication of each version/revision author and creation date and time. For presentation versions, the version number is also specified (e.g.ver. 2). Viewing versions: To know exactly which changes have been made in each separate version/revision, you can view the one you need by clicking it on the left sidebar. The changes made by the version/revision author are marked with the color which is displayed next to the author's name on the left sidebar. To return to the current version of the presentation, use theClose Historyoption on the top of the version list. Restoring versions: If you need to roll back to one of the previous versions of the presentation, click theRestorelink below the selected version/revision. To learn more about managing versions and intermediate revisions, as well as restoring previous versions, please read the following article."
"title":"Animation tab",
"body":"The Animation tab of the Presentation Editor allows you to manage animation effects. You can add animation effects, determine how the animation effects move, and configure other animation effects parameters to customize your presentation. The corresponding window of the Online Presentation Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Presentation Editor: Using this tab, you can: select an animation effect, set the appropriate movement parametersfor each animation effect, add multiple animations, change the order of the animation effects using Move Earlier or Move Later options, preview the animation effect, set the animation timing options such as duration, delay and repeat options for animation effects, enable and disable the rewind."
"body":"The Collaboration tab in the Presentation Editor allows collaborating on presentations. In the online version, you can share a file, select a co-editing mode and manage comments. In the commenting mode, you can add and remove comments and use the chat. In the desktop version, you can only manage comments. The corresponding window of the Online Presentation Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Presentation Editor: Using this tab, you can: specify the sharing settings (available in the online version only), switch between the Strict and Fast co-editing modes (available in the online version only), add comments to your presentation and remove them, open the Chat panel (available in the online version only), track the version history (available in the online version only)."
"body":"The File tab in the Presentation Editor allows performing some basic file operations. The corresponding window of the Online Presentation Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Presentation Editor: Using this tab, you can: in the online version, save the current file (in case the Autosave option is disabled), download as (save the document in the selected format to the hard disk drive of your computer), save copy as (save a copy of the document in the selected format to the portal documents), print or rename it, in the desktop version, save the current file keeping the current format and location using the Save option or save the current file under a different name and change its location or format using the Save as option, print the file. protect the file using a password, change or remove the password; protect the file using a digital signature (available in the desktop version only); create a new presentation or open a recently edited one (available in the online version only), view general information about the presentation or change some file properties, manage access rights (available in the online version only), access the Advanced Settings of the editor, in the desktop version, open the folder, where the file is stored, in the File Explorer window. In the online version, open the folder of the Documents module, where the file is stored, in a new browser tab."
"body":"The Home tab in the Presentation Editor opens by default when you open a presentation. It allows you to set general slide parameters, format text, insert some objects, align and arrange them. The corresponding window of the Online Presentation Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Presentation Editor: Using this tab, you can: manage slides and start a slideshow, format text within a text box, insert text boxes, pictures, shapes, align and arrange objects on a slide, copy/clear text formatting, change a theme, color scheme or slide size."
"body":"The Insert tab in the Presentation Editor allows adding visual objects and comments to your presentation. The corresponding window of the Online Presentation Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Presentation Editor: Using this tab, you can: insert tables, insert text boxes and Text Art objects, pictures, shapes, charts, insert comments and hyperlinks, insert footers, date and time, slide numbers. insert equations, symbols, insert audio and video records stored on the hard disk drive of your computer (available in the desktop version only, not available for Mac OS). Note: to be able to playback video, you'll need to install codecs, for example,K-Lite."
"body":"The Plugins tab in the Presentation Editor makes it possible to access the advanced editing features using the available third-party components. Here you can also use macros to simplify routine operations. The corresponding window of the Online Presentation Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Presentation Editor: The Settings button allows you to open the window where you can view and manage all installed plugins and add your own ones. The Macros button allows to open the window where you can create your own macros and run them. To learn more about macros, please refer to our API Documentation. Currently, the following plugins are available: Send allows sending the presentation via email using the default desktop mail client (available in the desktop version only), Highlight code allows highlighting the code syntax by selecting the necessary language, style, background color, etc., Photo Editor allows editing images: cropping, flipping, rotating, drawing lines and shapes, adding icons and text, loading a mask and applying filters such as Grayscale, Invert, Sepia, Blur, Sharpen, Emboss, etc., Thesaurus allows finding synonyms and antonyms for the selected word and replacing it with the chosen one, Translator allows translating the selected text into other languages, Note: this plugin doesn't work in Internet Explorer. YouTube allows embedding YouTube videos into your presentation. To learn more about plugins, please refer to our API Documentation. All the currently existing open source plugin examples are available on GitHub."
"body":"The Presentation Editor uses a tabbed interface where editing commands are grouped into tabs according to their functionality. Main window of the Online Presentation Editor: Main window of the Desktop Presentation Editor: The editor interface consists of the following main elements: The Editor header displays the logo, tabs for all opened presentations with their names and menu tabs. On the left side of the Editor header, the Save, Print file, Undo and Redo buttons are located. On the right side of the Editor header, along with the user name the following icons are displayed: Open file location - in the desktop version, it allows opening the folder, where the file is stored, in the File Explorer window. In the online version, it allows opening the folder of the Documents module, where the file is stored, in a new browser tab. View Settings - allows adjusting the View Settings and accessing the Advanced Settings of the editor. Manage document access rights - (available in the online version only) allows setting access rights for the documents stored in the cloud. Mark as favorite - click the star to add a file to favorites as to make it easy to find. The added file is just a shortcut so the file itself remains stored in its original location. Deleting a file from favorites does not remove the file from its original location. The Top toolbar displays a set of editing commands depending on the selected menu tab. Currently, the following tabs are available: File, Home, Insert, Transitions, Animation, Collaboration, Protection, Plugins. The Copy and Paste options are always available on the left side of the Top toolbar regardless of the selected tab. The Status bar at the bottom of the editor window contains the Start slideshow icon, some navigation tools: slide number indicator and zoom buttons. The Status bar also displays some notifications (such as \"All changes saved\", ‘Connection is lost’ when there is no connection and the editor is trying to reconnect etc.) and allows setting the text language and enable spell checking. The Left sidebar contains the following icons: - allows using the Search and Replace tool, - allows opening the Comments panel, - (available in the online version only) allows opening the Chat panel, - (available in the online version only) allows contacting our support team, - (available in the online version only) allows viewing the information about the program. The Right sidebar allows adjusting additional parameters of different objects. When you select a particular object on a slide, the corresponding icon is activated on the right sidebar. Click this icon to expand the right sidebar. The horizontal and vertical Rulers help you place objects on a slide and allow you to set up tab stops and paragraph indents within the text boxes. The Working area allows viewing the presentation content, entering and editing data. The Scroll bar on the right allows scrolling the presentation up and down. For your convenience, you can hide some components and display them again when necessary. To learn more on how to adjust the view settings, please refer to this page."
"body":"The Transitions tab in the Presentation Editor allows you to manage slide transitions. You can add transition effects, set the transition speed and configure other slide transition parameters to customize your presentation. The corresponding window of the Online Presentation Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Presentation Editor: Using this tab, you can: select a transition effect, set appropriate parameter values for each transition effect, define a transition duration, preview a transition after setup, specify how long you want the slide to be displayed by checking the Start on clickand Delayoptions, apply the transition to all slides by clicking the Apply to all Slides button."
"title":"View tab",
"body":"The View tab of the Presentation Editor allows you to manage how your presentation looks like while you are working on it. The corresponding window of the Online Presentation Editor: The corresponding window of the Desktop Presentation Editor: View options available on this tab: Zoom allows to zoom in and zoom out your document, Fit to slide allows to resize the slide so that the screen displays the whole slide, Fit to width allows to resize the slide so that the slide scales to fit the width of the screen, Interface theme allows to change interface theme by choosing Light, Classic Light or Dark theme. The following options allow you to configure the elements to display or to hide. Check the elements to make them visible: Notes to make the notes panel always visible, Rulers to make rulers always visible, Always show toolbar to make the top toolbar always visible, Status bar to make the status bar always visible."
"body":"To add a hyperlink in the Presentation Editor, place the cursor within the text box where a hyperlink should be added, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the Hyperlink icon on the top toolbar, after that the Hyperlink Settings window will appear where you can specify the hyperlink parameters: Select a link type you wish to insert: Use the External Link option and enter a URL in the format http://www.example.com in the Link to field below if you need to add a hyperlink leading to an external website. Use the Slide In This Presentation option and select one of the options below if you need to add a hyperlink leading to a certain slide in the same presentation. The following options are available: Next Slide, Previous Slide, First Slide, Last Slide, Slide with the specified number. Display - enter a text that will get clickable and lead to the web address/slide specified in the upper field. ScreenTip text - enter a text that will become visible in a small pop-up window with a brief note or label pertaining to the hyperlink to be pointed. Click the OK button. To add a hyperlink, you can also use the Ctrl+K key combination or click with the right mouse button where a hyperlink should be added and select the Hyperlink option in the right-click menu. Note: it's also possible to select a character, word or word combination with the mouse or using the keyboard and then open the Hyperlink Settings window as described above. In this case, the Display field will be filled with the text fragment you selected. By hovering the cursor over the added hyperlink, the ScreenTip will appear containing the text you specified. You can follow the link by pressing the CTRL key and clicking the link in your presentation. To edit or delete the added hyperlink, click it with the right mouse button, select the Hyperlink option in the right-click menu and then the action you want to perform - Edit Hyperlink or Remove Hyperlink."
"body":"A transition is an effect that appears when one slide advances to the next one during presentation. In the Presentation Editor, you can apply the same transition to all slides or different transitions to each separate slide and adjust the transition parameters. To apply a transition to a single slide or several selected slides: Switch to the Transitions tab on the top toolbar. Select a slide (or several slides in the slide list) you want to apply a transition to. Select one of the available transition effects on the Transition tab: None, Fade, Push, Wipe, Split, Uncover, Cover, Clock, Zoom. Click the Parameters button to select one of the available effect options that define exactly how the effect appears. For example, the options available for Zoom effect are Zoom In, Zoom Out and Zoom and Rotate. Specify how long you want the transition to last. In the Duration box, enter or select the necessary time value, measured in seconds. Press the Preview button to view the slide with the transition applied in the slide editing area. Specify how long you want the slide to be displayed until it advances to the next one: Start on click – check this box if you don't want to restrict the time to display the selected slide. The slide will advance to the next one only when you click it with the mouse. Delay – use this option if you want the selected slide to be displayed within a specified period of time until it advances to the next one. Check this box and enter or select the necessary time value, measured in seconds. Note: if you check only the Delay box, the slides will advance automatically within a specified time interval. If you check both the Start on click and the Delay boxes and set the delay value, the slides will advance automatically as well, but you will also be able to click a slide to advance it to the next. To apply a transition to all slides in your presentation, click the Apply to All Slides button on the Transitions tab. To delete a transition, select the necessary slide and choose None among the transition effect options on the Transitions tab. To delete all transitions, select any slide, choose None among the transition effect options and press the Apply to All Slides button on the Transitions tab."
"body":"In ONLYOFFICE Presentation Editor, you can always keep in touch with colleagues and use popular online messengers, such as Telegram and Rainbow. Telegram and Rainbow plugins are not installed by default. To find information on how to install them, please, refer to the corresponding article: Adding plugins to the ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors Adding plugins to ONLYOFFICE Cloud, or Adding new plugins to server editors . Telegram To start chatting in the Telegram plugin, Switch to the Plugins tab and click Telegram, enter your phone number into the corresponding field, check the Keep me signed in checkbox if you want to save credentials for the current session and click the Next button, enter the code you've received in your Telegram app, or log in using the QR code, open Telegram app on your phone, go to Settings > Devices > Scan QR, scan the image to Log in. Now you can use Telegram for instant messaging within ONLYOFFICE editors interface. Rainbow To start chatting in the Rainbow plugin, Switch to the Plugins tab and click Rainbow, register a new account by clicking the Sign up button, or log into an already created one. To do this, enter your email into the corresponding field and click Continue, then enter your account password, check the Keep my session alive checkbox if you want to save credentials for the current session, and click the Connect button. Now you're all set and can simultaneously chat in Rainbow and work within ONLYOFFICE editors interface."
"body":"To copy a certain text formatting in the Presentation Editor, select the text passage whose formatting you need to copy with the mouse or using the keyboard, click the Copy style icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar (the mouse pointer will look like this ), select the text passage you want to apply the same formatting to. To apply the copied formatting to multiple text passages, select the text passage whose formatting you need to copy with the mouse or using the keyboard, double-click the Copy style icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar (the mouse pointer will look like this and the Copy style icon will remain selected: ), select the necessary text passages one by one to apply the same formatting to each of them, to exit this mode, click the Copy style icon once again or press the Esc key on the keyboard. To quickly remove the formatting that you have applied to a text passage, select the text passage which formatting you want to remove, click the Clear style icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar."
"body":"Use basic clipboard operations To cut, copy and paste the selected objects (slides, text passages, autoshapes) in the Presentation Editor or undo/redo your actions, use the corresponding options from the right-click menu, keyboard shortcuts or icons available on any tab of the top toolbar: Cut – select an object and use the Cut option from the right-click menu to delete the selection and send it to the computer clipboard memory. The cut data can be later inserted to another place in the same presentation. Copy – select an object and use the Copy option from the right-click menu or the Copy icon on the top toolbar to copy the selection to the computer clipboard memory. The copied object can be later inserted to another place in the same presentation. Paste – find the place in your presentation where you need to paste the previously copied object and use the Paste option from the right-click menu or the Paste icon on the top toolbar. The object will be inserted to the current cursor position. The object can be previously copied from the same presentation. In the online version, the following key combinations are only used to copy or paste data from/into another presentation or some other program, in the desktop version, both the corresponding buttons/menu options and key combinations can be used for any copy/paste operations: Ctrl+C key combination for copying; Ctrl+V key combination for pasting; Ctrl+X key combination for cutting. Use the Paste Special feature Note: For collaborative editing, the Pase Special feature is available in the Strict co-editing mode only. Once the copied data is pasted, the Paste Special button appears next to the inserted text passage/object. Click this button to select the necessary paste option. When pasting text passages, the following options are available: Use destination theme - allows applying the formatting specified by the theme of the current presentation. This option is used by default. Keep source formatting - allows keeping the source formatting of the copied text. Picture - allows pasting the text as an image so that it cannot be edited. Keep text only - allows pasting the text without its original formatting. When pasting objects (autoshapes, charts, tables), the following options are available: Use destination theme - allows applying the formatting specified by the theme of the current presentation. This option is used by default. Picture - allows pasting the object as an image so that it cannot be edited. To enable / disable the automatic appearance of the Paste Special button after pasting, go to the File tab > Advanced Settings... and check / uncheck the Cut, copy and paste checkbox. Use the Undo/Redo operations To undo/redo your actions, use the corresponding icons on the left side of the editor header or keyboard shortcuts: Undo – use the Undo icon to undo the last operation you performed. Redo – use the Redo icon to redo the last undone operation. You can also use the Ctrl+Z key combination for undoing or Ctrl+Y for redoing. Note: when you co-edit a presentation in the Fast mode, the possibility to Redo the last undone operation is not available."
"body":"To create a list in the Presentation Editor, place the cursor where a list should start (this can be a new line or the already entered text), switch to the Home tab of the top toolbar, select the list type you would like to start: Unordered list with markers is created using the Bullets icon situated on the top toolbar Ordered list with digits or letters is created using the Numbering icon situated at the top toolbar Note: click the downward arrow next to the Bullets or Numbering icon to select how the list is going to look like. now each time you press the Enter key at the end of the line, a new ordered or unordered list item will appear. To stop that, press the Backspace key and continue with the common text paragraph. You can also change the text indentation in the lists and their nesting using the Decrease indent , and Increase indent icons on the Home tab of the top toolbar. Note: the additional indentation and spacing parameters can be changed on the right sidebar and in the advanced settings window. To learn more about it, read the Insert and format your text section. Change the list settings To change the bulleted or numbered list settings, such as a bullet type, size and color: click an existing list item or select the text you want to format as a list, click the Bullets or Numbering icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar, select the List Settings option, the List Settings window will open. The bulleted list settings window looks like this: The numbered list settings window looks like this: For the bulleted list, you can choose a character used as a bullet, while for the numbered list you can choose what number the list Starts at. The Size and Color options are the same both for the bulleted and numbered lists. Size - allows you to select the necessary bullet/number size depending on the current size of the text. It can be a value ranging from 25% to 400%. Color - allows you to select the necessary bullet/number color. You can select one of the theme colors, or standard colors on the palette, or specify a custom color. Bullet - allows you to select the necessary character used for the list. When you click on the Bullet field, the Symbol window opens, and you can choose one of the available characters. For Bulleted lists, you can also add a new symbol. To learn more on how to work with symbols, please refer to this article. Start at - allows you to select the nesessary sequence number a numbered list starts from. click OK to apply the changes and close the settings window."
"body":"In the Presentation Editor, you can embed highlighted code with the already adjusted style in accordance with the programming language and coloring style of the program you have chosen. Go to your presentation and place the cursor at the location where you want to include the code. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Highlight code. Specify the programming Language. Select a Style of the code so that it appears as if it were open in this program. Specify if you want to replace tabs with spaces. Choose Background color. To do this, manually move the cursor over the palette or insert the RGB/HSL/HEX value. Click OK to insert the code."
"body":"InsertanautoshapeToaddanautoshapetoaslideinthePresentationEditor,intheslidelistontheleft,selecttheslideyouwanttoaddtheautoshapeto,clicktheShapeiconontheHometabortheShapegallerydropdownarrowontheInserttabofthetoptoolbar,selectoneoftheavailableautoshapegroupsfromtheShapeGallery:RecentlyUsed,BasicShapes,FiguredArrows,Math,Charts,Stars&Ribbons,Callouts,Buttons,Rectangles,Lines,clickonthenecessaryautoshapewithintheselectedgroup,intheslideeditingarea,placethemousecursorwhereyouwanttheshapetobeput,Note:youcanclickanddragtostretchtheshape.oncetheautoshapeisadded,youcanchangeitssize,positionandproperties.Note:toaddacaptionwithintheautoshape,makesuretheshapeisselectedontheslideandstarttypingyourtext.Thetextyouaddinthiswaybecomesapartoftheautoshape(whenyoumoveorrotatetheshape,thetextmovesorrotateswithit).It's also possible to add an autoshape to a slide layout. To learn more, please refer to this article. Adjust autoshape settings Some of the autoshape settings can be altered using the Shape settings tab of the right sidebar. To activate it, click the autoshape and choose the Shape settings icon on the right. Here you can change the following properties: Fill - use this section to select the autoshape fill. You can choose the following options: Color Fill - to specify the solid color you want to apply to the selected shape. Gradient Fill - to fill the shape with two colors which smoothly change from one to another. Picture or Texture - to use an image or a predefined texture as the shape background. Pattern - to fill the shape with a two-colored design composed of regularly repeated elements. No Fill - select this option if you don'twanttouseanyfill.Formoredetailedinformationontheseoptions,pleaserefertotheFillobjectsandselectcolorssection.Line-usethissectiontochangethewidth,colorortypeoftheautoshapeline.Tochangethelinewidth,selectoneoftheavailableoptionsfromtheSizedrop-downlist.Theavailableoptionsare:0.5pt,1pt,1.5pt,2.25pt,3pt,4.5pt,6pt.OrselecttheNoLineoptionifyoudon'twanttouseanyline.Tochangethelinecolor,clickonthecoloredboxbelowandselectthenecessarycolor.Youcanusetheselectedthemecolor,astandardcolororchooseacustomcolor.Tochangethelinetype,selectthenecessaryoptionfromthecorrespondingdropdownlist(asolidlineisappliedbydefault,youcanchangeittooneoftheavailabledashedlines).Rotationisusedtorotatetheshapeby90degreesclockwiseorcounterclockwiseaswellastofliptheshapehorizontallyorvertically.Clickoneofthebuttons:torotatetheshapeby90degreescounterclockwisetorotatetheshapeby90degreesclockwisetofliptheshapehorizontally(lefttoright)tofliptheshapevertically(upsidedown)ChangeAutoshape-usethissectiontoreplacethecurrentautoshapewithanotheroneselectedfromthedropdownlist.Showshadow-checkthisoptiontodisplayshapewithshadow.Tochangetheadvancedsettingsoftheautoshape,right-clicktheshapeandselecttheShapeAdvancedSettingsoptionfromthecontextualmenuorleft-clickitandpresstheShowadvancedsettingslinkontherightsidebar.Theshapepropertieswindowwillbeopened:TheSizetaballowsyoutochangetheautoshapeWidthand/orHeight.IftheConstantproportionsbuttonisclicked(inthiscaseitlookslikethis),thewidthandheightwillbechangedtogetherpreservingtheoriginalautoshapeaspectratio.TheRotationtabcontainsthefollowingparameters:Angle-usethisoptiontorotatetheshapebyanexactlyspecifiedangle.Enterthenecessaryvaluemeasuredindegreesintothefieldoradjustitusingthearrowsontheright.Flipped-checktheHorizontallyboxtofliptheshapehorizontally(lefttoright)orchecktheVerticallyboxtofliptheshapevertically(upsidedown).TheWeights&
"body":"Footers allow adding some additional info to a slide, such as date and time, slide number, or a text. To insert a footer in the Presentation Editor: switch to the Insert tab, click the Edit footer button on the top toolbar, the Footer Settings window will open. Check the data you want to add to the footer. The changes are displayed in the preview window on the right. check the Date and time box to insert a date or time in the selected format. The selected date will be added to the left field of the slide footer. Specify the necessary data format: Update automatically - check this radio button if you want to automatically update the date and time according to the current date and time. Then select the necessary date and time Format and Language from the lists. Fixed - check this radio button if you do not want to automatically update the date and time. check the Slide number box to insert the current slide number. The slide number will be added in the right field of the slide footer. check Text in footer box to insert any text. Enter the necessary text in the entry field below. The text will be added in the central field of the slide footer. check the Don't show on the title slide option if necessary, click the Apply to all button to apply changes to all slides or use the Apply button to apply the changes to the current slide only. To quickly insert a date or a slide number to the footer of the selected slide, you can use the Show slide Number and Show Date and Time options on the Slide Settings tab of the right sidebar. In this case, the selected settings will be applied to the current slide only. The date and time or slide number added in such a way can be adjusted later using the Footer Settings window. To edit the added footer, click the Edit footer button on the top toolbar, make the necessary changes in the Footer Settings window, and click the Apply or Apply to All button to save the changes. Insert date and time and slide number into the text box It's also possible to insert date and time or slide number into the selected text box using the corresponding buttons on the Insert tab of the top toolbar. Insert date and time put the mouse cursor within the text box where you want to insert the date and time, click the Date & Time button on the Insert tab of the top toolbar, select the necessary Language from the list and choose the necessary date and time Format in the Date & Time window, if necessary, check the Update automatically box or press the Set as default box to set the selected date and time format as default for the specified language, click the OK button to apply the changes. The date and time will be inserted in the current cursor position. To edit the inserted date and time, select the inserted date and time in the text box, click the Date & Time button on the Insert tab of the top toolbar, choose the necessary format in the Date & Time window, click the OK button. Insert a slide number put the mouse cursor within the text box where you want to insert the slide number, click the Slide Number button on the Insert tab of the top toolbar, check the Slide number box in the Footer Settings window, click the OK button to apply the changes. The slide number will be inserted in the current cursor position."
"body":"InsertanimageInthePresentationEditor,youcaninsertimagesinthemostpopularformatsintoyourpresentation.Thefollowingimageformatsaresupported:BMP,GIF,JPEG,JPG,PNG.Toaddanimageonaslide,intheslidelistontheleft,selecttheslideyouwanttoaddtheimageto,clicktheImageiconontheHomeorInserttabofthetoptoolbar,selectoneofthefollowingoptionstoloadtheimage:theImagefromFileoptionwillopenthestandarddialogwindowsothatyoucanchooseafile.BrowsetheharddiskdriveyourcomputertoselectthenecessaryfileandclicktheOpenbuttonIntheonlineeditor,youcanselectseveralimagesatonce.theImagefromURLoptionwillopenthewindowwhereyoucanenterthewebaddressofthenecessaryimageandclicktheOKbuttontheImagefromStorageoptionwillopentheSelectdatasourcewindow.SelectanimagestoredonyourportalandclicktheOKbuttononcetheimageisadded,youcanchangeitssizeandposition.YoucanalsoaddanimageintoatextplaceholderpressingtheImagefromfileinitandselectingthenecessaryimagestoredonyourPC,orusetheImagefromURLbuttonandspecifytheimageURLaddress:It's also possible to add an image to a slide layout. To learn more, please refer to this article. Adjust image settings The right sidebar is activated when you left-click an image and choose the Image settings icon on the right. It contains the following sections: Size - is used to view the Width and Height of the current image or restore its Actual Size if necessary. The Crop button is used to crop the image. Click the Crop button to activate cropping handles which appear on the image corners and in the center of its each side. Manually drag the handles to set the cropping area. You can move the mouse cursor over the cropping area border so that it turns into the icon and drag the area. To crop a single side, drag the handle located in the center of this side. To simultaneously crop two adjacent sides, drag one of the corner handles. To equally crop two opposite sides of the image, hold down the Ctrl key when dragging the handle in the center of one of these sides. To equally crop all sides of the image, hold down the Ctrl key when dragging any of the corner handles. When the cropping area is specified, click the Crop button once again, or press the Esc key, or click anywhere outside of the cropping area to apply the changes. After the cropping area is selected, it'salsopossibletousetheCroptoshape,FillandFitoptionsavailablefromtheCropdrop-downmenu.ClicktheCropbuttononceagainandselecttheoptionyouneed:IfyouselecttheCroptoshapeoption,thepicturewillfillacertainshape.Youcanselectashapefromthegallery,whichopenswhenyouhoveryourmousepointerovertheCroptoShapeoption.YoucanstillusetheFillandFitoptionstochoosethewayyourpicturematchestheshape.IfyouselecttheFilloption,thecentralpartoftheoriginalimagewillbepreservedandusedtofilltheselectedcroppingarea,whileotherpartsoftheimagewillberemoved.IfyouselecttheFitoption,theimagewillberesizedsothatitfitsthecroppingareaheightorwidth.Nopartsoftheoriginalimagewillberemoved,butemptyspacesmayappearwithintheselectedcroppingarea.ReplaceImage-isusedtoloadanotherimageinsteadofthecurrentonefromthedesiredsource.Youcanselectoneoftheoptions:FromFile,FromStorage,orFromURL.TheReplaceimageoptionisalsoavailableintheright-clickmenu.Rotationisusedtorotatetheimageby90degreesclockwiseorcounterclockwiseaswellastofliptheimagehorizontallyorvertically.Clickoneofthebuttons:torotatetheimageby90degreescounterclockwisetorotatetheimageby90degreesclockwisetofliptheimagehorizontally(lefttoright)tofliptheimagevertically(upsidedown)Whentheimageisselected,theShapesettingsiconisalsoavailableontheright.YoucanclickthisicontoopentheShapesettingstabonthe
"body":"When working on a presentation in the Presentation Editor, you may need to insert a symbol which is not available on your keyboard. To insert such symbols into your presentation, use the Insert symbol option and follow these simple steps: place the cursor where a special symbol should be inserted, switch to the Insert tab of the top toolbar, click the Symbol, The Symbol dialog box will appear, and you will be able to select the required symbol, use the Range section to quickly find the necessary symbol. All symbols are divided into specific groups, for example, select 'Currency Symbols' if you want to insert a currency character. If this character is not in the set, select a different font. Many of them also have characters that differ from the standard set. Or, enter the Unicode hex value of the required symbol into the Unicode hex value field. This code can be found in the Character map. You can also use the Special characters tab to choose a special character from the list. The previously used symbols are also displayed in the Recently used symbols field, click Insert. The selected character will be added to the presentation. Insert ASCII symbols ASCII table is also used to add characters. To do this, hold down the ALT key and use the numeric keypad to enter the character code. Note: be sure to use the numeric keypad, not the numbers on the main keyboard. To enable the numeric keypad, press the Num Lock key. For example, to add a paragraph character (§), press and hold down ALT while typing 789, and then release the ALT key. Insert symbols using Unicode table Additional characters and symbols might also be found via Windows symbol table. To open this table, do one of the following: in the Search field, write 'Character table' and open it, simultaneously press Win + R, and then in the following window type charmap.exe and click OK. In the opened Character Map, select one of the Character sets, Groups, and Fonts. Next, click on the necessary characters, copy them to the clipboard, and paste in the right place of the presentation."
"body":"InsertatableToinsertatableintoaslideinthePresentationEditor,selecttheslidewhereatableshouldbeadded,switchtotheInserttabofthetoptoolbar,clicktheTableicononthetoptoolbar,selectoneofthefollowingoptionstocreateatable:eitheratablewithapredefinednumberofcells(10x8cellsmaximum)Ifyouwanttoquicklyaddatable,justselectthenumberofrows(8maximum)andcolumns(10maximum).oracustomtableIncaseyouneedmorethana10x8celltable,selecttheInsertCustomTableoptionthatwillopenthewindowwhereyoucanenterthenecessarynumberofrowsandcolumnsrespectively,thenclicktheOKbutton.oncethetableisadded,youcanchangeitspropertiesandposition.YoucanalsoaddatableintoatextplaceholderbypressingtheTableiconwithinitandselectingthenecessarynumberofcellsorusingtheInsertCustomTableoption:Toresizeatable,dragthehandlessituatedonitsedgesuntilthetablereachesthenecessarysize.Youcanalsomanuallychangethewidthofacertaincolumnortheheightofarow.Movethemousecursorovertherightborderofthecolumnsothatthecursorturnsintothebidirectionalarrowanddragthebordertotheleftorrighttosetthenecessarywidth.Tochangetheheightofasinglerowmanually,movethemousecursoroverthebottomborderoftherowuntilthecursorturnsintothebidirectionalarrowanddragitupordown.Youcanspecifythetablepositionontheslidebydraggingitverticallyorhorizontally.Note:tomovearoundinatable,youcanusekeyboardshortcuts.It's also possible to add a table to a slide layout. To learn more, please refer to this article. Adjust table settings Most of the table properties as well as its structure can be altered by using the right sidebar. To activate it, click the table and choose the Table settings icon on the right. The Rows and Columns sections on the top allow you to emphasize certain rows/columns by applying a specific formatting to them, or highlight different rows/columns with different background colors to clearly distinguish them. The following options are available: Header - emphasizes the topmost row in the table with special formatting. Total - emphasizes the bottommost row in the table with special formatting. Banded - enables the background color alternation for odd and even rows. First - emphasizes the leftmost column in the table with special formatting. Last - emphasizes the rightmost column in the table with special formatting. Banded - enables the background color alternation for odd and even columns. The Select From Template section allows you to choose one of the predefined tables styles. Each template combines certain formatting parameters, such as a background color, border style, row/column banding etc. Depending on the options checked in the Rows and/or Columns sections above, the templates set will be displayed differently. For example, if you'vecheckedtheHeaderoptionintheRowssectionandtheBandedoptionintheColumnssection,thedisplayedtemplateslistwillincludeonlytemplateswiththeheaderrowandbandedcolumnsenabled:TheBordersStylesectionallowsyoutochangetheappliedformattingthatcorrespondstotheselectedtemplate.Youcanselecttheentiretableoracertaincellrangeandsetalltheparametersmanually.Borderparameters-settheborderwidthusingthelist(orchoosetheNobordersoption),selectitsColorintheavailablepalettesanddeterminethewayitwillbedisplayedinthecellswhenclickingontheicons:Backgroundcolor-selectthecolorforthebackgroundwithintheselectedcells.TheRows&Columnssectionallowsyoutoperformthefollowingoperations:Selectarow,column,cell(dependingonthecursorposition),ortheentiretable.Insertanewrowaboveorbelowtheselectedoneaswellasanewcolumntotheleftortotherightoftheselectedone.Deletearow,column(dependingonthecursorpositionortheselection),ortheentiretable.MergeCells-
"body":"InsertyourtextboxintopresentationInthePresentationEditor,youcanaddanewtextinthreedifferentways:Addatextpassagewithinthecorrespondingtextplaceholderontheslidelayout.Todothat,justputthecursorwithintheplaceholderandtypeinyourtextorpasteitusingtheCtrl+Vkeycombinationinsteadofthedefaulttext.Addatextpassageanywhereonaslide.Youcaninsertatextbox(arectangularframethatallowsyoutoentersometextwithinit)oraTextArtobject(atextboxwithapredefinedfontstyleandcolorthatallowsyoutoapplysometexteffects).Dependingonthenecessarytextobjecttype,youcandothefollowing:toaddatextbox,clicktheTextBoxiconontheHomeorInserttabofthetoptoolbar,thenclickwhereyouwanttoinsertthetextbox,holdthemousebuttonanddragthetextboxbordertospecifyitssize.Whenyoureleasethemousebutton,theinsertionpointwillappearintheaddedtextbox,allowingyoutoenteryourtext.It's also possible to insert a text box by clicking the Shape icon on the top toolbar and selecting the shape from the Basic Shapes group. to add a Text Art object, click the Text Art icon on the Insert tab of the top toolbar, then click on the desired style template – the Text Art object will be added in the center of the slide. Select the default text within the text box with the mouse and replace it with your own text. Add a text passage within an autoshape. Select a shape and start typing your text. Click outside of the text object to apply the changes and return to the slide. The text within the text object is a part of the latter (when you move or rotate the text object, the text moves or rotates with it). As an inserted text object represents a rectangular frame (it has invisible text box borders by default) with text in it and this frame is a common autoshape, you can change both the shape and text properties. To delete the added text object, click on the text box border and press the Delete key. The text within the text box will also be deleted. Format a text box Select the text box by clicking on its border to change its properties. When the text box is selected, its borders are displayed as solid (not dashed) lines. to resize, move, rotate the text box, use the special handles on the edges of the shape. to edit the text box fill, line, replace the rectangular box with a different shape, or access the shape advanced settings, click the Shape settings icon on the right sidebar and use the corresponding options. to align a text box on the slide, rotate or flip it, arrange text boxes as related to other objects, right-click on the text box border and use the contextual menu options. to create columns of text within the text box, click the corresponding icon on the text formatting toolbar and choose the preferable option, or right-click on the text box border, click the Shape Advanced Settings option and switch to the Columns tab in the Shape - Advanced Settings window. Format the text within the text box Click the text within the text box to change its properties. When the text is selected, the text box borders are displayed as dashed lines. Note: it'salsopossibletochangetextformattingwhenthetextbox(notthetextitself)isselected.Insuchacase,anychangeswillbeappliedtothewholetextwithinthetextbox.Somefontformattingoptions(fonttype,size,coloranddecorationstyles)canbeappliedtothepreviouslyselectedpartofthetextseparately.AlignyourtextwithinthetextboxThetextisalignedhorizontallyinfourways:left,right,centerorjustified.Todothat:placethecursortothepositionwhereyouwantthealignmenttobeapplied(thiscanbeanewlineoralreadyenteredtext),drop-downtheHorizontalalignlistontheHometabofthetoptoolbar,selectthealignmenttypeyouwouldliketoapply:theAligntextleftoptionallowsyoutolineupyourtextontheleftsideofthetextbox(therightsideremainsunaligned).theAligntextcenteroptionallowsyoutolin
"body":"By default, a newly created presentation has one blank Title Slide. In the Presentation Editor, you can create new slides, copy a slide to paste it later to another place in the slide list, duplicate slides, move slides to change their order, delete unnecessary slides and mark some slides as hidden. To create a new Title and Content slide: click the Add Slide icon on the Home or Insert tab of the top toolbar, or right-click any slide in the list and select the New Slide option from the contextual menu, or press the Ctrl+M key combination. To create a new slide with a different layout: click the arrow next to the Add Slide icon on the Home or Insert tab of the top toolbar, select a slide with the necessary layout from the menu. Note: you can change the layout of the added slide anytime. For additional information on how to do that, please refer to the Set slide parameters section. A new slide will be inserted after the selected one in the list of the existing slides on the left. To duplicate slides: select a slide, or multiple slides in the list of the existing slides on the left, right-click the mouse button and select the Duplicate Slide option from the context menu, or go to the Home or the Insert tab, click the Add slide button and select theDuplicate Slidemenu option. The duplicated slide will be inserted after the selected one in the slide list. To copy slides: in the list of the existing slides on the left, select a slide or multiple slides you need to copy, press the Ctrl+C key combination, in the slide list, select the slide after which the copied slide should be pasted, press the Ctrl+V key combination. To move existing slides: left-click the necessary slide or slides in the list of the existing slides on the left, without releasing the mouse button, drag it to the necessary place in the list (a horizontal line indicates a new location). To delete unnecessary slides: right-click the slide or slides you want to delete in the list of the existing slides on the left, select the Delete Slide option from the contextual menu. To mark slides as hidden: right-click the slide or slides you want to hide in the list of the existing slides on the left, select the Hide Slide option from the contextual menu. The number that corresponds to the hidden slide in the slide list on the left will be crossed out. To display the hidden slide as a regular one in the slide list, click the Hide Slide option once again. Note: use this option if you do not want to demonstrate some slides to your audience, but want to be able to access them if necessary. If you start the slideshow in the Presenter mode, you can see all the existing slides in the list on the left, while hidden slides numbers are crossed out. If you wish to show a slide marked as hidden to others, just click it in the slide list on the left - the slide will be displayed. To select all the existing slides at once: right-click any slide in the list of the existing slides on the left, select the Select All option from the contextual menu. To select several slides: hold down the Ctrl key, select the necessary slides by left-clicking them in the list of the existing slides on the left. Note: all the key combinations that can be used to manage slides are listed on the Keyboard Shortcuts page."
"body":"In the Presentation Editor, you can resize, move, rotate different objects on a slide manually using the special handles. You can also specify the dimensions and position of some objects exactly using the right sidebar or Advanced Settings window. Note: the list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when working with objects is available here. Resize objects To change the autoshape/image/chart/table/text box size, drag small squares situated on the object edges. To maintain the original proportions of the selected object while resizing, hold down the Shift key and drag one of the corner icons. To specify the precise width and height of a chart, select it on a slide and use the Size section of the right sidebar that will be activated. To specify the precise dimensions of an image or autoshape, right-click the necessary object on the slide and select the Image/Shape Advanced Settings option from the menu. Specify necessary values on the Size tab of the Advanced Settings window and press OK. Reshape autoshapes When modifying some shapes, for example Figured arrows or Callouts, the yellow diamond-shaped icon is also available. It allows adjusting some aspects of the shape, for example, the length of the head of an arrow. To reshape an autoshape, you can also use the Edit Points option from thecontext menu. The Edit Points option is used to customize or to change the curvature of your shape. To activate a shape’s editable anchor points, right-click the shape and choose Edit Points from the menu. The black squares that become active are the points where two lines meet, and the red line outlines the shape. Click and drag it to reposition the point, and to change the shape outline. Once you click the anchor point, two blue lines with white squares at the ends will appear. These are Bezier handles that allow you to create and a curve and to change a curve’s smoothness. As long as the anchor points are active, you can add and delete them: To add a point to a shape, hold Ctrl and click the position where you want to add an anchor point. To delete a point, hold Ctrl and click the unnecessary point. Move objects To alter the autoshape/image/chart/table/text box position, use the icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the object. Drag the object to the necessary position without releasing the mouse button. To move the object by the one-pixel increments, hold down the Ctrl key and use the keybord arrows. To move the object strictly horizontally/vertically and prevent it from moving in a perpendicular direction, hold down the Shift key when dragging. To specify the precise position of an image, right-click it on a slide and select the Image Advanced Settings option from the menu. Specify necessary values in the Position section of the Advanced Settings window and press OK. Rotate objects To manually rotate an autoshape/image/text box, hover the mouse cursor over the rotation handle and drag it clockwise or counterclockwise. To constrain the rotation angle to 15 degree increments, hold down the Shift key while rotating. To rotate the object by 90 degrees counterclockwise/clockwise or flip the object horizontally/vertically, you can use the Rotation section of the right sidebar that will be activated once you select the necessary object. To open it, click the Shape settings or the Image settings icon to the right. Click one of the buttons: to rotate the object by 90 degrees counterclockwise to rotate the object by 90 degrees clockwise to flip the object horizontally (left to right) to flip the object vertically (upside down) It's also possible to right-click the object, choose the Rotate option from the contextual menu and then use one of the available rotation options. To rotate the object by an exactly specified angle, click the Show advanced settings link on the right sidebar and use the Rotation tab of the Advanced Settings window. Specify the necessary value measured in degrees in the Angle field and click OK."
"body":"In the Presentation Editor, you can open a recently edited presentation, create a new one, or return to the list of existing presentations. To create a new presentation In the online editor click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Create New option. In the desktop editor in the main program window, select the Presentation menu item from the Create new section of the left sidebar - a new file will open in a new tab, when all the necessary changes are made, click the Save icon in the upper left corner or switch to the File tab and choose the Save as menu item. in the file manager window, select the file location, specify its name, choose the format you want to save the presentation to (PPTX, Presentation template (POTX), ODP, OTP, PDF or PDFA) and click the Save button. To open an existing presentation In the desktop editor in the main program window, select the Open local file menu item on the left sidebar, choose the necessary presentation from the file manager window and click the Open button. You can also right-click the necessary presentation in the file manager window, select the Open with option and choose the necessary application from the menu. If the office documents files are associated with the application, you can also open presentations by double-clicking the file name in the file explorer window. All the directories that you have accessed using the desktop editor will be displayed in the Recent folders list so that you can quickly access them afterwards. Click the necessary folder to select one of the files stored in it. To open a recently edited presentation In the online editor click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Open Recent... option, choose the presentation you need from the list of recently edited documents. In the desktop editor in the main program window, select the Recent files menu item on the left sidebar, choose the presentation you need from the list of recently edited documents. To open the folder where the file is stored in a new browser tab in the online version, in the file explorer window in the desktop version, click the Open file location icon on the right side of the editor header. Alternatively, you can switch to the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Open file location option."
"body":"ONLYOFFICE Presentation Editor comes with a very powerful photo editor, that allows you to adjust the image with filters and make all kinds of annotations. Select an image in your presentation. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Photo Editor. You are now in the editing environment. Below the image you will find the following checkboxes and slider filters: Grayscale, Sepia, Sepia 2, Blur, Emboss, Invert, Sharpen; Remove White (Threshhold, Distance), Gradient transparency, Brightness, Noise, Pixelate, Color Filter; Tint, Multiply, Blend. Below the filters you will find buttons for Undo, Redo and Resetting; Delete, Delete all; Crop (Custom, Square, 3:2, 4:3, 5:4, 7:5, 16:9); Flip (Flip X, Flip Y, Reset); Rotate (30 degree, -30 degree,Manual rotation slider); Draw (Free, Straight, Color, Size slider); Shape (Recrangle, Circle, Triangle, Fill, Stroke, Stroke size); Icon (Arrows, Stars, Polygon, Location, Heart, Bubble, Custom icon, Color); Text (Bold, Italic, Underline, Left, Center, Right, Color, Text size); Mask. Feel free to try all of these and remember you can always undo them. When finished, click the OK button. The edited picture is now included in the presentation."
"body":"Saving By default, the online Presentation Editor automatically saves your file every 2 seconds when you are working on it preventing your data loss if the program closes unexpectedly. If you co-edit the file in the Fast mode, the timer requests for updates 25 times a second and saves the changes if there are any. When the file is co-edited in the Strict mode, changes are automatically saved within 10-minute intervals. If you need, you can easily select the preferred co-editing mode or disable the Autosave feature on the Advanced Settings page. To save your presentation manually in the current format and location, press the Save icon on the left side of the editor header, or use the Ctrl+S key combination, or click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Save option. In the desktop version, to prevent data loss if the program closes unexpectedly, you can turn on the Autorecover option on the Advanced Settings page. In the desktop version, you can save the presentation under a different name, in a new location or format, click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Save as... option, choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: PPTX, ODP, PDF, PDF/A, PNG, JPG. You can also choose the Рresentation template (POTX or OTP) option. Downloading In the online version, you can download the resulting presentation onto the hard disk drive of your computer, click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Download as... option, choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: PPTX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP, PNG, JPG. Saving a copy In the online version, you can save a copy of the file on your portal, click the File tab of the top toolbar, select the Save Copy as... option, choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: PPTX, PDF, ODP, POTX, PDF/A, OTP, PNG, JPG. select a location of the file on the portal and press Save. Printing To print out the current presentation, click the Print icon on the left side of the editor header, or use the Ctrl+P key combination, or click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Print option. The Firefox browser enables printing without downloading the document as a .pdf file first. It's also possible to print the selected slides using the Print Selection option from the contextual menu both in the Edit and View modes (Right Mouse Button Click on the selected slides and choose option Print selection). In the desktop version, the file will be printed directly. In the online version, a PDF file based on your presentation will be generated. You can open and print it out, or save onto the hard disk drive of your computer or a removable medium to print it out later. Some browsers (e.g. Chrome and Opera) support direct printing."
"body":"TocustomizeyourpresentationinthePresentationEditor,youcanselectatheme,colorscheme,slidesizeandorientationfortheentirepresentation,changethebackgroundfillorslidelayoutforeachseparateslide,applytransitionsbetweentheslides.It's also possible to add explanatory notes to each slide that can be helpful when demonstrating the presentation in the Presenter mode. Themes allow you to quickly change the presentation design, notably the slides background appearance, predefined fonts for titles and texts and the color scheme that is used for the presentation elements. To select a theme for the presentation, click on the necessary predefined theme from the themes gallery on the right side of the top toolbar on the Home tab. The selected theme will be applied to all the slides if you have not previously selected certain slides to apply the theme to. To change the selected theme for one or more slides, you can right-click the selected slides in the list on the left (or right-click a slide in the editing area), select the Change Theme option from the contextual menu and choose the necessary theme. Color Schemes affect the predefined colors used for the presentation elements (fonts, lines, fills etc.) and allow you to maintain color consistency throughout the entire presentation. To change a color scheme, click the Change color scheme icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary scheme from the drop-down list. The selected color scheme will be highlighted in the list and applied to all the slides. To change the size of all the slides in the presentation, click the Select slide size icon on the Home tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary option from the drop-down list. You can select: one of the two quick-access presets - Standard (4:3) or Widescreen (16:9), the Advanced Settings option that opens the Slide Size Settings window where you can select one of the available presets or set a Custom size specifying the desired Width and Height values. The available presets are: Standard (4:3), Widescreen (16:9), Widescreen (16:10), Letter Paper (8.5x11 in), Ledger Paper (11x17 in), A3 Paper (297x420 mm), A4 Paper (210x297 mm), B4 (ICO) Paper (250x353 mm), B5 (ICO) Paper (176x250 mm), 35 mm Slides, Overhead, Banner. The Slide Orientation menu allows changing the currently selected orientation type. The default orientation type is Landscape that can be switched to Portrait. To change a background fill: in the slide list on the left, select the slides you want to apply the fill to. Or click at any blank space within the currently edited slide in the slide editing area to change the fill type for this separate slide. on the Slide settings tab of the right sidebar, select the necessary option: Color Fill - select this option to specify the solid color you want to apply to the selected slides. Gradient Fill - select this option to fill the slide with two colors which smoothly change from one to another. Picture or Texture - select this option to use an image or a predefined texture as the slide background. Pattern - select this option to fill the slide with a two-colored design composed of regularly repeated elements. No Fill - select this option if you don'twanttouseanyfill.Opacity-dragthesliderorenterthepercentvaluemanually.Thedefaultvalueis100%.Itcorrespondstothefullopacity.The0%valuecorrespondstothefulltransparency.Formoredetailedinformationontheseoptions,pleaserefertotheFillobjectsandselectcolorssection.Transitionshelpmakeyourpresentationmoredynamicandkeepyouraudience'sattention.Toapplyatransition:intheslidelistontheleft,selecttheslidesyouwanttoapplyatransitionto,chooseatransitionintheEffectdrop-downlistontheSlidesettingstab,ToopentheSlidesettingstab,youcanclicktheSlidesettingsiconontherightorright-clicktheslideintheslideeditingareaandselecttheSlideSettingsoptionfromthecontextualmenu.adjustthetransitionproperties:chooseatrans
"title":"Support of SmartArt in ONLYOFFICE Presentation Editor",
"body":"SmartArt graphics are used to create a visual representation of a hierarchical structure by choosing a layout that fits best. ONLYOFFICE Presentation Editor supports SmartArt graphics that were inserted using third-party editors. You can open a file containing SmartArt and edit it as a graphic object using the available editing tools. Once you click the SmartArt graphic border or the border of its element, the following tabs become active on the right sidebar to customize a layout: Slide settings to change the slide background fill, opacity, and to show or to hide slide number, date and time. See Set Slide Parameters and Insert footers for details. Shape settings to configure the shapes used on a layout. You can change shapes, edit the fill, the lines, the wrapping style, the position, the weights and arrows, the text box and the alternative text. Paragraph settings to configure indents and spacing, fonts and tabs. See Text formatting section for a detailed description of every option. This tab becomes active for SmartArt elements only. Text Art settings to configure the Text Art style that is used in a SmartArt graphic to highlight the text. You can change the Text Art template, the fill type, color and opacity, the line size, color and type. This tab becomes active for SmartArt elements only. Right-click the border of a SmartArt graphic or its element to access the following formatting options: Arrange to arrange the objects using the following options: Bring to Foreground, Send to Background, Bring Forward and Bring Backward are available for SmartArt. Group and Ungroup are available for the SmartArt elements and depend on whether they are grouped or not. Align to align the graphic or the objects using the following options: Aligh Left, Align Center, Align Right, Align Top, Align Middle, Align Bottom, Distribute Horizontally, and Distribute Vertically. Rotate to choose the rotation direction for the selected element on a SmartArt graphic: Rotate 90° Clockwise, Rotate 90° Counterclockwise.The Rotate option becomes active for SmartArt elements only. Shape Advanced Settings to access additional shape formatting options. Add Comment to leave a comment to a certain SmartArt graphic or its element, Add to layout to add the SmartArt graphic to the slide layout. Right-click a SmartArt graphic element to access the following text formatting options: Vertical Alignment to choose the text alignment inside the selected SmarArt element: Align Top, Align Middle, Align Bottom. Text Direction to choose the text direction inside the selected SmarArt element: Horizontal, Rotate Text Down, Rotate Text Up. Paragraph Advanced Settings to access additional paragraph formatting options. Add Comment to leave a comment to a certain SmartArt graphic or its element. Hyperlink to add a hyperlink to the SmartArt element."
"body":"If you are using the same word multiple times, or a word is just not quite the word you are looking for, ONLYOFFICE Presentation Editor lets you look up synonyms. It will show you the antonyms too. Select the word in your presentation. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Thesaurus. The synonyms and antonyms will show up in the left sidebar. Click a word to replace the word in your presentation."
"body":"In the Presentation Editor, you can translate your presentation from and to numerous languages. Select the text that you want to translate. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose Translator, the Translator appears in a sidebar on the left. Click the drop-down box and choose the preferred language. The text will be translated to the required language. Changing the language of your result: Click the drop-down box and choose the preferred language. The translation will change immediately."
"body":"To access the detailed information about the currently edited presentation in the Presentation Editor, click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Presentation Info option. General Information The presentation information includes a number of file properties which describe the presentation. Some of these properties are updated automatically, and some of them can be edited. Location - the folder in the Documents module where the file is stored. Owner - the name of the user who has created the file. Uploaded - the date and time when the file has been created. These properties are available in the online version only. Title, Subject, Comment - these properties allow you to simplify the classification of your presentations. You can specify the necessary text in the properties fields. Last Modified - the date and time when the file was last modified. Last Modified By - the name of the user who has made the latest change to the presentation if it was shared and can be edited by several users. Application - the application the presentation was created with. Author - the person who has created the file. You can enter the necessary name in this field. Press Enter to add a new field that allows you to specify one more author. If you changed the file properties, click the Apply button to apply the changes. Online Editors allow you to change the presentation title directly from the editor interface. To do that, click the File tab of the top toolbar and select the Rename... option, then enter the necessary File name in a new window that opens and click OK. Permission Information In the online version, you can view the information about permissions to the files stored in the cloud. This option is not available for users with the Read Only permissions. To find out who has the rights to view or edit the presentation, select the Access Rights... option on the left sidebar. You can also change currently selected access rights by pressing the Change access rights button in the Persons who have rights section. Version History In the online version, you can view the version history for the files stored in the cloud. This option is not available for users with the Read Only permissions. To view all the changes made to this presentation, select the Version History option at the left sidebar. It's also possible to open the history of versions using the Version History icon on the Collaboration tab of the top toolbar. You'll see the list of this presentation versions (major changes) and revisions (minor changes) with the indication of each version/revision author and creation date and time. For presentation versions, the version number is also specified (e.g. ver. 2). To know exactly which changes have been made in each separate version/revision, you can view the one you need by clicking it on the left sidebar. The changes made by the version/revision author are marked with the color which is displayed next to the author's name on the left sidebar. You can use the Restore link below the selected version/revision to restore it. To return to the current version of the presentation, use the Close History option on the top of the version list. To close the File pane and return to presentation editing, select the Close Menu option."
"body":"In the Presentation Editor, you can include a video in your presentation. It will be shown as an image. By double-clicking the image the video dialog opens. Here you can start the video. Copy the URL of the video you want to include. (the complete address shown in the address line of your browser) Go to your presentation and place the cursor at the location where you want to include the video. Switch to the Plugins tab and choose YouTube. Paste the URL and click OK. Check if it is the correct video and click the OK button below the video. The video is now included in your presentation."