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Raw Normal View History

2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2020
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* ViewTab.js
* Created by Julia Svinareva on 07.12.2021
* Copyright (c) 2021 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
], function () {
'use strict';
PE.Views.ViewTab = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend((function(){
return {
options: {},
setEvents: function () {
var me = this;
me.btnFitToSlide && me.btnFitToSlide.on('click', function () {
me.fireEvent('zoom:toslide', [me.btnFitToSlide]);
me.btnFitToWidth && me.btnFitToWidth.on('click', function () {
me.fireEvent('zoom:towidth', [me.btnFitToWidth]);
me.chToolbar && me.chToolbar.on('change', _.bind(function(checkbox, state) {
me.fireEvent('toolbar:setcompact', [me.chToolbar, state !== 'checked']);
}, me));
me.chStatusbar && me.chStatusbar.on('change', _.bind(function (checkbox, state) {
me.fireEvent('statusbar:hide', [me.chStatusbar, state !== 'checked']);
}, me));
me.chRulers && me.chRulers.on('change', _.bind(function (checkbox, state) {
me.fireEvent('rulers:change', [me.chRulers, state === 'checked']);
}, me));
me.chNotes && me.chNotes.on('change', _.bind(function (checkbox, state) {
me.fireEvent('notes:change', [me.chNotes, state === 'checked']);
}, me));
2021-12-17 08:10:53 +00:00
me.cmbZoom.on('combo:focusin', _.bind(this.onComboOpen, this, false));
me.cmbZoom.on('show:after', _.bind(this.onComboOpen, this, true));
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
initialize: function (options) {
this.toolbar = options.toolbar;
this.appConfig = options.mode;
2021-12-29 16:41:15 +00:00
var _set = Common.enumLock;
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
this.lockedControls = [];
var me = this,
$host = me.toolbar.$el;
this.cmbZoom = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $host.find('#slot-field-zoom'),
cls: 'input-group-nr',
menuStyle: 'min-width: 55px;',
2021-12-15 15:46:10 +00:00
editable: true,
2021-12-13 17:13:34 +00:00
lock: [_set.disableOnStart],
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
data: [
{ displayValue: "50%", value: 50 },
{ displayValue: "75%", value: 75 },
{ displayValue: "100%", value: 100 },
{ displayValue: "125%", value: 125 },
{ displayValue: "150%", value: 150 },
{ displayValue: "175%", value: 175 },
{ displayValue: "200%", value: 200 },
{ displayValue: "300%", value: 300 },
{ displayValue: "400%", value: 400 },
{ displayValue: "500%", value: 500 }
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
dataHint : '1',
dataHintDirection: 'top',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.btnFitToSlide = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-fts'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-zoomtoslide',
caption: this.textFitToSlide,
2021-12-13 17:13:34 +00:00
lock: [_set.disableOnStart],
toggleGroup: 'view-zoom',
enableToggle: true,
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'medium'
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
this.btnFitToWidth = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-ftw'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-zoomtowidth',
caption: this.textFitToWidth,
2021-12-13 17:13:34 +00:00
lock: [_set.disableOnStart],
toggleGroup: 'view-zoom',
enableToggle: true,
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'medium'
this.btnInterfaceTheme = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-interface-theme'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon day',
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
caption: this.textInterfaceTheme,
2021-12-13 17:13:34 +00:00
lock: [_set.disableOnStart],
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
menu: true,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.chStatusbar = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $host.findById('#slot-chk-statusbar'),
labelText: this.textStatusBar,
value: !Common.localStorage.getBool("pe-hidden-status"),
2021-12-13 17:13:34 +00:00
lock: [_set.disableOnStart],
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.chToolbar = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $host.findById('#slot-chk-toolbar'),
labelText: this.textAlwaysShowToolbar,
value: !options.compactToolbar,
2021-12-13 17:13:34 +00:00
lock: [_set.disableOnStart],
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
dataHint : '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.chRulers = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $host.findById('#slot-chk-rulers'),
labelText: this.textRulers,
value: !Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get("pe-hidden-rulers"),
2021-12-13 17:13:34 +00:00
lock: [_set.disableOnStart],
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.chNotes = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $host.findById('#slot-chk-notes'),
labelText: this.textNotes,
value: !Common.localStorage.getBool('pe-hidden-notes', this.appConfig.customization && this.appConfig.customization.hideNotes===true),
2021-12-13 17:13:34 +00:00
lock: [_set.disableOnStart],
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
render: function (el) {
return this;
show: function () {
this.fireEvent('show', this);
getButtons: function(type) {
if (type===undefined)
return this.lockedControls;
return [];
SetDisabled: function (state) {
this.lockedControls && this.lockedControls.forEach(function(button) {
if ( button ) {
}, this);
2021-12-17 08:10:53 +00:00
onComboOpen: function (needfocus, combo) {
_.delay(function() {
var input = $('input', combo.cmpEl).select();
if (needfocus) input.focus();
else if (!combo.isMenuOpen()) input.one('mouseup', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); });
}, 10);
2021-12-08 11:31:11 +00:00
textZoom: 'Zoom',
textFitToSlide: 'Fit To Slide',
textFitToWidth: 'Fit To Width',
textInterfaceTheme: 'Interface theme',
textStatusBar: 'Status Bar',
textAlwaysShowToolbar: 'Always show toolbar',
textRulers: 'Rulers',
textNotes: 'Notes'
}()), PE.Views.ViewTab || {}));