<p>In the <ahref="https://www.onlyoffice.com/spreadsheet-editor.aspx"target="_blank"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Spreadsheet Editor</b></a>, you can remove duplicate values from the selected data range or a <ahref="FormattedTables.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">formatted table</a>.</p>
<li>Switch to the <b>Data</b> tab and click the <divclass ="icon icon-removeduplicates_icon"></div><b>Remove Duplicates</b> button on the top toolbar.
<p>If you want to remove duplicates from a formatted table, you can also use the <divclass ="icon icon-removeduplicates"></div><b>Remove duplicates</b> option on the right sidebar.</p>
<p>If you select a certain part of the data range, a warning window will appear where you will be asked if you want to expand the selection to include the entire data range or proceed with the currently selected data. Click the <b>Expand</b> or <b>Remove in selected</b> button. If you choose the <b>Remove in selected</b> option, duplicate values in cells adjacent to the selected range will not be removed.</p>
<li>Check the necessary options in the <b>Remove Duplicates</b> window:
<li><b>My data has headers</b> - check this box to exclude column headers from the selection.</li>
<li><b>Columns</b> - leave the <b>Select All</b> option selected by default or uncheck it and select the necessary columns only.</li>
<li>Click the <b>OK</b> button.</li>
<p>The duplicate values from the selected data range will be removed, and you will see the window that contains the information on how many duplicate values have been removed and how many unique values have been left:</p>
<p>If you want to restore the removed data right after deletion, use the <b>Undo</b><divclass ="icon icon-undo"></div> icon on the top toolbar or the <em>Ctrl+Z</em> key combination.</p>