2016-04-01 13:17:09 +00:00
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* ( c ) Copyright Ascensio System Limited 2010 - 2016
* This program is a free software product . You can redistribute it and / or
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* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation . In accordance with
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* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non - infringement
* of any third - party rights .
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied
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* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at Lubanas st . 125 a - 25 , Riga , Latvia ,
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* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
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* /
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
Ext . define ( 'DE.controller.toolbar.Edit' , {
extend : 'Ext.app.Controller' ,
requires : ( [
'Ext.MessageBox' ,
'Ext.util.Point' ,
'Ext.util.Region' ,
'DE.view.tablet.panel.Font' ,
'DE.view.tablet.panel.FontStyle' ,
'DE.view.tablet.panel.Insert' ,
'DE.view.tablet.panel.ListStyle' ,
'DE.view.tablet.panel.ParagraphAlignment' ,
'DE.view.tablet.panel.Spacing' ,
] ) ,
config : {
refs : {
doneButton : '#id-tb-btn-done' ,
saveButton : '#id-tb-btn-save' ,
undoButton : '#id-tb-btn-undo' ,
fontButton : '#id-tb-btn-font' ,
fontStyleButton : '#id-tb-btn-style' ,
textColorButton : '#id-tb-btn-color' ,
paragraphAlignmentButton : '#id-tb-btn-align' ,
listStyleButton : '#id-tb-btn-liststyle' ,
paragraphButton : '#id-tb-btn-paragraph' ,
tableButton : '#id-tb-btn-table' ,
shareButton : '#id-tb-btn-share' ,
textColorPanel : '#id-panel-text-color' ,
paragraphPanel : '#id-panel-spacing' ,
paragraphAlignmentPanel : '#id-panel-paragraph-alignment' ,
fontStylePanel : '#id-panel-font-style' ,
listStylePanel : '#id-panel-liststyle' ,
insertPanel : '#id-panel-insert' ,
fontPanel : '#id-panel-font'
} ,
control : {
doneButton : {
tap : 'onTapDone'
} ,
saveButton : {
tap : 'onTapSave'
} ,
undoButton : {
tap : 'onTapUndo'
} ,
fontButton : {
tap : 'onTapFont'
} ,
fontStyleButton : {
tap : 'onTapFontStyle'
} ,
textColorButton : {
tap : 'onTapTextColor'
} ,
paragraphAlignmentButton : {
tap : 'onTabParagraphAlignment'
} ,
listStyleButton : {
tap : 'onTapListStyle'
} ,
paragraphButton : {
tap : 'onTapParagraphButton'
} ,
tableButton : {
tap : 'onTapTable'
} ,
shareButton : {
tap : 'onTapShare'
} ,
launch : function ( ) {
this . callParent ( arguments ) ;
Ext . getCmp ( 'id-conteiner-document' ) . on ( 'resize' , this . onEditorResize , this ) ;
var toolbarButtons = Ext . ComponentQuery . query ( 'edittoolbar > button, edittoolbar > toolbar > button' ) ;
Ext . each ( Ext . ComponentQuery . query ( 'commonpopoverpanel' ) , function ( panel ) {
var modal = panel . getModal ( ) ;
if ( modal ) {
modal . on ( 'tap' , function ( mask , event ) {
Ext . each ( toolbarButtons , function ( button ) {
if ( button !== panel . alignByCmp ) {
var mousePoint = Ext . util . Point . fromEvent ( event ) ,
buttonRect = Ext . util . Region . from ( button . element . getPageBox ( ) ) ;
if ( ! buttonRect . isOutOfBound ( mousePoint ) ) {
button . fireEvent ( 'tap' , button , event ) ;
} , this ) ;
} , this ) ;
} , this ) ;
Common . Gateway . on ( 'init' , Ext . bind ( this . loadConfig , this ) ) ;
} ,
initControl : function ( ) {
this . callParent ( arguments ) ;
} ,
initApi : function ( ) {
} ,
setApi : function ( o ) {
this . api = o ;
if ( this . api ) {
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCanUndo' , Ext . bind ( this . onApiCanUndo , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onCoAuthoringDisconnect' , Ext . bind ( this . onCoAuthoringDisconnect , this ) ) ;
this . api . asc _registerCallback ( 'asc_onDocumentModifiedChanged' , Ext . bind ( this . onApiDocumentModified , this ) ) ;
} ,
loadConfig : function ( data ) {
var doneButton = this . getDoneButton ( ) ;
if ( doneButton && data && data . config && data . config . canBackToFolder !== false &&
data . config . customization && data . config . customization . goback && data . config . customization . goback . url ) {
this . gobackUrl = data . config . customization . goback . url ;
doneButton . show ( ) ;
} ,
onApiCanUndo : function ( can ) {
var undoButton = this . getUndoButton ( ) ;
undoButton && undoButton . setDisabled ( ! can ) ;
} ,
onCoAuthoringDisconnect : function ( ) {
Ext . each ( Ext . ComponentQuery . query ( 'commonpopoverpanel' ) , function ( panel ) {
panel . hide ( ) ;
} ) ;
Ext . each ( Ext . ComponentQuery . query ( 'edittoolbar > button, edittoolbar > toolbar > button' ) , function ( btn ) {
btn . removeCls ( 'x-button-pressing' ) ;
btn . disable ( ) ;
} ) ;
var shareButton = this . getShareButton ( ) ;
shareButton && shareButton . enable ( ) ;
} ,
onApiDocumentModified : function ( ) {
var isModified = this . api . isDocumentModified ( ) ;
if ( this . isDocModified !== isModified ) {
if ( this . getSaveButton ( ) ) {
this . getSaveButton ( ) . setDisabled ( ! isModified ) ;
Common . Gateway . setDocumentModified ( isModified ) ;
this . isDocModified = isModified ;
} ,
showToolbarPanel : function ( panel , button ) {
if ( panel && button ) {
panel . on ( 'hide' , Ext . bind ( function ( ) {
button . removeCls ( 'x-button-pressing' ) ;
} , this ) , this , { single : true } ) ;
button . addCls ( 'x-button-pressing' ) ;
Ext . each ( Ext . ComponentQuery . query ( 'popclip' ) , function ( cmp ) {
cmp . hide ( true ) ;
} , this ) ;
panel . alignByCmp = button ;
panel . setLeft ( 0 ) ;
panel . setTop ( 0 ) ;
panel . showBy ( button ) ;
} ,
onTapDone : function ( ) {
var me = this ;
if ( this . api . isDocumentModified ( ) ) {
Ext . Msg . show ( {
title : this . dlgLeaveTitleText ,
message : this . dlgLeaveMsgText ,
buttons : [
{ text : this . leaveButtonText , itemId : 'cancel' , ui : 'base' } ,
{ text : this . stayButtonText , itemId : 'ok' , ui : 'base-blue' }
] ,
promptConfig : false ,
scope : this ,
fn : function ( button ) {
if ( button == 'cancel' ) {
me . goBack ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
me . goBack ( ) ;
} ,
goBack : function ( ) {
if ( this . gobackUrl ) window . parent . location . href = this . gobackUrl ;
} ,
onTapSave : function ( ) {
this . api && this . api . asc _Save ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Save' ) ;
} ,
onTapUndo : function ( ) {
this . api && this . api . Undo ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Undo' ) ;
} ,
onTapShare : function ( ) {
this . api && this . api . asc _Print ( ) ;
Common . component . Analytics . trackEvent ( 'ToolBar' , 'Share' ) ;
} ,
onTapFont : function ( ) {
this . showToolbarPanel ( this . getFontPanel ( ) , this . getFontButton ( ) ) ;
} ,
onTapFontStyle : function ( ) {
this . showToolbarPanel ( this . getFontStylePanel ( ) , this . getFontStyleButton ( ) ) ;
} ,
onTapTextColor : function ( ) {
this . showToolbarPanel ( this . getTextColorPanel ( ) , this . getTextColorButton ( ) ) ;
} ,
onTabParagraphAlignment : function ( ) {
this . showToolbarPanel ( this . getParagraphAlignmentPanel ( ) , this . getParagraphAlignmentButton ( ) ) ;
} ,
onTapListStyle : function ( ) {
this . showToolbarPanel ( this . getListStylePanel ( ) , this . getListStyleButton ( ) ) ;
} ,
onTapParagraphButton : function ( ) {
this . showToolbarPanel ( this . getParagraphPanel ( ) , this . getParagraphButton ( ) ) ;
} ,
onTapTable : function ( ) {
this . showToolbarPanel ( this . getInsertPanel ( ) , this . getTableButton ( ) ) ;
} ,
onEditorResize : function ( cmp ) {
var overlayPanels = Ext . ComponentQuery . query ( 'commonpopoverpanel' ) ;
Ext . each ( overlayPanels , function ( panel ) {
panel . hide ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
dlgLeaveTitleText : 'You leave the application' ,
dlgLeaveMsgText : 'You have unsaved changes in this document. Click \'Stay on this Page\' then \'Save\' to save them. Click \'Leave this Page\' to discard all the unsaved changes.' ,
leaveButtonText : 'Leave this Page' ,
stayButtonText : 'Stay on this Page'
} ) ;