2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
2016-04-06 13:38:54 +00:00
"Common.Utils.Metric.txtCm" : "cm" ,
"Common.Utils.Metric.txtPt" : "pt" ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
"cancelButtonText" : "Cancel" ,
"Common.Controllers.Chat.notcriticalErrorTitle" : "Warning" ,
"Common.Controllers.Chat.textEnterMessage" : "Enter your message here" ,
"Common.Controllers.Chat.textUserLimit" : "You are using ONLYOFFICE Free Edition.<br>Only two users can co-edit the document simultaneously.<br>Want more? Consider buying ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition.<br><a href=\"http://www.onlyoffice.com/free-edition.aspx\" target=\"_blank\">Read more</a>" ,
"Common.UI.ComboBorderSize.txtNoBorders" : "No borders" ,
"Common.UI.ComboBorderSizeEditable.txtNoBorders" : "No borders" ,
"Common.UI.ComboDataView.emptyComboText" : "No styles" ,
"Common.UI.ExtendedColorDialog.addButtonText" : "Add" ,
"Common.UI.ExtendedColorDialog.cancelButtonText" : "Cancel" ,
"Common.UI.ExtendedColorDialog.textCurrent" : "Current" ,
"Common.UI.ExtendedColorDialog.textHexErr" : "The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a value between 000000 and FFFFFF." ,
"Common.UI.ExtendedColorDialog.textNew" : "New" ,
"Common.UI.ExtendedColorDialog.textRGBErr" : "The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a numeric value between 0 and 255." ,
"Common.UI.HSBColorPicker.textNoColor" : "No Color" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.textHighlight" : "Highlight results" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.textMatchCase" : "Case sensitive" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.textReplaceDef" : "Enter the replacement text" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.textSearchStart" : "Enter your text here" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.textTitle" : "Find and Replace" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.textTitle2" : "Find" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.textWholeWords" : "Whole words only" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.txtBtnHideReplace" : "Hide Replace" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.txtBtnReplace" : "Replace" ,
"Common.UI.SearchDialog.txtBtnReplaceAll" : "Replace All" ,
"Common.UI.SynchronizeTip.textDontShow" : "Don't show this message again" ,
"Common.UI.SynchronizeTip.textSynchronize" : "The document has been changed by another user.<br/>Please click to save your changes and reload the updates." ,
"Common.UI.Window.cancelButtonText" : "Cancel" ,
"Common.UI.Window.closeButtonText" : "Close" ,
"Common.UI.Window.noButtonText" : "No" ,
"Common.UI.Window.okButtonText" : "OK" ,
"Common.UI.Window.textConfirmation" : "Confirmation" ,
"Common.UI.Window.textDontShow" : "Don't show this message again" ,
"Common.UI.Window.textError" : "Error" ,
"Common.UI.Window.textInformation" : "Information" ,
"Common.UI.Window.textWarning" : "Warning" ,
"Common.UI.Window.yesButtonText" : "Yes" ,
"Common.Views.About.txtAddress" : "address: " ,
"Common.Views.About.txtAscAddress" : "Lubanas st. 125a-25, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1021" ,
"Common.Views.About.txtLicensee" : "LICENSEE" ,
"Common.Views.About.txtLicensor" : "LICENSOR" ,
"Common.Views.About.txtMail" : "email: " ,
"Common.Views.About.txtPoweredBy" : "Powered by" ,
"Common.Views.About.txtTel" : "tel.: " ,
"Common.Views.About.txtVersion" : "Version " ,
"Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.cancelButtonText" : "Cancel" ,
"Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.okButtonText" : "OK" ,
"Common.Views.Chat.textSend" : "Send" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textAdd" : "Add" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textAddComment" : "Add Comment" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textAddCommentToDoc" : "Add Comment to Document" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textAddReply" : "Add Reply" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textAnonym" : "Guest" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textCancel" : "Cancel" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textClose" : "Close" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textComments" : "Comments" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textEdit" : "Edit" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textEnterCommentHint" : "Enter your comment here" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textOpenAgain" : "Open Again" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textReply" : "Reply" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textResolve" : "Resolve" ,
"Common.Views.Comments.textResolved" : "Resolved" ,
"Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog.textDontShow" : "Don't show this message again" ,
"Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog.textMsg" : "Copy, cut and paste actions using the editor toolbar buttons and context menu actions will be performed within this editor tab only.<br><br>To copy or paste to or from applications outside the editor tab use the following keyboard combinations:" ,
"Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog.textTitle" : "Copy, Cut and Paste Actions" ,
"Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog.textToCopy" : "for Copy" ,
"Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog.textToCut" : "for Cut" ,
"Common.Views.CopyWarningDialog.textToPaste" : "for Paste" ,
"Common.Views.DocumentAccessDialog.textLoading" : "Loading..." ,
"Common.Views.DocumentAccessDialog.textTitle" : "Sharing Settings" ,
"Common.Views.Header.openNewTabText" : "Open in New Tab" ,
"Common.Views.Header.textBack" : "Go to Documents" ,
"Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog.cancelButtonText" : "Cancel" ,
"Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog.okButtonText" : "OK" ,
"Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog.textUrl" : "Paste an image URL:" ,
"Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog.txtEmpty" : "This field is required" ,
"Common.Views.ImageFromUrlDialog.txtNotUrl" : "This field should be a URL in the \"http://www.example.com\" format" ,
"Common.Views.OpenDialog.cancelButtonText" : "Cancel" ,
"Common.Views.OpenDialog.okButtonText" : "OK" ,
"Common.Views.OpenDialog.txtDelimiter" : "Delimiter" ,
"Common.Views.OpenDialog.txtEncoding" : "Encoding " ,
"Common.Views.OpenDialog.txtSpace" : "Space" ,
"Common.Views.OpenDialog.txtTab" : "Tab" ,
"Common.Views.OpenDialog.txtTitle" : "Choose %1 options" ,
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.guestText" : "Guest" ,
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.textChangeColumnWidth" : "Column Width {0} symbols ({1} pixels)" ,
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.textChangeRowHeight" : "Row Height {0} points ({1} pixels)" ,
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.textCtrlClick" : "Press CTRL and click link" ,
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.textInsertLeft" : "Insert Left" ,
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.textInsertTop" : "Insert Top" ,
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.tipIsLocked" : "This element is being edited by another user." ,
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtHeight" : "Height" ,
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtRowHeight" : "Row Height" ,
2016-04-06 13:38:54 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.textSym" : "sym" ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.DocumentHolder.txtWidth" : "Width" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.newDocumentTitle" : "Unnamed spreadsheet" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textByColumns" : "By columns" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textByRows" : "By rows" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textFormulas" : "Formulas" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textItemEntireCell" : "Entire cell contents" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textLookin" : "Look in" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textNoTextFound" : "The data you have been searching for could not be found. Please adjust your search options." ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textReplaceSkipped" : "The replacement has been made. {0} occurrences were skipped." ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textReplaceSuccess" : "The search has been done. Occurrences replaced: {0}" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textSearch" : "Search" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textSheet" : "Sheet" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textValues" : "Values" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textWarning" : "Warning" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textWithin" : "Within" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.textWorkbook" : "Workbook" ,
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.warnDownloadAs" : "If you continue saving in this format all features except the text will be lost.<br>Are you sure you want to continue?" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.confirmMoveCellRange" : "The destination cell range can contain data. Continue the operation?" ,
2016-04-29 11:53:15 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.confirmPutMergeRange" : "The source data contains merged cells.<br>They will be unmerged before they are pasted into the table." ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.convertationErrorText" : "Conversion failed." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.convertationTimeoutText" : "Conversion timeout exceeded." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.criticalErrorExtText" : "Press \"OK\" to return to document list." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.criticalErrorTitle" : "Error" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.defaultTitleText" : "ONLYOFFICE Spreadsheet Editor" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.downloadErrorText" : "Download failed." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.downloadTextText" : "Downloading spreadsheet..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.downloadTitleText" : "Downloading Spreadsheet" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorArgsRange" : "An error in the entered formula.<br>Incorrect arguments range is used." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorAutoFilterChange" : "The operation is not allowed, as it is attempting to shift cells in a table on your worksheet." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorAutoFilterChangeFormatTable" : "The operation could not be done for the selected cells as you cannot move a part of the table.<br>Select another data range so that the whole table was shifted and try again." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorAutoFilterDataRange" : "The operation could not be done for the selected range of cells.<br>Select a uniform data range different from the existing one and try again." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorAutoFilterHiddenRange" : "The operation cannot be performed because the area contains filtered cells.<br>Please unhide the filtered elements and try again." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorBadImageUrl" : "Image URL is incorrect" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorCoAuthoringDisconnect" : "Server connection lost. The document cannot be edited right now." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorConnectToServer" : "The document could not be saved. Please check connection settings or contact your administrator.<br>When you click the 'OK' button, you will be prompted to download the document.<br><br>Find more information about connecting Document Server <a href=\"https://api.onlyoffice.com/editors/callback\" target=\"_blank\">here</a>" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorCountArg" : "An error in the entered formula.<br>Incorrect number of arguments is used." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorCountArgExceed" : "An error in the entered formula.<br>Number of arguments is exceeded." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorCreateDefName" : "The existing named ranges cannot be edited and the new ones cannot be created<br>at the moment as some of them are being edited." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorDatabaseConnection" : "External error.<br>Database connection error. Please contact support in case the error persists." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorDataRange" : "Incorrect data range." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorDefaultMessage" : "Error code: %1" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorFilePassProtect" : "The document is password protected and could not be opened." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorFileRequest" : "External error.<br>File request error. Please contact support in case the error persists." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorFileVKey" : "External error.<br>Incorrect security key. Please contact support in case the error persists." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorFillRange" : "Could not fill the selected range of cells.<br>All the merged cells need to be the same size." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorFormulaName" : "An error in the entered formula.<br>Incorrect formula name is used." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorFormulaParsing" : "Internal error while parsing the formula." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorFrmlWrongReferences" : "The function refers to a sheet that does not exist.<br>Please check the data and try again." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorInvalidRef" : "Enter a correct name for the selection or a valid reference to go to." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorKeyEncrypt" : "Unknown key descriptor" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorKeyExpire" : "Key descriptor expired" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorLockedAll" : "The operation could not be done as the sheet has been locked by another user." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorLockedWorksheetRename" : "The sheet cannot be renamed at the moment as it is being renamed by another user" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorMoveRange" : "Cannot change part of a merged cell" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorOpenWarning" : "The length of one of the formulas in the file exceeded<br>the allowed number of characters and it was removed." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorOperandExpected" : "Operand expected" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorPasteMaxRange" : "The copy and paste area does not match.<br>Please select an area with the same size or click the first cell in a row to paste the copied cells." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorProcessSaveResult" : "Saving failed" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorStockChart" : "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart place the data on the sheet in the following order:<br> opening price, max price, min price, closing price." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorUnexpectedGuid" : "External error.<br>Unexpected GUID. Please contact support in case the error persists." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorUpdateVersion" : "The file version has been changed. The page will be reloaded." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorUserDrop" : "The file cannot be accessed right now." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorUsersExceed" : "The number of users allowed by the pricing plan was exceeded" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorWrongBracketsCount" : "An error in the entered formula.<br>Wrong number of brackets is used." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.errorWrongOperator" : "An error in the entered formula. Wrong operator is used.<br>Please correct the error or use the Esc button to cancel the formula editing." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.leavePageText" : "You have unsaved changes in this spreadsheet. Click 'Stay on this Page' then 'Save' to save them. Click 'Leave this Page' to discard all the unsaved changes." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.loadFontsTextText" : "Loading data..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.loadFontsTitleText" : "Loading Data" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.loadFontTextText" : "Loading data..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.loadFontTitleText" : "Loading Data" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTextText" : "Loading images..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.loadImagesTitleText" : "Loading Images" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTextText" : "Loading image..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.loadImageTitleText" : "Loading Image" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.loadingDocumentTitleText" : "Loading Document" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.notcriticalErrorTitle" : "Warning" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.openTextText" : "Opening spreadsheet..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.openTitleText" : "Opening Spreadsheet" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.pastInMergeAreaError" : "Cannot change part of a merged cell" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.printTextText" : "Printing spreadsheet..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.printTitleText" : "Printing Spreadsheet" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.reloadButtonText" : "Reload Page" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.requestEditFailedMessageText" : "Someone is editing this document right now. Please try again later." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.requestEditFailedTitleText" : "Access denied" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.savePreparingText" : "Preparing to save" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.savePreparingTitle" : "Preparing to save. Please wait..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.saveTextText" : "Saving spreadsheet..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.saveTitleText" : "Saving Spreadsheet" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textAnonymous" : "Anonymous" ,
2016-03-15 11:00:11 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textBuyNow" : "Buy now" ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textCloseTip" : "\nClick to close the tip" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textConfirm" : "Confirmation" ,
2016-04-04 08:50:28 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textLoadingDocument" : "Loading spreadsheet" ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textNo" : "No" ,
2016-04-13 12:40:58 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textNoLicenseTitle" : "License expired or not found" ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textPleaseWait" : "The operation might take more time than expected. Please wait..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textRecalcFormulas" : "Calculating formulas..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textShape" : "Shape" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textStrict" : "Strict mode" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textTryUndoRedo" : "The Undo/Redo functions are disabled for the Fast co-editing mode.<br>Click the 'Strict mode' button to switch to the Strict co-editing mode to edit the file without other users interference and send your changes only after you save them. You can switch between the co-editing modes using the editor Advanced settings." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textYes" : "Yes" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.titleRecalcFormulas" : "Calculating..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtArt" : "Your text here" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtBasicShapes" : "Basic Shapes" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtButtons" : "Buttons" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtCallouts" : "Callouts" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtCharts" : "Charts" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtDiagramTitle" : "Chart Title" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtEditingMode" : "Set editing mode..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtFiguredArrows" : "Figured Arrows" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtLines" : "Lines" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtMath" : "Math" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtRectangles" : "Rectangles" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtSeries" : "Series" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtStarsRibbons" : "Stars & Ribbons" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtXAxis" : "X Axis" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.txtYAxis" : "Y Axis" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.unknownErrorText" : "Unknown error." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.unsupportedBrowserErrorText" : "Your browser is not supported." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageExtMessage" : "Unknown image format." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageFileCountMessage" : "No images uploaded." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageSizeMessage" : "Maximium image size limit exceeded." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageTextText" : "Uploading image..." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.uploadImageTitleText" : "Uploading Image" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserIE9" : "The application has low capabilities on IE9. Use IE10 or higher" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Main.warnBrowserZoom" : "Your browser current zoom setting is not fully supported. Please reset to the default zoom by pressing Ctrl+0." ,
2016-04-13 12:40:58 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.warnNoLicense" : "The license could not be found or expired. You cannot edit files.<br>Click 'Buy now' to purchase Enterprise Edition license or 'Contact us' if you use Integration Edition." ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.warnProcessRightsChange" : "You have been denied the right to edit the file." ,
2016-04-13 12:40:58 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Main.textContactUs" : "Contact us" ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
"SSE.Controllers.Print.strAllSheets" : "All Sheets" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Print.textWarning" : "Warning" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Print.warnCheckMargings" : "Margins are incorrect" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Statusbar.errorLastSheet" : "Workbook must have at least one visible worksheet." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Statusbar.errorRemoveSheet" : "Cannot delete the worksheet." ,
"SSE.Controllers.Statusbar.strSheet" : "Sheet" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Statusbar.warnDeleteSheet" : "The worksheet might contain data. Are you sure you want to proceed?" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Statusbar.zoomText" : "Zoom {0}%" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Toolbar.confirmAddFontName" : "The font you are going to save is not available on the current device.<br>The text style will be displayed using one of the system fonts, the saved font will be used when it is available.<br>Do you want to continue?" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Toolbar.textCancel" : "Cancel" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Toolbar.textFontSizeErr" : "The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a numeric value between 1 and 409" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Toolbar.textWarning" : "Warning" ,
"SSE.Controllers.Toolbar.warnMergeLostData" : "Only the data from the upper-left cell will remain in the merged cell. <br>Are you sure you want to continue?" ,
"SSE.Views.AutoFilterDialog.btnCustomFilter" : "Custom Filter" ,
"SSE.Views.AutoFilterDialog.cancelButtonText" : "Cancel" ,
"SSE.Views.AutoFilterDialog.okButtonText" : "OK" ,
"SSE.Views.AutoFilterDialog.textEmptyItem" : "{Blanks}" ,
"SSE.Views.AutoFilterDialog.textSelectAll" : "Select All" ,
"SSE.Views.AutoFilterDialog.textWarning" : "Warning" ,
"SSE.Views.AutoFilterDialog.txtEmpty" : "Enter cell filter" ,
"SSE.Views.AutoFilterDialog.txtTitle" : "Filter" ,
"SSE.Views.AutoFilterDialog.warnNoSelected" : "You must choose at least one value" ,
"SSE.Views.CellEditor.textManager" : "Name Manager" ,
"SSE.Views.CellEditor.tipFormula" : "Insert Function" ,
"SSE.Views.CellRangeDialog.errorMaxRows" : "ERROR! The maximum number of data series per chart is 255" ,
"SSE.Views.CellRangeDialog.textCancel" : "Cancel" ,
"SSE.Views.CellRangeDialog.txtEmpty" : "This field is required" ,
"SSE.Views.CellRangeDialog.txtInvalidRange" : "ERROR! Invalid cells range" ,
"SSE.Views.CellRangeDialog.txtTitle" : "Select Data Range" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textAdvanced" : "Show advanced settings" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textArea" : "Area Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textBar" : "Bar Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textChartType" : "Change Chart Type" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textColumn" : "Column Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textEditData" : "Edit Data" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textHeight" : "Height" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textKeepRatio" : "Constant Proportions" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textLine" : "Line Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textPie" : "Pie Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textPoint" : "Point Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textSize" : "Size" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textStock" : "Stock Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textStyle" : "Style" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettings.textWidth" : "Width" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.cancelButtonText" : "Cancel" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.errorMaxRows" : "ERROR! The maximum number of data series per chart is 255" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.errorStockChart" : "Incorrect row order. To build a stock chart place the data on the sheet in the following order:<br> opening price, max price, min price, closing price." ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textArea" : "Area Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textAuto" : "Auto" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textAxisCrosses" : "Axis Crosses" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textAxisOptions" : "Axis Options" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textAxisPos" : "Axis Position" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textAxisSettings" : "Axis Settings" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textBar" : "Bar Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textBetweenTickMarks" : "Between Tick Marks" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textBillions" : "Billions" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textCategoryName" : "Category Name" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textCenter" : "Center" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textChartElementsLegend" : "Chart Elements &<br/>Chart Legend" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textChartTitle" : "Chart Title" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textColumn" : "Column Chart" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textCross" : "Cross" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textCustom" : "Custom" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textDataColumns" : "in columns" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textDataLabels" : "Data Labels" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textDataRange" : "Data Range" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textDataRows" : "in rows" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textDataSeries" : "Data series" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textDisplayLegend" : "Display Legend" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textFixed" : "Fixed" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textGridLines" : "Gridlines" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textHide" : "Hide" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textHigh" : "High" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textHorAxis" : "Horizontal Axis" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textHorGrid" : "Horizontal Gridlines" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textHorizontal" : "Horizontal" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textHorTitle" : "Horizontal Axis Title" ,
"SSE.Views.ChartSettingsDlg.textHundredMil" : "100 000 000" ,
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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
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2016-04-07 12:13:16 +00:00
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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
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2016-04-01 13:01:12 +00:00
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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
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2016-04-01 13:01:12 +00:00
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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
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"SSE.Views.NamedRangeEditDlg.textInvalidRange" : "ERROR! Invalid cell range" ,
"SSE.Views.NamedRangeEditDlg.textIsLocked" : "ERROR! This element is being edited by another user." ,
"SSE.Views.NamedRangeEditDlg.textName" : "Name" ,
"SSE.Views.NamedRangeEditDlg.textReservedName" : "The name you are trying to use is already referenced in cell formulas. Please use some other name." ,
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"SSE.Views.NamedRangePasteDlg.textNames" : "Named Ranges" ,
"SSE.Views.NamedRangePasteDlg.txtTitle" : "Paste Name" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.closeButtonText" : "Close" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.guestText" : "Guest" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.okButtonText" : "Ok" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textDataRange" : "Data Range" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textDelete" : "Delete" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textEdit" : "Edit" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textEmpty" : "No named ranges have been created yet.<br>Create at least one named range and it will appear in this field." ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textFilter" : "Filter" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textFilterAll" : "All" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textFilterDefNames" : "Defined names" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textFilterSheet" : "Names Scoped to Sheet" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textFilterTableNames" : "Table names" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textFilterWorkbook" : "Names Scoped to Workbook" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textNew" : "New" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textnoNames" : "No named ranges matching your filter could be found." ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textRanges" : "Named Ranges" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textScope" : "Scope" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.textWorkbook" : "Workbook" ,
"SSE.Views.NameManagerDlg.tipIsLocked" : "This element is being edited by another user." ,
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"SSE.Views.ParagraphSettings.strLineHeight" : "Line Spacing" ,
2016-03-25 08:00:33 +00:00
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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
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2016-04-01 13:01:12 +00:00
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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
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2016-04-01 13:01:12 +00:00
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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
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2016-03-29 08:11:58 +00:00
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2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
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"SSE.Views.SetValueDialog.txtMaxText" : "The maximum value for this field is {0}" ,
"SSE.Views.SetValueDialog.txtMinText" : "The minimum value for this field is {0}" ,
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"SSE.Views.ShapeSettings.textAdvanced" : "Show advanced settings" ,
"SSE.Views.ShapeSettings.textBorderSizeErr" : "The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a value between 0 pt and 1584 pt." ,
"SSE.Views.ShapeSettings.textColor" : "Color Fill" ,
"SSE.Views.ShapeSettings.textDirection" : "Direction" ,
"SSE.Views.ShapeSettings.textEmptyPattern" : "No Pattern" ,
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"SSE.Views.ShapeSettings.textNoFill" : "No Fill" ,
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"SSE.Views.Statusbar.CopyDialog.itemCopyToEnd" : "(Copy to end)" ,
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"SSE.Views.Statusbar.RenameDialog.errNameExists" : "Worksheet with such a name already exists." ,
"SSE.Views.Statusbar.RenameDialog.errNameWrongChar" : "A sheet name cannot contain the following characters: \\/*?[]:" ,
"SSE.Views.Statusbar.RenameDialog.labelSheetName" : "Sheet Name" ,
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"SSE.Views.Statusbar.tipZoomOut" : "Zoom Out" ,
"SSE.Views.Statusbar.txAccessRights" : "Change access rights" ,
"SSE.Views.Statusbar.zoomText" : "Zoom {0}%" ,
"SSE.Views.TableOptionsDialog.errorAutoFilterDataRange" : "The operation could not be done for the selected range of cells.<br>Select a uniform data range different from the existing one and try again." ,
"SSE.Views.TableOptionsDialog.textCancel" : "Cancel" ,
"SSE.Views.TableOptionsDialog.txtEmpty" : "This field is required" ,
"SSE.Views.TableOptionsDialog.txtFormat" : "Create table" ,
"SSE.Views.TableOptionsDialog.txtInvalidRange" : "ERROR! Invalid cells range" ,
"SSE.Views.TableOptionsDialog.txtTitle" : "Title" ,
2016-04-08 13:59:39 +00:00
"SSE.Views.TableOptionsDialog.errorFTChangeTableRangeError" : "Operation could not be completed for the selected cell range.<br>Select a range so that the first table row was on the same row<br>and the resulting table overlapped the current one." ,
"SSE.Views.TableOptionsDialog.errorFTRangeIncludedOtherTables" : "Operation could not be completed for the selected cell range.<br>Select a range which does not include other tables." ,
2016-04-19 14:49:35 +00:00
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textEdit" : "Rows & Columns" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.selectRowText" : "Select Row" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.selectColumnText" : "Select Entire Column" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.selectDataText" : "Select Column Data" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.selectTableText" : "Select Table" ,
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"SSE.Views.TableSettings.insertRowBelowText" : "Insert Row Below" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.insertColumnLeftText" : "Insert Column Left" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.insertColumnRightText" : "Insert Column Right" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.deleteRowText" : "Delete Row" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.deleteColumnText" : "Delete Column" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.deleteTableText" : "Delete Table" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textOK" : "OK" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textCancel" : "Cancel" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textTemplate" : "Select From Template" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textRows" : "Rows" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textColumns" : "Columns" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textHeader" : "Header" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textTotal" : "Total" ,
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"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textFirst" : "First" ,
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"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textEmptyTemplate" : "No templates" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textFilter" : "Filter button" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textTableName" : "Table Name" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textResize" : "Resize table" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textSelectData" : "Select Data" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textInvalidName" : "ERROR! Invalid table name" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textExistName" : "ERROR! Range with such a name already exists" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textIsLocked" : "This element is being edited by another user." ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.notcriticalErrorTitle" : "Warning" ,
"SSE.Views.TableSettings.textReservedName" : "The name you are trying to use is already referenced in cell formulas. Please use some other name." ,
2016-03-11 00:48:53 +00:00
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.strBackground" : "Background color" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.strColor" : "Color" ,
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"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.strTransparency" : "Opacity" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textBorderSizeErr" : "The entered value is incorrect.<br>Please enter a value between 0 pt and 1584 pt." ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textColor" : "Color Fill" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textDirection" : "Direction" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textEmptyPattern" : "No Pattern" ,
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"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textFromUrl" : "From URL" ,
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"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textGradientFill" : "Gradient Fill" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textImageTexture" : "Picture or Texture" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textLinear" : "Linear" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textNewColor" : "Add New Custom Color" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.textNoFill" : "No Fill" ,
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"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtBrownPaper" : "Brown Paper" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtCanvas" : "Canvas" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtCarton" : "Carton" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtDarkFabric" : "Dark Fabric" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtGrain" : "Grain" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtGranite" : "Granite" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtGreyPaper" : "Gray Paper" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtKnit" : "Knit" ,
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"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtNoBorders" : "No Line" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtPapyrus" : "Papyrus" ,
"SSE.Views.TextArtSettings.txtWood" : "Wood" ,
"SSE.Views.Toolbar.mniImageFromFile" : "Picture from File" ,
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"SSE.Views.Toolbar.textCenterBorders" : "Inside Vertical Borders" ,
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"SSE.Views.Toolbar.textCompactToolbar" : "View Compact Toolbar" ,
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