<li><b>Left</b> alignment with the text lined up by the left side of the page (the right side remains unaligned) is done with the <b>Align left</b><imgalt="Align left icon"src="../images/alignleft.png"/> icon situated at the top toolbar.</li>
<li><b>Center</b> alignment with the text lined up by the center of the page (the right and the left sides remains unaligned) is done with the <b>Align center</b><imgalt="Align center icon"src="../images/aligncenter.png"/> icon situated at the top toolbar.</li>
<li><b>Right</b> alignment with the text lined up by the right side of the page (the left side remains unaligned) is done with the <b>Align right</b><imgalt="Align right icon"src="../images/alignright.png"/> icon situated at the top toolbar.</li>
<li><b>Justify</b> alignment with the text lined up by both the left and the right sides of the page (additional spacing is added where necessary to keep the alignment) is done with the <b>Justify</b><imgalt="Justify icon"src="../images/justify.png"/> icon situated at the top toolbar.</li>