<p>To help you view and select cells in large spreadsheets, the <ahref="https://www.onlyoffice.com/en/spreadsheet-editor.aspx"target="_blank"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Spreadsheet Editor</b></a> offers several tools: adjustable bars, scrollbars, sheet navigation buttons, sheet tabs and zoom.</p>
To adjust default view settings and to set the most convenient mode to work with the spreadsheet, click the <b>View settings</b><divclass ="icon icon-viewsettingsicon"></div> icon on the right side of the editor header and select which interface elements you want to be hidden or shown.
<b>Hide Toolbar</b> - hides the top toolbar with commands while the tabs remain visible. When this option is enabled, you can click any tab to display the toolbar. The toolbar is displayed until you click anywhere outside it. To disable this mode, click the <b>View settings</b><divclass ="icon icon-viewsettingsicon"></div> icon and click the <b>Hide Toolbar</b> option once again. The top toolbar will be displayed all the time.
<li><b>Hide Formula Bar</b> - hides the bar below the top toolbar which is used to enter and review the formulas and their contents. To show the hidden <b>Formula Bar</b>, click this option once again. Dragging formula bar bottom line to expand it toggles Formula Bar height to show one row.</li>
<li><b>Combine sheet and status bars</b> - displays all sheet navigation tools and status bar in a single line. By default, this option is active. If you disable it, the status bar will appear in two lines.</li>
<li><b>Hide Headings</b> - hides the column heading at the top and row heading on the left side of the worksheet. To show the hidden <b>Headings</b>, click this option once again.</li>
<li><b>Hide Gridlines</b> - hides the lines around the cells. To show the hidden <b>Gridlines</b>, click this option once again.</li>
<li><b>Freeze Panes</b> - freezes all the rows above the active cell and all the columns to the left of the active cell so that they remain visible when you scroll the spreadsheet to the right or down. To unfreeze the panes, just click this option once again or right-click anywhere within the worksheet and select the <b>Unfreeze Panes</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li><b>Show Frozen Panes Shadow</b>- shows that columns and/or rows are frozen (a subtle line appears).
<p><b>Show zeros</b> - allows <b>“0”</b> to be visible when entered in a cell. To activate/deactivate this option, find the <b>Show zeros</b> checkbox on the <b>View</b> tab.</p>
<p>The right sidebar is minimized by default. To expand it, select any object (e.g. image, chart, shape) and click the icon of the currently activated tab on the right. To minimize the right sidebar, click the icon once again.</p>
<p>You can also change the size of the opened <b>Comments</b><spanclass="onlineDocumentFeatures">or <b>Chat</b></span> panel using the simple drag-and-drop: move the mouse cursor over the left sidebar border so that it turns into the bidirectional arrow and drag the border to the right to extend the sidebar width. To restore its original width, move the border to the left.</p>
<h3>Use the Navigation Tools</h3>
<p>To navigate through your spreadsheet, use the following tools:</p>
<p>Use the <b>Tab</b> key on your keyboard to move to the cell to the right of the selected one.</p>
<p>The <b>Scrollbars</b> (at the bottom or on the right side) are used to scroll up/down and left/right the current sheet. To navigate a spreadsheet using the scrollbars:</p>
<li>click the up/down or right/left arrows on the scrollbars;</li>
<li>drag the scroll box;</li>
<li>click any area to the left/right or above/below the scroll box on the scrollbar.</li>
<p>You can also use the <b>mouse scroll wheel</b> to scroll your spreadsheet up or down.</p>
<p>The <b>Sheet Navigation</b> buttons are situated in the left lower corner and are used to scroll the sheet list to the right/left and navigate among the sheet tabs.</p>
<li>click the <b>Scroll to first sheet</b><divclass ="icon icon-firstsheet"></div> button to scroll the sheet list to the first sheet tab of the current spreadsheet;</li>
<li>click the <b>Scroll sheet list left</b><divclass ="icon icon-previoussheet"></div> button to scroll the sheet list of the current spreadsheet to the left;</li>
<li>click the <b>Scroll sheet list right</b><divclass ="icon icon-nextsheet"></div> button to scroll the sheet list of the current spreadsheet to the right;</li>
<li>click the <b>Scroll to last sheet</b><divclass ="icon icon-lastsheet"></div> button to scroll the sheet list to the last sheet tab of the current spreadsheet.</li>
click <divclass ="icon icon-list_worksheets"></div> button on the status bar to open the list of all sheets and to select the sheet you need. The list of sheets also displays the sheet status,
To change the currently selected zoom value that is displayed in percent, click it and select one of the available zoom options from the list (50% / 75% / 100% / 125% / 150% / 175% / 200% / 300% / 400% / 500%) or use the <b>Zoom in</b><divclass ="icon icon-zoomin"></div> or <b>Zoom out</b><divclass ="icon icon-zoomout"></div> buttons. The Zoom settings are also available in the <b>View settings</b><divclass ="icon icon-viewsettingsicon"></div> drop-down list.