<p>The <atarget="_blank"href="https://www.onlyoffice.com/presentation-editor.aspx"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Presentation Editor</b></a> uses a tabbed interface where editing commands are grouped into tabs according to their functionality.</p>
The <b>Editor header</b> displays the logo, <spanclass="desktopDocumentFeatures">tabs for all opened presentations with their names</span> and menu tabs.
<p>On the left side of the <b>Editor header</b>, the <b>Save</b>, <b>Print file</b>, <b>Undo</b> and <b>Redo</b> buttons are located.</p>
<li><divclass ="icon icon-gotodocuments"></div><b>Open file location</b> - <spanclass="desktopDocumentFeatures">in the <em>desktop version</em>, it allows opening the folder, where the file is stored, in the <b>File Explorer</b> window.</span><spanclass="onlineDocumentFeatures"> In the <em>online version</em>, it allows opening the folder of the <b>Documents</b> module, where the file is stored, in a new browser tab.</span></li>
<li><divclass ="icon icon-viewsettingsicon"></div><b>View Settings</b> - allows adjusting the <ahref="../HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">View Settings</a> and accessing the <ahref="../HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Advanced Settings</a> of the editor.</li>
<liclass="onlineDocumentFeatures"><divclass ="icon icon-access_rights"></div><b>Manage document access rights</b> - (available in the <em>online version</em> only) allows <ahref="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">setting access rights</a> for the documents stored in the cloud.</li>
<li><divclass ="icon icon-favorites_icon"></div><b>Mark as favorite</b> - click the star to add a file to favorites as to make it easy to find. The added file is just a shortcut so the file itself remains stored in its original location. Deleting a file from favorites does not remove the file from its original location.</li>
The <b>Top toolbar</b> displays a set of editing commands depending on the selected menu tab. Currently, the following tabs are available: <ahref="../ProgramInterface/FileTab.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">File</a>, <ahref="../ProgramInterface/HomeTab.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Home</a>, <ahref="../ProgramInterface/InsertTab.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Insert</a>, <ahref="../ProgramInterface/TransitionsTab.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Transitions</a>, <ahref="../ProgramInterface/CollaborationTab.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Collaboration</a>, <spanclass="desktopDocumentFeatures">Protection,</span><ahref="../ProgramInterface/PluginsTab.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Plugins</a>.
<p>The <divclass ="icon icon-copy"></div><b>Copy</b> and <divclass ="icon icon-paste"></div><b>Paste</b> options are always available on the left side of the <b>Top toolbar</b> regardless of the selected tab.</p>
<li>The <b>Status bar</b> at the bottom of the editor window contains the <ahref="../UsageInstructions/PreviewPresentation.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Start slideshow</a> icon, some <ahref="../HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">navigation tools</a>: slide number indicator and zoom buttons. The <b>Status bar</b> also displays some notifications (such as "All changes saved", etc.) and allows <ahref="../HelpfulHints/SpellChecking.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">setting the text language and enable spell checking</a>.</li>
<li><divclass ="icon icon-searchicon"></div> - allows using the <ahref="../HelpfulHints/Search.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Search and Replace</a> tool,</li>
<li><divclass ="icon icon-commentsicon"></div> - allows opening the <ahref="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm#comments"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Comments</a> panel,</li>
<liclass="onlineDocumentFeatures"><divclass ="icon icon-chaticon"></div> - (available in the <em>online version</em> only) allows opening the <ahref="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm#chat"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Chat</a> panel,</li>
<liclass="onlineDocumentFeatures"><divclass ="icon icon-feedbackicon"></div> - (available in the <em>online version</em> only) allows contacting our support team,</li>
<liclass="onlineDocumentFeatures"><divclass ="icon icon-about"></div> - (available in the <em>online version</em> only) allows viewing the information about the program.</li>
<li>The <b>Right sidebar</b> allows adjusting additional parameters of different objects. When you select a particular object on a slide, the corresponding icon is activated on the right sidebar. Click this icon to expand the right sidebar.</li>
<li>The horizontal and vertical <b>Rulers</b> help you place objects on a slide and allow you to set up tab stops and paragraph indents within the text boxes.</li>
<li>The <b>Working area</b> allows viewing the presentation content, entering and editing data.</li>
<li>The <b>Scroll bar</b> on the right allows scrolling the presentation up and down.</li>
<p>For your convenience, you can hide some components and display them again when necessary. To learn more on how to adjust the view settings, please refer to <ahref="../HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm"onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</p>