<p>The <b>AND</b> function is one of the logical functions. It is used to check if the logical value you enter is TRUE or FALSE. The function returns TRUE if all the arguments are TRUE.</p>
<p>The result will be displayed in the selected cell. The function returns FALSE if at least one of the arguments is FALSE.</p>
<p><em>For example:</em></p>
<p>There are three arguments: <em>logical1</em> = <b>A1<100</b>, <em>logical2</em> = <b>34<100</b>, <em>logical3</em> = <b>50<100</b>, where <b>A1</b> is <b>12</b>. All these logical expressions are <b>TRUE</b>. So the function returns <b>TRUE</b>.</p>