2017-06-23 14:28:40 +00:00
2021-07-13 19:48:21 +00:00
"About" : {
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"textAddress" : "地址" ,
"textBack" : "返回" ,
"textEmail" : "电子邮件" ,
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"textAddReply" : "添加回复" ,
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"textContextual" : "请不要在同一个样式的不同段落间添加区间" ,
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"textDeleteComment" : "删除批注" ,
"textDeleted" : "已删除:" ,
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"textLineSpacing" : "行间距:" ,
"textMarkup" : "标记" ,
"textMessageDeleteComment" : "您确定要删除此批注吗?" ,
"textMessageDeleteReply" : "你确定要删除这一回复吗?" ,
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"textNoBreakBefore" : "之前没有分页" ,
"textNoChanges" : "未进行任何修改。" ,
"textNoComments" : "此文档不包含批注" ,
"textNoContextual" : "在相同样式的段落之间添加间隔" ,
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"textNoKeepNext" : "不要跟着下一个" ,
"textNot" : "不" ,
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"textParaMoveTo" : "已移动:" ,
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"textTableRowsDel" : "行被删除" ,
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"textTrackChanges" : "跟踪变化" ,
"textTryUndoRedo" : "快速共同编辑模式下,撤销/重做功能被禁用。" ,
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"ContextMenu" : {
"errorCopyCutPaste" : "在上下文菜单中进行拷贝、剪切、粘贴操作只会在这个文件中起作用。" ,
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"menuReview" : "审阅" ,
"menuReviewChange" : "审查变更" ,
"menuSplit" : "分开" ,
"menuViewComment" : "查看批注" ,
"textColumns" : "列" ,
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"Edit" : {
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"textAddCustomColor" : "\n添加自定义颜色" ,
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"textEmptyImgUrl" : "您需要指定图像URL。" ,
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"textNotUrl" : "该字段应为“http://www.example.com”格式的URL" ,
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"textPt" : "像素" ,
"textRemoveChart" : "删除图表" ,
"textRemoveImage" : "删除图片" ,
"textRemoveLink" : "删除链接" ,
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"textReplace" : "替换" ,
"textReplaceImage" : "替换图像" ,
"textResizeToFitContent" : "调整大小以适应内容" ,
"textScreenTip" : "屏幕提示" ,
"textSelectObjectToEdit" : "选择要编辑的物件" ,
"textSendToBackground" : "送至后台" ,
"textSettings" : "设置" ,
"textShape" : "形状" ,
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2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"textWrap" : "包裹" ,
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"textNumbers" : "Numbers"
2021-07-13 19:48:21 +00:00
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"Error" : {
"convertationTimeoutText" : "转换超时" ,
"criticalErrorExtText" : "按下“好”按钮回到文档列表。" ,
"criticalErrorTitle" : "错误" ,
"downloadErrorText" : "下载失败" ,
"errorAccessDeny" : "你正要执行一个你没有权限的操作<br>恳请你联系你的管理员。" ,
"errorBadImageUrl" : "图片地址不正确" ,
"errorConnectToServer" : "文档保存失败。请检查你的联网设置,或联系你的管理员。<br>点按“好”按钮后,你可以下载该文档。" ,
"errorDatabaseConnection" : "外部错误。<br>数据库连接错误。请联系客服支持。" ,
"errorDataEncrypted" : "加密更改已收到,无法对其解密。" ,
"errorDataRange" : "数据范围不正确" ,
"errorDefaultMessage" : "错误代码:%1" ,
"errorEditingDownloadas" : "处理文档时发生错误.<br>请将文件备份保存到本地。" ,
"errorFilePassProtect" : "该文件已启动密码保护,无法打开。" ,
"errorFileSizeExceed" : "文件大小超出了服务器的限制。<br>恳请你联系管理员。" ,
"errorKeyEncrypt" : "未知密钥描述" ,
"errorKeyExpire" : "密钥过期" ,
"errorMailMergeLoadFile" : "加载失败" ,
"errorMailMergeSaveFile" : "合并失败" ,
"errorSessionAbsolute" : "该文件编辑窗口已过期。请刷新该页。" ,
"errorSessionIdle" : "该文档已经有一段时间没有编辑了。请刷新该页。" ,
"errorSessionToken" : "与服务器的链接被打断。请刷新该页。" ,
"errorStockChart" : "行的顺序有误。要想建立股票图表,请将数据按照如下顺序安放到表格中:<br> 开盘价格,最高价格,最低价格,收盘价格。" ,
"errorUpdateVersionOnDisconnect" : "网络连接已恢复,文件版本已变更。<br>在继续工作之前,需要下载文件或复制其内容以避免丢失数据,然后刷新此页。" ,
"errorUserDrop" : "当前不能访问该文件。" ,
"errorUsersExceed" : "超过了定价计划允许的用户数" ,
"errorViewerDisconnect" : "网络连接失败。你仍然可以查看这个文档,<br>但在连接恢复并刷新该页之前,你将不能下载这个文档。" ,
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "警告" ,
"openErrorText" : "打开文件时发生错误" ,
"saveErrorText" : "保存文件时发生错误" ,
"scriptLoadError" : "网速过慢,导致该页部分元素未能成功加载。请刷新该页。" ,
"splitDividerErrorText" : "该行数必须是%1的约数。" ,
"splitMaxColsErrorText" : "列数必须小于%1" ,
"splitMaxRowsErrorText" : "行数必须小于%1" ,
"unknownErrorText" : "未知错误。" ,
"uploadImageExtMessage" : "未知图像格式。" ,
"uploadImageFileCountMessage" : "没有图片上传" ,
"uploadImageSizeMessage" : "图片太大了。最大允许的大小是 25 MB."
} ,
"LongActions" : {
"applyChangesTextText" : "数据加载中…" ,
"applyChangesTitleText" : "数据加载中" ,
"downloadMergeText" : "下载中…" ,
"downloadMergeTitle" : "下载中" ,
"downloadTextText" : "正在下载文件..." ,
"downloadTitleText" : "下载文件" ,
"loadFontsTextText" : "数据加载中…" ,
"loadFontsTitleText" : "数据加载中" ,
"loadFontTextText" : "数据加载中…" ,
"loadFontTitleText" : "数据加载中" ,
"loadImagesTextText" : "图片加载中…" ,
"loadImagesTitleText" : "图片加载中" ,
"loadImageTextText" : "图片加载中…" ,
"loadImageTitleText" : "图片加载中" ,
"loadingDocumentTextText" : "文件加载中…" ,
"loadingDocumentTitleText" : "文件加载中…" ,
"mailMergeLoadFileText" : "原始数据加载中…" ,
"mailMergeLoadFileTitle" : "原始数据加载中…" ,
"openTextText" : "打开文件..." ,
"openTitleText" : "正在打开文件" ,
"printTextText" : "打印文件" ,
"printTitleText" : "打印文件" ,
"savePreparingText" : "正在准备保存..." ,
"savePreparingTitle" : "正在准备保存。请稍等..." ,
"saveTextText" : "正在保存文档..." ,
"saveTitleText" : "保存文件" ,
"sendMergeText" : "任务合并" ,
"sendMergeTitle" : "任务合并" ,
"textLoadingDocument" : "文件加载中…" ,
"txtEditingMode" : "设置编辑模式.." ,
"uploadImageTextText" : "上传图片..." ,
"uploadImageTitleText" : "图片上传中" ,
"waitText" : "请稍候..."
} ,
"Main" : {
"criticalErrorTitle" : "错误" ,
"errorAccessDeny" : "你正要执行一个你没有权限的操作。<br>恳请你联系你的管理员。" ,
"errorOpensource" : "在使用免费社区版本的情况下,你只能查看打开的文件。要想使用移动网上编辑器功能,你需要持有付费许可证。" ,
"errorProcessSaveResult" : "保存失败" ,
"errorServerVersion" : "编辑器版本已完成更新。为应用这些更改,该页将要刷新。" ,
"errorUpdateVersion" : "文件版本发生改变。该页将要刷新。" ,
"leavePageText" : "你有未保存的修改。点击“留在该页”可等待自动保存完成。点击“离开该页”将丢弃全部未经保存的修改。" ,
"notcriticalErrorTitle" : "警告" ,
"SDK" : {
"Diagram Title" : "图表标题" ,
"Footer" : "页脚" ,
"footnote text" : "脚注文本" ,
"Header" : "页眉" ,
"Heading 1" : "标题1" ,
"Heading 2" : "标题2" ,
"Heading 3" : "标题3" ,
"Heading 4" : "标题4" ,
"Heading 5" : "标题5" ,
"Heading 6" : "标题6" ,
"Heading 7" : "标题7" ,
"Heading 8" : "标题8" ,
"Heading 9" : "标题9" ,
"Intense Quote" : "直接引用" ,
"List Paragraph" : "列表段落" ,
"No Spacing" : "无空格" ,
"Normal" : "正常" ,
"Quote" : "引用" ,
"Series" : "系列" ,
"Subtitle" : "副标题" ,
"Title" : "标题" ,
"X Axis" : "X 轴 XAS" ,
"Y Axis" : "Y 轴" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"Your text here" : "你的文本在此" ,
" -Section " : " -Section " ,
"above" : "above" ,
"below" : "below" ,
"Caption" : "Caption" ,
"Choose an item" : "Choose an item" ,
"Click to load image" : "Click to load image" ,
"Current Document" : "Current Document" ,
"endnote text" : "Endnote Text" ,
"Enter a date" : "Enter a date" ,
"Error! Bookmark not defined" : "Error! Bookmark not defined." ,
"Error! Main Document Only" : "Error! Main Document Only." ,
"Error! No text of specified style in document" : "Error! No text of specified style in document." ,
"Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference" : "Error! Not a valid bookmark self-reference." ,
"Even Page " : "Even Page " ,
"First Page " : "First Page " ,
"Hyperlink" : "Hyperlink" ,
"Index Too Large" : "Index Too Large" ,
"Is Not In Table" : "Is Not In Table" ,
"Missing Argument" : "Missing Argument" ,
"Missing Operator" : "Missing Operator" ,
"No table of contents entries found" : "There are no headings in the document. Apply a heading style to the text so that it appears in the table of contents." ,
"No table of figures entries found" : "No table of figures entries found." ,
"None" : "None" ,
"Number Too Large To Format" : "Number Too Large To Format" ,
"Odd Page " : "Odd Page " ,
"Same as Previous" : "Same as Previous" ,
"Syntax Error" : "Syntax Error" ,
"Table Index Cannot be Zero" : "Table Index Cannot be Zero" ,
"Table of Contents" : "Table of Contents" ,
"table of figures" : "Table of figures" ,
"The Formula Not In Table" : "The Formula Not In Table" ,
"TOC Heading" : "TOC Heading" ,
"Type equation here" : "Type equation here" ,
"Undefined Bookmark" : "Undefined Bookmark" ,
"Unexpected End of Formula" : "Unexpected End of Formula" ,
"Zero Divide" : "Zero Divide"
2021-07-13 19:48:21 +00:00
} ,
"textAnonymous" : "匿名" ,
"textBuyNow" : "访问网站" ,
"textClose" : "关闭" ,
"textContactUs" : "联系销售" ,
"textCustomLoader" : "抱歉,你无权修改装载程序。请联系我们的销售部门以获取报价。" ,
"textGuest" : "访客" ,
"textHasMacros" : "这个文件带有自动宏。<br> 是否要运行宏?" ,
"textNo" : "不" ,
"textNoLicenseTitle" : "触碰到许可证数量限制。" ,
"textPaidFeature" : "付费功能" ,
"textRemember" : "记住我的选择" ,
"textYes" : "是" ,
"titleLicenseExp" : "许可证过期" ,
"titleServerVersion" : "编辑器已更新" ,
"titleUpdateVersion" : "版本已变化" ,
"warnLicenseExceeded" : "你触发了 %1 编辑器的同时在线数限制。该文档打开后,你将只能查看。可联系管理员来了解更多信息。" ,
"warnLicenseExp" : "你的许可证已过期。恳请你更新许可证,然后刷新该页面。" ,
"warnLicenseLimitedNoAccess" : "许可证已过期。你将不能使用文档编辑功能。恳请你联系你的管理员。" ,
"warnLicenseLimitedRenewed" : "许可证需要更新。你的文档编辑功能被限制了。<br>要想取得全部权限,请联系你的管理员。" ,
"warnLicenseUsersExceeded" : "你触发了 %1 编辑器的同时在线数限制。可联系管理员来了解更多信息。" ,
"warnNoLicense" : "你已经触发了 %1 编辑器的同时在线数限制. 该文档打开后,你将只能查看。请联系 %1 的销售团队,获取个人升级条款。" ,
"warnNoLicenseUsers" : "你触发了 %1 编辑器的同时在线数限制。请与 %1 的销售团队联系,以获取个人升级条款。" ,
"warnProcessRightsChange" : "你没有编辑这个文件的权限。"
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"textDownloadAs" : "另存为" ,
"textDownloadRtf" : "如果你用这个格式来保存的话,有些排版将会丢失。你确定要继续吗?" ,
"textDownloadTxt" : "如果你用这个格式来保存的话,除文本外的所有特性都会丢失。你确定要继续吗?" ,
"textEnableAll" : "启动所有项目" ,
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"textFindAndReplaceAll" : "查找并替换所有" ,
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"textNoTextFound" : "文本没找到" ,
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"txtIncorrectPwd" : "密码有误" ,
2021-08-02 09:40:28 +00:00
"txtProtected" : "输入密码并打开文件后,当前密码将会被重设。" ,
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"txtScheme22" : "New Office" ,
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"txtScheme6" : "Concourse" ,
"txtScheme7" : "Equity" ,
"txtScheme8" : "Flow" ,
2021-08-17 13:07:42 +00:00
"txtScheme9" : "Foundry" ,
"textOk" : "Ok"
2021-07-13 19:48:21 +00:00
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"Toolbar" : {
"dlgLeaveMsgText" : "你有未保存的修改。点击“留在该页”可等待自动保存完成。点击“离开该页”将丢弃全部未经保存的修改。" ,
"dlgLeaveTitleText" : "你退出应用程序" ,
"leaveButtonText" : "离开这个页面" ,
"stayButtonText" : "保持此页上"
2017-06-23 14:28:40 +00:00