\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } ?> Async Attribute Test

Async Attribute Test

This test requires PHP to be enabled to run.

This test tests async attribute. It attaches two scripts to the DOM, one.php and two.js. The URLs to the scripts always has a timestamp querystring to make sure the scripts are fetched fresh for each request.

one.php uses a PHP sleep of 3 seconds before returning its result (a log message), where two.js will return immediately with a log message.

If the async attribute is being effective (In Gecko 1.9.2+/Firefox 3.6+ browsers, maybe Opera in the future), then the log message for two.js should appear before the one.php log message. If async is not effective, then one.php's log message will appear first.

You can also try this page in quirks mode. When you are done, come back to standards mode.

Watch the console for log messages. If no console is available, then it should print the log messages in the DOM.

Expected Results in All Browsers (except Opera):