453 lines
19 KiB
453 lines
19 KiB
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* User: Julia.Svinareva
* Date: 11.02.2022
], function (template) {
'use strict';
Common.Views.SearchPanel = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend({
el: '#left-panel-search',
template: _.template(template),
initialize: function(options) {
_.extend(this, options);
Common.UI.BaseView.prototype.initialize.call(this, arguments);
this.mode = false;
window.SSE && (this.extendedOptions = Common.localStorage.getBool('sse-search-options-extended', true));
render: function(el) {
var me = this;
if (!this.rendered) {
el = el || this.el;
scope: this
this.$el = $(el);
this.inputText = new Common.UI.InputField({
el: $('#search-adv-text'),
placeHolder: this.textFind,
allowBlank: true,
validateOnBlur: false,
style: 'width: 100%;',
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.inputText._input.on('input', _.bind(function () {
this.fireEvent('search:input', [this.inputText._input.val()]);
}, this)).on('keydown', _.bind(function (e) {
this.fireEvent('search:keydown', [this.inputText._input.val(), e]);
}, this));
this.inputReplace = new Common.UI.InputField({
el: $('#search-adv-replace-text'),
placeHolder: this.textReplaceWith,
allowBlank: true,
validateOnBlur: false,
style: 'width: 100%;',
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.inputReplace._input.on('keydown', _.bind(function (e) {
if (e.keyCode === Common.UI.Keys.RETURN && !this.btnReplace.isDisabled()) {
}, this));
this.btnBack = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $('#search-adv-back'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-arrow-up',
hint: this.tipPreviousResult,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom'
this.btnBack.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnNextClick, this, 'back'));
this.btnNext = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $('#search-adv-next'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-arrow-down',
hint: this.tipNextResult,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom'
this.btnNext.on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnNextClick, this, 'next'));
this.btnReplace = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#search-adv-replace')
this.btnReplace.on('click', _.bind(this.onReplaceClick, this, 'replace'));
this.btnReplaceAll = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#search-adv-replace-all')
this.btnReplaceAll.on('click', _.bind(this.onReplaceClick, this, 'replaceall'));
this.$reaultsNumber = $('#search-adv-results-number');
this.chCaseSensitive = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#search-adv-case-sensitive'),
labelText: this.textCaseSensitive,
value: false,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
}).on('change', function(field) {
me.fireEvent('search:options', ['case-sensitive', field.getValue() === 'checked']);
/*this.chUseRegExp = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#search-adv-use-regexp'),
labelText: this.textMatchUsingRegExp,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
}).on('change', function(field) {
me.fireEvent('search:options', ['regexp', field.getValue() === 'checked']);
this.chMatchWord = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $('#search-adv-match-word'),
labelText: window.SSE ? this.textItemEntireCell : this.textWholeWords,
value: false,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
}).on('change', function(field) {
me.fireEvent('search:options', ['match-word', field.getValue() === 'checked']);
this.buttonClose = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $('#search-btn-close', this.$el),
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-close',
hint: this.textCloseSearch,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'medium'
this.buttonClose.on('click', _.bind(this.onClickClosePanel, this));
this.$resultsContainer = $('#search-results');
this.$searchContainer = $('#search-container');
this.$searchContainer.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el : $('#search-container'),
useKeyboard : true,
minScrollbarLength: 40
Common.NotificationCenter.on('search:updateresults', _.bind(this.disableNavButtons, this));
if (window.SSE) {
this.cmbWithin = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#search-adv-cmb-within'),
menuStyle: 'min-width: 100%;',
style: "width: 219px;",
editable: false,
cls: 'input-group-nr',
data: [
{ value: 0, displayValue: this.textSheet },
{ value: 1, displayValue: this.textWorkbook },
{ value: 2, displayValue: this.textSpecificRange}
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'big'
}).on('selected', function(combo, record) {
me.fireEvent('search:options', ['within', record.value]);
this.inputSelectRange = new Common.UI.InputFieldBtn({
el: $('#search-adv-select-range'),
placeHolder: this.textSelectDataRange,
allowBlank: true,
validateOnChange: true,
validateOnBlur: true,
style: "width: 219px; margin-top: 8px",
disabled: true,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'left',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
}).on('keyup:after', function(input, e) {
me.fireEvent('search:options', ['range', input.getValue(), e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.RETURN]);
this.cmbSearch = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#search-adv-cmb-search'),
menuStyle: 'min-width: 100%;',
style: "width: 219px;",
editable: false,
cls: 'input-group-nr',
data: [
{ value: 0, displayValue: this.textByRows },
{ value: 1, displayValue: this.textByColumns }
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'big'
}).on('selected', function(combo, record) {
me.fireEvent('search:options', ['search', !record.value]);
this.cmbLookIn = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el: $('#search-adv-cmb-look-in'),
menuStyle: 'min-width: 100%;',
style: "width: 219px;",
editable: false,
cls: 'input-group-nr',
data: [
{ value: 0, displayValue: this.textFormulas },
{ value: 1, displayValue: this.textValues }
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'big'
}).on('selected', function(combo, record) {
me.fireEvent('search:options', ['lookIn', !record.value]);
this.$searchOptionsBlock = $('.search-options-block');
$('#open-search-options').on('click', _.bind(this.expandSearchOptions, this));
if (!this.extendedOptions) {
var tableTemplate = '<div class="search-table">' +
'<div class="header-items">' +
'<div class="header-item">' + this.textSheet + '</div>' +
'<div class="header-item">' + this.textName + '</div>' +
'<div class="header-item">' + this.textCell + '</div>' +
'<div class="header-item">' + this.textValue + '</div>' +
'<div class="header-item">' + this.textFormula + '</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="ps-container oo search-items"></div>' +
$resultTable = $(tableTemplate).appendTo(this.$resultsContainer);
this.$resultsContainer.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $resultTable.find('.search-items'),
includePadding: true,
useKeyboard: true,
minScrollbarLength: 40,
alwaysVisibleY: true
} else {
this.$resultsContainer.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: this.$resultsContainer,
includePadding: true,
useKeyboard: true,
minScrollbarLength: 40,
alwaysVisibleY: true
Common.NotificationCenter.on('window:resize', function() {
this.rendered = true;
this.trigger('render:after', this);
return this;
show: function () {
this.fireEvent('show', this );
hide: function () {
this.fireEvent('hide', this );
focus: function(type) {
var me = this,
el = type === 'replace' ? me.inputReplace.$el : (type === 'range' ? me.inputSelectRange.$el : me.inputText.$el);
}, 10);
setSearchMode: function (mode) {
if (this.mode !== mode) {
this.$el.find('.edit-setting')[mode !== 'no-replace' ? 'show' : 'hide']();
this.$el.find('#search-adv-title').text(mode !== 'no-replace' ? this.textFindAndReplace : this.textFind);
this.mode = mode;
ChangeSettings: function(props) {
updateResultsContainerHeight: function () {
if (this.$resultsContainer) {
this.$resultsContainer.outerHeight(Math.max($('#search-box').outerHeight() - $('#search-header').outerHeight() - $('#search-adv-settings').outerHeight(), 112));
this.$resultsContainer.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.$searchContainer.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: false});
updateResultsNumber: function (current, count) {
var text;
if (count > 300) {
text = this.textTooManyResults;
} else {
text = current === 'no-results' ? this.textNoSearchResults :
(current === 'stop' ? this.textSearchHasStopped :
(current === 'content-changed' ? (this.textContentChanged + ' ' + Common.Utils.String.format(this.textSearchAgain, '<a class="search-again">','</a>')) :
(!count ? this.textNoMatches : Common.Utils.String.format(this.textSearchResults, current + 1, count))));
if (current === 'content-changed') {
var me = this;
this.$reaultsNumber.find('.search-again').on('click', function () {
me.fireEvent('search:next', [me.inputText.getValue(), true]);
} else {
!window.SSE && this.disableReplaceButtons(!count);
onClickClosePanel: function() {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('leftmenu:change', 'hide');
this.fireEvent('hide', this );
onBtnNextClick: function (action) {
this.fireEvent('search:'+action, [this.inputText.getValue(), true]);
onReplaceClick: function (action) {
this.fireEvent('search:'+action, [this.inputText.getValue(), this.inputReplace.getValue()]);
getSettings: function() {
return {
textsearch: this.inputText.getValue(),
matchcase: this.chCaseSensitive.checked,
matchword: this.chMatchWord.checked
expandSearchOptions: function () {
this.extendedOptions = !this.extendedOptions;
this.$searchOptionsBlock[this.extendedOptions ? 'removeClass' : 'addClass']('no-expand');
Common.localStorage.setBool('sse-search-options-extended', this.extendedOptions);
setFindText: function (val) {
clearResultsNumber: function () {
disableNavButtons: function (resultNumber, allResults) {
var disable = (this.inputText._input.val() === '' && !window.SSE) || !allResults;
disableReplaceButtons: function (disable) {
textFind: 'Find',
textFindAndReplace: 'Find and replace',
textCloseSearch: 'Close search',
textReplace: 'Replace',
textReplaceAll: 'Replace All',
textSearchResults: 'Search results: {0}/{1}',
textReplaceWith: 'Replace with',
textCaseSensitive: 'Case sensitive',
textMatchUsingRegExp: 'Match using regular expressions',
textWholeWords: 'Whole words only',
textWithin: 'Within',
textSelectDataRange: 'Select Data range',
textSearch: 'Search',
textLookIn: 'Look in',
textSheet: 'Sheet',
textWorkbook: 'Workbook',
textSpecificRange: 'Specific range',
textByRows: 'By rows',
textByColumns: 'By columns',
textFormulas: 'Formulas',
textValues: 'Values',
textSearchOptions: 'Search options',
textNoMatches: 'No matches',
textNoSearchResults: 'No search results',
textItemEntireCell: 'Entire cell contents',
textTooManyResults: 'There are too many results to show here',
tipPreviousResult: 'Previous result',
tipNextResult: 'Next result',
textName: 'Name',
textCell: 'Cell',
textValue: 'Value',
textFormula: 'Formula',
textSearchHasStopped: 'Search has stopped',
textContentChanged: 'Document changed.',
textSearchAgain: '{0}Perform new search{1} for accurate results.'
}, Common.Views.SearchPanel || {}));
}); |