349 lines
15 KiB
349 lines
15 KiB
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* Controller wraps up interaction with desktop app
* Created by Maxim.Kadushkin on 2/16/2018.
], function () {
'use strict';
var features = {
version: '{{PRODUCT_VERSION}}',
eventloading: true,
titlebuttons: true,
uithemes: true
var native = window.desktop || window.AscDesktopEditor;
!!native && native.execCommand('webapps:features', JSON.stringify(features));
var Desktop = function () {
var config = {version:'{{PRODUCT_VERSION}}'};
var webapp = window.DE || window.PE || window.SSE;
var titlebuttons;
var btnsave_icons = {
'btn-save': 'save',
'btn-save-coauth': 'coauth',
'btn-synch': 'synch' };
var is_win_xp = window.RendererProcessVariable && window.RendererProcessVariable.os === 'winxp';
if ( !!native ) {
native.features = native.features || {};
window.on_native_message = function (cmd, param) {
if (/^style:change/.test(cmd)) {
var obj = JSON.parse(param);
if ( obj.element == 'toolbar' ) {
if ( obj.action == 'off' && obj.style == 'native-color' ) {
} else
if ( obj.element == 'body' ) {
if ( obj.action == 'merge' ) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = obj.style;
} else
if (/window:features/.test(cmd)) {
var obj = JSON.parse(param);
if (_.isNumber(obj.skiptoparea)) {
if ( $('.asc-window.modal').length && $('.asc-window.modal').position().top < obj.skiptoparea )
$('.asc-window.modal').css('top', obj.skiptoparea);
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set('window-inactive-area-top', obj.skiptoparea);
} else
if ( obj.lockthemes != undefined ) {
// TODO: remove after 7.0.2. depricated. used is_win_xp variable instead
// Common.UI.Themes.setAvailable(!obj.lockthemes);
if ( obj.singlewindow !== undefined ) {
$('#box-document-title .hedset')[obj.singlewindow ? 'hide' : 'show']();
native.features.singlewindow = obj.singlewindow;
} else
if (/editor:config/.test(cmd)) {
if ( param == 'request' ) {
if ( !!titlebuttons ) {
var opts = {
user: config.user,
title: { buttons: [] }
var header = webapp.getController('Viewport').getView('Common.Views.Header');
if ( header ) {
for (var i in titlebuttons) {
opts.title.buttons.push(_serializeHeaderButton(i, titlebuttons[i]));
native.execCommand('editor:config', JSON.stringify(opts));
} else
if ( !config.callback_editorconfig ) {
config.callback_editorconfig = function() {
setTimeout(function(){window.on_native_message(cmd, param);},0);
} else
if (/button:click/.test(cmd)) {
var obj = JSON.parse(param);
if ( !!obj.action && !!titlebuttons[obj.action] ) {
} else
if (/theme:changed/.test(cmd)) {
} else
if (/element:show/.test(cmd)) {
var _mr = /title:(?:(true|show)|(false|hide))/.exec(param);
if ( _mr ) {
if (!!_mr[1]) $('#app-title').show();
else if (!!_mr[2]) $('#app-title').hide();
} else
if (/althints:show/.test(cmd)) {
if ( /false|hide/.test(param) )
window.on_native_message('editor:config', 'request');
if ( !!window.native_message_cmd ) {
for ( var c in window.native_message_cmd ) {
window.on_native_message(c, window.native_message_cmd[c]);
native.execCommand('webapps:features', JSON.stringify(features));
// hide mask for modal window
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.appendChild(document.createTextNode('.modals-mask{opacity:0 !important;}'));
var _serializeHeaderButton = function(action, config) {
return {
action: action,
icon: config.icon || undefined,
hint: config.btn.options.hint,
disabled: config.btn.isDisabled()
var _onTitleButtonDisabled = function (action, e, status) {
var _buttons = {};
_buttons[action] = status;
native.execCommand('title:button', JSON.stringify({disabled: _buttons}));
var _onSaveIconChanged = function (e, opts) {
native.execCommand('title:button', JSON.stringify({'icon:changed': {'save': btnsave_icons[opts.next]}}));
var _onModalDialog = function (status) {
if ( status == 'open' ) {
native.execCommand('title:button', JSON.stringify({disabled: {'all':true}}));
} else {
var _buttons = {};
for (var i in titlebuttons) {
_buttons[i] = titlebuttons[i].btn.isDisabled();
native.execCommand('title:button', JSON.stringify({'disabled': _buttons}));
var _onHintsShow = function (visible, level) {
native.execCommand('althints:show', JSON.stringify(visible && !(level > 0)));
var _onKeyDown = function (e) {
if ( Common.UI.HintManager.isHintVisible() ) {
native.execCommand('althints:keydown', JSON.stringify({code:e.keyCode}));
console.log('hint keydown', e.keyCode);
return {
init: function (opts) {
_.extend(config, opts);
if ( config.isDesktopApp ) {
Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:ready', function (opts) {
_.extend(config, opts);
!!native && native.execCommand('doc:onready', '');
Common.NotificationCenter.on('document:ready', function () {
if ( config.isEdit ) {
var maincontroller = webapp.getController('Main');
if (maincontroller.api.asc_isReadOnly && maincontroller.api.asc_isReadOnly()) {
Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:face', function (mode) {
features.viewmode = !mode.isEdit;
features.crypted = mode.isCrypted;
native.execCommand('webapps:features', JSON.stringify(features));
titlebuttons = {};
if ( mode.isEdit ) {
var header = webapp.getController('Viewport').getView('Common.Views.Header');
if (!!header.btnSave) {
titlebuttons['save'] = {btn: header.btnSave};
var iconname = /\s?([^\s]+)$/.exec(titlebuttons.save.btn.$icon.attr('class'));
!!iconname && iconname.length && (titlebuttons.save.icon = btnsave_icons[iconname]);
if (!!header.btnPrint)
titlebuttons['print'] = {btn: header.btnPrint};
if (!!header.btnUndo)
titlebuttons['undo'] = {btn: header.btnUndo};
if (!!header.btnRedo)
titlebuttons['redo'] = {btn: header.btnRedo};
for (var i in titlebuttons) {
titlebuttons[i].btn.options.signals = ['disabled'];
titlebuttons[i].btn.on('disabled', _onTitleButtonDisabled.bind(this, i));
if (!!titlebuttons.save) {
titlebuttons.save.btn.on('icon:changed', _onSaveIconChanged.bind(this));
if ( !!config.callback_editorconfig ) {
delete config.callback_editorconfig;
if ( native.features.singlewindow !== undefined ) {
$('#box-document-title .hedset')[native.features.singlewindow ? 'hide' : 'show']();
'modal:show': _onModalDialog.bind(this, 'open'),
'modal:close': _onModalDialog.bind(this, 'close'),
'uitheme:changed' : function (name) {
var theme = Common.UI.Themes.get(name);
if ( theme )
native.execCommand("uitheme:changed", JSON.stringify({name:name, type:theme.type}));
'hints:show': _onHintsShow.bind(this),
'FileMenu': {
'item:click': function (menu, action, isopts) {
if ( action == 'file:exit' ) {
native.execCommand('editor:event', JSON.stringify({action: 'file:close'}));
} else
if ( action == 'file:open' ) {
native.execCommand('editor:event', JSON.stringify({action: 'file:open'}));
}, {id: 'desktop'});
$(document).on('keydown', _onKeyDown.bind(this));
process: function (opts) {
if ( config.isDesktopApp && !!native ) {
if ( opts == 'goback' ) {
config.isOffline ? 'offline' : config.customization.goback.url);
return true;
} else
if ( opts == 'preloader:hide' ) {
native.execCommand('editor:onready', '');
return true;
} else
if ( opts == 'create:new' ) {
if (config.createUrl == 'desktop://create.new') {
native.execCommand("create:new", !!window.SSE ? 'cell' : !!window.PE ? 'slide' : 'word');
return true;
return false;
requestClose: function () {
if ( config.isDesktopApp && !!native ) {
native.execCommand('editor:event', JSON.stringify({action:'file:close', url: config.customization.goback.url}));
isActive: function () {
return !!native;
isOffline: function () {
// return webapp.getController('Main').api.asc_isOffline();
return webapp.getController('Main').appOptions.isOffline;
isFeatureAvailable: function (feature) {
return !!native && !!native[feature];
call: function (name) {
if ( native[name] ) {
let args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
// return native[name](...args);
return native[name].apply(this, args);
Common.Controllers.Desktop = new Desktop();