2022-04-14 06:01:17 +03:00

250 lines
7.4 KiB

# Libraries
from os import path, remove, listdir
from PIL import Image # pip install Pillow
# constants
PATH_WA = "../../apps/" # path before editors
PATH_HELP = "/main/resources/help/images/" # path after editor directory
NAME_CSS = "sprite.css"
pathEditors = ["documenteditor", "presentationeditor", "spreadsheeteditor"] # names of editor directories
# sprites names
cssClassNames = ["big","icon", "smb"]
# directories names
spriteDirNames = ["big", "icons", "symbols"]
# Class for image
class ImgClass:
def __init__(self, adr):
self._imgFile = Image.open(adr)
self._imgName = path.splitext(path.basename(adr))[0]
def get_width(self):
return self._imgFile.size[0]
def get_height(self):
return self._imgFile.size[1]
def get_nameImage(self):
return self._imgName
def get_image(self):
return self._imgFile
#operators definition
# operator '<'
def __lt__(self, other):
if(self.get_height() == other.get_height()):
return self.get_width() < other.get_width()
return self.get_height() < other.get_height()
# operator '>'
def __gt__(self, other):
if(self.get_height() == other.get_height()):
return self.get_width() > other.get_width()
return self.get_height() > other.get_height()
# operator '!='
def __ne__(self, other):
return (self.get_height() != other.get_height() or self.get_width() != other.get_width())
# operator '=='
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.get_height() == other.get_height() and self.get_width() == other.get_width())
# class fit
# _down :Fit is bottom cell
# _right :Fit is right cell
class Fit:
def __init__(self, x, y, w: int, h: int):
# true if the rectangle has a image
self.used = False
# Rectangle for cell for image
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = w
self.height = h
def set_down(self, fdown):
self._down = fdown
def get_down(self):
return self._down
def set_right(self, fright):
self._right = fright
def get_right(self):
return self._right
def __str__(self):
strFit = "used:" + str(self.used) +"\n"
strFit += "x:" + str(self.x) +"\n"
strFit += "y:" + str(self.y) +"\n"
strFit += "width:" + str(self.width) +"\n"
strFit += "height:" + str(self.height) +"\n"
return strFit
#Image with fit
class Block(ImgClass):
def __init__(self, adr):
def get_x(self):
return self._x
def get_y(self):
return self._y
def set_x(self, val):
self._x = val
def set_y(self, val):
self._y = val
def set_fit(self, fit):
self.fit = fit
class GrowingPacker:
def __init__(self, imgAdrArr):
self.blocks =[]
for adr in imgAdrArr:
# create tree
def fit(self):
self.ln = len(self.blocks)
if(self.ln > 0):
w, h = self.blocks[0].get_width(), self.blocks[0].get_height()
w, h = (0, 0)
# start rectangle for general cell
self.root = Fit(0, 0, w, h)
for n in range(self.ln):
node = self.findNode(self.root, self.blocks[n].get_width(), self.blocks[n].get_height())
if (node != None):
self.blocks[n].set_fit(self.splitNode(node, self.blocks[n].get_width(), self.blocks[n].get_height()))
self.blocks[n].set_fit(self.growNode(self.blocks[n].get_width(), self.blocks[n].get_height()))
def findNode(self, rootN, w, h):
if (rootN.used):
node = self.findNode(rootN.get_right(), w, h)
if (node != None):
return node
return self.findNode(rootN.get_down(), w, h)
elif (w <= rootN.width and h <= rootN.height):
return rootN
return None
def splitNode(self, node, w, h):
node.used = True
node.set_down(Fit(node.x, node.y + h, node.width, node.height - h))
node.set_right(Fit(node.x + w, node.y, node.width - w, h))
return node
def growNode(self, w, h):
canGrowDown = (w <= self.root.width)
canGrowRight = (h <= self.root.height)
shouldGrowRight = (canGrowRight and self.root.height >= self.root.width + w)
shouldGrowDown = (canGrowDown and self.root.width >= self.root.height + h)
if (shouldGrowRight):
return self.growRight(w, h)
elif (shouldGrowDown):
return self.growDown(w, h)
elif (canGrowRight):
return self.growRight(w, h)
elif (canGrowDown):
return self.growDown(w, h)
return None
def growRight (self, w, h):
rootN =self.root
self.root = Fit(0, 0, rootN.width + w, rootN.height)
self.root.used = True
self.root.set_right (Fit(rootN.width, 0, w, rootN.height))
node = self.findNode(self.root, w, h)
if (node != None ):
return self.splitNode(node, w, h)
return None
def growDown (self, w, h):
rootN = self.root
self.root = Fit(0, 0, rootN.width, rootN.height + h)
self.root.used = True
self.root.set_down( Fit(0, rootN.height, rootN.width, h))
self.root.set_right (rootN)
node = self.findNode(self.root, w, h)
if (node != None):
return self.splitNode(node, w, h)
return None
# create sprite
def createSprite (dirName, adrSprite, cssClassName):
imgAdrArr = listdir(adrDir+dirName)
for i in range(len(imgAdrArr)):
imgAdrArr[i] = adrDir+dirName +"/" + imgAdrArr[i]
gp = GrowingPacker(imgAdrArr)
spriteFile = open(adrSprite,'a')
img = Image.new("RGBA", (gp.root.width, gp.root.height), (0,0,0,0))
strCSS = "." + cssClassName +"{\nbackground-image: url(../images/" + dirName + ".png);\n"
strCSS += "\tbackground-repeat: no-repeat;\n\tdisplay: inline-block;\n}\n\n"
for i in range(len(gp.blocks)):
img.paste(gp.blocks[i].get_image(), (gp.blocks[i].get_x(), gp.blocks[i].get_y()))
strCSS = "." + cssClassName +"-"+ gp.blocks[i].get_nameImage() + " {\n"
strCSS += "\tbackground-position: "+ str(-gp.blocks[i].get_x())+"px "+ str(-gp.blocks[i].get_y())+"px;\n"
strCSS += "\twidth: "+ str(gp.blocks[i].get_width())+"px;\n\theight: "+ str(gp.blocks[i].get_height())+"px;\n}\n\n"
img.save(adrDir + dirName +".png",'PNG')
#crreate all sprites
for index_editor in range(len(pathEditors)):
adrDir = PATH_WA + pathEditors[index_editor] + PATH_HELP
if(path.exists(adrDir + NAME_CSS)):
remove(adrDir + NAME_CSS)
for index_spr in range(len(spriteDirNames)):
createSprite(spriteDirNames[index_spr], adrDir + NAME_CSS, cssClassNames[index_spr])