2022-10-07 18:13:50 +03:00

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* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* ListSettingsDialog.js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 03.12.2019
* Copyright (c) 2019 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
if (Common === undefined)
var Common = {};
], function () { 'use strict';
DE.Views.ListSettingsDialog = Common.UI.Window.extend(_.extend({
options: {
type: 0, // 0 - markers, 1 - numbers, 2 - multilevel
width: 300,
height: 460,
style: 'min-width: 240px;',
cls: 'modal-dlg',
split: false,
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
initialize : function(options) {
this.type = options.type || 0;
_.extend(this.options, {
title: this.txtTitle,
height: (this.type==2) ? 376 : 424,
width: (this.type==2) ? 460 : 300
}, options || {});
this.template = [
'<div class="box">',
'<% if (type == 2) { %>',
'<table cols="4" style="width: 100%;">',
'<td style="padding-right: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtType + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-numbering-format" class="input-group-nr" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<td style="padding-left: 5px;padding-right: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtAlign + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-bullet-align" class="input-group-nr" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<td style="padding-left: 5px;padding-right: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtSize + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-bullet-size" class="input-group-nr" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<td style="padding-left: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtColor + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-bullet-color" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<td colspan="2" style="padding-right: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtNumFormatString + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-numbering-format-str" style="width: 100%;height:22px;margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<td style="padding-left: 5px;padding-right: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtInclcudeLevel + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-numbering-format-lvl" class="input-group-nr" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<td style="padding-left: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtStart + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-numbering-spin-start" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<% } else {%>',
'<table cols="2" style="width: 100%;">',
'<td style="padding-right: 5px;">',
'<% if (type == 0) { %>',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtBullet + '</label>',
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-text-default" id="id-dlg-bullet-font" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;">' + this.txtFont + '</button>',
'<% } else { %>',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtType + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-numbering-format" class="input-group-nr" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<% } %>',
'<td style="padding-left: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtAlign + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-bullet-align" class="input-group-nr" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<td style="padding-right: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtSize + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-bullet-size" class="input-group-nr" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<td style="padding-left: 5px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.txtColor + '</label>',
'<div id="id-dlg-bullet-color" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"></div>',
'<% } %>',
'<table cols="2" style="width: 100%;">',
'<td class="<% if (type != 2) { %> hidden <% } %>" style="width: 50px; padding-right: 10px;">',
'<label>' + this.textLevel + '</label>',
'<div id="levels-list" class="no-borders" style="width:100%; height:208px;margin-top: 2px; "></div>',
'<label>' + this.textPreview + '</label>',
'<div id="bulleted-list-preview"></div>',
this.props = options.props;
this.level = options.level || 0;
this.api = options.api;
this.options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(this.options);
this.levels = [];
this.formatString = {
selectionStart: 0,
selectionEnd: 0,
text: '',
lvlIndexes: []
Common.UI.Window.prototype.initialize.call(this, this.options);
render: function() {
var me = this,
$window = this.getChild();
$window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
this.btnColor = new Common.UI.ColorButton({
parentEl: $window.find('#id-dlg-bullet-color'),
additionalItems: [{
id: 'id-dlg-bullet-text-color',
caption: this.txtLikeText,
checkable: true,
toggleGroup: 'list-settings-color',
style: 'padding-left: 20px;'
id: 'id-dlg-bullet-auto-color',
caption: this.textAuto,
checkable: true,
toggleGroup: 'list-settings-color',
style: 'padding-left: 20px;'
{caption: '--'}],
additionalAlign: this.menuAddAlign,
cls: 'move-focus',
takeFocusOnClose: true
this.btnColor.on('color:select', _.bind(this.onColorsSelect, this));
this.btnColor.menu.items[0].on('toggle', _.bind(this.onLikeTextColor, this));
this.btnColor.menu.items[1].on('toggle', _.bind(this.onAutoColor, this));
this.colors = this.btnColor.getPicker();
this.btnEdit = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $window.find('#id-dlg-bullet-font')
this.btnEdit.on('click', _.bind(this.onEditBullet, this));
var itemsTemplate =
'<% _.each(items, function(item) { %>',
'<li id="<%= item.id %>" data-value="<%= item.value %>"><a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem">',
'<%= item.displayValue %><% if (item.value === Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet) { %><span style="font-family:<%=item.font%>;"><%=item.symbol%></span><% } %>',
'<% }); %>'
var template = [
'<div class="input-group combobox input-group-nr <%= cls %>" id="<%= id %>" style="<%= style %>">',
'<div class="form-control" style="padding-top:3px; line-height: 14px; cursor: pointer; <%= style %>"></div>',
'<div style="display: table-cell;"></div>',
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"><span class="caret"></span></button>',
'<ul class="dropdown-menu <%= menuCls %>" style="<%= menuStyle %>" role="menu">'].concat(itemsTemplate).concat([
var items = [
{ displayValue: this.txtNone, value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.None },
{ displayValue: '1, 2, 3,...', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Decimal },
{ displayValue: 'a, b, c,...', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.LowerLetter },
{ displayValue: 'A, B, C,...', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.UpperLetter },
{ displayValue: 'i, ii, iii,...', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.LowerRoman },
{ displayValue: 'I, II, III,...', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.UpperRoman }
if (Common.Locale.getDefaultLanguage() === 'ru') {
items = items.concat([
{ displayValue: 'а, б, в,...', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.RussianLower },
{ displayValue: 'А, Б, В,...', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.RussianUpper }
this.cmbFormat = new Common.UI.ComboBoxCustom({
el : $window.find('#id-dlg-numbering-format'),
menuStyle : 'min-width: 100%;max-height: 220px;',
style : this.type==2 ? "width: 107px;" : "width: 129px;",
editable : false,
template : _.template(template.join('')),
itemsTemplate: _.template(itemsTemplate.join('')),
takeFocusOnClose: true,
data : items,
updateFormControl: function(record) {
var formcontrol = $(this.el).find('.form-control');
if (record) {
if (record.get('value')==Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet)
formcontrol[0].innerHTML = record.get('displayValue') + '<span style="font-family:' + (record.get('font') || 'Arial') + '">' + record.get('symbol') + '</span>';
formcontrol[0].innerHTML = record.get('displayValue');
} else
formcontrol[0].innerHTML = '';
this.cmbFormat.on('selected', _.bind(function (combo, record) {
if (this._changedProps) {
if (record.value == -1) {
var callback = function(result) {
var format = me._changedProps.get_Format();
if (format == Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet) {
var store = combo.store;
if (!store.findWhere({value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: me.bulletProps.symbol, font: me.bulletProps.font}))
store.add({ displayValue: me.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: me.bulletProps.symbol, font: me.bulletProps.font }, {at: store.length-1});
combo.selectRecord(combo.store.findWhere({value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: me.bulletProps.symbol, font: me.bulletProps.font}));
} else
combo.setValue(format || '');
} else {
var oldformat = this._changedProps.get_Format();
if (record.value == Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet) {
this.bulletProps.font = record.font;
this.bulletProps.symbol = record.symbol;
if (!this._changedProps.get_TextPr()) this._changedProps.put_TextPr(new AscCommonWord.CTextPr());
this._changedProps.put_Text([new Asc.CAscNumberingLvlText()]);
} else if (oldformat == Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet) {
if (!this._changedProps.get_TextPr()) this._changedProps.put_TextPr(new AscCommonWord.CTextPr());
this._changedProps.put_Text([new Asc.CAscNumberingLvlText()]);
} else if (oldformat == Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.None) {
if (!this.formatString.lvlIndexes[this.level][this.level]) {
var selectionStart = this.txtNumFormat.$el.find('input')[0].selectionStart;
this._changedProps.get_Text().splice(selectionStart, 0, new Asc.CAscNumberingLvlText(Asc.c_oAscNumberingLvlTextType.Num, this.level));
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
}, this));
this.cmbAlign = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $window.find('#id-dlg-bullet-align'),
menuStyle : 'min-width: 100%;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [
{ value: AscCommon.align_Left, displayValue: this.textLeft },
{ value: AscCommon.align_Center, displayValue: this.textCenter },
{ value: AscCommon.align_Right, displayValue: this.textRight }
takeFocusOnClose: true
this.cmbAlign.on('selected', _.bind(function (combo, record) {
if (this._changedProps)
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
}, this));
this.cmbSize = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $window.find('#id-dlg-bullet-size'),
menuStyle : 'min-width: 100%;max-height: 183px;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [
{ value: -1, displayValue: this.txtLikeText },
{ value: 8, displayValue: "8" },
{ value: 9, displayValue: "9" },
{ value: 10, displayValue: "10" },
{ value: 11, displayValue: "11" },
{ value: 12, displayValue: "12" },
{ value: 14, displayValue: "14" },
{ value: 16, displayValue: "16" },
{ value: 18, displayValue: "18" },
{ value: 20, displayValue: "20" },
{ value: 22, displayValue: "22" },
{ value: 24, displayValue: "24" },
{ value: 26, displayValue: "26" },
{ value: 28, displayValue: "28" },
{ value: 36, displayValue: "36" },
{ value: 48, displayValue: "48" },
{ value: 72, displayValue: "72" },
{ value: 96, displayValue: "96" }
takeFocusOnClose: true
this.cmbSize.on('selected', _.bind(function (combo, record) {
if (this._changedProps) {
if (!this._changedProps.get_TextPr()) this._changedProps.put_TextPr(new AscCommonWord.CTextPr());
this._changedProps.get_TextPr().put_FontSize((record.value>0) ? record.value : undefined);
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
}, this));
var levels = [];
for (var i=0; i<9; i++)
levels.push({value: i});
this.levelsList = new Common.UI.ListView({
el: $('#levels-list', this.$window),
store: new Common.UI.DataViewStore(levels),
tabindex: 1,
itemTemplate: _.template('<div id="<%= id %>" class="list-item" style="pointer-events:none;overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;line-height: 15px;"><%= (value+1) %></div>')
this.levelsList.on('item:select', _.bind(this.onSelectLevel, this));
this.txtNumFormat = new Common.UI.InputField({
el : $window.find('#id-dlg-numbering-format-str'),
allowBlank : true,
value : ''
var $formatInput = this.txtNumFormat.$el.find('input');
// $formatInput.on('keydown', _.bind(this.checkStartPosition, this));
$formatInput.on('input', _.bind(this.onFormatInput, this));
var onMouseUp = function (e) {
$(document).off('mouseup', onMouseUp);
var onMouseDown = function (e) {
$(document).on('mouseup', onMouseUp);
$formatInput.on('mousedown', _.bind(onMouseDown, this));
this.cmbLevel = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $window.find('#id-dlg-numbering-format-lvl'),
menuStyle : 'min-width: 100%;',
editable : false,
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : [],
takeFocusOnClose: true
this.cmbLevel.on('selected', _.bind(this.onIncludeLevelSelected, this));
this.spnStart = new Common.UI.MetricSpinner({
el: $window.find('#id-dlg-numbering-spin-start'),
step: 1,
width: 45,
defaultUnit : "",
value: 1,
maxValue: 16383,
minValue: 1,
allowDecimal: false
this.spnStart.on('change', _.bind(function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
if (this._changedProps) {
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
}, this));
this.on('animate:after', _.bind(this.onAnimateAfter, this));
getFocusedComponents: function() {
return [this.btnEdit, this.cmbFormat, this.cmbAlign, this.cmbSize, this.btnColor, this.levelsList];
getDefaultFocusableComponent: function () {
return this.type > 0 ? this.cmbFormat : this.cmbAlign;
onAnimateAfter: function() {
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
afterRender: function() {
var me = this;
var onApiLevelChange = function(level) {
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onPreviewLevelChange', onApiLevelChange);
this.on('close', function(obj){
me.api.asc_unregisterCallback('asc_onPreviewLevelChange', onApiLevelChange);
updateThemeColors: function() {
this.colors.updateColors(Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getEffectColors(), Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getStandartColors());
onAutoColor: function(item, state) {
if (!!state) {
var color = Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getHexColor(0, 0, 0);
if (this._changedProps) {
if (!this._changedProps.get_TextPr()) this._changedProps.put_TextPr(new AscCommonWord.CTextPr());
var color = new Asc.asc_CColor();
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
onLikeTextColor: function(item, state) {
if (!!state) {
var color = Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getHexColor(0, 0, 0);
if (this._changedProps) {
if (!this._changedProps.get_TextPr()) this._changedProps.put_TextPr(new AscCommonWord.CTextPr());
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
onColorsSelect: function(btn, color) {
if (this._changedProps) {
if (!this._changedProps.get_TextPr()) this._changedProps.put_TextPr(new AscCommonWord.CTextPr());
this.btnColor.menu.items[0].setChecked(false, true);
this.btnColor.menu.items[1].setChecked(false, true);
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
onEditBullet: function(callback) {
addNewBullet: function(callback) {
var me = this,
props = me.bulletProps,
handler = function(dlg, result, settings) {
if (result == 'ok') {
props.changed = true;
props.code = settings.code;
props.font = settings.font;
props.symbol = settings.symbol;
if (me._changedProps) {
if (!me._changedProps.get_TextPr()) me._changedProps.put_TextPr(new AscCommonWord.CTextPr());
me._changedProps.put_Text([new Asc.CAscNumberingLvlText()]);
if (me.api) {
me.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', me.props, me.level, me.type==2);
callback && callback.call(me, result);
win = new Common.Views.SymbolTableDialog({
api: me.options.api,
lang: me.options.interfaceLang,
modal: true,
type: 0,
font: props.font,
symbol: props.symbol,
handler: handler
win.on('symbol:dblclick', handler);
_handleInput: function(state) {
if (this.options.handler) {
var props = [], lvlnum = [];
for (var i=0; i<9; i++) {
if (!this.levels[i]) continue;
this.options.handler.call(this, state, {props: (props.length==1) ? props[0] : props, num: (lvlnum.length==1) ? lvlnum[0] : lvlnum});
onBtnClick: function(event) {
onPrimary: function(event) {
return false;
_setDefaults: function (props) {
this.bulletProps = {};
if (props) {
var levelProps = props.get_Lvl(this.level);
(this.level<0) && (this.level = 0);
this.levels[this.level] = levelProps || new Asc.CAscNumberingLvl(this.level);
if (this.type==2) {
var store = this.cmbFormat.store;
{ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: "·", font: 'Symbol' },
{ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: "o", font: 'Courier New' },
{ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: "§", font: 'Wingdings' },
{ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: "v", font: 'Wingdings' },
{ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: "Ø", font: 'Wingdings' },
{ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: "ü", font: 'Wingdings' },
{ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: "¨", font: 'Symbol' },
{ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: "", font: 'Arial' },
{ displayValue: this.txtNewBullet, value: -1 }
} else
this._changedProps = this.levels[this.level];
onSelectLevel: function(listView, itemView, record) {
this.level = record.get('value');
if (this.levels[this.level] === undefined)
this.levels[this.level] = this.props.get_Lvl(this.level);
this._changedProps = this.levels[this.level];
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
fillLevelProps: function(levelProps) {
if (!levelProps) return;
this.cmbAlign.setValue((levelProps.get_Align()!==undefined) ? levelProps.get_Align() : '');
this.spnStart.setValue(levelProps.get_Start(), true);
var format = levelProps.get_Format(),
textPr = levelProps.get_TextPr(),
text = levelProps.get_Text();
if (text && format == Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet) {
this.bulletProps.symbol = text[0].get_Value();
if (textPr) {
this.cmbSize.setValue(textPr.get_FontSize() || -1);
this.bulletProps.font = textPr.get_FontFamily();
var color = textPr.get_Color();
this.btnColor.menu.items[0].setChecked(color===undefined, true);
this.btnColor.menu.items[1].setChecked(!!color && color.get_auto(), true);
if (color && !color.get_auto()) {
if ( typeof(color) == 'object' ) {
var isselected = false;
for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
if ( Common.Utils.ThemeColor.ThemeValues[i] == color.effectValue ) {
isselected = true;
if (!isselected) this.colors.clearSelection();
color = Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getHexColor(color.get_r(), color.get_g(), color.get_b());
} else
} else {
color = '000000';
if (this.type>0) {
if (format == Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet) {
if (!this.cmbFormat.store.findWhere({value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: this.bulletProps.symbol, font: this.bulletProps.font}))
this.cmbFormat.store.add({ displayValue: this.txtSymbol + ': ', value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: this.bulletProps.symbol, font: this.bulletProps.font }, {at: this.cmbFormat.store.length-1});
this.cmbFormat.selectRecord(this.cmbFormat.store.findWhere({value: Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet, symbol: this.bulletProps.symbol, font: this.bulletProps.font}));
} else
this.cmbFormat.setValue((format!==undefined) ? format : '');
if (this.type===1) {
} else if (this.type===2) {
this.txtNumFormat.setDisabled(format == Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet);
var arr = [];
var me = this;
for (var lvl=0; lvl<this.level; lvl++) {
var frmt = this.props.get_Lvl(lvl).get_Format();
if (frmt !== Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.None && frmt !== Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet) {
arr.push({ displayValue: me.textLevel + ' ' + (lvl+1), value: lvl });
this.cmbLevel.setDisabled(format == Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet || this.level===0 || arr.length<1);
makeFormatStr: function(props) {
var formatStr = '';
this.formatString.lvlIndexes[this.level] = [];
if (props) {
if (props.get_Format() !== Asc.c_oAscNumberingFormat.Bullet) {
var text = props.get_Text();
var me = this;
var arr = this.formatString.lvlIndexes[this.level];
text.forEach(function (item, index) {
if (item.get_Type() === Asc.c_oAscNumberingLvlTextType.Text) {
formatStr += item.get_Value().toString();
} else if (item.get_Type() === Asc.c_oAscNumberingLvlTextType.Num) {
var num = item.get_Value();
if (me.levels[num] === undefined)
me.levels[num] = me.props.get_Lvl(num);
arr[num] = {start: formatStr.length, index: index};
var lvl = me.levels[num];
formatStr += AscCommon.IntToNumberFormat(lvl.get_Start(), lvl.get_Format());
arr[num].end = formatStr.length;
this.formatString.text = formatStr;
onIncludeLevelSelected: function (combo, record) {
var $txt = this.txtNumFormat.$el.find('input'),
selectionStart = $txt[0].selectionStart;
if (this._changedProps) {
var text = this._changedProps.get_Text(),
arr = this.formatString.lvlIndexes[this.level];
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i]) {
var item = arr[i];
if (i===record.value) {
text.splice(item.index, 1);
if (item.end<selectionStart)
selectionStart -= (item.end - item.start);
} else {
if (item.end<selectionStart)
selectionStart -= (item.end - item.start - 1);
text.splice(selectionStart, 0, new Asc.CAscNumberingLvlText(Asc.c_oAscNumberingLvlTextType.Num, record.value));
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
posToIndex: function (position) {
if (this._changedProps) {
var arr = this.formatString.lvlIndexes[this.level];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i]) {
var item = arr[i];
if (item.end < position)
position -= (item.end - item.start - 1);
return position;
isPosInRange: function (position, toEnd) {
if (this._changedProps) {
var arr = this.formatString.lvlIndexes[this.level];
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i]) {
var item = arr[i];
if (position > item.start && position < item.end)
return toEnd ? item.end : item.start;
checkMousePosition: function(target) {
var me = this;
setTimeout(function () {
if (target.selectionStart===target.selectionEnd) {
var res = me.isPosInRange(target.selectionStart);
if (res !== undefined)
target.selectionStart = target.selectionEnd = res;
} else {
var res = me.isPosInRange(target.selectionStart);
if (res !== undefined)
target.selectionStart = res;
res = me.isPosInRange(target.selectionEnd, true);
if (res !== undefined)
target.selectionEnd = res;
me.formatString.selectionStart = target.selectionStart;
me.formatString.selectionEnd = target.selectionEnd;
}, 0);
onFormatInput: function(e) {
var newValue = $(e.target).val(),
oldStr = this.formatString.text,
newStr = newValue.slice(this.formatString.selectionStart, newValue.length - (oldStr.length - this.formatString.selectionEnd)),
startIdx = this.posToIndex(this.formatString.selectionStart),
endIdx = this.posToIndex(this.formatString.selectionEnd);
if (this._changedProps) {
var text = this._changedProps.get_Text();
var arr = text.slice(0, startIdx);
arr.push(new Asc.CAscNumberingLvlText(Asc.c_oAscNumberingLvlTextType.Text, str));
arr = arr.concat(text.slice(endIdx, text.length));
if (this.api) {
this.api.SetDrawImagePreviewBullet('bulleted-list-preview', this.props, this.level, this.type==2);
if (!this.formatString.lvlIndexes[this.level][this.level]) {
txtTitle: 'List Settings',
txtSize: 'Size',
txtColor: 'Color',
txtBullet: 'Bullet',
txtFont: 'Font and Symbol',
txtAlign: 'Alignment',
textLeft: 'Left',
textCenter: 'Center',
textRight: 'Right',
textAuto: 'Automatic',
textPreview: 'Preview',
txtType: 'Type',
txtLikeText: 'Like a text',
textLevel: 'Level',
txtNone: 'None',
txtNewBullet: 'New bullet',
txtSymbol: 'Symbol',
txtNumFormatString: 'Number format',
txtInclcudeLevel: 'Include level number',
txtStart: 'Start at'
}, DE.Views.ListSettingsDialog || {}))