626 lines
13 KiB
626 lines
13 KiB
// Core variables and mixins
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// Reset
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// Core CSS
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// Components
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@import "../../../../../vendor/bootstrap/less/close.less";
// Components w/ JavaScript
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@import "../../../../../vendor/bootstrap/less/tooltip.less";
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@import "../../../../../vendor/bootstrap/less/dropdowns.less";
//@import "carousel.less";
// Utility classes
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@import "../../../../../vendor/bootstrap/less/responsive-utilities.less";
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// Document Viewer
// -------------------------
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bottom: 30px;
// Toolbar
// -------------------------
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input {
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// Logo
// -------------------------
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// Control buttons
// -------------------------
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// Active state
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background-color: @btnActiveColor;
// Overlay control
// -------------------------
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opacity: .8;
// Error mask
// -------------------------
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// Modals
// -------------------------
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input {
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&.big-gplus { .socnet-btn(2); }
&.big-email { .socnet-btn(3); }
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&:focus, &:active:focus {
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&.open {
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