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synced 2025-03-04 04:09:39 +00:00
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
name: Bug report
about: Basic template with warning about known issues.
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: awalsh128
Please read about the limitation of [non-file dependencies](https://github.com/awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action/blob/master/README.md#non-file-dependencies) before filing an issue.
@ -16,10 +16,22 @@ This action is a composition of [actions/cache](https://github.com/actions/cache
Create a workflow `.yml` file in your repositories `.github/workflows` directory. An [example workflow](#example-workflow) is available below. For more information, reference the GitHub Help Documentation for [Creating a workflow file](https://help.github.com/en/articles/configuring-a-workflow#creating-a-workflow-file).
### Versions
There are three kinds of version labels you can use.
* `@latest` - This will give you the latest release.
* `@v#` - Major only will give you the latest release for that major version only (e.g. `v1`).
* Branch
* `@master` - Most recent manual and automated tested code. Possibly unstable since it is pre-release.
* `@staging` - Most recent automated tested code and can sometimes contain experimental features. Is pulled from dev stable code.
* `@dev` - Very unstable and contains experimental features. Automated testing may not show breaks since CI is also updated based on code in dev.
### Inputs
* `packages` - Space delimited list of packages to install.
* `version` - Version of cache to load. Each version will have its own cache. Note, all characters except spaces are allowed.
* `execute_install_scripts` - Execute Debian package pre and post install script upon restore. See [Caveats / Non-file Dependencies](#non-file-dependencies) for more information.
### Outputs
@ -74,6 +86,36 @@ jobs:
version: 1.0
## Cache Limits
## Caveats
### Non-file Dependencies
This action is based on the principle that most packages can be cached as a fileset. There are situations though where this is not enough.
* Pre and post installation scripts needs to be ran from `/var/lib/dpkg/info/{package name}.[preinst, postinst]`.
* The Debian package database needs to be queried for scripts above (i.e. `dpkg-query`).
The `execute_install_scripts` argument can be used to attempt to execute the install scripts but they are no guaranteed to resolve the issue.
- uses: awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action@latest
packages: mypackage
version: 1.0
execute_install_scripts: true
If this does not solve your issue, you will need to run `apt-get install` as a separate step for that particular package unfortunately.
run: apt-get install mypackage
shell: bash
Please reach out if you have found a workaround for your scenario and it can be generalized. There is only so much this action can do and can't get into the area of reverse engineering Debian package manager. It would be beyond the scope of this action and may result in a lot of extended support and brittleness. Also, it would be better to contribute to Debian packager instead at that point.
For more context and information see [issue #57](https://github.com/awalsh128/cache-apt-pkgs-action/issues/57#issuecomment-1321024283) which contains the investigation and conclusion.
### Cache Limits
A repository can have up to 5GB of caches. Once the 5GB limit is reached, older caches will be evicted based on when the cache was last accessed. Caches that are not accessed within the last week will also be evicted.
@ -11,11 +11,17 @@ inputs:
required: true
default: ''
description: 'Version will create a new cache and install packages.'
description: 'Version of cache to load. Each version will have its own cache. Note, all characters except spaces are allowed.'
required: false
default: ''
default: ''
description: 'Execute Debian package pre and post install script upon restore. See README.md caveats for more information.'
required: false
default: 'false'
description: 'Option to refresh / upgrade the packages in the same cache.'
description: 'OBSOLETE, use version instead.'
description: 'Enable debugging when there are issues with action. Minor performance penalty.'
required: false
default: 'false'
@ -40,6 +46,8 @@ runs:
${{ github.action_path }}/pre_cache_action.sh \
~/cache-apt-pkgs \
"${{ inputs.version }}" \
"${{ inputs.execute_install_scripts }}" \
"${{ inputs.debug }}" \
${{ inputs.packages }}
echo "CACHE_KEY=$(cat ~/cache-apt-pkgs/cache_key.md5)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
shell: bash
@ -56,8 +64,17 @@ runs:
~/cache-apt-pkgs \
/ \
"${{ steps.load-cache.outputs.cache-hit }}" \
"${{ inputs.execute_install_scripts }}" \
"${{ inputs.debug }}" \
${{ inputs.packages }}
function create_list { local list=$(cat ~/cache-apt-pkgs/manifest_${1}.log | tr '\n' ','); echo ${list:0:-1}; };
echo "::set-output name=package-version-list::$(create_list main)"
echo "::set-output name=all-package-version-list::$(create_list all)"
echo "package-version-list=$(create_list main)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "all-package-version-list=$(create_list all)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
shell: bash
- id: upload-logs
if: ${{ inputs.debug }} == "true"
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: cache-apt-pkgs-logs%${{ inputs.packages }}%${{ inputs.version }}
path: ~/cache-apt-pkgs/*.log
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
# Fail on any error.
set -e
# Debug mode for diagnosing issues.
# Setup first before other operations.
test ${debug} == "true" && set -x
# Include library.
script_dir="$(dirname -- "$(realpath -- "${0}")")"
source "${script_dir}/lib.sh"
@ -11,7 +16,7 @@ source "${script_dir}/lib.sh"
# List of the packages to use.
# Trim commas, excess spaces, and sort.
normalized_packages="$(normalize_package_list "${input_packages}")"
@ -32,12 +37,24 @@ write_manifest "main" "${manifest_main}" "${cache_dir}/manifest_main.log"
log "Updating APT package list..."
sudo apt-fast update > /dev/null
log "Installing apt-fast for optimized installs..."
# Install apt-fast for optimized installs.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -sL https://git.io/vokNn)"
log "done"
log "Updating APT package list..."
last_update_delta_s=$(($(date +%s) - $(date +%s -r /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin)))
if test $last_update_delta_s -gt 300; then
sudo apt-fast update > /dev/null
log "done"
log "skipped (fresh by ${last_update_delta_s} seconds)"
# Strictly contains the requested packages.
# Contains all packages including dependencies.
@ -70,12 +87,14 @@ for installed_package in ${installed_packages}; do
if test ! -f "${cache_filepath}"; then
read installed_package_name installed_package_ver < <(get_package_name_ver "${installed_package}")
log " * Caching ${installed_package_name} to ${cache_filepath}..."
# Pipe all package files (no folders) to Tar.
dpkg -L "${installed_package_name}" |
while IFS= read -r f; do
if test -f $f || test -L $f; then echo "${f:1}"; fi; #${f:1} removes the leading slash that Tar disallows
done |
# Pipe all package files (no folders) and installation control data to Tar.
{ dpkg -L "${installed_package_name}" \
& get_install_filepath "" "${package_name}" "preinst" \
& get_install_filepath "" "${package_name}" "postinst"; } |
while IFS= read -r f; do test -f "${f}" -o -L "${f}" && get_tar_relpath "${f}"; done |
sudo xargs tar -cf "${cache_filepath}" -C /
log " done (compressed size $(du -h "${cache_filepath}" | cut -f1))."
@ -1,20 +1,40 @@
# Sort these packages by name and split on commas.
function normalize_package_list {
local stripped=$(echo "${1}" | sed 's/,//g')
# Remove extraneous spaces at the middle, beginning, and end.
local trimmed="$(echo "${stripped}" | sed 's/\s\+/ /g; s/^\s\+//g; s/\s\+$//g')"
local sorted="$(echo ${trimmed} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
echo "${sorted}"
# Execute the Debian install script.
# Arguments:
# Root directory to search from.
# File path to cached package archive.
# Installation script extension (preinst, postinst).
# Parameter to pass to the installation script.
# Returns:
# Filepath of the install script, otherwise an empty string.
function execute_install_script {
local package_name=$(basename ${2} | awk -F\: '{print $1}')
local install_script_filepath=$(\
get_install_filepath "${1}" "${package_name}" "${3}")
if test ! -z "${install_script_filepath}"; then
log "- Executing ${install_script_filepath}..."
# Don't abort on errors; dpkg-trigger will error normally since it is
# outside its run environment.
sudo sh -x ${install_script_filepath} ${4} || true
log " done"
# Gets a list of installed packages as space delimited pairs with each pair colon delimited.
# Gets a list of installed packages from a Debian package installation log.
# Arguments:
# The filepath of the Debian install log.
# Returns:
# The list of space delimited pairs with each pair colon delimited.
# <name>:<version> <name:version>...
function get_installed_packages {
local install_log_filepath="${1}"
local regex="^Unpacking ([^ :]+)([^ ]+)? (\[[^ ]+\]\s)?\(([^ )]+)"
local dep_packages=""
while read -r line; do
if [[ "${line}" =~ ${regex} ]]; then
dep_packages="${dep_packages}${BASH_REMATCH[1]}:${BASH_REMATCH[4]} "
@ -30,7 +50,13 @@ function get_installed_packages {
# Split fully qualified package into name and version.
# Splits a fully qualified package into name and version.
# Arguments:
# The colon delimited package pair or just the package name.
# Returns:
# The package name and version pair.
function get_package_name_ver {
IFS=\: read name ver <<< "${1}"
# If version not found in the fully qualified package value.
@ -40,17 +66,107 @@ function get_package_name_ver {
echo "${name}" "${ver}"
# Gets the package name from the cached package filepath in the
# path/to/cache/dir/<name>:<version>.tar format.
# Arguments:
# Filepath to the cached packaged.
# Returns:
# The package name.
function get_package_name_from_cached_filepath {
basename ${cached_pkg_filepath} | awk -F\: '{print $1}'
# Gets the Debian install script file location.
# Arguments:
# Root directory to search from.
# Name of the unqualified package to search for.
# Extension of the installation script (preinst, postinst)
# Returns:
# Filepath of the script file, otherwise an empty string.
function get_install_filepath {
# Filename includes arch (e.g. amd64).
local filepath="$(\
ls -1 ${1}var/lib/dpkg/info/${2}*.${3} 2> /dev/null \
| grep -E ${2}'(:.*)?.'${3} | head -1 || true)"
test "${filepath}" && echo "${filepath}"
# Gets the relative filepath acceptable by Tar. Just removes the leading slash
# that Tar disallows.
# Arguments:
# Absolute filepath to archive.
# Returns:
# The relative filepath to archive.
function get_tar_relpath {
local filepath=${1}
if test ${filepath:0:1} = "/"; then
echo "${filepath:1}"
echo "${filepath}"
function log { echo "$(date +%H:%M:%S)" "${@}"; }
function log_err { >&2 echo "$(date +%H:%M:%S)" "${@}"; }
function log_empty_line { echo ""; }
# Writes the manifest to a specified file.
function write_manifest {
log "Writing ${1} packages manifest to ${3}..."
# 0:-1 to remove trailing comma, delimit by newline and sort.
echo "${2:0:-1}" | tr ',' '\n' | sort > ${3}
log "done"
# Sorts given packages by name and split on commas.
# Arguments:
# The comma delimited list of packages.
# Returns:
# Sorted list of space delimited packages.
function normalize_package_list {
local stripped=$(echo "${1}" | sed 's/,//g')
# Remove extraneous spaces at the middle, beginning, and end.
local trimmed="$(\
echo "${stripped}" \
| sed 's/\s\+/ /g; s/^\s\+//g; s/\s\+$//g')"
local sorted="$(echo ${trimmed} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
echo "${sorted}"
get_installed_packages "/tmp/cache-apt-pkgs-action-cache/install.log"
# Validates an argument to be of a boolean value.
# Arguments:
# Argument to validate.
# Variable name of the argument.
# Exit code if validation fails.
# Returns:
# Sorted list of space delimited packages.
function validate_bool {
if test "${1}" != "true" -a "${1}" != "false"; then
log "aborted"
log "${2} value '${1}' must be either true or false (case sensitive)."
exit ${3}
# Writes the manifest to a specified file.
# Arguments:
# Type of manifest being written.
# List of packages being written to the file.
# File path of the manifest being written.
# Returns:
# Log lines from write.
function write_manifest {
if [ ${#2} -eq 0 ]; then
log "Skipped ${1} manifest write. No packages to install."
log "Writing ${1} packages manifest to ${3}..."
# 0:-1 to remove trailing comma, delimit by newline and sort.
echo "${2:0:-1}" | tr ',' '\n' | sort > ${3}
log "done"
@ -12,20 +12,26 @@ cache_dir="${1}"
# Root directory to untar the cached packages to.
# Typically filesystem root '/' but can be changed for testing.
# WARNING: If non-root, this can cause errors during install script execution.
# Indicates that the cache was found.
# List of the packages to use.
# Cache and execute post install scripts on restore.
script_dir="$(dirname -- "$(realpath -- "${0}")")"
# Debug mode for diagnosing issues.
test ${debug} == "true" && set -x
# List of the packages to use.
if [ "$cache_hit" == true ]; then
${script_dir}/restore_pkgs.sh ~/cache-apt-pkgs "${cache_restore_root}"
${script_dir}/restore_pkgs.sh "${cache_dir}" "${cache_restore_root}" "${execute_install_scripts}" "${debug}"
${script_dir}/install_and_cache_pkgs.sh ~/cache-apt-pkgs ${packages}
${script_dir}/install_and_cache_pkgs.sh "${cache_dir}" "${debug}" ${packages}
Executable file → Normal file
Executable file → Normal file
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
# Debug mode for diagnosing issues.
# Setup first before other operations.
validate_bool "${debug}" debug 1
test ${debug} == "true" && set -x
# Include library.
script_dir="$(dirname -- "$(realpath -- "${0}")")"
source "${script_dir}/lib.sh"
@ -10,8 +16,14 @@ cache_dir="${1}"
# Version of the cache to create or load.
# Execute post-installation script.
# Debug mode for diagnosing issues.
# List of the packages to use.
# Trim commas, excess spaces, and sort.
packages="$(normalize_package_list "${input_packages}")"
@ -23,23 +35,18 @@ log "Validating action arguments (version='${version}', packages='${packages}').
if grep -q " " <<< "${version}"; then
log "aborted"
log "Version value '${version}' cannot contain spaces." >&2
exit 1
exit 2
# Is length of string zero?
if test -z "${packages}"; then
log "aborted"
log "Packages argument cannot be empty." >&2
exit 2
exit 3
log "done"
validate_bool "${execute_install_scripts}" execute_install_scripts 4
log "Installing apt-fast for optimized installs..."
# Install apt-fast for optimized installs.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -sL https://git.io/vokNn)"
log "done"
@ -50,7 +57,7 @@ for package in ${packages}; do
if test ! "$(apt-cache show "${package}")"; then
echo "aborted"
log "Package '${package}' not found." >&2
exit 3
exit 5
read package_name package_ver < <(get_package_name_ver "${package}")
versioned_packages=""${versioned_packages}" "${package_name}"="${package_ver}""
@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
# Fail on any error.
set -e
# Debug mode for diagnosing issues.
# Setup first before other operations.
test ${debug} == "true" && set -x
# Include library.
script_dir="$(dirname -- "$(realpath -- "${0}")")"
source "${script_dir}/lib.sh"
@ -13,6 +18,10 @@ cache_dir="${1}"
# Root directory to untar the cached packages to.
# Typically filesystem root '/' but can be changed for testing.
test -d ${cache_restore_root} || mkdir ${cache_restore_root}
# Cache and execute post install scripts on restore.
cache_filepaths="$(ls -1 "${cache_dir}" | sort)"
log "Found $(echo ${cache_filepaths} | wc -w) files in the cache."
@ -33,10 +42,20 @@ log_empty_line
# Only search for archived results. Manifest and cache key also live here.
cached_pkg_filepaths=$(ls -1 "${cache_dir}"/*.tar | sort)
cached_pkg_filecount=$(echo ${cached_pkg_filepaths} | wc -w)
log "Restoring ${cached_pkg_filecount} packages from cache..."
for cached_pkg_filepath in ${cached_pkg_filepaths}; do
log "- $(basename "${cached_pkg_filepath}") restoring..."
sudo tar -xf "${cached_pkg_filepath}" -C "${cache_restore_root}" > /dev/null
log " done"
# Execute install scripts if available.
if test ${execute_install_scripts} == "true"; then
# May have to add more handling for extracting pre-install script before extracting all files.
# Keeping it simple for now.
execute_install_script "${cache_restore_root}" "${cached_pkg_filepath}" preinst install
execute_install_script "${cache_restore_root}" "${cached_pkg_filepath}" postinst configure
log "done"
Reference in a new issue