2022-07-19 20:02:22 -07:00

30 lines
1 KiB
Executable file

# Sort these packages by name and split on commas.
function normalize_package_list {
local stripped=$(echo "${1}" | sed 's/,//g')
# Remove extraneous spaces at the middle, beginning, and end.
local trimmed="$(echo "${stripped}" | sed 's/\s\+/ /g; s/^\s\+//g; s/\s\+$//g')"
local sorted="$(echo ${trimmed} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | tr '\n' ' ')"
echo "${sorted}"
# Gets a package list of dependencies as common delimited pairs
# <name>:<version>,<name:version>...
function get_dep_packages {
echo $(apt-get install --dry-run --yes "${1}" | \
grep "^Inst" | sort | awk '{print $2 $3}' | \
tr '(' ':' | grep -v "${1}:")
# Split fully qualified package into name and version
function get_package_name_ver {
IFS=\: read name ver <<< "${1}"
# If version not found in the fully qualified package value.
if test -z "${ver}"; then
ver="$(grep "Version:" <<< "$(apt show ${name})" | awk '{print $2}')"
echo "${name}" "${ver}"
function log { echo "$(date +%H:%M:%S)" "${@}"; }