2023-05-30 16:13:22 -06:00

242 lines
9.9 KiB

import * as discord from 'discord.js';
import logger from './logging';
import state from './state';
import * as data from './data';
import { IModule, ITrigger } from './models/interfaces';
import modules from './commands/_';
import triggers from './triggers/_';
// Check for environmental variables.
import * as checkenv from 'checkenv';
import envConfig from '../env.json';
interface IModuleMap {
[name: string]: IModule;
const cachedModules: IModuleMap = modules;
const cachedTriggers: ITrigger[] = triggers;
const client = new discord.Client({ intents: discord.GatewayIntentBits.GuildMembers | discord.GatewayIntentBits.Guilds | discord.GatewayIntentBits.GuildBans | discord.GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages | discord.GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages | discord.GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent });
const rulesTrigger = process.env.DISCORD_RULES_TRIGGER;
const rulesRole = process.env.DISCORD_RULES_ROLE;
const mediaUsers = new Map();
logger.info('Application startup. Configuring environment.');
if (!rulesTrigger) {
throw new Error('DISCORD_RULES_TRIGGER somehow became undefined.');
if (!rulesRole) {
throw new Error('DISCORD_RULES_ROLE somehow became undefined.');
function findArray (haystack: string | string[], arr: string[]) {
return arr.some((v: string) => haystack.indexOf(v) >= 0);
function IsIgnoredCategory (categoryName: string) {
const IgnoredCategory = ['internal', 'team', 'development'];
return IgnoredCategory.includes(categoryName);
client.on('ready', async () => {
// Initialize app channels.
if (!process.env.DISCORD_LOG_CHANNEL || !process.env.DISCORD_MSGLOG_CHANNEL) {
throw new Error('DISCORD_LOG_CHANNEL or DISCORD_MSGLOG_CHANNEL not defined.');
const logChannel = await client.channels.fetch(process.env.DISCORD_LOG_CHANNEL) as discord.TextChannel;
const msglogChannel = await client.channels.fetch(process.env.DISCORD_MSGLOG_CHANNEL) as discord.TextChannel;
if (!logChannel.send) throw new Error('DISCORD_LOG_CHANNEL is not a text channel!');
if (!msglogChannel.send) throw new Error('DISCORD_MSGLOG_CHANNEL is not a text channel!');
state.logChannel = logChannel;
state.msglogChannel = msglogChannel;
logger.info('Bot is now online and connected to server.');
client.on('error', (x) => {
logger.error('Restarting process.');
client.on('warn', (x) => {
client.on('disconnect', () => {
logger.warn('Disconnected from Discord server.');
client.on('guildMemberAdd', async (member) => {
if (process.env.DISCORD_RULES_ROLE) { await member.roles.add(process.env.DISCORD_RULES_ROLE); }
client.on('messageDelete', async (message) => {
const AllowedRoles = ['Administrators', 'Moderators', 'Team', 'Developer', 'Support', 'VIP'];
const authorRoles = message.member?.roles?.cache?.map(x => x.name);
if (!authorRoles) {
logger.error(`Unable to get the roles for ${message.author}`);
if (!findArray(authorRoles, AllowedRoles)) {
const parent = (message.channel as discord.TextChannel).parent;
if (parent && !IsIgnoredCategory(parent.name)) {
if (((message.content && !message.content.startsWith('.')) || (message.attachments.size > 0)) && message.author?.bot === false) {
const messageAttachment = message.attachments.first()?.proxyURL;
const deletionEmbed = new discord.EmbedBuilder()
.setAuthor({ name: message.author?.tag, iconURL: message.author?.displayAvatarURL() })
.setDescription(`Message deleted in ${message.channel.toString()}`)
.addFields({ name: 'Content', value: message.cleanContent || '<no content>', inline: false })
if (messageAttachment) deletionEmbed.setImage(messageAttachment);
const userInfo = `${message.author?.toString()} (${message.author?.username}) (${message.author})`;
await state.msglogChannel?.send({ content: userInfo, embeds: [deletionEmbed] });
logger.info(`${message.author?.username} ${message.author} deleted message: ${message.cleanContent}.`);
client.on('messageUpdate', async (oldMessage, newMessage) => {
const AllowedRoles = ['Administrators', 'Moderators', 'Team', 'Developer', 'Support', 'VIP'];
const authorRoles = oldMessage.member?.roles?.cache?.map(x => x.name);
if (!authorRoles) {
logger.error(`Unable to get the roles for ${oldMessage.author}`);
if (!findArray(authorRoles, AllowedRoles)) {
const parent = (oldMessage.channel as discord.TextChannel).parent;
if (parent && !IsIgnoredCategory(parent.name)) {
const oldM = oldMessage.cleanContent || '<no content>';
const newM = newMessage.cleanContent;
if (oldMessage.content !== newMessage.content && newM) {
const messageAttachment = oldMessage.attachments.first()?.proxyURL;
const editedEmbed = new discord.EmbedBuilder()
.setAuthor({ name: oldMessage.author?.tag || '<unknown>', iconURL: oldMessage.author?.displayAvatarURL() })
.setDescription(`Message edited in ${oldMessage.channel.toString()} [Jump To Message](${newMessage.url})`)
.addFields({ name: 'Before', value: oldM, inline: false }, { name: 'After', value: newM, inline: false })
if (messageAttachment) editedEmbed.setImage(messageAttachment);
const userInfo = `${oldMessage.author?.toString()} (${oldMessage.author?.username}) (${oldMessage.author})`;
await state.msglogChannel?.send({ content: userInfo, embeds: [editedEmbed] });
logger.info(`${oldMessage.author?.username} ${oldMessage.author} edited message from: ${oldM} to: ${newM}.`);
client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
if (message.author.bot && !message.content.startsWith('.ban')) { return; }
if (message.guild == null && state.responses.pmReply) {
// We want to reply to PM attempts.
await message.reply(state.responses.pmReply);
logger.verbose(`${message.author.username} ${message.author} [Channel: ${(message.channel as discord.TextChannel).name} ${message.channel}]: ${message.content}`);
const authorRoles = message.member?.roles?.cache?.map(x => x.name);
if (message.channel.id === process.env.DISCORD_MEDIA_CHANNEL && !message.author.bot) {
const AllowedMediaRoles = ['Administrators', 'Moderators', 'Team', 'VIP'];
if (!authorRoles) {
logger.error(`Unable to get the roles for ${message.author}`);
if (!findArray(authorRoles, AllowedMediaRoles)) {
const urlRegex = /https?:\/\/(www\.)?[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%._+~#=]{2,256}\.[a-z]{2,4}\b([-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&/=]*)/gi;
if (message.attachments.size > 0 || message.content.match(urlRegex)) {
mediaUsers.set(message.author.id, true);
} else if (mediaUsers.get(message.author.id)) {
mediaUsers.set(message.author.id, false);
} else {
await message.delete();
mediaUsers.set(message.author.id, false);
// Check if the channel is #rules, if so we want to follow a different logic flow.
if (message.channel.id === process.env.DISCORD_RULES_CHANNEL) {
if (message.content.toLowerCase().includes(rulesTrigger)) {
// We want to remove the 'Unauthorized' role from them once they agree to the rules.
logger.verbose(`${message.author.username} ${message.author} has accepted the rules, removing role ${process.env.DISCORD_RULES_ROLE}.`);
await message.member?.roles.remove(rulesRole, 'Accepted the rules.');
// Delete the message in the channel to force a cleanup.
await message.delete();
} else if (message.content.startsWith('.') && !message.content.startsWith('..')) {
// We want to make sure it's an actual command, not someone '...'-ing.
const cmd = message.content.split(' ', 1)[0].slice(1);
// Check by the name of the command.
const cachedModule = cachedModules[`${cmd.toLowerCase()}`];
let quoteResponse = null;
// Check by the quotes in the configuration.
if (!cachedModule) quoteResponse = state.responses.quotes[cmd];
if (!cachedModule && !quoteResponse) return; // Not a valid command.
// Check access permissions.
if (!authorRoles) {
logger.error(`Unable to get the roles for ${message.author}`);
if (cachedModule && cachedModule.roles && !findArray(authorRoles, cachedModule.roles)) {
await state.logChannel?.send(`${message.author.toString()} attempted to use admin command: ${message.content}`);
logger.info(`${message.author.username} ${message.author} attempted to use admin command: ${message.content}`);
logger.info(`${message.author.username} ${message.author} [Channel: ${message.channel}] executed command: ${message.content}`);
await message.delete();
try {
if (cachedModule) {
await cachedModule.command(message);
} else if (cachedModules.quote) {
await cachedModules.quote.command(message, quoteResponse?.reply);
} catch (err) { logger.error(err); }
} else if (!message.author.bot) {
// This is a normal channel message.
await Promise.all(
cachedTriggers.map(async function (trigger) {
if (!trigger.roles || (authorRoles && findArray(authorRoles, trigger.roles))) {
if (trigger.trigger(message)) {
logger.debug(`${message.author.username} ${message.author} [Channel: ${message.channel}] triggered: ${message.content}`);
try {
await trigger.execute(message);
} catch (err) { logger.error(err); }
// Load custom responses
if (process.env.DATA_CUSTOM_RESPONSES) {
client.login(process.env.DISCORD_LOGIN_TOKEN).catch(err => logger.error(err));
logger.info('Startup completed. Established connection to Discord.');