<function>glClientWaitSync</function> causes the client to block and wait for the sync object specified by <parameter>sync</parameter> to become signaled. If
<parameter>sync</parameter> is signaled when <function>glClientWaitSync</function> is called, <function>glClientWaitSync</function> returns immediately, otherwise
it will block and wait for up to <parameter>timeout</parameter> nanoseconds for <parameter>sync</parameter> to become signaled.
The return value is one of four status values:
<constant>GL_ALREADY_SIGNALED</constant> indicates that <parameter>sync</parameter> was signaled at the time that <function>glClientWaitSync</function>
was called.
<constant>GL_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED</constant> indicates that at least <parameter>timeout</parameter> nanoseconds passed and <parameter>sync</parameter> did not
become signaled.
<constant>GL_CONDITION_SATISFIED</constant> indicates that <parameter>sync</parameter> was signaled before the timeout expired.
<constant>GL_WAIT_FAILED</constant> indicates that an error occurred. Additionally, an OpenGL error will be generated.
<function>glClientWaitSync</function> is available only if the GL version is 3.2 or greater.
<constant>GL_INVALID_VALUE</constant> is generated if <parameter>sync</parameter> is not the name of an existing sync object.
<constant>GL_INVALID_VALUE</constant> is generated if <parameter>flags</parameter> contains any unsupported flag.