/// <summary>Alut.Init initializes the ALUT internals and creates an OpenAL context on the default device and makes it the current OpenAL context. If you want something more complex than that (e.g. running on a non-default device or opening multiple contexts on multiple devices), you can use alutInitWithoutContext instead. alutInit examines the commandline arguments passed to it and remove those it recognizes. It is acceptable to pass two NULL pointers in settings where no useful information can be obtained from argc and argv.</summary>
/// <param name="argcp">Application Main Parameters. Can be IntPtr.Zero.</param>
/// <param name="argv">Application Main Parameters. Can be IntPtr.Zero.</param>
/// <summary>Parameterless function for convenience. Internally passes IntPtr.Zero as parameters.</summary>
/// <returns>Success.</returns>
publicstaticboolInit()// overload for convenience
/// <summary>Alut.InitWithoutContext initializes the ALUT internals. It does not create any OpenAL context or device, so this has to be done via the usual ALC calls. alutInitWithoutContext examines the commandline arguments passed to it and remove those it recognizes. It is acceptable to pass two NULL pointers in settings where no useful information can be obtained from argc and argv.</summary>
/// <param name="argcp">Application Main Parameters</param>
/// <param name="argv">Application Main Parameters</param>
/// <summary>Alut.InitWithoutContext initializes the ALUT internals. It does not create any OpenAL context or device, so this has to be done via the usual ALC calls. alutInitWithoutContext examines the commandline arguments passed to it and remove those it recognizes. It is acceptable to pass two NULL pointers in settings where no useful information can be obtained from argc and argv.</summary>
/// <returns>Success.</returns>
publicstaticboolInitWithoutContext()// overload for convenience
/// <summary>When the application has finished playing audio, it should shut down ALUT using Alut.Exit. This closes any OpenAL device/context that ALUT may have created in alutInit (but not any that the application created using ALC). After calling alutExit, you may subsequently call alutInit or alutInitWithoutContext again. Note that under well-behaved operating systems, it should be acceptable to simply exit from your program without bothering to call alutExit, relying on the OS to clean up after you. However, it is dangerous to rely on this behavior if portable operation is expected.</summary>
/// <summary>Any ALUT routine that fails will return AL_FALSE / AL_NONE / NULL and set the global error state. If a subsequent error occurs while there is still an error recorded internally, the second error will simply be ignored. Calling alutGetError will reset the error code to ALUT_ERROR_NO_ERROR. Note that the error state is not cleared by other successful ALUT calls. Alut.GetError can be called in any ALUT state and will never fail.</summary>
/// <summary>Alut.GetErrorString can be used to convert an error code into a human-readable description. The precise text of these descriptions may vary from implementation to implementation and should not be relied upon by the application.</summary>
/// <param name="error">Retrieve first occured error with Alut.GetError</param>
/// <returns>A human-readable description of the Error.</returns>
/// <summary>Alut.CreateBufferFromFile tries to guess the sound buffer format by looking at the filename and/or the file contents and loads the sound buffer into an OpenAL buffer.</summary>
/// <param name="filename">The file to be loaded</param>
/// <returns>OpenAL Buffer, 0 on failure.</returns>
/// <summary>Alut.CreateBufferFromFileImage tries to guess the sound buffer format by looking at the contents of the memory region given as parameters and loads the sound buffer into an OpenAL buffer.</summary>
/// <param name="buffer">A Pointer to the sound buffer in memory.</param>
/// <param name="length">Size in Bytes of the sound buffer.</param>
/// <returns>OpenAL Buffer, 0 on failure.</returns>
/// <summary>Alut.CreateBufferWaveform returns a handle to an OpenAL buffer containing a snippet of audio with the specified waveshape at the specified frequency (in Hertz), phase (in degrees: -180 to +180) and duration (in seconds).</summary>
/// <param name="waveshape"></param>
/// <param name="frequency">Frequency in Hertz [Hz].</param>
/// <param name="phase">Phase (in degrees: -180 to +180)</param>
/// <param name="duration">Duration (in seconds)</param>
/// <returns>OpenAL Buffer, 0 on failure.</returns>
/// <summary>Alut.GetMIMETypes returns a comma-separated list of supported MIME types for the given loader type, e.g. something like "audio/basic,audio/mpeg,audio/x-wav".
/// It is possible that AlutLoader.Memory loaders will be unable to support some file types that AlutLoader.Buffer loaders can support (although the reverse is never the case). Furthermore, it is possible that for some file types (notably audio/x-wav) the support may be only for a few sub-formats. For example, an implementation may advertise that audio/x-wav is supported when in fact it only supports uncompressed (i.e. PCM) WAV files and not any of the compressed subformats. In this event, the various ALUT loaders may return an error and set ALUT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_SUBTYPE rather than ALUT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE_TYPE which would indicate that no files of this type are allowed.
/// <summary>Alut.GetMajorVersion returns the major version number of the ALUT in use, which will match the major version number of the corresponding ALUT specification document. Can be compared using AlutVersions.</summary>
/// <summary>Alut.GetMinorVersion returns the minor version number of the ALUT in use, which will match the minor version number of the corresponding ALUT specification document. Can be compared using AlutVersions.</summary>
/// <summary>Alut.Sleep will delay the execution of the current thread for at least the given amount of seconds. It will only return earlier if a signal has been delivered to the thread, but this does not count as an error. Note that sleeping for zero seconds will give other runnable threads a chance to run.
/// Having a general utility function like the following in an audio-related toolkit might seem strange at first, but sleeping is a common task in a lot of audio demos and it can't be done portably without cluttering the source code with #ifdefs.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="duration">Number of seconds. May not be negative.</param>