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using System;
using OpenTK.OpenAL;
using AlContext = System.IntPtr;
using AlDevice = System.IntPtr;
using Examples;
namespace OpenALTestProgram
#if false
[Example("OpenAL Context Test", ExampleCategory.OpenAL, 101, false)]
class TestApp
public static void GetOpenALErrors( IntPtr device )
Enums.AlError AlErr = Al.GetError( );
Enums.AlcError AlcErr = Alc.GetError( device );
Enums.AlutError AlutErr = Alut.GetError( );
Console.WriteLine( " Al: " + AlErr + " Alc: " + AlcErr + " Alut: " + AlcErr + " " + Alut.GetErrorString( AlutErr ) );
static void Main( string[] args )
AlcUnitTestFunc( );
public static void AlcUnitTestFunc()
Console.WriteLine("Found Devices: "+ Alc.GetString( Al.Null, Enums.AlcGetString.DeviceSpecifier ));
AlDevice MyDevice;
AlContext MyContext;
// Initialize Open AL
MyDevice = Alc.OpenDevice( null );// open default device
if ( MyDevice != Al.Null )
Console.WriteLine( "Device allocation succeeded." );
MyContext = Alc.CreateContext( MyDevice, Al.Null ); // create context
if ( MyContext != Al.Null )
Console.WriteLine( "Context allocation succeeded." );
GetOpenALErrors( MyDevice );
Alc.SuspendContext( MyContext ); // disable context
Alc.ProcessContext( MyContext ); // enable context. The default state of a context created by alcCreateContext is that it is processing.
Al.Bool result = Alc.MakeContextCurrent( MyContext ); // set active context
Console.WriteLine( "MakeContextCurrent succeeded? " + result );
GetOpenALErrors( MyDevice );
Console.WriteLine( "Default: " + Alc.GetString( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetString.DefaultDeviceSpecifier ) );
Console.WriteLine( "Device: " + Alc.GetString( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetString.DeviceSpecifier ) );
Console.WriteLine( "Extensions: " + Alc.GetString( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetString.Extensions ) );
GetOpenALErrors( MyDevice );
#region Get Attribs
int AttribCount;
Alc.GetInteger( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetInteger.AttributesSize, sizeof( int ), out AttribCount );
Console.WriteLine( "AttributeSize: " + AttribCount );
if ( AttribCount > 0 )
int[] Attribs = new int[AttribCount];
Alc.GetInteger( MyDevice, Enums.AlcGetInteger.AttributesSize, AttribCount, out Attribs[0] );
for ( int i = 0; i < Attribs.Length; i++ )
Console.Write( ", " + Attribs[i] );
Console.WriteLine( );
#endregion Get Attribs
GetOpenALErrors( MyDevice );
AlDevice currdev = Alc.GetContextsDevice( MyContext );
AlContext currcon = Alc.GetCurrentContext( );
if ( MyDevice == currdev )
Console.WriteLine( "Devices match." );
Console.WriteLine( "Error: Devices do not match." );
if ( MyContext == currcon )
Console.WriteLine( "Context match." );
Console.WriteLine( "Error: Contexts do not match." );
// exit
Alc.MakeContextCurrent( Al.Null ); // results in no context being current
Alc.DestroyContext( MyContext );
result = Alc.CloseDevice( MyDevice );
Console.WriteLine( "Result: " + result );
Console.ReadLine( );
Console.WriteLine( "Context creation failed." );
Console.WriteLine( "Failed to find suitable Device." );
include <stdlib.h>
include <AL/alut.h>
main (int argc, char **argv)
ALuint helloBuffer, helloSource;
alutInit (&argc, argv);
helloBuffer = alutCreateBufferHelloWorld ();
alGenSources (1, &helloSource);
alSourcei (helloSource, AL_Buffer, helloBuffer);
alSourcePlay (helloSource);
alutSleep (1);
alutExit ();
* Processing Loop Example:
// PlaceCamera - places OpenGL camera & updates OpenAL listener data
void AVEnvironment::PlaceCamera()
// update OpenGL camera position
glFrustum(-0.1333, 0.1333, -0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 50.0);
gluLookAt(listenerPos[0], listenerPos[1], listenerPos[2],
(listenerPos[0] + sin(listenerAngle)), listenerPos[1],
(listenerPos[2] - cos(listenerAngle)),
0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// update OpenAL
// place listener at camera
alListener3f(AL_POSITION, listenerPos[0], listenerPos[1], listenerPos[2]);
float directionvect[6];
directionvect[0] = (float) sin(listenerAngle);
directionvect[1] = 0;
directionvect[2] = (float) cos(listenerAngle);
directionvect[3] = 0;
directionvect[4] = 1;
directionvect[5] = 0;
alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, directionvect);