<function>glScissorArrayv</function> defines rectangles, called scissor boxes,
in window coordinates for each viewport.
<parameter>first</parameter> specifies the index of the first scissor box to modify and
<parameter>count</parameter> specifies the number of scissor boxes to modify. <parameter>first</parameter>
must be less than the value of <constant>GL_MAX_VIEWPORTS</constant>, and <parameter>first</parameter> +
<parameter>count</parameter> must be less than or equal to the value of <constant>GL_MAX_VIEWPORTS</constant>.
<parameter>v</parameter> specifies the address of an array containing integers specifying the
lower left corner of the scissor boxes, and the width and height of the scissor boxes, in that order.
To enable and disable the scissor test, call
<citerefentry><refentrytitle>glEnable</refentrytitle></citerefentry> and <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glDisable</refentrytitle></citerefentry> with argument
<constant>GL_SCISSOR_TEST</constant>. The test is initially disabled for all viewports.
While the test is enabled, only pixels that lie within the scissor box
can be modified by drawing commands.
Window coordinates have integer values at the shared corners of
frame buffer pixels.
<code>glScissor(0,0,1,1)</code> allows modification of only the lower left
pixel in the window, and <code>glScissor(0,0,0,0)</code> doesn't allow
modification of any pixels in the window.
When the scissor test is disabled,
it is as though the scissor box includes the entire window.