<function>glGetQueryIndexediv</function> returns in <parameter>params</parameter> a selected parameter of the indexed query object target
specified by <parameter>target</parameter> and <parameter>index</parameter>. <parameter>index</parameter> specifies the index of the
query object target and must be between zero and a target-specific maxiumum.
<parameter>pname</parameter> names a specific query object target parameter. When <parameter>pname</parameter> is
<constant>GL_CURRENT_QUERY</constant>, the name of the currently active query for the specified <parameter>index</parameter> of <parameter>target</parameter>,
or zero if no query is active, will be placed in <parameter>params</parameter>.
If <parameter>pname</parameter> is <constant>GL_QUERY_COUNTER_BITS</constant>, the implementation-dependent number
of bits used to hold the result of queries for <parameter>target</parameter> is returned in <parameter>params</parameter>.
If an error is generated,
no change is made to the contents of <parameter>params</parameter>.
Calling <citerefentry><refentrytitle>glGetQueryiv</refentrytitle></citerefentry> is equivalent to calling
<function>glGetQueryIndexediv</function> with <parameter>index</parameter> set to zero.
<constant>GL_INVALID_ENUM</constant> is generated if <parameter>target</parameter> or <parameter>pname</parameter> is not an
accepted value.
<constant>GL_INVALID_VALUE</constant> is generated if <parameter>index</parameter> is greater than or equal to the