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#region --- License ---
/* Licensed under the MIT/X11 license.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2008 the OpenTK Team.
* This notice may not be removed from any source distribution.
* See license.txt for licensing details.
// #define READALL
// uncomment so ALL fields read from file are interpreted and filled. Necessary to implement uncompressed DDS
// TODO: Find app that can build compressed dds cubemaps and verify that the import code works.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using OpenTK;
using OpenTK.Graphics;
using OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL;
namespace Examples.TextureLoaders
/// <summary>
/// Expects the presence of a valid OpenGL Context and Texture Compression Extensions (GL 1.5) and Cube Maps (GL 1.3).
/// You will get what you give. No automatic Mipmap generation or automatic compression is done. (both bad quality)
/// Textures are never rescaled or checked if Power of 2, but you should make the Width and Height a multiple of 4 because DXTn uses 4x4 blocks.
/// (Image displays correctly but runs extremely slow with non-power-of-two Textures on FX5600, Cache misses?)
/// CubeMap support is experimental and the file must specify all 6 faces to work at all.
/// </summary>
static class ImageDDS
#region Constants
private const byte HeaderSizeInBytes = 128; // all non-image data together is 128 Bytes
private const uint BitMask = 0x00000007; // bits = 00 00 01 11
private static NotImplementedException Unfinished = new NotImplementedException( "ERROR: Only 2 Dimensional DXT1/3/5 compressed images for now. 1D/3D Textures may not be compressed according to spec." );
#endregion Constants
#region Simplified In-Memory representation of the Image
private static bool _IsCompressed;
private static int _Width, _Height, _Depth, _MipMapCount;
private static int _BytesForMainSurface; // must be handled with care when implementing uncompressed formats!
private static byte _BytesPerBlock;
private static PixelInternalFormat _PixelInternalFormat;
#endregion Simplified In-Memory representation of the Image
#region Flag Enums
[Flags] // Surface Description
private enum eDDSD: uint
CAPS = 0x00000001, // is always present
HEIGHT = 0x00000002, // is always present
WIDTH = 0x00000004, // is always present
PITCH = 0x00000008, // is set if the image is uncompressed
PIXELFORMAT = 0x00001000, // is always present
MIPMAPCOUNT = 0x00020000, // is set if the image contains MipMaps
LINEARSIZE = 0x00080000, // is set if the image is compressed
DEPTH = 0x00800000 // is set for 3D Volume Textures
[Flags] // Pixelformat
private enum eDDPF: uint
NONE = 0x00000000, // not part of DX, added for convenience
ALPHAPIXELS = 0x00000001,
FOURCC = 0x00000004,
RGB = 0x00000040,
RGBA = 0x00000041
/// <summary>This list was derived from nVidia OpenGL SDK</summary>
[Flags] // Texture types
private enum eFOURCC: uint
R8G8B8 = 20,
A8R8G8B8 = 21,
X8R8G8B8 = 22,
R5G6B5 = 23,
X1R5G5B5 = 24,
A1R5G5B5 = 25,
A4R4G4B4 = 26,
R3G3B2 = 27,
A8 = 28,
A8R3G3B2 = 29,
X4R4G4B4 = 30,
A2B10G10R10 = 31,
A8B8G8R8 = 32,
X8B8G8R8 = 33,
G16R16 = 34,
A2R10G10B10 = 35,
A16B16G16R16 = 36,
L8 = 50,
A8L8 = 51,
A4L4 = 52,
D16_LOCKABLE = 70,
D32 = 71,
D24X8 = 77,
D16 = 80,
L16 = 81,
// s10e5 formats (16-bits per channel)
R16F = 111,
G16R16F = 112,
A16B16G16R16F = 113,
// IEEE s23e8 formats (32-bits per channel)
R32F = 114,
G32R32F = 115,
A32B32G32R32F = 116
DXT1 = 0x31545844,
DXT2 = 0x32545844,
DXT3 = 0x33545844,
DXT4 = 0x34545844,
DXT5 = 0x35545844,
[Flags] // dwCaps1
private enum eDDSCAPS: uint
NONE = 0x00000000, // not part of DX, added for convenience
COMPLEX = 0x00000008, // should be set for any DDS file with more than one main surface
TEXTURE = 0x00001000, // should always be set
MIPMAP = 0x00400000 // only for files with MipMaps
[Flags] // dwCaps2
private enum eDDSCAPS2: uint
NONE = 0x00000000, // not part of DX, added for convenience
CUBEMAP = 0x00000200,
VOLUME = 0x00200000 // for 3D Textures
#endregion Flag Enums
#region Private Members
private static string idString; // 4 bytes, must be "DDS "
private static UInt32 dwSize; // Size of structure is 124 bytes, 128 including all sub-structs and the header
private static UInt32 dwFlags; // Flags to indicate valid fields.
private static UInt32 dwHeight; // Height of the main image in pixels
private static UInt32 dwWidth; // Width of the main image in pixels
private static UInt32 dwPitchOrLinearSize; // For compressed formats, this is the total number of bytes for the main image.
private static UInt32 dwDepth; // For volume textures, this is the depth of the volume.
private static UInt32 dwMipMapCount; // total number of levels in the mipmap chain of the main image.
private static UInt32[] dwReserved1; // 11 UInt32s
// Pixelformat sub-struct, 32 bytes
private static UInt32 pfSize; // Size of Pixelformat structure. This member must be set to 32.
private static UInt32 pfFlags; // Flags to indicate valid fields.
private static UInt32 pfFourCC; // This is the four-character code for compressed formats.
private static UInt32 pfRGBBitCount; // For RGB formats, this is the total number of bits in the format. dwFlags should include DDpf_RGB in this case. This value is usually 16, 24, or 32. For A8R8G8B8, this value would be 32.
private static UInt32 pfRBitMask; // For RGB formats, these three fields contain the masks for the red, green, and blue channels. For A8R8G8B8, these values would be 0x00ff0000, 0x0000ff00, and 0x000000ff respectively.
private static UInt32 pfGBitMask; // ..
private static UInt32 pfBBitMask; // ..
private static UInt32 pfABitMask; // For RGB formats, this contains the mask for the alpha channel, if any. dwFlags should include DDpf_ALPHAPIXELS in this case. For A8R8G8B8, this value would be 0xff000000.
// Capabilities sub-struct, 16 bytes
private static UInt32 dwCaps1; // always includes DDSCAPS_TEXTURE. with more than one main surface DDSCAPS_COMPLEX should also be set.
private static UInt32 dwCaps2; // For cubic environment maps, DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP should be included as well as one or more faces of the map (DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEX, DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEX, DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEY, DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEY, DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_POSITIVEZ, DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP_NEGATIVEZ). For volume textures, DDSCAPS2_VOLUME should be included.
private static UInt32[] dwReserved2; // 3 = 2 + 1 UInt32
#endregion Private Members
/// <summary>
/// This function will generate, bind and fill a Texture Object with a DXT1/3/5 compressed Texture in .dds Format.
/// MipMaps below 4x4 Pixel Size are discarded, because DXTn's smallest unit is a 4x4 block of Pixel data.
/// It will set correct MipMap parameters, Filtering, Wrapping and EnvMode for the Texture.
/// The only call inside this function affecting OpenGL State is GL.BindTexture();
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">The name of the file you wish to load, including path and file extension.</param>
/// <param name="texturehandle">0 if invalid, otherwise a Texture Object usable with GL.BindTexture().</param>
/// <param name="dimension">0 if invalid, will output what was loaded (typically Texture1D/2D/3D or Cubemap)</param>
public static void LoadFromDisk( string filename, out uint texturehandle, out TextureTarget dimension )
#region Prep data
// invalidate whatever it was before
dimension = (TextureTarget) 0;
texturehandle = TextureLoaderParameters.OpenGLDefaultTexture;
ErrorCode GLError = ErrorCode.NoError;
_IsCompressed = false;
_Width = 0;
_Height = 0;
_Depth = 0;
_MipMapCount = 0;
_BytesForMainSurface = 0;
_BytesPerBlock = 0;
_PixelInternalFormat = PixelInternalFormat.Rgba8;
byte[] _RawDataFromFile;
#region Try
try // Exceptions will be thrown if any Problem occurs while working on the file.
_RawDataFromFile = File.ReadAllBytes( @filename );
#region Translate Header to less cryptic representation
ConvertDX9Header( ref _RawDataFromFile ); // The first 128 Bytes of the file is non-image data
// start by checking if all forced flags are present. Flags indicate valid fields, but aren't written by every tool .....
if ( idString != "DDS " || // magic key
dwSize != 124 || // constant size of struct, never reused
pfSize != 32 || // constant size of struct, never reused
!CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.CAPS ) || // must know it's caps
!CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.PIXELFORMAT ) || // must know it's format
!CheckFlag( dwCaps1, (uint) eDDSCAPS.TEXTURE ) // must be a Texture
throw new ArgumentException( "ERROR: File has invalid signature or missing Flags." );
#region Examine Flags
if ( CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.WIDTH ) )
_Width = (int) dwWidth;
throw new ArgumentException( "ERROR: Flag for Width not set." );
if ( CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.HEIGHT ) )
_Height = (int) dwHeight;
throw new ArgumentException( "ERROR: Flag for Height not set." );
if ( CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.DEPTH ) && CheckFlag( dwCaps2, (uint) eDDSCAPS2.VOLUME ) )
dimension = TextureTarget.Texture3D; // image is 3D Volume
_Depth = (int) dwDepth;
throw Unfinished;
} else
{// image is 2D or Cube
if ( CheckFlag( dwCaps2, (uint) eDDSCAPS2.CUBEMAP ) )
dimension = TextureTarget.TextureCubeMap;
_Depth = 6;
} else
dimension = TextureTarget.Texture2D;
_Depth = 1;
// these flags must be set for mipmaps to be included
if ( CheckFlag( dwCaps1, (uint) eDDSCAPS.MIPMAP ) && CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.MIPMAPCOUNT ) )
_MipMapCount = (int) dwMipMapCount; // image contains MipMaps
_MipMapCount = 1; // only 1 main image
// Should never happen
if ( CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.PITCH ) && CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.LINEARSIZE ) )
throw new ArgumentException( "INVALID: Pitch AND Linear Flags both set. Image cannot be uncompressed and DTXn compressed at the same time." );
// This flag is set if format is uncompressed RGB RGBA etc.
if ( CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.PITCH ) )
// _BytesForMainSurface = (int) dwPitchOrLinearSize; // holds bytes-per-scanline for uncompressed
_IsCompressed = false;
throw Unfinished;
// This flag is set if format is compressed DXTn.
if ( CheckFlag( dwFlags, (uint) eDDSD.LINEARSIZE ) )
_BytesForMainSurface = (int) dwPitchOrLinearSize;
_IsCompressed = true;
#endregion Examine Flags
#region Examine Pixel Format, anything but DXTn will fail atm.
if ( CheckFlag( pfFlags, (uint) eDDPF.FOURCC ) )
switch ( (eFOURCC) pfFourCC )
case eFOURCC.DXT1:
_PixelInternalFormat = (PixelInternalFormat) ExtTextureCompressionS3tc.CompressedRgbS3tcDxt1Ext;
_BytesPerBlock = 8;
_IsCompressed = true;
//case eFOURCC.DXT2:
case eFOURCC.DXT3:
_PixelInternalFormat = (PixelInternalFormat) ExtTextureCompressionS3tc.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Ext;
_BytesPerBlock = 16;
_IsCompressed = true;
//case eFOURCC.DXT4:
case eFOURCC.DXT5:
_PixelInternalFormat = (PixelInternalFormat) ExtTextureCompressionS3tc.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Ext;
_BytesPerBlock = 16;
_IsCompressed = true;
throw Unfinished; // handle uncompressed formats
} else
throw Unfinished;
// pf*Bitmasks should be examined here
// Works, but commented out because some texture authoring tools don't set this flag.
/* Safety Check, if file is only 1x 2D surface without mipmaps, eDDSCAPS.COMPLEX should not be set
if ( CheckFlag( dwCaps1, (uint) eDDSCAPS.COMPLEX ) )
if ( result == eTextureDimension.Texture2D && _MipMapCount == 1 ) // catch potential problem
Trace.WriteLine( "Warning: Image is declared complex, but contains only 1 surface." );
if ( TextureLoaderParameters.Verbose )
Trace.WriteLine( "\n" + GetDescriptionFromMemory( filename, dimension ) );
#endregion Translate Header to less cryptic representation
#region send the Texture to GL
#region Generate and Bind Handle
GL.GenTextures( 1, out texturehandle );
GL.BindTexture( dimension, texturehandle );
#endregion Generate and Bind Handle
int Cursor = HeaderSizeInBytes;
// foreach face in the cubemap, get all it's mipmaps levels. Only one iteration for Texture2D
for ( int Slices = 0 ; Slices < _Depth ; Slices++ )
int trueMipMapCount = _MipMapCount - 1; // TODO: triplecheck correctness
int Width = _Width;
int Height = _Height;
for ( int Level = 0 ; Level < _MipMapCount ; Level++ ) // start at base image
#region determine Dimensions
int BlocksPerRow = ( Width + 3 ) >> 2;
int BlocksPerColumn = ( Height + 3 ) >> 2;
int SurfaceBlockCount = BlocksPerRow * BlocksPerColumn; // // DXTn stores Texels in 4x4 blocks, a Color block is 8 Bytes, an Alpha block is 8 Bytes for DXT3/5
int SurfaceSizeInBytes = SurfaceBlockCount * _BytesPerBlock;
// this check must evaluate to false for 2D and Cube maps, or it's impossible to determine MipMap sizes.
if ( TextureLoaderParameters.Verbose && Level == 0 && _IsCompressed && _BytesForMainSurface != SurfaceSizeInBytes )
Trace.WriteLine( "Warning: Calculated byte-count of main image differs from what was read from file." );
#endregion determine Dimensions
// skip mipmaps smaller than a 4x4 Pixels block, which is the smallest DXTn unit.
if ( Width > 2 && Height > 2 )
{ // Note: there could be a potential problem with non-power-of-two cube maps
#region Prepare Array for TexImage
byte[] RawDataOfSurface = new byte[SurfaceSizeInBytes];
if ( !TextureLoaderParameters.FlipImages )
{ // no changes to the image, copy as is
Array.Copy( _RawDataFromFile, Cursor, RawDataOfSurface, 0, SurfaceSizeInBytes );
} else
{ // Turn the blocks upside down and the rows aswell, done in a single pass through all blocks
for ( int sourceColumn = 0 ; sourceColumn < BlocksPerColumn ; sourceColumn++ )
int targetColumn = BlocksPerColumn - sourceColumn - 1;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < BlocksPerRow ; row++ )
int target = ( targetColumn * BlocksPerRow + row ) * _BytesPerBlock;
int source = ( sourceColumn * BlocksPerRow + row ) * _BytesPerBlock + Cursor;
#region Swap Bytes
switch ( _PixelInternalFormat )
case (PixelInternalFormat) ExtTextureCompressionS3tc.CompressedRgbS3tcDxt1Ext:
// Color only
RawDataOfSurface[target + 0] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 0];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 1] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 1];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 2] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 2];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 3] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 3];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 4] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 7];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 5] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 6];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 6] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 5];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 7] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 4];
case (PixelInternalFormat) ExtTextureCompressionS3tc.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Ext:
// Alpha
RawDataOfSurface[target + 0] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 6];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 1] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 7];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 2] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 4];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 3] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 5];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 4] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 2];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 5] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 3];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 6] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 0];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 7] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 1];
// Color
RawDataOfSurface[target + 8] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 8];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 9] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 9];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 10] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 10];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 11] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 11];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 12] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 15];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 13] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 14];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 14] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 13];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 15] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 12];
case (PixelInternalFormat) ExtTextureCompressionS3tc.CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Ext:
// Alpha, the first 2 bytes remain
RawDataOfSurface[target + 0] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 0];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 1] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 1];
// extract 3 bits each and flip them
GetBytesFromUInt24( ref RawDataOfSurface, (uint) target + 5, FlipUInt24( GetUInt24( ref _RawDataFromFile, (uint) source + 2 ) ) );
GetBytesFromUInt24( ref RawDataOfSurface, (uint) target + 2, FlipUInt24( GetUInt24( ref _RawDataFromFile, (uint) source + 5 ) ) );
// Color
RawDataOfSurface[target + 8] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 8];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 9] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 9];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 10] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 10];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 11] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 11];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 12] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 15];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 13] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 14];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 14] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 13];
RawDataOfSurface[target + 15] = _RawDataFromFile[source + 12];
throw new ArgumentException( "ERROR: Should have never arrived here! Bad _PixelInternalFormat! Should have been dealt with much earlier." );
#endregion Swap Bytes
#endregion Prepare Array for TexImage
#region Create TexImage
switch ( dimension )
case TextureTarget.Texture2D:
GL.CompressedTexImage2D( TextureTarget.Texture2D,
RawDataOfSurface );
case TextureTarget.TextureCubeMap:
GL.CompressedTexImage2D( TextureTarget.TextureCubeMapPositiveX + Slices,
RawDataOfSurface );
case TextureTarget.Texture1D: // Untested
case TextureTarget.Texture3D: // Untested
throw new ArgumentException( "ERROR: Use DXT for 2D Images only. Cannot evaluate " + dimension );
GL.Finish( );
#endregion Create TexImage
#region Query Success
int width, height, internalformat, compressed;
switch ( dimension )
case TextureTarget.Texture1D:
case TextureTarget.Texture2D:
case TextureTarget.Texture3D:
GL.GetTexLevelParameter( dimension, Level, GetTextureParameter.TextureWidth, out width );
GL.GetTexLevelParameter( dimension, Level, GetTextureParameter.TextureHeight, out height );
GL.GetTexLevelParameter( dimension, Level, GetTextureParameter.TextureInternalFormat, out internalformat );
GL.GetTexLevelParameter( dimension, Level, GetTextureParameter.TextureCompressed, out compressed );
case TextureTarget.TextureCubeMap:
GL.GetTexLevelParameter( TextureTarget.TextureCubeMapPositiveX + Slices, Level, GetTextureParameter.TextureWidth, out width );
GL.GetTexLevelParameter( TextureTarget.TextureCubeMapPositiveX + Slices, Level, GetTextureParameter.TextureHeight, out height );
GL.GetTexLevelParameter( TextureTarget.TextureCubeMapPositiveX + Slices, Level, GetTextureParameter.TextureInternalFormat, out internalformat );
GL.GetTexLevelParameter( TextureTarget.TextureCubeMapPositiveX + Slices, Level, GetTextureParameter.TextureCompressed, out compressed );
throw Unfinished;
GLError = GL.GetError( );
if ( TextureLoaderParameters.Verbose )
Trace.WriteLine( "GL: " + GLError.ToString( ) + " Level: " + Level + " DXTn: " + ( ( compressed == 1 ) ? "Yes" : "No" ) + " Frmt:" + (ExtTextureCompressionS3tc) internalformat + " " + width + "*" + height );
if ( GLError != ErrorCode.NoError || compressed == 0 || width == 0 || height == 0 || internalformat == 0 )
GL.DeleteTextures( 1, ref texturehandle );
throw new ArgumentException( "ERROR: Something went wrong after GL.CompressedTexImage(); Last GL Error: " + GLError.ToString( ) );
#endregion Query Success
} else
if ( trueMipMapCount > Level )
trueMipMapCount = Level - 1; // The current Level is invalid
#region Prepare the next MipMap level
Width /= 2;
if ( Width < 1 )
Width = 1;
Height /= 2;
if ( Height < 1 )
Height = 1;
Cursor += SurfaceSizeInBytes;
#endregion Prepare the next MipMap level
#region Set States properly
GL.TexParameter( dimension, (TextureParameterName) All.TextureBaseLevel, 0 );
GL.TexParameter( dimension, (TextureParameterName) All.TextureMaxLevel, trueMipMapCount );
int TexMaxLevel;
GL.GetTexParameter( dimension, GetTextureParameter.TextureMaxLevel, out TexMaxLevel );
if ( TextureLoaderParameters.Verbose )
Trace.WriteLine( "Verification: GL: " + GL.GetError( ).ToString( ) + " TextureMaxLevel: " + TexMaxLevel + ( ( TexMaxLevel == trueMipMapCount ) ? " (Correct.)" : " (Wrong!)" ) );
#endregion Set States properly
#region Set Texture Parameters
GL.TexParameter( dimension, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, (int) TextureLoaderParameters.MinificationFilter );
GL.TexParameter( dimension, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, (int) TextureLoaderParameters.MagnificationFilter );
GL.TexParameter( dimension, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, (int) TextureLoaderParameters.WrapModeS );
GL.TexParameter( dimension, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, (int) TextureLoaderParameters.WrapModeT );
GL.TexEnv( TextureEnvTarget.TextureEnv, TextureEnvParameter.TextureEnvMode, (int) TextureLoaderParameters.EnvMode );
GLError = GL.GetError( );
if ( GLError != ErrorCode.NoError )
throw new ArgumentException( "Error setting Texture Parameters. GL Error: " + GLError );
#endregion Set Texture Parameters
// If it made it here without throwing any Exception the result is a valid Texture.
return; // success
#endregion send the Texture to GL
} catch ( Exception e )
dimension = (TextureTarget) 0;
texturehandle = TextureLoaderParameters.OpenGLDefaultTexture;
throw new ArgumentException( "ERROR: Exception caught when attempting to load file " + filename + ".\n" + e + "\n" + GetDescriptionFromFile( filename ) );
// return; // failure
} finally
_RawDataFromFile = null; // clarity, not really needed
#endregion Try
#region Helpers
private static void ConvertDX9Header( ref byte[] input )
UInt32 offset = 0;
idString = GetString( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwSize = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwFlags = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwHeight = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwWidth = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwPitchOrLinearSize = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwDepth = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwMipMapCount = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwReserved1 = new UInt32[11]; // reserved
offset += 4 * 11;
pfSize = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
pfFlags = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
pfFourCC = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
pfRGBBitCount = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
pfRBitMask = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
pfGBitMask = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
pfBBitMask = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
pfABitMask = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
offset += 20;
dwCaps1 = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwCaps2 = GetUInt32( ref input, offset );
offset += 4;
dwReserved2 = new UInt32[3]; // offset is 4+112 here, + 12 = 4+124
offset += 4 * 3;
/// <summary> Returns true if the flag is set, false otherwise</summary>
private static bool CheckFlag( uint variable, uint flag )
return ( variable & flag ) > 0 ? true : false;
private static string GetString( ref byte[] input, uint offset )
return "" + (char) input[offset + 0] + (char) input[offset + 1] + (char) input[offset + 2] + (char) input[offset + 3];
private static uint GetUInt32( ref byte[] input, uint offset )
return (uint) ( ( ( input[offset + 3] * 256 + input[offset + 2] ) * 256 + input[offset + 1] ) * 256 + input[offset + 0] );
private static uint GetUInt24( ref byte[] input, uint offset )
return (uint) ( ( input[offset + 2] * 256 + input[offset + 1] ) * 256 + input[offset + 0] );
private static void GetBytesFromUInt24( ref byte[] input, uint offset, uint splitme )
input[offset + 0] = (byte) ( splitme & 0x000000ff );
input[offset + 1] = (byte) ( ( splitme & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8 );
input[offset + 2] = (byte) ( ( splitme & 0x00ff0000 ) >> 16 );
/// <summary>DXT5 Alpha block flipping, inspired by code from Evan Hart (nVidia SDK)</summary>
private static uint FlipUInt24( uint inputUInt24 )
byte[][] ThreeBits = new byte[2][];
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ )
ThreeBits[i] = new byte[4];
// extract 3 bits each into the array
ThreeBits[0][0] = (byte) ( inputUInt24 & BitMask );
inputUInt24 >>= 3;
ThreeBits[0][1] = (byte) ( inputUInt24 & BitMask );
inputUInt24 >>= 3;
ThreeBits[0][2] = (byte) ( inputUInt24 & BitMask );
inputUInt24 >>= 3;
ThreeBits[0][3] = (byte) ( inputUInt24 & BitMask );
inputUInt24 >>= 3;
ThreeBits[1][0] = (byte) ( inputUInt24 & BitMask );
inputUInt24 >>= 3;
ThreeBits[1][1] = (byte) ( inputUInt24 & BitMask );
inputUInt24 >>= 3;
ThreeBits[1][2] = (byte) ( inputUInt24 & BitMask );
inputUInt24 >>= 3;
ThreeBits[1][3] = (byte) ( inputUInt24 & BitMask );
// stuff 8x 3bits into 3 bytes
uint Result = 0;
Result = Result | (uint) ( ThreeBits[1][0] << 0 );
Result = Result | (uint) ( ThreeBits[1][1] << 3 );
Result = Result | (uint) ( ThreeBits[1][2] << 6 );
Result = Result | (uint) ( ThreeBits[1][3] << 9 );
Result = Result | (uint) ( ThreeBits[0][0] << 12 );
Result = Result | (uint) ( ThreeBits[0][1] << 15 );
Result = Result | (uint) ( ThreeBits[0][2] << 18 );
Result = Result | (uint) ( ThreeBits[0][3] << 21 );
return Result;
#endregion Helpers
#region String Representations
private static string GetDescriptionFromFile( string filename )
return "\n--> Header of " + filename +
"\nID: " + idString +
"\nSize: " + dwSize +
"\nFlags: " + dwFlags + " (" + (eDDSD) dwFlags + ")" +
"\nHeight: " + dwHeight +
"\nWidth: " + dwWidth +
"\nPitch: " + dwPitchOrLinearSize +
"\nDepth: " + dwDepth +
"\nMipMaps: " + dwMipMapCount +
"\n\n---PixelFormat---" + filename +
"\nSize: " + pfSize +
"\nFlags: " + pfFlags + " (" + (eDDPF) pfFlags + ")" +
"\nFourCC: " + pfFourCC + " (" + (eFOURCC) pfFourCC + ")" +
"\nBitcount: " + pfRGBBitCount +
"\nBitMask Red: " + pfRBitMask +
"\nBitMask Green: " + pfGBitMask +
"\nBitMask Blue: " + pfBBitMask +
"\nBitMask Alpha: " + pfABitMask +
"\n\n---Capabilities---" + filename +
"\nCaps1: " + dwCaps1 + " (" + (eDDSCAPS) dwCaps1 + ")" +
"\nCaps2: " + dwCaps2 + " (" + (eDDSCAPS2) dwCaps2 + ")";
private static string GetDescriptionFromMemory( string filename, TextureTarget Dimension )
return "\nFile: " + filename +
"\nDimension: " + Dimension +
"\nSize: " + _Width + " * " + _Height + " * " + _Depth +
"\nCompressed: " + _IsCompressed +
"\nBytes for Main Image: " + _BytesForMainSurface +
"\nMipMaps: " + _MipMapCount;
#endregion String Representations