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synced 2025-02-02 16:31:02 +00:00
[Win] Completed WinRawJoystick implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
case RawInputDeviceType.HID:
if (((WinRawJoystick)JoystickDriver).ProcessEvent(ref *data))
if (((WinRawJoystick)JoystickDriver).ProcessEvent(data))
return IntPtr.Zero;
@ -30,53 +30,369 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using OpenTK.Input;
using OpenTK.Platform.Common;
namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
class WinRawJoystick : IJoystickDriver2
class Device
public IntPtr Handle;
JoystickCapabilities Capabilities;
JoystickState State;
Guid Guid;
readonly Dictionary<int, JoystickAxis> axes =
new Dictionary<int,JoystickAxis>();
readonly Dictionary<int, JoystickButton> buttons =
new Dictionary<int, JoystickButton>();
#region Constructors
public Device(IntPtr handle, Guid guid, JoystickCapabilities caps)
Handle = handle;
Guid = guid;
Capabilities = caps;
#region Public Members
public void SetAxis(HIDPage page, short usage, short value)
JoystickAxis axis = GetAxis(page, usage);
State.SetAxis(axis, value);
public void SetButton(HIDPage page, short usage, bool value)
JoystickButton button = GetButton(page, usage);
State.SetButton(button, value);
public JoystickCapabilities GetCapabilities()
return Capabilities;
public Guid GetGuid()
return Guid;
public JoystickState GetState()
return State;
#region Private Members
static int MakeKey(HIDPage page, short usage)
return ((ushort)page << 16) | unchecked((ushort)usage);
JoystickAxis GetAxis(HIDPage page, short usage)
int key = MakeKey(page, usage);
if (!axes.ContainsKey(key))
axes.Add(key, JoystickAxis.Axis0 + axes.Count);
return axes[key];
JoystickButton GetButton(HIDPage page, short usage)
int key = MakeKey(page, usage);
if (!buttons.ContainsKey(key))
buttons.Add(key, JoystickButton.Button0 + buttons.Count);
return buttons[key];
// Defines which types of HID devices we are interested in
readonly RawInputDevice[] DeviceTypes;
readonly IntPtr Window;
readonly object UpdateLock = new object();
readonly Dictionary<IntPtr, Device> Devices =
new Dictionary<IntPtr, Device>(new IntPtrEqualityComparer());
readonly Dictionary<int, IntPtr> IndexToDevice =
new Dictionary<int, IntPtr>();
public WinRawJoystick(IntPtr window)
Debug.WriteLine("Using WinRawMouse.");
Debug.WriteLine("Using WinRawJoystick.");
if (window == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentNullException("window");
Window = window;
DeviceTypes = new RawInputDevice[]
new RawInputDevice(HIDUsageGD.Joystick, RawInputDeviceFlags.INPUTSINK, window),
new RawInputDevice(HIDUsageGD.GamePad, RawInputDeviceFlags.INPUTSINK, window),
#region Public Members
public void RefreshDevices()
if (!Functions.RegisterRawInputDevices(DeviceTypes, DeviceTypes.Length, API.RawInputDeviceSize))
Debug.Print("[Warning] Raw input registration failed with error: {0}.",
Debug.Print("Registered for raw joystick input");
public bool ProcessEvent(ref RawInput data)
public unsafe bool ProcessEvent(RawInput* rin)
throw new NotImplementedException();
IntPtr handle = rin->Header.Device;
Device stick = GetDevice(handle);
if (stick == null)
Debug.Print("[WinRawJoystick] Unknown device {0}", handle);
return false;
// Query the size of the _HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA structure for this event.
int preparsed_size = 0;
Functions.GetRawInputDeviceInfo(rin->Header.Device, RawInputDeviceInfoEnum.PREPARSEDDATA,
IntPtr.Zero, ref preparsed_size);
if (preparsed_size == 0)
return false;
// Allocate space for _HIDP_PREPARSED_DATA.
// This is an untyped blob of data.
void* preparsed_data_ptr = stackalloc byte[preparsed_size];
IntPtr preparsed_data = (IntPtr)preparsed_data_ptr;
if (Functions.GetRawInputDeviceInfo(rin->Header.Device, RawInputDeviceInfoEnum.PREPARSEDDATA,
preparsed_data, ref preparsed_size) < 0)
return false;
// Query joystick capabilities
HidProtocolCaps caps = new HidProtocolCaps();
if (HidProtocol.GetCaps(preparsed_data, ref caps) != HidProtocolStatus.Success)
return false;
// Axis capabilities
HidProtocolValueCaps* axes_caps = stackalloc HidProtocolValueCaps[caps.NumberInputValueCaps];
if (HidProtocol.GetValueCaps(HidProtocolReportType.Input,
(IntPtr)axes_caps, ref caps.NumberInputValueCaps, preparsed_data) !=
return false;
// Button capabilities
HidProtocolButtonCaps* button_caps = stackalloc HidProtocolButtonCaps[caps.NumberInputButtonCaps];
if (HidProtocol.GetButtonCaps(HidProtocolReportType.Input,
(IntPtr)button_caps, ref caps.NumberInputButtonCaps, preparsed_data) !=
Debug.Print("[WinRawJoystick] HidProtocol.GetButtonCaps() failed with {0}",
return false;
// Query current state
// Allocate enough storage to hold the data of the current report
int size = HidProtocol.MaxDataListLength(HidProtocolReportType.Input, preparsed_data);
if (size == 0)
Debug.Print("[WinRawJoystick] HidProtocol.MaxDataListLength() failed with {0}",
return false;
// Fill the data buffer
HidProtocolData* data = stackalloc HidProtocolData[size];
if (HidProtocol.GetData(HidProtocolReportType.Input,
(IntPtr)data, ref size, preparsed_data,
new IntPtr(&rin->Data.HID.RawData), rin->Data.HID.Size) != HidProtocolStatus.Success)
Debug.Print("[WinRawJoystick] HidProtocol.GetData() failed with {0}",
return false;
UpdateAxes(stick, caps, axes_caps, data);
UpdateButtons(stick, caps, button_caps, data);
#if false
// Button state
//g_NumberOfButtons = pButtonCaps->Range.UsageMax - pButtonCaps->Range.UsageMin + 1;
return true;
unsafe static void UpdateAxes(Device stick, HidProtocolCaps caps, HidProtocolValueCaps* axes_caps, HidProtocolData* data)
// Use the data indices in the axis and button caps arrays to
// access the data buffer we just filled.
for (int i = 0; i < caps.NumberInputValueCaps; i++)
HidProtocolValueCaps* axis = axes_caps + i;
if (!axis->IsRange)
int index = axis->NotRange.DataIndex;
if (index < 0 || index >= caps.NumberInputValueCaps)
// Should never happen
Debug.Print("[WinRawJoystick] Error: DataIndex out of range");
HidProtocolData* d = (data + index);
if (d->DataIndex != index)
// Should also never happen
Debug.Print("[WinRawJoystick] DataIndex != index ({0} != {1})",
d->DataIndex, index);
short value = (short)HidHelper.ScaleValue(d->RawValue,
axis->LogicalMin, axis->LogicalMax,
short.MinValue, short.MaxValue);
stick.SetAxis(axis->UsagePage, axis->NotRange.Usage, value);
// Todo: fall back to HidProtocol.GetLinkCollectionNodes
unsafe static void UpdateButtons(Device stick, HidProtocolCaps caps, HidProtocolButtonCaps* button_caps, HidProtocolData* data)
for (int i = 0; i < caps.NumberInputButtonCaps; i++)
HidProtocolButtonCaps* button = button_caps + i;
if (!button->IsRange)
int index = button->NotRange.DataIndex;
if (index < 0 || index >= caps.NumberInputButtonCaps)
// Should never happen
Debug.Print("[WinRawJoystick] Error: DataIndex out of range");
HidProtocolData* d = (data + index);
if (d->DataIndex != index)
// Should also never happen
Debug.Print("[WinRawJoystick] DataIndex != index ({0} != {1})",
d->DataIndex, index);
bool value = d->On;
stick.SetButton(button->UsagePage, button->NotRange.Usage, value);
// Todo: fall back to HidProtocol.GetLinkCollectionNodes
#region Private Members
Device GetDevice(IntPtr handle)
bool is_device_known = false;
lock (UpdateLock)
is_device_known = Devices.ContainsKey(handle);
if (!is_device_known)
lock (UpdateLock)
return Devices.ContainsKey(handle) ? Devices[handle] : null;
bool IsValid(int index)
return IndexToDevice.ContainsKey(index);
#region IJoystickDriver2 Members
public JoystickState GetState(int index)
throw new NotImplementedException();
lock (UpdateLock)
if (IsValid(index))
return Devices[IndexToDevice[index]].GetState();
return new JoystickState();
public JoystickCapabilities GetCapabilities(int index)
throw new NotImplementedException();
lock (UpdateLock)
if (IsValid(index))
return Devices[IndexToDevice[index]].GetCapabilities();
return new JoystickCapabilities();
public Guid GetGuid(int index)
throw new NotImplementedException();
lock (UpdateLock)
if (IsValid(index))
return Devices[IndexToDevice[index]].GetGuid();
return new Guid();
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