mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 15:56:52 +00:00
Remove enum and constant processing from the classes with the same name and move it into its own file.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using Bind.Structures;
using Enum = Bind.Structures.Enum;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Bind
class EnumProcessor
const string Path = "/overrides/replace/enum[@name='{0}']";
XPathDocument Overrides { get; set; }
public EnumProcessor(XPathDocument overrides)
if (overrides == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("overrides");
Overrides = overrides;
public EnumCollection Process(EnumCollection enums)
var nav = Overrides.CreateNavigator();
enums = ProcessNames(enums, nav);
enums = ProcessConstants(enums, nav);
return enums;
static EnumCollection ProcessNames(EnumCollection enums, XPathNavigator nav)
EnumCollection processed_enums = new EnumCollection();
foreach (var e in enums.Values)
// Note that we cannot modify a collection while iterating over it,
// so we keep a list of modified enums and remove/readd the
// modified items to refresh their keys.
string name = e.Name;
name = ReplaceName(nav, name);
name = TranslateEnumName(name);
e.Name = name;
processed_enums.Add(e.Name, e);
return processed_enums;
static string ReplaceName(XPathNavigator nav, string name)
var enum_override = nav.SelectSingleNode(String.Format(Path, name));
if (enum_override != null)
var name_override = enum_override.SelectSingleNode("name");
if (name_override != null)
name = name_override.Value;
return name;
public static string TranslateEnumName(string name)
if (Utilities.Keywords.Contains(name))
return name;
if (Char.IsDigit(name[0]))
name = Settings.ConstantPrefix + name;
StringBuilder translator = new StringBuilder(name.Length);
// Process according to these rules:
// 1. if current char is '_', '-' remove it and make next char uppercase
// 2. if current char is or '0-9' keep it and make next char uppercase.
// 3. if current character is uppercase make next char lowercase.
bool is_after_underscore_or_number = true;
bool is_previous_uppercase = false;
foreach (char c in name)
char char_to_add;
if (c == '_' || c == '-')
is_after_underscore_or_number = true;
continue; // skip this character
else if (Char.IsDigit(c))
is_after_underscore_or_number = true;
if (is_after_underscore_or_number)
char_to_add = Char.ToUpper(c);
else if (is_previous_uppercase)
char_to_add = Char.ToLower(c);
char_to_add = c;
is_previous_uppercase = Char.IsUpper(c);
is_after_underscore_or_number = false;
// First letter should always be uppercase in order
// to conform to .Net style guidelines.
translator[0] = Char.ToUpper(translator[0]);
// Replace a number of words that do not play well
// with the previous process (i.e. they have two
// consecutive uppercase letters).
translator.Replace("Pname", "PName");
translator.Replace("AttribIp", "AttribIP");
translator.Replace("SRgb", "Srgb");
name = translator.ToString();
if (name.StartsWith(Settings.EnumPrefix))
name = name.Substring(Settings.EnumPrefix.Length);
return name;
static EnumCollection ProcessConstants(EnumCollection enums, XPathNavigator nav)
foreach (var e in enums.Values)
var processed_constants = new Dictionary<string, Constant>(e.ConstantCollection.Count);
foreach (Constant c in e.ConstantCollection.Values)
c.Name = TranslateConstantName(c.Name, false);
c.Value = TranslateConstantValue(c.Value);
if (!processed_constants.ContainsKey(c.Name))
processed_constants.Add(c.Name, c);
e.ConstantCollection = processed_constants;
var enum_override = nav.SelectSingleNode(String.Format(Path, e.Name));
foreach (Constant c in e.ConstantCollection.Values)
ReplaceConstant(enum_override, c);
ResolveBareAlias(c, enums);
foreach (var e in enums.Values)
ResolveAliases(e, enums);
return enums;
static void ReplaceConstant(XPathNavigator enum_override, Constant c)
if (enum_override != null)
XPathNavigator constant_override = enum_override.SelectSingleNode(String.Format("token[@name='{0}']", c.PreviousName)) ??
enum_override.SelectSingleNode(String.Format("token[@name={0}]", c.Name));
if (constant_override != null)
foreach (XPathNavigator node in constant_override.SelectChildren(XPathNodeType.Element))
switch (node.Name)
case "name": c.Name = (string)node.TypedValue; break;
case "value": c.Value = (string)node.TypedValue; break;
public static string TranslateConstantName(string s, bool isValue)
StringBuilder translator = new StringBuilder(s.Length);
// Translate the constant's name to match .Net naming conventions
bool name_is_all_caps = s.AsEnumerable().All(c => Char.IsLetter(c) ? Char.IsUpper(c) : true);
bool name_contains_underscore = s.Contains("_");
if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.NoAdvancedEnumProcessing) == Settings.Legacy.None &&
(name_is_all_caps || name_contains_underscore))
bool next_char_uppercase = true;
bool is_after_digit = false;
if (!isValue && Char.IsDigit(s[0]))
s = Settings.ConstantPrefix + s;
foreach (char c in s)
if (c == '_' || c == '-')
next_char_uppercase = true;
continue; // do not add these chars to output
else if (Char.IsDigit(c))
is_after_digit = true;
// Check for common 'digit'-'letter' abbreviations:
// 2D, 3D, R3G3B2, etc. The abbreviated characters
// should be made upper case.
if (is_after_digit && (c == 'D' || c == 'R' || c == 'G' || c == 'B' || c == 'A'))
next_char_uppercase = true;
translator.Append(next_char_uppercase ? Char.ToUpper(c) : Char.ToLower(c));
is_after_digit = next_char_uppercase = false;
translator[0] = Char.ToUpper(translator[0]);
return translator.ToString();
public static string TranslateConstantValue(string value)
if (value.ToLower() == " 0xffffffffffffffff") System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
// Remove decorations to get a pure number (e.g. 0x80u -> 80).
if (value.ToLower().StartsWith("0x"))
// Trim the unsigned or long specifiers used in C constants ('u' or 'ull').
if (value.ToLower().EndsWith("ull"))
value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 3);
if (value.ToLower().EndsWith("u"))
value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 1);
// Strip the prefix, if any.
if (value.StartsWith(Settings.ConstantPrefix))
value = value.Substring(Settings.ConstantPrefix.Length);
return TranslateConstantName(value, IsValue(value));
// There are cases when a value is an aliased constant, with no enum specified.
// In this case try searching all enums for the correct constant to alias (stupid opengl specs).
// This turns every bare alias into a normal alias that is processed afterwards.
static void ResolveBareAlias(Constant c, EnumCollection enums)
// Constants are considered bare aliases when they don't have a reference and
// their values are non-numeric.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Reference) && !Char.IsDigit(c.Value[0]))
// Skip generic GLenum, as this doesn't help resolve references.
foreach (Enum e in enums.Values.Where(e => e.Name != "GLenum"))
if (e.ConstantCollection.ContainsKey(c.Value))
c.Reference = e.Name;
// Resolve 'use' tokens by searching and replacing the correct
// value from the enum collection.
// Tokens that can't be resolved are removed.
static void ResolveAliases(Enum e, EnumCollection enums)
// Note that we have the removal must be a separate step, since
// we cannot modify a collection while iterating with foreach.
var broken_references = e.ConstantCollection.Values
.Where(c => !Constant.TranslateConstantWithReference(c, enums, null))
.Select(c => c).ToList();
foreach (var c in broken_references)
static bool IsValue(string test)
ulong number;
// Check if the result is a number.
return UInt64.TryParse(test.ToLower().Replace("0x", String.Empty),
NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, null, out number);
@ -47,11 +47,10 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
get { return _name; }
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
_name = Translate(value.Trim(), false);
else _name = value;
PreviousName = value;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
PreviousName = _name;
_name = value;
@ -66,48 +65,16 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
/// </summary>
public string Value
return _value;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
value = value.Trim();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
if (value.ToLower() == " 0xffffffffffffffff") Debugger.Break();
// Check whether this value is a number and make sure the Unchecked property is set correctly.
ulong number;
if (value.ToLower().StartsWith("0x"))
// Trim the unsigned or long specifiers used in C constants ('u' or 'ull').
if (value.ToLower().EndsWith("ull"))
value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 3);
if (value.ToLower().EndsWith("u"))
value = value.Substring(0, value.Length - 1);
if (UInt64.TryParse(value.ToLower().Replace("0x", String.Empty), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, null, out number))
// The value is a number, check if it should be unchecked.
if (number > 0x7FFFFFFF)
Unchecked = true;
// The value is not a number. Strip the prefix.
if (value.StartsWith(Settings.ConstantPrefix))
value = value.Substring(Settings.ConstantPrefix.Length);
// If the name now starts with a digit (doesn't matter whether we
// stripped "GL_" above), add a "GL_" prefix.
// (e.g. GL_4_BYTES).
if (Char.IsDigit(value[0]))
value = Settings.ConstantPrefix + value;
_value = Translate(value, true);
_value = value;
@ -127,7 +94,7 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
_reference = Enum.TranslateName(value.Trim());
_reference = EnumProcessor.TranslateEnumName(value.Trim());
else _reference = value;
@ -136,12 +103,17 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
#region public bool Unchecked
private bool @unchecked;
public bool Unchecked
get { return @unchecked; }
set { @unchecked = value; }
// Check if the value is a number larger than Int32.MaxValue.
ulong number;
string test = Value;
return UInt64.TryParse(test.ToLower().Replace("0x", String.Empty),
NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier, null, out number) &&
number > Int32.MaxValue;
@ -170,6 +142,7 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
#region Translate
public static string Translate(string s, bool isValue)
translator.Remove(0, translator.Length);
@ -221,6 +194,11 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
/// <returns>True if the reference was found; false otherwise.</returns>
public static bool TranslateConstantWithReference(Constant c, EnumCollection enums, EnumCollection auxEnums)
if (c == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("c");
if (enums == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("enums");
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Reference))
Constant referenced_constant;
@ -230,7 +208,7 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
TranslateConstantWithReference(enums[c.Reference].ConstantCollection[c.Value] as Constant, enums, auxEnums);
referenced_constant = (enums[c.Reference].ConstantCollection[c.Value] as Constant);
else if (auxEnums.ContainsKey(c.Reference) && auxEnums[c.Reference].ConstantCollection.ContainsKey(c.Value))
else if (auxEnums != null && auxEnums.ContainsKey(c.Reference) && auxEnums[c.Reference].ConstantCollection.ContainsKey(c.Value))
TranslateConstantWithReference(auxEnums[c.Reference].ConstantCollection[c.Value] as Constant, enums, auxEnums);
referenced_constant = (auxEnums[c.Reference].ConstantCollection[c.Value] as Constant);
@ -245,7 +223,6 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
c.Value = referenced_constant.Value;
c.Reference = null;
c.Unchecked = referenced_constant.Unchecked;
return true;
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
public string Category
get { return _category; }
set { _category = Enum.TranslateName(value); }
set { _category = EnumProcessor.TranslateEnumName(value); }
@ -113,6 +113,17 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
public IDictionary<string, Constant> ConstantCollection
get { return _constant_collection; }
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("value");
foreach (var item in value)
_constant_collection.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
@ -120,6 +131,7 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
#region TranslateName
// Translate the constant's name to match .Net naming conventions
public static string TranslateName(string name)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
@ -223,6 +235,7 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
Utilities.Merge(this, e);
internal void Translate(XPathDocument overrides)
if (overrides == null)
@ -247,7 +260,7 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
name = Enum.TranslateName(name);
name = EnumProcessor.TranslateEnumName(name);
if (name != e.Name)
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ namespace Bind.Structures
// Better match: enum.Name == function.Category (e.g. GL_VERSION_1_1 etc)
if (Enum.GLEnums.ContainsKey(category))
QualifiedType = String.Format("{0}.{1}", Settings.EnumsOutput, Enum.TranslateName(category));
QualifiedType = String.Format("{0}.{1}", Settings.EnumsOutput, EnumProcessor.TranslateEnumName(category));
Reference in a new issue