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synced 2025-03-30 03:36:53 +00:00
[Win] Cache WinMM joystick capabilities
This commit is contained in:
@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using OpenTK.Input;
using System.Security;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using OpenTK.Input;
namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
@ -40,9 +40,18 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
#region Fields
readonly object sync = new object();
List<JoystickDevice> sticks = new List<JoystickDevice>();
IList<JoystickDevice> sticks_readonly;
// Matches a WinMM device index to a specific stick above
readonly Dictionary<int, int> index_to_stick =
new Dictionary<int, int>();
// Matches a player index to a WinMM device index
readonly Dictionary<int, int> player_to_index =
new Dictionary<int, int>();
// Todo: Read the joystick name from the registry.
//static readonly string RegistryJoyConfig = @"Joystick%dConfiguration";
//static readonly string RegistryJoyName = @"Joystick%dOEMName";
@ -57,16 +66,24 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
public WinMMJoystick()
sticks_readonly = sticks.AsReadOnly();
#region Internal Members
internal void RefreshDevices()
for (int i = 0; i < sticks.Count; i++)
// WinMM supports up to 16 joysticks.
int number = 0;
while (number < UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetNumDevs())
for (int i = 0; i < UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetNumDevs(); i++)
JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails> stick = OpenJoystick(number++);
if (stick != null)
@ -75,35 +92,48 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
#region Private Members
JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails> OpenJoystick(int number)
lock (sync)
JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails> stick = null;
JoyCaps caps;
JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetDevCaps(number, out caps, JoyCaps.SizeInBytes);
if (result != JoystickError.NoError)
return null;
if (result == JoystickError.NoError)
if (caps.NumAxes > JoystickState.MaxAxes)
Debug.Print("[Input] Device has {0} axes, which is higher than OpenTK maximum {1}. Please report a bug at http://www.opentk.com",
caps.NumAxes, JoystickState.MaxAxes);
caps.NumAxes = JoystickState.MaxAxes;
if (caps.NumAxes > JoystickState.MaxButtons)
Debug.Print("[Input] Device has {0} buttons, which is higher than OpenTK maximum {1}. Please report a bug at http://www.opentk.com",
caps.NumButtons, JoystickState.MaxButtons);
caps.NumButtons = JoystickState.MaxButtons;
JoystickCapabilities joycaps = new JoystickCapabilities(
(caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0 ? 1 : 0,
int num_axes = caps.NumAxes;
if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0)
num_axes += 2;
stick = new JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails>(number, num_axes, caps.NumButtons);
stick.Details = new WinMMJoyDetails(num_axes);
stick.Details = new WinMMJoyDetails(joycaps);
// Make sure to reverse the vertical axes, so that +1 points up and -1 points down.
int axis = 0;
if (axis < caps.NumAxes)
{ stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.XMin; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.XMax; axis++; }
if (axis < caps.NumAxes)
{ stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.YMax; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.YMin; axis++; }
if (axis < caps.NumAxes)
{ stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.ZMax; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.ZMin; axis++; }
if (axis < caps.NumAxes)
{ stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.RMin; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.RMax; axis++; }
if (axis < caps.NumAxes)
{ stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.UMin; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.UMax; axis++; }
if (axis < caps.NumAxes)
{ stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.VMax; stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.VMin; axis++; }
for (int axis = 0; axis < caps.NumAxes; axis++)
stick.Details.Min[axis] = caps.GetMin(axis);
stick.Details.Max[axis] = caps.GetMax(axis);
if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0)
@ -114,7 +144,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
stick.Details.PovType |= PovType.Continuous;
#warning "Implement joystick name detection for WinMM."
// Todo: Implement joystick name detection for WinMM.
stick.Description = String.Format("Joystick/Joystick #{0} ({1} axes, {2} buttons)", number, stick.Axis.Count, stick.Button.Count);
// Todo: Try to get the device name from the registry. Oh joy!
//string key_path = String.Format("{0}\\{1}\\{2}", RegistryJoyConfig, caps.RegKey, RegstryJoyCurrent);
@ -128,24 +158,58 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
// key.Close();
if (stick != null)
Debug.Print("Found joystick on device number {0}", number);
return stick;
index_to_stick.Add(number, sticks.Count);
player_to_index.Add(player_to_index.Count, number);
void UnplugJoystick(int index)
return stick;
void UnplugJoystick(int player_index)
// Reset the system configuration. Without this,
// joysticks that are reconnected on different
// ports are given different ids, making it
// impossible to reconnect a disconnected user.
Debug.Print("[Win] WinMM joystick {0} unplugged", index);
Debug.Print("[Win] WinMM joystick {0} unplugged", player_index);
bool IsValid(int index)
void CloseJoystick(int player_index)
return index >= 0 && index < UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetNumDevs();
lock (sync)
if (IsValid(player_index))
int device_index = player_to_index[player_index];
JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails> stick =
sticks[index_to_stick[device_index]] as JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails>;
if (stick != null)
bool IsValid(int player_index)
if (player_to_index.ContainsKey(player_index))
return true;
//else if (index >= 0 && index < UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetNumDevs())
// return OpenJoystick(index) != null;
return false;
static short CalculateOffset(int pos, int min, int max)
@ -169,6 +233,8 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
public void Poll()
lock (sync)
foreach (JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails> js in sticks)
@ -255,88 +321,107 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
#region IJoystickDriver2 Members
public JoystickCapabilities GetCapabilities(int index)
public JoystickCapabilities GetCapabilities(int player_index)
if (IsValid(index))
lock (sync)
JoyCaps mmcaps;
JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetDevCaps(index, out mmcaps, JoyCaps.SizeInBytes);
if (result == JoystickError.NoError)
if (IsValid(player_index))
JoystickCapabilities caps = new JoystickCapabilities(
(mmcaps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0 ? 1 : 0,
//if ((caps.Capabilities & JoystCapsFlags.HasPov) != 0)
// gpcaps.DPadCount++;
return caps;
else if (result == JoystickError.Unplugged)
Debug.Print("[Win] Invalid WinMM joystick device {0}", index);
int device_index = player_to_index[player_index];
JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails> stick =
sticks[index_to_stick[device_index]] as JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails>;
return stick.Details.Capabilities;
return new JoystickCapabilities();
public JoystickState GetState(int index)
public JoystickState GetState(int player_index)
lock (sync)
JoystickState state = new JoystickState();
if (IsValid(index))
if (IsValid(player_index))
JoyInfoEx info = new JoyInfoEx();
info.Size = JoyInfoEx.SizeInBytes;
info.Flags = JoystickFlags.All;
int device_index = player_to_index[player_index];
int index = index_to_stick[device_index];
JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails> stick =
sticks[index] as JoystickDevice<WinMMJoyDetails>;
JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetPosEx(index, ref info);
// For joysticks with fewer than three axes or four buttons, we must
// use joyGetPos; otherwise, joyGetPosEx. This is not just a cosmetic
// difference, simple devices will return incorrect results if we use
// joyGetPosEx on them.
if (stick.Details.Capabilities.AxisCount <= 3 || stick.Details.Capabilities.ButtonCount <= 4)
// Use joyGetPos
JoyInfo info = new JoyInfo();
JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetPos(device_index, ref info);
if (result == JoystickError.NoError)
JoyCaps caps;
result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetDevCaps(index, out caps, JoyCaps.SizeInBytes);
if (result == JoystickError.NoError)
for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.AxisCount; i++)
state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis0, CalculateOffset(info.XPos, caps.XMin, caps.XMax));
state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis1, CalculateOffset(info.YPos, caps.YMin, caps.YMax));
state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis2, CalculateOffset(info.ZPos, caps.ZMin, caps.ZMax));
state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis3, CalculateOffset(info.RPos, caps.RMin, caps.RMax));
state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis4, CalculateOffset(info.UPos, caps.UMin, caps.UMax));
state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis5, CalculateOffset(info.VPos, caps.VMin, caps.VMax));
state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis0 + i, CalculateOffset(info.GetAxis(i), stick.Details.Min[i], stick.Details.Max[i]));
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.ButtonCount; i++)
state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button0 + i, (info.Buttons & 1 << i) != 0);
if (result == JoystickError.Unplugged)
else if (result == JoystickError.Unplugged)
Debug.Print("[Win] Invalid WinMM joystick device {0}", index);
// Use joyGetPosEx
JoyInfoEx info = new JoyInfoEx();
info.Size = JoyInfoEx.SizeInBytes;
info.Flags = JoystickFlags.All;
JoystickError result = UnsafeNativeMethods.joyGetPosEx(device_index, ref info);
if (result == JoystickError.NoError)
for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.AxisCount; i++)
state.SetAxis(JoystickAxis.Axis0 + i, CalculateOffset(info.GetAxis(i), stick.Details.Min[i], stick.Details.Max[i]));
for (int i = 0; i < stick.Details.Capabilities.ButtonCount; i++)
state.SetButton(JoystickButton.Button0 + i, (info.Buttons & 1 << i) != 0);
else if (result == JoystickError.Unplugged)
return state;
public Guid GetGuid(int index)
lock (sync)
Guid guid = new Guid();
@ -347,6 +432,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
return guid;
@ -423,6 +509,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
Backward = 18000,
Left = 27000
struct JoyCaps
public ushort Mid;
@ -459,6 +546,53 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
SizeInBytes = Marshal.SizeOf(default(JoyCaps));
public int GetMin(int i)
switch (i)
case 0: return XMin;
case 1: return YMin;
case 2: return ZMin;
case 3: return RMin;
case 4: return UMin;
case 5: return VMin;
default: return 0;
public int GetMax(int i)
switch (i)
case 0: return XMax;
case 1: return YMax;
case 2: return ZMax;
case 3: return RMax;
case 4: return UMax;
case 5: return VMax;
default: return 0;
struct JoyInfo
public int XPos;
public int YPos;
public int ZPos;
public uint Buttons;
public int GetAxis(int i)
switch (i)
case 0: return XPos;
case 1: return YPos;
case 2: return ZPos;
default: return 0;
struct JoyInfoEx
@ -475,8 +609,10 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
public uint Buttons;
public uint ButtonNumber;
public int Pov;
#pragma warning disable 0169
uint Reserved1;
uint Reserved2;
#pragma warning restore 0169
public static readonly int SizeInBytes;
@ -484,6 +620,20 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
SizeInBytes = Marshal.SizeOf(default(JoyInfoEx));
public int GetAxis(int i)
switch (i)
case 0: return XPos;
case 1: return YPos;
case 2: return ZPos;
case 3: return RPos;
case 4: return UPos;
case 5: return VPos;
default: return 0;
static class UnsafeNativeMethods
@ -491,6 +641,8 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
[DllImport("Winmm.dll"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern JoystickError joyGetDevCaps(int uJoyID, out JoyCaps pjc, int cbjc);
[DllImport("Winmm.dll"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern JoystickError joyGetPos(int uJoyID, ref JoyInfo pji);
[DllImport("Winmm.dll"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern JoystickError joyGetPosEx(int uJoyID, ref JoyInfoEx pji);
[DllImport("Winmm.dll"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern int joyGetNumDevs();
@ -517,14 +669,16 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
struct WinMMJoyDetails
public readonly float[] Min, Max; // Minimum and maximum offset of each axis.
public readonly int[] Min, Max; // Minimum and maximum offset of each axis.
public PovType PovType;
public JoystickCapabilities Capabilities;
public WinMMJoyDetails(int num_axes)
public WinMMJoyDetails(JoystickCapabilities caps)
: this()
Min = new float[num_axes];
Max = new float[num_axes];
PovType = PovType.None;
Min = new int[caps.AxisCount];
Max = new int[caps.AxisCount];
Capabilities = caps;
public float CalculateOffset(float pos, int axis)
Reference in a new issue