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synced 2025-03-26 13:05:03 +00:00
Regenerated ES bindings with Bind
Moved ES bindings from GLES[10|11|20] namespaces to ES[10|11|20]. Renamed ES wrapper classes to 'ES' instead of 'GL'.
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES10
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class ES
internal static partial class Core
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glAlphaFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AlphaFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func, [In, Out] Single @ref);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glAlphaFuncx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AlphaFuncx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func, [In, Out] int @ref);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All dfactor);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClear", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColorx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColorx([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthx([In, Out] int depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearStencil", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClientActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClientActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4f([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4x([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCullFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangex([In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisableClientState", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DisableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All array);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawArrays", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawElements", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnableClientState", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void EnableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All array);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFinish", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Finish();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFlush", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Flush();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Fogf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Fogfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Fogx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Fogxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrontFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrustumf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Frustumf([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrustumx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Frustumx([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetError", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All GetError();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetIntegerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetString", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe IntPtr GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glHint", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Lightf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Lightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LightModelf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LightModelfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LightModelx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LightModelxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Lightx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Lightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidth", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidthx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidthx([In, Out] int width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadIdentity", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LoadIdentity();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadMatrixf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LoadMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadMatrixx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LoadMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLogicOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LogicOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All opcode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Materialf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Materialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Materialx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Materialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMatrixMode", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MatrixMode([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoord4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MultiTexCoord4f([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Single s, [In, Out] Single t, [In, Out] Single r, [In, Out] Single q);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoord4x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MultiTexCoord4x([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] int s, [In, Out] int t, [In, Out] int r, [In, Out] int q);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultMatrixf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void MultMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultMatrixx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void MultMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormal3f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Normal3f([In, Out] Single nx, [In, Out] Single ny, [In, Out] Single nz);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormal3x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Normal3x([In, Out] int nx, [In, Out] int ny, [In, Out] int nz);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormalPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void NormalPointer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glOrthof", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Orthof([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glOrthox", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Orthox([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPixelStorei", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSize", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSize([In, Out] Single size);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSizex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSizex([In, Out] int size);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffset", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffsetx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffsetx([In, Out] int factor, [In, Out] int units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPopMatrix", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PopMatrix();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPushMatrix", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PushMatrix();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glReadPixels", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glRotatef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Rotatef([In, Out] Single angle, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glRotatex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Rotatex([In, Out] int angle, [In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoverage", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoveragex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoveragex([In, Out] int value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glScalef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scalef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glScalex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scalex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glScissor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glShadeModel", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ShadeModel([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All zpass);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexCoordPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexCoordPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTranslatef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Translatef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTranslatex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Translatex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glViewport", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
@ -1,360 +1,360 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 0649
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class GL
internal static partial class Delegates
internal delegate void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All texture);
internal static ActiveTexture glActiveTexture;
internal delegate void AlphaFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All func, [In, Out] Single @ref);
internal static AlphaFunc glAlphaFunc;
internal delegate void AlphaFuncx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All func, [In, Out] int @ref);
internal static AlphaFuncx glAlphaFuncx;
internal delegate void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static BindTexture glBindTexture;
internal delegate void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All dfactor);
internal static BlendFunc glBlendFunc;
internal delegate void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static Clear glClear;
internal delegate void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static ClearColor glClearColor;
internal delegate void ClearColorx([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
internal static ClearColorx glClearColorx;
internal delegate void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
internal static ClearDepthf glClearDepthf;
internal delegate void ClearDepthx([In, Out] int depth);
internal static ClearDepthx glClearDepthx;
internal delegate void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
internal static ClearStencil glClearStencil;
internal delegate void ClientActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All texture);
internal static ClientActiveTexture glClientActiveTexture;
internal delegate void Color4f([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static Color4f glColor4f;
internal delegate void Color4x([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
internal static Color4x glColor4x;
internal delegate void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
internal static ColorMask glColorMask;
internal delegate void ColorPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static ColorPointer glColorPointer;
internal delegate void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexSubImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
internal static CopyTexImage2D glCopyTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static CopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
internal static CullFace glCullFace;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static DeleteTextures glDeleteTextures;
internal delegate void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All func);
internal static DepthFunc glDepthFunc;
internal delegate void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
internal static DepthMask glDepthMask;
internal delegate void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static DepthRangef glDepthRangef;
internal delegate void DepthRangex([In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static DepthRangex glDepthRangex;
internal delegate void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All cap);
internal static Disable glDisable;
internal delegate void DisableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All array);
internal static DisableClientState glDisableClientState;
internal delegate void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
internal static DrawArrays glDrawArrays;
internal delegate void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
internal static DrawElements glDrawElements;
internal delegate void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All cap);
internal static Enable glEnable;
internal delegate void EnableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All array);
internal static EnableClientState glEnableClientState;
internal delegate void Finish();
internal static Finish glFinish;
internal delegate void Flush();
internal static Flush glFlush;
internal delegate void Fogf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Fogf glFogf;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogfv glFogfv;
internal delegate void Fogx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Fogx glFogx;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogxv glFogxv;
internal delegate void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
internal static FrontFace glFrontFace;
internal delegate void Frustumf([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static Frustumf glFrustumf;
internal delegate void Frustumx([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static Frustumx glFrustumx;
internal unsafe delegate void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static GenTextures glGenTextures;
internal delegate OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All GetError();
internal static GetError glGetError;
internal unsafe delegate void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetIntegerv glGetIntegerv;
internal unsafe delegate Byte GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All name);
internal unsafe static GetString glGetString;
internal delegate void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
internal static Hint glHint;
internal delegate void Lightf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Lightf glLightf;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightfv glLightfv;
internal delegate void LightModelf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static LightModelf glLightModelf;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelfv glLightModelfv;
internal delegate void LightModelx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static LightModelx glLightModelx;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelxv glLightModelxv;
internal delegate void Lightx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Lightx glLightx;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightxv glLightxv;
internal delegate void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
internal static LineWidth glLineWidth;
internal delegate void LineWidthx([In, Out] int width);
internal static LineWidthx glLineWidthx;
internal delegate void LoadIdentity();
internal static LoadIdentity glLoadIdentity;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixf glLoadMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixx glLoadMatrixx;
internal delegate void LogicOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All opcode);
internal static LogicOp glLogicOp;
internal delegate void Materialf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Materialf glMaterialf;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialfv glMaterialfv;
internal delegate void Materialx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Materialx glMaterialx;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialxv glMaterialxv;
internal delegate void MatrixMode([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
internal static MatrixMode glMatrixMode;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4f([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Single s, [In, Out] Single t, [In, Out] Single r, [In, Out] Single q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4f glMultiTexCoord4f;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4x([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] int s, [In, Out] int t, [In, Out] int r, [In, Out] int q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4x glMultiTexCoord4x;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixf glMultMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixx glMultMatrixx;
internal delegate void Normal3f([In, Out] Single nx, [In, Out] Single ny, [In, Out] Single nz);
internal static Normal3f glNormal3f;
internal delegate void Normal3x([In, Out] int nx, [In, Out] int ny, [In, Out] int nz);
internal static Normal3x glNormal3x;
internal delegate void NormalPointer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static NormalPointer glNormalPointer;
internal delegate void Orthof([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static Orthof glOrthof;
internal delegate void Orthox([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static Orthox glOrthox;
internal delegate void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static PixelStorei glPixelStorei;
internal delegate void PointSize([In, Out] Single size);
internal static PointSize glPointSize;
internal delegate void PointSizex([In, Out] int size);
internal static PointSizex glPointSizex;
internal delegate void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
internal static PolygonOffset glPolygonOffset;
internal delegate void PolygonOffsetx([In, Out] int factor, [In, Out] int units);
internal static PolygonOffsetx glPolygonOffsetx;
internal delegate void PopMatrix();
internal static PopMatrix glPopMatrix;
internal delegate void PushMatrix();
internal static PushMatrix glPushMatrix;
internal delegate void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static ReadPixels glReadPixels;
internal delegate void Rotatef([In, Out] Single angle, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Rotatef glRotatef;
internal delegate void Rotatex([In, Out] int angle, [In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Rotatex glRotatex;
internal delegate void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoverage glSampleCoverage;
internal delegate void SampleCoveragex([In, Out] int value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoveragex glSampleCoveragex;
internal delegate void Scalef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Scalef glScalef;
internal delegate void Scalex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Scalex glScalex;
internal delegate void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Scissor glScissor;
internal delegate void ShadeModel([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
internal static ShadeModel glShadeModel;
internal delegate void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilFunc glStencilFunc;
internal delegate void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilMask glStencilMask;
internal delegate void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All zpass);
internal static StencilOp glStencilOp;
internal delegate void TexCoordPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static TexCoordPointer glTexCoordPointer;
internal delegate void TexEnvf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexEnvf glTexEnvf;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvfv glTexEnvfv;
internal delegate void TexEnvx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static TexEnvx glTexEnvx;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvxv glTexEnvxv;
internal delegate void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexImage2D glTexImage2D;
internal delegate void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexParameterf glTexParameterf;
internal delegate void TexParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static TexParameterx glTexParameterx;
internal delegate void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexSubImage2D glTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void Translatef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Translatef glTranslatef;
internal delegate void Translatex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Translatex glTranslatex;
internal delegate void VertexPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static VertexPointer glVertexPointer;
internal delegate void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Viewport glViewport;
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES10
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 0649
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class ES
internal static partial class Delegates
internal delegate void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All texture);
internal static ActiveTexture glActiveTexture;
internal delegate void AlphaFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func, [In, Out] Single @ref);
internal static AlphaFunc glAlphaFunc;
internal delegate void AlphaFuncx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func, [In, Out] int @ref);
internal static AlphaFuncx glAlphaFuncx;
internal delegate void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static BindTexture glBindTexture;
internal delegate void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All dfactor);
internal static BlendFunc glBlendFunc;
internal delegate void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static Clear glClear;
internal delegate void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static ClearColor glClearColor;
internal delegate void ClearColorx([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
internal static ClearColorx glClearColorx;
internal delegate void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
internal static ClearDepthf glClearDepthf;
internal delegate void ClearDepthx([In, Out] int depth);
internal static ClearDepthx glClearDepthx;
internal delegate void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
internal static ClearStencil glClearStencil;
internal delegate void ClientActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All texture);
internal static ClientActiveTexture glClientActiveTexture;
internal delegate void Color4f([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static Color4f glColor4f;
internal delegate void Color4x([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
internal static Color4x glColor4x;
internal delegate void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
internal static ColorMask glColorMask;
internal delegate void ColorPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static ColorPointer glColorPointer;
internal delegate void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexSubImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
internal static CopyTexImage2D glCopyTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static CopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static CullFace glCullFace;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static DeleteTextures glDeleteTextures;
internal delegate void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func);
internal static DepthFunc glDepthFunc;
internal delegate void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
internal static DepthMask glDepthMask;
internal delegate void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static DepthRangef glDepthRangef;
internal delegate void DepthRangex([In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static DepthRangex glDepthRangex;
internal delegate void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All cap);
internal static Disable glDisable;
internal delegate void DisableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All array);
internal static DisableClientState glDisableClientState;
internal delegate void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
internal static DrawArrays glDrawArrays;
internal delegate void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
internal static DrawElements glDrawElements;
internal delegate void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All cap);
internal static Enable glEnable;
internal delegate void EnableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All array);
internal static EnableClientState glEnableClientState;
internal delegate void Finish();
internal static Finish glFinish;
internal delegate void Flush();
internal static Flush glFlush;
internal delegate void Fogf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Fogf glFogf;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogfv glFogfv;
internal delegate void Fogx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Fogx glFogx;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogxv glFogxv;
internal delegate void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static FrontFace glFrontFace;
internal delegate void Frustumf([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static Frustumf glFrustumf;
internal delegate void Frustumx([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static Frustumx glFrustumx;
internal unsafe delegate void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static GenTextures glGenTextures;
internal delegate OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All GetError();
internal static GetError glGetError;
internal unsafe delegate void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetIntegerv glGetIntegerv;
internal unsafe delegate IntPtr GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All name);
internal unsafe static GetString glGetString;
internal delegate void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static Hint glHint;
internal delegate void Lightf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Lightf glLightf;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightfv glLightfv;
internal delegate void LightModelf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static LightModelf glLightModelf;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelfv glLightModelfv;
internal delegate void LightModelx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static LightModelx glLightModelx;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelxv glLightModelxv;
internal delegate void Lightx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Lightx glLightx;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightxv glLightxv;
internal delegate void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
internal static LineWidth glLineWidth;
internal delegate void LineWidthx([In, Out] int width);
internal static LineWidthx glLineWidthx;
internal delegate void LoadIdentity();
internal static LoadIdentity glLoadIdentity;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixf glLoadMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixx glLoadMatrixx;
internal delegate void LogicOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All opcode);
internal static LogicOp glLogicOp;
internal delegate void Materialf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Materialf glMaterialf;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialfv glMaterialfv;
internal delegate void Materialx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Materialx glMaterialx;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialxv glMaterialxv;
internal delegate void MatrixMode([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static MatrixMode glMatrixMode;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4f([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Single s, [In, Out] Single t, [In, Out] Single r, [In, Out] Single q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4f glMultiTexCoord4f;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4x([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] int s, [In, Out] int t, [In, Out] int r, [In, Out] int q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4x glMultiTexCoord4x;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixf glMultMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixx glMultMatrixx;
internal delegate void Normal3f([In, Out] Single nx, [In, Out] Single ny, [In, Out] Single nz);
internal static Normal3f glNormal3f;
internal delegate void Normal3x([In, Out] int nx, [In, Out] int ny, [In, Out] int nz);
internal static Normal3x glNormal3x;
internal delegate void NormalPointer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static NormalPointer glNormalPointer;
internal delegate void Orthof([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static Orthof glOrthof;
internal delegate void Orthox([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static Orthox glOrthox;
internal delegate void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static PixelStorei glPixelStorei;
internal delegate void PointSize([In, Out] Single size);
internal static PointSize glPointSize;
internal delegate void PointSizex([In, Out] int size);
internal static PointSizex glPointSizex;
internal delegate void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
internal static PolygonOffset glPolygonOffset;
internal delegate void PolygonOffsetx([In, Out] int factor, [In, Out] int units);
internal static PolygonOffsetx glPolygonOffsetx;
internal delegate void PopMatrix();
internal static PopMatrix glPopMatrix;
internal delegate void PushMatrix();
internal static PushMatrix glPushMatrix;
internal delegate void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static ReadPixels glReadPixels;
internal delegate void Rotatef([In, Out] Single angle, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Rotatef glRotatef;
internal delegate void Rotatex([In, Out] int angle, [In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Rotatex glRotatex;
internal delegate void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoverage glSampleCoverage;
internal delegate void SampleCoveragex([In, Out] int value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoveragex glSampleCoveragex;
internal delegate void Scalef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Scalef glScalef;
internal delegate void Scalex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Scalex glScalex;
internal delegate void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Scissor glScissor;
internal delegate void ShadeModel([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All mode);
internal static ShadeModel glShadeModel;
internal delegate void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilFunc glStencilFunc;
internal delegate void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilMask glStencilMask;
internal delegate void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All zpass);
internal static StencilOp glStencilOp;
internal delegate void TexCoordPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static TexCoordPointer glTexCoordPointer;
internal delegate void TexEnvf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexEnvf glTexEnvf;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvfv glTexEnvfv;
internal delegate void TexEnvx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static TexEnvx glTexEnvx;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvxv glTexEnvxv;
internal delegate void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexImage2D glTexImage2D;
internal delegate void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexParameterf glTexParameterf;
internal delegate void TexParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static TexParameterx glTexParameterx;
internal delegate void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexSubImage2D glTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void Translatef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Translatef glTranslatef;
internal delegate void Translatex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Translatex glTranslatex;
internal delegate void VertexPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static VertexPointer glVertexPointer;
internal delegate void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Viewport glViewport;
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES10
#pragma warning disable 1591
public enum All
False = ((int)0),
NoError = ((int)0),
Zero = ((int)0),
Points = ((int)0X0000),
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0X00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0X00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0X00004000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0X0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0X0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0X0006),
Add = ((int)0X0104),
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
SrcColor = ((int)0X0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0X0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0X0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0X0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0X0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0X0305),
DstColor = ((int)0X0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0X0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0X0308),
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0X0408),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0X0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0X0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0X0502),
StackOverflow = ((int)0X0503),
StackUnderflow = ((int)0X0504),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0X0505),
Exp = ((int)0X0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0X0801),
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
PointSmooth = ((int)0X0b10),
SmoothPointSizeRange = ((int)0X0b12),
LineSmooth = ((int)0X0b20),
SmoothLineWidthRange = ((int)0X0b22),
CullFace = ((int)0X0b44),
Lighting = ((int)0X0b50),
LightModelTwoSide = ((int)0X0b52),
LightModelAmbient = ((int)0X0b53),
ColorMaterial = ((int)0X0b57),
Fog = ((int)0X0b60),
FogDensity = ((int)0X0b62),
FogStart = ((int)0X0b63),
FogEnd = ((int)0X0b64),
FogMode = ((int)0X0b65),
FogColor = ((int)0X0b66),
DepthTest = ((int)0X0b71),
StencilTest = ((int)0X0b90),
Normalize = ((int)0X0ba1),
AlphaTest = ((int)0X0bc0),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
ColorLogicOp = ((int)0X0bf2),
ScissorTest = ((int)0X0c11),
PerspectiveCorrectionHint = ((int)0X0c50),
PointSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c51),
LineSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c52),
PolygonSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c53),
FogHint = ((int)0X0c54),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0X0d05),
MaxLights = ((int)0X0d31),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0X0d33),
MaxModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0X0d36),
MaxProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0X0d38),
MaxTextureStackDepth = ((int)0X0d39),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0X0d3a),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0X0d50),
RedBits = ((int)0X0d52),
GreenBits = ((int)0X0d53),
BlueBits = ((int)0X0d54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0X0d55),
DepthBits = ((int)0X0d56),
StencilBits = ((int)0X0d57),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
DontCare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
Ambient = ((int)0X1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0X1201),
Specular = ((int)0X1202),
Position = ((int)0X1203),
SpotDirection = ((int)0X1204),
SpotExponent = ((int)0X1205),
SpotCutoff = ((int)0X1206),
ConstantAttenuation = ((int)0X1207),
LinearAttenuation = ((int)0X1208),
QuadraticAttenuation = ((int)0X1209),
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0X1403),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
Clear = ((int)0X1500),
And = ((int)0X1501),
AndReverse = ((int)0X1502),
Copy = ((int)0X1503),
AndInverted = ((int)0X1504),
Noop = ((int)0X1505),
Xor = ((int)0X1506),
Or = ((int)0X1507),
Nor = ((int)0X1508),
Equiv = ((int)0X1509),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
OrReverse = ((int)0X150b),
CopyInverted = ((int)0X150c),
OrInverted = ((int)0X150d),
Nand = ((int)0X150e),
Set = ((int)0X150f),
Emission = ((int)0X1600),
Shininess = ((int)0X1601),
AmbientAndDiffuse = ((int)0X1602),
Modelview = ((int)0X1700),
Projection = ((int)0X1701),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0X190a),
Flat = ((int)0X1d00),
Smooth = ((int)0X1d01),
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
Modulate = ((int)0X2100),
Decal = ((int)0X2101),
TextureEnvMode = ((int)0X2200),
TextureEnvColor = ((int)0X2201),
TextureEnv = ((int)0X2300),
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2703),
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0X2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0X2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0X2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0X2803),
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
Light0 = ((int)0X4000),
Light1 = ((int)0X4001),
Light2 = ((int)0X4002),
Light3 = ((int)0X4003),
Light4 = ((int)0X4004),
Light5 = ((int)0X4005),
Light6 = ((int)0X4006),
Light7 = ((int)0X4007),
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0X8037),
RescaleNormal = ((int)0X803a),
VertexArray = ((int)0X8074),
NormalArray = ((int)0X8075),
ColorArray = ((int)0X8076),
TextureCoordArray = ((int)0X8078),
Multisample = ((int)0X809d),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0X809e),
SampleAlphaToOne = ((int)0X809f),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
MaxElementsVertices = ((int)0X80e8),
MaxElementsIndices = ((int)0X80e9),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0X812f),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0X8363),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0X846d),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0X846e),
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
MaxTextureUnits = ((int)0X84e2),
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a3),
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0X8b90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0X8b91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0X8b92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0X8b93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0X8b94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0X8b95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0X8b96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0X8b97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0X8b98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0X8b99),
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes = ((int)0X8b9a),
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes = ((int)0X8b9b),
OesCompressedPalettedTexture = ((int)1),
OesReadFormat = ((int)1),
OesVersion10 = ((int)1),
One = ((int)1),
True = ((int)1),
public enum AlphaFunction
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
public enum BeginMode
Points = ((int)0X0000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0X0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0X0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0X0006),
public enum BlendingFactorDest
Zero = ((int)0),
SrcColor = ((int)0X0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0X0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0X0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0X0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0X0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0X0305),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendingFactorSrc
DstColor = ((int)0X0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0X0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0X0308),
public enum Boolean
False = ((int)0),
True = ((int)1),
public enum ClearBufferMask
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0X00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0X00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0X00004000),
public enum CullFaceMode
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0X0408),
public enum DataType
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0X1403),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
public enum EnableCap
PointSmooth = ((int)0X0b10),
LineSmooth = ((int)0X0b20),
CullFace = ((int)0X0b44),
Lighting = ((int)0X0b50),
ColorMaterial = ((int)0X0b57),
Fog = ((int)0X0b60),
DepthTest = ((int)0X0b71),
StencilTest = ((int)0X0b90),
Normalize = ((int)0X0ba1),
AlphaTest = ((int)0X0bc0),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
ColorLogicOp = ((int)0X0bf2),
ScissorTest = ((int)0X0c11),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0X8037),
RescaleNormal = ((int)0X803a),
VertexArray = ((int)0X8074),
NormalArray = ((int)0X8075),
ColorArray = ((int)0X8076),
TextureCoordArray = ((int)0X8078),
Multisample = ((int)0X809d),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0X809e),
SampleAlphaToOne = ((int)0X809f),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
public enum ErrorCode
NoError = ((int)0),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0X0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0X0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0X0502),
StackOverflow = ((int)0X0503),
StackUnderflow = ((int)0X0504),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0X0505),
public enum Extensions
OesCompressedPalettedTexture = ((int)1),
OesReadFormat = ((int)1),
OesVersion10 = ((int)1),
public enum FogMode
Exp = ((int)0X0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0X0801),
public enum FogParameter
FogDensity = ((int)0X0b62),
FogStart = ((int)0X0b63),
FogEnd = ((int)0X0b64),
FogMode = ((int)0X0b65),
FogColor = ((int)0X0b66),
public enum FrontFaceDirection
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
public enum GetPName
SmoothPointSizeRange = ((int)0X0b12),
SmoothLineWidthRange = ((int)0X0b22),
MaxLights = ((int)0X0d31),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0X0d33),
MaxModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0X0d36),
MaxProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0X0d38),
MaxTextureStackDepth = ((int)0X0d39),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0X0d3a),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0X0d50),
RedBits = ((int)0X0d52),
GreenBits = ((int)0X0d53),
BlueBits = ((int)0X0d54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0X0d55),
DepthBits = ((int)0X0d56),
StencilBits = ((int)0X0d57),
MaxElementsVertices = ((int)0X80e8),
MaxElementsIndices = ((int)0X80e9),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0X846d),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0X846e),
MaxTextureUnits = ((int)0X84e2),
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a3),
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes = ((int)0X8b9a),
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes = ((int)0X8b9b),
public enum HintMode
DontCare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
public enum HintTarget
PerspectiveCorrectionHint = ((int)0X0c50),
PointSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c51),
LineSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c52),
PolygonSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c53),
FogHint = ((int)0X0c54),
public enum LightModelParameter
LightModelTwoSide = ((int)0X0b52),
LightModelAmbient = ((int)0X0b53),
public enum LightName
Light0 = ((int)0X4000),
Light1 = ((int)0X4001),
Light2 = ((int)0X4002),
Light3 = ((int)0X4003),
Light4 = ((int)0X4004),
Light5 = ((int)0X4005),
Light6 = ((int)0X4006),
Light7 = ((int)0X4007),
public enum LightParameter
Ambient = ((int)0X1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0X1201),
Specular = ((int)0X1202),
Position = ((int)0X1203),
SpotDirection = ((int)0X1204),
SpotExponent = ((int)0X1205),
SpotCutoff = ((int)0X1206),
ConstantAttenuation = ((int)0X1207),
LinearAttenuation = ((int)0X1208),
QuadraticAttenuation = ((int)0X1209),
public enum LogicOp
Clear = ((int)0X1500),
And = ((int)0X1501),
AndReverse = ((int)0X1502),
Copy = ((int)0X1503),
AndInverted = ((int)0X1504),
Noop = ((int)0X1505),
Xor = ((int)0X1506),
Or = ((int)0X1507),
Nor = ((int)0X1508),
Equiv = ((int)0X1509),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
OrReverse = ((int)0X150b),
CopyInverted = ((int)0X150c),
OrInverted = ((int)0X150d),
Nand = ((int)0X150e),
Set = ((int)0X150f),
public enum MaterialParameter
Emission = ((int)0X1600),
Shininess = ((int)0X1601),
AmbientAndDiffuse = ((int)0X1602),
public enum MatrixMode
Modelview = ((int)0X1700),
Projection = ((int)0X1701),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
public enum PixelFormat
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0X190a),
public enum PixelInternalFormat
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0X8b90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0X8b91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0X8b92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0X8b93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0X8b94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0X8b95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0X8b96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0X8b97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0X8b98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0X8b99),
public enum PixelStoreParameter
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0X0d05),
public enum PixelType
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0X8363),
public enum ShadingModel
Flat = ((int)0X1d00),
Smooth = ((int)0X1d01),
public enum StencilOp
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
public enum StringName
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
public enum TextureEnvMode
Add = ((int)0X0104),
Modulate = ((int)0X2100),
Decal = ((int)0X2101),
public enum TextureEnvParameter
TextureEnvMode = ((int)0X2200),
TextureEnvColor = ((int)0X2201),
public enum TextureEnvTarget
TextureEnv = ((int)0X2300),
public enum TextureMagFilter
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
public enum TextureMinFilter
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2703),
public enum TextureParameterName
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0X2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0X2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0X2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0X2803),
public enum TextureUnit
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
public enum TextureWrapMode
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0X812f),
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES10
/// <summary>
/// Provides access to OpenGL ES 1.0 methods.
/// </summary>
public static partial class GL
public static partial class ES
const string Library = "libGLES.dll";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class ES
internal static partial class Core
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glAlphaFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AlphaFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func, [In, Out] Single @ref);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glAlphaFuncx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AlphaFuncx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func, [In, Out] int @ref);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindBuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindBuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All dfactor);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBufferData", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BufferData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All usage);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBufferSubData", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BufferSubData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr offset, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClear", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColorx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColorx([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthx([In, Out] int depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearStencil", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClientActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClientActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClipPlanef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void ClipPlanef([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, [In, Out] Single* equation);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClipPlanex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void ClipPlanex([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, [In, Out] int* equation);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4f([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4ub", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4ub([In, Out] Byte red, [In, Out] Byte green, [In, Out] Byte blue, [In, Out] Byte alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4x([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCullFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteBuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangex([In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisableClientState", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DisableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All array);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawArrays", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawElements", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnableClientState", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void EnableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All array);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFinish", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Finish();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFlush", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Flush();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Fogf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Fogfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Fogx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Fogxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrontFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrustumf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Frustumf([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrustumx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Frustumx([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenBuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetBooleanv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetBooleanv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] bool* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetBufferParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetBufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetClipPlanef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetClipPlanef([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* eqn);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetClipPlanex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetClipPlanex([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* eqn);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetError", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All GetError();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetFixedv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetFixedv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetFloatv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetFloatv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetIntegerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetLightfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetLightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetLightxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetLightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetMaterialfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetMaterialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetMaterialxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetMaterialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void GetPointerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] IntPtr @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetString", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static Byte GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexEnvfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexEnviv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexEnviv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexEnvxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameterxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glHint", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsBuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsBuffer([In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsEnabled", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsEnabled([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsTexture([In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Lightf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Lightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LightModelf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LightModelfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LightModelx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LightModelxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Lightx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Lightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidth", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidthx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidthx([In, Out] int width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadIdentity", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LoadIdentity();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadMatrixf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LoadMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadMatrixx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LoadMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLogicOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LogicOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All opcode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Materialf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Materialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Materialx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Materialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMatrixMode", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MatrixMode([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoord4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MultiTexCoord4f([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Single s, [In, Out] Single t, [In, Out] Single r, [In, Out] Single q);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoord4x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MultiTexCoord4x([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] int s, [In, Out] int t, [In, Out] int r, [In, Out] int q);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultMatrixf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void MultMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultMatrixx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void MultMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormal3f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Normal3f([In, Out] Single nx, [In, Out] Single ny, [In, Out] Single nz);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormal3x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Normal3x([In, Out] int nx, [In, Out] int ny, [In, Out] int nz);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormalPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void NormalPointer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glOrthof", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Orthof([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glOrthox", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Orthox([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPixelStorei", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointParameterf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void PointParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointParameterx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointParameterxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void PointParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSize", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSize([In, Out] Single size);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSizePointerOES", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSizePointerOES([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSizex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSizex([In, Out] int size);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffset", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffsetx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffsetx([In, Out] int factor, [In, Out] int units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPopMatrix", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PopMatrix();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPushMatrix", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PushMatrix();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glReadPixels", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glRotatef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Rotatef([In, Out] Single angle, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glRotatex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Rotatex([In, Out] int angle, [In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoverage", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoveragex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoveragex([In, Out] int value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glScalef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scalef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glScalex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scalex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glScissor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glShadeModel", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ShadeModel([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All zpass);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexCoordPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexCoordPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvi", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvi([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnviv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnviv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameteri", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameteri([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTranslatef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Translatef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTranslatex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Translatex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glViewport", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
@ -1,477 +1,477 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 0649
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class GL
internal static partial class Delegates
internal delegate void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All texture);
internal static ActiveTexture glActiveTexture;
internal delegate void AlphaFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All func, [In, Out] Single @ref);
internal static AlphaFunc glAlphaFunc;
internal delegate void AlphaFuncx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All func, [In, Out] int @ref);
internal static AlphaFuncx glAlphaFuncx;
internal delegate void BindBuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
internal static BindBuffer glBindBuffer;
internal delegate void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static BindTexture glBindTexture;
internal delegate void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All dfactor);
internal static BlendFunc glBlendFunc;
internal delegate void BufferData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All usage);
internal static BufferData glBufferData;
internal delegate void BufferSubData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr offset, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static BufferSubData glBufferSubData;
internal delegate void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static Clear glClear;
internal delegate void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static ClearColor glClearColor;
internal delegate void ClearColorx([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
internal static ClearColorx glClearColorx;
internal delegate void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
internal static ClearDepthf glClearDepthf;
internal delegate void ClearDepthx([In, Out] int depth);
internal static ClearDepthx glClearDepthx;
internal delegate void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
internal static ClearStencil glClearStencil;
internal delegate void ClientActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All texture);
internal static ClientActiveTexture glClientActiveTexture;
internal unsafe delegate void ClipPlanef([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All plane, [In, Out] Single* equation);
internal unsafe static ClipPlanef glClipPlanef;
internal unsafe delegate void ClipPlanex([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All plane, [In, Out] int* equation);
internal unsafe static ClipPlanex glClipPlanex;
internal delegate void Color4f([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static Color4f glColor4f;
internal delegate void Color4ub([In, Out] Byte red, [In, Out] Byte green, [In, Out] Byte blue, [In, Out] Byte alpha);
internal static Color4ub glColor4ub;
internal delegate void Color4x([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
internal static Color4x glColor4x;
internal delegate void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
internal static ColorMask glColorMask;
internal delegate void ColorPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static ColorPointer glColorPointer;
internal delegate void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexSubImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
internal static CopyTexImage2D glCopyTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static CopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
internal static CullFace glCullFace;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
internal unsafe static DeleteBuffers glDeleteBuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static DeleteTextures glDeleteTextures;
internal delegate void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All func);
internal static DepthFunc glDepthFunc;
internal delegate void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
internal static DepthMask glDepthMask;
internal delegate void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static DepthRangef glDepthRangef;
internal delegate void DepthRangex([In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static DepthRangex glDepthRangex;
internal delegate void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All cap);
internal static Disable glDisable;
internal delegate void DisableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All array);
internal static DisableClientState glDisableClientState;
internal delegate void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
internal static DrawArrays glDrawArrays;
internal delegate void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
internal static DrawElements glDrawElements;
internal delegate void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All cap);
internal static Enable glEnable;
internal delegate void EnableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All array);
internal static EnableClientState glEnableClientState;
internal delegate void Finish();
internal static Finish glFinish;
internal delegate void Flush();
internal static Flush glFlush;
internal delegate void Fogf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Fogf glFogf;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogfv glFogfv;
internal delegate void Fogx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Fogx glFogx;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogxv glFogxv;
internal delegate void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
internal static FrontFace glFrontFace;
internal delegate void Frustumf([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static Frustumf glFrustumf;
internal delegate void Frustumx([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static Frustumx glFrustumx;
internal unsafe delegate void GenBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
internal unsafe static GenBuffers glGenBuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static GenTextures glGenTextures;
internal unsafe delegate void GetBooleanv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] bool* @params);
internal unsafe static GetBooleanv glGetBooleanv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetBufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetBufferParameteriv glGetBufferParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetClipPlanef([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* eqn);
internal unsafe static GetClipPlanef glGetClipPlanef;
internal unsafe delegate void GetClipPlanex([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* eqn);
internal unsafe static GetClipPlanex glGetClipPlanex;
internal delegate OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All GetError();
internal static GetError glGetError;
internal unsafe delegate void GetFixedv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetFixedv glGetFixedv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetFloatv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetFloatv glGetFloatv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetIntegerv glGetIntegerv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetLightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetLightfv glGetLightfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetLightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetLightxv glGetLightxv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetMaterialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetMaterialfv glGetMaterialfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetMaterialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetMaterialxv glGetMaterialxv;
internal delegate void GetPointerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] IntPtr @params);
internal static GetPointerv glGetPointerv;
internal unsafe delegate Byte GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All name);
internal unsafe static GetString glGetString;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexEnvfv glGetTexEnvfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexEnviv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexEnviv glGetTexEnviv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexEnvxv glGetTexEnvxv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameterfv glGetTexParameterfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameteriv glGetTexParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameterxv glGetTexParameterxv;
internal delegate void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
internal static Hint glHint;
internal delegate bool IsBuffer([In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
internal static IsBuffer glIsBuffer;
internal delegate bool IsEnabled([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All cap);
internal static IsEnabled glIsEnabled;
internal delegate bool IsTexture([In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static IsTexture glIsTexture;
internal delegate void Lightf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Lightf glLightf;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightfv glLightfv;
internal delegate void LightModelf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static LightModelf glLightModelf;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelfv glLightModelfv;
internal delegate void LightModelx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static LightModelx glLightModelx;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelxv glLightModelxv;
internal delegate void Lightx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Lightx glLightx;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightxv glLightxv;
internal delegate void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
internal static LineWidth glLineWidth;
internal delegate void LineWidthx([In, Out] int width);
internal static LineWidthx glLineWidthx;
internal delegate void LoadIdentity();
internal static LoadIdentity glLoadIdentity;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixf glLoadMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixx glLoadMatrixx;
internal delegate void LogicOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All opcode);
internal static LogicOp glLogicOp;
internal delegate void Materialf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Materialf glMaterialf;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialfv glMaterialfv;
internal delegate void Materialx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Materialx glMaterialx;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialxv glMaterialxv;
internal delegate void MatrixMode([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
internal static MatrixMode glMatrixMode;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4f([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Single s, [In, Out] Single t, [In, Out] Single r, [In, Out] Single q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4f glMultiTexCoord4f;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4x([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] int s, [In, Out] int t, [In, Out] int r, [In, Out] int q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4x glMultiTexCoord4x;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixf glMultMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixx glMultMatrixx;
internal delegate void Normal3f([In, Out] Single nx, [In, Out] Single ny, [In, Out] Single nz);
internal static Normal3f glNormal3f;
internal delegate void Normal3x([In, Out] int nx, [In, Out] int ny, [In, Out] int nz);
internal static Normal3x glNormal3x;
internal delegate void NormalPointer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static NormalPointer glNormalPointer;
internal delegate void Orthof([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static Orthof glOrthof;
internal delegate void Orthox([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static Orthox glOrthox;
internal delegate void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static PixelStorei glPixelStorei;
internal delegate void PointParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static PointParameterf glPointParameterf;
internal unsafe delegate void PointParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static PointParameterfv glPointParameterfv;
internal delegate void PointParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static PointParameterx glPointParameterx;
internal unsafe delegate void PointParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static PointParameterxv glPointParameterxv;
internal delegate void PointSize([In, Out] Single size);
internal static PointSize glPointSize;
internal delegate void PointSizePointerOES([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static PointSizePointerOES glPointSizePointerOES;
internal delegate void PointSizex([In, Out] int size);
internal static PointSizex glPointSizex;
internal delegate void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
internal static PolygonOffset glPolygonOffset;
internal delegate void PolygonOffsetx([In, Out] int factor, [In, Out] int units);
internal static PolygonOffsetx glPolygonOffsetx;
internal delegate void PopMatrix();
internal static PopMatrix glPopMatrix;
internal delegate void PushMatrix();
internal static PushMatrix glPushMatrix;
internal delegate void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static ReadPixels glReadPixels;
internal delegate void Rotatef([In, Out] Single angle, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Rotatef glRotatef;
internal delegate void Rotatex([In, Out] int angle, [In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Rotatex glRotatex;
internal delegate void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoverage glSampleCoverage;
internal delegate void SampleCoveragex([In, Out] int value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoveragex glSampleCoveragex;
internal delegate void Scalef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Scalef glScalef;
internal delegate void Scalex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Scalex glScalex;
internal delegate void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Scissor glScissor;
internal delegate void ShadeModel([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
internal static ShadeModel glShadeModel;
internal delegate void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilFunc glStencilFunc;
internal delegate void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilMask glStencilMask;
internal delegate void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All zpass);
internal static StencilOp glStencilOp;
internal delegate void TexCoordPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static TexCoordPointer glTexCoordPointer;
internal delegate void TexEnvf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexEnvf glTexEnvf;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvfv glTexEnvfv;
internal delegate void TexEnvi([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static TexEnvi glTexEnvi;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnviv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnviv glTexEnviv;
internal delegate void TexEnvx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static TexEnvx glTexEnvx;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvxv glTexEnvxv;
internal delegate void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexImage2D glTexImage2D;
internal delegate void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexParameterf glTexParameterf;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameterfv glTexParameterfv;
internal delegate void TexParameteri([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static TexParameteri glTexParameteri;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameteriv glTexParameteriv;
internal delegate void TexParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static TexParameterx glTexParameterx;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameterxv glTexParameterxv;
internal delegate void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexSubImage2D glTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void Translatef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Translatef glTranslatef;
internal delegate void Translatex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Translatex glTranslatex;
internal delegate void VertexPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static VertexPointer glVertexPointer;
internal delegate void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Viewport glViewport;
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 0649
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class ES
internal static partial class Delegates
internal delegate void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture);
internal static ActiveTexture glActiveTexture;
internal delegate void AlphaFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func, [In, Out] Single @ref);
internal static AlphaFunc glAlphaFunc;
internal delegate void AlphaFuncx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func, [In, Out] int @ref);
internal static AlphaFuncx glAlphaFuncx;
internal delegate void BindBuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
internal static BindBuffer glBindBuffer;
internal delegate void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static BindTexture glBindTexture;
internal delegate void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All dfactor);
internal static BlendFunc glBlendFunc;
internal delegate void BufferData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All usage);
internal static BufferData glBufferData;
internal delegate void BufferSubData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr offset, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static BufferSubData glBufferSubData;
internal delegate void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static Clear glClear;
internal delegate void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static ClearColor glClearColor;
internal delegate void ClearColorx([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
internal static ClearColorx glClearColorx;
internal delegate void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
internal static ClearDepthf glClearDepthf;
internal delegate void ClearDepthx([In, Out] int depth);
internal static ClearDepthx glClearDepthx;
internal delegate void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
internal static ClearStencil glClearStencil;
internal delegate void ClientActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture);
internal static ClientActiveTexture glClientActiveTexture;
internal unsafe delegate void ClipPlanef([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, [In, Out] Single* equation);
internal unsafe static ClipPlanef glClipPlanef;
internal unsafe delegate void ClipPlanex([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, [In, Out] int* equation);
internal unsafe static ClipPlanex glClipPlanex;
internal delegate void Color4f([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static Color4f glColor4f;
internal delegate void Color4ub([In, Out] Byte red, [In, Out] Byte green, [In, Out] Byte blue, [In, Out] Byte alpha);
internal static Color4ub glColor4ub;
internal delegate void Color4x([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
internal static Color4x glColor4x;
internal delegate void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
internal static ColorMask glColorMask;
internal delegate void ColorPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static ColorPointer glColorPointer;
internal delegate void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexSubImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
internal static CopyTexImage2D glCopyTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static CopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
internal static CullFace glCullFace;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
internal unsafe static DeleteBuffers glDeleteBuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static DeleteTextures glDeleteTextures;
internal delegate void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func);
internal static DepthFunc glDepthFunc;
internal delegate void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
internal static DepthMask glDepthMask;
internal delegate void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static DepthRangef glDepthRangef;
internal delegate void DepthRangex([In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static DepthRangex glDepthRangex;
internal delegate void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All cap);
internal static Disable glDisable;
internal delegate void DisableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All array);
internal static DisableClientState glDisableClientState;
internal delegate void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
internal static DrawArrays glDrawArrays;
internal delegate void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
internal static DrawElements glDrawElements;
internal delegate void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All cap);
internal static Enable glEnable;
internal delegate void EnableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All array);
internal static EnableClientState glEnableClientState;
internal delegate void Finish();
internal static Finish glFinish;
internal delegate void Flush();
internal static Flush glFlush;
internal delegate void Fogf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Fogf glFogf;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogfv glFogfv;
internal delegate void Fogx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Fogx glFogx;
internal unsafe delegate void Fogxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Fogxv glFogxv;
internal delegate void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
internal static FrontFace glFrontFace;
internal delegate void Frustumf([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static Frustumf glFrustumf;
internal delegate void Frustumx([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static Frustumx glFrustumx;
internal unsafe delegate void GenBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
internal unsafe static GenBuffers glGenBuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static GenTextures glGenTextures;
internal unsafe delegate void GetBooleanv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] bool* @params);
internal unsafe static GetBooleanv glGetBooleanv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetBufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetBufferParameteriv glGetBufferParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetClipPlanef([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* eqn);
internal unsafe static GetClipPlanef glGetClipPlanef;
internal unsafe delegate void GetClipPlanex([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* eqn);
internal unsafe static GetClipPlanex glGetClipPlanex;
internal delegate OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All GetError();
internal static GetError glGetError;
internal unsafe delegate void GetFixedv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetFixedv glGetFixedv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetFloatv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetFloatv glGetFloatv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetIntegerv glGetIntegerv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetLightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetLightfv glGetLightfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetLightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetLightxv glGetLightxv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetMaterialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetMaterialfv glGetMaterialfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetMaterialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetMaterialxv glGetMaterialxv;
internal delegate void GetPointerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] IntPtr @params);
internal static GetPointerv glGetPointerv;
internal delegate Byte GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All name);
internal static GetString glGetString;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexEnvfv glGetTexEnvfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexEnviv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexEnviv glGetTexEnviv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexEnvxv glGetTexEnvxv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameterfv glGetTexParameterfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameteriv glGetTexParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameterxv glGetTexParameterxv;
internal delegate void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
internal static Hint glHint;
internal delegate bool IsBuffer([In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
internal static IsBuffer glIsBuffer;
internal delegate bool IsEnabled([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All cap);
internal static IsEnabled glIsEnabled;
internal delegate bool IsTexture([In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static IsTexture glIsTexture;
internal delegate void Lightf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Lightf glLightf;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightfv glLightfv;
internal delegate void LightModelf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static LightModelf glLightModelf;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelfv glLightModelfv;
internal delegate void LightModelx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static LightModelx glLightModelx;
internal unsafe delegate void LightModelxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static LightModelxv glLightModelxv;
internal delegate void Lightx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Lightx glLightx;
internal unsafe delegate void Lightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Lightxv glLightxv;
internal delegate void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
internal static LineWidth glLineWidth;
internal delegate void LineWidthx([In, Out] int width);
internal static LineWidthx glLineWidthx;
internal delegate void LoadIdentity();
internal static LoadIdentity glLoadIdentity;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixf glLoadMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void LoadMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
internal unsafe static LoadMatrixx glLoadMatrixx;
internal delegate void LogicOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All opcode);
internal static LogicOp glLogicOp;
internal delegate void Materialf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static Materialf glMaterialf;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialfv glMaterialfv;
internal delegate void Materialx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static Materialx glMaterialx;
internal unsafe delegate void Materialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static Materialxv glMaterialxv;
internal delegate void MatrixMode([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
internal static MatrixMode glMatrixMode;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4f([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Single s, [In, Out] Single t, [In, Out] Single r, [In, Out] Single q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4f glMultiTexCoord4f;
internal delegate void MultiTexCoord4x([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] int s, [In, Out] int t, [In, Out] int r, [In, Out] int q);
internal static MultiTexCoord4x glMultiTexCoord4x;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixf glMultMatrixf;
internal unsafe delegate void MultMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
internal unsafe static MultMatrixx glMultMatrixx;
internal delegate void Normal3f([In, Out] Single nx, [In, Out] Single ny, [In, Out] Single nz);
internal static Normal3f glNormal3f;
internal delegate void Normal3x([In, Out] int nx, [In, Out] int ny, [In, Out] int nz);
internal static Normal3x glNormal3x;
internal delegate void NormalPointer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static NormalPointer glNormalPointer;
internal delegate void Orthof([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static Orthof glOrthof;
internal delegate void Orthox([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
internal static Orthox glOrthox;
internal delegate void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static PixelStorei glPixelStorei;
internal delegate void PointParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static PointParameterf glPointParameterf;
internal unsafe delegate void PointParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static PointParameterfv glPointParameterfv;
internal delegate void PointParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static PointParameterx glPointParameterx;
internal unsafe delegate void PointParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static PointParameterxv glPointParameterxv;
internal delegate void PointSize([In, Out] Single size);
internal static PointSize glPointSize;
internal delegate void PointSizePointerOES([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static PointSizePointerOES glPointSizePointerOES;
internal delegate void PointSizex([In, Out] int size);
internal static PointSizex glPointSizex;
internal delegate void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
internal static PolygonOffset glPolygonOffset;
internal delegate void PolygonOffsetx([In, Out] int factor, [In, Out] int units);
internal static PolygonOffsetx glPolygonOffsetx;
internal delegate void PopMatrix();
internal static PopMatrix glPopMatrix;
internal delegate void PushMatrix();
internal static PushMatrix glPushMatrix;
internal delegate void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static ReadPixels glReadPixels;
internal delegate void Rotatef([In, Out] Single angle, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Rotatef glRotatef;
internal delegate void Rotatex([In, Out] int angle, [In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Rotatex glRotatex;
internal delegate void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoverage glSampleCoverage;
internal delegate void SampleCoveragex([In, Out] int value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoveragex glSampleCoveragex;
internal delegate void Scalef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Scalef glScalef;
internal delegate void Scalex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Scalex glScalex;
internal delegate void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Scissor glScissor;
internal delegate void ShadeModel([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode);
internal static ShadeModel glShadeModel;
internal delegate void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilFunc glStencilFunc;
internal delegate void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilMask glStencilMask;
internal delegate void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All zpass);
internal static StencilOp glStencilOp;
internal delegate void TexCoordPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static TexCoordPointer glTexCoordPointer;
internal delegate void TexEnvf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexEnvf glTexEnvf;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvfv glTexEnvfv;
internal delegate void TexEnvi([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static TexEnvi glTexEnvi;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnviv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnviv glTexEnviv;
internal delegate void TexEnvx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static TexEnvx glTexEnvx;
internal unsafe delegate void TexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static TexEnvxv glTexEnvxv;
internal delegate void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexImage2D glTexImage2D;
internal delegate void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexParameterf glTexParameterf;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameterfv glTexParameterfv;
internal delegate void TexParameteri([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static TexParameteri glTexParameteri;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameteriv glTexParameteriv;
internal delegate void TexParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
internal static TexParameterx glTexParameterx;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameterxv glTexParameterxv;
internal delegate void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexSubImage2D glTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void Translatef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Translatef glTranslatef;
internal delegate void Translatex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
internal static Translatex glTranslatex;
internal delegate void VertexPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static VertexPointer glVertexPointer;
internal delegate void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Viewport glViewport;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,921 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
#pragma warning disable 1591
public enum All
False = ((int)0),
NoError = ((int)0),
Zero = ((int)0),
Points = ((int)0X0000),
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0X00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0X00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0X00004000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0X0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0X0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0X0006),
Add = ((int)0X0104),
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
SrcColor = ((int)0X0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0X0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0X0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0X0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0X0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0X0305),
DstColor = ((int)0X0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0X0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0X0308),
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0X0408),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0X0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0X0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0X0502),
StackOverflow = ((int)0X0503),
StackUnderflow = ((int)0X0504),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0X0505),
Exp = ((int)0X0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0X0801),
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
CurrentColor = ((int)0X0b00),
CurrentNormal = ((int)0X0b02),
CurrentTextureCoords = ((int)0X0b03),
PointSmooth = ((int)0X0b10),
PointSize = ((int)0X0b11),
SmoothPointSizeRange = ((int)0X0b12),
LineSmooth = ((int)0X0b20),
LineWidth = ((int)0X0b21),
SmoothLineWidthRange = ((int)0X0b22),
CullFace = ((int)0X0b44),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0X0b45),
FrontFace = ((int)0X0b46),
Lighting = ((int)0X0b50),
LightModelTwoSide = ((int)0X0b52),
LightModelAmbient = ((int)0X0b53),
ShadeModel = ((int)0X0b54),
ColorMaterial = ((int)0X0b57),
Fog = ((int)0X0b60),
FogDensity = ((int)0X0b62),
FogStart = ((int)0X0b63),
FogEnd = ((int)0X0b64),
FogMode = ((int)0X0b65),
FogColor = ((int)0X0b66),
DepthRange = ((int)0X0b70),
DepthTest = ((int)0X0b71),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0X0b72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0X0b73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0X0b74),
StencilTest = ((int)0X0b90),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0X0b91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0X0b92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0X0b93),
StencilFail = ((int)0X0b94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0X0b95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0X0b96),
StencilRef = ((int)0X0b97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0X0b98),
MatrixMode = ((int)0X0ba0),
Normalize = ((int)0X0ba1),
Viewport = ((int)0X0ba2),
ModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0X0ba3),
ProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0X0ba4),
TextureStackDepth = ((int)0X0ba5),
ModelviewMatrix = ((int)0X0ba6),
ProjectionMatrix = ((int)0X0ba7),
TextureMatrix = ((int)0X0ba8),
AlphaTest = ((int)0X0bc0),
AlphaTestFunc = ((int)0X0bc1),
AlphaTestRef = ((int)0X0bc2),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
BlendDst = ((int)0X0be0),
BlendSrc = ((int)0X0be1),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
LogicOpMode = ((int)0X0bf0),
ColorLogicOp = ((int)0X0bf2),
ScissorBox = ((int)0X0c10),
ScissorTest = ((int)0X0c11),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0X0c22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0X0c23),
PerspectiveCorrectionHint = ((int)0X0c50),
PointSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c51),
LineSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c52),
FogHint = ((int)0X0c54),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0X0d05),
AlphaScale = ((int)0X0d1c),
MaxLights = ((int)0X0d31),
MaxClipPlanes = ((int)0X0d32),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0X0d33),
MaxModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0X0d36),
MaxProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0X0d38),
MaxTextureStackDepth = ((int)0X0d39),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0X0d3a),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0X0d50),
RedBits = ((int)0X0d52),
GreenBits = ((int)0X0d53),
BlueBits = ((int)0X0d54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0X0d55),
DepthBits = ((int)0X0d56),
StencilBits = ((int)0X0d57),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
DontCare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
Ambient = ((int)0X1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0X1201),
Specular = ((int)0X1202),
Position = ((int)0X1203),
SpotDirection = ((int)0X1204),
SpotExponent = ((int)0X1205),
SpotCutoff = ((int)0X1206),
ConstantAttenuation = ((int)0X1207),
LinearAttenuation = ((int)0X1208),
QuadraticAttenuation = ((int)0X1209),
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0X1403),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
Clear = ((int)0X1500),
And = ((int)0X1501),
AndReverse = ((int)0X1502),
Copy = ((int)0X1503),
AndInverted = ((int)0X1504),
Noop = ((int)0X1505),
Xor = ((int)0X1506),
Or = ((int)0X1507),
Nor = ((int)0X1508),
Equiv = ((int)0X1509),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
OrReverse = ((int)0X150b),
CopyInverted = ((int)0X150c),
OrInverted = ((int)0X150d),
Nand = ((int)0X150e),
Set = ((int)0X150f),
Emission = ((int)0X1600),
Shininess = ((int)0X1601),
AmbientAndDiffuse = ((int)0X1602),
Modelview = ((int)0X1700),
Projection = ((int)0X1701),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0X190a),
Flat = ((int)0X1d00),
Smooth = ((int)0X1d01),
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
Modulate = ((int)0X2100),
Decal = ((int)0X2101),
TextureEnvMode = ((int)0X2200),
TextureEnvColor = ((int)0X2201),
TextureEnv = ((int)0X2300),
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2703),
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0X2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0X2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0X2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0X2803),
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0X2a00),
ClipPlane0 = ((int)0X3000),
ClipPlane1 = ((int)0X3001),
ClipPlane2 = ((int)0X3002),
ClipPlane3 = ((int)0X3003),
ClipPlane4 = ((int)0X3004),
ClipPlane5 = ((int)0X3005),
Light0 = ((int)0X4000),
Light1 = ((int)0X4001),
Light2 = ((int)0X4002),
Light3 = ((int)0X4003),
Light4 = ((int)0X4004),
Light5 = ((int)0X4005),
Light6 = ((int)0X4006),
Light7 = ((int)0X4007),
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0X8037),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0X8038),
RescaleNormal = ((int)0X803a),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0X8069),
VertexArray = ((int)0X8074),
NormalArray = ((int)0X8075),
ColorArray = ((int)0X8076),
TextureCoordArray = ((int)0X8078),
VertexArraySize = ((int)0X807a),
VertexArrayType = ((int)0X807b),
VertexArrayStride = ((int)0X807c),
NormalArrayType = ((int)0X807e),
NormalArrayStride = ((int)0X807f),
ColorArraySize = ((int)0X8081),
ColorArrayType = ((int)0X8082),
ColorArrayStride = ((int)0X8083),
TextureCoordArraySize = ((int)0X8088),
TextureCoordArrayType = ((int)0X8089),
TextureCoordArrayStride = ((int)0X808a),
VertexArrayPointer = ((int)0X808e),
NormalArrayPointer = ((int)0X808f),
ColorArrayPointer = ((int)0X8090),
TextureCoordArrayPointer = ((int)0X8092),
Multisample = ((int)0X809d),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0X809e),
SampleAlphaToOne = ((int)0X809f),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0X80a8),
Samples = ((int)0X80a9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0X80aa),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0X80ab),
PointSizeMin = ((int)0X8126),
PointSizeMax = ((int)0X8127),
PointFadeThresholdSize = ((int)0X8128),
PointDistanceAttenuation = ((int)0X8129),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0X812f),
GenerateMipmap = ((int)0X8191),
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0X8192),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0X8363),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0X846d),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0X846e),
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0X84e0),
ClientActiveTexture = ((int)0X84e1),
MaxTextureUnits = ((int)0X84e2),
Subtract = ((int)0X84e7),
Combine = ((int)0X8570),
CombineRgb = ((int)0X8571),
CombineAlpha = ((int)0X8572),
RgbScale = ((int)0X8573),
AddSigned = ((int)0X8574),
Interpolate = ((int)0X8575),
Constant = ((int)0X8576),
PrimaryColor = ((int)0X8577),
Previous = ((int)0X8578),
Src0Rgb = ((int)0X8580),
Src1Rgb = ((int)0X8581),
Src2Rgb = ((int)0X8582),
Src0Alpha = ((int)0X8588),
Src1Alpha = ((int)0X8589),
Src2Alpha = ((int)0X858a),
Operand0Rgb = ((int)0X8590),
Operand1Rgb = ((int)0X8591),
Operand2Rgb = ((int)0X8592),
Operand0Alpha = ((int)0X8598),
Operand1Alpha = ((int)0X8599),
Operand2Alpha = ((int)0X859a),
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a3),
Dot3Rgb = ((int)0X86ae),
Dot3Rgba = ((int)0X86af),
BufferSize = ((int)0X8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0X8765),
PointSpriteOes = ((int)0X8861),
CoordReplaceOes = ((int)0X8862),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8895),
VertexArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8896),
NormalArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8897),
ColorArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8898),
TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X889a),
StaticDraw = ((int)0X88e4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0X88e8),
PointSizeArrayTypeOes = ((int)0X898a),
PointSizeArrayStrideOes = ((int)0X898b),
PointSizeArrayPointerOes = ((int)0X898c),
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0X8b90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0X8b91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0X8b92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0X8b93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0X8b94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0X8b95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0X8b96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0X8b97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0X8b98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0X8b99),
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes = ((int)0X8b9a),
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes = ((int)0X8b9b),
PointSizeArrayOes = ((int)0X8b9c),
PointSizeArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0X8b9f),
One = ((int)1),
True = ((int)1),
VersionEsCl10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCl11 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm11 = ((int)1),
public enum AlphaFunction
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
public enum BeginMode
Points = ((int)0X0000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0X0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0X0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0X0006),
public enum BlendingFactorDest
Zero = ((int)0),
SrcColor = ((int)0X0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0X0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0X0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0X0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0X0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0X0305),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendingFactorSrc
DstColor = ((int)0X0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0X0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0X0308),
public enum Boolean
False = ((int)0),
True = ((int)1),
public enum BufferObjects
BufferSize = ((int)0X8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0X8765),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8895),
VertexArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8896),
NormalArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8897),
ColorArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8898),
TextureCoordArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X889a),
StaticDraw = ((int)0X88e4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0X88e8),
public enum ClearBufferMask
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0X00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0X00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0X00004000),
public enum ClipPlaneName
ClipPlane0 = ((int)0X3000),
ClipPlane1 = ((int)0X3001),
ClipPlane2 = ((int)0X3002),
ClipPlane3 = ((int)0X3003),
ClipPlane4 = ((int)0X3004),
ClipPlane5 = ((int)0X3005),
public enum CullFaceMode
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0X0408),
public enum DataType
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0X1403),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
public enum EnableCap
PointSmooth = ((int)0X0b10),
LineSmooth = ((int)0X0b20),
CullFace = ((int)0X0b44),
Lighting = ((int)0X0b50),
ColorMaterial = ((int)0X0b57),
Fog = ((int)0X0b60),
DepthTest = ((int)0X0b71),
StencilTest = ((int)0X0b90),
Normalize = ((int)0X0ba1),
AlphaTest = ((int)0X0bc0),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
ColorLogicOp = ((int)0X0bf2),
ScissorTest = ((int)0X0c11),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0X8037),
RescaleNormal = ((int)0X803a),
VertexArray = ((int)0X8074),
NormalArray = ((int)0X8075),
ColorArray = ((int)0X8076),
TextureCoordArray = ((int)0X8078),
Multisample = ((int)0X809d),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0X809e),
SampleAlphaToOne = ((int)0X809f),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
public enum ErrorCode
NoError = ((int)0),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0X0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0X0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0X0502),
StackOverflow = ((int)0X0503),
StackUnderflow = ((int)0X0504),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0X0505),
public enum FogMode
Exp = ((int)0X0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0X0801),
public enum FogParameter
FogDensity = ((int)0X0b62),
FogStart = ((int)0X0b63),
FogEnd = ((int)0X0b64),
FogMode = ((int)0X0b65),
FogColor = ((int)0X0b66),
public enum FrontFaceDirection
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
public enum GetPName
CurrentColor = ((int)0X0b00),
CurrentNormal = ((int)0X0b02),
CurrentTextureCoords = ((int)0X0b03),
PointSize = ((int)0X0b11),
SmoothPointSizeRange = ((int)0X0b12),
LineWidth = ((int)0X0b21),
SmoothLineWidthRange = ((int)0X0b22),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0X0b45),
FrontFace = ((int)0X0b46),
ShadeModel = ((int)0X0b54),
DepthRange = ((int)0X0b70),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0X0b72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0X0b73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0X0b74),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0X0b91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0X0b92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0X0b93),
StencilFail = ((int)0X0b94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0X0b95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0X0b96),
StencilRef = ((int)0X0b97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0X0b98),
MatrixMode = ((int)0X0ba0),
Viewport = ((int)0X0ba2),
ModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0X0ba3),
ProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0X0ba4),
TextureStackDepth = ((int)0X0ba5),
ModelviewMatrix = ((int)0X0ba6),
ProjectionMatrix = ((int)0X0ba7),
TextureMatrix = ((int)0X0ba8),
AlphaTestFunc = ((int)0X0bc1),
AlphaTestRef = ((int)0X0bc2),
BlendDst = ((int)0X0be0),
BlendSrc = ((int)0X0be1),
LogicOpMode = ((int)0X0bf0),
ScissorBox = ((int)0X0c10),
ScissorTest = ((int)0X0c11),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0X0c22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0X0c23),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0X0d05),
MaxLights = ((int)0X0d31),
MaxClipPlanes = ((int)0X0d32),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0X0d33),
MaxModelviewStackDepth = ((int)0X0d36),
MaxProjectionStackDepth = ((int)0X0d38),
MaxTextureStackDepth = ((int)0X0d39),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0X0d3a),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0X0d50),
RedBits = ((int)0X0d52),
GreenBits = ((int)0X0d53),
BlueBits = ((int)0X0d54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0X0d55),
DepthBits = ((int)0X0d56),
StencilBits = ((int)0X0d57),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0X2a00),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0X8037),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0X8038),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0X8069),
VertexArraySize = ((int)0X807a),
VertexArrayType = ((int)0X807b),
VertexArrayStride = ((int)0X807c),
NormalArrayType = ((int)0X807e),
NormalArrayStride = ((int)0X807f),
ColorArraySize = ((int)0X8081),
ColorArrayType = ((int)0X8082),
ColorArrayStride = ((int)0X8083),
TextureCoordArraySize = ((int)0X8088),
TextureCoordArrayType = ((int)0X8089),
TextureCoordArrayStride = ((int)0X808a),
VertexArrayPointer = ((int)0X808e),
NormalArrayPointer = ((int)0X808f),
ColorArrayPointer = ((int)0X8090),
TextureCoordArrayPointer = ((int)0X8092),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0X80a8),
Samples = ((int)0X80a9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0X80aa),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0X80ab),
PointSizeMin = ((int)0X8126),
PointSizeMax = ((int)0X8127),
PointFadeThresholdSize = ((int)0X8128),
PointDistanceAttenuation = ((int)0X8129),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0X846d),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0X846e),
MaxTextureUnits = ((int)0X84e2),
public enum GetTextureParameter
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a3),
public enum HintMode
DontCare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
public enum HintTarget
PerspectiveCorrectionHint = ((int)0X0c50),
PointSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c51),
LineSmoothHint = ((int)0X0c52),
FogHint = ((int)0X0c54),
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0X8192),
public enum LightModelParameter
LightModelTwoSide = ((int)0X0b52),
LightModelAmbient = ((int)0X0b53),
public enum LightName
Light0 = ((int)0X4000),
Light1 = ((int)0X4001),
Light2 = ((int)0X4002),
Light3 = ((int)0X4003),
Light4 = ((int)0X4004),
Light5 = ((int)0X4005),
Light6 = ((int)0X4006),
Light7 = ((int)0X4007),
public enum LightParameter
Ambient = ((int)0X1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0X1201),
Specular = ((int)0X1202),
Position = ((int)0X1203),
SpotDirection = ((int)0X1204),
SpotExponent = ((int)0X1205),
SpotCutoff = ((int)0X1206),
ConstantAttenuation = ((int)0X1207),
LinearAttenuation = ((int)0X1208),
QuadraticAttenuation = ((int)0X1209),
public enum LogicOp
Clear = ((int)0X1500),
And = ((int)0X1501),
AndReverse = ((int)0X1502),
Copy = ((int)0X1503),
AndInverted = ((int)0X1504),
Noop = ((int)0X1505),
Xor = ((int)0X1506),
Or = ((int)0X1507),
Nor = ((int)0X1508),
Equiv = ((int)0X1509),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
OrReverse = ((int)0X150b),
CopyInverted = ((int)0X150c),
OrInverted = ((int)0X150d),
Nand = ((int)0X150e),
Set = ((int)0X150f),
public enum MaterialParameter
Emission = ((int)0X1600),
Shininess = ((int)0X1601),
AmbientAndDiffuse = ((int)0X1602),
public enum MatrixMode
Modelview = ((int)0X1700),
Projection = ((int)0X1701),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
public enum OesPointSizeArray
PointSpriteOes = ((int)0X8861),
CoordReplaceOes = ((int)0X8862),
PointSizeArrayTypeOes = ((int)0X898a),
PointSizeArrayStrideOes = ((int)0X898b),
PointSizeArrayPointerOes = ((int)0X898c),
PointSizeArrayOes = ((int)0X8b9c),
PointSizeArrayBufferBindingOes = ((int)0X8b9f),
public enum OesReadFormat
Palette4Rgb8Oes = ((int)0X8b90),
Palette4Rgba8Oes = ((int)0X8b91),
Palette4R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0X8b92),
Palette4Rgba4Oes = ((int)0X8b93),
Palette4Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0X8b94),
Palette8Rgb8Oes = ((int)0X8b95),
Palette8Rgba8Oes = ((int)0X8b96),
Palette8R5G6B5Oes = ((int)0X8b97),
Palette8Rgba4Oes = ((int)0X8b98),
Palette8Rgb5A1Oes = ((int)0X8b99),
ImplementationColorReadTypeOes = ((int)0X8b9a),
ImplementationColorReadFormatOes = ((int)0X8b9b),
public enum PixelFormat
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0X190a),
public enum PixelStoreParameter
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0X0d05),
public enum PixelType
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0X8363),
public enum ShadingModel
Flat = ((int)0X1d00),
Smooth = ((int)0X1d01),
public enum StencilOp
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
public enum StringName
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
public enum TextureCombine
AlphaScale = ((int)0X0d1c),
Subtract = ((int)0X84e7),
Combine = ((int)0X8570),
CombineRgb = ((int)0X8571),
CombineAlpha = ((int)0X8572),
RgbScale = ((int)0X8573),
AddSigned = ((int)0X8574),
Interpolate = ((int)0X8575),
Constant = ((int)0X8576),
PrimaryColor = ((int)0X8577),
Previous = ((int)0X8578),
Src0Rgb = ((int)0X8580),
Src1Rgb = ((int)0X8581),
Src2Rgb = ((int)0X8582),
Src0Alpha = ((int)0X8588),
Src1Alpha = ((int)0X8589),
Src2Alpha = ((int)0X858a),
Operand0Rgb = ((int)0X8590),
Operand1Rgb = ((int)0X8591),
Operand2Rgb = ((int)0X8592),
Operand0Alpha = ((int)0X8598),
Operand1Alpha = ((int)0X8599),
Operand2Alpha = ((int)0X859a),
Dot3Rgb = ((int)0X86ae),
Dot3Rgba = ((int)0X86af),
public enum TextureEnvMode
Add = ((int)0X0104),
Modulate = ((int)0X2100),
Decal = ((int)0X2101),
public enum TextureEnvParameter
TextureEnvMode = ((int)0X2200),
TextureEnvColor = ((int)0X2201),
public enum TextureEnvTarget
TextureEnv = ((int)0X2300),
public enum TextureMagFilter
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
public enum TextureMinFilter
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2703),
public enum TextureParameterName
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0X2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0X2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0X2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0X2803),
GenerateMipmap = ((int)0X8191),
public enum TextureUnit
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0X84e0),
ClientActiveTexture = ((int)0X84e1),
public enum TextureWrapMode
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0X812f),
public enum Version
VersionEsCl10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCl11 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm10 = ((int)1),
VersionEsCm11 = ((int)1),
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
/// <summary>
/// Provides access to OpenGL ES 1.1 methods.
/// </summary>
public static partial class GL
public static partial class ES
const string Library = "libGLES.dll";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class ES
internal static partial class Core
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glAttachShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AttachShader([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindAttribLocation", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindAttribLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindBuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindBuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindFramebuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 framebuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindRenderbuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendColor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendEquation", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendEquation([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendEquationSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendEquationSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All modeRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All modeAlpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All dfactor);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendFuncSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendFuncSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All srcRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All dstRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All srcAlpha, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All dstAlpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBufferData", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BufferData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All usage);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glBufferSubData", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BufferSubData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr offset, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCheckFramebufferStatus", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All CheckFramebufferStatus([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClear", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearStencil", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompileShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompileShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCreateProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static Int32 CreateProgram();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCreateShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static Int32 CreateShader([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glCullFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteBuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteFramebuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* framebuffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DeleteProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteRenderbuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* renderbuffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DeleteShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All func);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDetachShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DetachShader([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisableVertexAttribArray", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DisableVertexAttribArray([In, Out] UInt32 index);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawArrays", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawElements", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnableVertexAttribArray", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void EnableVertexAttribArray([In, Out] UInt32 index);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFinish", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Finish();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFlush", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Flush();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FramebufferRenderbuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All renderbuffertarget, [In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FramebufferTexture2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All textarget, [In, Out] UInt32 texture, [In, Out] Int32 level);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrontFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenBuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenerateMipmap", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void GenerateMipmap([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenFramebuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* framebuffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenRenderbuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* renderbuffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAttrib", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetActiveAttrib([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] Int32* size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All* type, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniform", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetActiveUniform([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] Int32* size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All* type, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetAttachedShaders", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetAttachedShaders([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 maxcount, [In, Out] Int32* count, [In, Out] UInt32* shaders);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetAttribLocation", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static int GetAttribLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetBooleanv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetBooleanv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] bool* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetBufferParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetBufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetError", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All GetError();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetFloatv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetFloatv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetIntegerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInfoLog", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetProgramInfoLog([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String infolog);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetProgramiv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetProgramiv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetRenderbufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetShaderInfoLog", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetShaderInfoLog([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String infolog);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetShaderiv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetShaderiv([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetShaderPrecisionFormat([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All shadertype, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All precisiontype, [In, Out] Int32* range, [In, Out] Int32* precision);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetShaderSource", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetShaderSource([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [Out] System.Text.StringBuilder source);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetString", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe IntPtr GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetUniformfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetUniformfv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetUniformiv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetUniformiv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetUniformLocation", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static int GetUniformLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetVertexAttribfv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribiv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetVertexAttribiv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribPointerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void GetVertexAttribPointerv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glHint", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsBuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsBuffer([In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsEnabled", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsEnabled([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsFramebuffer([In, Out] UInt32 framebuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsRenderbuffer([In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsTexture([In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidth", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glLinkProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LinkProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPixelStorei", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffset", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glReadPixels", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glReleaseShaderCompiler", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ReleaseShaderCompiler();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorage", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void RenderbufferStorage([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoverage", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glScissor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void ShaderBinary([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* shaders, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All binaryformat, [In, Out] IntPtr binary, [In, Out] Int32 length);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glShaderSource", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void ShaderSource([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] String[] @string, [In, Out] Int32* length);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilFuncSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilFuncSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilMaskSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilMaskSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All face, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All zpass);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilOpSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilOpSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All zpass);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameteri", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameteri([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform1f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform1f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform1fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform1fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform1i", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform1i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform1iv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform1iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform2f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform2f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform2fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform2fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform2i", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform2i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform2iv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform2iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform3f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform3f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform3fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform3fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform3i", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform3i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform3iv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform3iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform4f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z, [In, Out] Single w);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform4fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform4fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform4i", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform4i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 z, [In, Out] Int32 w);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform4iv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform4iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void UniformMatrix2fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void UniformMatrix3fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void UniformMatrix4fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glUseProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void UseProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glValidateProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ValidateProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib1f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttrib1f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib1fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void VertexAttrib1fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib2f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttrib2f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib2fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void VertexAttrib2fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib3f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttrib3f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib3fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void VertexAttrib3fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttrib4f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z, [In, Out] Single w);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib4fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void VertexAttrib4fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttribPointer([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] bool normalized, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr ptr);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(ES.Library, EntryPoint = "glViewport", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
@ -1,468 +1,468 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 0649
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class GL
internal static partial class Delegates
internal delegate void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All texture);
internal static ActiveTexture glActiveTexture;
internal delegate void AttachShader([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static AttachShader glAttachShader;
internal delegate void BindAttribLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] String name);
internal static BindAttribLocation glBindAttribLocation;
internal delegate void BindBuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
internal static BindBuffer glBindBuffer;
internal delegate void BindFramebuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 framebuffer);
internal static BindFramebuffer glBindFramebuffer;
internal delegate void BindRenderbuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
internal static BindRenderbuffer glBindRenderbuffer;
internal delegate void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static BindTexture glBindTexture;
internal delegate void BlendColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static BlendColor glBlendColor;
internal delegate void BlendEquation([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode);
internal static BlendEquation glBlendEquation;
internal delegate void BlendEquationSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All modeRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All modeAlpha);
internal static BlendEquationSeparate glBlendEquationSeparate;
internal delegate void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All dfactor);
internal static BlendFunc glBlendFunc;
internal delegate void BlendFuncSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All srcRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All dstRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All srcAlpha, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All dstAlpha);
internal static BlendFuncSeparate glBlendFuncSeparate;
internal delegate void BufferData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All usage);
internal static BufferData glBufferData;
internal delegate void BufferSubData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr offset, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static BufferSubData glBufferSubData;
internal delegate OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All CheckFramebufferStatus([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target);
internal static CheckFramebufferStatus glCheckFramebufferStatus;
internal delegate void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static Clear glClear;
internal delegate void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static ClearColor glClearColor;
internal delegate void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
internal static ClearDepthf glClearDepthf;
internal delegate void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
internal static ClearStencil glClearStencil;
internal delegate void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
internal static ColorMask glColorMask;
internal delegate void CompileShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static CompileShader glCompileShader;
internal delegate void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexSubImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
internal static CopyTexImage2D glCopyTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static CopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate Int32 CreateProgram();
internal static CreateProgram glCreateProgram;
internal delegate Int32 CreateShader([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type);
internal static CreateShader glCreateShader;
internal delegate void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode);
internal static CullFace glCullFace;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
internal unsafe static DeleteBuffers glDeleteBuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteFramebuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* framebuffers);
internal unsafe static DeleteFramebuffers glDeleteFramebuffers;
internal delegate void DeleteProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static DeleteProgram glDeleteProgram;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteRenderbuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* renderbuffers);
internal unsafe static DeleteRenderbuffers glDeleteRenderbuffers;
internal delegate void DeleteShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static DeleteShader glDeleteShader;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static DeleteTextures glDeleteTextures;
internal delegate void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All func);
internal static DepthFunc glDepthFunc;
internal delegate void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
internal static DepthMask glDepthMask;
internal delegate void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static DepthRangef glDepthRangef;
internal delegate void DetachShader([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static DetachShader glDetachShader;
internal delegate void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All cap);
internal static Disable glDisable;
internal delegate void DisableVertexAttribArray([In, Out] UInt32 index);
internal static DisableVertexAttribArray glDisableVertexAttribArray;
internal delegate void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
internal static DrawArrays glDrawArrays;
internal delegate void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
internal static DrawElements glDrawElements;
internal delegate void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All cap);
internal static Enable glEnable;
internal delegate void EnableVertexAttribArray([In, Out] UInt32 index);
internal static EnableVertexAttribArray glEnableVertexAttribArray;
internal delegate void Finish();
internal static Finish glFinish;
internal delegate void Flush();
internal static Flush glFlush;
internal delegate void FramebufferRenderbuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All renderbuffertarget, [In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
internal static FramebufferRenderbuffer glFramebufferRenderbuffer;
internal delegate void FramebufferTexture2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All textarget, [In, Out] UInt32 texture, [In, Out] Int32 level);
internal static FramebufferTexture2D glFramebufferTexture2D;
internal delegate void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode);
internal static FrontFace glFrontFace;
internal unsafe delegate void GenBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
internal unsafe static GenBuffers glGenBuffers;
internal delegate void GenerateMipmap([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target);
internal static GenerateMipmap glGenerateMipmap;
internal unsafe delegate void GenFramebuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* framebuffers);
internal unsafe static GenFramebuffers glGenFramebuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void GenRenderbuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* renderbuffers);
internal unsafe static GenRenderbuffers glGenRenderbuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static GenTextures glGenTextures;
internal unsafe delegate void GetActiveAttrib([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] Int32* size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All* type, [In, Out] String name);
internal unsafe static GetActiveAttrib glGetActiveAttrib;
internal unsafe delegate void GetActiveUniform([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] Int32* size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All* type, [In, Out] String name);
internal unsafe static GetActiveUniform glGetActiveUniform;
internal unsafe delegate void GetAttachedShaders([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 maxcount, [In, Out] Int32* count, [In, Out] UInt32* shaders);
internal unsafe static GetAttachedShaders glGetAttachedShaders;
internal delegate int GetAttribLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] String name);
internal static GetAttribLocation glGetAttribLocation;
internal unsafe delegate void GetBooleanv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] bool* @params);
internal unsafe static GetBooleanv glGetBooleanv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetBufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetBufferParameteriv glGetBufferParameteriv;
internal delegate OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All GetError();
internal static GetError glGetError;
internal unsafe delegate void GetFloatv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetFloatv glGetFloatv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetIntegerv glGetIntegerv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetProgramInfoLog([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String infolog);
internal unsafe static GetProgramInfoLog glGetProgramInfoLog;
internal unsafe delegate void GetProgramiv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetProgramiv glGetProgramiv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetRenderbufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetRenderbufferParameteriv glGetRenderbufferParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetShaderInfoLog([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String infolog);
internal unsafe static GetShaderInfoLog glGetShaderInfoLog;
internal unsafe delegate void GetShaderiv([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetShaderiv glGetShaderiv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetShaderPrecisionFormat([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All shadertype, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All precisiontype, [In, Out] Int32* range, [In, Out] Int32* precision);
internal unsafe static GetShaderPrecisionFormat glGetShaderPrecisionFormat;
internal unsafe delegate void GetShaderSource([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String source);
internal unsafe static GetShaderSource glGetShaderSource;
internal unsafe delegate Byte GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All name);
internal unsafe static GetString glGetString;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameterfv glGetTexParameterfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameteriv glGetTexParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetUniformfv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetUniformfv glGetUniformfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetUniformiv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetUniformiv glGetUniformiv;
internal delegate int GetUniformLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] String name);
internal static GetUniformLocation glGetUniformLocation;
internal unsafe delegate void GetVertexAttribfv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetVertexAttribfv glGetVertexAttribfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetVertexAttribiv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetVertexAttribiv glGetVertexAttribiv;
internal delegate void GetVertexAttribPointerv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static GetVertexAttribPointerv glGetVertexAttribPointerv;
internal delegate void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode);
internal static Hint glHint;
internal delegate bool IsBuffer([In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
internal static IsBuffer glIsBuffer;
internal delegate bool IsEnabled([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All cap);
internal static IsEnabled glIsEnabled;
internal delegate bool IsFramebuffer([In, Out] UInt32 framebuffer);
internal static IsFramebuffer glIsFramebuffer;
internal delegate bool IsProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static IsProgram glIsProgram;
internal delegate bool IsRenderbuffer([In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
internal static IsRenderbuffer glIsRenderbuffer;
internal delegate bool IsShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static IsShader glIsShader;
internal delegate bool IsTexture([In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static IsTexture glIsTexture;
internal delegate void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
internal static LineWidth glLineWidth;
internal delegate void LinkProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static LinkProgram glLinkProgram;
internal delegate void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static PixelStorei glPixelStorei;
internal delegate void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
internal static PolygonOffset glPolygonOffset;
internal delegate void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static ReadPixels glReadPixels;
internal delegate void ReleaseShaderCompiler();
internal static ReleaseShaderCompiler glReleaseShaderCompiler;
internal delegate void RenderbufferStorage([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static RenderbufferStorage glRenderbufferStorage;
internal delegate void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoverage glSampleCoverage;
internal delegate void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Scissor glScissor;
internal unsafe delegate void ShaderBinary([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* shaders, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All binaryformat, [In, Out] IntPtr binary, [In, Out] Int32 length);
internal unsafe static ShaderBinary glShaderBinary;
internal unsafe delegate void ShaderSource([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] String @string, [In, Out] Int32* length);
internal unsafe static ShaderSource glShaderSource;
internal delegate void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilFunc glStencilFunc;
internal delegate void StencilFuncSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilFuncSeparate glStencilFuncSeparate;
internal delegate void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilMask glStencilMask;
internal delegate void StencilMaskSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All face, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilMaskSeparate glStencilMaskSeparate;
internal delegate void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All zpass);
internal static StencilOp glStencilOp;
internal delegate void StencilOpSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All zpass);
internal static StencilOpSeparate glStencilOpSeparate;
internal delegate void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexImage2D glTexImage2D;
internal delegate void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexParameterf glTexParameterf;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameterfv glTexParameterfv;
internal delegate void TexParameteri([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static TexParameteri glTexParameteri;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameteriv glTexParameteriv;
internal delegate void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexSubImage2D glTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void Uniform1f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x);
internal static Uniform1f glUniform1f;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform1fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform1fv glUniform1fv;
internal delegate void Uniform1i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x);
internal static Uniform1i glUniform1i;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform1iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform1iv glUniform1iv;
internal delegate void Uniform2f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y);
internal static Uniform2f glUniform2f;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform2fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform2fv glUniform2fv;
internal delegate void Uniform2i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y);
internal static Uniform2i glUniform2i;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform2iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform2iv glUniform2iv;
internal delegate void Uniform3f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Uniform3f glUniform3f;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform3fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform3fv glUniform3fv;
internal delegate void Uniform3i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 z);
internal static Uniform3i glUniform3i;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform3iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform3iv glUniform3iv;
internal delegate void Uniform4f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z, [In, Out] Single w);
internal static Uniform4f glUniform4f;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform4fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform4fv glUniform4fv;
internal delegate void Uniform4i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 z, [In, Out] Int32 w);
internal static Uniform4i glUniform4i;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform4iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform4iv glUniform4iv;
internal unsafe delegate void UniformMatrix2fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
internal unsafe static UniformMatrix2fv glUniformMatrix2fv;
internal unsafe delegate void UniformMatrix3fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
internal unsafe static UniformMatrix3fv glUniformMatrix3fv;
internal unsafe delegate void UniformMatrix4fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
internal unsafe static UniformMatrix4fv glUniformMatrix4fv;
internal delegate void UseProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static UseProgram glUseProgram;
internal delegate void ValidateProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static ValidateProgram glValidateProgram;
internal delegate void VertexAttrib1f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x);
internal static VertexAttrib1f glVertexAttrib1f;
internal unsafe delegate void VertexAttrib1fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
internal unsafe static VertexAttrib1fv glVertexAttrib1fv;
internal delegate void VertexAttrib2f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y);
internal static VertexAttrib2f glVertexAttrib2f;
internal unsafe delegate void VertexAttrib2fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
internal unsafe static VertexAttrib2fv glVertexAttrib2fv;
internal delegate void VertexAttrib3f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static VertexAttrib3f glVertexAttrib3f;
internal unsafe delegate void VertexAttrib3fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
internal unsafe static VertexAttrib3fv glVertexAttrib3fv;
internal delegate void VertexAttrib4f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z, [In, Out] Single w);
internal static VertexAttrib4f glVertexAttrib4f;
internal unsafe delegate void VertexAttrib4fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
internal unsafe static VertexAttrib4fv glVertexAttrib4fv;
internal delegate void VertexAttribPointer([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] bool normalized, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr ptr);
internal static VertexAttribPointer glVertexAttribPointer;
internal delegate void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Viewport glViewport;
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 0649
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class ES
internal static partial class Delegates
internal delegate void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All texture);
internal static ActiveTexture glActiveTexture;
internal delegate void AttachShader([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static AttachShader glAttachShader;
internal delegate void BindAttribLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] String name);
internal static BindAttribLocation glBindAttribLocation;
internal delegate void BindBuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
internal static BindBuffer glBindBuffer;
internal delegate void BindFramebuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 framebuffer);
internal static BindFramebuffer glBindFramebuffer;
internal delegate void BindRenderbuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
internal static BindRenderbuffer glBindRenderbuffer;
internal delegate void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static BindTexture glBindTexture;
internal delegate void BlendColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static BlendColor glBlendColor;
internal delegate void BlendEquation([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode);
internal static BlendEquation glBlendEquation;
internal delegate void BlendEquationSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All modeRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All modeAlpha);
internal static BlendEquationSeparate glBlendEquationSeparate;
internal delegate void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All dfactor);
internal static BlendFunc glBlendFunc;
internal delegate void BlendFuncSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All srcRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All dstRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All srcAlpha, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All dstAlpha);
internal static BlendFuncSeparate glBlendFuncSeparate;
internal delegate void BufferData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All usage);
internal static BufferData glBufferData;
internal delegate void BufferSubData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr offset, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static BufferSubData glBufferSubData;
internal delegate OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All CheckFramebufferStatus([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target);
internal static CheckFramebufferStatus glCheckFramebufferStatus;
internal delegate void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static Clear glClear;
internal delegate void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
internal static ClearColor glClearColor;
internal delegate void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
internal static ClearDepthf glClearDepthf;
internal delegate void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
internal static ClearStencil glClearStencil;
internal delegate void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
internal static ColorMask glColorMask;
internal delegate void CompileShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static CompileShader glCompileShader;
internal delegate void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexImage2D glCompressedTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
internal static CompressedTexSubImage2D glCompressedTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
internal static CopyTexImage2D glCopyTexImage2D;
internal delegate void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static CopyTexSubImage2D glCopyTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate Int32 CreateProgram();
internal static CreateProgram glCreateProgram;
internal delegate Int32 CreateShader([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type);
internal static CreateShader glCreateShader;
internal delegate void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode);
internal static CullFace glCullFace;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
internal unsafe static DeleteBuffers glDeleteBuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteFramebuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* framebuffers);
internal unsafe static DeleteFramebuffers glDeleteFramebuffers;
internal delegate void DeleteProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static DeleteProgram glDeleteProgram;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteRenderbuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* renderbuffers);
internal unsafe static DeleteRenderbuffers glDeleteRenderbuffers;
internal delegate void DeleteShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static DeleteShader glDeleteShader;
internal unsafe delegate void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static DeleteTextures glDeleteTextures;
internal delegate void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All func);
internal static DepthFunc glDepthFunc;
internal delegate void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
internal static DepthMask glDepthMask;
internal delegate void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
internal static DepthRangef glDepthRangef;
internal delegate void DetachShader([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static DetachShader glDetachShader;
internal delegate void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All cap);
internal static Disable glDisable;
internal delegate void DisableVertexAttribArray([In, Out] UInt32 index);
internal static DisableVertexAttribArray glDisableVertexAttribArray;
internal delegate void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
internal static DrawArrays glDrawArrays;
internal delegate void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
internal static DrawElements glDrawElements;
internal delegate void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All cap);
internal static Enable glEnable;
internal delegate void EnableVertexAttribArray([In, Out] UInt32 index);
internal static EnableVertexAttribArray glEnableVertexAttribArray;
internal delegate void Finish();
internal static Finish glFinish;
internal delegate void Flush();
internal static Flush glFlush;
internal delegate void FramebufferRenderbuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All renderbuffertarget, [In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
internal static FramebufferRenderbuffer glFramebufferRenderbuffer;
internal delegate void FramebufferTexture2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All textarget, [In, Out] UInt32 texture, [In, Out] Int32 level);
internal static FramebufferTexture2D glFramebufferTexture2D;
internal delegate void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode);
internal static FrontFace glFrontFace;
internal unsafe delegate void GenBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
internal unsafe static GenBuffers glGenBuffers;
internal delegate void GenerateMipmap([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target);
internal static GenerateMipmap glGenerateMipmap;
internal unsafe delegate void GenFramebuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* framebuffers);
internal unsafe static GenFramebuffers glGenFramebuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void GenRenderbuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* renderbuffers);
internal unsafe static GenRenderbuffers glGenRenderbuffers;
internal unsafe delegate void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
internal unsafe static GenTextures glGenTextures;
internal unsafe delegate void GetActiveAttrib([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] Int32* size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All* type, [In, Out] String name);
internal unsafe static GetActiveAttrib glGetActiveAttrib;
internal unsafe delegate void GetActiveUniform([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] Int32* size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All* type, [In, Out] String name);
internal unsafe static GetActiveUniform glGetActiveUniform;
internal unsafe delegate void GetAttachedShaders([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 maxcount, [In, Out] Int32* count, [In, Out] UInt32* shaders);
internal unsafe static GetAttachedShaders glGetAttachedShaders;
internal delegate int GetAttribLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] String name);
internal static GetAttribLocation glGetAttribLocation;
internal unsafe delegate void GetBooleanv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] bool* @params);
internal unsafe static GetBooleanv glGetBooleanv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetBufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetBufferParameteriv glGetBufferParameteriv;
internal delegate OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All GetError();
internal static GetError glGetError;
internal unsafe delegate void GetFloatv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetFloatv glGetFloatv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetIntegerv glGetIntegerv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetProgramInfoLog([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String infolog);
internal unsafe static GetProgramInfoLog glGetProgramInfoLog;
internal unsafe delegate void GetProgramiv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetProgramiv glGetProgramiv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetRenderbufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetRenderbufferParameteriv glGetRenderbufferParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetShaderInfoLog([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String infolog);
internal unsafe static GetShaderInfoLog glGetShaderInfoLog;
internal unsafe delegate void GetShaderiv([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetShaderiv glGetShaderiv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetShaderPrecisionFormat([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All shadertype, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All precisiontype, [In, Out] Int32* range, [In, Out] Int32* precision);
internal unsafe static GetShaderPrecisionFormat glGetShaderPrecisionFormat;
internal unsafe delegate void GetShaderSource([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [Out] System.Text.StringBuilder source);
internal unsafe static GetShaderSource glGetShaderSource;
internal unsafe delegate IntPtr GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All name);
internal unsafe static GetString glGetString;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameterfv glGetTexParameterfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetTexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetTexParameteriv glGetTexParameteriv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetUniformfv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetUniformfv glGetUniformfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetUniformiv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetUniformiv glGetUniformiv;
internal delegate int GetUniformLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] String name);
internal static GetUniformLocation glGetUniformLocation;
internal unsafe delegate void GetVertexAttribfv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static GetVertexAttribfv glGetVertexAttribfv;
internal unsafe delegate void GetVertexAttribiv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static GetVertexAttribiv glGetVertexAttribiv;
internal delegate void GetVertexAttribPointerv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
internal static GetVertexAttribPointerv glGetVertexAttribPointerv;
internal delegate void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode);
internal static Hint glHint;
internal delegate bool IsBuffer([In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
internal static IsBuffer glIsBuffer;
internal delegate bool IsEnabled([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All cap);
internal static IsEnabled glIsEnabled;
internal delegate bool IsFramebuffer([In, Out] UInt32 framebuffer);
internal static IsFramebuffer glIsFramebuffer;
internal delegate bool IsProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static IsProgram glIsProgram;
internal delegate bool IsRenderbuffer([In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
internal static IsRenderbuffer glIsRenderbuffer;
internal delegate bool IsShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
internal static IsShader glIsShader;
internal delegate bool IsTexture([In, Out] UInt32 texture);
internal static IsTexture glIsTexture;
internal delegate void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
internal static LineWidth glLineWidth;
internal delegate void LinkProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static LinkProgram glLinkProgram;
internal delegate void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static PixelStorei glPixelStorei;
internal delegate void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
internal static PolygonOffset glPolygonOffset;
internal delegate void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static ReadPixels glReadPixels;
internal delegate void ReleaseShaderCompiler();
internal static ReleaseShaderCompiler glReleaseShaderCompiler;
internal delegate void RenderbufferStorage([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static RenderbufferStorage glRenderbufferStorage;
internal delegate void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
internal static SampleCoverage glSampleCoverage;
internal delegate void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Scissor glScissor;
internal unsafe delegate void ShaderBinary([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* shaders, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All binaryformat, [In, Out] IntPtr binary, [In, Out] Int32 length);
internal unsafe static ShaderBinary glShaderBinary;
internal unsafe delegate void ShaderSource([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] String[] @string, [In, Out] Int32* length);
internal unsafe static ShaderSource glShaderSource;
internal delegate void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilFunc glStencilFunc;
internal delegate void StencilFuncSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilFuncSeparate glStencilFuncSeparate;
internal delegate void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilMask glStencilMask;
internal delegate void StencilMaskSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All face, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
internal static StencilMaskSeparate glStencilMaskSeparate;
internal delegate void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All zpass);
internal static StencilOp glStencilOp;
internal delegate void StencilOpSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All zpass);
internal static StencilOpSeparate glStencilOpSeparate;
internal delegate void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexImage2D glTexImage2D;
internal delegate void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
internal static TexParameterf glTexParameterf;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameterfv glTexParameterfv;
internal delegate void TexParameteri([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
internal static TexParameteri glTexParameteri;
internal unsafe delegate void TexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
internal unsafe static TexParameteriv glTexParameteriv;
internal delegate void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
internal static TexSubImage2D glTexSubImage2D;
internal delegate void Uniform1f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x);
internal static Uniform1f glUniform1f;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform1fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform1fv glUniform1fv;
internal delegate void Uniform1i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x);
internal static Uniform1i glUniform1i;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform1iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform1iv glUniform1iv;
internal delegate void Uniform2f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y);
internal static Uniform2f glUniform2f;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform2fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform2fv glUniform2fv;
internal delegate void Uniform2i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y);
internal static Uniform2i glUniform2i;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform2iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform2iv glUniform2iv;
internal delegate void Uniform3f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static Uniform3f glUniform3f;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform3fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform3fv glUniform3fv;
internal delegate void Uniform3i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 z);
internal static Uniform3i glUniform3i;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform3iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform3iv glUniform3iv;
internal delegate void Uniform4f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z, [In, Out] Single w);
internal static Uniform4f glUniform4f;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform4fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform4fv glUniform4fv;
internal delegate void Uniform4i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 z, [In, Out] Int32 w);
internal static Uniform4i glUniform4i;
internal unsafe delegate void Uniform4iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
internal unsafe static Uniform4iv glUniform4iv;
internal unsafe delegate void UniformMatrix2fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
internal unsafe static UniformMatrix2fv glUniformMatrix2fv;
internal unsafe delegate void UniformMatrix3fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
internal unsafe static UniformMatrix3fv glUniformMatrix3fv;
internal unsafe delegate void UniformMatrix4fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
internal unsafe static UniformMatrix4fv glUniformMatrix4fv;
internal delegate void UseProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static UseProgram glUseProgram;
internal delegate void ValidateProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
internal static ValidateProgram glValidateProgram;
internal delegate void VertexAttrib1f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x);
internal static VertexAttrib1f glVertexAttrib1f;
internal unsafe delegate void VertexAttrib1fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
internal unsafe static VertexAttrib1fv glVertexAttrib1fv;
internal delegate void VertexAttrib2f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y);
internal static VertexAttrib2f glVertexAttrib2f;
internal unsafe delegate void VertexAttrib2fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
internal unsafe static VertexAttrib2fv glVertexAttrib2fv;
internal delegate void VertexAttrib3f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
internal static VertexAttrib3f glVertexAttrib3f;
internal unsafe delegate void VertexAttrib3fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
internal unsafe static VertexAttrib3fv glVertexAttrib3fv;
internal delegate void VertexAttrib4f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z, [In, Out] Single w);
internal static VertexAttrib4f glVertexAttrib4f;
internal unsafe delegate void VertexAttrib4fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
internal unsafe static VertexAttrib4fv glVertexAttrib4fv;
internal delegate void VertexAttribPointer([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [In, Out] bool normalized, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr ptr);
internal static VertexAttribPointer glVertexAttribPointer;
internal delegate void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
internal static Viewport glViewport;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
#pragma warning disable 1591
public enum All
False = ((int)0),
NoError = ((int)0),
None = ((int)0),
Zero = ((int)0),
Points = ((int)0X0000),
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0X00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0X00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0X00004000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0X0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0X0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0X0006),
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
SrcColor = ((int)0X0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0X0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0X0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0X0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0X0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0X0305),
DstColor = ((int)0X0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0X0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0X0308),
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0X0408),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0X0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0X0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0X0502),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0X0505),
InvalidFramebufferOperation = ((int)0X0506),
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
LineWidth = ((int)0X0b21),
CullFace = ((int)0X0b44),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0X0b45),
FrontFace = ((int)0X0b46),
DepthRange = ((int)0X0b70),
DepthTest = ((int)0X0b71),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0X0b72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0X0b73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0X0b74),
StencilTest = ((int)0X0b90),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0X0b91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0X0b92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0X0b93),
StencilFail = ((int)0X0b94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0X0b95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0X0b96),
StencilRef = ((int)0X0b97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0X0b98),
Viewport = ((int)0X0ba2),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
ScissorBox = ((int)0X0c10),
ScissorTest = ((int)0X0c11),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0X0c22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0X0c23),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0X0d05),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0X0d33),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0X0d3a),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0X0d50),
RedBits = ((int)0X0d52),
GreenBits = ((int)0X0d53),
BlueBits = ((int)0X0d54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0X0d55),
DepthBits = ((int)0X0d56),
StencilBits = ((int)0X0d57),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
DontCare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0X1403),
Int = ((int)0X1404),
UnsignedInt = ((int)0X1405),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
StencilIndex = ((int)0X1901),
DepthComponent = ((int)0X1902),
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0X190a),
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2703),
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0X2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0X2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0X2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0X2803),
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0X2a00),
ConstantColor = ((int)0X8001),
OneMinusConstantColor = ((int)0X8002),
ConstantAlpha = ((int)0X8003),
OneMinusConstantAlpha = ((int)0X8004),
BlendColor = ((int)0X8005),
FuncAdd = ((int)0X8006),
BlendEquation = ((int)0X8009),
BlendEquationRgb = ((int)0X8009),
FuncSubtract = ((int)0X800a),
FuncReverseSubtract = ((int)0X800b),
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0X8037),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0X8038),
Rgba4 = ((int)0X8056),
Rgb5A1 = ((int)0X8057),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0X8069),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0X809e),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0X80a8),
Samples = ((int)0X80a9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0X80aa),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0X80ab),
BlendDstRgb = ((int)0X80c8),
BlendSrcRgb = ((int)0X80c9),
BlendDstAlpha = ((int)0X80ca),
BlendSrcAlpha = ((int)0X80cb),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0X812f),
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0X8192),
DepthComponent16 = ((int)0X81a5),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0X8363),
MirroredRepeat = ((int)0X8370),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0X846d),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0X846e),
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0X84e0),
MaxRenderbufferSize = ((int)0X84e8),
IncrWrap = ((int)0X8507),
DecrWrap = ((int)0X8508),
TextureCubeMap = ((int)0X8513),
TextureBindingCubeMap = ((int)0X8514),
TextureCubeMapPositiveX = ((int)0X8515),
TextureCubeMapNegativeX = ((int)0X8516),
TextureCubeMapPositiveY = ((int)0X8517),
TextureCubeMapNegativeY = ((int)0X8518),
TextureCubeMapPositiveZ = ((int)0X8519),
TextureCubeMapNegativeZ = ((int)0X851a),
MaxCubeMapTextureSize = ((int)0X851c),
VertexAttribArrayEnabled = ((int)0X8622),
VertexAttribArraySize = ((int)0X8623),
VertexAttribArrayStride = ((int)0X8624),
VertexAttribArrayType = ((int)0X8625),
CurrentVertexAttrib = ((int)0X8626),
VertexAttribArrayPointer = ((int)0X8645),
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a3),
BufferSize = ((int)0X8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0X8765),
StencilBackFunc = ((int)0X8800),
StencilBackFail = ((int)0X8801),
StencilBackPassDepthFail = ((int)0X8802),
StencilBackPassDepthPass = ((int)0X8803),
BlendEquationAlpha = ((int)0X883d),
MaxVertexAttribs = ((int)0X8869),
VertexAttribArrayNormalized = ((int)0X886a),
MaxTextureImageUnits = ((int)0X8872),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8895),
VertexAttribArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X889f),
StreamDraw = ((int)0X88e0),
StaticDraw = ((int)0X88e4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0X88e8),
FragmentShader = ((int)0X8b30),
VertexShader = ((int)0X8b31),
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = ((int)0X8b4c),
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = ((int)0X8b4d),
ShaderType = ((int)0X8b4f),
FloatVec2 = ((int)0X8b50),
FloatVec3 = ((int)0X8b51),
FloatVec4 = ((int)0X8b52),
IntVec2 = ((int)0X8b53),
IntVec3 = ((int)0X8b54),
IntVec4 = ((int)0X8b55),
Bool = ((int)0X8b56),
BoolVec2 = ((int)0X8b57),
BoolVec3 = ((int)0X8b58),
BoolVec4 = ((int)0X8b59),
FloatMat2 = ((int)0X8b5a),
FloatMat3 = ((int)0X8b5b),
FloatMat4 = ((int)0X8b5c),
Sampler2D = ((int)0X8b5e),
SamplerCube = ((int)0X8b60),
DeleteStatus = ((int)0X8b80),
CompileStatus = ((int)0X8b81),
LinkStatus = ((int)0X8b82),
ValidateStatus = ((int)0X8b83),
InfoLogLength = ((int)0X8b84),
AttachedShaders = ((int)0X8b85),
ActiveUniforms = ((int)0X8b86),
ActiveUniformMaxLength = ((int)0X8b87),
ShaderSourceLength = ((int)0X8b88),
ActiveAttributes = ((int)0X8b89),
ActiveAttributeMaxLength = ((int)0X8b8a),
ShadingLanguageVersion = ((int)0X8b8c),
CurrentProgram = ((int)0X8b8d),
ImplementationColorReadType = ((int)0X8b9a),
ImplementationColorReadFormat = ((int)0X8b9b),
StencilBackRef = ((int)0X8ca3),
StencilBackValueMask = ((int)0X8ca4),
StencilBackWritemask = ((int)0X8ca5),
FramebufferBinding = ((int)0X8ca6),
RenderbufferBinding = ((int)0X8ca7),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectType = ((int)0X8cd0),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectName = ((int)0X8cd1),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevel = ((int)0X8cd2),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace = ((int)0X8cd3),
FramebufferComplete = ((int)0X8cd5),
FramebufferIncompleteAttachment = ((int)0X8cd6),
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment = ((int)0X8cd7),
FramebufferIncompleteDimensions = ((int)0X8cd9),
FramebufferUnsupported = ((int)0X8cdd),
ColorAttachment0 = ((int)0X8ce0),
DepthAttachment = ((int)0X8d00),
StencilAttachment = ((int)0X8d20),
Framebuffer = ((int)0X8d40),
Renderbuffer = ((int)0X8d41),
RenderbufferWidth = ((int)0X8d42),
RenderbufferHeight = ((int)0X8d43),
RenderbufferInternalFormat = ((int)0X8d44),
StencilIndex8 = ((int)0X8d48),
RenderbufferRedSize = ((int)0X8d50),
RenderbufferGreenSize = ((int)0X8d51),
RenderbufferBlueSize = ((int)0X8d52),
RenderbufferAlphaSize = ((int)0X8d53),
RenderbufferDepthSize = ((int)0X8d54),
RenderbufferStencilSize = ((int)0X8d55),
Rgb565 = ((int)0X8d62),
LowFloat = ((int)0X8df0),
MediumFloat = ((int)0X8df1),
HighFloat = ((int)0X8df2),
LowInt = ((int)0X8df3),
MediumInt = ((int)0X8df4),
HighInt = ((int)0X8df5),
ShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0X8df8),
NumShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0X8df9),
ShaderCompiler = ((int)0X8dfa),
MaxVertexUniformVectors = ((int)0X8dfb),
MaxVaryingVectors = ((int)0X8dfc),
MaxFragmentUniformVectors = ((int)0X8dfd),
EsVersion20 = ((int)1),
One = ((int)1),
True = ((int)1),
public enum BeginMode
Points = ((int)0X0000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
LineLoop = ((int)0X0002),
LineStrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
TriangleStrip = ((int)0X0005),
TriangleFan = ((int)0X0006),
public enum BlendEquationSeparate
FuncAdd = ((int)0X8006),
BlendEquation = ((int)0X8009),
BlendEquationRgb = ((int)0X8009),
BlendEquationAlpha = ((int)0X883d),
public enum BlendingFactorDest
Zero = ((int)0),
SrcColor = ((int)0X0300),
OneMinusSrcColor = ((int)0X0301),
SrcAlpha = ((int)0X0302),
OneMinusSrcAlpha = ((int)0X0303),
DstAlpha = ((int)0X0304),
OneMinusDstAlpha = ((int)0X0305),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendingFactorSrc
DstColor = ((int)0X0306),
OneMinusDstColor = ((int)0X0307),
SrcAlphaSaturate = ((int)0X0308),
public enum BlendSubtract
FuncSubtract = ((int)0X800a),
FuncReverseSubtract = ((int)0X800b),
public enum Boolean
False = ((int)0),
True = ((int)1),
public enum BufferObjects
CurrentVertexAttrib = ((int)0X8626),
BufferSize = ((int)0X8764),
BufferUsage = ((int)0X8765),
ArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8892),
ElementArrayBuffer = ((int)0X8893),
ArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8894),
ElementArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X8895),
StreamDraw = ((int)0X88e0),
StaticDraw = ((int)0X88e4),
DynamicDraw = ((int)0X88e8),
public enum ClearBufferMask
DepthBufferBit = ((int)0X00000100),
StencilBufferBit = ((int)0X00000400),
ColorBufferBit = ((int)0X00004000),
public enum CullFaceMode
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
FrontAndBack = ((int)0X0408),
public enum DataType
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
UnsignedByte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
UnsignedShort = ((int)0X1403),
Int = ((int)0X1404),
UnsignedInt = ((int)0X1405),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
public enum EnableCap
CullFace = ((int)0X0b44),
DepthTest = ((int)0X0b71),
StencilTest = ((int)0X0b90),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
ScissorTest = ((int)0X0c11),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
PolygonOffsetFill = ((int)0X8037),
SampleAlphaToCoverage = ((int)0X809e),
SampleCoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
public enum ErrorCode
NoError = ((int)0),
InvalidEnum = ((int)0X0500),
InvalidValue = ((int)0X0501),
InvalidOperation = ((int)0X0502),
OutOfMemory = ((int)0X0505),
public enum FramebufferObject
None = ((int)0),
InvalidFramebufferOperation = ((int)0X0506),
StencilIndex = ((int)0X1901),
Rgba4 = ((int)0X8056),
Rgb5A1 = ((int)0X8057),
DepthComponent16 = ((int)0X81a5),
MaxRenderbufferSize = ((int)0X84e8),
FramebufferBinding = ((int)0X8ca6),
RenderbufferBinding = ((int)0X8ca7),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectType = ((int)0X8cd0),
FramebufferAttachmentObjectName = ((int)0X8cd1),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureLevel = ((int)0X8cd2),
FramebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace = ((int)0X8cd3),
FramebufferComplete = ((int)0X8cd5),
FramebufferIncompleteAttachment = ((int)0X8cd6),
FramebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment = ((int)0X8cd7),
FramebufferIncompleteDimensions = ((int)0X8cd9),
FramebufferUnsupported = ((int)0X8cdd),
ColorAttachment0 = ((int)0X8ce0),
DepthAttachment = ((int)0X8d00),
StencilAttachment = ((int)0X8d20),
Framebuffer = ((int)0X8d40),
Renderbuffer = ((int)0X8d41),
RenderbufferWidth = ((int)0X8d42),
RenderbufferHeight = ((int)0X8d43),
RenderbufferInternalFormat = ((int)0X8d44),
StencilIndex8 = ((int)0X8d48),
RenderbufferRedSize = ((int)0X8d50),
RenderbufferGreenSize = ((int)0X8d51),
RenderbufferBlueSize = ((int)0X8d52),
RenderbufferAlphaSize = ((int)0X8d53),
RenderbufferDepthSize = ((int)0X8d54),
RenderbufferStencilSize = ((int)0X8d55),
Rgb565 = ((int)0X8d62),
public enum FrontFaceDirection
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
public enum GetPName
LineWidth = ((int)0X0b21),
CullFaceMode = ((int)0X0b45),
FrontFace = ((int)0X0b46),
DepthRange = ((int)0X0b70),
DepthWritemask = ((int)0X0b72),
DepthClearValue = ((int)0X0b73),
DepthFunc = ((int)0X0b74),
StencilClearValue = ((int)0X0b91),
StencilFunc = ((int)0X0b92),
StencilValueMask = ((int)0X0b93),
StencilFail = ((int)0X0b94),
StencilPassDepthFail = ((int)0X0b95),
StencilPassDepthPass = ((int)0X0b96),
StencilRef = ((int)0X0b97),
StencilWritemask = ((int)0X0b98),
Viewport = ((int)0X0ba2),
ScissorBox = ((int)0X0c10),
ColorClearValue = ((int)0X0c22),
ColorWritemask = ((int)0X0c23),
UnpackAlignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
PackAlignment = ((int)0X0d05),
MaxTextureSize = ((int)0X0d33),
MaxViewportDims = ((int)0X0d3a),
SubpixelBits = ((int)0X0d50),
RedBits = ((int)0X0d52),
GreenBits = ((int)0X0d53),
BlueBits = ((int)0X0d54),
AlphaBits = ((int)0X0d55),
DepthBits = ((int)0X0d56),
StencilBits = ((int)0X0d57),
PolygonOffsetUnits = ((int)0X2a00),
PolygonOffsetFactor = ((int)0X8038),
TextureBinding2D = ((int)0X8069),
SampleBuffers = ((int)0X80a8),
Samples = ((int)0X80a9),
SampleCoverageValue = ((int)0X80aa),
SampleCoverageInvert = ((int)0X80ab),
AliasedPointSizeRange = ((int)0X846d),
AliasedLineWidthRange = ((int)0X846e),
StencilBackFunc = ((int)0X8800),
StencilBackFail = ((int)0X8801),
StencilBackPassDepthFail = ((int)0X8802),
StencilBackPassDepthPass = ((int)0X8803),
StencilBackRef = ((int)0X8ca3),
StencilBackValueMask = ((int)0X8ca4),
StencilBackWritemask = ((int)0X8ca5),
public enum GetTextureParameter
NumCompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a2),
CompressedTextureFormats = ((int)0X86a3),
public enum HintMode
DontCare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
public enum HintTarget
GenerateMipmapHint = ((int)0X8192),
public enum PixelFormat
DepthComponent = ((int)0X1902),
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
LuminanceAlpha = ((int)0X190a),
public enum PixelType
UnsignedShort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
UnsignedShort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
UnsignedShort565 = ((int)0X8363),
public enum ReadFormat
ImplementationColorReadType = ((int)0X8b9a),
ImplementationColorReadFormat = ((int)0X8b9b),
public enum SeparateBlendFunctions
ConstantColor = ((int)0X8001),
OneMinusConstantColor = ((int)0X8002),
ConstantAlpha = ((int)0X8003),
OneMinusConstantAlpha = ((int)0X8004),
BlendColor = ((int)0X8005),
BlendDstRgb = ((int)0X80c8),
BlendSrcRgb = ((int)0X80c9),
BlendDstAlpha = ((int)0X80ca),
BlendSrcAlpha = ((int)0X80cb),
public enum ShaderBinary
ShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0X8df8),
NumShaderBinaryFormats = ((int)0X8df9),
public enum ShaderPrecision
LowFloat = ((int)0X8df0),
MediumFloat = ((int)0X8df1),
HighFloat = ((int)0X8df2),
LowInt = ((int)0X8df3),
MediumInt = ((int)0X8df4),
HighInt = ((int)0X8df5),
public enum Shaders
MaxVertexAttribs = ((int)0X8869),
MaxTextureImageUnits = ((int)0X8872),
FragmentShader = ((int)0X8b30),
VertexShader = ((int)0X8b31),
MaxVertexTextureImageUnits = ((int)0X8b4c),
MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits = ((int)0X8b4d),
ShaderType = ((int)0X8b4f),
DeleteStatus = ((int)0X8b80),
LinkStatus = ((int)0X8b82),
ValidateStatus = ((int)0X8b83),
AttachedShaders = ((int)0X8b85),
ActiveUniforms = ((int)0X8b86),
ActiveUniformMaxLength = ((int)0X8b87),
ActiveAttributes = ((int)0X8b89),
ActiveAttributeMaxLength = ((int)0X8b8a),
ShadingLanguageVersion = ((int)0X8b8c),
CurrentProgram = ((int)0X8b8d),
MaxVertexUniformVectors = ((int)0X8dfb),
MaxVaryingVectors = ((int)0X8dfc),
MaxFragmentUniformVectors = ((int)0X8dfd),
public enum ShaderSource
CompileStatus = ((int)0X8b81),
InfoLogLength = ((int)0X8b84),
ShaderSourceLength = ((int)0X8b88),
ShaderCompiler = ((int)0X8dfa),
public enum StencilFunction
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
public enum StencilOp
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
IncrWrap = ((int)0X8507),
DecrWrap = ((int)0X8508),
public enum StringName
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
public enum TextureMagFilter
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
public enum TextureMinFilter
NearestMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2700),
LinearMipmapNearest = ((int)0X2701),
NearestMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2702),
LinearMipmapLinear = ((int)0X2703),
public enum TextureParameterName
TextureMagFilter = ((int)0X2800),
TextureMinFilter = ((int)0X2801),
TextureWrapS = ((int)0X2802),
TextureWrapT = ((int)0X2803),
public enum TextureTarget
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
TextureCubeMap = ((int)0X8513),
TextureBindingCubeMap = ((int)0X8514),
TextureCubeMapPositiveX = ((int)0X8515),
TextureCubeMapNegativeX = ((int)0X8516),
TextureCubeMapPositiveY = ((int)0X8517),
TextureCubeMapNegativeY = ((int)0X8518),
TextureCubeMapPositiveZ = ((int)0X8519),
TextureCubeMapNegativeZ = ((int)0X851a),
MaxCubeMapTextureSize = ((int)0X851c),
public enum TextureUnit
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
ActiveTexture = ((int)0X84e0),
public enum TextureWrapMode
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
ClampToEdge = ((int)0X812f),
MirroredRepeat = ((int)0X8370),
public enum UniformTypes
FloatVec2 = ((int)0X8b50),
FloatVec3 = ((int)0X8b51),
FloatVec4 = ((int)0X8b52),
IntVec2 = ((int)0X8b53),
IntVec3 = ((int)0X8b54),
IntVec4 = ((int)0X8b55),
Bool = ((int)0X8b56),
BoolVec2 = ((int)0X8b57),
BoolVec3 = ((int)0X8b58),
BoolVec4 = ((int)0X8b59),
FloatMat2 = ((int)0X8b5a),
FloatMat3 = ((int)0X8b5b),
FloatMat4 = ((int)0X8b5c),
Sampler2D = ((int)0X8b5e),
SamplerCube = ((int)0X8b60),
public enum Version
EsVersion20 = ((int)1),
public enum VertexArrays
VertexAttribArrayEnabled = ((int)0X8622),
VertexAttribArraySize = ((int)0X8623),
VertexAttribArrayStride = ((int)0X8624),
VertexAttribArrayType = ((int)0X8625),
VertexAttribArrayPointer = ((int)0X8645),
VertexAttribArrayNormalized = ((int)0X886a),
VertexAttribArrayBufferBinding = ((int)0X889f),
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
/// <summary>
/// Provides access to OpenGL ES 2.0 methods.
/// </summary>
public static partial class GL
public static partial class ES
const string Library = "libGLES.dll";
@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class GL
internal static partial class Core
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glAlphaFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AlphaFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All func, [In, Out] Single @ref);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glAlphaFuncx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AlphaFuncx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All func, [In, Out] int @ref);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All dfactor);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClear", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColorx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColorx([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthx([In, Out] int depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearStencil", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClientActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClientActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4f([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4x([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCullFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All func);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangex([In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisableClientState", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DisableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All array);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawArrays", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawElements", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnableClientState", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void EnableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All array);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFinish", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Finish();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFlush", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Flush();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Fogf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Fogfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Fogx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Fogxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrontFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrustumf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Frustumf([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrustumx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Frustumx([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetError", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All GetError();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetIntegerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetString", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe Byte GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glHint", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Lightf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Lightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LightModelf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LightModelfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LightModelx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LightModelxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Lightx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Lightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidth", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidthx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidthx([In, Out] int width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadIdentity", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LoadIdentity();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadMatrixf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LoadMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadMatrixx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LoadMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLogicOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LogicOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All opcode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Materialf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Materialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Materialx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Materialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMatrixMode", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MatrixMode([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoord4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MultiTexCoord4f([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Single s, [In, Out] Single t, [In, Out] Single r, [In, Out] Single q);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoord4x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MultiTexCoord4x([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] int s, [In, Out] int t, [In, Out] int r, [In, Out] int q);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultMatrixf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void MultMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultMatrixx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void MultMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormal3f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Normal3f([In, Out] Single nx, [In, Out] Single ny, [In, Out] Single nz);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormal3x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Normal3x([In, Out] int nx, [In, Out] int ny, [In, Out] int nz);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormalPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void NormalPointer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glOrthof", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Orthof([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glOrthox", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Orthox([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPixelStorei", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSize", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSize([In, Out] Single size);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSizex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSizex([In, Out] int size);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffset", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffsetx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffsetx([In, Out] int factor, [In, Out] int units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPopMatrix", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PopMatrix();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPushMatrix", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PushMatrix();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glReadPixels", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glRotatef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Rotatef([In, Out] Single angle, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glRotatex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Rotatex([In, Out] int angle, [In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoverage", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoveragex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoveragex([In, Out] int value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glScalef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scalef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glScalex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scalex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glScissor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glShadeModel", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ShadeModel([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All zpass);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexCoordPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexCoordPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTranslatef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Translatef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTranslatex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Translatex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glViewport", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
@ -1,667 +0,0 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES10
#pragma warning disable 1591
public enum All
False = ((int)0),
Noerror = ((int)0),
Zero = ((int)0),
Points = ((int)0X0000),
Depthbufferbit = ((int)0X00000100),
Stencilbufferbit = ((int)0X00000400),
Colorbufferbit = ((int)0X00004000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
Lineloop = ((int)0X0002),
Linestrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
Trianglestrip = ((int)0X0005),
Trianglefan = ((int)0X0006),
Add = ((int)0X0104),
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
Srccolor = ((int)0X0300),
Oneminussrccolor = ((int)0X0301),
Srcalpha = ((int)0X0302),
Oneminussrcalpha = ((int)0X0303),
Dstalpha = ((int)0X0304),
Oneminusdstalpha = ((int)0X0305),
Dstcolor = ((int)0X0306),
Oneminusdstcolor = ((int)0X0307),
Srcalphasaturate = ((int)0X0308),
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
Frontandback = ((int)0X0408),
Invalidenum = ((int)0X0500),
Invalidvalue = ((int)0X0501),
Invalidoperation = ((int)0X0502),
Stackoverflow = ((int)0X0503),
Stackunderflow = ((int)0X0504),
Outofmemory = ((int)0X0505),
Exp = ((int)0X0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0X0801),
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
Pointsmooth = ((int)0X0b10),
Smoothpointsizerange = ((int)0X0b12),
Linesmooth = ((int)0X0b20),
Smoothlinewidthrange = ((int)0X0b22),
Cullface = ((int)0X0b44),
Lighting = ((int)0X0b50),
Lightmodeltwoside = ((int)0X0b52),
Lightmodelambient = ((int)0X0b53),
Colormaterial = ((int)0X0b57),
Fog = ((int)0X0b60),
Fogdensity = ((int)0X0b62),
Fogstart = ((int)0X0b63),
Fogend = ((int)0X0b64),
Fogmode = ((int)0X0b65),
Fogcolor = ((int)0X0b66),
Depthtest = ((int)0X0b71),
Stenciltest = ((int)0X0b90),
Normalize = ((int)0X0ba1),
Alphatest = ((int)0X0bc0),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
Colorlogicop = ((int)0X0bf2),
Scissortest = ((int)0X0c11),
Perspectivecorrectionhint = ((int)0X0c50),
Pointsmoothhint = ((int)0X0c51),
Linesmoothhint = ((int)0X0c52),
Polygonsmoothhint = ((int)0X0c53),
Foghint = ((int)0X0c54),
Unpackalignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
Packalignment = ((int)0X0d05),
Maxlights = ((int)0X0d31),
Maxtexturesize = ((int)0X0d33),
Maxmodelviewstackdepth = ((int)0X0d36),
Maxprojectionstackdepth = ((int)0X0d38),
Maxtexturestackdepth = ((int)0X0d39),
Maxviewportdims = ((int)0X0d3a),
Subpixelbits = ((int)0X0d50),
Redbits = ((int)0X0d52),
Greenbits = ((int)0X0d53),
Bluebits = ((int)0X0d54),
Alphabits = ((int)0X0d55),
Depthbits = ((int)0X0d56),
Stencilbits = ((int)0X0d57),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
Dontcare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
Ambient = ((int)0X1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0X1201),
Specular = ((int)0X1202),
Position = ((int)0X1203),
Spotdirection = ((int)0X1204),
Spotexponent = ((int)0X1205),
Spotcutoff = ((int)0X1206),
Constantattenuation = ((int)0X1207),
Linearattenuation = ((int)0X1208),
Quadraticattenuation = ((int)0X1209),
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
Unsignedbyte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
Unsignedshort = ((int)0X1403),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
Clear = ((int)0X1500),
And = ((int)0X1501),
Andreverse = ((int)0X1502),
Copy = ((int)0X1503),
Andinverted = ((int)0X1504),
Noop = ((int)0X1505),
Xor = ((int)0X1506),
Or = ((int)0X1507),
Nor = ((int)0X1508),
Equiv = ((int)0X1509),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
Orreverse = ((int)0X150b),
Copyinverted = ((int)0X150c),
Orinverted = ((int)0X150d),
Nand = ((int)0X150e),
Set = ((int)0X150f),
Emission = ((int)0X1600),
Shininess = ((int)0X1601),
Ambientanddiffuse = ((int)0X1602),
Modelview = ((int)0X1700),
Projection = ((int)0X1701),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
Luminancealpha = ((int)0X190a),
Flat = ((int)0X1d00),
Smooth = ((int)0X1d01),
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
Modulate = ((int)0X2100),
Decal = ((int)0X2101),
Textureenvmode = ((int)0X2200),
Textureenvcolor = ((int)0X2201),
Textureenv = ((int)0X2300),
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
Nearestmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2700),
Linearmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2701),
Nearestmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2702),
Linearmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2703),
Texturemagfilter = ((int)0X2800),
Textureminfilter = ((int)0X2801),
Texturewraps = ((int)0X2802),
Texturewrapt = ((int)0X2803),
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
Light0 = ((int)0X4000),
Light1 = ((int)0X4001),
Light2 = ((int)0X4002),
Light3 = ((int)0X4003),
Light4 = ((int)0X4004),
Light5 = ((int)0X4005),
Light6 = ((int)0X4006),
Light7 = ((int)0X4007),
Unsignedshort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
Unsignedshort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
Polygonoffsetfill = ((int)0X8037),
Rescalenormal = ((int)0X803a),
Vertexarray = ((int)0X8074),
Normalarray = ((int)0X8075),
Colorarray = ((int)0X8076),
Texturecoordarray = ((int)0X8078),
Multisample = ((int)0X809d),
Samplealphatocoverage = ((int)0X809e),
Samplealphatoone = ((int)0X809f),
Samplecoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
Maxelementsvertices = ((int)0X80e8),
Maxelementsindices = ((int)0X80e9),
Clamptoedge = ((int)0X812f),
Unsignedshort565 = ((int)0X8363),
Aliasedpointsizerange = ((int)0X846d),
Aliasedlinewidthrange = ((int)0X846e),
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
Maxtextureunits = ((int)0X84e2),
Numcompressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a2),
Compressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a3),
Palette4rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b90),
Palette4rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b91),
Palette4r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b92),
Palette4rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b93),
Palette4rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b94),
Palette8rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b95),
Palette8rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b96),
Palette8r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b97),
Palette8rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b98),
Palette8rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b99),
Implementationcolorreadtypeoes = ((int)0X8b9a),
Implementationcolorreadformatoes = ((int)0X8b9b),
Oescompressedpalettedtexture = ((int)1),
Oesreadformat = ((int)1),
Oesversion10 = ((int)1),
One = ((int)1),
True = ((int)1),
public enum AlphaFunction
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
public enum BeginMode
Points = ((int)0X0000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
Lineloop = ((int)0X0002),
Linestrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
Trianglestrip = ((int)0X0005),
Trianglefan = ((int)0X0006),
public enum BlendingFactorDest
Zero = ((int)0),
Srccolor = ((int)0X0300),
Oneminussrccolor = ((int)0X0301),
Srcalpha = ((int)0X0302),
Oneminussrcalpha = ((int)0X0303),
Dstalpha = ((int)0X0304),
Oneminusdstalpha = ((int)0X0305),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendingFactorSrc
Dstcolor = ((int)0X0306),
Oneminusdstcolor = ((int)0X0307),
Srcalphasaturate = ((int)0X0308),
public enum Boolean
False = ((int)0),
True = ((int)1),
public enum ClearBufferMask
Depthbufferbit = ((int)0X00000100),
Stencilbufferbit = ((int)0X00000400),
Colorbufferbit = ((int)0X00004000),
public enum CullFaceMode
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
Frontandback = ((int)0X0408),
public enum DataType
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
Unsignedbyte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
Unsignedshort = ((int)0X1403),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
public enum EnableCap
Pointsmooth = ((int)0X0b10),
Linesmooth = ((int)0X0b20),
Cullface = ((int)0X0b44),
Lighting = ((int)0X0b50),
Colormaterial = ((int)0X0b57),
Fog = ((int)0X0b60),
Depthtest = ((int)0X0b71),
Stenciltest = ((int)0X0b90),
Normalize = ((int)0X0ba1),
Alphatest = ((int)0X0bc0),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
Colorlogicop = ((int)0X0bf2),
Scissortest = ((int)0X0c11),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
Polygonoffsetfill = ((int)0X8037),
Rescalenormal = ((int)0X803a),
Vertexarray = ((int)0X8074),
Normalarray = ((int)0X8075),
Colorarray = ((int)0X8076),
Texturecoordarray = ((int)0X8078),
Multisample = ((int)0X809d),
Samplealphatocoverage = ((int)0X809e),
Samplealphatoone = ((int)0X809f),
Samplecoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
public enum ErrorCode
Noerror = ((int)0),
Invalidenum = ((int)0X0500),
Invalidvalue = ((int)0X0501),
Invalidoperation = ((int)0X0502),
Stackoverflow = ((int)0X0503),
Stackunderflow = ((int)0X0504),
Outofmemory = ((int)0X0505),
public enum Extensions
Oescompressedpalettedtexture = ((int)1),
Oesreadformat = ((int)1),
Oesversion10 = ((int)1),
public enum FogMode
Exp = ((int)0X0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0X0801),
public enum FogParameter
Fogdensity = ((int)0X0b62),
Fogstart = ((int)0X0b63),
Fogend = ((int)0X0b64),
Fogmode = ((int)0X0b65),
Fogcolor = ((int)0X0b66),
public enum FrontFaceDirection
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
public enum GetPName
Smoothpointsizerange = ((int)0X0b12),
Smoothlinewidthrange = ((int)0X0b22),
Maxlights = ((int)0X0d31),
Maxtexturesize = ((int)0X0d33),
Maxmodelviewstackdepth = ((int)0X0d36),
Maxprojectionstackdepth = ((int)0X0d38),
Maxtexturestackdepth = ((int)0X0d39),
Maxviewportdims = ((int)0X0d3a),
Subpixelbits = ((int)0X0d50),
Redbits = ((int)0X0d52),
Greenbits = ((int)0X0d53),
Bluebits = ((int)0X0d54),
Alphabits = ((int)0X0d55),
Depthbits = ((int)0X0d56),
Stencilbits = ((int)0X0d57),
Maxelementsvertices = ((int)0X80e8),
Maxelementsindices = ((int)0X80e9),
Aliasedpointsizerange = ((int)0X846d),
Aliasedlinewidthrange = ((int)0X846e),
Maxtextureunits = ((int)0X84e2),
Numcompressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a2),
Compressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a3),
Implementationcolorreadtypeoes = ((int)0X8b9a),
Implementationcolorreadformatoes = ((int)0X8b9b),
public enum HintMode
Dontcare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
public enum HintTarget
Perspectivecorrectionhint = ((int)0X0c50),
Pointsmoothhint = ((int)0X0c51),
Linesmoothhint = ((int)0X0c52),
Polygonsmoothhint = ((int)0X0c53),
Foghint = ((int)0X0c54),
public enum LightModelParameter
Lightmodeltwoside = ((int)0X0b52),
Lightmodelambient = ((int)0X0b53),
public enum LightName
Light0 = ((int)0X4000),
Light1 = ((int)0X4001),
Light2 = ((int)0X4002),
Light3 = ((int)0X4003),
Light4 = ((int)0X4004),
Light5 = ((int)0X4005),
Light6 = ((int)0X4006),
Light7 = ((int)0X4007),
public enum LightParameter
Ambient = ((int)0X1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0X1201),
Specular = ((int)0X1202),
Position = ((int)0X1203),
Spotdirection = ((int)0X1204),
Spotexponent = ((int)0X1205),
Spotcutoff = ((int)0X1206),
Constantattenuation = ((int)0X1207),
Linearattenuation = ((int)0X1208),
Quadraticattenuation = ((int)0X1209),
public enum LogicOp
Clear = ((int)0X1500),
And = ((int)0X1501),
Andreverse = ((int)0X1502),
Copy = ((int)0X1503),
Andinverted = ((int)0X1504),
Noop = ((int)0X1505),
Xor = ((int)0X1506),
Or = ((int)0X1507),
Nor = ((int)0X1508),
Equiv = ((int)0X1509),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
Orreverse = ((int)0X150b),
Copyinverted = ((int)0X150c),
Orinverted = ((int)0X150d),
Nand = ((int)0X150e),
Set = ((int)0X150f),
public enum MaterialParameter
Emission = ((int)0X1600),
Shininess = ((int)0X1601),
Ambientanddiffuse = ((int)0X1602),
public enum MatrixMode
Modelview = ((int)0X1700),
Projection = ((int)0X1701),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
public enum PixelFormat
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
Luminancealpha = ((int)0X190a),
public enum PixelInternalFormat
Palette4rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b90),
Palette4rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b91),
Palette4r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b92),
Palette4rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b93),
Palette4rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b94),
Palette8rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b95),
Palette8rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b96),
Palette8r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b97),
Palette8rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b98),
Palette8rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b99),
public enum PixelStoreParameter
Unpackalignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
Packalignment = ((int)0X0d05),
public enum PixelType
Unsignedshort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
Unsignedshort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
Unsignedshort565 = ((int)0X8363),
public enum ShadingModel
Flat = ((int)0X1d00),
Smooth = ((int)0X1d01),
public enum StencilOp
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
public enum StringName
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
public enum TextureEnvMode
Add = ((int)0X0104),
Modulate = ((int)0X2100),
Decal = ((int)0X2101),
public enum TextureEnvParameter
Textureenvmode = ((int)0X2200),
Textureenvcolor = ((int)0X2201),
public enum TextureEnvTarget
Textureenv = ((int)0X2300),
public enum TextureMagFilter
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
public enum TextureMinFilter
Nearestmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2700),
Linearmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2701),
Nearestmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2702),
Linearmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2703),
public enum TextureParameterName
Texturemagfilter = ((int)0X2800),
Textureminfilter = ((int)0X2801),
Texturewraps = ((int)0X2802),
Texturewrapt = ((int)0X2803),
public enum TextureUnit
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
public enum TextureWrapMode
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
Clamptoedge = ((int)0X812f),
@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class GL
internal static partial class Core
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glAlphaFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AlphaFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All func, [In, Out] Single @ref);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glAlphaFuncx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AlphaFuncx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All func, [In, Out] int @ref);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindBuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindBuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All dfactor);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBufferData", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BufferData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All usage);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBufferSubData", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BufferSubData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr offset, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClear", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColorx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColorx([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthx([In, Out] int depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearStencil", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClientActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClientActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClipPlanef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void ClipPlanef([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All plane, [In, Out] Single* equation);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClipPlanex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void ClipPlanex([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All plane, [In, Out] int* equation);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4f([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4ub", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4ub([In, Out] Byte red, [In, Out] Byte green, [In, Out] Byte blue, [In, Out] Byte alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColor4x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Color4x([In, Out] int red, [In, Out] int green, [In, Out] int blue, [In, Out] int alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCullFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteBuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All func);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangex([In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisableClientState", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DisableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All array);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawArrays", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawElements", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnableClientState", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void EnableClientState([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All array);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFinish", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Finish();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFlush", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Flush();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Fogf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Fogfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Fogx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFogxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Fogxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrontFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrustumf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Frustumf([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrustumx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Frustumx([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenBuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetBooleanv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetBooleanv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] bool* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetBufferParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetBufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetClipPlanef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetClipPlanef([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* eqn);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetClipPlanex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetClipPlanex([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* eqn);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetError", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All GetError();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetFixedv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetFixedv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetFloatv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetFloatv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetIntegerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetLightfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetLightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetLightxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetLightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetMaterialfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetMaterialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetMaterialxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetMaterialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetPointerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void GetPointerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] IntPtr @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetString", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe Byte GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexEnvfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexEnviv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexEnviv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexEnvxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All env, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameterxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glHint", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsBuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsBuffer([In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsEnabled", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsEnabled([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsTexture([In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Lightf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Lightfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LightModelf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LightModelfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LightModelx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightModelxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LightModelxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Lightx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLightxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Lightxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All light, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidth", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidthx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidthx([In, Out] int width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadIdentity", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LoadIdentity();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadMatrixf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LoadMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLoadMatrixx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void LoadMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLogicOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LogicOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All opcode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Materialf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Materialfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Materialx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMaterialxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Materialxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMatrixMode", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MatrixMode([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoord4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MultiTexCoord4f([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Single s, [In, Out] Single t, [In, Out] Single r, [In, Out] Single q);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultiTexCoord4x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void MultiTexCoord4x([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] int s, [In, Out] int t, [In, Out] int r, [In, Out] int q);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultMatrixf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void MultMatrixf([In, Out] Single* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glMultMatrixx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void MultMatrixx([In, Out] int* m);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormal3f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Normal3f([In, Out] Single nx, [In, Out] Single ny, [In, Out] Single nz);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormal3x", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Normal3x([In, Out] int nx, [In, Out] int ny, [In, Out] int nz);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glNormalPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void NormalPointer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glOrthof", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Orthof([In, Out] Single left, [In, Out] Single right, [In, Out] Single bottom, [In, Out] Single top, [In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glOrthox", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Orthox([In, Out] int left, [In, Out] int right, [In, Out] int bottom, [In, Out] int top, [In, Out] int zNear, [In, Out] int zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPixelStorei", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointParameterf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void PointParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointParameterx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointParameterxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void PointParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSize", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSize([In, Out] Single size);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSizePointerOES", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSizePointerOES([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPointSizex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PointSizex([In, Out] int size);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffset", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffsetx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffsetx([In, Out] int factor, [In, Out] int units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPopMatrix", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PopMatrix();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPushMatrix", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PushMatrix();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glReadPixels", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glRotatef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Rotatef([In, Out] Single angle, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glRotatex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Rotatex([In, Out] int angle, [In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoverage", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoveragex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoveragex([In, Out] int value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glScalef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scalef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glScalex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scalex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glScissor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glShadeModel", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ShadeModel([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All zpass);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexCoordPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexCoordPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnvfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvi", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvi([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnviv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnviv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexEnvx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexEnvxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexEnvxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameteri", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameteri([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterx", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterx([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterxv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameterxv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All pname, [In, Out] int* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTranslatef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Translatef([In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTranslatex", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Translatex([In, Out] int x, [In, Out] int y, [In, Out] int z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexPointer([In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11.All type, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glViewport", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
@ -1,929 +0,0 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES11
#pragma warning disable 1591
public enum All
False = ((int)0),
Noerror = ((int)0),
Zero = ((int)0),
Points = ((int)0X0000),
Depthbufferbit = ((int)0X00000100),
Stencilbufferbit = ((int)0X00000400),
Colorbufferbit = ((int)0X00004000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
Lineloop = ((int)0X0002),
Linestrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
Trianglestrip = ((int)0X0005),
Trianglefan = ((int)0X0006),
Add = ((int)0X0104),
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
Srccolor = ((int)0X0300),
Oneminussrccolor = ((int)0X0301),
Srcalpha = ((int)0X0302),
Oneminussrcalpha = ((int)0X0303),
Dstalpha = ((int)0X0304),
Oneminusdstalpha = ((int)0X0305),
Dstcolor = ((int)0X0306),
Oneminusdstcolor = ((int)0X0307),
Srcalphasaturate = ((int)0X0308),
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
Frontandback = ((int)0X0408),
Invalidenum = ((int)0X0500),
Invalidvalue = ((int)0X0501),
Invalidoperation = ((int)0X0502),
Stackoverflow = ((int)0X0503),
Stackunderflow = ((int)0X0504),
Outofmemory = ((int)0X0505),
Exp = ((int)0X0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0X0801),
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
Currentcolor = ((int)0X0b00),
Currentnormal = ((int)0X0b02),
Currenttexturecoords = ((int)0X0b03),
Pointsmooth = ((int)0X0b10),
Pointsize = ((int)0X0b11),
Smoothpointsizerange = ((int)0X0b12),
Linesmooth = ((int)0X0b20),
Linewidth = ((int)0X0b21),
Smoothlinewidthrange = ((int)0X0b22),
Cullface = ((int)0X0b44),
Cullfacemode = ((int)0X0b45),
Frontface = ((int)0X0b46),
Lighting = ((int)0X0b50),
Lightmodeltwoside = ((int)0X0b52),
Lightmodelambient = ((int)0X0b53),
Shademodel = ((int)0X0b54),
Colormaterial = ((int)0X0b57),
Fog = ((int)0X0b60),
Fogdensity = ((int)0X0b62),
Fogstart = ((int)0X0b63),
Fogend = ((int)0X0b64),
Fogmode = ((int)0X0b65),
Fogcolor = ((int)0X0b66),
Depthrange = ((int)0X0b70),
Depthtest = ((int)0X0b71),
Depthwritemask = ((int)0X0b72),
Depthclearvalue = ((int)0X0b73),
Depthfunc = ((int)0X0b74),
Stenciltest = ((int)0X0b90),
Stencilclearvalue = ((int)0X0b91),
Stencilfunc = ((int)0X0b92),
Stencilvaluemask = ((int)0X0b93),
Stencilfail = ((int)0X0b94),
Stencilpassdepthfail = ((int)0X0b95),
Stencilpassdepthpass = ((int)0X0b96),
Stencilref = ((int)0X0b97),
Stencilwritemask = ((int)0X0b98),
Matrixmode = ((int)0X0ba0),
Normalize = ((int)0X0ba1),
Viewport = ((int)0X0ba2),
Modelviewstackdepth = ((int)0X0ba3),
Projectionstackdepth = ((int)0X0ba4),
Texturestackdepth = ((int)0X0ba5),
Modelviewmatrix = ((int)0X0ba6),
Projectionmatrix = ((int)0X0ba7),
Texturematrix = ((int)0X0ba8),
Alphatest = ((int)0X0bc0),
Alphatestfunc = ((int)0X0bc1),
Alphatestref = ((int)0X0bc2),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blenddst = ((int)0X0be0),
Blendsrc = ((int)0X0be1),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
Logicopmode = ((int)0X0bf0),
Colorlogicop = ((int)0X0bf2),
Scissorbox = ((int)0X0c10),
Scissortest = ((int)0X0c11),
Colorclearvalue = ((int)0X0c22),
Colorwritemask = ((int)0X0c23),
Perspectivecorrectionhint = ((int)0X0c50),
Pointsmoothhint = ((int)0X0c51),
Linesmoothhint = ((int)0X0c52),
Foghint = ((int)0X0c54),
Unpackalignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
Packalignment = ((int)0X0d05),
Alphascale = ((int)0X0d1c),
Maxlights = ((int)0X0d31),
Maxclipplanes = ((int)0X0d32),
Maxtexturesize = ((int)0X0d33),
Maxmodelviewstackdepth = ((int)0X0d36),
Maxprojectionstackdepth = ((int)0X0d38),
Maxtexturestackdepth = ((int)0X0d39),
Maxviewportdims = ((int)0X0d3a),
Subpixelbits = ((int)0X0d50),
Redbits = ((int)0X0d52),
Greenbits = ((int)0X0d53),
Bluebits = ((int)0X0d54),
Alphabits = ((int)0X0d55),
Depthbits = ((int)0X0d56),
Stencilbits = ((int)0X0d57),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
Dontcare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
Ambient = ((int)0X1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0X1201),
Specular = ((int)0X1202),
Position = ((int)0X1203),
Spotdirection = ((int)0X1204),
Spotexponent = ((int)0X1205),
Spotcutoff = ((int)0X1206),
Constantattenuation = ((int)0X1207),
Linearattenuation = ((int)0X1208),
Quadraticattenuation = ((int)0X1209),
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
Unsignedbyte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
Unsignedshort = ((int)0X1403),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
Clear = ((int)0X1500),
And = ((int)0X1501),
Andreverse = ((int)0X1502),
Copy = ((int)0X1503),
Andinverted = ((int)0X1504),
Noop = ((int)0X1505),
Xor = ((int)0X1506),
Or = ((int)0X1507),
Nor = ((int)0X1508),
Equiv = ((int)0X1509),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
Orreverse = ((int)0X150b),
Copyinverted = ((int)0X150c),
Orinverted = ((int)0X150d),
Nand = ((int)0X150e),
Set = ((int)0X150f),
Emission = ((int)0X1600),
Shininess = ((int)0X1601),
Ambientanddiffuse = ((int)0X1602),
Modelview = ((int)0X1700),
Projection = ((int)0X1701),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
Luminancealpha = ((int)0X190a),
Flat = ((int)0X1d00),
Smooth = ((int)0X1d01),
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
Modulate = ((int)0X2100),
Decal = ((int)0X2101),
Textureenvmode = ((int)0X2200),
Textureenvcolor = ((int)0X2201),
Textureenv = ((int)0X2300),
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
Nearestmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2700),
Linearmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2701),
Nearestmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2702),
Linearmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2703),
Texturemagfilter = ((int)0X2800),
Textureminfilter = ((int)0X2801),
Texturewraps = ((int)0X2802),
Texturewrapt = ((int)0X2803),
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
Polygonoffsetunits = ((int)0X2a00),
Clipplane0 = ((int)0X3000),
Clipplane1 = ((int)0X3001),
Clipplane2 = ((int)0X3002),
Clipplane3 = ((int)0X3003),
Clipplane4 = ((int)0X3004),
Clipplane5 = ((int)0X3005),
Light0 = ((int)0X4000),
Light1 = ((int)0X4001),
Light2 = ((int)0X4002),
Light3 = ((int)0X4003),
Light4 = ((int)0X4004),
Light5 = ((int)0X4005),
Light6 = ((int)0X4006),
Light7 = ((int)0X4007),
Unsignedshort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
Unsignedshort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
Polygonoffsetfill = ((int)0X8037),
Polygonoffsetfactor = ((int)0X8038),
Rescalenormal = ((int)0X803a),
Texturebinding2D = ((int)0X8069),
Vertexarray = ((int)0X8074),
Normalarray = ((int)0X8075),
Colorarray = ((int)0X8076),
Texturecoordarray = ((int)0X8078),
Vertexarraysize = ((int)0X807a),
Vertexarraytype = ((int)0X807b),
Vertexarraystride = ((int)0X807c),
Normalarraytype = ((int)0X807e),
Normalarraystride = ((int)0X807f),
Colorarraysize = ((int)0X8081),
Colorarraytype = ((int)0X8082),
Colorarraystride = ((int)0X8083),
Texturecoordarraysize = ((int)0X8088),
Texturecoordarraytype = ((int)0X8089),
Texturecoordarraystride = ((int)0X808a),
Vertexarraypointer = ((int)0X808e),
Normalarraypointer = ((int)0X808f),
Colorarraypointer = ((int)0X8090),
Texturecoordarraypointer = ((int)0X8092),
Multisample = ((int)0X809d),
Samplealphatocoverage = ((int)0X809e),
Samplealphatoone = ((int)0X809f),
Samplecoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
Samplebuffers = ((int)0X80a8),
Samples = ((int)0X80a9),
Samplecoveragevalue = ((int)0X80aa),
Samplecoverageinvert = ((int)0X80ab),
Pointsizemin = ((int)0X8126),
Pointsizemax = ((int)0X8127),
Pointfadethresholdsize = ((int)0X8128),
Pointdistanceattenuation = ((int)0X8129),
Clamptoedge = ((int)0X812f),
Generatemipmap = ((int)0X8191),
Generatemipmaphint = ((int)0X8192),
Unsignedshort565 = ((int)0X8363),
Aliasedpointsizerange = ((int)0X846d),
Aliasedlinewidthrange = ((int)0X846e),
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
Activetexture = ((int)0X84e0),
Clientactivetexture = ((int)0X84e1),
Maxtextureunits = ((int)0X84e2),
Subtract = ((int)0X84e7),
Combine = ((int)0X8570),
Combinergb = ((int)0X8571),
Combinealpha = ((int)0X8572),
Rgbscale = ((int)0X8573),
Addsigned = ((int)0X8574),
Interpolate = ((int)0X8575),
Constant = ((int)0X8576),
Primarycolor = ((int)0X8577),
Previous = ((int)0X8578),
Src0rgb = ((int)0X8580),
Src1rgb = ((int)0X8581),
Src2rgb = ((int)0X8582),
Src0alpha = ((int)0X8588),
Src1alpha = ((int)0X8589),
Src2alpha = ((int)0X858a),
Operand0rgb = ((int)0X8590),
Operand1rgb = ((int)0X8591),
Operand2rgb = ((int)0X8592),
Operand0alpha = ((int)0X8598),
Operand1alpha = ((int)0X8599),
Operand2alpha = ((int)0X859a),
Numcompressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a2),
Compressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a3),
Dot3rgb = ((int)0X86ae),
Dot3rgba = ((int)0X86af),
Buffersize = ((int)0X8764),
Bufferusage = ((int)0X8765),
Pointspriteoes = ((int)0X8861),
Coordreplaceoes = ((int)0X8862),
Arraybuffer = ((int)0X8892),
Elementarraybuffer = ((int)0X8893),
Arraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8894),
Elementarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8895),
Vertexarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8896),
Normalarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8897),
Colorarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8898),
Texturecoordarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X889a),
Staticdraw = ((int)0X88e4),
Dynamicdraw = ((int)0X88e8),
Pointsizearraytypeoes = ((int)0X898a),
Pointsizearraystrideoes = ((int)0X898b),
Pointsizearraypointeroes = ((int)0X898c),
Palette4rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b90),
Palette4rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b91),
Palette4r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b92),
Palette4rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b93),
Palette4rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b94),
Palette8rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b95),
Palette8rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b96),
Palette8r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b97),
Palette8rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b98),
Palette8rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b99),
Implementationcolorreadtypeoes = ((int)0X8b9a),
Implementationcolorreadformatoes = ((int)0X8b9b),
Pointsizearrayoes = ((int)0X8b9c),
Pointsizearraybufferbindingoes = ((int)0X8b9f),
One = ((int)1),
True = ((int)1),
Versionescl10 = ((int)1),
Versionescl11 = ((int)1),
Versionescm10 = ((int)1),
Versionescm11 = ((int)1),
public enum AlphaFunction
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
public enum BeginMode
Points = ((int)0X0000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
Lineloop = ((int)0X0002),
Linestrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
Trianglestrip = ((int)0X0005),
Trianglefan = ((int)0X0006),
public enum BlendingFactorDest
Zero = ((int)0),
Srccolor = ((int)0X0300),
Oneminussrccolor = ((int)0X0301),
Srcalpha = ((int)0X0302),
Oneminussrcalpha = ((int)0X0303),
Dstalpha = ((int)0X0304),
Oneminusdstalpha = ((int)0X0305),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendingFactorSrc
Dstcolor = ((int)0X0306),
Oneminusdstcolor = ((int)0X0307),
Srcalphasaturate = ((int)0X0308),
public enum Boolean
False = ((int)0),
True = ((int)1),
public enum BufferObjects
Buffersize = ((int)0X8764),
Bufferusage = ((int)0X8765),
Arraybuffer = ((int)0X8892),
Elementarraybuffer = ((int)0X8893),
Arraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8894),
Elementarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8895),
Vertexarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8896),
Normalarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8897),
Colorarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8898),
Texturecoordarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X889a),
Staticdraw = ((int)0X88e4),
Dynamicdraw = ((int)0X88e8),
public enum ClearBufferMask
Depthbufferbit = ((int)0X00000100),
Stencilbufferbit = ((int)0X00000400),
Colorbufferbit = ((int)0X00004000),
public enum ClipPlaneName
Clipplane0 = ((int)0X3000),
Clipplane1 = ((int)0X3001),
Clipplane2 = ((int)0X3002),
Clipplane3 = ((int)0X3003),
Clipplane4 = ((int)0X3004),
Clipplane5 = ((int)0X3005),
public enum CullFaceMode
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
Frontandback = ((int)0X0408),
public enum DataType
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
Unsignedbyte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
Unsignedshort = ((int)0X1403),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
public enum EnableCap
Pointsmooth = ((int)0X0b10),
Linesmooth = ((int)0X0b20),
Cullface = ((int)0X0b44),
Lighting = ((int)0X0b50),
Colormaterial = ((int)0X0b57),
Fog = ((int)0X0b60),
Depthtest = ((int)0X0b71),
Stenciltest = ((int)0X0b90),
Normalize = ((int)0X0ba1),
Alphatest = ((int)0X0bc0),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
Colorlogicop = ((int)0X0bf2),
Scissortest = ((int)0X0c11),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
Polygonoffsetfill = ((int)0X8037),
Rescalenormal = ((int)0X803a),
Vertexarray = ((int)0X8074),
Normalarray = ((int)0X8075),
Colorarray = ((int)0X8076),
Texturecoordarray = ((int)0X8078),
Multisample = ((int)0X809d),
Samplealphatocoverage = ((int)0X809e),
Samplealphatoone = ((int)0X809f),
Samplecoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
public enum ErrorCode
Noerror = ((int)0),
Invalidenum = ((int)0X0500),
Invalidvalue = ((int)0X0501),
Invalidoperation = ((int)0X0502),
Stackoverflow = ((int)0X0503),
Stackunderflow = ((int)0X0504),
Outofmemory = ((int)0X0505),
public enum FogMode
Exp = ((int)0X0800),
Exp2 = ((int)0X0801),
public enum FogParameter
Fogdensity = ((int)0X0b62),
Fogstart = ((int)0X0b63),
Fogend = ((int)0X0b64),
Fogmode = ((int)0X0b65),
Fogcolor = ((int)0X0b66),
public enum FrontFaceDirection
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
public enum GetPName
Currentcolor = ((int)0X0b00),
Currentnormal = ((int)0X0b02),
Currenttexturecoords = ((int)0X0b03),
Pointsize = ((int)0X0b11),
Smoothpointsizerange = ((int)0X0b12),
Linewidth = ((int)0X0b21),
Smoothlinewidthrange = ((int)0X0b22),
Cullfacemode = ((int)0X0b45),
Frontface = ((int)0X0b46),
Shademodel = ((int)0X0b54),
Depthrange = ((int)0X0b70),
Depthwritemask = ((int)0X0b72),
Depthclearvalue = ((int)0X0b73),
Depthfunc = ((int)0X0b74),
Stencilclearvalue = ((int)0X0b91),
Stencilfunc = ((int)0X0b92),
Stencilvaluemask = ((int)0X0b93),
Stencilfail = ((int)0X0b94),
Stencilpassdepthfail = ((int)0X0b95),
Stencilpassdepthpass = ((int)0X0b96),
Stencilref = ((int)0X0b97),
Stencilwritemask = ((int)0X0b98),
Matrixmode = ((int)0X0ba0),
Viewport = ((int)0X0ba2),
Modelviewstackdepth = ((int)0X0ba3),
Projectionstackdepth = ((int)0X0ba4),
Texturestackdepth = ((int)0X0ba5),
Modelviewmatrix = ((int)0X0ba6),
Projectionmatrix = ((int)0X0ba7),
Texturematrix = ((int)0X0ba8),
Alphatestfunc = ((int)0X0bc1),
Alphatestref = ((int)0X0bc2),
Blenddst = ((int)0X0be0),
Blendsrc = ((int)0X0be1),
Logicopmode = ((int)0X0bf0),
Scissorbox = ((int)0X0c10),
Scissortest = ((int)0X0c11),
Colorclearvalue = ((int)0X0c22),
Colorwritemask = ((int)0X0c23),
Unpackalignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
Packalignment = ((int)0X0d05),
Maxlights = ((int)0X0d31),
Maxclipplanes = ((int)0X0d32),
Maxtexturesize = ((int)0X0d33),
Maxmodelviewstackdepth = ((int)0X0d36),
Maxprojectionstackdepth = ((int)0X0d38),
Maxtexturestackdepth = ((int)0X0d39),
Maxviewportdims = ((int)0X0d3a),
Subpixelbits = ((int)0X0d50),
Redbits = ((int)0X0d52),
Greenbits = ((int)0X0d53),
Bluebits = ((int)0X0d54),
Alphabits = ((int)0X0d55),
Depthbits = ((int)0X0d56),
Stencilbits = ((int)0X0d57),
Polygonoffsetunits = ((int)0X2a00),
Polygonoffsetfill = ((int)0X8037),
Polygonoffsetfactor = ((int)0X8038),
Texturebinding2D = ((int)0X8069),
Vertexarraysize = ((int)0X807a),
Vertexarraytype = ((int)0X807b),
Vertexarraystride = ((int)0X807c),
Normalarraytype = ((int)0X807e),
Normalarraystride = ((int)0X807f),
Colorarraysize = ((int)0X8081),
Colorarraytype = ((int)0X8082),
Colorarraystride = ((int)0X8083),
Texturecoordarraysize = ((int)0X8088),
Texturecoordarraytype = ((int)0X8089),
Texturecoordarraystride = ((int)0X808a),
Vertexarraypointer = ((int)0X808e),
Normalarraypointer = ((int)0X808f),
Colorarraypointer = ((int)0X8090),
Texturecoordarraypointer = ((int)0X8092),
Samplebuffers = ((int)0X80a8),
Samples = ((int)0X80a9),
Samplecoveragevalue = ((int)0X80aa),
Samplecoverageinvert = ((int)0X80ab),
Pointsizemin = ((int)0X8126),
Pointsizemax = ((int)0X8127),
Pointfadethresholdsize = ((int)0X8128),
Pointdistanceattenuation = ((int)0X8129),
Aliasedpointsizerange = ((int)0X846d),
Aliasedlinewidthrange = ((int)0X846e),
Maxtextureunits = ((int)0X84e2),
public enum GetTextureParameter
Numcompressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a2),
Compressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a3),
public enum HintMode
Dontcare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
public enum HintTarget
Perspectivecorrectionhint = ((int)0X0c50),
Pointsmoothhint = ((int)0X0c51),
Linesmoothhint = ((int)0X0c52),
Foghint = ((int)0X0c54),
Generatemipmaphint = ((int)0X8192),
public enum LightModelParameter
Lightmodeltwoside = ((int)0X0b52),
Lightmodelambient = ((int)0X0b53),
public enum LightName
Light0 = ((int)0X4000),
Light1 = ((int)0X4001),
Light2 = ((int)0X4002),
Light3 = ((int)0X4003),
Light4 = ((int)0X4004),
Light5 = ((int)0X4005),
Light6 = ((int)0X4006),
Light7 = ((int)0X4007),
public enum LightParameter
Ambient = ((int)0X1200),
Diffuse = ((int)0X1201),
Specular = ((int)0X1202),
Position = ((int)0X1203),
Spotdirection = ((int)0X1204),
Spotexponent = ((int)0X1205),
Spotcutoff = ((int)0X1206),
Constantattenuation = ((int)0X1207),
Linearattenuation = ((int)0X1208),
Quadraticattenuation = ((int)0X1209),
public enum LogicOp
Clear = ((int)0X1500),
And = ((int)0X1501),
Andreverse = ((int)0X1502),
Copy = ((int)0X1503),
Andinverted = ((int)0X1504),
Noop = ((int)0X1505),
Xor = ((int)0X1506),
Or = ((int)0X1507),
Nor = ((int)0X1508),
Equiv = ((int)0X1509),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
Orreverse = ((int)0X150b),
Copyinverted = ((int)0X150c),
Orinverted = ((int)0X150d),
Nand = ((int)0X150e),
Set = ((int)0X150f),
public enum MaterialParameter
Emission = ((int)0X1600),
Shininess = ((int)0X1601),
Ambientanddiffuse = ((int)0X1602),
public enum MatrixMode
Modelview = ((int)0X1700),
Projection = ((int)0X1701),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
public enum OesCompressedPalettedTexture
Palette4rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b90),
Palette4rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b91),
Palette4r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b92),
Palette4rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b93),
Palette4rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b94),
Palette8rgb8oes = ((int)0X8b95),
Palette8rgba8oes = ((int)0X8b96),
Palette8r5g6b5oes = ((int)0X8b97),
Palette8rgba4oes = ((int)0X8b98),
Palette8rgb5a1oes = ((int)0X8b99),
public enum OesPointSizeArray
Pointsizearraytypeoes = ((int)0X898a),
Pointsizearraystrideoes = ((int)0X898b),
Pointsizearraypointeroes = ((int)0X898c),
Pointsizearrayoes = ((int)0X8b9c),
Pointsizearraybufferbindingoes = ((int)0X8b9f),
public enum OesPointSprite
Pointspriteoes = ((int)0X8861),
Coordreplaceoes = ((int)0X8862),
public enum OesReadFormat
Implementationcolorreadtypeoes = ((int)0X8b9a),
Implementationcolorreadformatoes = ((int)0X8b9b),
public enum OpenGlescoreVersions
Versionescl10 = ((int)1),
Versionescl11 = ((int)1),
Versionescm10 = ((int)1),
Versionescm11 = ((int)1),
public enum PixelFormat
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
Luminancealpha = ((int)0X190a),
public enum PixelStoreParameter
Unpackalignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
Packalignment = ((int)0X0d05),
public enum PixelType
Unsignedshort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
Unsignedshort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
Unsignedshort565 = ((int)0X8363),
public enum ShadingModel
Flat = ((int)0X1d00),
Smooth = ((int)0X1d01),
public enum StencilOp
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
public enum StringName
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
public enum TextureCombine
Alphascale = ((int)0X0d1c),
Subtract = ((int)0X84e7),
Combine = ((int)0X8570),
Combinergb = ((int)0X8571),
Combinealpha = ((int)0X8572),
Rgbscale = ((int)0X8573),
Addsigned = ((int)0X8574),
Interpolate = ((int)0X8575),
Constant = ((int)0X8576),
Primarycolor = ((int)0X8577),
Previous = ((int)0X8578),
Src0rgb = ((int)0X8580),
Src1rgb = ((int)0X8581),
Src2rgb = ((int)0X8582),
Src0alpha = ((int)0X8588),
Src1alpha = ((int)0X8589),
Src2alpha = ((int)0X858a),
Operand0rgb = ((int)0X8590),
Operand1rgb = ((int)0X8591),
Operand2rgb = ((int)0X8592),
Operand0alpha = ((int)0X8598),
Operand1alpha = ((int)0X8599),
Operand2alpha = ((int)0X859a),
Dot3rgb = ((int)0X86ae),
Dot3rgba = ((int)0X86af),
public enum TextureEnvMode
Add = ((int)0X0104),
Modulate = ((int)0X2100),
Decal = ((int)0X2101),
public enum TextureEnvParameter
Textureenvmode = ((int)0X2200),
Textureenvcolor = ((int)0X2201),
public enum TextureEnvTarget
Textureenv = ((int)0X2300),
public enum TextureMagFilter
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
public enum TextureMinFilter
Nearestmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2700),
Linearmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2701),
Nearestmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2702),
Linearmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2703),
public enum TextureParameterName
Texturemagfilter = ((int)0X2800),
Textureminfilter = ((int)0X2801),
Texturewraps = ((int)0X2802),
Texturewrapt = ((int)0X2803),
Generatemipmap = ((int)0X8191),
public enum TextureUnit
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
Activetexture = ((int)0X84e0),
Clientactivetexture = ((int)0X84e1),
public enum TextureWrapMode
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
Clamptoedge = ((int)0X812f),
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
#pragma warning disable 3019
#pragma warning disable 1591
partial class GL
internal static partial class Core
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glActiveTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ActiveTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glAttachShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void AttachShader([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindAttribLocation", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindAttribLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindBuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindBuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindFramebuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindFramebuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 framebuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindRenderbuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindRenderbuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBindTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BindTexture([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendColor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendEquation", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendEquation([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendEquationSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendEquationSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All modeRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All modeAlpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All sfactor, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All dfactor);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBlendFuncSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BlendFuncSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All srcRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All dstRGB, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All srcAlpha, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All dstAlpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBufferData", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BufferData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All usage);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glBufferSubData", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void BufferSubData([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] IntPtr offset, [In, Out] IntPtr size, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCheckFramebufferStatus", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All CheckFramebufferStatus([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClear", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Clear([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearColor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearColor([In, Out] Single red, [In, Out] Single green, [In, Out] Single blue, [In, Out] Single alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearDepthf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearDepthf([In, Out] Single depth);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glClearStencil", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ClearStencil([In, Out] Int32 s);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glColorMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ColorMask([In, Out] bool red, [In, Out] bool green, [In, Out] bool blue, [In, Out] bool alpha);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompileShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompileShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCompressedTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CompressedTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All format, [In, Out] Int32 imageSize, [In, Out] IntPtr data);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCopyTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CopyTexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCreateProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static Int32 CreateProgram();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCreateShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static Int32 CreateShader([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glCullFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void CullFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteBuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteFramebuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteFramebuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* framebuffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DeleteProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteRenderbuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteRenderbuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* renderbuffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DeleteShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDeleteTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void DeleteTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All func);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthMask([In, Out] bool flag);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDepthRangef", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DepthRangef([In, Out] Single zNear, [In, Out] Single zFar);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDetachShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DetachShader([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Disable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDisableVertexAttribArray", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DisableVertexAttribArray([In, Out] UInt32 index);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawArrays", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawArrays([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 first, [In, Out] Int32 count);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glDrawElements", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void DrawElements([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr indices);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnable", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Enable([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glEnableVertexAttribArray", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void EnableVertexAttribArray([In, Out] UInt32 index);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFinish", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Finish();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFlush", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Flush();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFramebufferRenderbuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FramebufferRenderbuffer([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All renderbuffertarget, [In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFramebufferTexture2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FramebufferTexture2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All textarget, [In, Out] UInt32 texture, [In, Out] Int32 level);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glFrontFace", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void FrontFace([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenBuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenBuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* buffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenerateMipmap", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void GenerateMipmap([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenFramebuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenFramebuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* framebuffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenRenderbuffers", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenRenderbuffers([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* renderbuffers);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGenTextures", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GenTextures([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* textures);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetActiveAttrib", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetActiveAttrib([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] Int32* size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All* type, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetActiveUniform", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetActiveUniform([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] Int32* size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All* type, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetAttachedShaders", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetAttachedShaders([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 maxcount, [In, Out] Int32* count, [In, Out] UInt32* shaders);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetAttribLocation", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static int GetAttribLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetBooleanv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetBooleanv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] bool* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetBufferParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetBufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetError", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All GetError();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetFloatv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetFloatv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All attachment, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetIntegerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetIntegerv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetProgramInfoLog", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetProgramInfoLog([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String infolog);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetProgramiv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetProgramiv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetRenderbufferParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetRenderbufferParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetShaderInfoLog", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetShaderInfoLog([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String infolog);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetShaderiv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetShaderiv([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetShaderPrecisionFormat", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetShaderPrecisionFormat([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All shadertype, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All precisiontype, [In, Out] Int32* range, [In, Out] Int32* precision);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetShaderSource", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetShaderSource([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 bufsize, [In, Out] Int32* length, [In, Out] String source);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetString", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe Byte GetString([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetTexParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetTexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetUniformfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetUniformfv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetUniformiv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetUniformiv([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetUniformLocation", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static int GetUniformLocation([In, Out] UInt32 program, [In, Out] String name);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetVertexAttribfv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribiv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void GetVertexAttribiv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glGetVertexAttribPointerv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void GetVertexAttribPointerv([In, Out] UInt32 index, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] IntPtr pointer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glHint", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Hint([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All mode);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsBuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsBuffer([In, Out] UInt32 buffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsEnabled", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsEnabled([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All cap);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsFramebuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsFramebuffer([In, Out] UInt32 framebuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsRenderbuffer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsRenderbuffer([In, Out] UInt32 renderbuffer);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsShader", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsShader([In, Out] UInt32 shader);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glIsTexture", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static bool IsTexture([In, Out] UInt32 texture);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLineWidth", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LineWidth([In, Out] Single width);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glLinkProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void LinkProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPixelStorei", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PixelStorei([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glPolygonOffset", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void PolygonOffset([In, Out] Single factor, [In, Out] Single units);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glReadPixels", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ReadPixels([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glReleaseShaderCompiler", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ReleaseShaderCompiler();
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glRenderbufferStorage", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void RenderbufferStorage([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glSampleCoverage", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void SampleCoverage([In, Out] Single value, [In, Out] bool invert);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glScissor", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Scissor([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glShaderBinary", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void ShaderBinary([In, Out] Int32 n, [In, Out] UInt32* shaders, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All binaryformat, [In, Out] IntPtr binary, [In, Out] Int32 length);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glShaderSource", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void ShaderSource([In, Out] UInt32 shader, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] String @string, [In, Out] Int32* length);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilFunc", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilFunc([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilFuncSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilFuncSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All func, [In, Out] Int32 @ref, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilMask", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilMask([In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilMaskSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilMaskSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All face, [In, Out] UInt32 mask);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilOp", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilOp([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All zpass);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glStencilOpSeparate", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void StencilOpSeparate([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All face, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All fail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All zfail, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All zpass);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All internalformat, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] Int32 border, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterf", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameterf([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameterfv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameterfv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Single* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameteri", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexParameteri([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32 param);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexParameteriv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void TexParameteriv([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All pname, [In, Out] Int32* @params);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glTexSubImage2D", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void TexSubImage2D([In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All target, [In, Out] Int32 level, [In, Out] Int32 xoffset, [In, Out] Int32 yoffset, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All format, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] IntPtr pixels);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform1f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform1f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform1fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform1fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform1i", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform1i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform1iv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform1iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform2f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform2f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform2fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform2fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform2i", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform2i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform2iv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform2iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform3f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform3f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform3fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform3fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform3i", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform3i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform3iv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform3iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform4f([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z, [In, Out] Single w);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform4fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform4fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Single* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform4i", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Uniform4i([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 z, [In, Out] Int32 w);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniform4iv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void Uniform4iv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] Int32* v);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix2fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void UniformMatrix2fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix3fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void UniformMatrix3fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUniformMatrix4fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void UniformMatrix4fv([In, Out] Int32 location, [In, Out] Int32 count, [In, Out] bool transpose, [In, Out] Single* value);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glUseProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void UseProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glValidateProgram", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void ValidateProgram([In, Out] UInt32 program);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib1f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttrib1f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib1fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void VertexAttrib1fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib2f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttrib2f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib2fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void VertexAttrib2fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib3f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttrib3f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib3fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void VertexAttrib3fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib4f", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttrib4f([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single x, [In, Out] Single y, [In, Out] Single z, [In, Out] Single w);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttrib4fv", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static unsafe void VertexAttrib4fv([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Single* values);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glVertexAttribPointer", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void VertexAttribPointer([In, Out] UInt32 indx, [In, Out] Int32 size, [In, Out] OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20.All type, [In, Out] bool normalized, [In, Out] Int32 stride, [In, Out] IntPtr ptr);
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport(GL.Library, EntryPoint = "glViewport", ExactSpelling = true)]
internal extern static void Viewport([In, Out] Int32 x, [In, Out] Int32 y, [In, Out] Int32 width, [In, Out] Int32 height);
@ -1,797 +0,0 @@
#region License
// The Open Toolkit Library License
// Copyright (c) 2006 - 2009 the Open Toolkit library.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
// use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
// the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
// so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
// copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
namespace OpenTK.Graphics.GLES20
#pragma warning disable 1591
public enum All
False = ((int)0),
Noerror = ((int)0),
None = ((int)0),
Zero = ((int)0),
Points = ((int)0X0000),
Depthbufferbit = ((int)0X00000100),
Stencilbufferbit = ((int)0X00000400),
Colorbufferbit = ((int)0X00004000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
Lineloop = ((int)0X0002),
Linestrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
Trianglestrip = ((int)0X0005),
Trianglefan = ((int)0X0006),
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
Srccolor = ((int)0X0300),
Oneminussrccolor = ((int)0X0301),
Srcalpha = ((int)0X0302),
Oneminussrcalpha = ((int)0X0303),
Dstalpha = ((int)0X0304),
Oneminusdstalpha = ((int)0X0305),
Dstcolor = ((int)0X0306),
Oneminusdstcolor = ((int)0X0307),
Srcalphasaturate = ((int)0X0308),
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
Frontandback = ((int)0X0408),
Invalidenum = ((int)0X0500),
Invalidvalue = ((int)0X0501),
Invalidoperation = ((int)0X0502),
Outofmemory = ((int)0X0505),
Invalidframebufferoperation = ((int)0X0506),
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
Linewidth = ((int)0X0b21),
Cullface = ((int)0X0b44),
Cullfacemode = ((int)0X0b45),
Frontface = ((int)0X0b46),
Depthrange = ((int)0X0b70),
Depthtest = ((int)0X0b71),
Depthwritemask = ((int)0X0b72),
Depthclearvalue = ((int)0X0b73),
Depthfunc = ((int)0X0b74),
Stenciltest = ((int)0X0b90),
Stencilclearvalue = ((int)0X0b91),
Stencilfunc = ((int)0X0b92),
Stencilvaluemask = ((int)0X0b93),
Stencilfail = ((int)0X0b94),
Stencilpassdepthfail = ((int)0X0b95),
Stencilpassdepthpass = ((int)0X0b96),
Stencilref = ((int)0X0b97),
Stencilwritemask = ((int)0X0b98),
Viewport = ((int)0X0ba2),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
Scissorbox = ((int)0X0c10),
Scissortest = ((int)0X0c11),
Colorclearvalue = ((int)0X0c22),
Colorwritemask = ((int)0X0c23),
Unpackalignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
Packalignment = ((int)0X0d05),
Maxtexturesize = ((int)0X0d33),
Maxviewportdims = ((int)0X0d3a),
Subpixelbits = ((int)0X0d50),
Redbits = ((int)0X0d52),
Greenbits = ((int)0X0d53),
Bluebits = ((int)0X0d54),
Alphabits = ((int)0X0d55),
Depthbits = ((int)0X0d56),
Stencilbits = ((int)0X0d57),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
Dontcare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
Unsignedbyte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
Unsignedshort = ((int)0X1403),
Int = ((int)0X1404),
Unsignedint = ((int)0X1405),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
Stencilindex = ((int)0X1901),
Depthcomponent = ((int)0X1902),
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
Luminancealpha = ((int)0X190a),
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
Nearestmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2700),
Linearmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2701),
Nearestmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2702),
Linearmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2703),
Texturemagfilter = ((int)0X2800),
Textureminfilter = ((int)0X2801),
Texturewraps = ((int)0X2802),
Texturewrapt = ((int)0X2803),
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
Polygonoffsetunits = ((int)0X2a00),
Constantcolor = ((int)0X8001),
Oneminusconstantcolor = ((int)0X8002),
Constantalpha = ((int)0X8003),
Oneminusconstantalpha = ((int)0X8004),
Blendcolor = ((int)0X8005),
Funcadd = ((int)0X8006),
Blendequation = ((int)0X8009),
Blendequationrgb = ((int)0X8009),
Funcsubtract = ((int)0X800a),
Funcreversesubtract = ((int)0X800b),
Unsignedshort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
Unsignedshort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
Polygonoffsetfill = ((int)0X8037),
Polygonoffsetfactor = ((int)0X8038),
Rgba4 = ((int)0X8056),
Rgb5a1 = ((int)0X8057),
Texturebinding2D = ((int)0X8069),
Samplealphatocoverage = ((int)0X809e),
Samplecoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
Samplebuffers = ((int)0X80a8),
Samples = ((int)0X80a9),
Samplecoveragevalue = ((int)0X80aa),
Samplecoverageinvert = ((int)0X80ab),
Blenddstrgb = ((int)0X80c8),
Blendsrcrgb = ((int)0X80c9),
Blenddstalpha = ((int)0X80ca),
Blendsrcalpha = ((int)0X80cb),
Clamptoedge = ((int)0X812f),
Generatemipmaphint = ((int)0X8192),
Depthcomponent16 = ((int)0X81a5),
Unsignedshort565 = ((int)0X8363),
Mirroredrepeat = ((int)0X8370),
Aliasedpointsizerange = ((int)0X846d),
Aliasedlinewidthrange = ((int)0X846e),
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
Activetexture = ((int)0X84e0),
Maxrenderbuffersize = ((int)0X84e8),
Incrwrap = ((int)0X8507),
Decrwrap = ((int)0X8508),
Texturecubemap = ((int)0X8513),
Texturebindingcubemap = ((int)0X8514),
Texturecubemappositivex = ((int)0X8515),
Texturecubemapnegativex = ((int)0X8516),
Texturecubemappositivey = ((int)0X8517),
Texturecubemapnegativey = ((int)0X8518),
Texturecubemappositivez = ((int)0X8519),
Texturecubemapnegativez = ((int)0X851a),
Maxcubemaptexturesize = ((int)0X851c),
Vertexattribarrayenabled = ((int)0X8622),
Vertexattribarraysize = ((int)0X8623),
Vertexattribarraystride = ((int)0X8624),
Vertexattribarraytype = ((int)0X8625),
Currentvertexattrib = ((int)0X8626),
Vertexattribarraypointer = ((int)0X8645),
Numcompressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a2),
Compressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a3),
Buffersize = ((int)0X8764),
Bufferusage = ((int)0X8765),
Stencilbackfunc = ((int)0X8800),
Stencilbackfail = ((int)0X8801),
Stencilbackpassdepthfail = ((int)0X8802),
Stencilbackpassdepthpass = ((int)0X8803),
Blendequationalpha = ((int)0X883d),
Maxvertexattribs = ((int)0X8869),
Vertexattribarraynormalized = ((int)0X886a),
Maxtextureimageunits = ((int)0X8872),
Arraybuffer = ((int)0X8892),
Elementarraybuffer = ((int)0X8893),
Arraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8894),
Elementarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8895),
Vertexattribarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X889f),
Streamdraw = ((int)0X88e0),
Staticdraw = ((int)0X88e4),
Dynamicdraw = ((int)0X88e8),
Fragmentshader = ((int)0X8b30),
Vertexshader = ((int)0X8b31),
Maxvertextextureimageunits = ((int)0X8b4c),
Maxcombinedtextureimageunits = ((int)0X8b4d),
Shadertype = ((int)0X8b4f),
Floatvec2 = ((int)0X8b50),
Floatvec3 = ((int)0X8b51),
Floatvec4 = ((int)0X8b52),
Intvec2 = ((int)0X8b53),
Intvec3 = ((int)0X8b54),
Intvec4 = ((int)0X8b55),
Bool = ((int)0X8b56),
Boolvec2 = ((int)0X8b57),
Boolvec3 = ((int)0X8b58),
Boolvec4 = ((int)0X8b59),
Floatmat2 = ((int)0X8b5a),
Floatmat3 = ((int)0X8b5b),
Floatmat4 = ((int)0X8b5c),
Sampler2D = ((int)0X8b5e),
Samplercube = ((int)0X8b60),
Deletestatus = ((int)0X8b80),
Compilestatus = ((int)0X8b81),
Linkstatus = ((int)0X8b82),
Validatestatus = ((int)0X8b83),
Infologlength = ((int)0X8b84),
Attachedshaders = ((int)0X8b85),
Activeuniforms = ((int)0X8b86),
Activeuniformmaxlength = ((int)0X8b87),
Shadersourcelength = ((int)0X8b88),
Activeattributes = ((int)0X8b89),
Activeattributemaxlength = ((int)0X8b8a),
Shadinglanguageversion = ((int)0X8b8c),
Currentprogram = ((int)0X8b8d),
Implementationcolorreadtype = ((int)0X8b9a),
Implementationcolorreadformat = ((int)0X8b9b),
Stencilbackref = ((int)0X8ca3),
Stencilbackvaluemask = ((int)0X8ca4),
Stencilbackwritemask = ((int)0X8ca5),
Framebufferbinding = ((int)0X8ca6),
Renderbufferbinding = ((int)0X8ca7),
Framebufferattachmentobjecttype = ((int)0X8cd0),
Framebufferattachmentobjectname = ((int)0X8cd1),
Framebufferattachmenttexturelevel = ((int)0X8cd2),
Framebufferattachmenttexturecubemapface = ((int)0X8cd3),
Framebuffercomplete = ((int)0X8cd5),
Framebufferincompleteattachment = ((int)0X8cd6),
Framebufferincompletemissingattachment = ((int)0X8cd7),
Framebufferincompletedimensions = ((int)0X8cd9),
Framebufferunsupported = ((int)0X8cdd),
Colorattachment0 = ((int)0X8ce0),
Depthattachment = ((int)0X8d00),
Stencilattachment = ((int)0X8d20),
Framebuffer = ((int)0X8d40),
Renderbuffer = ((int)0X8d41),
Renderbufferwidth = ((int)0X8d42),
Renderbufferheight = ((int)0X8d43),
Renderbufferinternalformat = ((int)0X8d44),
Stencilindex8 = ((int)0X8d48),
Renderbufferredsize = ((int)0X8d50),
Renderbuffergreensize = ((int)0X8d51),
Renderbufferbluesize = ((int)0X8d52),
Renderbufferalphasize = ((int)0X8d53),
Renderbufferdepthsize = ((int)0X8d54),
Renderbufferstencilsize = ((int)0X8d55),
Rgb565 = ((int)0X8d62),
Lowfloat = ((int)0X8df0),
Mediumfloat = ((int)0X8df1),
Highfloat = ((int)0X8df2),
Lowint = ((int)0X8df3),
Mediumint = ((int)0X8df4),
Highint = ((int)0X8df5),
Shaderbinaryformats = ((int)0X8df8),
Numshaderbinaryformats = ((int)0X8df9),
Shadercompiler = ((int)0X8dfa),
Maxvertexuniformvectors = ((int)0X8dfb),
Maxvaryingvectors = ((int)0X8dfc),
Maxfragmentuniformvectors = ((int)0X8dfd),
Esversion20 = ((int)1),
One = ((int)1),
True = ((int)1),
public enum BeginMode
Points = ((int)0X0000),
Lines = ((int)0X0001),
Lineloop = ((int)0X0002),
Linestrip = ((int)0X0003),
Triangles = ((int)0X0004),
Trianglestrip = ((int)0X0005),
Trianglefan = ((int)0X0006),
public enum BlendEquationSeparate
Funcadd = ((int)0X8006),
Blendequation = ((int)0X8009),
Blendequationrgb = ((int)0X8009),
Blendequationalpha = ((int)0X883d),
public enum BlendFunctionSeparate
Constantcolor = ((int)0X8001),
Oneminusconstantcolor = ((int)0X8002),
Constantalpha = ((int)0X8003),
Oneminusconstantalpha = ((int)0X8004),
Blendcolor = ((int)0X8005),
Blenddstrgb = ((int)0X80c8),
Blendsrcrgb = ((int)0X80c9),
Blenddstalpha = ((int)0X80ca),
Blendsrcalpha = ((int)0X80cb),
public enum BlendingFactorDest
Zero = ((int)0),
Srccolor = ((int)0X0300),
Oneminussrccolor = ((int)0X0301),
Srcalpha = ((int)0X0302),
Oneminussrcalpha = ((int)0X0303),
Dstalpha = ((int)0X0304),
Oneminusdstalpha = ((int)0X0305),
One = ((int)1),
public enum BlendingFactorSrc
Dstcolor = ((int)0X0306),
Oneminusdstcolor = ((int)0X0307),
Srcalphasaturate = ((int)0X0308),
public enum BlendSubtract
Funcsubtract = ((int)0X800a),
Funcreversesubtract = ((int)0X800b),
public enum Boolean
False = ((int)0),
True = ((int)1),
public enum BufferObjects
Currentvertexattrib = ((int)0X8626),
Buffersize = ((int)0X8764),
Bufferusage = ((int)0X8765),
Arraybuffer = ((int)0X8892),
Elementarraybuffer = ((int)0X8893),
Arraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8894),
Elementarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X8895),
Streamdraw = ((int)0X88e0),
Staticdraw = ((int)0X88e4),
Dynamicdraw = ((int)0X88e8),
public enum ClearBufferMask
Depthbufferbit = ((int)0X00000100),
Stencilbufferbit = ((int)0X00000400),
Colorbufferbit = ((int)0X00004000),
public enum CullFaceMode
Front = ((int)0X0404),
Back = ((int)0X0405),
Frontandback = ((int)0X0408),
public enum DataType
Byte = ((int)0X1400),
Unsignedbyte = ((int)0X1401),
Short = ((int)0X1402),
Unsignedshort = ((int)0X1403),
Int = ((int)0X1404),
Unsignedint = ((int)0X1405),
Float = ((int)0X1406),
Fixed = ((int)0X140c),
public enum EnableCap
Cullface = ((int)0X0b44),
Depthtest = ((int)0X0b71),
Stenciltest = ((int)0X0b90),
Dither = ((int)0X0bd0),
Blend = ((int)0X0be2),
Scissortest = ((int)0X0c11),
Texture2D = ((int)0X0de1),
Polygonoffsetfill = ((int)0X8037),
Samplealphatocoverage = ((int)0X809e),
Samplecoverage = ((int)0X80a0),
public enum ErrorCode
Noerror = ((int)0),
Invalidenum = ((int)0X0500),
Invalidvalue = ((int)0X0501),
Invalidoperation = ((int)0X0502),
Outofmemory = ((int)0X0505),
public enum FramebufferObject
None = ((int)0),
Invalidframebufferoperation = ((int)0X0506),
Stencilindex = ((int)0X1901),
Rgba4 = ((int)0X8056),
Rgb5a1 = ((int)0X8057),
Depthcomponent16 = ((int)0X81a5),
Maxrenderbuffersize = ((int)0X84e8),
Framebufferbinding = ((int)0X8ca6),
Renderbufferbinding = ((int)0X8ca7),
Framebufferattachmentobjecttype = ((int)0X8cd0),
Framebufferattachmentobjectname = ((int)0X8cd1),
Framebufferattachmenttexturelevel = ((int)0X8cd2),
Framebufferattachmenttexturecubemapface = ((int)0X8cd3),
Framebuffercomplete = ((int)0X8cd5),
Framebufferincompleteattachment = ((int)0X8cd6),
Framebufferincompletemissingattachment = ((int)0X8cd7),
Framebufferincompletedimensions = ((int)0X8cd9),
Framebufferunsupported = ((int)0X8cdd),
Colorattachment0 = ((int)0X8ce0),
Depthattachment = ((int)0X8d00),
Stencilattachment = ((int)0X8d20),
Framebuffer = ((int)0X8d40),
Renderbuffer = ((int)0X8d41),
Renderbufferwidth = ((int)0X8d42),
Renderbufferheight = ((int)0X8d43),
Renderbufferinternalformat = ((int)0X8d44),
Stencilindex8 = ((int)0X8d48),
Renderbufferredsize = ((int)0X8d50),
Renderbuffergreensize = ((int)0X8d51),
Renderbufferbluesize = ((int)0X8d52),
Renderbufferalphasize = ((int)0X8d53),
Renderbufferdepthsize = ((int)0X8d54),
Renderbufferstencilsize = ((int)0X8d55),
Rgb565 = ((int)0X8d62),
public enum FrontFaceDirection
Cw = ((int)0X0900),
Ccw = ((int)0X0901),
public enum GetPName
Linewidth = ((int)0X0b21),
Cullfacemode = ((int)0X0b45),
Frontface = ((int)0X0b46),
Depthrange = ((int)0X0b70),
Depthwritemask = ((int)0X0b72),
Depthclearvalue = ((int)0X0b73),
Depthfunc = ((int)0X0b74),
Stencilclearvalue = ((int)0X0b91),
Stencilfunc = ((int)0X0b92),
Stencilvaluemask = ((int)0X0b93),
Stencilfail = ((int)0X0b94),
Stencilpassdepthfail = ((int)0X0b95),
Stencilpassdepthpass = ((int)0X0b96),
Stencilref = ((int)0X0b97),
Stencilwritemask = ((int)0X0b98),
Viewport = ((int)0X0ba2),
Scissorbox = ((int)0X0c10),
Colorclearvalue = ((int)0X0c22),
Colorwritemask = ((int)0X0c23),
Unpackalignment = ((int)0X0cf5),
Packalignment = ((int)0X0d05),
Maxtexturesize = ((int)0X0d33),
Maxviewportdims = ((int)0X0d3a),
Subpixelbits = ((int)0X0d50),
Redbits = ((int)0X0d52),
Greenbits = ((int)0X0d53),
Bluebits = ((int)0X0d54),
Alphabits = ((int)0X0d55),
Depthbits = ((int)0X0d56),
Stencilbits = ((int)0X0d57),
Polygonoffsetunits = ((int)0X2a00),
Polygonoffsetfactor = ((int)0X8038),
Texturebinding2D = ((int)0X8069),
Samplebuffers = ((int)0X80a8),
Samples = ((int)0X80a9),
Samplecoveragevalue = ((int)0X80aa),
Samplecoverageinvert = ((int)0X80ab),
Aliasedpointsizerange = ((int)0X846d),
Aliasedlinewidthrange = ((int)0X846e),
Stencilbackfunc = ((int)0X8800),
Stencilbackfail = ((int)0X8801),
Stencilbackpassdepthfail = ((int)0X8802),
Stencilbackpassdepthpass = ((int)0X8803),
Stencilbackref = ((int)0X8ca3),
Stencilbackvaluemask = ((int)0X8ca4),
Stencilbackwritemask = ((int)0X8ca5),
public enum GetTextureParameter
Numcompressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a2),
Compressedtextureformats = ((int)0X86a3),
public enum HintMode
Dontcare = ((int)0X1100),
Fastest = ((int)0X1101),
Nicest = ((int)0X1102),
public enum HintTarget
Generatemipmaphint = ((int)0X8192),
public enum PixelFormat
Depthcomponent = ((int)0X1902),
Alpha = ((int)0X1906),
Rgb = ((int)0X1907),
Rgba = ((int)0X1908),
Luminance = ((int)0X1909),
Luminancealpha = ((int)0X190a),
public enum PixelType
Unsignedshort4444 = ((int)0X8033),
Unsignedshort5551 = ((int)0X8034),
Unsignedshort565 = ((int)0X8363),
public enum ReadFormat
Implementationcolorreadtype = ((int)0X8b9a),
Implementationcolorreadformat = ((int)0X8b9b),
public enum ShaderBinary
Shaderbinaryformats = ((int)0X8df8),
Numshaderbinaryformats = ((int)0X8df9),
public enum ShaderPrecision
Lowfloat = ((int)0X8df0),
Mediumfloat = ((int)0X8df1),
Highfloat = ((int)0X8df2),
Lowint = ((int)0X8df3),
Mediumint = ((int)0X8df4),
Highint = ((int)0X8df5),
public enum Shaders
Maxvertexattribs = ((int)0X8869),
Maxtextureimageunits = ((int)0X8872),
Fragmentshader = ((int)0X8b30),
Vertexshader = ((int)0X8b31),
Maxvertextextureimageunits = ((int)0X8b4c),
Maxcombinedtextureimageunits = ((int)0X8b4d),
Shadertype = ((int)0X8b4f),
Deletestatus = ((int)0X8b80),
Linkstatus = ((int)0X8b82),
Validatestatus = ((int)0X8b83),
Attachedshaders = ((int)0X8b85),
Activeuniforms = ((int)0X8b86),
Activeuniformmaxlength = ((int)0X8b87),
Activeattributes = ((int)0X8b89),
Activeattributemaxlength = ((int)0X8b8a),
Shadinglanguageversion = ((int)0X8b8c),
Currentprogram = ((int)0X8b8d),
Maxvertexuniformvectors = ((int)0X8dfb),
Maxvaryingvectors = ((int)0X8dfc),
Maxfragmentuniformvectors = ((int)0X8dfd),
public enum ShaderSource
Compilestatus = ((int)0X8b81),
Infologlength = ((int)0X8b84),
Shadersourcelength = ((int)0X8b88),
Shadercompiler = ((int)0X8dfa),
public enum StencilFunction
Never = ((int)0X0200),
Less = ((int)0X0201),
Equal = ((int)0X0202),
Lequal = ((int)0X0203),
Greater = ((int)0X0204),
Notequal = ((int)0X0205),
Gequal = ((int)0X0206),
Always = ((int)0X0207),
public enum StencilOp
Invert = ((int)0X150a),
Keep = ((int)0X1e00),
Replace = ((int)0X1e01),
Incr = ((int)0X1e02),
Decr = ((int)0X1e03),
Incrwrap = ((int)0X8507),
Decrwrap = ((int)0X8508),
public enum StringName
Vendor = ((int)0X1f00),
Renderer = ((int)0X1f01),
Version = ((int)0X1f02),
Extensions = ((int)0X1f03),
public enum TextureMagFilter
Nearest = ((int)0X2600),
Linear = ((int)0X2601),
public enum TextureMinFilter
Nearestmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2700),
Linearmipmapnearest = ((int)0X2701),
Nearestmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2702),
Linearmipmaplinear = ((int)0X2703),
public enum TextureParameterName
Texturemagfilter = ((int)0X2800),
Textureminfilter = ((int)0X2801),
Texturewraps = ((int)0X2802),
Texturewrapt = ((int)0X2803),
public enum TextureTarget
Texture = ((int)0X1702),
Texturecubemap = ((int)0X8513),
Texturebindingcubemap = ((int)0X8514),
Texturecubemappositivex = ((int)0X8515),
Texturecubemapnegativex = ((int)0X8516),
Texturecubemappositivey = ((int)0X8517),
Texturecubemapnegativey = ((int)0X8518),
Texturecubemappositivez = ((int)0X8519),
Texturecubemapnegativez = ((int)0X851a),
Maxcubemaptexturesize = ((int)0X851c),
public enum TextureUnit
Texture0 = ((int)0X84c0),
Texture1 = ((int)0X84c1),
Texture2 = ((int)0X84c2),
Texture3 = ((int)0X84c3),
Texture4 = ((int)0X84c4),
Texture5 = ((int)0X84c5),
Texture6 = ((int)0X84c6),
Texture7 = ((int)0X84c7),
Texture8 = ((int)0X84c8),
Texture9 = ((int)0X84c9),
Texture10 = ((int)0X84ca),
Texture11 = ((int)0X84cb),
Texture12 = ((int)0X84cc),
Texture13 = ((int)0X84cd),
Texture14 = ((int)0X84ce),
Texture15 = ((int)0X84cf),
Texture16 = ((int)0X84d0),
Texture17 = ((int)0X84d1),
Texture18 = ((int)0X84d2),
Texture19 = ((int)0X84d3),
Texture20 = ((int)0X84d4),
Texture21 = ((int)0X84d5),
Texture22 = ((int)0X84d6),
Texture23 = ((int)0X84d7),
Texture24 = ((int)0X84d8),
Texture25 = ((int)0X84d9),
Texture26 = ((int)0X84da),
Texture27 = ((int)0X84db),
Texture28 = ((int)0X84dc),
Texture29 = ((int)0X84dd),
Texture30 = ((int)0X84de),
Texture31 = ((int)0X84df),
Activetexture = ((int)0X84e0),
public enum TextureWrapMode
Repeat = ((int)0X2901),
Clamptoedge = ((int)0X812f),
Mirroredrepeat = ((int)0X8370),
public enum UniformTypes
Floatvec2 = ((int)0X8b50),
Floatvec3 = ((int)0X8b51),
Floatvec4 = ((int)0X8b52),
Intvec2 = ((int)0X8b53),
Intvec3 = ((int)0X8b54),
Intvec4 = ((int)0X8b55),
Bool = ((int)0X8b56),
Boolvec2 = ((int)0X8b57),
Boolvec3 = ((int)0X8b58),
Boolvec4 = ((int)0X8b59),
Floatmat2 = ((int)0X8b5a),
Floatmat3 = ((int)0X8b5b),
Floatmat4 = ((int)0X8b5c),
Sampler2D = ((int)0X8b5e),
Samplercube = ((int)0X8b60),
public enum Version
Esversion20 = ((int)1),
public enum VertexArrays
Vertexattribarrayenabled = ((int)0X8622),
Vertexattribarraysize = ((int)0X8623),
Vertexattribarraystride = ((int)0X8624),
Vertexattribarraytype = ((int)0X8625),
Vertexattribarraypointer = ((int)0X8645),
Vertexattribarraynormalized = ((int)0X886a),
Vertexattribarraybufferbinding = ((int)0X889f),
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