mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 05:35:13 +00:00
Merge branch 'wgl_issue21'. Fixes issue #21
This commit is contained in:
@ -218,7 +218,10 @@ namespace Examples.Tests
gfx.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;
DrawString(gfx, GL.GetString(StringName.Vendor), line++);
DrawString(gfx, GL.GetString(StringName.Version), line++);
DrawString(gfx, GL.GetString(StringName.Renderer), line++);
DrawString(gfx, Context.GraphicsMode.ToString(), line++);
DrawString(gfx, String.Format("[1 - 4]: change WindowState (current: {0}).", this.WindowState), line++);
@ -202,14 +202,14 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
public static
Boolean ChoosePixelFormat(IntPtr hdc, int[] piAttribIList, Single[] pfAttribFList, Int32 nMaxFormats, [Out] int[] piFormats, [Out] Int32[] nNumFormats)
Boolean ChoosePixelFormat(IntPtr hdc, int[] piAttribIList, Single[] pfAttribFList, Int32 nMaxFormats, [Out] int[] piFormats, out int nNumFormats)
fixed (int* piAttribIList_ptr = piAttribIList)
fixed (Single* pfAttribFList_ptr = pfAttribFList)
fixed (int* piFormats_ptr = piFormats)
fixed (Int32* nNumFormats_ptr = nNumFormats)
fixed (Int32* nNumFormats_ptr = &nNumFormats)
return Delegates.wglChoosePixelFormatARB((IntPtr)hdc, (int*)piAttribIList_ptr, (Single*)pfAttribFList_ptr, (UInt32)nMaxFormats, (int*)piFormats_ptr, (UInt32*)nNumFormats_ptr);
@ -279,14 +279,14 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
throw new ArgumentException("window", "Must point to a valid window.");
success = Wgl.MakeCurrent(wnd.DeviceContext, Handle.Handle);
device_context = wnd.DeviceContext;
success = Wgl.MakeCurrent(IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
device_context = IntPtr.Zero;
device_context = wnd.DeviceContext;
if (!success)
throw new GraphicsContextException(String.Format(
@ -37,27 +37,28 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
class WinGraphicsMode : IGraphicsMode
#region Fields
enum AccelerationType
// Software acceleration
None = 0,
// Partial acceleration (Direct3D emulation)
// Full acceleration
readonly List<GraphicsMode> modes = new List<GraphicsMode>();
static readonly object SyncRoot = new object();
readonly IntPtr Device;
readonly List<GraphicsMode> modes = new List<GraphicsMode>();
#region Constructors
public WinGraphicsMode(IntPtr device)
lock (SyncRoot)
if (modes.Count == 0)
if (modes.Count == 0)
throw new GraphicsModeException(
"No GraphicsMode available. This should never happen, please report a bug at http://www.opentk.com");
modes.Sort(new GraphicsModeComparer());
if (device == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new ArgumentException();
Device = device;
@ -67,167 +68,316 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
public GraphicsMode SelectGraphicsMode(ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples,
ColorFormat accum, int buffers, bool stereo)
GraphicsMode mode = null;
GraphicsMode mode = new GraphicsMode(color, depth, stencil, samples,accum, buffers, stereo);
GraphicsMode created_mode = ChoosePixelFormatARB(Device, mode);
// If ChoosePixelFormatARB failed, iterate through all acceleration types in turn (ICD, MCD, None)
// This should fix issue #2224, which causes OpenTK to fail on VMs without hardware acceleration.
created_mode = created_mode ?? ChoosePixelFormatPFD(Device, mode, AccelerationType.ICD);
created_mode = created_mode ?? ChoosePixelFormatPFD(Device, mode, AccelerationType.MCD);
created_mode = created_mode ?? ChoosePixelFormatPFD(Device, mode, AccelerationType.None);
if (created_mode == null)
mode = modes.Find(delegate(GraphicsMode current)
return ModeSelector(current, color, depth, stencil, samples, accum, buffers, stereo);
} while (mode == null && RelaxParameters(
ref color, ref depth, ref stencil, ref samples, ref accum, ref buffers, ref stereo));
throw new GraphicsModeException("The requested GraphicsMode is not supported");
if (mode == null)
mode = modes[0];
return mode;
bool RelaxParameters(ref ColorFormat color, ref int depth, ref int stencil, ref int samples,
ref ColorFormat accum, ref int buffers, ref bool stereo)
if (stereo) { stereo = false; return true; }
if (buffers != 2) { buffers = 2; return true; }
if (accum != 0) { accum = 0; return true; }
if (samples != 0) { samples = 0; return true; }
if (depth < 16) { depth = 16; return true; }
if (depth != 24) { depth = 24; return true; }
if (stencil > 0 && stencil != 8) { stencil = 8; return true; }
if (stencil == 8) { stencil = 0; return true; }
if (color < 8) { color = 8; return true; }
if (color < 16) { color = 16; return true; }
if (color < 24) { color = 24; return true; }
if (color < 32 || color > 32) { color = 32; return true; }
return false; // We tried everything we could, no match found.
return created_mode;
#region Private Methods
#region GetModesPFD
IEnumerable<GraphicsMode> GetModesPFD(IntPtr device)
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("Device context: {0}", device));
Debug.WriteLine("Retrieving PFD pixel formats... ");
PixelFormatDescriptor pfd = new PixelFormatDescriptor();
pfd.Size = API.PixelFormatDescriptorSize;
pfd.Version = API.PixelFormatDescriptorVersion;
pfd.Flags =
PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SUPPORT_OPENGL |
// Make sure we don't turn off Aero on Vista and newer.
if (Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
pfd.Flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SUPPORT_COMPOSITION;
foreach (bool generic_allowed in new bool[] { false, true })
// Iterate through all accelerated formats first. Afterwards, iterate through non-accelerated formats.
// This should fix issue #2224, which causes OpenTK to fail on VMs without hardware acceleration.
// Note: DescribePixelFormat found in gdi32 is extremely slow on nvidia, for some reason.
int pixel = 0;
while (Functions.DescribePixelFormat(device, ++pixel, API.PixelFormatDescriptorSize, ref pfd) != 0)
// Ignore non-accelerated formats.
if (!generic_allowed && (pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.GENERIC_FORMAT) != 0)
GraphicsMode fmt = new GraphicsMode((IntPtr)pixel,
new ColorFormat(pfd.RedBits, pfd.GreenBits, pfd.BlueBits, pfd.AlphaBits),
new ColorFormat(pfd.AccumBits),
(pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DOUBLEBUFFER) != 0 ? 2 : 1,
(pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.STEREO) != 0);
yield return fmt;
#region GetModesARB
#region ChoosePixelFormatARB
// Queries pixel formats through the WGL_ARB_pixel_format extension
// This method only returns accelerated formats. If no format offers
// hardware acceleration (e.g. we are running in a VM or in a remote desktop
// connection), this method will return 0 formats and we will fall back to
// GetModesPFD.
IEnumerable<GraphicsMode> GetModesARB(IntPtr device)
// ChoosePixelFormatPFD.
GraphicsMode ChoosePixelFormatARB(IntPtr device, GraphicsMode mode)
// See http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/wgl_pixel_format.txt
// for more details
Debug.Write("Retrieving ARB pixel formats.... ");
if (Wgl.Delegates.wglChoosePixelFormatARB == null || Wgl.Delegates.wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB == null)
GraphicsMode created_mode = null;
if (Wgl.Delegates.wglChoosePixelFormatARB != null)
yield break;
List<int> attributes = new List<int>();
if (mode.ColorFormat.Red > 0)
if (mode.ColorFormat.Green > 0)
if (mode.ColorFormat.Blue > 0)
if (mode.ColorFormat.Alpha > 0)
if (mode.Depth > 0)
if (mode.Stencil > 0)
if (mode.AccumulatorFormat.Red > 0)
if (mode.AccumulatorFormat.Green > 0)
if (mode.AccumulatorFormat.Blue > 0)
if (mode.AccumulatorFormat.Alpha > 0)
if (mode.Samples > 0)
if (mode.Buffers > 0)
attributes.Add(mode.Buffers > 1 ? 1 : 0);
if (mode.Stereo)
int[] format = new int[1];
int count;
if (Wgl.Arb.ChoosePixelFormat(device, attributes.ToArray(), null, format.Length, format, out count))
created_mode = DescribePixelFormatARB(device, format[0]);
Debug.Print("[WGL] ChoosePixelFormatARB failed with {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
Debug.WriteLine("[WGL] ChoosePixelFormatARB not supported on this context");
// Define the list of attributes we are interested in.
// We will use each available pixel format for these
// attributes using GetPixelFormatAttrib.
// The results will be stored in the 'values' array below.
int[] attribs = new int[]
return created_mode;
#region ChoosePixelFormatPFD
static bool Compare(int got, int requested, ref int distance)
if (got < requested)
// Allocate storage for the results of GetPixelFormatAttrib queries
int[] values = new int[attribs.Length];
// Get the number of available formats
int num_formats;
int num_formats_attrib = (int)WGL_ARB_pixel_format.NumberPixelFormatsArb;
if (Wgl.Arb.GetPixelFormatAttrib(device, 0, 0, 1, ref num_formats_attrib, out num_formats))
return false;
for (int p = 1; p < num_formats; p++)
distance += got - requested;
return true;
static AccelerationType GetAccelerationType(ref PixelFormatDescriptor pfd)
AccelerationType type = AccelerationType.ICD;
if ((pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.GENERIC_FORMAT) != 0)
if ((pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.GENERIC_ACCELERATED) != 0)
// Get the format attributes for this pixel format
if (!Wgl.Arb.GetPixelFormatAttrib(device, p, 0, attribs.Length - 1, attribs, values))
Debug.Print("[Warning] Failed to detect attributes for PixelFormat:{0}.", p);
type = AccelerationType.MCD;
type = AccelerationType.None;
return type;
// Skip formats that don't offer full hardware acceleration
WGL_ARB_pixel_format acceleration = (WGL_ARB_pixel_format)attribs[0];
if (acceleration != WGL_ARB_pixel_format.FullAccelerationArb)
GraphicsMode ChoosePixelFormatPFD(IntPtr device, GraphicsMode mode, AccelerationType requested_acceleration_type)
PixelFormatDescriptor pfd = new PixelFormatDescriptor();
PixelFormatDescriptorFlags flags = 0;
flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DRAW_TO_WINDOW;
flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SUPPORT_OPENGL;
if (mode.Stereo)
flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.STEREO;
if (mode.Buffers > 1)
// On Win7 64bit + Nvidia 650M, no pixel format advertises DOUBLEBUFFER.
// Adding this check here causes mode selection to fail.
// Does not appear to be supported by DescribePixelFormat
//flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DOUBLEBUFFER;
if (System.Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6)
flags |= PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.SUPPORT_COMPOSITION;
int count = Functions.DescribePixelFormat(device, 1, API.PixelFormatDescriptorSize, ref pfd);
int best = 0;
int best_dist = int.MaxValue;
for (int index = 1; index <= count; index++)
int dist = 0;
bool valid = Functions.DescribePixelFormat(device, index, API.PixelFormatDescriptorSize, ref pfd) != 0;
valid &= GetAccelerationType(ref pfd) == requested_acceleration_type;
valid &= (pfd.Flags & flags) == flags;
valid &= pfd.PixelType == PixelType.RGBA; // indexed modes not currently supported
valid &= Compare(pfd.ColorBits, mode.ColorFormat.BitsPerPixel, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.RedBits, mode.ColorFormat.Red, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.GreenBits, mode.ColorFormat.Green, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.BlueBits, mode.ColorFormat.Blue, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.AlphaBits, mode.ColorFormat.Alpha, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.BitsPerPixel, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumRedBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.Red, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumGreenBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.Green, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumBlueBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.Blue, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.AccumAlphaBits, mode.AccumulatorFormat.Alpha, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.DepthBits, mode.Depth, ref dist);
valid &= Compare(pfd.StencilBits, mode.Stencil, ref dist);
if (valid && dist < best_dist)
best = index;
best_dist = dist;
return DescribePixelFormatPFD(device, ref pfd, best);
#region DescribePixelFormatPFD
static GraphicsMode DescribePixelFormatPFD(IntPtr device, ref PixelFormatDescriptor pfd,
int pixelformat)
GraphicsMode created_mode = null;
if (Functions.DescribePixelFormat(device, pixelformat, pfd.Size, ref pfd) > 0)
created_mode = new GraphicsMode(
new IntPtr(pixelformat),
new ColorFormat(pfd.RedBits, pfd.GreenBits, pfd.BlueBits, pfd.AlphaBits),
0, // MSAA not supported when using PixelFormatDescriptor
new ColorFormat(pfd.AccumRedBits, pfd.AccumGreenBits, pfd.AccumBlueBits, pfd.AccumAlphaBits),
(pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.DOUBLEBUFFER) != 0 ? 2 : 1,
(pfd.Flags & PixelFormatDescriptorFlags.STEREO) != 0);
return created_mode;
#region DescribePixelFormatARB
GraphicsMode DescribePixelFormatARB(IntPtr device, int pixelformat)
GraphicsMode created_mode = null;
// See http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/ARB/wgl_pixel_format.txt for more details
if (Wgl.Delegates.wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB != null)
// Define the list of attributes we are interested in.
// The results will be stored in the 'values' array below.
int[] attribs = new int[]
// Allocate storage for the results of GetPixelFormatAttrib queries
int[] values = new int[attribs.Length];
// Get the format attributes for this pixel format
if (!Wgl.Arb.GetPixelFormatAttrib(device, pixelformat, 0, attribs.Length - 1, attribs, values))
Debug.Print("[Warning] Failed to detect attributes for PixelFormat: {0}.", pixelformat);
// Skip formats that don't offer full hardware acceleration
WGL_ARB_pixel_format acceleration = (WGL_ARB_pixel_format)values[0];
if (acceleration == WGL_ARB_pixel_format.FullAccelerationArb)
// Construct a new GraphicsMode to describe this format
GraphicsMode mode = new GraphicsMode(new IntPtr(p),
created_mode = new GraphicsMode(new IntPtr(pixelformat),
new ColorFormat(values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4]),
@ -235,28 +385,9 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.Windows
new ColorFormat(values[10], values[11], values[12], values[13]),
values[15] == 1 ? 2 : 1,
values[16] == 1 ? true : false);
yield return mode;
#region ModeSelector
bool ModeSelector(GraphicsMode current, ColorFormat color, int depth, int stencil, int samples,
ColorFormat accum, int buffers, bool stereo)
bool result =
(color != ColorFormat.Empty ? current.ColorFormat >= color : true) &&
(depth != 0 ? current.Depth >= depth : true) &&
(stencil != 0 ? current.Stencil >= stencil : true) &&
(samples != 0 ? current.Samples >= samples : true) &&
(accum != ColorFormat.Empty ? current.AccumulatorFormat >= accum : true) &&
(buffers != 0 ? current.Buffers >= buffers : true) &&
current.Stereo == stereo;
return result;
return created_mode;
Reference in a new issue