Significant cleanups and bugfixes to the C++ wrappers. Improved typemap to use correct OpenGL types.

This commit is contained in:
the_fiddler 2011-12-05 18:43:16 +00:00
parent 3012e4e9c9
commit a3280f3a43

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@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ namespace Bind
#if defined(_WIN32)
extern ""C""
#define GLPP_APIENTRY __stdcall
typedef int (*PROC)();
extern void* __stdcall wglGetCurrentContext();
extern PROC __stdcall wglGetProcAddress(const char *procname);
@ -62,19 +63,18 @@ namespace Bind
#elif !defined(__APPLE__)
extern ""C""
#define APIENTRY
extern void* glXGetCurrentContext();
extern void (*glXGetProcAddress(const char *procname))();
#if defined(__APPLE__)
#define APIENTRY
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#define APIENTRY
extern ""C"" void* CGLGetCurrentContext();
#ifdef MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_3
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace Bind
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
#if defined(__sgi) || defined (__sun)
#define APIENTRY
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
@ -206,7 +206,10 @@ namespace Bind
typedef double GLdouble;
typedef double GLclampd;
typedef void GLvoid;
typedef const char* GLstring;
typedef GLint* GLintptr;
typedef GLsizei* GLsizeiptr;
typedef const char* GLstring;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1400
typedef __int64 GLint64EXT;
typedef unsigned __int64 GLuint64EXT;
@ -217,6 +220,9 @@ namespace Bind
typedef GLint64EXT GLint64;
typedef GLuint64EXT GLuint64;
typedef struct __GLsync { } *GLsync;
typedef struct __GLhandleARB { } *GLhandleARB;
typedef GLintptr GLintptrARB;
typedef GLsizeiptr GLsizeiptrARB;
typedef char GLchar;
typedef void (*GLDEBUGPROCAMD)(GLuint id,
@ -231,8 +237,8 @@ namespace Bind
/* For GL_ARB_cl_event */
typedef struct _cl_context *cl_context;
typedef struct _cl_event *cl_event;
typedef struct cl_context *_cl_context;
typedef struct cl_event *_cl_event;
//typedef GLsizei IntPtr;
typedef void* IntPtr;
@ -250,14 +256,17 @@ namespace Bind
typedef char* StringBuilder;
typedef GLDEBUGPROCAMD DebugProcAmd;
typedef GLDEBUGPROCARB DebugProcArb;
typedef struct _GLvdpauSurfaceNV *GLvdpauSurfaceNV;
struct Half
UInt16 value;
GLushort value;
typedef Half GLhalf;
typedef GLhalf GLhalfNV;
@ -326,14 +335,17 @@ namespace Bind
static Delegate WriteWrapper(Delegate last_delegate, Function f, BindStreamWriter sw)
if (last_delegate == f.WrappedDelegate)
return last_delegate; // Multiple wrappers for the same delegate are not necessary in C++
//if (last_delegate == f.WrappedDelegate)
// return last_delegate; // Multiple wrappers for the same delegate are not necessary in C++
var valid = true;
var parameters = GenerateParameterString(f, true, out valid);
if (!valid)
return last_delegate;
last_delegate = f.WrappedDelegate;
var parameters = f.WrappedDelegate.Parameters.ToString()
.Replace("String[]", "String*")
.Replace("[OutAttribute]", String.Empty);
sw.WriteLine("inline {0} {1}{2}", f.WrappedDelegate.ReturnType,
sw.WriteLine("inline {0} {1}({2})", f.WrappedDelegate.ReturnType,
f.TrimmedName, parameters);
@ -343,6 +355,89 @@ namespace Bind
return last_delegate;
static string GenerateParameterString(Delegate d, bool check_validity, out bool valid)
if (d == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("d");
valid = true;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
if (d.Parameters.Count > 0)
foreach (var p in d.Parameters)
if (p.CurrentType.ToLower() == "string[]")
p.CurrentType = "char**";
if (p.CurrentType.ToLower() == "string")
p.CurrentType = "char*";
if (p.Reference)
if (/*check_validity &&*/ p.Generic)
// We don't need generic parameters in C++ and void& is illegal.
valid = false;
return String.Empty;
if (p.Flow != FlowDirection.Out)
sb.Append("const ");
sb.Append('*', p.Array);
else if (p.Array > 0)
// Hack: generic parameters with array types are
// not real (i.e. they are created by the generator
// specifically for managed languages). We don't
// need them in C++.
// Todo: move C#/Java-specific code to their respective
// classes, instead of the main generator.
// Note: the 1-dimensional array is handled through the pointer case below.
// (C# differentiates between arrays and pointers, C++ doesn't).
if (check_validity && (p.Generic || p.Array == 1))
valid = false;
return String.Empty;
if (p.Flow != FlowDirection.Out)
sb.Append("const ");
sb.Append(p.Generic ? "void" : p.QualifiedType); // We don't need generic parameters in C++.
sb.Append('*', p.Array);
else if (p.Pointer > 0)
if (p.Flow != FlowDirection.Out)
sb.Append("const ");
sb.Append(p.Generic ? "void" : p.QualifiedType); // We don't need generic parameters in C++.
sb.Append('*', p.Pointer);
else if (p.CurrentType == "IntPtr")
if (p.Flow != FlowDirection.Out)
sb.Append("const ");
sb.Append(" ");
sb.Append(", ");
if (d.Parameters.Count > 0)
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 2, 2);
return sb.ToString();
static Delegate WriteInitDelegate(Delegate last_delegate, BindStreamWriter sw, Function f)
if (last_delegate != f.WrappedDelegate)
@ -437,9 +532,6 @@ namespace Bind
@ -467,11 +559,10 @@ namespace Bind
foreach (var c in @enum.ConstantCollection.Values)
// C++ doesn't have the concept of "unchecked", so remove this.
if (!c.Unchecked)
sw.WriteLine("{0},", c);
sw.WriteLine("{0},", c.ToString().Replace("unchecked", String.Empty));
sw.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} = {1}{2},",
!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Reference) ? (c.Reference + Settings.NamespaceSeparator) : "",
!String.IsNullOrEmpty(c.Reference) ? c.Value : c.Value.ToLower()));
@ -509,10 +600,9 @@ namespace Bind
if (d != last_delegate)
last_delegate = d;
var parameters = d.Parameters.ToString()
.Replace("String[]", "String*")
.Replace("[OutAttribute]", String.Empty);
sw.WriteLine("typedef {0} (APIENTRY *p{1}){2};", d.ReturnType, d.Name, parameters);
bool valid = true;
var parameters = GenerateParameterString(d, false, out valid);
sw.WriteLine("typedef {0} (GLPP_APIENTRY *p{1})({2});", d.ReturnType, d.Name, parameters);
sw.WriteLine("inline p{0}& {0}()", d.Name);
@ -529,13 +619,29 @@ namespace Bind
static void WriteMethodBody(BindStreamWriter sw, Function f)
//var callstring = f.Parameters.CallString()
// .Replace("String[]", "String*");
var callstring = GenerateCallString(f);
var callstring = f.Parameters.CallString()
.Replace("String[]", "String*");
if (f.ReturnType != null && !f.ReturnType.ToString().ToLower().Contains("void"))
sw.WriteLine("return Delegates::{0}(){1};", f.WrappedDelegate.Name, callstring);
sw.WriteLine("Delegates::{0}(){1};", f.WrappedDelegate.Name, callstring);
sw.Write("return ");
sw.WriteLine("Delegates::{0}()({1});", f.WrappedDelegate.Name, callstring);
static object GenerateCallString(Function f)
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var p in f.Parameters)
if (p.Reference)
sb.Append("&"); // Convert to pointer
sb.Append(", ");
if (f.Parameters.Count > 0)
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 2, 2);
return sb.ToString();
static DocProcessor processor = new DocProcessor(Path.Combine(Settings.DocPath, Settings.DocFile));