mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 10:10:00 +00:00
[X11] Improved XI2Mouse implementation
Horizontal and vertical smooth scrolling is now supported. Movement axes are now correctly identified. Device hotplugging has been improved.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1678,6 +1678,12 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
Scroll = 3,
enum XIScrollType
Vertical = 1,
Horizontal = 2
struct XIDeviceInfo
public int deviceid;
@ -1686,7 +1692,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
public int attachment;
public Bool enabled;
public int num_classes;
public IntPtr classes; // XIAnyClassInfo **
public IntPtr classes; // XIAnyClassInfo**
struct XIAnyClassInfo
@ -1697,25 +1703,36 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
struct XIButtonClassInfo
public XIClassType type;
public int sourceid;
public int num_buttons;
public IntPtr labels; // Atom*
public XIButtonState state;
struct XIScrollClassInfo
public XIClassType type;
public int sourceid;
public int number;
public XIScrollType scroll_type;
public double increment;
public int flags;
struct XIValuatorClassInfo
public Atom label;
public double max;
public double min;
public int mode;
public int number;
public int resolution;
public XIClassType type;
public int sourceid;
public int type;
public int number;
public IntPtr label;
public double min;
public double max;
public double value;
struct XIScrollClassInfo
public int resolution;
public int mode;
struct XIDeviceEvent
@ -1751,14 +1768,14 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
public Bool send_event; /* true if this came from a SendEvent request */
public IntPtr display; /* Display the event was read from */
public int extension; /* XI extension offset */
public XIEventType evtype; /* XI_RawKeyPress, XI_RawKeyRelease, etc. */
public XIEventType evtype; /* XI_RawKeyPress, XI_RawKeyRelease, etc. */
public Time time;
public int deviceid;
public int sourceid;
public int detail;
public int flags;
public XIEventFlags flags;
public XIValuatorState valuators;
public IntPtr raw_values; // double *
public IntPtr raw_values; // FP3232*
struct XIButtonState
@ -40,15 +40,33 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
class XIMouse
public MouseState State;
public XIDeviceInfo Info;
public XIDeviceInfo DeviceInfo;
public XIScrollClassInfo ScrollX = new XIScrollClassInfo { number = -1 };
public XIScrollClassInfo ScrollY = new XIScrollClassInfo { number = -1 };
public XIValuatorClassInfo MotionX = new XIValuatorClassInfo { number = -1 };
public XIValuatorClassInfo MotionY = new XIValuatorClassInfo { number = -1 };
XIMouse master; // XIMouse for the mouse cursor
// Atoms
//static readonly IntPtr ButtonLeft;
//static readonly IntPtr ButtonMiddle;
////static readonly IntPtr ButtonRight;
//static readonly IntPtr ButtonWheelUp;
//static readonly IntPtr ButtonWheelDown;
//static readonly IntPtr ButtonWheelLeft;
//static readonly IntPtr ButtonWheelRight;
static readonly IntPtr RelX;
static readonly IntPtr RelY;
//static readonly IntPtr RelHorizScroll;
//static readonly IntPtr RelVertScroll;
//static readonly IntPtr RelHorizWheel;
//static readonly IntPtr RelVertWheel;
List<XIMouse> devices = new List<XIMouse>(); // List of connected mice
Dictionary<int, int> rawids = new Dictionary<int, int>(); // maps hardware device ids to XIMouse ids
internal readonly X11WindowInfo window;
internal static int XIOpCode { get; private set; }
static bool supported;
static readonly Functions.EventPredicate PredicateImpl = IsEventValid;
readonly IntPtr Predicate = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(PredicateImpl);
@ -63,6 +81,36 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
MouseWarp? mouse_warp_event;
int mouse_warp_event_count;
static XI2Mouse()
using (new XLock(API.DefaultDisplay))
// Mouse
//ButtonLeft = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Left", false);
//ButtonMiddle = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Middle", false);
//ButtonRight = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Right", false);
//ButtonWheelUp = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Wheel Up", false);
//ButtonWheelDown = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Wheel Down", false);
//ButtonWheelLeft = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Horiz Wheel Left", false);
//ButtonWheelRight = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Button Horiz Wheel Right", false);
RelX = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel X", false);
RelY = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Y", false);
//RelHorizWheel = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Horiz Wheel", false);
//RelVertWheel = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Vert Wheel", false);
//RelHorizScroll = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Horiz Scroll", false);
//RelVertScroll = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Rel Vert Scroll", false);
// Multitouch
//TouchX = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Position X", false);
//TouchY = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Position Y", false);
//TouchMajor = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Touch Major", false);
//TouchMinor = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Touch Minor", false);
//TouchPressure = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Pressure", false);
//TouchId = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Abs MT Tracking ID", false);
//TouchMaxContacts = Functions.XInternAtom(API.DefaultDisplay, "Max Contacts", false);
public XI2Mouse()
Debug.WriteLine("Using XI2Mouse.");
@ -84,9 +132,6 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
XIEventMasks.RawButtonPressMask |
XIEventMasks.RawButtonReleaseMask |
XIEventMasks.RawMotionMask |
XIEventMasks.MotionMask |
XIEventMasks.ButtonPressMask |
XIEventMasks.ButtonReleaseMask |
XI.SelectEvents(window.Display, window.Handle, mask);
@ -130,22 +175,81 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
XIDeviceInfo* list = (XIDeviceInfo*)XI.QueryDevice(window.Display, 1, out count);
Debug.Print("Refreshing mouse device list");
Debug.Print("{0} mouse devices detected", count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (devices.Count < i)
if (devices.Count <= i)
devices.Add(new XIMouse());
XIMouse d = devices[i];
d.Info = *(list + i);
d.DeviceInfo = *(list + i);
Debug.Print("Device {0} is {1} and has:",
i, d.DeviceInfo.enabled ? "enabled" : "disabled");
// Decode the XIDeviceInfo to axes, buttons and scroll types
for (int j = 0; j < d.DeviceInfo.num_classes; j++)
XIAnyClassInfo* class_info = *((XIAnyClassInfo**)d.DeviceInfo.classes + j);
switch (class_info->type)
case XIClassType.Button:
XIButtonClassInfo* button = (XIButtonClassInfo*)class_info;
Debug.Print("\t{0} buttons", button->num_buttons);
case XIClassType.Scroll:
XIScrollClassInfo* scroll = (XIScrollClassInfo*)class_info;
switch (scroll->scroll_type)
case XIScrollType.Vertical:
Debug.WriteLine("\tSmooth vertical scrolling");
d.ScrollY = *scroll;
case XIScrollType.Horizontal:
Debug.WriteLine("\tSmooth horizontal scrolling");
d.ScrollX = *scroll;
Debug.Print("\tUnknown scrolling type {0}", scroll->scroll_type);
case XIClassType.Valuator:
XIValuatorClassInfo* valuator = (XIValuatorClassInfo*)class_info;
if (valuator->label == RelX)
Debug.WriteLine("\tRelative X movement");
d.MotionX = *valuator;
else if (valuator->label == RelY)
Debug.WriteLine("\tRelative Y movement");
d.MotionY = *valuator;
// Map the hardware device id to the current XIMouse id
if (!rawids.ContainsKey(d.Info.deviceid))
if (!rawids.ContainsKey(d.DeviceInfo.deviceid))
rawids.Add(d.Info.deviceid, 0);
rawids.Add(d.DeviceInfo.deviceid, 0);
rawids[d.Info.deviceid] = i;
rawids[d.DeviceInfo.deviceid] = i;
@ -176,7 +280,19 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
public MouseState GetCursorState()
return master.State;
IntPtr dummy;
int x, y, dummy2;
using (new XLock(window.Display))
Functions.XQueryPointer(window.Display, window.RootWindow,
out dummy, out dummy, out x, out y,
out dummy2, out dummy2, out dummy2);
MouseState master = GetState();
master.X = x;
master.Y = y;
return master;
public void SetPosition(double x, double y)
@ -235,13 +351,6 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
ProcessRawEvent(ref cookie);
case XIEventType.Motion:
case XIEventType.ButtonPress:
case XIEventType.ButtonRelease:
// Delivered only to the actual mouse cursor XIMouse instance
ProcessEvent(ref cookie);
case XIEventType.DeviceChanged:
@ -252,125 +361,122 @@ namespace OpenTK.Platform.X11
void ProcessEvent(ref XGenericEventCookie cookie)
XIDeviceEvent e = (XIDeviceEvent)
Marshal.PtrToStructure(cookie.data, typeof(XIDeviceEvent));
master.State.X = (int)Math.Round(e.root_x);
master.State.Y = (int)Math.Round(e.root_y);
void ProcessRawEvent(ref XGenericEventCookie cookie)
XIRawEvent raw = (XIRawEvent)
Marshal.PtrToStructure(cookie.data, typeof(XIRawEvent));
if (!rawids.ContainsKey(raw.deviceid))
Debug.Print("Unknown mouse device {0} encountered, ignoring.", raw.deviceid);
XIRawEvent* raw = (XIRawEvent*)cookie.data;
var d = devices[rawids[raw.deviceid]];
if (!rawids.ContainsKey(raw->deviceid))
Debug.Print("Unknown mouse device {0} encountered, ignoring.", raw->deviceid);
switch (raw.evtype)
case XIEventType.RawMotion:
double x = 0, y = 0;
double h = 0, v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < d.Info.num_classes; i++)
var d = devices[rawids[raw->deviceid]];
switch (raw->evtype)
case XIEventType.RawMotion:
XIAnyClassInfo* info = (XIAnyClassInfo*)d.Info.classes + i;
switch (info->type)
// Check if this event contains position information
// Note: we use the raw values here, without pointer
// ballistics and any other modification.
double x = 0, y = 0;
if (IsBitSet(raw->valuators.mask, d.MotionX.number))
case XIClassType.Valuator:
XIValuatorClassInfo* n = (XIValuatorClassInfo*)info;
x = *((double*)raw->raw_values + d.MotionX.number);
if (IsBitSet(raw->valuators.mask, d.MotionY.number))
y = *((double*)raw->raw_values + d.MotionY.number);
d.State.X += (int)Math.Round(x);
d.State.Y += (int)Math.Round(y);
// Check if this event contains scrolling information
// Note: we use transformed (valuator) values here,
// because they seem to make more sense compared to
// the raw values (the XI2 docs are pretty scarce on
// how to use the raw values for scrolling.)
double h = 0, v = 0;
bool is_emulated = (raw->flags & XIEventFlags.PointerEmulated) != 0;
if (!is_emulated && IsBitSet(raw->valuators.mask, d.ScrollX.number))
h = *((double*)raw->valuators.values + d.ScrollX.number) / d.ScrollX.increment;
if (Double.IsInfinity(h))
Debug.WriteLine("[XI2] Mouse horizontal scroll was infinity.");
h = 0;
if (!is_emulated && IsBitSet(raw->valuators.mask, d.ScrollY.number))
v = *((double*)raw->valuators.values + d.ScrollY.number) / d.ScrollY.increment;
if (Double.IsInfinity(v))
Debug.WriteLine("[XI2] Mouse horizontal scroll was infinity.");
v = 0;
d.State.SetScrollRelative((float)h, (float)v);
if (IsBitSet(raw.valuators.mask, 0))
x = BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(Marshal.ReadInt64(raw.raw_values, 0));
if (IsBitSet(raw.valuators.mask, 1))
y = BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(Marshal.ReadInt64(raw.raw_values, 8));
if (!CheckMouseWarp(x, y))
state.X += (int)x;
state.Y += (int)y;
case XIEventType.RawButtonPress:
switch (raw->detail)
case 1: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Left); break;
case 2: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Middle); break;
case 3: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Right); break;
case 6: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button1); break;
case 7: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button2); break;
case 8: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button3); break;
case 9: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button4); break;
case 10: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button5); break;
case 11: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button6); break;
case 12: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button7); break;
case 13: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button8); break;
case 14: d.State.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button9); break;
case XIEventType.RawButtonPress:
switch (raw.detail)
case 1: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Left); break;
case 2: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Middle); break;
case 3: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Right); break;
case 4: state.SetScrollRelative(0, 1); break;
case 5: state.SetScrollRelative(0, -1); break;
case 6: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button1); break;
case 7: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button2); break;
case 8: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button3); break;
case 9: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button4); break;
case 10: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button5); break;
case 11: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button6); break;
case 12: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button7); break;
case 13: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button8); break;
case 14: state.EnableBit((int)MouseButton.Button9); break;
case XIEventType.RawButtonRelease:
switch (raw.detail)
case 1: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Left); break;
case 2: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Middle); break;
case 3: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Right); break;
case 6: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button1); break;
case 7: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button2); break;
case 8: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button3); break;
case 9: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button4); break;
case 10: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button5); break;
case 11: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button6); break;
case 12: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button7); break;
case 13: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button8); break;
case 14: state.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button9); break;
case XIEventType.RawButtonRelease:
switch (raw->detail)
case 1: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Left); break;
case 2: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Middle); break;
case 3: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Right); break;
case 6: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button1); break;
case 7: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button2); break;
case 8: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button3); break;
case 9: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button4); break;
case 10: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button5); break;
case 11: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button6); break;
case 12: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button7); break;
case 13: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button8); break;
case 14: d.State.DisableBit((int)MouseButton.Button9); break;
//mice[rawids[raw.deviceid]] = state;
static bool IsEventValid(IntPtr display, ref XEvent e, IntPtr arg)
return e.GenericEventCookie.extension == arg.ToInt32() &&
(e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.RawMotion ||
(long)e.GenericEventCookie.extension == arg.ToInt64() &&
e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.RawMotion ||
e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.RawButtonPress ||
e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.RawButtonRelease ||
e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.Motion ||
e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.ButtonPress ||
e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.ButtonRelease);
e.GenericEventCookie.evtype == (int)XIEventType.DeviceChanged;
static bool IsBitSet(IntPtr mask, int bit)
return (*((byte*)mask + (bit >> 3)) & (1 << (bit & 7))) != 0;
return bit >= 0 && (*((byte*)mask + (bit >> 3)) & (1 << (bit & 7))) != 0;
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