mirror of
synced 2025-01-08 23:15:41 +00:00
fix source files corruption
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
image: Visual Studio 2017
- git config --global core.autocrlf input
- cmd: build.cmd NuGet
- cmd: .paket\paket.exe install
- cmd: git diff --exit-code
test: off
version: 0.0.1.{build}
- path: 'bin\*.nupkg'
i m a g e : V i s u a l S t u d i o 2 0 1 7
i n i t :
- g i t c o n f i g - - g l o b a l c o r e . a u t o c r l f i n p u t
b u i l d _ s c r i p t :
- c m d : b u i l d . c m d N u G e t
- c m d : . p a k e t \ p a k e t . e x e i n s t a l l
- c m d : g i t d i f f - - e x i t - c o d e
t e s t : o f f
v e r s i o n : 0 . 0 . 1 . { b u i l d }
a r t i f a c t s :
- p a t h : ' b i n \ * . n u p k g '
@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
@echo off
if errorlevel 1 (
exit /b %errorlevel%
.paket\paket.exe restore
if errorlevel 1 (
exit /b %errorlevel%
IF NOT EXIST build.fsx (
.paket\paket.exe update
packages\FAKE\tools\FAKE.exe init.fsx
SET BuildTarget=
if "%BuildRunner%" == "MyGet" (
SET BuildTarget=NuGet
:: Replace the existing release notes file with one for this build only
echo ### %PackageVersion% > RELEASE_NOTES.md
echo * git build >> RELEASE_NOTES.md
packages\FAKE\tools\FAKE.exe build.fsx %* %BuildTarget%
@ e c h o o f f
c l s
. p a k e t \ p a k e t . b o o t s t r a p p e r . e x e
i f e r r o r l e v e l 1 (
e x i t / b % e r r o r l e v e l %
. p a k e t \ p a k e t . e x e r e s t o r e
i f e r r o r l e v e l 1 (
e x i t / b % e r r o r l e v e l %
I F N O T E X I S T b u i l d . f s x (
. p a k e t \ p a k e t . e x e u p d a t e
p a c k a g e s \ F A K E \ t o o l s \ F A K E . e x e i n i t . f s x
S E T B u i l d T a r g e t =
i f " % B u i l d R u n n e r % " = = " M y G e t " (
S E T B u i l d T a r g e t = N u G e t
: : R e p l a c e t h e e x i s t i n g r e l e a s e n o t e s f i l e w i t h o n e f o r t h i s b u i l d o n l y
e c h o # # # % P a c k a g e V e r s i o n % > R E L E A S E _ N O T E S . m d
e c h o * g i t b u i l d > > R E L E A S E _ N O T E S . m d
p a c k a g e s \ F A K E \ t o o l s \ F A K E . e x e b u i l d . f s x % * % B u i l d T a r g e t %
@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
set -o pipefail
cd `dirname $0`
if [[ "$OS" != "Windows_NT" ]]
FSIARGS="--fsiargs -d:MONO"
function run() {
if [[ "$OS" != "Windows_NT" ]]
mono "$@"
run .paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe
if [[ "$OS" != "Windows_NT" ]] &&
[ ! -e ~/.config/.mono/certs ]
mozroots --import --sync --quiet
run .paket/paket.exe restore
[ ! -e build.fsx ] && run .paket/paket.exe update
[ ! -e build.fsx ] && run packages/FAKE/tools/FAKE.exe init.fsx
run packages/FAKE/tools/FAKE.exe "$@" $FSIARGS build.fsx
# ! / u s r / b i n / e n v b a s h
s e t - e u
s e t - o p i p e f a i l
c d ` d i r n a m e $ 0 `
F S I A R G S = " "
O S = $ { O S : - " u n k n o w n " }
i f [ [ " $ O S " ! = " W i n d o w s _ N T " ] ]
t h e n
F S I A R G S = " - - f s i a r g s - d : M O N O "
f i
f u n c t i o n r u n ( ) {
i f [ [ " $ O S " ! = " W i n d o w s _ N T " ] ]
t h e n
m o n o " $ @ "
e l s e
" $ @ "
f i
r u n . p a k e t / p a k e t . b o o t s t r a p p e r . e x e
i f [ [ " $ O S " ! = " W i n d o w s _ N T " ] ] & &
[ ! - e ~ / . c o n f i g / . m o n o / c e r t s ]
t h e n
m o z r o o t s - - i m p o r t - - s y n c - - q u i e t
f i
r u n . p a k e t / p a k e t . e x e r e s t o r e
[ ! - e b u i l d . f s x ] & & r u n . p a k e t / p a k e t . e x e u p d a t e
[ ! - e b u i l d . f s x ] & & r u n p a c k a g e s / F A K E / t o o l s / F A K E . e x e i n i t . f s x
r u n p a c k a g e s / F A K E / t o o l s / F A K E . e x e " $ @ " $ F S I A R G S b u i l d . f s x
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
remote: https://www.nuget.org/api/v2
CommandLineParser (2.1.1-beta)
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Console (>= 4.0.0-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.0.11-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Globalization (>= 4.0.11-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.IO (>= 4.1.0-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Linq (>= 4.1.0-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.0.11-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Reflection (>= 4.1.0-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.0.1-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.1.0-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.0.1-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Runtime (>= 4.1.0-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1.0-rc2-24027) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
FAKE (4.62.5)
FsCheck (2.9)
FSharp.Core (>= 4.1) - restriction: < netstandard1.6
FSharp.Core (>= 4.1.17) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
FsCheck.Xunit (2.9)
FsCheck (>= 2.9)
FSharp.Core (>= 4.1.17) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
NETStandard.Library (>= 1.6.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
xunit.abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
xunit.core (>= 2.2) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
xunit.extensibility.execution (>= 2.2 < 3.0) - restriction: < netstandard1.6
FSharp.Compiler.Service (
FSharp.Core (4.2.1)
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Console (>= 4.0) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Diagnostics.Tools (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Globalization (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.IO (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Linq (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Linq.Queryable (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Net.Requests (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Reflection (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Runtime (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Threading (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Threading.Thread (>= 4.0) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Threading.ThreadPool (>= 4.0.10) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Threading.Timer (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
FSharp.Formatting (2.14.4)
FSharp.Compiler.Service (
FSharpVSPowerTools.Core (>= 2.3 < 2.4)
FSharpVSPowerTools.Core (2.3)
FSharp.Compiler.Service (>=
gtk-sharp3 (3.22)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.5) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81))
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Mono.Cecil (0.10.0-beta6)
System.Collections (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.0.1) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Reflection (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.1) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.2) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp (>= 4.0) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
System.Threading (>= 4.0.11) - restriction: && (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)
NETStandard.Library (1.6.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
Microsoft.Win32.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.AppContext (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
System.Console (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Diagnostics.Tools (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Globalization.Calendars (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.IO.Compression (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Net.Http (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Net.Sockets (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.ObjectModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.3
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Threading.Timer (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.2
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
System.Xml.XDocument (>= 4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.0
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.fedora.23-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.fedora.24-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.native.System (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
runtime.native.System.IO.Compression (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
runtime.native.System.Net.Http (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple (4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple (>= 4.3)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.debian.8-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.fedora.23-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.fedora.24-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3.1)
runtime.opensuse.13.2-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.opensuse.42.1-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple (4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.osx.10.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.rhel.7-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.ubuntu.14.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.ubuntu.16.04-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
runtime.ubuntu.16.10-x64.runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463))
StyleCop.Analyzers (1.0.2)
System.AppContext (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Buffers (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Collections.Concurrent (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (>= netstandard1.6)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Console (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.5
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (4.4) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net45) (< netcoreapp2.0) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinmac)) (&& (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3))
System.Diagnostics.Tools (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization.Calendars (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO.Compression (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.IO.Compression (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Buffers (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Buffers (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.Compression (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net35) (>= net46)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (>= netstandard1.6)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Linq (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq.Expressions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.ObjectModel (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Emit (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq.Queryable (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Linq.Expressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.Http (4.3.2) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Net.Http (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Globalization.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Net.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.Requests (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.Http (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Net.Sockets (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.ObjectModel (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Emit (4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81))
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81))
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< wp8) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netstandard1.5)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.TypeExtensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netstandard1.5)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net462)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (< netstandard1.2) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (< netstandard1.4) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net462)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net462) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8) (< wp8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (>= netstandard1.5) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Reflection.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.2) (< win8)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.2) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net462) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Reflection.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.1) (< win8)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.Numerics (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net35) (>= net46)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.Apple (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net463)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net463)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net463)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.6)) (>= net463)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Security.Cryptography.Cng (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.6)) (>= net463)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6)) (&& (>= net461) (< netstandard1.6)) (>= net463)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6))
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3))
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net46)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Linq (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (>= monoandroid) (>= net463) (>= netstandard1.6)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net463) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net463)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net463) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net463)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net463)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net463) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net463) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net463) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net463)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net463)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= net463)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net463) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (>= netstandard1.6)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
runtime.native.System (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Net.Http (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
runtime.native.System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Globalization.Calendars (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Runtime.Numerics (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Security.Cryptography.Algorithms (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (>= net461)
System.Security.Cryptography.Cng (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Security.Cryptography.Csp (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.4) (< netstandard1.6)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (>= net461)
System.Security.Cryptography.OpenSsl (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Security.Cryptography.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< netstandard1.3)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos))
System.Text.Encoding (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.RegularExpressions (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.6) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (>= netcoreapp1.1) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (< netcoreapp1.1) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.4) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= net46) (< netstandard1.4)) (&& (< net35) (>= net461)) (&& (< net35) (>= net463)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.6)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< netstandard1.5) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (< netstandard1.3) (>= netstandard1.5)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net35) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.5) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (< net35) (>= netstandard1.3) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (&& (>= netstandard1.5) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)) (>= netstandard1.6)
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions (4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.6) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (&& (>= netstandard1.6) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81))
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Collections.Concurrent (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tracing (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.1) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Thread (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.ThreadPool (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Runtime.Handles (>= 4.3) - restriction: && (< monotouch) (< net46) (>= netstandard1.3) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)
System.Threading.Timer (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)
Microsoft.NETCore.Targets (>= 1.1) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net451) (>= netstandard1.2) (< win81) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net451+win81+wpa81)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO.FileSystem (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO.FileSystem.Primitives (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.InteropServices (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.RegularExpressions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Xml.XDocument (4.3) - restriction: >= netstandard1.6
System.Collections (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Debug (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Diagnostics.Tools (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Globalization (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.IO (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Reflection (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Resources.ResourceManager (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Runtime.Extensions (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Text.Encoding (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Threading (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
System.Xml.ReaderWriter (>= 4.3) - restriction: || (&& (< monoandroid) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.0) (< netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wp8) (< wpa81)) (&& (< monotouch) (< net45) (>= netstandard1.3) (< win8) (< wpa81) (< xamarinios) (< xamarinmac) (< xamarintvos) (< xamarinwatchos)) (< portable-net45+win8+wp8+wpa81)
xunit (2.2) - restriction: >= net452
xunit.assert (2.2)
xunit.core (2.2)
xunit.abstractions (2.0.1) - restriction: >= net452
xunit.assert (2.2) - restriction: >= net452
xunit.core (2.2) - restriction: >= net452
xunit.extensibility.core (2.2)
xunit.extensibility.execution (2.2)
xunit.extensibility.core (2.2) - restriction: >= net452
xunit.abstractions (>= 2.0.1) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
xunit.extensibility.execution (2.2) - restriction: >= net452
xunit.extensibility.core (2.2) - restriction: >= netstandard1.1
xunit.runner.console (2.2)
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Input
// Configuration database copied from SDL
// Simple DirectMedia Layer
// Copyright (C) 1997-2013 Sam Lantinga <slouken@libsdl.org>
// Copyright (C) 1997-2019 Sam Lantinga <slouken@libsdl.org>
// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
@ -68,123 +68,10 @@ namespace OpenTK.Input
Add("00000000000000000000000000000000,XInput Controller,a:b10,b:b11,back:b5,dpdown:b1,dpleft:b2,dpright:b3,dpup:b0,guide:b14,leftshoulder:b8,leftstick:b6,lefttrigger:a4,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b9,rightstick:b7,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a2,start:b4,x:b12,y:b13,");
// Windows - XInput
Add("78696e70757400000000000000000000,XInput Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b10,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b8,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b9,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,");
// Windows - XInput (SDL2)
Add("78696e70757401000000000000000000,XInput Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b10,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b8,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b9,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,");
// Windows
Add("341a3608000000000000504944564944,Afterglow PS3 Controller,a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b12,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("ffff0000000000000000504944564944,GameStop Gamepad,a:b0,b:b1,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("6d0416c2000000000000504944564944,Generic DirectInput Controller,a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("6d0419c2000000000000504944564944,Logitech F710 Gamepad,a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("88880803000000000000504944564944,PS3 Controller,a:b2,b:b1,back:b8,dpdown:h0.8,dpleft:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b12,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b11,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("4c056802000000000000504944564944,PS3 Controller,a:b14,b:b13,back:b0,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpright:b5,dpup:b4,guide:b16,leftshoulder:b10,leftstick:b1,lefttrigger:b8,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b11,rightstick:b2,righttrigger:b9,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b3,x:b15,y:b12,");
Add("25090500000000000000504944564944,PS3 DualShock,a:b2,b:b1,back:b9,dpdown:h0.8,dpleft:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:,leftshoulder:b6,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b4,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b7,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b5,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b8,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("4c05c405000000000000504944564944,PS4 Controller,a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b12,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:a3,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:a4,rightx:a2,righty:a5,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("6d0418c2000000000000504944564944,Logitech RumblePad 2 USB,x:b0,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
Add("36280100000000000000504944564944,OUYA Controller,a:b0,b:b3,y:b2,x:b1,start:b14,guide:b15,leftstick:b6,rightstick:b7,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:b8,dpleft:b10,dpdown:b9,dpright:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:b12,righttrigger:b13,");
Add("4f0400b3000000000000504944564944,Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Power,a:b0,b:b2,y:b3,x:b1,start:b10,guide:b8,back:b9,leftstick:b11,rightstick:b12,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b6,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b5,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("00f00300000000000000504944564944,RetroUSB.com RetroPad,a:b1,b:b5,x:b0,y:b4,back:b2,start:b3,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,");
Add("00f0f100000000000000504944564944,RetroUSB.com Super RetroPort,a:b1,b:b5,x:b0,y:b4,back:b2,start:b3,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,");
Add("28040140000000000000504944564944,GamePad Pro USB,a:b1,b:b2,x:b0,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("ff113133000000000000504944564944,SVEN X-PAD,a:b2,b:b3,y:b1,x:b0,start:b5,back:b4,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a4,lefttrigger:b8,righttrigger:b9,");
Add("8f0e0300000000000000504944564944,Piranha xtreme,x:b3,a:b2,b:b1,y:b0,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b6,lefttrigger:b4,rightshoulder:b7,righttrigger:b5,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a2,");
Add("8f0e0d31000000000000504944564944,Multilaser JS071 USB,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,x:b0,start:b9,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("10080300000000000000504944564944,PS2 USB,a:b2,b:b1,y:b0,x:b3,start:b9,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a4,righty:a2,lefttrigger:b4,righttrigger:b5,");
Add("79000600000000000000504944564944,G-Shark GS-GP702,a:b2,b:b1,x:b3,y:b0,back:b8,start:b9,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a4,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("4b12014d000000000000504944564944,NYKO AIRFLO,a:b0,b:b1,x:b2,y:b3,back:b8,guide:b10,start:b9,leftstick:a0,rightstick:a2,leftshoulder:a3,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpdown:h0.0,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,leftx:h0.6,lefty:h0.12,rightx:h0.9,righty:h0.4,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("d6206dca000000000000504944564944,PowerA Pro Ex,a:b1,b:b2,x:b0,y:b3,back:b8,guide:b12,start:b9,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpdown:h0.0,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("a3060cff000000000000504944564944,Saitek P2500,a:b2,b:b3,y:b1,x:b0,start:b4,guide:b10,back:b5,leftstick:b8,rightstick:b9,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
Add("4f0415b3000000000000504944564944,Thrustmaster Dual Analog 3.2,x:b1,a:b0,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b5,rightshoulder:b6,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
Add("6f0e1e01000000000000504944564944,Rock Candy Gamepad for PS3,a:b1,b:b2,x:b0,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,guide:b12,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,");
Add("83056020000000000000504944564944,iBuffalo USB 2-axis 8-button Gamepad,a:b1,b:b0,y:b2,x:b3,start:b7,back:b6,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,");
Add("10080100000000000000504944564944,PS1 USB,a:b2,b:b1,x:b3,y:b0,back:b8,start:b9,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a2,lefttrigger:b4,righttrigger:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,");
// Mac OS X
Add("0500000047532047616d657061640000,GameStop Gamepad,a:b0,b:b1,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("6d0400000000000016c2000000000000,Logitech F310 Gamepad (DInput),a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("6d0400000000000018c2000000000000,Logitech F510 Gamepad (DInput),a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("6d040000000000001fc2000000000000,Logitech F710 Gamepad (XInput),a:b0,b:b1,back:b9,dpdown:b12,dpleft:b13,dpright:b14,dpup:b11,guide:b10,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b6,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b7,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b8,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("6d0400000000000019c2000000000000,Logitech Wireless Gamepad (DInput),a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("4c050000000000006802000000000000,PS3 Controller,a:b14,b:b13,back:b0,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpright:b5,dpup:b4,guide:b16,leftshoulder:b10,leftstick:b1,lefttrigger:b8,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b11,rightstick:b2,righttrigger:b9,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b3,x:b15,y:b12,");
Add("4c05000000000000c405000000000000,PS4 Controller,a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b12,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:a3,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:a4,rightx:a2,righty:a5,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("5e040000000000008e02000000000000,X360 Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b9,dpdown:b12,dpleft:b13,dpright:b14,dpup:b11,guide:b10,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b6,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b7,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b8,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("891600000000000000fd000000000000,Razer Onza Tournament,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,x:b2,start:b8,guide:b10,back:b9,leftstick:b6,rightstick:b7,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:b11,dpleft:b13,dpdown:b12,dpright:b14,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:a2,righttrigger:a5,");
Add("4f0400000000000000b3000000000000,Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Power,a:b0,b:b2,y:b3,x:b1,start:b10,guide:b8,back:b9,leftstick:b11,rightstick:,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b6,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b5,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("8f0e0000000000000300000000000000,Piranha xtreme,x:b3,a:b2,b:b1,y:b0,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b6,lefttrigger:b4,rightshoulder:b7,righttrigger:b5,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a2,");
Add("0d0f0000000000004d00000000000000,HORI Gem Pad 3,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,x:b0,start:b9,guide:b12,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("79000000000000000600000000000000,G-Shark GP-702,a:b2,b:b1,x:b3,y:b0,back:b8,start:b9,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("4f0400000000000015b3000000000000,Thrustmaster Dual Analog 3.2,x:b1,a:b0,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b5,rightshoulder:b6,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
Add("AD1B00000000000001F9000000000000,Gamestop BB-070 X360 Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b9,dpdown:b12,dpleft:b13,dpright:b14,dpup:b11,guide:b10,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b6,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b7,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b8,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("050000005769696d6f74652028303000,Wii Remote,a:b4,b:b5,y:b9,x:b10,start:b6,guide:b8,back:b7,dpup:b2,dpleft:b0,dpdown:b3,dpright:b1,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,lefttrigger:b12,righttrigger:,leftshoulder:b11,");
Add("83050000000000006020000000000000,iBuffalo USB 2-axis 8-button Gamepad,a:b1,b:b0,x:b3,y:b2,back:b6,start:b7,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,");
// Linux
Add("0500000047532047616d657061640000,GameStop Gamepad,a:b0,b:b1,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("03000000ba2200002010000001010000,Jess Technology USB Game Controller,a:b2,b:b1,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a3,righty:a2,start:b9,x:b3,y:b0,");
Add("030000006d04000019c2000010010000,Logitech Cordless RumblePad 2,a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("030000006d0400001dc2000014400000,Logitech F310 Gamepad (XInput),a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("030000006d0400001ec2000020200000,Logitech F510 Gamepad (XInput),a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("030000006d04000019c2000011010000,Logitech F710 Gamepad (DInput),a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:b6,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:b7,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("030000006d0400001fc2000005030000,Logitech F710 Gamepad (XInput),a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("030000004c0500006802000011010000,PS3 Controller,a:b14,b:b13,back:b0,dpdown:b6,dpleft:b7,dpright:b5,dpup:b4,guide:b16,leftshoulder:b10,leftstick:b1,lefttrigger:b8,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b11,rightstick:b2,righttrigger:b9,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b3,x:b15,y:b12,");
Add("030000004c050000c405000011010000,Sony DualShock 4,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,x:b0,start:b9,guide:b12,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a5,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("030000006f0e00003001000001010000,EA Sports PS3 Controller,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,x:b0,start:b9,guide:b12,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("03000000de280000ff11000001000000,Valve Streaming Gamepad,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("030000005e0400008e02000014010000,X360 Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("030000005e0400008e02000010010000,X360 Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("030000005e0400001907000000010000,X360 Wireless Controller,a:b0,b:b1,back:b6,dpdown:b14,dpleft:b11,dpright:b12,dpup:b13,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b9,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b10,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,start:b7,x:b2,y:b3,");
Add("03000000100800000100000010010000,Twin USB PS2 Adapter,a:b2,b:b1,y:b0,x:b3,start:b9,guide:,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a2,lefttrigger:b4,righttrigger:b5,");
Add("03000000a306000023f6000011010000,Saitek Cyborg V.1 Game Pad,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,x:b0,start:b9,guide:b12,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a4,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("030000004f04000020b3000010010000,Thrustmaster 2 in 1 DT,a:b0,b:b2,y:b3,x:b1,start:b9,guide:,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b6,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b5,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("030000004f04000023b3000000010000,Thrustmaster Dual Trigger 3-in-1,x:b0,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.0,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.0,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.0,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:h0.0,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a5,");
Add("030000008f0e00000300000010010000,GreenAsia Inc. USB Joystick ,x:b3,a:b2,b:b1,y:b0,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.0,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.0,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.0,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:h0.0,leftshoulder:b6,lefttrigger:b4,rightshoulder:b7,righttrigger:b5,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a2,");
Add("030000008f0e00001200000010010000,GreenAsia Inc. USB Joystick ,x:b2,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b5,rightshoulder:b6,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a2,");
Add("030000005e0400009102000007010000,X360 Wireless Controller,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,x:b2,start:b7,guide:b8,back:b6,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:b13,dpleft:b11,dpdown:b14,dpright:b12,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:a2,righttrigger:a5,");
Add("030000006d04000016c2000010010000,Logitech Logitech Dual Action,x:b0,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.0,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.0,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.0,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:h0.0,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:h0.0,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
Add("03000000260900008888000000010000,GameCube {WiseGroup USB box},a:b0,b:b2,y:b3,x:b1,start:b7,leftshoulder:,rightshoulder:b6,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,rightstick:,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:a4,righttrigger:a5,");
Add("030000006d04000011c2000010010000,Logitech WingMan Cordless RumblePad,a:b0,b:b1,y:b4,x:b3,start:b8,guide:b5,back:b2,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:b9,righttrigger:b10,");
Add("030000006d04000018c2000010010000,Logitech Logitech RumblePad 2 USB,x:b0,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
Add("05000000d6200000ad0d000001000000,Moga Pro,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,x:b2,start:b6,leftstick:b7,rightstick:b8,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:a5,righttrigger:a4,");
Add("030000004f04000009d0000000010000,Thrustmaster Run N Drive Wireless PS3,a:b1,b:b2,x:b0,y:b3,start:b9,guide:b12,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("030000004f04000008d0000000010000,Thrustmaster Run N Drive Wireless,a:b1,b:b2,x:b0,y:b3,start:b9,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a5,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("0300000000f000000300000000010000,RetroUSB.com RetroPad,a:b1,b:b5,x:b0,y:b4,back:b2,start:b3,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,");
Add("0300000000f00000f100000000010000,RetroUSB.com Super RetroPort,a:b1,b:b5,x:b0,y:b4,back:b2,start:b3,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,");
Add("030000006f0e00001f01000000010000,Generic X-Box pad,x:b2,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,back:b6,guide:b8,start:b7,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:a2,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:a5,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,");
Add("03000000280400000140000000010000,Gravis GamePad Pro USB ,x:b0,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,");
Add("030000005e0400008902000021010000,Microsoft X-Box pad v2 (US),x:b3,a:b0,b:b1,y:b4,back:b6,start:b7,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b5,lefttrigger:a2,rightshoulder:b2,righttrigger:a5,leftstick:b8,rightstick:b9,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,");
Add("030000006f0e00001e01000011010000,Rock Candy Gamepad for PS3,a:b1,b:b2,x:b0,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,guide:b12,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,");
Add("03000000250900000500000000010000,Sony PS2 pad with SmartJoy adapter,a:b2,b:b1,y:b0,x:b3,start:b8,back:b9,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b4,righttrigger:b5,");
Add("030000008916000000fd000024010000,Razer Onza Tournament,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,x:b2,start:b7,guide:b8,back:b6,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:b13,dpleft:b11,dpdown:b14,dpright:b12,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:a2,righttrigger:a5,");
Add("030000004f04000000b3000010010000,Thrustmaster Firestorm Dual Power,a:b0,b:b2,y:b3,x:b1,start:b10,guide:b8,back:b9,leftstick:b11,rightstick:b12,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b6,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b5,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("03000000ad1b000001f5000033050000,Hori Pad EX Turbo 2,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,x:b2,start:b7,guide:b8,back:b6,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:a2,righttrigger:a5,");
Add("050000004c050000c405000000010000,PS4 Controller (Bluetooth),a:b1,b:b2,back:b8,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,guide:b12,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b10,lefttrigger:a3,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b11,righttrigger:a4,rightx:a2,righty:a5,start:b9,x:b0,y:b3,");
Add("060000004c0500006802000000010000,PS3 Controller (Bluetooth),a:b14,b:b13,y:b12,x:b15,start:b3,guide:b16,back:b0,leftstick:b1,rightstick:b2,leftshoulder:b10,rightshoulder:b11,dpup:b4,dpleft:b7,dpdown:b6,dpright:b5,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b8,righttrigger:b9,");
Add("03000000790000000600000010010000,DragonRise Inc. Generic USB Joystick ,x:b3,a:b2,b:b1,y:b0,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,");
Add("03000000666600000488000000010000,Super Joy Box 5 Pro,a:b2,b:b1,x:b3,y:b0,back:b9,start:b8,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b4,righttrigger:b5,dpup:b12,dpleft:b15,dpdown:b14,dpright:b13,");
Add("05000000362800000100000002010000,OUYA Game Controller,a:b0,b:b3,dpdown:b9,dpleft:b10,dpright:b11,dpup:b8,guide:b14,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b6,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b7,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,x:b1,y:b2,");
Add("05000000362800000100000003010000,OUYA Game Controller,a:b0,b:b3,dpdown:b9,dpleft:b10,dpright:b11,dpup:b8,guide:b14,leftshoulder:b4,leftstick:b6,lefttrigger:a2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b5,rightstick:b7,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a3,righty:a4,x:b1,y:b2,");
Add("030000008916000001fd000024010000,Razer Onza Classic Edition,x:b2,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,back:b6,guide:b8,start:b7,dpleft:b11,dpdown:b14,dpright:b12,dpup:b13,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:a2,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:a5,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,");
Add("030000005e040000d102000001010000,Microsoft X-Box One pad,x:b2,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,back:b6,guide:b8,start:b7,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.0,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.0,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.0,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:h0.0,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:a2,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:a5,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,");
Add("03000000790000001100000010010000,RetroLink Saturn Classic Controller,x:b3,a:b0,b:b1,y:b4,back:b5,guide:b2,start:b8,leftshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b7,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,");
Add("050000007e0500003003000001000000,Nintendo Wii U Pro Controller,a:b0,b:b1,x:b3,y:b2,back:b8,start:b9,guide:b10,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,leftstick:b11,rightstick:b12,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,dpup:b13,dpleft:b15,dpdown:b14,dpright:b16,");
Add("030000005e0400008e02000004010000,Microsoft X-Box 360 pad,a:b0,b:b1,x:b2,y:b3,back:b6,start:b7,guide:b8,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,lefttrigger:a2,righttrigger:a5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,");
Add("030000000d0f00002200000011010000,HORI CO.,LTD. REAL ARCADE Pro.V3,x:b0,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,guide:b12,start:b9,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,");
Add("030000000d0f00001000000011010000,HORI CO.,LTD. FIGHTING STICK 3,x:b0,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,guide:b12,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("03000000f0250000c183000010010000,Goodbetterbest Ltd USB Controller,x:b0,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,guide:b12,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.0,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.0,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.0,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:h0.0,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
Add("0000000058626f782047616d65706100,Xbox Gamepad (userspace driver),a:b0,b:b1,x:b2,y:b3,start:b7,back:b6,guide:b8,dpup:h0.1,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,lefttrigger:a5,righttrigger:a4,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,");
Add("03000000ff1100003133000010010000,PC Game Controller,a:b2,b:b1,y:b0,x:b3,start:b9,back:b8,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,dpup:h0.1,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a2,righty:a3,lefttrigger:b6,righttrigger:b7,");
Add("030000005e0400008e02000020200000,SpeedLink XEOX Pro Analog Gamepad pad,x:b2,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,back:b6,guide:b8,start:b7,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:a2,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:a5,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,");
Add("030000006f0e00001304000000010000,Generic X-Box pad,x:b2,a:b0,b:b1,y:b3,back:b6,guide:b8,start:b7,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.0,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.0,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.0,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:h0.0,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:a2,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:a5,leftstick:a0,rightstick:a3,leftstick:b9,rightstick:b10,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,");
Add("03000000a306000018f5000010010000,Saitek PLC Saitek P3200 Rumble Pad,x:b0,a:b1,b:b2,y:b3,back:b8,start:b9,dpleft:h0.8,dpdown:h0.0,dpdown:h0.4,dpright:h0.0,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.0,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:h0.0,leftshoulder:b4,lefttrigger:a2,rightshoulder:b6,rightshoulder:b5,righttrigger:b7,leftstick:b10,rightstick:b11,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightx:a3,righty:a4,");
Add("03000000830500006020000010010000,iBuffalo USB 2-axis 8-button Gamepad,a:b1,b:b0,x:b3,y:b2,back:b6,start:b7,leftshoulder:b4,rightshoulder:b5,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,");
Add("03000000c9110000f055000011010000,HJC Game GAMEPAD,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,dpdown:h0.4,rightstick:b11,rightshoulder:b5,rightx:a2,start:b9,righty:a3,dpleft:h0.8,lefttrigger:b6,x:b2,dpup:h0.1,back:b8,leftstick:b10,leftshoulder:b4,y:b3,a:b0,dpright:h0.2,righttrigger:b7,b:b1,");
// Android
Add("4e564944494120436f72706f72617469,NVIDIA Controller,a:b0,b:b1,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,dpup:h0.1,leftshoulder:b9,leftstick:b7,lefttrigger:a4,leftx:a0,lefty:a1,rightshoulder:b10,rightstick:b8,righttrigger:a5,rightx:a2,righty:a3,start:b6,x:b2,y:b3,");
foreach (var defaultConfiguration in DefaultConfigurations)
internal void Add(string config)
@ -214,10 +101,136 @@ namespace OpenTK.Input