Regenerated bindings

This commit is contained in:
Stefanos A 2013-12-01 18:28:25 +01:00
parent 12c9c14133
commit d6bf7c0d78
5 changed files with 2278 additions and 2278 deletions

View file

@ -15382,43 +15382,43 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
} }
[Slot(31)] [Slot(31)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All glClientWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, UInt32 flags, UInt64 timeout); static extern System.Int32 glClientWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, UInt32 flags, UInt64 timeout);
[Slot(53)] [Slot(53)]
static extern void glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE(UInt32 destinationTexture, UInt32 sourceTexture, Int32 sourceBaseLevel, Int32 sourceLevelCount); static extern void glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE(UInt32 destinationTexture, UInt32 sourceTexture, Int32 sourceBaseLevel, Int32 sourceLevelCount);
[Slot(60)] [Slot(60)]
static extern void glDeleteSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync); static extern void glDeleteSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync);
[Slot(106)] [Slot(106)]
static extern IntPtr glFenceSyncAPPLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All condition, UInt32 flags); static extern IntPtr glFenceSyncAPPLE(System.Int32 condition, UInt32 flags);
[Slot(151)] [Slot(151)]
static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64vAPPLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64vAPPLE(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params);
[Slot(168)] [Slot(168)]
static extern unsafe void glGetSyncivAPPLE(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values); static extern unsafe void glGetSyncivAPPLE(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values);
[Slot(189)] [Slot(189)]
static extern bool glIsSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync); static extern bool glIsSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync);
[Slot(294)] [Slot(294)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(298)] [Slot(298)]
static extern void glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE(); static extern void glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE();
[Slot(382)] [Slot(382)]
static extern void glWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, UInt32 flags, UInt64 timeout); static extern void glWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, UInt32 flags, UInt64 timeout);
[Slot(1)] [Slot(1)]
static extern void glActiveTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureUnit texture); static extern void glActiveTexture(System.Int32 texture);
[Slot(2)] [Slot(2)]
static extern void glAlphaFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.AlphaFunction func, Single @ref); static extern void glAlphaFunc(System.Int32 func, Single @ref);
[Slot(3)] [Slot(3)]
static extern void glAlphaFuncx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func, int @ref); static extern void glAlphaFuncx(System.Int32 func, int @ref);
[Slot(5)] [Slot(5)]
static extern void glBindBuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, UInt32 buffer); static extern void glBindBuffer(System.Int32 target, UInt32 buffer);
[Slot(8)] [Slot(8)]
static extern void glBindTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, UInt32 texture); static extern void glBindTexture(System.Int32 target, UInt32 texture);
[Slot(15)] [Slot(15)]
static extern void glBlendFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.BlendingFactorSrc sfactor, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.BlendingFactorDest dfactor); static extern void glBlendFunc(System.Int32 sfactor, System.Int32 dfactor);
[Slot(17)] [Slot(17)]
static extern void glBufferData(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, IntPtr size, IntPtr data, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All usage); static extern void glBufferData(System.Int32 target, IntPtr size, IntPtr data, System.Int32 usage);
[Slot(18)] [Slot(18)]
static extern void glBufferSubData(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, IntPtr data); static extern void glBufferSubData(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, IntPtr data);
[Slot(20)] [Slot(20)]
static extern void glClear(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ClearBufferMask mask); static extern void glClear(System.Int32 mask);
[Slot(22)] [Slot(22)]
static extern void glClearColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha); static extern void glClearColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha);
[Slot(23)] [Slot(23)]
@ -15430,11 +15430,11 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(29)] [Slot(29)]
static extern void glClearStencil(Int32 s); static extern void glClearStencil(Int32 s);
[Slot(30)] [Slot(30)]
static extern void glClientActiveTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureUnit texture); static extern void glClientActiveTexture(System.Int32 texture);
[Slot(32)] [Slot(32)]
static extern unsafe void glClipPlanef(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All p, Single* eqn); static extern unsafe void glClipPlanef(System.Int32 p, Single* eqn);
[Slot(35)] [Slot(35)]
static extern unsafe void glClipPlanex(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, int* equation); static extern unsafe void glClipPlanex(System.Int32 plane, int* equation);
[Slot(40)] [Slot(40)]
static extern void glColor4f(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha); static extern void glColor4f(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha);
[Slot(41)] [Slot(41)]
@ -15444,23 +15444,23 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(45)] [Slot(45)]
static extern void glColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha); static extern void glColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
[Slot(46)] [Slot(46)]
static extern void glColorPointer(Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ColorPointerType type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glColorPointer(Int32 size, System.Int32 type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(47)] [Slot(47)]
static extern void glCompressedTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(48)] [Slot(48)]
static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PixelFormat format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(51)] [Slot(51)]
static extern void glCopyTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border); static extern void glCopyTexImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border);
[Slot(52)] [Slot(52)]
static extern void glCopyTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glCopyTexSubImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(54)] [Slot(54)]
static extern void glCullFace(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.CullFaceMode mode); static extern void glCullFace(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(56)] [Slot(56)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteBuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* buffers); static extern unsafe void glDeleteBuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* buffers);
[Slot(61)] [Slot(61)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteTextures(Int32 n, UInt32* textures); static extern unsafe void glDeleteTextures(Int32 n, UInt32* textures);
[Slot(63)] [Slot(63)]
static extern void glDepthFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.DepthFunction func); static extern void glDepthFunc(System.Int32 func);
[Slot(64)] [Slot(64)]
static extern void glDepthMask(bool flag); static extern void glDepthMask(bool flag);
[Slot(65)] [Slot(65)]
@ -15468,31 +15468,31 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(67)] [Slot(67)]
static extern void glDepthRangex(int n, int f); static extern void glDepthRangex(int n, int f);
[Slot(69)] [Slot(69)]
static extern void glDisable(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.EnableCap cap); static extern void glDisable(System.Int32 cap);
[Slot(70)] [Slot(70)]
static extern void glDisableClientState(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.EnableCap array); static extern void glDisableClientState(System.Int32 array);
[Slot(73)] [Slot(73)]
static extern void glDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count); static extern void glDrawArrays(System.Int32 mode, Int32 first, Int32 count);
[Slot(74)] [Slot(74)]
static extern void glDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, IntPtr indices); static extern void glDrawElements(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices);
[Slot(85)] [Slot(85)]
static extern void glEnable(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.EnableCap cap); static extern void glEnable(System.Int32 cap);
[Slot(86)] [Slot(86)]
static extern void glEnableClientState(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.EnableCap array); static extern void glEnableClientState(System.Int32 array);
[Slot(107)] [Slot(107)]
static extern void glFinish(); static extern void glFinish();
[Slot(109)] [Slot(109)]
static extern void glFlush(); static extern void glFlush();
[Slot(111)] [Slot(111)]
static extern void glFogf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.FogParameter pname, Single param); static extern void glFogf(System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(112)] [Slot(112)]
static extern unsafe void glFogfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.FogParameter pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glFogfv(System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(113)] [Slot(113)]
static extern void glFogx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glFogx(System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(115)] [Slot(115)]
static extern unsafe void glFogxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* param); static extern unsafe void glFogxv(System.Int32 pname, int* param);
[Slot(121)] [Slot(121)]
static extern void glFrontFace(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.FrontFaceDirection mode); static extern void glFrontFace(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(122)] [Slot(122)]
static extern void glFrustumf(Single l, Single r, Single b, Single t, Single n, Single f); static extern void glFrustumf(Single l, Single r, Single b, Single t, Single n, Single f);
[Slot(124)] [Slot(124)]
@ -15502,71 +15502,71 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(131)] [Slot(131)]
static extern unsafe void glGenTextures(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* textures); static extern unsafe void glGenTextures(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* textures);
[Slot(133)] [Slot(133)]
static extern unsafe void glGetBooleanv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] bool* data); static extern unsafe void glGetBooleanv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] bool* data);
[Slot(134)] [Slot(134)]
static extern unsafe void glGetBufferParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetBufferParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(136)] [Slot(136)]
static extern unsafe void glGetClipPlanef(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, [OutAttribute] Single* equation); static extern unsafe void glGetClipPlanef(System.Int32 plane, [OutAttribute] Single* equation);
[Slot(138)] [Slot(138)]
static extern unsafe void glGetClipPlanex(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, [OutAttribute] int* equation); static extern unsafe void glGetClipPlanex(System.Int32 plane, [OutAttribute] int* equation);
[Slot(143)] [Slot(143)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ErrorCode glGetError(); static extern System.Int32 glGetError();
[Slot(145)] [Slot(145)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFixedv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetFixedv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(147)] [Slot(147)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFloatv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] Single* data); static extern unsafe void glGetFloatv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* data);
[Slot(152)] [Slot(152)]
static extern unsafe void glGetIntegerv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* data); static extern unsafe void glGetIntegerv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* data);
[Slot(153)] [Slot(153)]
static extern unsafe void glGetLightfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.LightName light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.LightParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetLightfv(System.Int32 light, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(155)] [Slot(155)]
static extern unsafe void glGetLightxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetLightxv(System.Int32 light, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(158)] [Slot(158)]
static extern unsafe void glGetMaterialfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.MaterialFace face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.MaterialParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetMaterialfv(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(160)] [Slot(160)]
static extern unsafe void glGetMaterialxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetMaterialxv(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(164)] [Slot(164)]
static extern unsafe void glGetPixelMapxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All map, Int32 size, [OutAttribute] int* values); static extern unsafe void glGetPixelMapxv(System.Int32 map, Int32 size, [OutAttribute] int* values);
[Slot(165)] [Slot(165)]
static extern void glGetPointerv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GetPointervPName pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glGetPointerv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(167)] [Slot(167)]
static extern IntPtr glGetString(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.StringName name); static extern IntPtr glGetString(System.Int32 name);
[Slot(169)] [Slot(169)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexEnvfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexEnvfv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(170)] [Slot(170)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexEnviv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexEnviv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(171)] [Slot(171)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexEnvxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexEnvxv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(177)] [Slot(177)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GetTextureParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterfv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(178)] [Slot(178)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.GetTextureParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(179)] [Slot(179)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterxv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(181)] [Slot(181)]
static extern void glHint(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.HintTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.HintMode mode); static extern void glHint(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(184)] [Slot(184)]
static extern bool glIsBuffer(UInt32 buffer); static extern bool glIsBuffer(UInt32 buffer);
[Slot(185)] [Slot(185)]
static extern bool glIsEnabled(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.EnableCap cap); static extern bool glIsEnabled(System.Int32 cap);
[Slot(190)] [Slot(190)]
static extern bool glIsTexture(UInt32 texture); static extern bool glIsTexture(UInt32 texture);
[Slot(192)] [Slot(192)]
static extern void glLightf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.LightName light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.LightParameter pname, Single param); static extern void glLightf(System.Int32 light, System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(193)] [Slot(193)]
static extern unsafe void glLightfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.LightName light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.LightParameter pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glLightfv(System.Int32 light, System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(194)] [Slot(194)]
static extern void glLightModelf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.LightModelParameter pname, Single param); static extern void glLightModelf(System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(195)] [Slot(195)]
static extern unsafe void glLightModelfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.LightModelParameter pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glLightModelfv(System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(196)] [Slot(196)]
static extern void glLightModelx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glLightModelx(System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(198)] [Slot(198)]
static extern unsafe void glLightModelxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* param); static extern unsafe void glLightModelxv(System.Int32 pname, int* param);
[Slot(200)] [Slot(200)]
static extern void glLightx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glLightx(System.Int32 light, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(202)] [Slot(202)]
static extern unsafe void glLightxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glLightxv(System.Int32 light, System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(204)] [Slot(204)]
static extern void glLineWidth(Single width); static extern void glLineWidth(Single width);
[Slot(205)] [Slot(205)]
@ -15578,21 +15578,21 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(209)] [Slot(209)]
static extern unsafe void glLoadMatrixx(int* m); static extern unsafe void glLoadMatrixx(int* m);
[Slot(213)] [Slot(213)]
static extern void glLogicOp(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.LogicOp opcode); static extern void glLogicOp(System.Int32 opcode);
[Slot(220)] [Slot(220)]
static extern void glMaterialf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.MaterialFace face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.MaterialParameter pname, Single param); static extern void glMaterialf(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(221)] [Slot(221)]
static extern unsafe void glMaterialfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.MaterialFace face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.MaterialParameter pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glMaterialfv(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(222)] [Slot(222)]
static extern void glMaterialx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glMaterialx(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(224)] [Slot(224)]
static extern unsafe void glMaterialxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* param); static extern unsafe void glMaterialxv(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, int* param);
[Slot(227)] [Slot(227)]
static extern void glMatrixMode(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.MatrixMode mode); static extern void glMatrixMode(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(244)] [Slot(244)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord4f(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureUnit target, Single s, Single t, Single r, Single q); static extern void glMultiTexCoord4f(System.Int32 target, Single s, Single t, Single r, Single q);
[Slot(245)] [Slot(245)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord4x(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, int s, int t, int r, int q); static extern void glMultiTexCoord4x(System.Int32 texture, int s, int t, int r, int q);
[Slot(248)] [Slot(248)]
static extern unsafe void glMultMatrixf(Single* m); static extern unsafe void glMultMatrixf(Single* m);
[Slot(249)] [Slot(249)]
@ -15602,25 +15602,25 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(253)] [Slot(253)]
static extern void glNormal3x(int nx, int ny, int nz); static extern void glNormal3x(int nx, int ny, int nz);
[Slot(256)] [Slot(256)]
static extern void glNormalPointer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.NormalPointerType type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glNormalPointer(System.Int32 type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(257)] [Slot(257)]
static extern void glOrthof(Single l, Single r, Single b, Single t, Single n, Single f); static extern void glOrthof(Single l, Single r, Single b, Single t, Single n, Single f);
[Slot(259)] [Slot(259)]
static extern void glOrthox(int l, int r, int b, int t, int n, int f); static extern void glOrthox(int l, int r, int b, int t, int n, int f);
[Slot(262)] [Slot(262)]
static extern unsafe void glPixelMapx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All map, Int32 size, int* values); static extern unsafe void glPixelMapx(System.Int32 map, Int32 size, int* values);
[Slot(263)] [Slot(263)]
static extern void glPixelStorei(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PixelStoreParameter pname, Int32 param); static extern void glPixelStorei(System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(264)] [Slot(264)]
static extern void glPixelStorex(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glPixelStorex(System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(267)] [Slot(267)]
static extern void glPointParameterf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, Single param); static extern void glPointParameterf(System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(268)] [Slot(268)]
static extern unsafe void glPointParameterfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glPointParameterfv(System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(269)] [Slot(269)]
static extern void glPointParameterx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glPointParameterx(System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(271)] [Slot(271)]
static extern unsafe void glPointParameterxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glPointParameterxv(System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(273)] [Slot(273)]
static extern void glPointSize(Single size); static extern void glPointSize(Single size);
[Slot(275)] [Slot(275)]
@ -15634,7 +15634,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(282)] [Slot(282)]
static extern void glPushMatrix(); static extern void glPushMatrix();
[Slot(291)] [Slot(291)]
static extern void glReadPixels(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PixelType type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pixels); static extern void glReadPixels(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(299)] [Slot(299)]
static extern void glRotatef(Single angle, Single x, Single y, Single z); static extern void glRotatef(Single angle, Single x, Single y, Single z);
[Slot(300)] [Slot(300)]
@ -15650,95 +15650,95 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(309)] [Slot(309)]
static extern void glScissor(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glScissor(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(311)] [Slot(311)]
static extern void glShadeModel(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ShadingModel mode); static extern void glShadeModel(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(313)] [Slot(313)]
static extern void glStencilFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.StencilFunction func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilFunc(System.Int32 func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask);
[Slot(314)] [Slot(314)]
static extern void glStencilMask(UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilMask(UInt32 mask);
[Slot(315)] [Slot(315)]
static extern void glStencilOp(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.StencilOp fail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.StencilOp zfail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.StencilOp zpass); static extern void glStencilOp(System.Int32 fail, System.Int32 zfail, System.Int32 zpass);
[Slot(333)] [Slot(333)]
static extern void glTexCoordPointer(Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TexCoordPointerType type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glTexCoordPointer(Int32 size, System.Int32 type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(334)] [Slot(334)]
static extern void glTexEnvf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvParameter pname, Single param); static extern void glTexEnvf(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(335)] [Slot(335)]
static extern unsafe void glTexEnvfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvParameter pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexEnvfv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(336)] [Slot(336)]
static extern void glTexEnvi(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvParameter pname, Int32 param); static extern void glTexEnvi(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(337)] [Slot(337)]
static extern unsafe void glTexEnviv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureEnvParameter pname, Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexEnviv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32* @params);
[Slot(338)] [Slot(338)]
static extern void glTexEnvx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glTexEnvx(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(340)] [Slot(340)]
static extern unsafe void glTexEnvxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexEnvxv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(348)] [Slot(348)]
static extern void glTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, Int32 level, Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(349)] [Slot(349)]
static extern void glTexParameterf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureParameterName pname, Single param); static extern void glTexParameterf(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(350)] [Slot(350)]
static extern unsafe void glTexParameterfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureParameterName pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexParameterfv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(351)] [Slot(351)]
static extern void glTexParameteri(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureParameterName pname, Int32 param); static extern void glTexParameteri(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(352)] [Slot(352)]
static extern unsafe void glTexParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureParameterName pname, Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32* @params);
[Slot(353)] [Slot(353)]
static extern void glTexParameterx(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glTexParameterx(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(355)] [Slot(355)]
static extern unsafe void glTexParameterxv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexParameterxv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(360)] [Slot(360)]
static extern void glTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.TextureTarget target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexSubImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(364)] [Slot(364)]
static extern void glTranslatef(Single x, Single y, Single z); static extern void glTranslatef(Single x, Single y, Single z);
[Slot(365)] [Slot(365)]
static extern void glTranslatex(int x, int y, int z); static extern void glTranslatex(int x, int y, int z);
[Slot(380)] [Slot(380)]
static extern void glVertexPointer(Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.VertexPointerType type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glVertexPointer(Int32 size, System.Int32 type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(381)] [Slot(381)]
static extern void glViewport(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glViewport(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(12)] [Slot(12)]
static extern void glBlendEquationEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode); static extern void glBlendEquationEXT(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(72)] [Slot(72)]
static extern unsafe void glDiscardFramebufferEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All* attachments); static extern unsafe void glDiscardFramebufferEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 numAttachments, System.Int32* attachments);
[Slot(110)] [Slot(110)]
static extern void glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length); static extern void glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length);
[Slot(118)] [Slot(118)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples); static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples);
[Slot(149)] [Slot(149)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(); static extern System.Int32 glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT();
[Slot(162)] [Slot(162)]
static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformfvEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformfvEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(163)] [Slot(163)]
static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformivEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformivEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(217)] [Slot(217)]
static extern IntPtr glMapBufferRangeEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, UInt32 access); static extern IntPtr glMapBufferRangeEXT(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, UInt32 access);
[Slot(228)] [Slot(228)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawArraysEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* first, Int32* count, Int32 primcount); static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawArraysEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32* first, Int32* count, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(229)] [Slot(229)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawElementsEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount); static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawElementsEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32* count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(290)] [Slot(290)]
static extern void glReadnPixelsEXT(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data); static extern void glReadnPixelsEXT(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data);
[Slot(295)] [Slot(295)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(357)] [Slot(357)]
static extern void glTexStorage1DEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width); static extern void glTexStorage1DEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width);
[Slot(358)] [Slot(358)]
static extern void glTexStorage2DEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glTexStorage2DEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(359)] [Slot(359)]
static extern void glTexStorage3DEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth); static extern void glTexStorage3DEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth);
[Slot(361)] [Slot(361)]
static extern void glTextureStorage1DEXT(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width); static extern void glTextureStorage1DEXT(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width);
[Slot(362)] [Slot(362)]
static extern void glTextureStorage2DEXT(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glTextureStorage2DEXT(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(363)] [Slot(363)]
static extern void glTextureStorage3DEXT(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth); static extern void glTextureStorage3DEXT(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth);
[Slot(33)] [Slot(33)]
static extern unsafe void glClipPlanefIMG(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All p, Single* eqn); static extern unsafe void glClipPlanefIMG(System.Int32 p, Single* eqn);
[Slot(36)] [Slot(36)]
static extern unsafe void glClipPlanexIMG(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All p, int* eqn); static extern unsafe void glClipPlanexIMG(System.Int32 p, int* eqn);
[Slot(119)] [Slot(119)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples); static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples);
[Slot(296)] [Slot(296)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(57)] [Slot(57)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteFencesNV(Int32 n, UInt32* fences); static extern unsafe void glDeleteFencesNV(Int32 n, UInt32* fences);
[Slot(108)] [Slot(108)]
@ -15746,21 +15746,21 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(128)] [Slot(128)]
static extern unsafe void glGenFencesNV(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* fences); static extern unsafe void glGenFencesNV(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* fences);
[Slot(144)] [Slot(144)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFenceivNV(UInt32 fence, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetFenceivNV(UInt32 fence, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(186)] [Slot(186)]
static extern bool glIsFenceNV(UInt32 fence); static extern bool glIsFenceNV(UInt32 fence);
[Slot(310)] [Slot(310)]
static extern void glSetFenceNV(UInt32 fence, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All condition); static extern void glSetFenceNV(UInt32 fence, System.Int32 condition);
[Slot(316)] [Slot(316)]
static extern bool glTestFenceNV(UInt32 fence); static extern bool glTestFenceNV(UInt32 fence);
[Slot(0)] [Slot(0)]
static extern void glAccumxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All op, int value); static extern void glAccumxOES(System.Int32 op, int value);
[Slot(4)] [Slot(4)]
static extern void glAlphaFuncxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All func, int @ref); static extern void glAlphaFuncxOES(System.Int32 func, int @ref);
[Slot(6)] [Slot(6)]
static extern void glBindFramebufferOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, UInt32 framebuffer); static extern void glBindFramebufferOES(System.Int32 target, UInt32 framebuffer);
[Slot(7)] [Slot(7)]
static extern void glBindRenderbufferOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, UInt32 renderbuffer); static extern void glBindRenderbufferOES(System.Int32 target, UInt32 renderbuffer);
[Slot(9)] [Slot(9)]
static extern void glBindVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array); static extern void glBindVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array);
[Slot(10)] [Slot(10)]
@ -15768,13 +15768,13 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(11)] [Slot(11)]
static extern void glBlendColorxOES(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha); static extern void glBlendColorxOES(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);
[Slot(13)] [Slot(13)]
static extern void glBlendEquationOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All mode); static extern void glBlendEquationOES(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(14)] [Slot(14)]
static extern void glBlendEquationSeparateOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All modeRGB, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All modeAlpha); static extern void glBlendEquationSeparateOES(System.Int32 modeRGB, System.Int32 modeAlpha);
[Slot(16)] [Slot(16)]
static extern void glBlendFuncSeparateOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All srcRGB, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All dstRGB, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All srcAlpha, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All dstAlpha); static extern void glBlendFuncSeparateOES(System.Int32 srcRGB, System.Int32 dstRGB, System.Int32 srcAlpha, System.Int32 dstAlpha);
[Slot(19)] [Slot(19)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All glCheckFramebufferStatusOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target); static extern System.Int32 glCheckFramebufferStatusOES(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(21)] [Slot(21)]
static extern void glClearAccumxOES(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha); static extern void glClearAccumxOES(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);
[Slot(24)] [Slot(24)]
@ -15784,9 +15784,9 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(28)] [Slot(28)]
static extern void glClearDepthxOES(int depth); static extern void glClearDepthxOES(int depth);
[Slot(34)] [Slot(34)]
static extern unsafe void glClipPlanefOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, Single* equation); static extern unsafe void glClipPlanefOES(System.Int32 plane, Single* equation);
[Slot(37)] [Slot(37)]
static extern unsafe void glClipPlanexOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, int* equation); static extern unsafe void glClipPlanexOES(System.Int32 plane, int* equation);
[Slot(38)] [Slot(38)]
static extern void glColor3xOES(int red, int green, int blue); static extern void glColor3xOES(int red, int green, int blue);
[Slot(39)] [Slot(39)]
@ -15796,9 +15796,9 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(44)] [Slot(44)]
static extern unsafe void glColor4xvOES(int* components); static extern unsafe void glColor4xvOES(int* components);
[Slot(49)] [Slot(49)]
static extern void glConvolutionParameterxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glConvolutionParameterxOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(50)] [Slot(50)]
static extern unsafe void glConvolutionParameterxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glConvolutionParameterxvOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(55)] [Slot(55)]
static extern void glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES(UInt32 matrixpaletteindex); static extern void glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES(UInt32 matrixpaletteindex);
[Slot(58)] [Slot(58)]
@ -15828,9 +15828,9 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(82)] [Slot(82)]
static extern unsafe void glDrawTexxvOES(int* coords); static extern unsafe void glDrawTexxvOES(int* coords);
[Slot(83)] [Slot(83)]
static extern void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, IntPtr image); static extern void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(System.Int32 target, IntPtr image);
[Slot(84)] [Slot(84)]
static extern void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, IntPtr image); static extern void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(System.Int32 target, IntPtr image);
[Slot(89)] [Slot(89)]
static extern void glEvalCoord1xOES(int u); static extern void glEvalCoord1xOES(int u);
[Slot(90)] [Slot(90)]
@ -15840,21 +15840,21 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(92)] [Slot(92)]
static extern unsafe void glEvalCoord2xvOES(int* coords); static extern unsafe void glEvalCoord2xvOES(int* coords);
[Slot(105)] [Slot(105)]
static extern unsafe void glFeedbackBufferxOES(Int32 n, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, int* buffer); static extern unsafe void glFeedbackBufferxOES(Int32 n, System.Int32 type, int* buffer);
[Slot(114)] [Slot(114)]
static extern void glFogxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glFogxOES(System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(116)] [Slot(116)]
static extern unsafe void glFogxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* param); static extern unsafe void glFogxvOES(System.Int32 pname, int* param);
[Slot(117)] [Slot(117)]
static extern void glFramebufferRenderbufferOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All renderbuffertarget, UInt32 renderbuffer); static extern void glFramebufferRenderbufferOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 renderbuffertarget, UInt32 renderbuffer);
[Slot(120)] [Slot(120)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level); static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level);
[Slot(123)] [Slot(123)]
static extern void glFrustumfOES(Single l, Single r, Single b, Single t, Single n, Single f); static extern void glFrustumfOES(Single l, Single r, Single b, Single t, Single n, Single f);
[Slot(125)] [Slot(125)]
static extern void glFrustumxOES(int l, int r, int b, int t, int n, int f); static extern void glFrustumxOES(int l, int r, int b, int t, int n, int f);
[Slot(127)] [Slot(127)]
static extern void glGenerateMipmapOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target); static extern void glGenerateMipmapOES(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(129)] [Slot(129)]
static extern unsafe void glGenFramebuffersOES(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers); static extern unsafe void glGenFramebuffersOES(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers);
[Slot(130)] [Slot(130)]
@ -15862,41 +15862,41 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(132)] [Slot(132)]
static extern unsafe void glGenVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays); static extern unsafe void glGenVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays);
[Slot(135)] [Slot(135)]
static extern void glGetBufferPointervOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glGetBufferPointervOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(137)] [Slot(137)]
static extern unsafe void glGetClipPlanefOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, [OutAttribute] Single* equation); static extern unsafe void glGetClipPlanefOES(System.Int32 plane, [OutAttribute] Single* equation);
[Slot(139)] [Slot(139)]
static extern unsafe void glGetClipPlanexOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All plane, [OutAttribute] int* equation); static extern unsafe void glGetClipPlanexOES(System.Int32 plane, [OutAttribute] int* equation);
[Slot(140)] [Slot(140)]
static extern unsafe void glGetConvolutionParameterxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetConvolutionParameterxvOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(146)] [Slot(146)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFixedvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetFixedvOES(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(148)] [Slot(148)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(150)] [Slot(150)]
static extern unsafe void glGetHistogramParameterxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetHistogramParameterxvOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(154)] [Slot(154)]
static extern unsafe void glGetLightxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetLightxOES(System.Int32 light, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(157)] [Slot(157)]
static extern unsafe void glGetMapxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All query, [OutAttribute] int* v); static extern unsafe void glGetMapxvOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 query, [OutAttribute] int* v);
[Slot(159)] [Slot(159)]
static extern void glGetMaterialxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glGetMaterialxOES(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(161)] [Slot(161)]
static extern unsafe void glGetMaterialxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetMaterialxvOES(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(166)] [Slot(166)]
static extern unsafe void glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(172)] [Slot(172)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexEnvxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexEnvxvOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(173)] [Slot(173)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexGenfvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All coord, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexGenfvOES(System.Int32 coord, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(174)] [Slot(174)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexGenivOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All coord, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexGenivOES(System.Int32 coord, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(175)] [Slot(175)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexGenxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All coord, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexGenxvOES(System.Int32 coord, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(176)] [Slot(176)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexLevelParameterxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexLevelParameterxvOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(180)] [Slot(180)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterxvOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] int* @params);
[Slot(182)] [Slot(182)]
static extern void glIndexxOES(int component); static extern void glIndexxOES(int component);
[Slot(183)] [Slot(183)]
@ -15908,13 +15908,13 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(191)] [Slot(191)]
static extern bool glIsVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array); static extern bool glIsVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array);
[Slot(197)] [Slot(197)]
static extern void glLightModelxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glLightModelxOES(System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(199)] [Slot(199)]
static extern unsafe void glLightModelxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* param); static extern unsafe void glLightModelxvOES(System.Int32 pname, int* param);
[Slot(201)] [Slot(201)]
static extern void glLightxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glLightxOES(System.Int32 light, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(203)] [Slot(203)]
static extern unsafe void glLightxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All light, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glLightxvOES(System.Int32 light, System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(206)] [Slot(206)]
static extern void glLineWidthxOES(int width); static extern void glLineWidthxOES(int width);
[Slot(210)] [Slot(210)]
@ -15924,53 +15924,53 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(212)] [Slot(212)]
static extern unsafe void glLoadTransposeMatrixxOES(int* m); static extern unsafe void glLoadTransposeMatrixxOES(int* m);
[Slot(214)] [Slot(214)]
static extern void glMap1xOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, int u1, int u2, Int32 stride, Int32 order, int points); static extern void glMap1xOES(System.Int32 target, int u1, int u2, Int32 stride, Int32 order, int points);
[Slot(215)] [Slot(215)]
static extern void glMap2xOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, int u1, int u2, Int32 ustride, Int32 uorder, int v1, int v2, Int32 vstride, Int32 vorder, int points); static extern void glMap2xOES(System.Int32 target, int u1, int u2, Int32 ustride, Int32 uorder, int v1, int v2, Int32 vstride, Int32 vorder, int points);
[Slot(216)] [Slot(216)]
static extern IntPtr glMapBufferOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All access); static extern IntPtr glMapBufferOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 access);
[Slot(218)] [Slot(218)]
static extern void glMapGrid1xOES(Int32 n, int u1, int u2); static extern void glMapGrid1xOES(Int32 n, int u1, int u2);
[Slot(219)] [Slot(219)]
static extern void glMapGrid2xOES(Int32 n, int u1, int u2, int v1, int v2); static extern void glMapGrid2xOES(Int32 n, int u1, int u2, int v1, int v2);
[Slot(223)] [Slot(223)]
static extern void glMaterialxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glMaterialxOES(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(225)] [Slot(225)]
static extern unsafe void glMaterialxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* param); static extern unsafe void glMaterialxvOES(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 pname, int* param);
[Slot(226)] [Slot(226)]
static extern void glMatrixIndexPointerOES(Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glMatrixIndexPointerOES(Int32 size, System.Int32 type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(230)] [Slot(230)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord1bOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, SByte s); static extern void glMultiTexCoord1bOES(System.Int32 texture, SByte s);
[Slot(231)] [Slot(231)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord1bvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, SByte* coords); static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord1bvOES(System.Int32 texture, SByte* coords);
[Slot(232)] [Slot(232)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord1xOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, int s); static extern void glMultiTexCoord1xOES(System.Int32 texture, int s);
[Slot(233)] [Slot(233)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord1xvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, int* coords); static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord1xvOES(System.Int32 texture, int* coords);
[Slot(234)] [Slot(234)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord2bOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, SByte s, SByte t); static extern void glMultiTexCoord2bOES(System.Int32 texture, SByte s, SByte t);
[Slot(235)] [Slot(235)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord2bvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, SByte* coords); static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord2bvOES(System.Int32 texture, SByte* coords);
[Slot(236)] [Slot(236)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord2xOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, int s, int t); static extern void glMultiTexCoord2xOES(System.Int32 texture, int s, int t);
[Slot(237)] [Slot(237)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord2xvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, int* coords); static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord2xvOES(System.Int32 texture, int* coords);
[Slot(238)] [Slot(238)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord3bOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, SByte s, SByte t, SByte r); static extern void glMultiTexCoord3bOES(System.Int32 texture, SByte s, SByte t, SByte r);
[Slot(239)] [Slot(239)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord3bvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, SByte* coords); static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord3bvOES(System.Int32 texture, SByte* coords);
[Slot(240)] [Slot(240)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord3xOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, int s, int t, int r); static extern void glMultiTexCoord3xOES(System.Int32 texture, int s, int t, int r);
[Slot(241)] [Slot(241)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord3xvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, int* coords); static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord3xvOES(System.Int32 texture, int* coords);
[Slot(242)] [Slot(242)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord4bOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, SByte s, SByte t, SByte r, SByte q); static extern void glMultiTexCoord4bOES(System.Int32 texture, SByte s, SByte t, SByte r, SByte q);
[Slot(243)] [Slot(243)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord4bvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, SByte* coords); static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord4bvOES(System.Int32 texture, SByte* coords);
[Slot(246)] [Slot(246)]
static extern void glMultiTexCoord4xOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, int s, int t, int r, int q); static extern void glMultiTexCoord4xOES(System.Int32 texture, int s, int t, int r, int q);
[Slot(247)] [Slot(247)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord4xvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All texture, int* coords); static extern unsafe void glMultiTexCoord4xvOES(System.Int32 texture, int* coords);
[Slot(250)] [Slot(250)]
static extern unsafe void glMultMatrixxOES(int* m); static extern unsafe void glMultMatrixxOES(int* m);
[Slot(251)] [Slot(251)]
@ -15986,15 +15986,15 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(261)] [Slot(261)]
static extern void glPassThroughxOES(int token); static extern void glPassThroughxOES(int token);
[Slot(265)] [Slot(265)]
static extern void glPixelTransferxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glPixelTransferxOES(System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(266)] [Slot(266)]
static extern void glPixelZoomxOES(int xfactor, int yfactor); static extern void glPixelZoomxOES(int xfactor, int yfactor);
[Slot(270)] [Slot(270)]
static extern void glPointParameterxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glPointParameterxOES(System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(272)] [Slot(272)]
static extern unsafe void glPointParameterxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glPointParameterxvOES(System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(274)] [Slot(274)]
static extern void glPointSizePointerOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glPointSizePointerOES(System.Int32 type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(276)] [Slot(276)]
static extern void glPointSizexOES(int size); static extern void glPointSizexOES(int size);
[Slot(279)] [Slot(279)]
@ -16020,7 +16020,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(293)] [Slot(293)]
static extern unsafe void glRectxvOES(int* v1, int* v2); static extern unsafe void glRectxvOES(int* v1, int* v2);
[Slot(297)] [Slot(297)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(301)] [Slot(301)]
static extern void glRotatexOES(int angle, int x, int y, int z); static extern void glRotatexOES(int angle, int x, int y, int z);
[Slot(303)] [Slot(303)]
@ -16062,29 +16062,29 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(332)] [Slot(332)]
static extern unsafe void glTexCoord4xvOES(int* coords); static extern unsafe void glTexCoord4xvOES(int* coords);
[Slot(339)] [Slot(339)]
static extern void glTexEnvxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glTexEnvxOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(341)] [Slot(341)]
static extern unsafe void glTexEnvxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexEnvxvOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(342)] [Slot(342)]
static extern void glTexGenfOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All coord, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, Single param); static extern void glTexGenfOES(System.Int32 coord, System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(343)] [Slot(343)]
static extern unsafe void glTexGenfvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All coord, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexGenfvOES(System.Int32 coord, System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(344)] [Slot(344)]
static extern void glTexGeniOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All coord, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, Int32 param); static extern void glTexGeniOES(System.Int32 coord, System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(345)] [Slot(345)]
static extern unsafe void glTexGenivOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All coord, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexGenivOES(System.Int32 coord, System.Int32 pname, Int32* @params);
[Slot(346)] [Slot(346)]
static extern void glTexGenxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All coord, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glTexGenxOES(System.Int32 coord, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(347)] [Slot(347)]
static extern unsafe void glTexGenxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All coord, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexGenxvOES(System.Int32 coord, System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(354)] [Slot(354)]
static extern void glTexParameterxOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int param); static extern void glTexParameterxOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int param);
[Slot(356)] [Slot(356)]
static extern unsafe void glTexParameterxvOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, int* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexParameterxvOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, int* @params);
[Slot(366)] [Slot(366)]
static extern void glTranslatexOES(int x, int y, int z); static extern void glTranslatexOES(int x, int y, int z);
[Slot(367)] [Slot(367)]
static extern bool glUnmapBufferOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target); static extern bool glUnmapBufferOES(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(368)] [Slot(368)]
static extern void glVertex2bOES(SByte x); static extern void glVertex2bOES(SByte x);
[Slot(369)] [Slot(369)]
@ -16110,7 +16110,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(379)] [Slot(379)]
static extern unsafe void glVertex4xvOES(int* coords); static extern unsafe void glVertex4xvOES(int* coords);
[Slot(383)] [Slot(383)]
static extern void glWeightPointerOES(Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glWeightPointerOES(Int32 size, System.Int32 type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(71)] [Slot(71)]
static extern void glDisableDriverControlQCOM(UInt32 driverControl); static extern void glDisableDriverControlQCOM(UInt32 driverControl);
[Slot(87)] [Slot(87)]
@ -16118,13 +16118,13 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(88)] [Slot(88)]
static extern void glEndTilingQCOM(UInt32 preserveMask); static extern void glEndTilingQCOM(UInt32 preserveMask);
[Slot(93)] [Slot(93)]
static extern void glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM(System.Int32 target, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(94)] [Slot(94)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetBuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers, Int32 maxBuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numBuffers); static extern unsafe void glExtGetBuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers, Int32 maxBuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numBuffers);
[Slot(95)] [Slot(95)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers, Int32 maxFramebuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numFramebuffers); static extern unsafe void glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers, Int32 maxFramebuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numFramebuffers);
[Slot(96)] [Slot(96)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All shadertype, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source, [OutAttribute] Int32* length); static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM(UInt32 program, System.Int32 shadertype, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source, [OutAttribute] Int32* length);
[Slot(97)] [Slot(97)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramsQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* programs, Int32 maxPrograms, [OutAttribute] Int32* numPrograms); static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramsQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* programs, Int32 maxPrograms, [OutAttribute] Int32* numPrograms);
[Slot(98)] [Slot(98)]
@ -16132,15 +16132,15 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11
[Slot(99)] [Slot(99)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetShadersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders, Int32 maxShaders, [OutAttribute] Int32* numShaders); static extern unsafe void glExtGetShadersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders, Int32 maxShaders, [OutAttribute] Int32* numShaders);
[Slot(100)] [Slot(100)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All face, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 face, Int32 level, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(101)] [Slot(101)]
static extern void glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr texels); static extern void glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr texels);
[Slot(102)] [Slot(102)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexturesQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* textures, Int32 maxTextures, [OutAttribute] Int32* numTextures); static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexturesQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* textures, Int32 maxTextures, [OutAttribute] Int32* numTextures);
[Slot(103)] [Slot(103)]
static extern bool glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM(UInt32 program); static extern bool glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM(UInt32 program);
[Slot(104)] [Slot(104)]
static extern void glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.All pname, Int32 param); static extern void glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(141)] [Slot(141)]
static extern unsafe void glGetDriverControlsQCOM([OutAttribute] Int32* num, Int32 size, [OutAttribute] UInt32* driverControls); static extern unsafe void glGetDriverControlsQCOM([OutAttribute] Int32* num, Int32 size, [OutAttribute] UInt32* driverControls);
[Slot(142)] [Slot(142)]

View file

@ -38427,9 +38427,9 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(122)] [Slot(122)]
static extern unsafe void glGenPerfMonitorsAMD(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* monitors); static extern unsafe void glGenPerfMonitorsAMD(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* monitors);
[Slot(154)] [Slot(154)]
static extern unsafe void glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD(UInt32 monitor, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, Int32 dataSize, [OutAttribute] UInt32* data, [OutAttribute] Int32* bytesWritten); static extern unsafe void glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD(UInt32 monitor, System.Int32 pname, Int32 dataSize, [OutAttribute] UInt32* data, [OutAttribute] Int32* bytesWritten);
[Slot(155)] [Slot(155)]
static extern void glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD(UInt32 group, UInt32 counter, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data); static extern void glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD(UInt32 group, UInt32 counter, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data);
[Slot(156)] [Slot(156)]
static extern unsafe void glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD(UInt32 group, [OutAttribute] Int32* numCounters, [OutAttribute] Int32* maxActiveCounters, Int32 counterSize, [OutAttribute] UInt32* counters); static extern unsafe void glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD(UInt32 group, [OutAttribute] Int32* numCounters, [OutAttribute] Int32* maxActiveCounters, Int32 counterSize, [OutAttribute] UInt32* counters);
[Slot(157)] [Slot(157)]
@ -38441,69 +38441,69 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(271)] [Slot(271)]
static extern unsafe void glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD(UInt32 monitor, bool enable, UInt32 group, Int32 numCounters, [OutAttribute] UInt32* counterList); static extern unsafe void glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD(UInt32 monitor, bool enable, UInt32 group, Int32 numCounters, [OutAttribute] UInt32* counterList);
[Slot(22)] [Slot(22)]
static extern void glBlitFramebufferANGLE(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ClearBufferMask mask, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlitFramebufferFilter filter); static extern void glBlitFramebufferANGLE(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, System.Int32 mask, System.Int32 filter);
[Slot(77)] [Slot(77)]
static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(System.Int32 mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(84)] [Slot(84)]
static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(181)] [Slot(181)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source); static extern unsafe void glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source);
[Slot(263)] [Slot(263)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(336)] [Slot(336)]
static extern void glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE(UInt32 index, UInt32 divisor); static extern void glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE(UInt32 index, UInt32 divisor);
[Slot(31)] [Slot(31)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.WaitSyncStatus glClientWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ClientWaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout); static extern System.Int32 glClientWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 flags, UInt64 timeout);
[Slot(42)] [Slot(42)]
static extern void glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE(UInt32 destinationTexture, UInt32 sourceTexture, Int32 sourceBaseLevel, Int32 sourceLevelCount); static extern void glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE(UInt32 destinationTexture, UInt32 sourceTexture, Int32 sourceBaseLevel, Int32 sourceLevelCount);
[Slot(65)] [Slot(65)]
static extern void glDeleteSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync); static extern void glDeleteSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync);
[Slot(107)] [Slot(107)]
static extern IntPtr glFenceSyncAPPLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.SyncCondition condition, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.WaitSyncFlags flags); static extern IntPtr glFenceSyncAPPLE(System.Int32 condition, System.Int32 flags);
[Slot(144)] [Slot(144)]
static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64vAPPLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64vAPPLE(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params);
[Slot(178)] [Slot(178)]
static extern unsafe void glGetSyncivAPPLE(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.SyncParameterName pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values); static extern unsafe void glGetSyncivAPPLE(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values);
[Slot(199)] [Slot(199)]
static extern bool glIsSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync); static extern bool glIsSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync);
[Slot(264)] [Slot(264)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(268)] [Slot(268)]
static extern void glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE(); static extern void glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE();
[Slot(341)] [Slot(341)]
static extern void glWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.WaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout); static extern void glWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 flags, UInt64 timeout);
[Slot(2)] [Slot(2)]
static extern void glActiveTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureUnit texture); static extern void glActiveTexture(System.Int32 texture);
[Slot(4)] [Slot(4)]
static extern void glAttachShader(UInt32 program, UInt32 shader); static extern void glAttachShader(UInt32 program, UInt32 shader);
[Slot(7)] [Slot(7)]
static extern void glBindAttribLocation(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, String name); static extern void glBindAttribLocation(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, String name);
[Slot(8)] [Slot(8)]
static extern void glBindBuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget target, UInt32 buffer); static extern void glBindBuffer(System.Int32 target, UInt32 buffer);
[Slot(9)] [Slot(9)]
static extern void glBindFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.FramebufferTarget target, UInt32 framebuffer); static extern void glBindFramebuffer(System.Int32 target, UInt32 framebuffer);
[Slot(11)] [Slot(11)]
static extern void glBindRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferTarget target, UInt32 renderbuffer); static extern void glBindRenderbuffer(System.Int32 target, UInt32 renderbuffer);
[Slot(12)] [Slot(12)]
static extern void glBindTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget target, UInt32 texture); static extern void glBindTexture(System.Int32 target, UInt32 texture);
[Slot(15)] [Slot(15)]
static extern void glBlendColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha); static extern void glBlendColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha);
[Slot(16)] [Slot(16)]
static extern void glBlendEquation(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendEquationMode mode); static extern void glBlendEquation(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(18)] [Slot(18)]
static extern void glBlendEquationSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendEquationMode modeRGB, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendEquationMode modeAlpha); static extern void glBlendEquationSeparate(System.Int32 modeRGB, System.Int32 modeAlpha);
[Slot(19)] [Slot(19)]
static extern void glBlendFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendingFactorSrc sfactor, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendingFactorDest dfactor); static extern void glBlendFunc(System.Int32 sfactor, System.Int32 dfactor);
[Slot(20)] [Slot(20)]
static extern void glBlendFuncSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendingFactorSrc sfactorRGB, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendingFactorDest dfactorRGB, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendingFactorSrc sfactorAlpha, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendingFactorDest dfactorAlpha); static extern void glBlendFuncSeparate(System.Int32 sfactorRGB, System.Int32 dfactorRGB, System.Int32 sfactorAlpha, System.Int32 dfactorAlpha);
[Slot(24)] [Slot(24)]
static extern void glBufferData(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, IntPtr data, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferUsageHint usage); static extern void glBufferData(System.Int32 target, IntPtr size, IntPtr data, System.Int32 usage);
[Slot(25)] [Slot(25)]
static extern void glBufferSubData(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, IntPtr data); static extern void glBufferSubData(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, IntPtr data);
[Slot(26)] [Slot(26)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.FramebufferErrorCode glCheckFramebufferStatus(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.FramebufferTarget target); static extern System.Int32 glCheckFramebufferStatus(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(27)] [Slot(27)]
static extern void glClear(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ClearBufferMask mask); static extern void glClear(System.Int32 mask);
[Slot(28)] [Slot(28)]
static extern void glClearColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha); static extern void glClearColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha);
[Slot(29)] [Slot(29)]
@ -38515,25 +38515,25 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(33)] [Slot(33)]
static extern void glCompileShader(UInt32 shader); static extern void glCompileShader(UInt32 shader);
[Slot(34)] [Slot(34)]
static extern void glCompressedTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.CompressedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(36)] [Slot(36)]
static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelFormat format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(39)] [Slot(39)]
static extern void glCopyTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureCopyComponentCount internalformat, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border); static extern void glCopyTexImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border);
[Slot(40)] [Slot(40)]
static extern void glCopyTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glCopyTexSubImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(45)] [Slot(45)]
static extern Int32 glCreateProgram(); static extern Int32 glCreateProgram();
[Slot(46)] [Slot(46)]
static extern Int32 glCreateShader(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ShaderType type); static extern Int32 glCreateShader(System.Int32 type);
[Slot(49)] [Slot(49)]
static extern void glCullFace(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.CullFaceMode mode); static extern void glCullFace(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(50)] [Slot(50)]
static extern void glDebugMessageCallback(DebugProc callback, IntPtr userParam); static extern void glDebugMessageCallback(DebugProc callback, IntPtr userParam);
[Slot(52)] [Slot(52)]
static extern unsafe void glDebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled); static extern unsafe void glDebugMessageControl(System.Int32 source, System.Int32 type, System.Int32 severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled);
[Slot(54)] [Slot(54)]
static extern void glDebugMessageInsert(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSourceExternal source, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugType type, UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSeverity severity, Int32 length, String buf); static extern void glDebugMessageInsert(System.Int32 source, System.Int32 type, UInt32 id, System.Int32 severity, Int32 length, String buf);
[Slot(56)] [Slot(56)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteBuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* buffers); static extern unsafe void glDeleteBuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* buffers);
[Slot(58)] [Slot(58)]
@ -38547,7 +38547,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(66)] [Slot(66)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteTextures(Int32 n, UInt32* textures); static extern unsafe void glDeleteTextures(Int32 n, UInt32* textures);
[Slot(68)] [Slot(68)]
static extern void glDepthFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DepthFunction func); static extern void glDepthFunc(System.Int32 func);
[Slot(69)] [Slot(69)]
static extern void glDepthMask(bool flag); static extern void glDepthMask(bool flag);
[Slot(70)] [Slot(70)]
@ -38555,15 +38555,15 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(71)] [Slot(71)]
static extern void glDetachShader(UInt32 program, UInt32 shader); static extern void glDetachShader(UInt32 program, UInt32 shader);
[Slot(72)] [Slot(72)]
static extern void glDisable(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.EnableCap cap); static extern void glDisable(System.Int32 cap);
[Slot(74)] [Slot(74)]
static extern void glDisableVertexAttribArray(UInt32 index); static extern void glDisableVertexAttribArray(UInt32 index);
[Slot(76)] [Slot(76)]
static extern void glDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count); static extern void glDrawArrays(System.Int32 mode, Int32 first, Int32 count);
[Slot(83)] [Slot(83)]
static extern void glDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices); static extern void glDrawElements(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices);
[Slot(89)] [Slot(89)]
static extern void glEnable(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.EnableCap cap); static extern void glEnable(System.Int32 cap);
[Slot(91)] [Slot(91)]
static extern void glEnableVertexAttribArray(UInt32 index); static extern void glEnableVertexAttribArray(UInt32 index);
[Slot(108)] [Slot(108)]
@ -38571,15 +38571,15 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(110)] [Slot(110)]
static extern void glFlush(); static extern void glFlush();
[Slot(112)] [Slot(112)]
static extern void glFramebufferRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferTarget renderbuffertarget, UInt32 renderbuffer); static extern void glFramebufferRenderbuffer(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 renderbuffertarget, UInt32 renderbuffer);
[Slot(113)] [Slot(113)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget2d textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level); static extern void glFramebufferTexture2D(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level);
[Slot(117)] [Slot(117)]
static extern void glFrontFace(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.FrontFaceDirection mode); static extern void glFrontFace(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(118)] [Slot(118)]
static extern unsafe void glGenBuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers); static extern unsafe void glGenBuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers);
[Slot(119)] [Slot(119)]
static extern void glGenerateMipmap(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget target); static extern void glGenerateMipmap(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(121)] [Slot(121)]
static extern unsafe void glGenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers); static extern unsafe void glGenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers);
[Slot(125)] [Slot(125)]
@ -38587,53 +38587,53 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(126)] [Slot(126)]
static extern unsafe void glGenTextures(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* textures); static extern unsafe void glGenTextures(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* textures);
[Slot(128)] [Slot(128)]
static extern unsafe void glGetActiveAttrib(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ActiveAttribType* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name); static extern unsafe void glGetActiveAttrib(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name);
[Slot(129)] [Slot(129)]
static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniform(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ActiveUniformType* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name); static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniform(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name);
[Slot(130)] [Slot(130)]
static extern unsafe void glGetAttachedShaders(UInt32 program, Int32 maxCount, [OutAttribute] Int32* count, [OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders); static extern unsafe void glGetAttachedShaders(UInt32 program, Int32 maxCount, [OutAttribute] Int32* count, [OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders);
[Slot(131)] [Slot(131)]
static extern Int32 glGetAttribLocation(UInt32 program, String name); static extern Int32 glGetAttribLocation(UInt32 program, String name);
[Slot(132)] [Slot(132)]
static extern unsafe void glGetBooleanv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] bool* data); static extern unsafe void glGetBooleanv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] bool* data);
[Slot(133)] [Slot(133)]
static extern unsafe void glGetBufferParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetBufferParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(135)] [Slot(135)]
static extern unsafe Int32 glGetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSourceExternal* sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugType* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSeverity* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog); static extern unsafe Int32 glGetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* sources, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog);
[Slot(139)] [Slot(139)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ErrorCode glGetError(); static extern System.Int32 glGetError();
[Slot(141)] [Slot(141)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFloatv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] Single* data); static extern unsafe void glGetFloatv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* data);
[Slot(142)] [Slot(142)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.FramebufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(146)] [Slot(146)]
static extern unsafe void glGetIntegerv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* data); static extern unsafe void glGetIntegerv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* data);
[Slot(149)] [Slot(149)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabel(System.Int32 identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(152)] [Slot(152)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(160)] [Slot(160)]
static extern void glGetPointerv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetPointervPName pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glGetPointerv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(163)] [Slot(163)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramInfoLog(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramInfoLog(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog);
[Slot(164)] [Slot(164)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramiv(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetProgramParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramiv(UInt32 program, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(172)] [Slot(172)]
static extern unsafe void glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(173)] [Slot(173)]
static extern unsafe void glGetShaderInfoLog(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog); static extern unsafe void glGetShaderInfoLog(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog);
[Slot(174)] [Slot(174)]
static extern unsafe void glGetShaderiv(UInt32 shader, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ShaderParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetShaderiv(UInt32 shader, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(175)] [Slot(175)]
static extern unsafe void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ShaderPrecision precisiontype, [OutAttribute] Int32* range, [OutAttribute] Int32* precision); static extern unsafe void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(System.Int32 shadertype, System.Int32 precisiontype, [OutAttribute] Int32* range, [OutAttribute] Int32* precision);
[Slot(176)] [Slot(176)]
static extern unsafe void glGetShaderSource(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source); static extern unsafe void glGetShaderSource(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source);
[Slot(177)] [Slot(177)]
static extern IntPtr glGetString(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StringName name); static extern IntPtr glGetString(System.Int32 name);
[Slot(179)] [Slot(179)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetTextureParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterfv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(180)] [Slot(180)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetTextureParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(182)] [Slot(182)]
static extern unsafe void glGetUniformfv(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetUniformfv(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(183)] [Slot(183)]
@ -38641,17 +38641,17 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(184)] [Slot(184)]
static extern Int32 glGetUniformLocation(UInt32 program, String name); static extern Int32 glGetUniformLocation(UInt32 program, String name);
[Slot(185)] [Slot(185)]
static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribfv(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribfv(UInt32 index, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(186)] [Slot(186)]
static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribiv(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribiv(UInt32 index, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(187)] [Slot(187)]
static extern void glGetVertexAttribPointerv(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.VertexAttribPointerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pointer); static extern void glGetVertexAttribPointerv(UInt32 index, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(188)] [Slot(188)]
static extern void glHint(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.HintTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.HintMode mode); static extern void glHint(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(190)] [Slot(190)]
static extern bool glIsBuffer(UInt32 buffer); static extern bool glIsBuffer(UInt32 buffer);
[Slot(191)] [Slot(191)]
static extern bool glIsEnabled(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.EnableCap cap); static extern bool glIsEnabled(System.Int32 cap);
[Slot(193)] [Slot(193)]
static extern bool glIsFramebuffer(UInt32 framebuffer); static extern bool glIsFramebuffer(UInt32 framebuffer);
[Slot(194)] [Slot(194)]
@ -38667,55 +38667,55 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(204)] [Slot(204)]
static extern void glLinkProgram(UInt32 program); static extern void glLinkProgram(UInt32 program);
[Slot(209)] [Slot(209)]
static extern void glObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glObjectLabel(System.Int32 identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(211)] [Slot(211)]
static extern void glObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(213)] [Slot(213)]
static extern void glPixelStorei(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelStoreParameter pname, Int32 param); static extern void glPixelStorei(System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(214)] [Slot(214)]
static extern void glPolygonOffset(Single factor, Single units); static extern void glPolygonOffset(Single factor, Single units);
[Slot(215)] [Slot(215)]
static extern void glPopDebugGroup(); static extern void glPopDebugGroup();
[Slot(253)] [Slot(253)]
static extern void glPushDebugGroup(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message); static extern void glPushDebugGroup(System.Int32 source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message);
[Slot(260)] [Slot(260)]
static extern void glReadPixels(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelType type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pixels); static extern void glReadPixels(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(261)] [Slot(261)]
static extern void glReleaseShaderCompiler(); static extern void glReleaseShaderCompiler();
[Slot(262)] [Slot(262)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorage(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorage(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(269)] [Slot(269)]
static extern void glSampleCoverage(Single value, bool invert); static extern void glSampleCoverage(Single value, bool invert);
[Slot(270)] [Slot(270)]
static extern void glScissor(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glScissor(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(273)] [Slot(273)]
static extern unsafe void glShaderBinary(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ShaderBinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length); static extern unsafe void glShaderBinary(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, System.Int32 binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length);
[Slot(274)] [Slot(274)]
static extern unsafe void glShaderSource(UInt32 shader, Int32 count, String[] @string, Int32* length); static extern unsafe void glShaderSource(UInt32 shader, Int32 count, String[] @string, Int32* length);
[Slot(276)] [Slot(276)]
static extern void glStencilFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilFunction func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilFunc(System.Int32 func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask);
[Slot(277)] [Slot(277)]
static extern void glStencilFuncSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilFace face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilFunction func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilFuncSeparate(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask);
[Slot(278)] [Slot(278)]
static extern void glStencilMask(UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilMask(UInt32 mask);
[Slot(279)] [Slot(279)]
static extern void glStencilMaskSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilFace face, UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilMaskSeparate(System.Int32 face, UInt32 mask);
[Slot(280)] [Slot(280)]
static extern void glStencilOp(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilOp fail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilOp zfail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilOp zpass); static extern void glStencilOp(System.Int32 fail, System.Int32 zfail, System.Int32 zpass);
[Slot(281)] [Slot(281)]
static extern void glStencilOpSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilFace face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilOp sfail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilOp dpfail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.StencilOp dppass); static extern void glStencilOpSeparate(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 sfail, System.Int32 dpfail, System.Int32 dppass);
[Slot(283)] [Slot(283)]
static extern void glTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureComponentCount internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(285)] [Slot(285)]
static extern void glTexParameterf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureParameterName pname, Single param); static extern void glTexParameterf(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(286)] [Slot(286)]
static extern unsafe void glTexParameterfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureParameterName pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexParameterfv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(287)] [Slot(287)]
static extern void glTexParameteri(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureParameterName pname, Int32 param); static extern void glTexParameteri(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(288)] [Slot(288)]
static extern unsafe void glTexParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureParameterName pname, Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32* @params);
[Slot(292)] [Slot(292)]
static extern void glTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexSubImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(297)] [Slot(297)]
static extern void glUniform1f(Int32 location, Single v0); static extern void glUniform1f(Int32 location, Single v0);
[Slot(298)] [Slot(298)]
@ -38775,7 +38775,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(335)] [Slot(335)]
static extern unsafe void glVertexAttrib4fv(UInt32 index, Single* v); static extern unsafe void glVertexAttrib4fv(UInt32 index, Single* v);
[Slot(339)] [Slot(339)]
static extern void glVertexAttribPointer(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.VertexAttribPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glVertexAttribPointer(UInt32 index, Int32 size, System.Int32 type, bool normalized, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(340)] [Slot(340)]
static extern void glViewport(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glViewport(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(0)] [Slot(0)]
@ -38783,63 +38783,63 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(1)] [Slot(1)]
static extern void glActiveShaderProgramEXT(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 program); static extern void glActiveShaderProgramEXT(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 program);
[Slot(6)] [Slot(6)]
static extern void glBeginQueryEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QueryTarget target, UInt32 id); static extern void glBeginQueryEXT(System.Int32 target, UInt32 id);
[Slot(10)] [Slot(10)]
static extern void glBindProgramPipelineEXT(UInt32 pipeline); static extern void glBindProgramPipelineEXT(UInt32 pipeline);
[Slot(17)] [Slot(17)]
static extern void glBlendEquationEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlendEquationMode mode); static extern void glBlendEquationEXT(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(47)] [Slot(47)]
static extern Int32 glCreateShaderProgramEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, String @string); static extern Int32 glCreateShaderProgramEXT(System.Int32 type, String @string);
[Slot(48)] [Slot(48)]
static extern Int32 glCreateShaderProgramvEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, Int32 count, String[] strings); static extern Int32 glCreateShaderProgramvEXT(System.Int32 type, Int32 count, String[] strings);
[Slot(61)] [Slot(61)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT(Int32 n, UInt32* pipelines); static extern unsafe void glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT(Int32 n, UInt32* pipelines);
[Slot(62)] [Slot(62)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteQueriesEXT(Int32 n, UInt32* ids); static extern unsafe void glDeleteQueriesEXT(Int32 n, UInt32* ids);
[Slot(75)] [Slot(75)]
static extern unsafe void glDiscardFramebufferEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All* attachments); static extern unsafe void glDiscardFramebufferEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 numAttachments, System.Int32* attachments);
[Slot(78)] [Slot(78)]
static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 count, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32 start, Int32 count, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(80)] [Slot(80)]
static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersEXT(Int32 n, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DrawBufferMode* bufs); static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersEXT(Int32 n, System.Int32* bufs);
[Slot(81)] [Slot(81)]
static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT(Int32 n, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All* location, Int32* indices); static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT(Int32 n, System.Int32* location, Int32* indices);
[Slot(85)] [Slot(85)]
static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(93)] [Slot(93)]
static extern void glEndQueryEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QueryTarget target); static extern void glEndQueryEXT(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(111)] [Slot(111)]
static extern void glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length); static extern void glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length);
[Slot(114)] [Slot(114)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples); static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples);
[Slot(123)] [Slot(123)]
static extern unsafe void glGenProgramPipelinesEXT(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* pipelines); static extern unsafe void glGenProgramPipelinesEXT(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* pipelines);
[Slot(124)] [Slot(124)]
static extern unsafe void glGenQueriesEXT(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids); static extern unsafe void glGenQueriesEXT(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids);
[Slot(143)] [Slot(143)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(); static extern System.Int32 glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT();
[Slot(145)] [Slot(145)]
static extern unsafe void glGetIntegeri_vEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Int32* data); static extern unsafe void glGetIntegeri_vEXT(System.Int32 target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Int32* data);
[Slot(147)] [Slot(147)]
static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformfvEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformfvEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(148)] [Slot(148)]
static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformivEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformivEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(150)] [Slot(150)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabelEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, UInt32 @object, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabelEXT(System.Int32 type, UInt32 @object, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(165)] [Slot(165)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT(UInt32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT(UInt32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog);
[Slot(166)] [Slot(166)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramPipelineivEXT(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramPipelineivEXT(UInt32 pipeline, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(167)] [Slot(167)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryivEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QueryTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryivEXT(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(168)] [Slot(168)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params);
[Slot(169)] [Slot(169)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectivEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectivEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(170)] [Slot(170)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] UInt64* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] UInt64* @params);
[Slot(171)] [Slot(171)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectuivEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectuivEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params);
[Slot(189)] [Slot(189)]
static extern void glInsertEventMarkerEXT(Int32 length, String marker); static extern void glInsertEventMarkerEXT(Int32 length, String marker);
[Slot(195)] [Slot(195)]
@ -38847,17 +38847,17 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(196)] [Slot(196)]
static extern bool glIsQueryEXT(UInt32 id); static extern bool glIsQueryEXT(UInt32 id);
[Slot(202)] [Slot(202)]
static extern void glLabelObjectEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, UInt32 @object, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glLabelObjectEXT(System.Int32 type, UInt32 @object, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(206)] [Slot(206)]
static extern IntPtr glMapBufferRangeEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, UInt32 access); static extern IntPtr glMapBufferRangeEXT(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, UInt32 access);
[Slot(207)] [Slot(207)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawArraysEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* first, Int32* count, Int32 primcount); static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawArraysEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32* first, Int32* count, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(208)] [Slot(208)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawElementsEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount); static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawElementsEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32* count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(217)] [Slot(217)]
static extern void glPopGroupMarkerEXT(); static extern void glPopGroupMarkerEXT();
[Slot(219)] [Slot(219)]
static extern void glProgramParameteriEXT(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ProgramParameterName pname, Int32 value); static extern void glProgramParameteriEXT(UInt32 program, System.Int32 pname, Int32 value);
[Slot(220)] [Slot(220)]
static extern void glProgramUniform1fEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0); static extern void glProgramUniform1fEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0);
[Slot(221)] [Slot(221)]
@ -38927,93 +38927,93 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(255)] [Slot(255)]
static extern void glPushGroupMarkerEXT(Int32 length, String marker); static extern void glPushGroupMarkerEXT(Int32 length, String marker);
[Slot(256)] [Slot(256)]
static extern void glQueryCounterEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target); static extern void glQueryCounterEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 target);
[Slot(257)] [Slot(257)]
static extern void glReadBufferIndexedEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All src, Int32 index); static extern void glReadBufferIndexedEXT(System.Int32 src, Int32 index);
[Slot(259)] [Slot(259)]
static extern void glReadnPixelsEXT(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data); static extern void glReadnPixelsEXT(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data);
[Slot(265)] [Slot(265)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(289)] [Slot(289)]
static extern void glTexStorage1DEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, Int32 width); static extern void glTexStorage1DEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width);
[Slot(290)] [Slot(290)]
static extern void glTexStorage2DEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glTexStorage2DEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(291)] [Slot(291)]
static extern void glTexStorage3DEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth); static extern void glTexStorage3DEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth);
[Slot(294)] [Slot(294)]
static extern void glTextureStorage1DEXT(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, Int32 width); static extern void glTextureStorage1DEXT(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width);
[Slot(295)] [Slot(295)]
static extern void glTextureStorage2DEXT(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glTextureStorage2DEXT(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(296)] [Slot(296)]
static extern void glTextureStorage3DEXT(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth); static extern void glTextureStorage3DEXT(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth);
[Slot(324)] [Slot(324)]
static extern void glUseProgramStagesEXT(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 stages, UInt32 program); static extern void glUseProgramStagesEXT(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 stages, UInt32 program);
[Slot(325)] [Slot(325)]
static extern void glUseShaderProgramEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, UInt32 program); static extern void glUseShaderProgramEXT(System.Int32 type, UInt32 program);
[Slot(327)] [Slot(327)]
static extern void glValidateProgramPipelineEXT(UInt32 pipeline); static extern void glValidateProgramPipelineEXT(UInt32 pipeline);
[Slot(337)] [Slot(337)]
static extern void glVertexAttribDivisorEXT(UInt32 index, UInt32 divisor); static extern void glVertexAttribDivisorEXT(UInt32 index, UInt32 divisor);
[Slot(115)] [Slot(115)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples); static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples);
[Slot(266)] [Slot(266)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(51)] [Slot(51)]
static extern void glDebugMessageCallbackKHR(DebugProcKhr callback, IntPtr userParam); static extern void glDebugMessageCallbackKHR(DebugProcKhr callback, IntPtr userParam);
[Slot(53)] [Slot(53)]
static extern unsafe void glDebugMessageControlKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled); static extern unsafe void glDebugMessageControlKHR(System.Int32 source, System.Int32 type, System.Int32 severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled);
[Slot(55)] [Slot(55)]
static extern void glDebugMessageInsertKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSourceExternal source, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugType type, UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSeverity severity, Int32 length, String buf); static extern void glDebugMessageInsertKHR(System.Int32 source, System.Int32 type, UInt32 id, System.Int32 severity, Int32 length, String buf);
[Slot(136)] [Slot(136)]
static extern unsafe Int32 glGetDebugMessageLogKHR(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSourceExternal* sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugType* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DebugSeverity* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog); static extern unsafe Int32 glGetDebugMessageLogKHR(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* sources, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog);
[Slot(151)] [Slot(151)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabelKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabelKHR(System.Int32 identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(153)] [Slot(153)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(161)] [Slot(161)]
static extern void glGetPointervKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glGetPointervKHR(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(210)] [Slot(210)]
static extern void glObjectLabelKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glObjectLabelKHR(System.Int32 identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(212)] [Slot(212)]
static extern void glObjectPtrLabelKHR(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glObjectPtrLabelKHR(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(216)] [Slot(216)]
static extern void glPopDebugGroupKHR(); static extern void glPopDebugGroupKHR();
[Slot(254)] [Slot(254)]
static extern void glPushDebugGroupKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message); static extern void glPushDebugGroupKHR(System.Int32 source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message);
[Slot(14)] [Slot(14)]
static extern void glBlendBarrierNV(); static extern void glBlendBarrierNV();
[Slot(21)] [Slot(21)]
static extern void glBlendParameteriNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, Int32 value); static extern void glBlendParameteriNV(System.Int32 pname, Int32 value);
[Slot(23)] [Slot(23)]
static extern void glBlitFramebufferNV(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ClearBufferMask mask, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BlitFramebufferFilter filter); static extern void glBlitFramebufferNV(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, System.Int32 mask, System.Int32 filter);
[Slot(38)] [Slot(38)]
static extern void glCopyBufferSubDataNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget readTarget, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget writeTarget, IntPtr readOffset, IntPtr writeOffset, IntPtr size); static extern void glCopyBufferSubDataNV(System.Int32 readTarget, System.Int32 writeTarget, IntPtr readOffset, IntPtr writeOffset, IntPtr size);
[Slot(43)] [Slot(43)]
static extern void glCoverageMaskNV(bool mask); static extern void glCoverageMaskNV(bool mask);
[Slot(44)] [Slot(44)]
static extern void glCoverageOperationNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All operation); static extern void glCoverageOperationNV(System.Int32 operation);
[Slot(57)] [Slot(57)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteFencesNV(Int32 n, UInt32* fences); static extern unsafe void glDeleteFencesNV(Int32 n, UInt32* fences);
[Slot(79)] [Slot(79)]
static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedNV(System.Int32 mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(82)] [Slot(82)]
static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersNV(Int32 n, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DrawBufferMode* bufs); static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersNV(Int32 n, System.Int32* bufs);
[Slot(86)] [Slot(86)]
static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedNV(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(109)] [Slot(109)]
static extern void glFinishFenceNV(UInt32 fence); static extern void glFinishFenceNV(UInt32 fence);
[Slot(120)] [Slot(120)]
static extern unsafe void glGenFencesNV(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* fences); static extern unsafe void glGenFencesNV(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* fences);
[Slot(140)] [Slot(140)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFenceivNV(UInt32 fence, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetFenceivNV(UInt32 fence, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(192)] [Slot(192)]
static extern bool glIsFenceNV(UInt32 fence); static extern bool glIsFenceNV(UInt32 fence);
[Slot(258)] [Slot(258)]
static extern void glReadBufferNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All mode); static extern void glReadBufferNV(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(267)] [Slot(267)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(272)] [Slot(272)]
static extern void glSetFenceNV(UInt32 fence, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All condition); static extern void glSetFenceNV(UInt32 fence, System.Int32 condition);
[Slot(282)] [Slot(282)]
static extern bool glTestFenceNV(UInt32 fence); static extern bool glTestFenceNV(UInt32 fence);
[Slot(314)] [Slot(314)]
@ -39033,39 +39033,39 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(13)] [Slot(13)]
static extern void glBindVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array); static extern void glBindVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array);
[Slot(35)] [Slot(35)]
static extern void glCompressedTexImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.CompressedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(37)] [Slot(37)]
static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, System.Int32 format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(41)] [Slot(41)]
static extern void glCopyTexSubImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glCopyTexSubImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(67)] [Slot(67)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, UInt32* arrays); static extern unsafe void glDeleteVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, UInt32* arrays);
[Slot(87)] [Slot(87)]
static extern void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, IntPtr image); static extern void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(System.Int32 target, IntPtr image);
[Slot(88)] [Slot(88)]
static extern void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, IntPtr image); static extern void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(System.Int32 target, IntPtr image);
[Slot(116)] [Slot(116)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 zoffset); static extern void glFramebufferTexture3DOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 zoffset);
[Slot(127)] [Slot(127)]
static extern unsafe void glGenVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays); static extern unsafe void glGenVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays);
[Slot(134)] [Slot(134)]
static extern void glGetBufferPointervOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferPointer pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glGetBufferPointervOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(162)] [Slot(162)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramBinaryOES(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramBinaryOES(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary);
[Slot(201)] [Slot(201)]
static extern bool glIsVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array); static extern bool glIsVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array);
[Slot(205)] [Slot(205)]
static extern IntPtr glMapBufferOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All access); static extern IntPtr glMapBufferOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 access);
[Slot(218)] [Slot(218)]
static extern void glProgramBinaryOES(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length); static extern void glProgramBinaryOES(UInt32 program, System.Int32 binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length);
[Slot(284)] [Slot(284)]
static extern void glTexImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureComponentCount internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(293)] [Slot(293)]
static extern void glTexSubImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexSubImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(322)] [Slot(322)]
static extern bool glUnmapBufferOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.BufferTarget target); static extern bool glUnmapBufferOES(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(3)] [Slot(3)]
static extern void glAlphaFuncQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All func, Single @ref); static extern void glAlphaFuncQCOM(System.Int32 func, Single @ref);
[Slot(73)] [Slot(73)]
static extern void glDisableDriverControlQCOM(UInt32 driverControl); static extern void glDisableDriverControlQCOM(UInt32 driverControl);
[Slot(90)] [Slot(90)]
@ -39073,13 +39073,13 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(94)] [Slot(94)]
static extern void glEndTilingQCOM(UInt32 preserveMask); static extern void glEndTilingQCOM(UInt32 preserveMask);
[Slot(95)] [Slot(95)]
static extern void glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM(System.Int32 target, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(96)] [Slot(96)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetBuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers, Int32 maxBuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numBuffers); static extern unsafe void glExtGetBuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers, Int32 maxBuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numBuffers);
[Slot(97)] [Slot(97)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers, Int32 maxFramebuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numFramebuffers); static extern unsafe void glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers, Int32 maxFramebuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numFramebuffers);
[Slot(98)] [Slot(98)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All shadertype, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source, [OutAttribute] Int32* length); static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM(UInt32 program, System.Int32 shadertype, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source, [OutAttribute] Int32* length);
[Slot(99)] [Slot(99)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramsQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* programs, Int32 maxPrograms, [OutAttribute] Int32* numPrograms); static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramsQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* programs, Int32 maxPrograms, [OutAttribute] Int32* numPrograms);
[Slot(100)] [Slot(100)]
@ -39087,15 +39087,15 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20
[Slot(101)] [Slot(101)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetShadersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders, Int32 maxShaders, [OutAttribute] Int32* numShaders); static extern unsafe void glExtGetShadersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders, Int32 maxShaders, [OutAttribute] Int32* numShaders);
[Slot(102)] [Slot(102)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All face, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 face, Int32 level, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(103)] [Slot(103)]
static extern void glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr texels); static extern void glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr texels);
[Slot(104)] [Slot(104)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexturesQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* textures, Int32 maxTextures, [OutAttribute] Int32* numTextures); static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexturesQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* textures, Int32 maxTextures, [OutAttribute] Int32* numTextures);
[Slot(105)] [Slot(105)]
static extern bool glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM(UInt32 program); static extern bool glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM(UInt32 program);
[Slot(106)] [Slot(106)]
static extern void glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All pname, Int32 param); static extern void glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(137)] [Slot(137)]
static extern unsafe void glGetDriverControlsQCOM([OutAttribute] Int32* num, Int32 size, [OutAttribute] UInt32* driverControls); static extern unsafe void glGetDriverControlsQCOM([OutAttribute] Int32* num, Int32 size, [OutAttribute] UInt32* driverControls);
[Slot(138)] [Slot(138)]

View file

@ -48980,9 +48980,9 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(153)] [Slot(153)]
static extern unsafe void glGenPerfMonitorsAMD(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* monitors); static extern unsafe void glGenPerfMonitorsAMD(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* monitors);
[Slot(199)] [Slot(199)]
static extern unsafe void glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD(UInt32 monitor, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, Int32 dataSize, [OutAttribute] UInt32* data, [OutAttribute] Int32* bytesWritten); static extern unsafe void glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD(UInt32 monitor, System.Int32 pname, Int32 dataSize, [OutAttribute] UInt32* data, [OutAttribute] Int32* bytesWritten);
[Slot(200)] [Slot(200)]
static extern void glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD(UInt32 group, UInt32 counter, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data); static extern void glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD(UInt32 group, UInt32 counter, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data);
[Slot(201)] [Slot(201)]
static extern unsafe void glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD(UInt32 group, [OutAttribute] Int32* numCounters, [OutAttribute] Int32* maxActiveCounters, Int32 counterSize, [OutAttribute] UInt32* counters); static extern unsafe void glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD(UInt32 group, [OutAttribute] Int32* numCounters, [OutAttribute] Int32* maxActiveCounters, Int32 counterSize, [OutAttribute] UInt32* counters);
[Slot(202)] [Slot(202)]
@ -48994,93 +48994,93 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(347)] [Slot(347)]
static extern unsafe void glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD(UInt32 monitor, bool enable, UInt32 group, Int32 numCounters, [OutAttribute] UInt32* counterList); static extern unsafe void glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD(UInt32 monitor, bool enable, UInt32 group, Int32 numCounters, [OutAttribute] UInt32* counterList);
[Slot(30)] [Slot(30)]
static extern void glBlitFramebufferANGLE(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClearBufferMask mask, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlitFramebufferFilter filter); static extern void glBlitFramebufferANGLE(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, System.Int32 mask, System.Int32 filter);
[Slot(100)] [Slot(100)]
static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedANGLE(System.Int32 mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(109)] [Slot(109)]
static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(234)] [Slot(234)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source); static extern unsafe void glGetTranslatedShaderSourceANGLE(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufsize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source);
[Slot(334)] [Slot(334)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleANGLE(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(434)] [Slot(434)]
static extern void glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE(UInt32 index, UInt32 divisor); static extern void glVertexAttribDivisorANGLE(UInt32 index, UInt32 divisor);
[Slot(44)] [Slot(44)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.WaitSyncStatus glClientWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClientWaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout); static extern System.Int32 glClientWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 flags, UInt64 timeout);
[Slot(59)] [Slot(59)]
static extern void glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE(UInt32 destinationTexture, UInt32 sourceTexture, Int32 sourceBaseLevel, Int32 sourceLevelCount); static extern void glCopyTextureLevelsAPPLE(UInt32 destinationTexture, UInt32 sourceTexture, Int32 sourceBaseLevel, Int32 sourceLevelCount);
[Slot(85)] [Slot(85)]
static extern void glDeleteSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync); static extern void glDeleteSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync);
[Slot(136)] [Slot(136)]
static extern IntPtr glFenceSyncAPPLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SyncCondition condition, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.WaitSyncFlags flags); static extern IntPtr glFenceSyncAPPLE(System.Int32 condition, System.Int32 flags);
[Slot(187)] [Slot(187)]
static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64vAPPLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64vAPPLE(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params);
[Slot(230)] [Slot(230)]
static extern unsafe void glGetSyncivAPPLE(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SyncParameterName pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values); static extern unsafe void glGetSyncivAPPLE(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values);
[Slot(262)] [Slot(262)]
static extern bool glIsSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync); static extern bool glIsSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync);
[Slot(335)] [Slot(335)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(339)] [Slot(339)]
static extern void glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE(); static extern void glResolveMultisampleFramebufferAPPLE();
[Slot(445)] [Slot(445)]
static extern void glWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.WaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout); static extern void glWaitSyncAPPLE(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 flags, UInt64 timeout);
[Slot(2)] [Slot(2)]
static extern void glActiveTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureUnit texture); static extern void glActiveTexture(System.Int32 texture);
[Slot(4)] [Slot(4)]
static extern void glAttachShader(UInt32 program, UInt32 shader); static extern void glAttachShader(UInt32 program, UInt32 shader);
[Slot(6)] [Slot(6)]
static extern void glBeginQuery(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.QueryTarget target, UInt32 id); static extern void glBeginQuery(System.Int32 target, UInt32 id);
[Slot(8)] [Slot(8)]
static extern void glBeginTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TransformFeedbackPrimitiveType primitiveMode); static extern void glBeginTransformFeedback(System.Int32 primitiveMode);
[Slot(9)] [Slot(9)]
static extern void glBindAttribLocation(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, String name); static extern void glBindAttribLocation(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, String name);
[Slot(10)] [Slot(10)]
static extern void glBindBuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, UInt32 buffer); static extern void glBindBuffer(System.Int32 target, UInt32 buffer);
[Slot(11)] [Slot(11)]
static extern void glBindBufferBase(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 index, UInt32 buffer); static extern void glBindBufferBase(System.Int32 target, UInt32 index, UInt32 buffer);
[Slot(12)] [Slot(12)]
static extern void glBindBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferRangeTarget target, UInt32 index, UInt32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size); static extern void glBindBufferRange(System.Int32 target, UInt32 index, UInt32 buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size);
[Slot(13)] [Slot(13)]
static extern void glBindFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferTarget target, UInt32 framebuffer); static extern void glBindFramebuffer(System.Int32 target, UInt32 framebuffer);
[Slot(15)] [Slot(15)]
static extern void glBindRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget target, UInt32 renderbuffer); static extern void glBindRenderbuffer(System.Int32 target, UInt32 renderbuffer);
[Slot(16)] [Slot(16)]
static extern void glBindSampler(UInt32 unit, UInt32 sampler); static extern void glBindSampler(UInt32 unit, UInt32 sampler);
[Slot(17)] [Slot(17)]
static extern void glBindTexture(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget target, UInt32 texture); static extern void glBindTexture(System.Int32 target, UInt32 texture);
[Slot(18)] [Slot(18)]
static extern void glBindTransformFeedback(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TransformFeedbackTarget target, UInt32 id); static extern void glBindTransformFeedback(System.Int32 target, UInt32 id);
[Slot(19)] [Slot(19)]
static extern void glBindVertexArray(UInt32 array); static extern void glBindVertexArray(UInt32 array);
[Slot(22)] [Slot(22)]
static extern void glBlendColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha); static extern void glBlendColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha);
[Slot(23)] [Slot(23)]
static extern void glBlendEquation(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendEquationMode mode); static extern void glBlendEquation(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(25)] [Slot(25)]
static extern void glBlendEquationSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendEquationMode modeRGB, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendEquationMode modeAlpha); static extern void glBlendEquationSeparate(System.Int32 modeRGB, System.Int32 modeAlpha);
[Slot(26)] [Slot(26)]
static extern void glBlendFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendingFactorSrc sfactor, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendingFactorDest dfactor); static extern void glBlendFunc(System.Int32 sfactor, System.Int32 dfactor);
[Slot(27)] [Slot(27)]
static extern void glBlendFuncSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendingFactorSrc sfactorRGB, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendingFactorDest dfactorRGB, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendingFactorSrc sfactorAlpha, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendingFactorDest dfactorAlpha); static extern void glBlendFuncSeparate(System.Int32 sfactorRGB, System.Int32 dfactorRGB, System.Int32 sfactorAlpha, System.Int32 dfactorAlpha);
[Slot(29)] [Slot(29)]
static extern void glBlitFramebuffer(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClearBufferMask mask, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlitFramebufferFilter filter); static extern void glBlitFramebuffer(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, System.Int32 mask, System.Int32 filter);
[Slot(32)] [Slot(32)]
static extern void glBufferData(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, IntPtr size, IntPtr data, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferUsageHint usage); static extern void glBufferData(System.Int32 target, IntPtr size, IntPtr data, System.Int32 usage);
[Slot(33)] [Slot(33)]
static extern void glBufferSubData(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, IntPtr data); static extern void glBufferSubData(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size, IntPtr data);
[Slot(34)] [Slot(34)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferErrorCode glCheckFramebufferStatus(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferTarget target); static extern System.Int32 glCheckFramebufferStatus(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(35)] [Slot(35)]
static extern void glClear(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClearBufferMask mask); static extern void glClear(System.Int32 mask);
[Slot(36)] [Slot(36)]
static extern void glClearBufferfi(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClearBufferCombined buffer, Int32 drawbuffer, Single depth, Int32 stencil); static extern void glClearBufferfi(System.Int32 buffer, Int32 drawbuffer, Single depth, Int32 stencil);
[Slot(37)] [Slot(37)]
static extern unsafe void glClearBufferfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClearBuffer buffer, Int32 drawbuffer, Single* value); static extern unsafe void glClearBufferfv(System.Int32 buffer, Int32 drawbuffer, Single* value);
[Slot(38)] [Slot(38)]
static extern unsafe void glClearBufferiv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClearBuffer buffer, Int32 drawbuffer, Int32* value); static extern unsafe void glClearBufferiv(System.Int32 buffer, Int32 drawbuffer, Int32* value);
[Slot(39)] [Slot(39)]
static extern unsafe void glClearBufferuiv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClearBuffer buffer, Int32 drawbuffer, UInt32* value); static extern unsafe void glClearBufferuiv(System.Int32 buffer, Int32 drawbuffer, UInt32* value);
[Slot(40)] [Slot(40)]
static extern void glClearColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha); static extern void glClearColor(Single red, Single green, Single blue, Single alpha);
[Slot(41)] [Slot(41)]
@ -49088,39 +49088,39 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(42)] [Slot(42)]
static extern void glClearStencil(Int32 s); static extern void glClearStencil(Int32 s);
[Slot(43)] [Slot(43)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.WaitSyncStatus glClientWaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClientWaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout); static extern System.Int32 glClientWaitSync(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 flags, UInt64 timeout);
[Slot(45)] [Slot(45)]
static extern void glColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha); static extern void glColorMask(bool red, bool green, bool blue, bool alpha);
[Slot(46)] [Slot(46)]
static extern void glCompileShader(UInt32 shader); static extern void glCompileShader(UInt32 shader);
[Slot(47)] [Slot(47)]
static extern void glCompressedTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.CompressedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(48)] [Slot(48)]
static extern void glCompressedTexImage3D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.CompressedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexImage3D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(50)] [Slot(50)]
static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelFormat format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(51)] [Slot(51)]
static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage3D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelFormat format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage3D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, System.Int32 format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(53)] [Slot(53)]
static extern void glCopyBufferSubData(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget readTarget, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget writeTarget, IntPtr readOffset, IntPtr writeOffset, IntPtr size); static extern void glCopyBufferSubData(System.Int32 readTarget, System.Int32 writeTarget, IntPtr readOffset, IntPtr writeOffset, IntPtr size);
[Slot(55)] [Slot(55)]
static extern void glCopyTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureCopyComponentCount internalformat, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border); static extern void glCopyTexImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border);
[Slot(56)] [Slot(56)]
static extern void glCopyTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glCopyTexSubImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(57)] [Slot(57)]
static extern void glCopyTexSubImage3D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glCopyTexSubImage3D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(62)] [Slot(62)]
static extern Int32 glCreateProgram(); static extern Int32 glCreateProgram();
[Slot(63)] [Slot(63)]
static extern Int32 glCreateShader(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ShaderType type); static extern Int32 glCreateShader(System.Int32 type);
[Slot(66)] [Slot(66)]
static extern void glCullFace(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.CullFaceMode mode); static extern void glCullFace(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(67)] [Slot(67)]
static extern void glDebugMessageCallback(DebugProc callback, IntPtr userParam); static extern void glDebugMessageCallback(DebugProc callback, IntPtr userParam);
[Slot(69)] [Slot(69)]
static extern unsafe void glDebugMessageControl(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled); static extern unsafe void glDebugMessageControl(System.Int32 source, System.Int32 type, System.Int32 severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled);
[Slot(71)] [Slot(71)]
static extern void glDebugMessageInsert(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSourceExternal source, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugType type, UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSeverity severity, Int32 length, String buf); static extern void glDebugMessageInsert(System.Int32 source, System.Int32 type, UInt32 id, System.Int32 severity, Int32 length, String buf);
[Slot(73)] [Slot(73)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteBuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* buffers); static extern unsafe void glDeleteBuffers(Int32 n, UInt32* buffers);
[Slot(75)] [Slot(75)]
@ -49144,7 +49144,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(88)] [Slot(88)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, UInt32* arrays); static extern unsafe void glDeleteVertexArrays(Int32 n, UInt32* arrays);
[Slot(90)] [Slot(90)]
static extern void glDepthFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DepthFunction func); static extern void glDepthFunc(System.Int32 func);
[Slot(91)] [Slot(91)]
static extern void glDepthMask(bool flag); static extern void glDepthMask(bool flag);
[Slot(92)] [Slot(92)]
@ -49152,49 +49152,49 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(93)] [Slot(93)]
static extern void glDetachShader(UInt32 program, UInt32 shader); static extern void glDetachShader(UInt32 program, UInt32 shader);
[Slot(94)] [Slot(94)]
static extern void glDisable(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.EnableCap cap); static extern void glDisable(System.Int32 cap);
[Slot(96)] [Slot(96)]
static extern void glDisableVertexAttribArray(UInt32 index); static extern void glDisableVertexAttribArray(UInt32 index);
[Slot(98)] [Slot(98)]
static extern void glDrawArrays(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count); static extern void glDrawArrays(System.Int32 mode, Int32 first, Int32 count);
[Slot(99)] [Slot(99)]
static extern void glDrawArraysInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 instancecount); static extern void glDrawArraysInstanced(System.Int32 mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 instancecount);
[Slot(103)] [Slot(103)]
static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffers(Int32 n, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawBufferMode* bufs); static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffers(Int32 n, System.Int32* bufs);
[Slot(107)] [Slot(107)]
static extern void glDrawElements(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices); static extern void glDrawElements(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices);
[Slot(108)] [Slot(108)]
static extern void glDrawElementsInstanced(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount); static extern void glDrawElementsInstanced(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 instancecount);
[Slot(112)] [Slot(112)]
static extern void glDrawRangeElements(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices); static extern void glDrawRangeElements(System.Int32 mode, UInt32 start, UInt32 end, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices);
[Slot(115)] [Slot(115)]
static extern void glEnable(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.EnableCap cap); static extern void glEnable(System.Int32 cap);
[Slot(117)] [Slot(117)]
static extern void glEnableVertexAttribArray(UInt32 index); static extern void glEnableVertexAttribArray(UInt32 index);
[Slot(119)] [Slot(119)]
static extern void glEndQuery(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.QueryTarget target); static extern void glEndQuery(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(122)] [Slot(122)]
static extern void glEndTransformFeedback(); static extern void glEndTransformFeedback();
[Slot(135)] [Slot(135)]
static extern IntPtr glFenceSync(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SyncCondition condition, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.WaitSyncFlags flags); static extern IntPtr glFenceSync(System.Int32 condition, System.Int32 flags);
[Slot(137)] [Slot(137)]
static extern void glFinish(); static extern void glFinish();
[Slot(139)] [Slot(139)]
static extern void glFlush(); static extern void glFlush();
[Slot(140)] [Slot(140)]
static extern void glFlushMappedBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length); static extern void glFlushMappedBufferRange(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length);
[Slot(142)] [Slot(142)]
static extern void glFramebufferRenderbuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget renderbuffertarget, UInt32 renderbuffer); static extern void glFramebufferRenderbuffer(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 renderbuffertarget, UInt32 renderbuffer);
[Slot(143)] [Slot(143)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget2d textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level); static extern void glFramebufferTexture2D(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level);
[Slot(147)] [Slot(147)]
static extern void glFramebufferTextureLayer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferAttachment attachment, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 layer); static extern void glFramebufferTextureLayer(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 layer);
[Slot(148)] [Slot(148)]
static extern void glFrontFace(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FrontFaceDirection mode); static extern void glFrontFace(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(149)] [Slot(149)]
static extern unsafe void glGenBuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers); static extern unsafe void glGenBuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers);
[Slot(150)] [Slot(150)]
static extern void glGenerateMipmap(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget target); static extern void glGenerateMipmap(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(152)] [Slot(152)]
static extern unsafe void glGenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers); static extern unsafe void glGenFramebuffers(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers);
[Slot(155)] [Slot(155)]
@ -49210,89 +49210,89 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(161)] [Slot(161)]
static extern unsafe void glGenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays); static extern unsafe void glGenVertexArrays(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays);
[Slot(163)] [Slot(163)]
static extern unsafe void glGetActiveAttrib(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ActiveAttribType* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name); static extern unsafe void glGetActiveAttrib(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name);
[Slot(164)] [Slot(164)]
static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniform(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ActiveUniformType* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name); static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniform(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name);
[Slot(165)] [Slot(165)]
static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ActiveUniformBlockParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniformBlockiv(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(166)] [Slot(166)]
static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniformBlockName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName); static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniformBlockName(UInt32 program, UInt32 uniformBlockIndex, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder uniformBlockName);
[Slot(167)] [Slot(167)]
static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniformsiv(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, UInt32* uniformIndices, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ActiveUniformParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetActiveUniformsiv(UInt32 program, Int32 uniformCount, UInt32* uniformIndices, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(168)] [Slot(168)]
static extern unsafe void glGetAttachedShaders(UInt32 program, Int32 maxCount, [OutAttribute] Int32* count, [OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders); static extern unsafe void glGetAttachedShaders(UInt32 program, Int32 maxCount, [OutAttribute] Int32* count, [OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders);
[Slot(169)] [Slot(169)]
static extern Int32 glGetAttribLocation(UInt32 program, String name); static extern Int32 glGetAttribLocation(UInt32 program, String name);
[Slot(170)] [Slot(170)]
static extern unsafe void glGetBooleanv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] bool* data); static extern unsafe void glGetBooleanv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] bool* data);
[Slot(171)] [Slot(171)]
static extern unsafe void glGetBufferParameteri64v(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetBufferParameteri64v(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params);
[Slot(172)] [Slot(172)]
static extern unsafe void glGetBufferParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetBufferParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(173)] [Slot(173)]
static extern void glGetBufferPointerv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferPointer pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glGetBufferPointerv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(175)] [Slot(175)]
static extern unsafe Int32 glGetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSourceExternal* sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugType* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSeverity* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog); static extern unsafe Int32 glGetDebugMessageLog(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* sources, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog);
[Slot(179)] [Slot(179)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ErrorCode glGetError(); static extern System.Int32 glGetError();
[Slot(181)] [Slot(181)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFloatv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] Single* data); static extern unsafe void glGetFloatv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* data);
[Slot(182)] [Slot(182)]
static extern Int32 glGetFragDataLocation(UInt32 program, String name); static extern Int32 glGetFragDataLocation(UInt32 program, String name);
[Slot(183)] [Slot(183)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferAttachment attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(185)] [Slot(185)]
static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64i_v(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Int64* data); static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64i_v(System.Int32 target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Int64* data);
[Slot(186)] [Slot(186)]
static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64v(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* data); static extern unsafe void glGetInteger64v(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* data);
[Slot(188)] [Slot(188)]
static extern unsafe void glGetIntegeri_v(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Int32* data); static extern unsafe void glGetIntegeri_v(System.Int32 target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Int32* data);
[Slot(190)] [Slot(190)]
static extern unsafe void glGetIntegerv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetPName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* data); static extern unsafe void glGetIntegerv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* data);
[Slot(191)] [Slot(191)]
static extern unsafe void glGetInternalformativ(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ImageTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.InternalFormatParameter pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetInternalformativ(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 internalformat, System.Int32 pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(194)] [Slot(194)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabel(System.Int32 identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(197)] [Slot(197)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(205)] [Slot(205)]
static extern void glGetPointerv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetPointervPName pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glGetPointerv(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(207)] [Slot(207)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramBinary(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramBinary(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary);
[Slot(209)] [Slot(209)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramInfoLog(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramInfoLog(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog);
[Slot(210)] [Slot(210)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramiv(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetProgramParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramiv(UInt32 program, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(213)] [Slot(213)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryiv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.QueryTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryiv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(218)] [Slot(218)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectuiv(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectuiv(UInt32 id, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params);
[Slot(220)] [Slot(220)]
static extern unsafe void glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(221)] [Slot(221)]
static extern unsafe void glGetSamplerParameterfv(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SamplerParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetSamplerParameterfv(UInt32 sampler, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(222)] [Slot(222)]
static extern unsafe void glGetSamplerParameteriv(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SamplerParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetSamplerParameteriv(UInt32 sampler, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(223)] [Slot(223)]
static extern unsafe void glGetShaderInfoLog(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog); static extern unsafe void glGetShaderInfoLog(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog);
[Slot(224)] [Slot(224)]
static extern unsafe void glGetShaderiv(UInt32 shader, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ShaderParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetShaderiv(UInt32 shader, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(225)] [Slot(225)]
static extern unsafe void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ShaderType shadertype, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ShaderPrecision precisiontype, [OutAttribute] Int32* range, [OutAttribute] Int32* precision); static extern unsafe void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(System.Int32 shadertype, System.Int32 precisiontype, [OutAttribute] Int32* range, [OutAttribute] Int32* precision);
[Slot(226)] [Slot(226)]
static extern unsafe void glGetShaderSource(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source); static extern unsafe void glGetShaderSource(UInt32 shader, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source);
[Slot(227)] [Slot(227)]
static extern IntPtr glGetString(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StringName name); static extern IntPtr glGetString(System.Int32 name);
[Slot(228)] [Slot(228)]
static extern IntPtr glGetStringi(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StringNameIndexed name, UInt32 index); static extern IntPtr glGetStringi(System.Int32 name, UInt32 index);
[Slot(229)] [Slot(229)]
static extern unsafe void glGetSynciv(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SyncParameterName pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values); static extern unsafe void glGetSynciv(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 pname, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* values);
[Slot(231)] [Slot(231)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetTextureParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameterfv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(232)] [Slot(232)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetTextureParameterName pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetTexParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(233)] [Slot(233)]
static extern unsafe void glGetTransformFeedbackVarying(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TransformFeedbackType* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name); static extern unsafe void glGetTransformFeedbackVarying(UInt32 program, UInt32 index, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] Int32* size, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* type, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder name);
[Slot(235)] [Slot(235)]
static extern Int32 glGetUniformBlockIndex(UInt32 program, String uniformBlockName); static extern Int32 glGetUniformBlockIndex(UInt32 program, String uniformBlockName);
[Slot(236)] [Slot(236)]
@ -49306,25 +49306,25 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(240)] [Slot(240)]
static extern unsafe void glGetUniformuiv(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetUniformuiv(UInt32 program, Int32 location, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params);
[Slot(241)] [Slot(241)]
static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribfv(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribfv(UInt32 index, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(242)] [Slot(242)]
static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribIiv(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribIiv(UInt32 index, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(243)] [Slot(243)]
static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribIuiv(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribIuiv(UInt32 index, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params);
[Slot(244)] [Slot(244)]
static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribiv(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.VertexAttribParameter pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetVertexAttribiv(UInt32 index, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(245)] [Slot(245)]
static extern void glGetVertexAttribPointerv(UInt32 index, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.VertexAttribPointerParameter pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pointer); static extern void glGetVertexAttribPointerv(UInt32 index, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(246)] [Slot(246)]
static extern void glHint(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.HintTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.HintMode mode); static extern void glHint(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(248)] [Slot(248)]
static extern unsafe void glInvalidateFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferAttachment* attachments); static extern unsafe void glInvalidateFramebuffer(System.Int32 target, Int32 numAttachments, System.Int32* attachments);
[Slot(249)] [Slot(249)]
static extern unsafe void glInvalidateSubFramebuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferTarget target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.FramebufferAttachment* attachments, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern unsafe void glInvalidateSubFramebuffer(System.Int32 target, Int32 numAttachments, System.Int32* attachments, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(250)] [Slot(250)]
static extern bool glIsBuffer(UInt32 buffer); static extern bool glIsBuffer(UInt32 buffer);
[Slot(251)] [Slot(251)]
static extern bool glIsEnabled(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.EnableCap cap); static extern bool glIsEnabled(System.Int32 cap);
[Slot(253)] [Slot(253)]
static extern bool glIsFramebuffer(UInt32 framebuffer); static extern bool glIsFramebuffer(UInt32 framebuffer);
[Slot(254)] [Slot(254)]
@ -49350,87 +49350,87 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(269)] [Slot(269)]
static extern void glLinkProgram(UInt32 program); static extern void glLinkProgram(UInt32 program);
[Slot(271)] [Slot(271)]
static extern IntPtr glMapBufferRange(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferAccessMask access); static extern IntPtr glMapBufferRange(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, System.Int32 access);
[Slot(275)] [Slot(275)]
static extern void glObjectLabel(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glObjectLabel(System.Int32 identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(277)] [Slot(277)]
static extern void glObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glObjectPtrLabel(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(279)] [Slot(279)]
static extern void glPauseTransformFeedback(); static extern void glPauseTransformFeedback();
[Slot(280)] [Slot(280)]
static extern void glPixelStorei(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelStoreParameter pname, Int32 param); static extern void glPixelStorei(System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(281)] [Slot(281)]
static extern void glPolygonOffset(Single factor, Single units); static extern void glPolygonOffset(Single factor, Single units);
[Slot(282)] [Slot(282)]
static extern void glPopDebugGroup(); static extern void glPopDebugGroup();
[Slot(285)] [Slot(285)]
static extern void glProgramBinary(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length); static extern void glProgramBinary(UInt32 program, System.Int32 binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length);
[Slot(287)] [Slot(287)]
static extern void glProgramParameteri(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ProgramParameterName pname, Int32 value); static extern void glProgramParameteri(UInt32 program, System.Int32 pname, Int32 value);
[Slot(322)] [Slot(322)]
static extern void glPushDebugGroup(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message); static extern void glPushDebugGroup(System.Int32 source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message);
[Slot(326)] [Slot(326)]
static extern void glReadBuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ReadBufferMode mode); static extern void glReadBuffer(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(330)] [Slot(330)]
static extern void glReadPixels(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelType type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pixels); static extern void glReadPixels(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(331)] [Slot(331)]
static extern void glReleaseShaderCompiler(); static extern void glReleaseShaderCompiler();
[Slot(332)] [Slot(332)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorage(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorage(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(333)] [Slot(333)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(340)] [Slot(340)]
static extern void glResumeTransformFeedback(); static extern void glResumeTransformFeedback();
[Slot(341)] [Slot(341)]
static extern void glSampleCoverage(Single value, bool invert); static extern void glSampleCoverage(Single value, bool invert);
[Slot(342)] [Slot(342)]
static extern void glSamplerParameterf(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SamplerParameterName pname, Single param); static extern void glSamplerParameterf(UInt32 sampler, System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(343)] [Slot(343)]
static extern unsafe void glSamplerParameterfv(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SamplerParameterName pname, Single* param); static extern unsafe void glSamplerParameterfv(UInt32 sampler, System.Int32 pname, Single* param);
[Slot(344)] [Slot(344)]
static extern void glSamplerParameteri(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SamplerParameterName pname, Int32 param); static extern void glSamplerParameteri(UInt32 sampler, System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(345)] [Slot(345)]
static extern unsafe void glSamplerParameteriv(UInt32 sampler, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SamplerParameterName pname, Int32* param); static extern unsafe void glSamplerParameteriv(UInt32 sampler, System.Int32 pname, Int32* param);
[Slot(346)] [Slot(346)]
static extern void glScissor(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glScissor(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(349)] [Slot(349)]
static extern unsafe void glShaderBinary(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ShaderBinaryFormat binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length); static extern unsafe void glShaderBinary(Int32 count, UInt32* shaders, System.Int32 binaryformat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length);
[Slot(350)] [Slot(350)]
static extern unsafe void glShaderSource(UInt32 shader, Int32 count, String[] @string, Int32* length); static extern unsafe void glShaderSource(UInt32 shader, Int32 count, String[] @string, Int32* length);
[Slot(352)] [Slot(352)]
static extern void glStencilFunc(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilFunction func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilFunc(System.Int32 func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask);
[Slot(353)] [Slot(353)]
static extern void glStencilFuncSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilFace face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilFunction func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilFuncSeparate(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 func, Int32 @ref, UInt32 mask);
[Slot(354)] [Slot(354)]
static extern void glStencilMask(UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilMask(UInt32 mask);
[Slot(355)] [Slot(355)]
static extern void glStencilMaskSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilFace face, UInt32 mask); static extern void glStencilMaskSeparate(System.Int32 face, UInt32 mask);
[Slot(356)] [Slot(356)]
static extern void glStencilOp(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilOp fail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilOp zfail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilOp zpass); static extern void glStencilOp(System.Int32 fail, System.Int32 zfail, System.Int32 zpass);
[Slot(357)] [Slot(357)]
static extern void glStencilOpSeparate(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilFace face, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilOp sfail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilOp dpfail, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.StencilOp dppass); static extern void glStencilOpSeparate(System.Int32 face, System.Int32 sfail, System.Int32 dpfail, System.Int32 dppass);
[Slot(359)] [Slot(359)]
static extern void glTexImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureComponentCount internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 border, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(360)] [Slot(360)]
static extern void glTexImage3D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureComponentCount internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexImage3D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(362)] [Slot(362)]
static extern void glTexParameterf(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureParameterName pname, Single param); static extern void glTexParameterf(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Single param);
[Slot(363)] [Slot(363)]
static extern unsafe void glTexParameterfv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureParameterName pname, Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexParameterfv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Single* @params);
[Slot(364)] [Slot(364)]
static extern void glTexParameteri(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureParameterName pname, Int32 param); static extern void glTexParameteri(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(365)] [Slot(365)]
static extern unsafe void glTexParameteriv(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureParameterName pname, Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glTexParameteriv(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32* @params);
[Slot(367)] [Slot(367)]
static extern void glTexStorage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glTexStorage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(369)] [Slot(369)]
static extern void glTexStorage3D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth); static extern void glTexStorage3D(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth);
[Slot(371)] [Slot(371)]
static extern void glTexSubImage2D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexSubImage2D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(372)] [Slot(372)]
static extern void glTexSubImage3D(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexSubImage3D(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(377)] [Slot(377)]
static extern void glTransformFeedbackVaryings(UInt32 program, Int32 count, String[] varyings, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TransformFeedbackMode bufferMode); static extern void glTransformFeedbackVaryings(UInt32 program, Int32 count, String[] varyings, System.Int32 bufferMode);
[Slot(378)] [Slot(378)]
static extern void glUniform1f(Int32 location, Single v0); static extern void glUniform1f(Int32 location, Single v0);
[Slot(379)] [Slot(379)]
@ -49500,7 +49500,7 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(416)] [Slot(416)]
static extern unsafe void glUniformMatrix4x3fv(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value); static extern unsafe void glUniformMatrix4x3fv(Int32 location, Int32 count, bool transpose, Single* value);
[Slot(418)] [Slot(418)]
static extern bool glUnmapBuffer(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target); static extern bool glUnmapBuffer(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(420)] [Slot(420)]
static extern void glUseProgram(UInt32 program); static extern void glUseProgram(UInt32 program);
[Slot(423)] [Slot(423)]
@ -49532,75 +49532,75 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(440)] [Slot(440)]
static extern unsafe void glVertexAttribI4uiv(UInt32 index, UInt32* v); static extern unsafe void glVertexAttribI4uiv(UInt32 index, UInt32* v);
[Slot(441)] [Slot(441)]
static extern void glVertexAttribIPointer(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.VertexAttribIntegerType type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glVertexAttribIPointer(UInt32 index, Int32 size, System.Int32 type, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(442)] [Slot(442)]
static extern void glVertexAttribPointer(UInt32 index, Int32 size, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.VertexAttribPointerType type, bool normalized, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer); static extern void glVertexAttribPointer(UInt32 index, Int32 size, System.Int32 type, bool normalized, Int32 stride, IntPtr pointer);
[Slot(443)] [Slot(443)]
static extern void glViewport(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glViewport(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(444)] [Slot(444)]
static extern void glWaitSync(IntPtr sync, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.WaitSyncFlags flags, UInt64 timeout); static extern void glWaitSync(IntPtr sync, System.Int32 flags, UInt64 timeout);
[Slot(0)] [Slot(0)]
static extern void glActiveProgramEXT(UInt32 program); static extern void glActiveProgramEXT(UInt32 program);
[Slot(1)] [Slot(1)]
static extern void glActiveShaderProgramEXT(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 program); static extern void glActiveShaderProgramEXT(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 program);
[Slot(7)] [Slot(7)]
static extern void glBeginQueryEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.QueryTarget target, UInt32 id); static extern void glBeginQueryEXT(System.Int32 target, UInt32 id);
[Slot(14)] [Slot(14)]
static extern void glBindProgramPipelineEXT(UInt32 pipeline); static extern void glBindProgramPipelineEXT(UInt32 pipeline);
[Slot(24)] [Slot(24)]
static extern void glBlendEquationEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlendEquationMode mode); static extern void glBlendEquationEXT(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(64)] [Slot(64)]
static extern Int32 glCreateShaderProgramEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All type, String @string); static extern Int32 glCreateShaderProgramEXT(System.Int32 type, String @string);
[Slot(65)] [Slot(65)]
static extern Int32 glCreateShaderProgramvEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All type, Int32 count, String[] strings); static extern Int32 glCreateShaderProgramvEXT(System.Int32 type, Int32 count, String[] strings);
[Slot(78)] [Slot(78)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT(Int32 n, UInt32* pipelines); static extern unsafe void glDeleteProgramPipelinesEXT(Int32 n, UInt32* pipelines);
[Slot(80)] [Slot(80)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteQueriesEXT(Int32 n, UInt32* ids); static extern unsafe void glDeleteQueriesEXT(Int32 n, UInt32* ids);
[Slot(97)] [Slot(97)]
static extern unsafe void glDiscardFramebufferEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, Int32 numAttachments, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All* attachments); static extern unsafe void glDiscardFramebufferEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 numAttachments, System.Int32* attachments);
[Slot(101)] [Slot(101)]
static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 start, Int32 count, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32 start, Int32 count, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(104)] [Slot(104)]
static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersEXT(Int32 n, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawBufferMode* bufs); static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersEXT(Int32 n, System.Int32* bufs);
[Slot(105)] [Slot(105)]
static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT(Int32 n, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All* location, Int32* indices); static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersIndexedEXT(Int32 n, System.Int32* location, Int32* indices);
[Slot(110)] [Slot(110)]
static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(120)] [Slot(120)]
static extern void glEndQueryEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.QueryTarget target); static extern void glEndQueryEXT(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(141)] [Slot(141)]
static extern void glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length); static extern void glFlushMappedBufferRangeEXT(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length);
[Slot(144)] [Slot(144)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples); static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleEXT(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples);
[Slot(154)] [Slot(154)]
static extern unsafe void glGenProgramPipelinesEXT(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* pipelines); static extern unsafe void glGenProgramPipelinesEXT(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* pipelines);
[Slot(156)] [Slot(156)]
static extern unsafe void glGenQueriesEXT(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids); static extern unsafe void glGenQueriesEXT(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids);
[Slot(184)] [Slot(184)]
static extern OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT(); static extern System.Int32 glGetGraphicsResetStatusEXT();
[Slot(189)] [Slot(189)]
static extern unsafe void glGetIntegeri_vEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetIndexedPName target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Int32* data); static extern unsafe void glGetIntegeri_vEXT(System.Int32 target, UInt32 index, [OutAttribute] Int32* data);
[Slot(192)] [Slot(192)]
static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformfvEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Single* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformfvEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Single* @params);
[Slot(193)] [Slot(193)]
static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformivEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetnUniformivEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(195)] [Slot(195)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabelEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All type, UInt32 @object, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabelEXT(System.Int32 type, UInt32 @object, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(211)] [Slot(211)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT(UInt32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramPipelineInfoLogEXT(UInt32 pipeline, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder infoLog);
[Slot(212)] [Slot(212)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramPipelineivEXT(UInt32 pipeline, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramPipelineivEXT(UInt32 pipeline, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(214)] [Slot(214)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryivEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.QueryTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetQueryParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryivEXT(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(215)] [Slot(215)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjecti64vEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int64* @params);
[Slot(216)] [Slot(216)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectivEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectivEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(217)] [Slot(217)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] UInt64* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectui64vEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] UInt64* @params);
[Slot(219)] [Slot(219)]
static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectuivEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.GetQueryObjectParam pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetQueryObjectuivEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] UInt32* @params);
[Slot(247)] [Slot(247)]
static extern void glInsertEventMarkerEXT(Int32 length, String marker); static extern void glInsertEventMarkerEXT(Int32 length, String marker);
[Slot(255)] [Slot(255)]
@ -49608,17 +49608,17 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(257)] [Slot(257)]
static extern bool glIsQueryEXT(UInt32 id); static extern bool glIsQueryEXT(UInt32 id);
[Slot(267)] [Slot(267)]
static extern void glLabelObjectEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All type, UInt32 @object, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glLabelObjectEXT(System.Int32 type, UInt32 @object, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(272)] [Slot(272)]
static extern IntPtr glMapBufferRangeEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, UInt32 access); static extern IntPtr glMapBufferRangeEXT(System.Int32 target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, UInt32 access);
[Slot(273)] [Slot(273)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawArraysEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* first, Int32* count, Int32 primcount); static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawArraysEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32* first, Int32* count, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(274)] [Slot(274)]
static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawElementsEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32* count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount); static extern unsafe void glMultiDrawElementsEXT(System.Int32 mode, Int32* count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(284)] [Slot(284)]
static extern void glPopGroupMarkerEXT(); static extern void glPopGroupMarkerEXT();
[Slot(288)] [Slot(288)]
static extern void glProgramParameteriEXT(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ProgramParameterName pname, Int32 value); static extern void glProgramParameteriEXT(UInt32 program, System.Int32 pname, Int32 value);
[Slot(289)] [Slot(289)]
static extern void glProgramUniform1fEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0); static extern void glProgramUniform1fEXT(UInt32 program, Int32 location, Single v0);
[Slot(290)] [Slot(290)]
@ -49688,93 +49688,93 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(324)] [Slot(324)]
static extern void glPushGroupMarkerEXT(Int32 length, String marker); static extern void glPushGroupMarkerEXT(Int32 length, String marker);
[Slot(325)] [Slot(325)]
static extern void glQueryCounterEXT(UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target); static extern void glQueryCounterEXT(UInt32 id, System.Int32 target);
[Slot(327)] [Slot(327)]
static extern void glReadBufferIndexedEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All src, Int32 index); static extern void glReadBufferIndexedEXT(System.Int32 src, Int32 index);
[Slot(329)] [Slot(329)]
static extern void glReadnPixelsEXT(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All type, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data); static extern void glReadnPixelsEXT(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] IntPtr data);
[Slot(336)] [Slot(336)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(366)] [Slot(366)]
static extern void glTexStorage1DEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All internalformat, Int32 width); static extern void glTexStorage1DEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width);
[Slot(368)] [Slot(368)]
static extern void glTexStorage2DEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget2d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glTexStorage2DEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(370)] [Slot(370)]
static extern void glTexStorage3DEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.SizedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth); static extern void glTexStorage3DEXT(System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth);
[Slot(374)] [Slot(374)]
static extern void glTextureStorage1DEXT(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All internalformat, Int32 width); static extern void glTextureStorage1DEXT(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width);
[Slot(375)] [Slot(375)]
static extern void glTextureStorage2DEXT(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glTextureStorage2DEXT(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(376)] [Slot(376)]
static extern void glTextureStorage3DEXT(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, Int32 levels, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth); static extern void glTextureStorage3DEXT(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 target, Int32 levels, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth);
[Slot(421)] [Slot(421)]
static extern void glUseProgramStagesEXT(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 stages, UInt32 program); static extern void glUseProgramStagesEXT(UInt32 pipeline, UInt32 stages, UInt32 program);
[Slot(422)] [Slot(422)]
static extern void glUseShaderProgramEXT(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All type, UInt32 program); static extern void glUseShaderProgramEXT(System.Int32 type, UInt32 program);
[Slot(424)] [Slot(424)]
static extern void glValidateProgramPipelineEXT(UInt32 pipeline); static extern void glValidateProgramPipelineEXT(UInt32 pipeline);
[Slot(435)] [Slot(435)]
static extern void glVertexAttribDivisorEXT(UInt32 index, UInt32 divisor); static extern void glVertexAttribDivisorEXT(UInt32 index, UInt32 divisor);
[Slot(145)] [Slot(145)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples); static extern void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 samples);
[Slot(337)] [Slot(337)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(68)] [Slot(68)]
static extern void glDebugMessageCallbackKHR(DebugProcKhr callback, IntPtr userParam); static extern void glDebugMessageCallbackKHR(DebugProcKhr callback, IntPtr userParam);
[Slot(70)] [Slot(70)]
static extern unsafe void glDebugMessageControlKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSourceControl source, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugTypeControl type, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSeverityControl severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled); static extern unsafe void glDebugMessageControlKHR(System.Int32 source, System.Int32 type, System.Int32 severity, Int32 count, UInt32* ids, bool enabled);
[Slot(72)] [Slot(72)]
static extern void glDebugMessageInsertKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSourceExternal source, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugType type, UInt32 id, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSeverity severity, Int32 length, String buf); static extern void glDebugMessageInsertKHR(System.Int32 source, System.Int32 type, UInt32 id, System.Int32 severity, Int32 length, String buf);
[Slot(176)] [Slot(176)]
static extern unsafe Int32 glGetDebugMessageLogKHR(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSourceExternal* sources, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugType* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DebugSeverity* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog); static extern unsafe Int32 glGetDebugMessageLogKHR(UInt32 count, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* sources, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* types, [OutAttribute] UInt32* ids, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* severities, [OutAttribute] Int32* lengths, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder messageLog);
[Slot(196)] [Slot(196)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabelKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectLabelKHR(System.Int32 identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(198)] [Slot(198)]
static extern unsafe void glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label); static extern unsafe void glGetObjectPtrLabelKHR(IntPtr ptr, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder label);
[Slot(206)] [Slot(206)]
static extern void glGetPointervKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glGetPointervKHR(System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(276)] [Slot(276)]
static extern void glObjectLabelKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ObjectLabelIdentifier identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glObjectLabelKHR(System.Int32 identifier, UInt32 name, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(278)] [Slot(278)]
static extern void glObjectPtrLabelKHR(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label); static extern void glObjectPtrLabelKHR(IntPtr ptr, Int32 length, String label);
[Slot(283)] [Slot(283)]
static extern void glPopDebugGroupKHR(); static extern void glPopDebugGroupKHR();
[Slot(323)] [Slot(323)]
static extern void glPushDebugGroupKHR(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message); static extern void glPushDebugGroupKHR(System.Int32 source, UInt32 id, Int32 length, String message);
[Slot(21)] [Slot(21)]
static extern void glBlendBarrierNV(); static extern void glBlendBarrierNV();
[Slot(28)] [Slot(28)]
static extern void glBlendParameteriNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, Int32 value); static extern void glBlendParameteriNV(System.Int32 pname, Int32 value);
[Slot(31)] [Slot(31)]
static extern void glBlitFramebufferNV(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.ClearBufferMask mask, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BlitFramebufferFilter filter); static extern void glBlitFramebufferNV(Int32 srcX0, Int32 srcY0, Int32 srcX1, Int32 srcY1, Int32 dstX0, Int32 dstY0, Int32 dstX1, Int32 dstY1, System.Int32 mask, System.Int32 filter);
[Slot(54)] [Slot(54)]
static extern void glCopyBufferSubDataNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget readTarget, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget writeTarget, IntPtr readOffset, IntPtr writeOffset, IntPtr size); static extern void glCopyBufferSubDataNV(System.Int32 readTarget, System.Int32 writeTarget, IntPtr readOffset, IntPtr writeOffset, IntPtr size);
[Slot(60)] [Slot(60)]
static extern void glCoverageMaskNV(bool mask); static extern void glCoverageMaskNV(bool mask);
[Slot(61)] [Slot(61)]
static extern void glCoverageOperationNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All operation); static extern void glCoverageOperationNV(System.Int32 operation);
[Slot(74)] [Slot(74)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteFencesNV(Int32 n, UInt32* fences); static extern unsafe void glDeleteFencesNV(Int32 n, UInt32* fences);
[Slot(102)] [Slot(102)]
static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawArraysInstancedNV(System.Int32 mode, Int32 first, Int32 count, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(106)] [Slot(106)]
static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersNV(Int32 n, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawBufferMode* bufs); static extern unsafe void glDrawBuffersNV(Int32 n, System.Int32* bufs);
[Slot(111)] [Slot(111)]
static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PrimitiveType mode, Int32 count, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.DrawElementsType type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount); static extern void glDrawElementsInstancedNV(System.Int32 mode, Int32 count, System.Int32 type, IntPtr indices, Int32 primcount);
[Slot(138)] [Slot(138)]
static extern void glFinishFenceNV(UInt32 fence); static extern void glFinishFenceNV(UInt32 fence);
[Slot(151)] [Slot(151)]
static extern unsafe void glGenFencesNV(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* fences); static extern unsafe void glGenFencesNV(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* fences);
[Slot(180)] [Slot(180)]
static extern unsafe void glGetFenceivNV(UInt32 fence, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glGetFenceivNV(UInt32 fence, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(252)] [Slot(252)]
static extern bool glIsFenceNV(UInt32 fence); static extern bool glIsFenceNV(UInt32 fence);
[Slot(328)] [Slot(328)]
static extern void glReadBufferNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All mode); static extern void glReadBufferNV(System.Int32 mode);
[Slot(338)] [Slot(338)]
static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferTarget target, Int32 samples, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.RenderbufferInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleNV(System.Int32 target, Int32 samples, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(348)] [Slot(348)]
static extern void glSetFenceNV(UInt32 fence, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All condition); static extern void glSetFenceNV(UInt32 fence, System.Int32 condition);
[Slot(358)] [Slot(358)]
static extern bool glTestFenceNV(UInt32 fence); static extern bool glTestFenceNV(UInt32 fence);
[Slot(405)] [Slot(405)]
@ -49794,39 +49794,39 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(20)] [Slot(20)]
static extern void glBindVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array); static extern void glBindVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array);
[Slot(49)] [Slot(49)]
static extern void glCompressedTexImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.CompressedInternalFormat internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(52)] [Slot(52)]
static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data); static extern void glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, System.Int32 format, Int32 imageSize, IntPtr data);
[Slot(58)] [Slot(58)]
static extern void glCopyTexSubImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height); static extern void glCopyTexSubImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height);
[Slot(89)] [Slot(89)]
static extern unsafe void glDeleteVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, UInt32* arrays); static extern unsafe void glDeleteVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, UInt32* arrays);
[Slot(113)] [Slot(113)]
static extern void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, IntPtr image); static extern void glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(System.Int32 target, IntPtr image);
[Slot(114)] [Slot(114)]
static extern void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, IntPtr image); static extern void glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(System.Int32 target, IntPtr image);
[Slot(146)] [Slot(146)]
static extern void glFramebufferTexture3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All attachment, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 zoffset); static extern void glFramebufferTexture3DOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 attachment, System.Int32 textarget, UInt32 texture, Int32 level, Int32 zoffset);
[Slot(162)] [Slot(162)]
static extern unsafe void glGenVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays); static extern unsafe void glGenVertexArraysOES(Int32 n, [OutAttribute] UInt32* arrays);
[Slot(174)] [Slot(174)]
static extern void glGetBufferPointervOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferPointer pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glGetBufferPointervOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(208)] [Slot(208)]
static extern unsafe void glGetProgramBinaryOES(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary); static extern unsafe void glGetProgramBinaryOES(UInt32 program, Int32 bufSize, [OutAttribute] Int32* length, [OutAttribute] System.Int32* binaryFormat, [OutAttribute] IntPtr binary);
[Slot(266)] [Slot(266)]
static extern bool glIsVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array); static extern bool glIsVertexArrayOES(UInt32 array);
[Slot(270)] [Slot(270)]
static extern IntPtr glMapBufferOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All access); static extern IntPtr glMapBufferOES(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 access);
[Slot(286)] [Slot(286)]
static extern void glProgramBinaryOES(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length); static extern void glProgramBinaryOES(UInt32 program, System.Int32 binaryFormat, IntPtr binary, Int32 length);
[Slot(361)] [Slot(361)]
static extern void glTexImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureComponentCount internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelFormat format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.PixelType type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, System.Int32 internalformat, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, Int32 border, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(373)] [Slot(373)]
static extern void glTexSubImage3DOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.TextureTarget3d target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All type, IntPtr pixels); static extern void glTexSubImage3DOES(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, IntPtr pixels);
[Slot(419)] [Slot(419)]
static extern bool glUnmapBufferOES(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.BufferTarget target); static extern bool glUnmapBufferOES(System.Int32 target);
[Slot(3)] [Slot(3)]
static extern void glAlphaFuncQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All func, Single @ref); static extern void glAlphaFuncQCOM(System.Int32 func, Single @ref);
[Slot(95)] [Slot(95)]
static extern void glDisableDriverControlQCOM(UInt32 driverControl); static extern void glDisableDriverControlQCOM(UInt32 driverControl);
[Slot(116)] [Slot(116)]
@ -49834,13 +49834,13 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(121)] [Slot(121)]
static extern void glEndTilingQCOM(UInt32 preserveMask); static extern void glEndTilingQCOM(UInt32 preserveMask);
[Slot(123)] [Slot(123)]
static extern void glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params); static extern void glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM(System.Int32 target, [OutAttribute] IntPtr @params);
[Slot(124)] [Slot(124)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetBuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers, Int32 maxBuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numBuffers); static extern unsafe void glExtGetBuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* buffers, Int32 maxBuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numBuffers);
[Slot(125)] [Slot(125)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers, Int32 maxFramebuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numFramebuffers); static extern unsafe void glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* framebuffers, Int32 maxFramebuffers, [OutAttribute] Int32* numFramebuffers);
[Slot(126)] [Slot(126)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM(UInt32 program, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All shadertype, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source, [OutAttribute] Int32* length); static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM(UInt32 program, System.Int32 shadertype, [OutAttribute] StringBuilder source, [OutAttribute] Int32* length);
[Slot(127)] [Slot(127)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramsQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* programs, Int32 maxPrograms, [OutAttribute] Int32* numPrograms); static extern unsafe void glExtGetProgramsQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* programs, Int32 maxPrograms, [OutAttribute] Int32* numPrograms);
[Slot(128)] [Slot(128)]
@ -49848,15 +49848,15 @@ namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES30
[Slot(129)] [Slot(129)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetShadersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders, Int32 maxShaders, [OutAttribute] Int32* numShaders); static extern unsafe void glExtGetShadersQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* shaders, Int32 maxShaders, [OutAttribute] Int32* numShaders);
[Slot(130)] [Slot(130)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM(UInt32 texture, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All face, Int32 level, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params); static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM(UInt32 texture, System.Int32 face, Int32 level, System.Int32 pname, [OutAttribute] Int32* @params);
[Slot(131)] [Slot(131)]
static extern void glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All format, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr texels); static extern void glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM(System.Int32 target, Int32 level, Int32 xoffset, Int32 yoffset, Int32 zoffset, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 depth, System.Int32 format, System.Int32 type, [OutAttribute] IntPtr texels);
[Slot(132)] [Slot(132)]
static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexturesQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* textures, Int32 maxTextures, [OutAttribute] Int32* numTextures); static extern unsafe void glExtGetTexturesQCOM([OutAttribute] UInt32* textures, Int32 maxTextures, [OutAttribute] Int32* numTextures);
[Slot(133)] [Slot(133)]
static extern bool glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM(UInt32 program); static extern bool glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM(UInt32 program);
[Slot(134)] [Slot(134)]
static extern void glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM(OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All target, OpenTK.Graphics.ES30.All pname, Int32 param); static extern void glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM(System.Int32 target, System.Int32 pname, Int32 param);
[Slot(177)] [Slot(177)]
static extern unsafe void glGetDriverControlsQCOM([OutAttribute] Int32* num, Int32 size, [OutAttribute] UInt32* driverControls); static extern unsafe void glGetDriverControlsQCOM([OutAttribute] Int32* num, Int32 size, [OutAttribute] UInt32* driverControls);
[Slot(178)] [Slot(178)]

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff