mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 12:26:48 +00:00
Removed hand-written OpenCL bindings in favor of generated ones.
This commit is contained in:
@ -31,7 +31,5 @@ using System.Text;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
public static partial class CL
@ -30,182 +30,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_command_queue = IntPtr;
using cl_context = IntPtr;
using cl_device_id = IntPtr;
using cl_event = IntPtr;
using cl_mem = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
public partial class CL
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateCommandQueue")]
public static extern cl_command_queue CreateCommandQueue(cl_context context,
cl_device_id device,
CommandQueueProperties properties,
out ErrorCode errorcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clRetainCommandQueue")]
public static extern int RetainCommandQueue(cl_command_queue command_queue);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clReleaseCommandQueue")]
public static extern int ReleaseCommandQueue(cl_command_queue command_queue);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetCommandQueueInfo")]
public static extern int GetCommandQueueInfo(cl_command_queue command_queue,
CommandQueueInfo param_name,
/* size_t */ IntPtr param_value_size,
/* void * */ IntPtr param_value,
/* size_t * */ out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clSetCommandQueueProperty")]
public static extern int SetCommandQueueProperty(cl_command_queue command_queue,
CommandQueueProperties properties,
bool enable,
out CommandQueueProperties old_properties);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueReadBuffer")]
public static extern int EnqueueReadBuffer(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem buffer,
bool blocking_read,
/* size_t */ IntPtr offset,
/* size_t */ IntPtr cb,
/* void * */ IntPtr ptr,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueWriteBuffer")]
public static extern int EnqueueWriteBuffer(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem buffer,
bool blocking_write,
/* size_t */ IntPtr offset,
/* size_t */ IntPtr cb,
/* void * */ IntPtr ptr,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueCopyBuffer")]
public static extern int EnqueueCopyBuffer(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem src_buffer,
cl_mem dst_buffer,
/* size_t */ IntPtr src_offset,
/* size_t */ IntPtr dst_offset,
/* size_t */ IntPtr cb,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueReadImage")]
public static extern int EnqueueReadImage(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem image,
bool blocking_read,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] origin,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] region,
/* size_t */ IntPtr row_pitch,
/* size_t */ IntPtr slice_pitch,
/* void * */ IntPtr ptr,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueWriteImage")]
public static extern int EnqueueWriteImage(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem image,
bool blocking_write,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] origin,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] region,
/* size_t */ IntPtr input_row_pitch,
/* size_t */ IntPtr input_slice_pitch,
/* void * */ IntPtr ptr,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueCopyImage")]
public static extern int EnqueueCopyImage(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem src_image,
cl_mem dst_image,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] src_origin,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] dst_origin,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] region,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueCopyImageToBuffer")]
public static extern int EnqueueCopyImageToBuffer(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem src_image,
cl_mem dst_buffer,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] src_origin,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] region,
/* size_t */ IntPtr dst_offset,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueCopyBufferToImage")]
public static extern int EnqueueCopyBufferToImage(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem src_buffer,
cl_mem dst_image,
/* size_t */ IntPtr src_offset,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] dst_origin,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] region,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueMapBuffer")]
public static extern IntPtr EnqueueMapBuffer(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem buffer,
bool blocking_map,
MapFlags map_flags,
/* size_t */ IntPtr offset,
/* size_t */ IntPtr cb,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event,
out ErrorCode errorcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clEnqueueMapImage")]
public static extern IntPtr EnqueueMapImage(cl_command_queue command_queue,
cl_mem image,
bool blocking_map,
MapFlags map_flags,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] origin,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeConst = 3)] /* size_t * */ IntPtr[] region,
/* size_t * */ out IntPtr image_row_pitch,
/* size_t * */ out IntPtr image_slice_pitch,
int num_events_in_wait_list,
cl_event[] event_wait_list,
ref cl_event @event,
out ErrorCode errorcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clFlush")]
public static extern int Flush(cl_command_queue command_queue);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clFinish")]
public static extern int Finish(cl_command_queue command_queue);
@ -31,56 +31,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_context = IntPtr;
using cl_device_id = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
partial class CL
// OpenCL 1.0
public delegate void NotifyContext(string errinfo,
/* const void * */ IntPtr private_info,
/* size_t */ IntPtr cb,
/* void * */ IntPtr user_data);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateContext")]
public static extern cl_context CreateContext(
IntPtr[] properties,
int num_devices,
cl_device_id[] devices,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] NotifyContext pfn_notify,
IntPtr user_data, // void*
out ErrorCode errorcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateContextFromType")]
public static extern cl_context CreateContextFromType(
IntPtr[] properties,
DeviceType device_type,
int num_devices,
cl_device_id[] devices,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] NotifyContext pfn_notify,
/* void * */ IntPtr user_data,
out ErrorCode errorcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clRetainContext")]
public static extern int RetainContext(cl_context context);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clReleaseContext")]
public static extern int ReleaseContext(cl_context context);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetContextInfo")]
public static extern int GetContextInfo(cl_context context,
ContextInfo param_name,
/* size_t */ IntPtr param_value_size,
/* void * */ IntPtr param_value,
/* size_t * */ out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
@ -29,8 +29,5 @@ using System;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
internal static class Configuration
public const string Library = "opencl.dll";
@ -33,27 +33,5 @@ using System.Security;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_device_id = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
partial class CL
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetDeviceIDs"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern ErrorCode Getcl_device_ids(DeviceType deviceType,
int numEntries,
[Out] cl_device_id[] devices,
out int numDevices);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetDeviceInfo"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity]
public static extern int GetDeviceInfo(cl_device_id device,
DeviceInfo param_name,
IntPtr param_value_size,
IntPtr param_value,
out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
@ -31,378 +31,5 @@ using System.Text;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
public enum ErrorCode
Success = 0,
DeviceNotFound = -1,
DeviceNotAvailable = -2,
DeviceCompilerNotAvailable = -3,
MemObjectAllocationFailure = -4,
OutOfResources = -5,
OutOfHostMemory = -6,
ProfilingInfoNotAvailable = -7,
MemCopyOverlap = -8,
ImageFormatMismatch = -9,
ImageFormatNotSupported = -10,
InvalidValue = -30,
InvalidDeviceType = -31,
InvalidDevice = -32,
InvalidContext = -33,
InvalidQueueProperties = -34,
InvalidCommandQueue = -35,
InvalidHostPtr = -36,
InvalidMemObject = -37,
InvalidImageFormatDescriptor = -38,
InvalidImageSize = -39,
InvalidSampler = -40,
InvalidBinary = -41,
InvalidBuildOptions = -42,
InvalidProgram = -43,
InvalidProgramExecutable = -44,
InvalidKernelName = -45,
InvalidKernel = -46,
InvalidArgIndex = -47,
InvalidArgValue = -48,
InvalidArgSize = -49,
InvalidKernelArgs = -50,
InvalidWorkDimension = -51,
InvalidWorkGroupSize = -52,
InvalidWorkItemSize = -53,
InvalidGlobalOffset = -54,
InvalidEventWaitList = -55,
InvalidEvent = -56,
InvalidOperation = -57,
InvalidGlObject = -58,
InvalidBufferSize = -59,
public enum Version
Version10 = 1,
public enum Bool
False = 0,
True = 1,
public enum PlatformInfo
PlatformProfile = 0x0900,
PlatformVersion = 0x0901,
public enum DeviceType : long
DeviceTypeDefault = (1 << 0),
DeviceTypeCpu = (1 << 1),
DeviceTypeGpu = (1 << 2),
DeviceTypeAccelerator = (1 << 3),
DeviceTypeAll = unchecked((int)0xFFFFFFFF),
public enum DeviceInfo
DeviceType = 0x1000,
DeviceVendorId = 0x1001,
DeviceMaxComputeUnits = 0x1002,
DeviceMaxWorkItemDimensions = 0x1003,
DeviceMaxWorkGroupSize = 0x1004,
DeviceMaxWorkItemSizes = 0x1005,
DevicePreferredVectorWidthChar = 0x1006,
DevicePreferredVectorWidthShort = 0x1007,
DevicePreferredVectorWidthInt = 0x1008,
DevicePreferredVectorWidthLong = 0x1009,
DevicePreferredVectorWidthFloat = 0x100A,
DevicePreferredVectorWidthDouble = 0x100B,
DeviceMaxClockFrequency = 0x100C,
DeviceAddressBits = 0x100D,
DeviceMaxReadImageArgs = 0x100E,
DeviceMaxWriteImageArgs = 0x100F,
DeviceMaxMemAllocSize = 0x1010,
DeviceImage2dMaxWidth = 0x1011,
DeviceImage2dMaxHeight = 0x1012,
DeviceImage3dMaxWidth = 0x1013,
DeviceImage3dMaxHeight = 0x1014,
DeviceImage3dMaxDepth = 0x1015,
DeviceImageSupport = 0x1016,
DeviceMaxParameterSize = 0x1017,
DeviceMaxSamplers = 0x1018,
DeviceMemBaseAddrAlign = 0x1019,
DeviceMaxDataTypeAlignSize = 0x101A,
DeviceSingleFpConfig = 0x101B,
DeviceGlobalMemCacheType = 0x101C,
DeviceGlobalMemCachelineSize = 0x101D,
DeviceGlobalMemCacheSize = 0x101E,
DeviceGlobalMemSize = 0x101F,
DeviceMaxConstantBufferSize = 0x1020,
DeviceMaxConstantArgs = 0x1021,
DeviceLocalMemType = 0x1022,
DeviceLocalMemSize = 0x1023,
DeviceErrorCorrectionSupport = 0x1024,
DeviceProfilingTimerResolution = 0x1025,
DeviceEndianLittle = 0x1026,
DeviceAvailable = 0x1027,
DeviceCompilerAvailable = 0x1028,
DeviceExecutionCapabilities = 0x1029,
DeviceQueueProperties = 0x102A,
DeviceName = 0x102B,
DeviceVendor = 0x102C,
DriverVersion = 0x102D,
DeviceProfile = 0x102E,
DeviceVersion = 0x102F,
DeviceExtensions = 0x1030,
public enum DeviceAddressInfo : long
DeviceAddress32Bits = (1 << 0),
DeviceAddress64Bits = (1 << 1),
public enum DeviceFpConfig : long
FpDenorm = (1 << 0),
FpInfNan = (1 << 1),
FpRoundToNearest = (1 << 2),
FpRoundToZero = (1 << 3),
FpRoundToInf = (1 << 4),
FpFma = (1 << 5),
public enum DeviceMemCacheType
None = 0x0,
ReadOnlyCache = 0x1,
ReadWriteCache = 0x2,
public enum DeviceLocalMemType
Local = 0x1,
Global = 0x2,
public enum DeviceExecCapabilities : long
ExecKernel = (1 << 0),
ExecNativeFnAsKernel = (1 << 1),
public enum CommandQueueProperties : long
QueueOutOfOrderExecModeEnable = (1 << 0),
QueueProfilingEnable = (1 << 1),
public enum ContextInfo
ContextReferenceCount = 0x1080,
ContextNumDevices = 0x1081,
ContextDevices = 0x1082,
ContextProperties = 0x1083,
public enum CommandQueueInfo
QueueContext = 0x1090,
QueueDevice = 0x1091,
QueueReferenceCount = 0x1092,
QueueProperties = 0x1093,
public enum MemFlags : long
MemReadWrite = (1 << 0),
MemWriteOnly = (1 << 1),
MemReadOnly = (1 << 2),
MemUseHostPtr = (1 << 3),
MemAllocHostPtr = (1 << 4),
MemCopyHostPtr = (1 << 5),
public enum ChannelOrder
R = 0x10B0,
A = 0x10B1,
Rg = 0x10B2,
Ra = 0x10B3,
Rgb = 0x10B4,
Rgba = 0x10B5,
Bgra = 0x10B6,
Argb = 0x10B7,
public enum ChannelType
SnormInt8 = 0x10D0,
SnormInt16 = 0x10D1,
UnormInt8 = 0x10D2,
UnormInt16 = 0x10D3,
UnormShort565 = 0x10D4,
UnormShort555 = 0x10D5,
UnormInt101010 = 0x10D6,
SignedInt8 = 0x10D7,
SignedInt16 = 0x10D8,
SignedInt32 = 0x10D9,
UnsignedInt8 = 0x10DA,
UnsignedInt16 = 0x10DB,
UnsignedInt32 = 0x10DC,
HalfFloat = 0x10DD,
Float = 0x10DE,
public enum MemObjectType
MemObjectBuffer = 0x10F0,
MemObjectImage2d = 0x10F1,
MemObjectImage3d = 0x10F2,
public enum MemInfo
MemType = 0x1100,
MemFlags = 0x1101,
MemSize = 0x1102,
MemHostPtr = 0x1103,
MemMapCount = 0x1104,
MemReferenceCount = 0x1105,
MemContext = 0x1106,
public enum ImageInfo
ImageFormat = 0x1110,
ImageElementSize = 0x1111,
ImageRowPitch = 0x1112,
ImageSlicePitch = 0x1113,
ImageWidth = 0x1114,
ImageHeight = 0x1115,
ImageDepth = 0x1116,
public enum AddressingMode
AddressNone = 0x1130,
AddressClampToEdge = 0x1131,
AddressClamp = 0x1132,
AddressRepeat = 0x1133,
public enum FilterMode
FilterNearest = 0x1140,
FilterLinear = 0x1141,
public enum SamplerInfo
SamplerReferenceCount = 0x1150,
SamplerContext = 0x1151,
SamplerNormalizedCoords = 0x1152,
SamplerAddressingMode = 0x1153,
SamplerFilterMode = 0x1154,
public enum MapFlags : long
MapRead = (1 << 0),
MapWrite = (1 << 1),
public enum ProgramInfo
ProgramReferenceCount = 0x1160,
ProgramContext = 0x1161,
ProgramNumDevices = 0x1162,
ProgramDevices = 0x1163,
ProgramSource = 0x1164,
ProgramBinarySizes = 0x1165,
ProgramBinaries = 0x1166,
public enum ProgramBuildInfo
ProgramBuildStatus = 0x1181,
ProgramBuildOptions = 0x1182,
ProgramBuildLog = 0x1183,
public enum BuildStatus
BuildSuccess = 0,
BuildNone = -1,
BuildError = -2,
BuildInProgress = -3,
public enum KernelInfo
KernelFunctionName = 0x1190,
KernelNumArgs = 0x1191,
KernelReferenceCount = 0x1192,
KernelContext = 0x1193,
KernelProgram = 0x1194,
public enum KernelWorkGroupInfo
KernelWorkGroupSize = 0x11B0,
KernelCompileWorkGroupSize = 0x11B1,
public enum EventInfo
EventCommandQueue = 0x11D0,
EventCommandType = 0x11D1,
EventReferenceCount = 0x11D2,
EventCommandExecutionStatus = 0x11D3,
public enum CommandType
CommandNdrangeKernel = 0x11F0,
CommandTask = 0x11F1,
CommandNativeKernel = 0x11F2,
CommandReadBuffer = 0x11F3,
CommandWriteBuffer = 0x11F4,
CommandCopyBuffer = 0x11F5,
CommandReadImage = 0x11F6,
CommandWriteImage = 0x11F7,
CommandCopyImage = 0x11F8,
CommandCopyImageToBuffer = 0x11F9,
CommandCopyBufferToImage = 0x11FA,
CommandMapBuffer = 0x11FB,
CommandMapImage = 0x11FC,
CommandUnmapMemObject = 0x11FD,
CommandMarker = 0x11FE,
CommandWaitForEvents = 0x11FF,
CommandBarrier = 0x1200,
CommandAcquireGlObjects = 0x1201,
CommandReleaseGlObjects = 0x1202,
public enum CommandExecutionStatus
Complete = 0x0,
Running = 0x1,
Submitted = 0x2,
Queued = 0x3,
public enum ProfilingInfo
ProfilingCommandQueued = 0x1280,
ProfilingCommandSubmit = 0x1281,
ProfilingCommandStart = 0x1282,
ProfilingCommandEnd = 0x1283,
@ -30,32 +30,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_event = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
partial class CL
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clWaitForEvents")]
public static extern int WaitForEvents(int num_events, ref cl_event event_list);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetEventInfo")]
public static extern int GetEventInfo(cl_event id,
EventInfo param_name,
/* size_t */ IntPtr param_value_size,
/* void * */ IntPtr param_value,
/* size_t* */ IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clRetainEvent")]
public static extern int RetainEvent(cl_event @event);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clReleaseEvent")]
public static extern int ReleaseEvent(cl_event @event);
@ -30,59 +30,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_device_id = IntPtr;
using cl_kernel = IntPtr;
using cl_program = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
partial class CL
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateKernel")]
public static extern cl_kernel CreateKernel(cl_program program,
string kernel_name,
out ErrorCode errcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateKernelsInProgram")]
public static extern int CreateKernels(cl_program program,
int num_kernels,
cl_kernel[] kernels,
out int num_kernels_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clRetainKernel")]
public static extern int RetainKernel(cl_kernel kernel);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clReleaseKernel")]
public static extern int ReleaseKernel(cl_kernel kernel);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clSetKernelArg")]
public static extern int SetKernelArg(cl_kernel kernel,
int arg_index,
/* size_t */ IntPtr arg_size,
/* const void * */ IntPtr arg_value);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetKernelInfo")]
public static extern int GetKernelInfo(cl_kernel kernel,
KernelInfo param_name,
/* size_t */ IntPtr param_value_size,
/* void * */ IntPtr param_value,
/* size_t * */ IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo")]
public static extern int GetKernelWorkGroupInfo(cl_kernel kernel,
cl_device_id device,
KernelWorkGroupInfo param_name,
/* size_t */ IntPtr param_value_size,
/* void * */ IntPtr param_value,
/* size_t * */ out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
@ -30,77 +30,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_context = IntPtr;
using cl_mem = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
partial class CL
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateBuffer")]
public static extern cl_mem CreateBuffer(cl_context context,
MemFlags flags,
/* size_t */ IntPtr size,
/* void * */ IntPtr host_ptr,
out ErrorCode errcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateImage2D")]
public static extern cl_mem CreateImage2D(cl_context context,
MemFlags flags,
ref ImageFormat image_format,
/* size_t */ IntPtr image_width,
/* size_t */ IntPtr image_height,
/* size_t */ IntPtr image_row_pitch,
/* void * */ IntPtr host_ptr,
out ErrorCode errcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateImage3D")]
public static extern cl_mem CreateImage3D(cl_context context,
MemFlags flags,
ref ImageFormat image_format,
/* size_t */ IntPtr image_width,
/* size_t */ IntPtr image_height,
/* size_t */ IntPtr image_row_pitch,
/* size_t */ IntPtr image_slice_pitch,
/* void * */ IntPtr host_ptr,
out ErrorCode errcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clRetainMemObject")]
public static extern int RetainMemObject(cl_mem memobj);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clReleaseMemObject")]
public static extern int ReleaseMemObject(cl_mem memobj);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetSupportedImageFormats")]
public static extern int GetSupportedImageFormats(cl_context context,
MemFlags flags,
MemObjectType image_type,
int num_entries,
ref ImageFormat image_formats,
out int num_image_formats);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetMemObjectInfo")]
public static extern int GetMemObjectInfo(cl_mem memobj,
MemInfo param_name,
/* size_t */ IntPtr param_value_size,
/* void * */ IntPtr param_value,
/* size_t * */ out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetImageInfo")]
public static extern int GetImageInfo(cl_mem image,
ImageInfo param_name,
/* size_t */ IntPtr param_value_size,
/* void * */ IntPtr param_value,
/* size_t * */ out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
@ -30,26 +30,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_platform_id = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
partial class CL
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetPlatformIDs")]
public static extern int GetPlatformIDs(int num_entries,
[Out] cl_platform_id[] platforms,
out int num_platforms);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetPlatformInfo")]
public static extern int GetPlatformInfo(cl_platform_id platform,
PlatformInfo param_name,
/* size_t */ IntPtr param_value_size,
/* void * */ IntPtr param_value,
/* size_t* */ out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
@ -30,20 +30,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_event = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
partial class CL
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetEventProfilingInfo")]
public static extern int GetEventProfilingInfo(cl_event @event,
ProfilingInfo param_name,
IntPtr param_value_size,
IntPtr param_value,
out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
@ -30,72 +30,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_context = IntPtr;
using cl_device_id = IntPtr;
using cl_program = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
partial class CL
public delegate void NotifyProgram(cl_program program, IntPtr user_data);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateProgramWithSource")]
public static extern cl_program CreateProgramWithSource(cl_context context,
int count,
string[] strings,
IntPtr[] lengths,
out ErrorCode errcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateProgramWithBinary")]
public static extern cl_program CreateProgramWithBinary(cl_context context,
int num_devices,
cl_device_id[] device_list,
IntPtr[] lengths,
byte[][] binaries,
out int binary_status,
out ErrorCode errcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clRetainProgram")]
public static extern int RetainProgram(cl_program program);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clReleaseProgram")]
public static extern int ReleaseProgram(cl_program program);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clBuildProgram")]
public static extern int BuildProgram(cl_program program,
int num_devices,
cl_device_id[] device_list,
string options,
NotifyProgram pfn_notify,
IntPtr user_data);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clUnloadCompiler")]
public static extern int UnloadCompiler();
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetProgramInfo")]
public static extern int GetProgramInfo(cl_program program,
ProgramInfo param_name,
IntPtr param_value_size,
IntPtr param_value,
out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetProgramBuildInfo")]
public static extern int GetProgramBuildInfo(cl_program program,
cl_device_id device,
ProgramBuildInfo param_name,
IntPtr param_value_size,
IntPtr param_value,
out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
@ -30,38 +30,5 @@ using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace OpenTK.Compute
namespace OpenTK.Compute
using cl_context = IntPtr;
using cl_sampler = IntPtr;
#region Flat API
partial class CL
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clCreateSampler")]
public static extern cl_sampler CreateSampler(cl_context context,
bool normalized_coords,
AddressingMode addressing_mode,
FilterMode filter_mode,
out int errcode_ret);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clRetainSampler")]
public static extern int RetainSampler(cl_sampler sampler);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clReleaseSampler")]
public static extern int ReleaseSampler(cl_sampler sampler);
// OpenCL 1.0
[DllImport(Configuration.Library, EntryPoint = "clGetSamplerInfo")]
public static extern int GetSamplerInfo(cl_sampler sampler,
SamplerInfo param_name,
IntPtr param_value_size,
IntPtr param_value,
out IntPtr param_value_size_ret);
@ -190,14 +190,4 @@ namespace OpenTK.Compute
public struct ImageFormat
ChannelOrder image_channel_order;
ChannelType image_channel_data_type;
public ChannelOrder ChannelOrder { get { return image_channel_order; } set { image_channel_order = value; } }
public ChannelType ChannelType { get { return image_channel_data_type; } set { image_channel_data_type = value; } }
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